SPSHOU 2017 - Upgrading and Migrating to SharePoint 2016 Successfully

www.expertpointsolutions.com Upgrading and Migrating to SharePoint 2016 Successfully Brian Culver #SPSHOU April 29, 2017

Transcript of SPSHOU 2017 - Upgrading and Migrating to SharePoint 2016 Successfully

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Upgrading and Migrating to SharePoint 2016 Successfully

Brian Culver ● #SPSHOU ● April 29, 2017

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Welcome to SharePoint Saturday Houston

Please turn off all electronic devices or set them to vibrate.

If you must take a phone call, please do so in the hall so as not to

disturb others.

Special thanks to our Platinum Sponsors:

Thank you for being a part of the

8th Annual SharePoint Saturday

for the greater Houston area!

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About Brian Culver

SharePoint Solutions Architect for Expert Point Solutions in

Houston, Texas.

Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) in SharePoint

Brian has worked in the Information Technology industry for

since 1998 and he has been working with SharePoint since

2005. His deep expertise includes Azure, Office365,

SharePoint, ASP.Net, SQL Server and Project Server. He

has been involved in many large SharePoint

implementations including Internet and Intranet sites, Partner

Portals, Enterprise Content Management and Governance,

and much custom application integration and development.

Author, Speaker and Blogger

Email : brian.culver(at)expertpointsolutions.com

Twitter : @spbrianculver

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/bculver

Blog : http://blog.expertpointsolutions.com

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Session Agenda

Why Upgrade and Migrate





Upgrade and Migration Approach

Execution Walkthrough

Final Thoughts

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Why Upgrade and Migrate

Everybody has different reasons to upgrade, but eventually

you will.

Office 365 and SharePoint 2016 offers much better features

than the prior versions.

Whats new in Office 365 https://support.office.com/en-



Office 365 Roadmap https://products.office.com/en-


Recent features:

Microsoft Teams

Mobile UI Improvement

Sway Navigation

Whats new in SharePoint 2016 https://technet.microsoft.com/en-


Recent features (Nov 2016 – Feature Pack 1):

Custom SharePoint Tiles

Hybrid Taxonomy and Hybrid Auditing

OneDrive API for SharePoint On-premise and Office 365

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Why Upgrade and Migrate

Why not SharePoint 2013?

Yes, it is better than prior versions, but it is not a Microsoft

investment area. What you see today, is what you get.

Hybrid integration is very limited and out-of-date.

You’ll be upgrading very soon, again

Last “feature” update was before November 2015

Everything new is happening in SharePoint 2016 and

Office 365

You don’t get durable links … which leads to user


Development is 2013 is more challenging … all the cool kids

are coding in 2016 and Office 365

No one is really investing in SharePoint 2013

2013 is not as mobile friendly …

Ok, blah, blah … why are we still talking about this?

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For Migration

Migrations are point to point.

In other words, you can go from any version of SharePoint to

and version of SharePoint (in theory)

Licensing the migration tool of choice

The major players are Metalogix, ShareGate, and AvePoint.

Each with Pros and Cons.

Different licensing approaches as well

Proper accounts and permissions

For Office 365 migrations, this is the only option you have

TIP: Use multiple accounts to increase throughput and avoid

being throttled.

TIP: Use multiple accounts to migrate several “streams” in


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Prerequisites – Upgrade using DB attach method

SharePoint (MOSS) 2007 or WSS 3.0

Microsoft Office Server 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2)



Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2)



Install target SharePoint 2010 environment

SharePoint Server 2010 or SharePoint Foundation 2010

Patch to Service Pack 2 or better



Install target SharePoint 2013 environment

SharePoint Server 2013 or SharePoint Foundation 2013

Patch to Service Pack 1 or better



Install target SharePoint 2016 environment

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FACT: There is no such things as an easy upgrade

Understand your goals for the final environment

User Adoption

Clean up sites and storage … no, no, no. This is a separate project.

Hybrid integration

Do you have the hardware and environments to upgrade or


How much storage do you need?

How many site collections do you have?

What customizations do you have?

What 3rd party products are used in the farm?

