Spring 2005 Helping Hands Newsletter, Visalia Rescue Mission

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Transcript of Spring 2005 Helping Hands Newsletter, Visalia Rescue Mission

  • 8/8/2019 Spring 2005 Helping Hands Newsletter, Visalia Rescue Mission


    S P R I N G 2 0 0 5

    The walls are freshly-painted, the beds have clean sheets, and a car-

    ing staff welcomes the homeless at the new Shelter of Hope. The

    dream that was birthed more than a year ago in the hearts of the staff

    and board of directors of the Visalia Rescue Mission is now a reality.

    Bringing the dream to fulfillment took many hours of labor, much

    prayer, and the combined efforts of a community with a caring heart.

    Last year, we were sorrowfully turning away women and children

    who came to us for help. This year, we are welcoming them into a

    home that represents the love of Jesus Christ, who said Whoever wel-

    comes one of these in my name welcomes me. (Mark 9:37)

    On Monday, April 18th, the doors of the new shelter opened wide,

    and women and children who lived in cars or on the streets now have

    a place to call a temporary home; a warm refuge from the harsh reali-ty of life on the streets. One woman told us Ive been looking for a

    place like this for months. Thank God you opened up! There are hun-

    dreds more like her women looking for a hand up, not a hand out.

    They want to change their lives, but because of various circumstances

    they cant do it on their own. They need help.

    One volunteer recently said, In reality, were all just one or two

    steps away from being in the same situation. Our goal is to reverse the

    steps that brought these women and children to us, to offer hope that

    their lives can change in profound and positive ways. Instead of

    waking up afraid and uncertain in the morning, our guests wake

    up with anticipation and excitement and about what lies before

    them. At night, they lay down to sleep with peace and content-

    ment in their hearts, rather than fear and loneliness. And this, as

    John Ruskin once said, is the true nature of home; it is the place

    of peace; the shelter, not only from injury, but from all terror

    doubt and division.

    Each day, we provide nutritious meals that feed their bodies

    and Biblical teaching that feeds their souls. Volunteers from loca

    churches share the love of Jesus Christ every night as they min

    ister to the women and children in the shelter. One resident stat-

    ed, They let us know how much the Lord loves us, and help us

    feel good about ourselves again.

    We invite you to join us on Sunday, May 22nd, between 1:00

    4:00 PM for an Open House at the Shelter of Hope (1413 N

    Burke). We want you to see the beautiful facility that God has

    provided, and to meet some of those who helped make the dream

    come true. For directions and information, please call Angela at

    the Visalia Rescue Mission office (733-2231, ext. 18)

    The Home that Love BuiltThe Home that Love Built

  • 8/8/2019 Spring 2005 Helping Hands Newsletter, Visalia Rescue Mission


    Board of DirectorsRandy Vogt


    Mark SheltonVice Chairman

    Tammy MainordTreasurer

    Jeannie VanRyn

    SecretaryMichael Allen

    Paul Baxley

    Wayne Ingram

    John Koster

    Nonning Leyendekker

    Brad Reenders

    Greg Scroggins

    Sid Tuls

    Jenny Zeeb

    Because You Care. . .our sphere of service is increasing.All of these categories are showing

    substantial increases over 2004.

    Meals served32,212

    Bed nights9,540


    Chapel attendance7,429

    Honors & MemorialsIN MEMORY OF

    Felipe EspinoDon & Peggy McLaughlin

    Bertha HeierBecky Richert

    Luella KellyNancy Olson

    Pope John Paul IIRobert & Laura Mekemson

    Allen SmithWard RanchesMichael & Sarah Knight

    Northshore Mining Co.

    Barbara BaxleyNancy Smith

    James WellsElsie Wells


    Ruth SmithMichael & Sarah Knight

    Randy & Toni VogtBret & Linda Bastrire

    We serve an AWESOME GOD! His

    blessings and faithfulness to His

    people are beyond measure. I marvel

    at the work God is doing through His ser-

    vants at the Visalia Rescue Mission. Ourstaff and many volunteers see first-hand

    the power and love of God changing lives

    each and every day! Broken, lonely,

    homeless and hopeless people are finding

    hope and restoration through the only

    source of true hope our Lord and Savior,

    Jesus Christ.

