LEGAL NOTICEB. Notice of Sale of Real Estate at Prlivate Sale. In the district court. of the Second Judicial `district of the state of Montana, in and for the county of Silver Bow. In the matter of the estate of Mich- ael McGuire, deceased. Under authority of an order of sale granted by the above entitled court in the above entitled estate, on the 24th day of April, 1919, the un- dersigned will sell at private sale all the right, title and interest of thel said Michael McGuire, deceased, at the time of his death, and all the right, title and interest that said estate has by operation of law or otherWise, acquired, other than and in addition to, that of said Michael McGuire, deceased, in and to the fol- lowing described real estate situated in Silver Bow county, Montana, to- wit: Lots numbered twenty-six (26), twenty-seven (27), twenty-eight (28) and twenty-nine (29), in block thirty-nine (39), of the Daly addi- tion to the city of Butte, according to the official plat and survey there- of on file in the office of the clerk and recorder of Silver Bow county, Montana. Which said property stands on the records of Silver Bow county, Montana, in the name of Mike McGuire, whose full name was and is, Michiel McGuire, the above named decedent. That said sale will bh on or after the 14th day of May, 1919, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. Any offers or bids for said property must be in writing and will be received at the office of Canning & Geagan, room 558, Phoenix building, West Park street, Butte, Mont. Terms of sale' are cash on confirmation of sale by the above entitled court. Dated this 29th day of April, 1919. JAMES F. O'BRIEN, Administrator of the estate of Michael McGuire, deceased. (T,ast Dublication May 13, 1919.) ,UTICE TO I REDITORS. Estate of Donald Moore' deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un- dersigned executor of the last will of Donald Moore, deceased, to the credi- tors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said executor at the office of Maury & Melaner, 43 Hirbour building, Butte, Mont., the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate, in the county of Silver Bow, State of Montana. JAMES A. CUMMINGS. Executor of the last will and tes- tament of Donald Moore, de- ceased. Dated Butte, Mont., this 22nd day of April, 1919. SUMMONS. In the District Court of the Second Judicial District of the State rf Montana, in and for the County of Silver Bow. MARGARET CANTY, Plaintiff, vs. ANTHONY CANTY, Defendant. The State of Montana sends greet- ing to the above named defendant: You are hereby summoned to an- swer the conT'llaint in this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiff's attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judg- ment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded in the complaint. Plaintiff complains and alleges: 1. That on or about the 8th day of April, 1918, plaintiff and defend- ant intermarried at Butte, Montana, and ever since have been, and now are, husband and wife. 2. That plaintiff is now, and for more than one year immediately next prior to the date of commence- ment of this action, to-wit, April 30th, 1919, has been a residept of the State of Montana. 3. That there is no issue of said marriage. 4. That the maiden name of the plaintiff is Margaret Hanley. 5. That for more than one year immediately prior to the date of commencement of this action, the said defendant has wilfully neg- lected to provide this plaintiff with the common necessaries of life, he having the ability to do so, and that TWO NEW BOOKS "LESSONS OF THE REVOLUTION" By VLADMIR OULINAW PRICE 10 CENTS -and- "WHAT IS A PEACE PROGRAM" By L. TROTZKY PRICE 5 CENTS ON SALE AT THE BULLETIN OFFICE DOINGS OF THE VAN LOONS There seem to be.-some drawbacksl FINE'I ~L~-IO You SIJCN 4C^TTLEP ANE -N - coN@A , IU NDCRSTAND I H I4ONOR OF V fO'RE VA~'4TED ON CO~ ~rz.Ar 1L -t ou OuV RE. ICN~ AV IM LV4 c HAYN 4~E orC c R A 4O C~C L BLW TE -~ ME MS V kIc 7NI cii' ~-A V D NBE~ A3FC RV N Lo N A/ NE' C M I4 CON C ;RATIATE. ELL DINNDO PRE - -n 'TH C~OAL OF M' y YES, TH 4 7 HcH3 t1 ~;r F lC;- R~ ; Ir ~A ML1ED 3 . .~ p IczuH NR A O t~ N __________E~ lr Ah .8II Ilc` - i LEGAL NOTICES. by reason of the said failure on the part of the defendant, this plaintiff has been compelled to, and did, dur- ing said time and for a long time prior thereto sustain and support herself by her own efforts. WHerefore, plaintiff prays: That the marriage existing be- tween plaintiff and defendant be dis- solved and that she be granted a decree of divorce of and from the defendant. That she be permitted to resume her maiden name. For such other and further relief as may seem just in the premises. Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 30th day of April, A. D. 1919. (Seal) OTIS LEE, Clerk. By II. A. McINTYRE, Deputy Clerk. Maury and Melzner, attorneys for plaintiff. Order to Show Cause Why Order of Sale of Real Estate Should Not le Made. In the district court of the Second Judicial district of the State of Montana. In the matter of the estate of Mar- garet F. Schaefer, deceased. M. C. Erker, the administratrix of the estate of Margaret F. Schaefer, deceased, having filed her petition herein, praying for an order of sale of the real estate of the said deced- ent for the purposes therein set forth. It is therefore ordered by the judge of said court, that all persons interested in the estate of said de- ceased, appear before the said dis- trict court on Saturday, the 17th day of May, 1919, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the court- room of department three of said dis- trict court at the courthouse in the county of Silver Bow, to show cause why an order should not he granted to the said administratrix to sell so much of the real estate of the said deceased as shall he necessary. And that a copy of this order be published at least four successive weekt ilb the Butte Daily Bulletin, a newssaper printed and published in said Silver fBow county, state of Mon- tana. JEREMIAII J. LYNCH, Judge. Dated April 15, 1919. Attest: A true copy. OTIS LEE, Clerk. By H. A. McIntyre, Deputy Clerk. o 0 J FAMOUS WOMEN I 0 0 CAPILIANA. One of the earliest and most inter- esting romances of South America centers about Capillana, a Peruvian princess, and Pizarro, the Spanish adventurer and explorer. Capillana was a widow and lived in retirement when Pizarro appeared on the coast of Peru. She received his men kind- ly and expressed a desire to see thiml leader. Pizarro came, and an attach- ment soon sprang up between them. Pizarro endeavored to convert Capil- lana to Christianity, but failed. It was while studying the Spanish lan- guage, however, that she became a Christian. On the death of Pizarro, in 1541, she again sought seclusion. In the library of the Dominicans at Peru there is preserved a manuscript in which are painted by Capillana, ancient Peruvian monuments, with a -hort historical explanation in Span- ish. SPORT NEWS HERE and THERE SPORTOGRAPHY By "GRAVY." Rabbit Maranville shows tilhe lal of spring training in his games The little shortstop put on weigh while he was in the navy. Apparently Johnny Kilbane is no entirely through just yet. Whet the featherweight champion returnet to the ring after a long absence ant was soundly thrashed by Frankit Brown, a second rater, it looked at though Kilbane had reached the enc of his rope. Now it appears thi all he needs is a little more worl to round him into condition. Since the Brown affair he has boxed it better form. Recently he knocket out a rugged lightweight when h( stopped John Mahoney in Philadel phia. Mahoney was saved by the referee in the sixth round. Birthday of Dan ilroutlhers. As long as baseball lasts thert will be a niche in its hall of im- mortals for Dennis A. Birouthers commonly called "Dan," who was born at Sylvan Lake, N. Y., sixty one years ago tomorrow. "Pop' Anson, "Old Roman" Comiskey Mike Kelly, Al Spalcing, Georgc Wright, John Ward, Ed Delehanty -brilliant stars were these in thl early days of baseball, but as a bats' man Dan B1routhers outshone tlhen all. Given his good old wagon tongue and Danl was ready for any sort of a ball that the pitcher could send over--although it must be ad- mitted that the repertoiro of twir- lers was not very large in Dan's days, and a present-day slab artist might make a monkey of him. Dan broke into the game al Wappinger's Falls, N. Y., and that town was made famous by hlil prowess with the stick. The paltms days of the giant Dan were spent with the Detroit team, when Ned Hanlon was its chief. Later he ilayed with the Boston club, and finished his baseball, career as a scout for the New York Giants. At first base Dan was fairly good, and remarkably active for one of his tre- nendous size. Dan set a National league record for circling the bases that has never been surpassed. Anniversary of Burns-O'llrien Battle. Twelve years ago today, May 7, 1907, Tommy Burns defeated Jack O'Brien in twenty rounds at Los Angeles. It was this bout, rather than his previous victory over Mar- yin Hart, which put the Canadian in the running for the heavyweight championship. When Hart whipped Jack Root in Reno fourteen years ago and Jeffries presented the vic- tor with his title, the sporting world did not take the affair seriously, as it was considered that there were several better men than Hart. Po:rns and "Philadelphia Jack" were the leading contenders, although both were light heavyweights. 'TIhey lirst fought in Milwaukee in 1904, when the Philadelphian was the victor. A few months after his defeat tf H-lart the Canadian fought O'Brien again, going twenty rounds to a draw in Los Angeles. The third session gave Burns the victory, although not by any wide margin, and he comime'c'ed the championship career whi:h eIr- uinated when he met Johnson in Australia. Today in Pugilistic Annals. 