How many users use SharePoint?

Where are your large lists?

Are you using workflows and InfoPath?

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Start with Tools

[SP201x] Inventory SharePoint Farm Content PowerShell Script


Other Custom Powershell Scripts

[SP201x] Test-SPContentDatabase

[SP2007] Stsadm -o PreUpgradeCheck

[SP201x] Export Farm Solutions

(Get-SPFarm).Solutions | ForEach-Object{$var = (Get-Location).Path + “\” + $_.Name;


[SP2013] MS SharePoint Migration Assessment Tool https://www.microsoft.com/en-


[SP20xx] 3rd party assessment tools – Metalogix, ShareGate, SPDocKit, etc.

Then, compare to Software Boundaries and Best Practices


Full Trust Solutions

Site Collections

Full Trust Solutions

3rd Party Solutions

Sandbox Solutions

InfoPath locations

Workflow Instances and


Custom Site Templates

Large Lists


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Test the 3rd Party Tools

They also have limitations

Workflow instances will not migrate

Social data will not migrate

InfoPath data connections and Urls need to be reviewed

Going to the Cloud?

Full Trust Solutions and Sandbox Solutions are not compatible with Office 365

Reporting Solutions that consume data from or publish reports to SharePoint need to be

reviewed (i.e. PowerPivot, PowerView, SSRS, etc.)

Sensitive/Regulated Content

Need to review requirements and policies applicable to the data to be migrated

Understand the level of protection available in Office 365 (MS Trust Center

https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/trustcenter/ )

Use Fast Track Program as much as possible (its free from Microsoft)


Must be on SharePoint 2013

[Future] Can be on SharePoint 2013 (Office 365 Roadmap shows this is coming )

Lots of remediation to prepare for this .. But its free

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How fast is the corporate network?

How fast can you backup a database?

How fast can you restore a database?

Are you building physical vs virtual?

Plan for lots and lots of testing

Many companies are going to the cloud, which adds many complexities

Are you going to Azure IaaS? Or AWS?

Are you using Office 365 Hybrid? Or only Office 365?

How good is your connection to the nearest Azure Datacenter?

Can you use Expess Route for faster connectivity?

Converting Full Trust Solutions and Sandbox Solutions to Apps

First look at SharePoint Framework https://github.com/SharePoint/sp-dev-docs/wiki



SharePoint / Office 365 Dev Patterns & Practices (PnP) http://aka.ms/OfficeDevPnP

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Plan to test a lot, several test migrations and upgrades

Hardware and Licensing costs

Express Route Costs

Time to Remediate

Find 3rd party solutions and test them

Recompile full trust solutions, sandbox solutions and, hopefully, convert to apps

Fix issues found from preupgradecheck and test-spcontentdatabase

Time to Upgrade

Time to backup, move, restore and upgrade databases

This will really teach you about SLA’s

Time to Migrate

Fast Track and MS Consulting Services estimate 500 MB/hour

Break up large lists … these present huge bottlenecks

Plan to avoid throttling, use multiple migration accounts to migrate in parallel

Post Upgrade / Migration

Support and miscellaneous issues

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Upgrade and Migration Approach

Deciding on the Overall Plan

Search First Approach

Use Office 365 Search to crawl Office 365 and On-Premise

Then we execute the Upgrade/Migration

The Big Bang vs Batch Upgrade/Migration

Bandwidth and Connectivity

Amount of Content

Support / Helpdesk burden

Training and Awareness Campaign

Use Fast Track Resources


Adoption Guides, Communication, Videos, etc.

Company wide awareness

For Office 365, SharePoint Online is one of several products.

Be sure to work with Exchange, Skype and other teams.

Use Parallelism as much as possible

Multiple servers, accounts, site collections, databases, etc.

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Execution Walkthrough - Upgrade / Migration Scenario

A global company with offices:

Several US

Latin America: Chile, Costa Rica

Europe: London, Spain

It still has multiple domains inherited from prior acquisitions, now


Multiple flavors (versions) of SharePoint

Accounts galore with a side of twitching

The Goal: Consolidate, save money, merge the domains,

leverage Office 365 as much as possible.