    I am thrilled to report that, by the date

    you read this letter, the mission has opened

    the doors of our new women and childrens

    shelter the Shelter of Hope. Through the

    generosity of our supporters and the hard

    work of many volunteers, we are now able

    to serve another part of our community,

    women and children in need of short-term

    emergency shelter. Until now we have

    lacked the facilities to house women and

    children on a short-term basis. Thanks to al

    of you who contributed time, talent and

    treasure to help meet this critical need!Please make plans to attend our Annua

    Celebration Banquet on Friday, May 13

    2005. Each year we gather to enjoy a time of

    fellowship and worship, praising and thank-

    ing God for His blessings of the past year. It

    is also a time to look ahead to the great chal-

    lenges still before us. Ticket information and

    other details about the banquet are included

    in this newsletter. I hope to see you there!

    Finally, please pray each day for the

    Visalia Rescue Mission. Pray for our staff

    volunteers and residents. Pray that our

    Board and Staff will always seek Gods will

    first and foremost as we continue to serve

    the hurting and homeless of our community

    Dear Friends by Randy Vogt, Chairman


    n the years I have been involved in the work

    of the Mission and the ministry of recovery

    and restoration, the stories that have broken

    my heart the most are the ones I have never

    known the women and children we have

    had to turn away in the most dire of need sim-

    ply because we had no room. This is why I

    find great reason to rejoice in the opening of

    our womens facility this month. What a great

    celebration to know that our ability to meet

    the needs of some of the most fragile of our

    community is finally being realized!

    There are many names and faces behind

    the scene who have gone to great lengths to

    make this opening possible. I would beremiss to not mention the staff at the Mis-

    sion who have prayed and worked this shel-

    ter into opening by coordinating the task of

    planning and preparing the shelter. Board

    members Jenny Zeeb, Mark Shelton, Mike

    Allen and John Koster worked many hours

    in a variety of capacities to see that the

    finances, structure, and facilities were care-

    fully prepared. Volunteers like Layne

    Downes, the Visalia Soroptimists, the

    Sequoia Regional Leadership group and

    Boy Scout Troop #336 loaned us their tal-

    ent, labor, and hearts for work that will be a

    blessing to the many who walk through the

    doors of the shelter. There are many more

    who labored with us in this project. My

    thanks and appreciation goes out to each


    And of course, there is you! Our faithful

    supporters of prayer, work, and financia

    giving should also be greatly recognized for

    their effort and partnership in our Shelter o

    Hope. God has been so good to us and you

    are truly a part of His goodness in action

    Thank you for blessing the women and chil-

    dren of our community through your faith-

    fulness to God. May this shelter be a beaconof hope and help to hundreds of women and

    children as they find the ultimate anchor, the

    saving grace of Jesus Christ. To each of us

    who has known His grace, we cannot help

    but offer it to others. Praise God for not only

    providing a facility, but also the ONLY thing

    that will truly help His life!

    News from the DirectorNews from the Director

  • 8/8/2019 Spring 2005 Helping Hands Newsletter, Visalia Rescue Mission


    Celebrating theRisen Lord

    On Saturday, March 26th, the sun shon

    brightly as a crowd of volunteers happily

    served a hot Easter meal to more than 350

    people. As our neighbors were served a

    wonderful dinner, they were also encourage

    by the smile and joyous greetings of those

    helping them. Children happily accepted

    Easter eggs stuffed with goodies and Bible

    verses, and adults received a pocket cros

    with the Gospel message. When a larg

    community meal is organized, it only succeed

    with a dedicated team of volunteers. W

    thank you for blessing our community and

    ministering the love of Jesus to the hungry

    Womens AuxiliaryArmed with a passionate desire to help

    make a difference in the lives of hurtingwomen and children, the Visalia Rescu

    Mission Womens Auxiliary lead the charge to

    create a place of warmth and refuge at the

    Shelter of Hope. In March, they hosted th

    Shower of Blessing, an afternoon tea fo

    ladies of the community. The auxiliar

    provided a comprehensive needs list throug

    a gift registry for household items at severa

    local stores (Target, Home Depot and Bed

    Bath & Beyond).We are thankful to a

    those who responded so generously, and

    want you to know what a difference you

    kindness makes every day in the lives of the

    women and children we serve. If you would

    like to help furnish the Shelter of Hope, th

    needs list is still available through the gif

    registries mentioned above

    When you ask our residents what Godhas done in their lives, they are quickto answer and to give God the glory.

    May your heart be encouraged by thesewords straight from the hearts of some ofGods redeemed.