1892-Bob Fitzsimmons knocked out Joe Godfrey in the first round :t Philadelphia. 1909-Freddie Welsh defeated Johnny Frayne in ten rounds at New York. 1912-Eddie McGoorty knocked out Jimmy Howard in the seventh tound at Indianapolis. IIClHARD HANiLY DIES YESTERDAY AT CALEN Richard IIanley, 38, a native of reland, died yesterday at Galen. The funeral will take place tomorrow horning at the residence of his sis ter, Mrs. Mullins, 825 North Wyom ing street, at 9 o'clock. Mass will be celebrated at Sacred Heart church at 9:30' o'clock, and interment will te made in the Catholic cemetery. In addition to hIis mother in Ire- and, Mr. Hanley is survived by five ;isters, Mrs. Mullins, Mrs. Dwyer, Mrs. Connolly, Mrs. Kelly and Miss Elizabeth Hanley, all of Butte, and hree brothers, Henry of Seattle and Joseph and George of Butte. RETURN FROM COAST. Attorney and Mrs. Peter Breen have returned from an extended visit o southern California, during which hey spent periods visiting in Venice, Ios Angeles and other cities along he Pacific. W. N. REIVE (Continued From Page One. sent, is said to be a thorn ii IiI, .id' of tie ofl'iials of the IU nitiI Siiates, as veill as is the Toverilair (i' h!e c'oii- raldess), a woman's wl, kly •.uhli:httd by the same society. .\ll of this and the"r more naughty till n' ar said :o be disclosed by inform,tliois ytilh .red by the officheof the distric t at- ;orney. Ialts in ilthe ('ae. True'1 facts aie that the \Ve\:;ternl \'orkltnen's Publishing society, it :'ducational institution, I:s, one of lth ,'"W publishiing concterns which is aJwned and controlled by the w\vorl;- r es themsllelves. Nulllelrollus Finnllisth i socialists' locals in Ithe weI5 ternlli itates are meIllmlbers of this society. i Their papers, the To\vcri, a daily, and Sthe Toveritar, women's \t webkly, ha'•' seculred consiterable circtlatiol :among the Finnish worketrs ill AIrn: - r .c(. The papers have stood w!th il( ,'rgilllized labor t niovenlent. The Toveri thas tnl enrially helped lie organization of eoal tlinetrs ill western statIes as well as htellped oth- 1a labor organizations. The To\eri :tood beside the Timttlllberworlcers' inion in its erlort to o'ganize men n the timnlber indlustry, andl liveIt'llal - y il has weathered hitler a;ttac•ks 'ronl the direction of tilt, I. \W. W . iVilliam N. Iteive, previously a coal niner, served the Tilnberworkers Inion its an orgalnizz rI before It calmne o the \Vesl trn \Vol:Tigini •n five m;ars ago. Organizing ship yard \Vorki'i'rs inll he yards at tilt, (•h e lClu bia river arcs dlong the I;Pacific coast, thei T'lover; :as served labllor. luring tie :lnio )f the shiworikers it psl: iutishted tartly in Englishi to help tthe s:rilker: o pIresent their side Ito the world. aver sinen local emply,,rs have loivn onI the warllath againstl lhe Toveri. Lately the local challmllber of co('ll- ItIrce imtade an unsuccessful effor lto restraitn mlerchllants from0 advertising in the Toveri. The summarit y of tihe cas( is Ithat there is general enmity on the part; of the exploiters againsl, thie Inov'- lnenL of organized workers, and bit.- terness againls sot'ilisml by caplital- ists and their oklpt offitcials, antlt the wa:r passionl am ionitgst the Ipeopl' helped Inonarchis.-, conspiring in bIe half and forl interest of Glermanl: prince, to secure here ill Oregol an indictment and trial, with (o::sible con\viction by it btasdtl jury lg5illnst honest labor men for standing \vith their own class. TEACHERS SELECTED AND LAND PURCHASED School Board Gives In- creased Wages to Most Teachers. Pay $11,000 for Tract on S. Montana St. The entire teaching staff of the city schools for the next term, in- cluding a list of nine administrators and supervisors, was selected at the regular meeting of lthe board of school trustees last night. Increases in wages over the figures paid dur- ing the term now clising were given to virtually all of tile experienced teachers. The board voted to purchase the Jones' homestead ont South Montana street at a price of $11,000 as a site for an admninistration building to be erected as soon as possible. It waft also decided to soil the school board's property atl 309 West Ga- lena street. The requests of the Fraternal Order of Eagles for tIe use of the High school auditorium for memorial exercises on May 25, and to Mrs. Bnrt Adams Tower for an exhibition by her dancing class on May 23, were granted. UNDERTAKERS DANIELS & BILBOA Undertakers and Embalmers l25 East Park St., Butte. Phone 888 Residence Phone 4317-W. Auto and Carriage Equipment Hanley-'lThe iu liltl of the late Richard IIantly, a' 3S years, will take place lottio1'oiwi (Thursday) morning at 9 'cltck ;i the residence of his sister. .Its. luillins, 825 North \Vyonming slroll. "ii'tling to tihe Sacred Hleartl chulllhl where mass will