It global, connectivity matters everywhere

Farm solutions and Sandbox solutions

Some lost code or lost installs

3rd party products … some without 2016 or Office 365 products

… and more …

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Execution Walkthrough - Upgrade / Migration Scenario

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Execution Walkthrough - Upgrade / Migration Scenario

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Execution Walkthrough - Upgrade/Migration Environment(s)

At least one version of each SharePoint

version you plan to upgrade.

Plan for several migration environments for

very large upgrade/migrations

Generally, upgrading databases is faster the

migrating very large databases.

Migrations Tools “may” be faster than


Migrations Tools may be your only choice in

bad connectivity areas.

Migrations Tools are your only choice for

Office 365.

For Hybrid Office 365 and On-Premise, the

best solution is using both Upgrade and

Migration Approaches

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Execution Walkthrough - Production Environment

3x SharePoint WFE, Large VM Build,

4+CPUs, 28GB RAM, 200GB C:\, D:\

3x SharePoint APP, Large VM Build,

4+CPUs, 28GB RAM, 200GB C:\, D:\

2x SharePoint Search, Large VM Build,

4+CPUs, 28GB RAM, 200GB C:\, D:\

1x SharePoint SSRS, Large VM Build,

4+CPUs, 28GB RAM, 200GB C:\, D:\

2x SQL Server, Large VM Build, 8+CPUs,

56GB RAM, 3000 GB Data, 1000GB Log,

200GB TempDB, 3000 GB Backup

1x Office Online Services Server (OOS),

Large VM Build, 4+CPUs, 28GB RAM,

200GB C:\, D:\

1x SQL Server, Large VM SQL Server

Build, 4+CPUs, 28GB RAM, 200 GB Data,

100GB Log, 50GB TempDB, 300 GB Backup

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Execution Walkthrough - Staging Environment

2x SharePoint WFE

Medium VM Build



200GB C:\, D:\

2x SharePoint APP

Medium VM Build

4+CPUs, 14GB RAM

200GB C:\, D:\

2x SQL Servers

Large VM SQL Server Build

4+CPUs, 28GB RAM

3000 GB Data,

1000GB Log

100GB TempDB

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Execution Walkthrough - Developer Environment(s)

Full Trust Developer Environments Client Side Developer Environments

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Execution Walkthrough - Web Application Strategy

Office 365 Tenants are flat

Also limited, fixed managed paths

If you are planning to move to Office 365 in the future

Create a web application in SharePoint 2016 with Host Named Site

Collections (HNSC) in mind. https://technet.microsoft.com/en-


https://hnsc.codeplex.com/ Get it now … codeplex is shutting down

As you restructure, move your site collections

Learn to use managed navigation for Navigation

This is far more flexible and resilient to org changes

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Final Thoughts

For Upgrades: Only use the Content Database Attach approach … anything else is just asking for trouble

Engage Network Operations, IT Security and other groups at your company early

Engage business owners early, they are your friends

Have them test after each iteration and get their feedback

They will find the problems for you and they want to.

Avoid “improving” sites, InfoPath, Workflows, etc.

Create a wish list for future work

Don’t plan to do it all at once if possible

Upgrade and migrate a web application at a time

Fix and prepare as much as possible in advance

Reduce content where possible

Fast Track only moves 5 major versions

Broken sites and content probably can be deleted

Test everything and get a measure for how long each task will take

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Final Thoughts

Common Pitfalls

Not testing connectivity fully

Not enough test migrations

Be sure to test from beginning to end several times

Not communicating with business owners, site collection owners and

subsite owners

Not communicating with network operations, DBA’s, Virtual Machine

owners, IT Security and others

For Office 365, you cannot rename a tenant. Get this right the first

time, or delete your tenant and fix it before you cannot do it

Create a roadmap for users, a site directory

Don’t assume your 3rd party products will just work

Multi-domain environments present lots of challenges

Watching In-Flight Projects and Content Growth

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Constructive Feedback Is Appreciated

Great information,

but would like to

have learned more

about [Insert Topic]Brian – Your


was …




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Thank you!

Brian Culver, MCM