    Stephanie C I was alone in a motel inPorterville and my heart stopped because Islammed too much dope. I should havedied. But God saved me. He woke me upand I found myself in the shower with thewater running. I immediately came back tothe Rescue Mission, and it saved my life. Irealize now that God is real, and He doessave me! Ive finally found the Father wholoves me. I like myself now. I have a goodfoundation, and I finally get to see my 5-year-old daughter. God Rocks!

    Regina H I think I always believed inGod, but never tried Him. I was a diabeticand using drugs. I got fired for doing drugsbut still didnt stop. One day, I saw mycousin. She had a lot of joy, faith, and hope,

    and I told her I want what youve got. Onthe day she graduated from the Mission, I hadan interview to come in and was accepted.My life began again there. I let God into mylife, and began focusing on positive things. Ilove who I am today. Im living my life theway I should, and Im a happy person.

    Monica J God freed me from imprison-ment. I did alcohol and drugs for almost 20years, spent 7 years homeless on the streets,and was in and out of prison. I lost three ofmy children but didnt try to change untilCPS took my fourth child. It was the end ofthe road for me, and I even contemplated sui-cide. But a voice I now believe was God toldme to get up and brush myself off. I foundmyself at the Mission and turned my life overto Jesus. I realize now how loving and kindGod is. With His help, Im clean and sober,and recently graduated from the Missionsprogram. Im taking college courses to get acertificate in human services. I have custodyof my daughter, and she is living with menow. Today, Im free from my prison.

    Thank You!You may never meet any of the women and children

    who enter the Shelter of Hope. You may never teach

    a Bible study or a recovery class. You may never per-

    sonally counsel someone going through a rough with-

    drawal period. However, you have touched a life in a significant way if you ever

    Made a financial donation to the Visalia Rescue Mission

    Painted a wall to create a welcoming atmosphere

    Scrubbed a bathroom for someone who hasnt bathed in a few days

    Replaced the glass in a window to provide a secure place of refuge

    Installed a new water heater to provide a hot showerGave a gift of pillows or clean sheets for a peaceful nights sleep

    Brought clothes to give someone a fresh start in life

    Gave food to provide meals for the hungry

    For all of this and more, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Words will never

    express our gratitude to you for embracing the Shelter of Hope and answering the cry for

    help that has come from hundreds of hurting women and children. Only eternity will tell

    the true story of what a difference your life has made in the lives of these, the delicate

    and helpless ones of our community.

    These organizations and/or companies have provided assistance in extraordinary ways:

    The Board of Directors of the Visalia Rescue Mission

    The Womens Auxiliary of the Visalia Rescue Mission

    The Visalia Soroptimist ClubSequoia Regional Leadership

    Boy Scout Troop #336 and VisaliasThird Ward of the Latter Days Saints

    R Lang Company

    The Glass Shop

    Habitat for Humanity

    Koster Construction

    Blinds, Etc.

    American Flooring

    Let the Redeemed of the Lord say so!

  • 8/8/2019 Spring 2005 Helping Hands Newsletter, Visalia Rescue Mission


    Youre Invitedto a Party!










    We are planning a great evening of rejoic-

    ing for our annual Celebration of HopeBanquet. Commemorating the opening

    of the new women and childrens shelter, the

    theme of the night is When Love Takes You In. Join hundreds from our area who will

    share the good news of what God has accomplished in this ministry in the last year.

    The evening will begin with a time of fellowship starting at 6:00 PM. Music will be

    provided by several musicians from local churches, and include a special number with

    the Visalia Rescue Mission choir. Vibrant testimonies of Gods power to heal and restore

    lives will remind everyone of His love and compassion for the hurting.

    Guest speaker Brenda Turner will challenge and encourage us as she shares from her

    experience with the Ventura Rescue Mission Alliance. Offering ten distinct programs at

    multiple locations in Southern California, the Alliance has served the homeless for more

    than 32 years. Brenda and her husband, the chaplain for the mens shelter, have a passion

    for the lost and an enthusiasm for their work that is contagious.

    Prepare now by setting aside Friday, May 13th, for this special occasion. Tickets may

    be purchased for $30 each, or a table of 8 reserved for $240. Bring a group from your

    church and enjoy the night together. To make reservations, please contact Angela at the

    Mission office (733-2231, ext. 18). Dont miss this opportunity to share the joy of

    changed lives!




    ProgramSave Mart Stores have initiateda new program benefiting non-

    profit organizations. Debit cards

    can be purchased at the stores,

    and a percentage of the sale will

    be given to the Visalia Rescue

    Mission. To obtain informationand sign up, please contact

    Angela in the Mission office

    (733-2231,ext. 18).