be celettraled ct 9:30 o'clock Interment in thle ('iitholic cemetery. Byrll'e--the fullr',l of Patrick, the belovted inftit l ,ii of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ityrtt Iotk place this (Wednesdtay I aftllinoon" at 3 o'clock at tile f,ii1iil ' treill,'" 327 Clear Grit. T!ntrnltlnt in iii IIoly Cross cemetery. LARRY DUGGAN Reliable Undertaker and Brbmnmer 882 North Main Street FYone 770, MAYOR GOES (C ontinutd Fronl Page (O1..l \Villiant II. Sweet, to whiomt lte ditties of fumtigating-]homel s in l sitle ill wlhich co((llt agiu(is (liseas .s ha:\ 'e u existedi, wil I have his office in the heailh (dpit|(llent at the city hall. to r((each whlich he mlust juiolrneyI ileach orning from his residencl i Walkerville, the hill city claimtedtl t lie the oity municiipalityV oil earth free from l'lll ht. t ias s• l h i not a lresident of lutte. Then thlere is Mrs. Ioert Harri;,. cl(erk to the city audiitor. it is staitd. who is (iow :a residlut ol f 11110l. h ,iv- inhg re(ently rnemovedI to this thriviit I little village fromn 1 lih metropolis of ('1nterville, loh ated to the north of US. Th1 o'1' TO vnhci: !clhioV\,lpHnt of lMayvior l1oddenl. ihowever, is thel nomination ll llly (of "Nellie ()'ltrion"' as stenographlr toi lihe coll- l.issioinr1 of public works. T'rhe Mils (Il l itie i l a ied, it is slalitd y solli aI lhe city hall, has t e n did fCi snine time, whih, others uiiinhair that there was a unixup in the nmnin when the list was transcriiind fron ,ohhnlnil ('o'a(te', rough draft of ip Ioititll e s. llowever, aI litlle thing like tlia' i(doesn't flii ltlhel n admW in istrati whici h, despite t li( e fa that replt•li hliatns haive been kept from the eit pl (countlI r for iia ideaide, is l•Iarnini rapidly. \\'hal tii•t siiliple! Thlii imillrniig, it was disicrerdl , the nlin lt.s of last ,Monday nighit' connel meeting had toini 'revised anld in s nltd of tI e ho auti i' Nelli ()'lrilen' is ptilii works 'innitii O e Cent , cY I~ew r1 Wurd NE tI In Advance CLASSIFIEDE ADS. MALE HELP WANTED GOOD) coat maker or small job malk- cr. l'iinty ol worki. CGood prices. 1. II. ,ehlneid(,r, \Vhitfish, Mont. W\ANT'EI)- Anbitiouis mn to pre- pare for plromotion. Apply I ternational Correspondence School. Iaysemeinti, No. 1 West Cro;•d . ARE YOU SICK OR ('W ED?'. A few treatments of CIII lt(l'lt.\'- TIC will relieve you. At :i;.y r1 Il give it a trial. Quit drugs. .\A, i the operation. See Florla \W. Ilnmy. Room 9, Silver llow block. RETURNED SOlDibaI,•i wlsiinK to advertise for work can m- :u want ad columns olf trhe Dtll r' letin free of charge. ilo,,) n,"t ' backward in taking al' :ntat ,r , .,1 offer, we are glad to lie of -- you. SECOND-HAND GOC•O WANTED IIIGHEST PRICI" paid foir ,!dl ; 1,-t ing, shoes, hats, t aiun s, t, is Phone 3557-W. FURNISHED ROOMS MRS. MAY STO('IK of Three Fork•' has taken cha;rge of lite roomingl house at 33 Ea:;st Broad way. All lhert rooms are cleai aid well fill. nished; rent risasoiiablle. Furnished Housekeeping Rooms HOUSE C I,:I!NG aid single rooms at the lIwrmiian houise, 107 \Wesl Quarlz, indoler new i•mnagement; everyl hing I throiugilly cleaned. $12 l, 11N\I'tlI •rld up. Sinaein room.-; $G. [ tI': e aIn;ngrd for la- )or. Il1I I' iht a'vt. TWO NI'CI. clean. large, pleasant furnis.hAl h;sll•keieping rooms; convenienlt; sunny; lose In. 507 W. Galena. TWO NEW\LY furnished housekeep- ing roomi, hot and oldt water and bath. 32G6 South Idaho. NI('E CLEAN housekeeping rooms. 10 North Washington. Unfurnished Houses 4-ROOM modern house. Inquire 1125 E. Seconld st. Phone 2231-W. Pianos Tuned and Repaired 'GUYON. (;i0 S. Clark Ave. 6585-3 HAT CLEANING THAT OIi) 11.'1'. Get it reblocked and cleanl to look like new. Both ladiets' a;lll gelnts' hats renovat- ed. Fiftev, y' ari' experience as a hat maker. 'Tie Nifty Hat Shop, 9R61 E. Park st. Decorations and Painting CLEGG, 645S-\W, before 9 a. m. sinn 's ' it 0 Og1 l ht.i 1,l•o ()l-t. .\l'ss O' ri•,lin said to il;nsv wlied (1t cole I I lilf rtidir at l1 tilne toe whil t r some ofliet .Al is;;013a e }ta8 li l tu Priol :0)110 gou11 0 11111111 1110 Harrington dlring the last Iwo datis doos not alplteiar. t i hti tac r'- i iI :;l that the records of Mlond.;, :ilht l'., me t tling liiv iles l doctored. SPANISH WAR VETS HONOR G. A. R. MENN A ,litiiit of i hl (rIt d riny (1 lii tipnlblic and otiller phi tr'ioti ot - I I (l ooti Al ereO % te Ii. of ilt, t0 )IIii :h-.Alleric. ll h \t ' t K' 'liltt l ; 11 i ll i . Stilltt ein I Ft llilt lll Ill hioli tl hit i'ille s lir i'It I Sr I t I t tlli' llhotlls' a 1 111 1 . The Iprt r:I ,1 i\ 1 u:; Spe el' l, `11":. ,' 1 ,nk ( Ii: : aenil;: ion ?,lire Sp;it l ing; 1,',lI 1 ( l1,1 . tit::. Grh ay an:I ;--fil: t. \1 L. .o(d; in Ira- 1lent;,1 dti', Kinl•y hr il ler;' ; piatn,: ','eit ( !, In ihle Van O)rd'o ; [an;{nt, o(I , .1rthur i l' i Kinnely; :1•]ih r,: 'tier I ',enl; addlress. M\ .,-. Milt, .irton: ad hr :S, ;':i• loll ll;; l , i l'lh; ddress, (' h rlks 1P. ltrinton. 1,')1 a)Ning the progrntm refrte~dl i'n t " ":en seI tt d. O,,1,i ' 1 I \11.1 1, FRONT. ,\ illin I n ( l , J I, , ; .O B lre l . \''ul -ll rville, h;as ri' rlln'd to his hollow aft- , 1" ill ;l l.• i,1 ,• O)[ 18 Illl~ l~ Sill 111 l ;lll11 i :ill i o ]:,Iilth en, ine r: of " h1 'in, IVy fir: divisiont. I1, ine ' a - inip:111 ill 1h•' I'tillu lN I:Ilh' of tIhe rl en.'lq l I~o'111' ,- FOR RENT lUN ].[1 d.'.N I Il,::) f'latf; Ir(ee rn(1110-; d111( .rn1 1'!1 g't :'; shim les' : 1•11(1('11 1 91,i I:. l1l:iltitm :A . llllllil'l' L1," . Mil .r. iPhoneit,- )7 -J,. FOI RENT -Lar;ge hall, suitable for cluis, pool, dance o, r Imeoting plac('e. Over 'Peopie's Loan Otice, 281, East Park. hl liro within. ! . ll'l.' > l l,1111l, 5-r, oom loit.u , minutes x:iili: fro. t car tine. Inlqulir lTi Itlll| \'is 1 ''11 h tl, lel(llrlllil 1 at !)15 I)lol• it a t •. Tll lt",1-I 1O.)' 1 flat1 , milersl ; fil lrini- S for sa1)11 le; ra ge connected.l . Apply 410S Soth ,IJ lkon, rI(iar. )ONE arnished room, wilh or witlh- oltl 1 1ard. 11.1 .1 ., a li'.son S1 . Gran. Aply owner, 14 S. Wy-W. I-1in )\1 cabin furnisltd. At 0 .403- REAL ESTATE -c) 1 lhouse, with llargo lothlls 'clos1 ' and pa/ntry, icoal <s(ed and larg' shed fior v arage; li•iht a iwater. 1522 I'hlayton ve., \\'atlk r- villode rn II. Y., cl'Ve hille; in. gain. Allly owner, 1945 S. Wy- oming st. Phon1 e 5403-J. TWO hahy buggies ill first-class ondiio, 11 , will sell h ap. . .et. luc(ck, 1611 Dewey l 1 ldg. FOR SALE SECOND 11ANI) heavy Ilin r; iioes beami 28 feel log1 . 61P9 tah an . A TEhAM, ofr rmn driving home:, sired by Allerlon lBoy. Inqiire 217 W. Silver. Slhonte 41'-J. or excavatinig. _HIO i llanfrison ave., phone 3132-,. 1OUli t RO(MS of o,011 fu!'nlitulel' ii 51 9 IV. Broadlway. JEWELRY and second-hand cloth- ing for sale at Uncle Sam's Loan Office, 11 S. Wyoming street. DAIRY FOR SALE IT---A, centrally located. Snap. Phone 57fI0-wr. ,'I'INITURI: of I11011' I'( ni . ltni( t new. 404 HIlolhins sI. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT 7-ROOM lodttrn hous( ' . bright, sun- ny r'ololms:; (htilp rcH to reliable parties. ('all aft-r ,::.;o u. n :., tt1 W. Silir . FOUlt-itOOM furini.,had house '11r rent; no objelcion to children. Call California sive. FURNISHED HOUSES 3-ROOM furnished cottage. 1125 S. Athntic. SAY YOU SAW IT IN BULLETIN, M ASKED OBBIERS MAKE RAID ON BOOE CAGH[ Seven Men With Moto: Truck Driven From Tim ber Butte Home Afte: Artillery Battle. \ll ltI(mip tl ubi," :y : 1a: mak 'd lli' ill iII lll 111) ito '! 'l I 1)• r •l' it ti j!' TIiu•i u uI' u .li[ ] I v. '•" 'll l ." .i ll 1C ( e'II Iti ! ;,l-;W 11 ll nea Tint) 11w I o li. t \\ili'! Villt -- 1 II h''l .1 1i ,1, , 11 h0I" til lt, 11 •1 •, ;11 '.11 ,(1;1 il' It11 illt'.ll l,,Ill! t,;,i r,•c i d 11 1 l i {v,,1) .A !h I i h1 I Ii i ta' I uI'it Ih = l I ll 11 ,l~i io ;.1111 1 1p' . 1 1t o go1t "'l' I I( II lIy III t! :t!:ill; Ilil: (0 It [ lin ul - lil I 11 1111 Iill' 101'i w o \tl I 'l I ll" th 1 1 11 1 li () 1'' ll i il w:l 1, ov\ PI ne 'd by It imiV] xill 11 urlwk, Ih, rlur}y 'of IlP1 ranid oi 1h1 ('l;1l pp 'llI -il"h (1 P on ,1111110(.1 fI r,,o 111 u",. !\,, I")11. W il l I t' id , f lIH O 111 1 ' , , 1lll • W i' , 1 ii o 1 . ` l',I " (1 1!1 I1 " , It 110 li l ' i t ". ilii I I I ( Ii a t h r o ~11, 11 (I' 1 IIt II , I 'in ,inhb '], 1l ,i( 1 •t , IP l!0 H 11Ill: It ' 1 v.1 ' , 11 1 Pilli '11 .1 •,!: 1 : l. I " i v,, , l tI I ' : l'I .* , E T I . Ini l. S 1 1 I job. ,1t ;l ', :l. < e "t'all ' h , FINANCIAL FVIVE 1 TIIOUSAND WOIRIHH i wrnted to buy $5 worth of stock In The Bulletin Publishing Co. MONEY TO LOAN MO)NE IAL.ANlD o)n diatmIond l v,'aic.h's, jIewelry and Ii)ib rty )bonds- at a rt'asioiablei rait of interst. The Old t'liabl'. I. Simnlon, 21 N. alain. MONEY LOAN 'E)1 at :: per ctaut. Di mnor 5 ls, jewlry, Liberty bond- Moese Linz, upstairs (eweler. CLEANERS AND DYER' AMERICAN Dyeing & Cl;aning Wks 1341 Harrison ave. Phone 131. •I 'I'S cI ll'd for mlI d elivet)red. \Voik g iuaranite d. (ill) rat's. (iv' us a tri:il. Il slits', 22 ' \,•e QuirlZ st., phone 2711s. TONSORIAL IIAVE your children's hair cut at E. J. Swaidner's barber shop, 13 3 W. Broadway. CIGARS Ie, patriolti, sllmoke Armny and Navy lbranlld igars. For sale at cigar stands. Hemstitching and Braiding BIltAIDING, hemstitching and yicot-. ing. 101 Pennsylvania block. M E. Benedict. CHILE PARLORS T't•Y 1T. Our chili alt'w .; lh hai t in the city I'ONY CI1IL CAFE. t E. P1ark i t. TRANSFERS RUDI)OLt1 TRANS •1ItR CO. 1L'on 2711 or 2749. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 191-it BI'l '.,. ti'ht 'l• body; t s a r t r , l I: : i 7 n ' l ]t : I l : tl. c l d itio i. \ iu i h ol u l l -i , ! L t .i 1liith M ;1lr:;iht s, op, .,,l \. '", , 11111 '] T'Y SIX; li th:s:.,ligtr, ]I 'i 1o10( 1(: almlast 10:t ch'W plt. A! dress I, lill tin office. SAY YOU SA\\' V IT IN ULLE'I,.

Transcript of SPORT W. N. REIVE



Notice of Sale of Real Estate atPrlivate Sale.

In the district court. of the SecondJudicial `district of the state ofMontana, in and for the county ofSilver Bow.

In the matter of the estate of Mich-ael McGuire, deceased.Under authority of an order of

sale granted by the above entitledcourt in the above entitled estate, onthe 24th day of April, 1919, the un-dersigned will sell at private sale allthe right, title and interest of thelsaid Michael McGuire, deceased, atthe time of his death, and all theright, title and interest that saidestate has by operation of law orotherWise, acquired, other than andin addition to, that of said MichaelMcGuire, deceased, in and to the fol-lowing described real estate situatedin Silver Bow county, Montana, to-wit:

Lots numbered twenty-six (26),twenty-seven (27), twenty-eight(28) and twenty-nine (29), in blockthirty-nine (39), of the Daly addi-tion to the city of Butte, accordingto the official plat and survey there-of on file in the office of the clerkand recorder of Silver Bow county,Montana. Which said propertystands on the records of Silver Bowcounty, Montana, in the name ofMike McGuire, whose full name wasand is, Michiel McGuire, the abovenamed decedent.

That said sale will bh on or afterthe 14th day of May, 1919, at 2o'clock p. m. of said day. Any offersor bids for said property must be inwriting and will be received at theoffice of Canning & Geagan, room558, Phoenix building, West Parkstreet, Butte, Mont. Terms of sale'are cash on confirmation of sale bythe above entitled court.

Dated this 29th day of April, 1919.JAMES F. O'BRIEN,

Administrator of the estate ofMichael McGuire, deceased.

(T,ast Dublication May 13, 1919.)

,UTICE TO I REDITORS.Estate of Donald Moore' deceased.

Notice is hereby given by the un-dersigned executor of the last will ofDonald Moore, deceased, to the credi-tors of and all persons having claimsagainst the said deceased, to exhibitthem, with the necessary vouchers,within four months after the firstpublication of this notice, to the saidexecutor at the office of Maury &Melaner, 43 Hirbour building, Butte,Mont., the same being the place forthe transaction of the business ofsaid estate, in the county of SilverBow, State of Montana.

JAMES A. CUMMINGS.Executor of the last will and tes-

tament of Donald Moore, de-ceased.

Dated Butte, Mont., this 22nd dayof April, 1919.

SUMMONS.In the District Court of the Second

Judicial District of the State rfMontana, in and for the Countyof Silver Bow.

MARGARET CANTY, Plaintiff,vs.

ANTHONY CANTY, Defendant.The State of Montana sends greet-

ing to the above named defendant:You are hereby summoned to an-

swer the conT'llaint in this actionwhich is filed in the office of theClerk of this Court, a copy of whichis herewith served upon you, and tofile your answer and serve a copythereof upon the plaintiff's attorneywithin twenty days after the serviceof this summons, exclusive of theday of service; and in case of yourfailure to appear or answer, judg-ment will be taken against you bydefault, for the relief demanded inthe complaint.

Plaintiff complains and alleges:1. That on or about the 8th day

of April, 1918, plaintiff and defend-ant intermarried at Butte, Montana,and ever since have been, and noware, husband and wife.

2. That plaintiff is now, and formore than one year immediatelynext prior to the date of commence-ment of this action, to-wit, April30th, 1919, has been a residept ofthe State of Montana.

3. That there is no issue of saidmarriage.

4. That the maiden name of theplaintiff is Margaret Hanley.

5. That for more than one yearimmediately prior to the date ofcommencement of this action, thesaid defendant has wilfully neg-lected to provide this plaintiff withthe common necessaries of life, hehaving the ability to do so, and that








DOINGS OF THE VAN LOONS There seem to be.-some drawbackslFINE'I ~L~-IO You SIJCN 4C^TTLEP ANE -N -coN@A , IU NDCRSTAND I H I4ONOR OF V fO'RE VA~'4TED ONCO~ ~rz.Ar 1L -t ou OuV RE. ICN~ AV IM LV4 c HAYN 4~E orC c R A 4O C~C L BLW TE -~ME MS V kIc 7NI cii' ~-A V D NBE~ A3FC RV N Lo N A/









YES, TH 4 7 HcH3

t1 ~;r

F lC;- R~ ; Ir

~A ML1ED 3 . .~ p IczuH NR A O t~ N



Ah .8II Ilc`




by reason of the said failure on thepart of the defendant, this plaintiffhas been compelled to, and did, dur-ing said time and for a long timeprior thereto sustain and supportherself by her own efforts.

WHerefore, plaintiff prays:That the marriage existing be-

tween plaintiff and defendant be dis-solved and that she be granted adecree of divorce of and from thedefendant.

That she be permitted to resumeher maiden name.

For such other and further reliefas may seem just in the premises.

Witness my hand and the seal ofsaid court this 30th day of April,A. D. 1919.


Clerk.By II. A. McINTYRE,

Deputy Clerk.Maury and Melzner, attorneys for


Order to Show Cause Why Order ofSale of Real Estate Should Not

le Made.In the district court of the Second

Judicial district of the State ofMontana.

In the matter of the estate of Mar-garet F. Schaefer, deceased.M. C. Erker, the administratrix of

the estate of Margaret F. Schaefer,deceased, having filed her petitionherein, praying for an order of saleof the real estate of the said deced-ent for the purposes therein set forth.

It is therefore ordered by thejudge of said court, that all personsinterested in the estate of said de-ceased, appear before the said dis-trict court on Saturday, the 17th dayof May, 1919, at 10 o'clock in theforenoon of said day, at the court-room of department three of said dis-trict court at the courthouse in thecounty of Silver Bow, to show causewhy an order should not he grantedto the said administratrix to sell somuch of the real estate of the saiddeceased as shall he necessary.

And that a copy of this order bepublished at least four successiveweekt ilb the Butte Daily Bulletin, anewssaper printed and published insaid Silver fBow county, state of Mon-tana.

JEREMIAII J. LYNCH, Judge.Dated April 15, 1919.

Attest: A true copy.OTIS LEE, Clerk.

By H. A. McIntyre, Deputy Clerk.

o 0


CAPILIANA.One of the earliest and most inter-

esting romances of South Americacenters about Capillana, a Peruvianprincess, and Pizarro, the Spanishadventurer and explorer. Capillanawas a widow and lived in retirementwhen Pizarro appeared on the coastof Peru. She received his men kind-ly and expressed a desire to see thimlleader. Pizarro came, and an attach-ment soon sprang up between them.Pizarro endeavored to convert Capil-lana to Christianity, but failed. Itwas while studying the Spanish lan-guage, however, that she became aChristian. On the death of Pizarro,in 1541, she again sought seclusion.In the library of the Dominicans atPeru there is preserved a manuscriptin which are painted by Capillana,ancient Peruvian monuments, with a-hort historical explanation in Span-ish.




By "GRAVY."Rabbit Maranville shows tilhe lal

of spring training in his gamesThe little shortstop put on weighwhile he was in the navy.

Apparently Johnny Kilbane is noentirely through just yet. Whetthe featherweight champion returnetto the ring after a long absence antwas soundly thrashed by FrankitBrown, a second rater, it looked atthough Kilbane had reached the encof his rope. Now it appears thiall he needs is a little more worlto round him into condition. Sincethe Brown affair he has boxed itbetter form. Recently he knocketout a rugged lightweight when h(stopped John Mahoney in Philadelphia. Mahoney was saved by thereferee in the sixth round.

Birthday of Dan ilroutlhers.As long as baseball lasts thert

will be a niche in its hall of im-mortals for Dennis A. Biroutherscommonly called "Dan," who wasborn at Sylvan Lake, N. Y., sixtyone years ago tomorrow. "Pop'Anson, "Old Roman" ComiskeyMike Kelly, Al Spalcing, GeorgcWright, John Ward, Ed Delehanty-brilliant stars were these in thlearly days of baseball, but as a bats'man Dan B1routhers outshone tlhenall. Given his good old wagontongue and Danl was ready for anysort of a ball that the pitcher couldsend over--although it must be ad-mitted that the repertoiro of twir-lers was not very large in Dan'sdays, and a present-day slab artistmight make a monkey of him.

Dan broke into the game alWappinger's Falls, N. Y., and thattown was made famous by hlilprowess with the stick. The paltmsdays of the giant Dan were spentwith the Detroit team, when NedHanlon was its chief. Later heilayed with the Boston club, and

finished his baseball, career as ascout for the New York Giants. Atfirst base Dan was fairly good, andremarkably active for one of his tre-nendous size. Dan set a National

league record for circling the basesthat has never been surpassed.

Anniversary of Burns-O'llrienBattle.

Twelve years ago today, May 7,1907, Tommy Burns defeated JackO'Brien in twenty rounds at LosAngeles. It was this bout, ratherthan his previous victory over Mar-yin Hart, which put the Canadianin the running for the heavyweightchampionship. When Hart whippedJack Root in Reno fourteen yearsago and Jeffries presented the vic-tor with his title, the sporting worlddid not take the affair seriously, asit was considered that there wereseveral better men than Hart. Po:rnsand "Philadelphia Jack" were theleading contenders, although bothwere light heavyweights. 'TIhey lirstfought in Milwaukee in 1904, whenthe Philadelphian was the victor. Afew months after his defeat tf H-lartthe Canadian fought O'Brien again,going twenty rounds to a draw inLos Angeles. The third session gaveBurns the victory, although not byany wide margin, and he comime'c'ed

the championship career whi:h eIr-uinated when he met Johnson in


Today in Pugilistic Annals.1892-Bob Fitzsimmons knocked

out Joe Godfrey in the first round:t Philadelphia.

1909-Freddie Welsh defeatedJohnny Frayne in ten rounds at

New York.

1912-Eddie McGoorty knockedout Jimmy Howard in the seventhtound at Indianapolis.


Richard IIanley, 38, a native ofreland, died yesterday at Galen. The

funeral will take place tomorrowhorning at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Mullins, 825 North Wyoming street, at 9 o'clock. Mass willbe celebrated at Sacred Heart churchat 9:30' o'clock, and interment willte made in the Catholic cemetery.

In addition to hIis mother in Ire-and, Mr. Hanley is survived by five;isters, Mrs. Mullins, Mrs. Dwyer,Mrs. Connolly, Mrs. Kelly and MissElizabeth Hanley, all of Butte, andhree brothers, Henry of Seattle and

Joseph and George of Butte.

RETURN FROM COAST.Attorney and Mrs. Peter Breen

have returned from an extended visito southern California, during whichhey spent periods visiting in Venice,

Ios Angeles and other cities alonghe Pacific.

W. N. REIVE(Continued From Page One.

sent, is said to be a thorn ii IiI, .id'of tie ofl'iials of the IU nitiI Siiates,as veill as is the Toverilair (i' h!e c'oii-raldess), a woman's wl, kly •.uhli:httdby the same society. .\ll of this andthe"r more naughty till n' ar said

:o be disclosed by inform,tliois by the officheof the distric t at-;orney.

Ialts in ilthe ('ae.

True'1 facts aie that the \Ve\:;ternl\'orkltnen's Publishing society, it:'ducational institution, I:s, one of lth,'"W publishiing concterns which isaJwned and controlled by the w\vorl;-r es themsllelves. Nulllelrollus Finnllisth

i socialists' locals in Ithe weI5 ternlliitates are meIllmlbers of this society.

i Their papers, the To\vcri, a daily, andSthe Toveritar, women's \t webkly, ha'•'seculred consiterable circtlatiol:among the Finnish worketrs ill AIrn:


.c(. The papers have stood w!th il(,'rgilllized labor t niovenlent.

The Toveri thas tnl enrially helpedlie organization of eoal tlinetrs ill

western statIes as well as htellped oth-1a labor organizations. The To\eri:tood beside the Timttlllberworlcers'inion in its erlort to o'ganize menn the timnlber indlustry, andl liveIt'llal


y il has weathered hitler a;ttac•ks'ronl the direction of tilt, I. \W. W .iVilliam N. Iteive, previously a coalniner, served the TilnberworkersInion its an orgalnizz rI before It calmne

o the \Vesl trn \Vol:Tigini •n fivem;ars ago.

Organizing ship yard \Vorki'i'rs inllhe yards at tilt, (•h e lClu bia river arcsdlong the I;Pacific coast, thei T'lover;:as served labllor. luring tie :lnio

)f the shiworikers it psl: iutishtedtartly in Englishi to help tthe s:rilker:o pIresent their side Ito the world.

aver sinen local emply,,rs have loivnonI the warllath againstl lhe Toveri.Lately the local challmllber of co('ll-ItIrce imtade an unsuccessful effor ltorestraitn mlerchllants from0 advertisingin the Toveri.

The summarit y of tihe cas( is Ithatthere is general enmity on the part;of the exploiters againsl, thie Inov'-lnenL of organized workers, and bit.-terness againls sot'ilisml by caplital-ists and their oklpt offitcials, antlt thewa:r passionl am ionitgst the Ipeopl'helped Inonarchis.-, conspiring in bIehalf and forl interest of Glermanl:prince, to secure here ill Oregol anindictment and trial, with (o::siblecon\viction by it btasdtl jury lg5illnsthonest labor men for standing \viththeir own class.


School Board Gives In-creased Wages to MostTeachers. Pay $11,000 forTract on S. Montana St.The entire teaching staff of the

city schools for the next term, in-cluding a list of nine administratorsand supervisors, was selected at theregular meeting of lthe board ofschool trustees last night. Increasesin wages over the figures paid dur-ing the term now clising were givento virtually all of tile experiencedteachers.

The board voted to purchase theJones' homestead ont South Montanastreet at a price of $11,000 as a sitefor an admninistration building to beerected as soon as possible. It waftalso decided to soil the schoolboard's property atl 309 West Ga-lena street.

The requests of the FraternalOrder of Eagles for tIe use of theHigh school auditorium for memorialexercises on May 25, and to Mrs.Bnrt Adams Tower for an exhibitionby her dancing class on May 23,were granted.


DANIELS & BILBOAUndertakers and Embalmers

l25 East Park St., Butte. Phone 888Residence Phone 4317-W.

Auto and Carriage Equipment

Hanley-'lThe iu liltl of the lateRichard IIantly, a' 3S years, willtake place lottio1'oiwi (Thursday)morning at 9 'cltck ;i the residenceof his sister. .Its. luillins, 825 North\Vyonming slroll. "ii'tling to tiheSacred Hleartl chulllhl where masswill be celettraled ct 9:30 o'clockInterment in thle ('iitholic cemetery.

Byrll'e--the fullr',l of Patrick,the belovted inftit l ,ii of Mr. andMrs. Patrick Ityrtt Iotk place this(Wednesdtay I aftllinoon" at 3 o'clockat tile f,ii1iil ' treill,'" 327 ClearGrit. T!ntrnltlnt in iii IIoly Crosscemetery.

LARRY DUGGANReliable Undertaker and Brbmnmer

882 North Main StreetFYone 770,

MAYOR GOES(C ontinutd Fronl Page (O1..l

\Villiant II. Sweet, to whiomt lteditties of fumtigating-]homel s in l sitleill wlhich co((llt agiu(is (liseas .s ha:\ 'e

u existedi, wil I have his office in theheailh (dpit|(llent at the city r((each whlich he mlust juiolrneyIileach orning from his residencl i

Walkerville, the hill city claimtedtl tlie the oity municiipalityV oil earthfree from l'lll ht. t ias s• l h inot a lresident of lutte.

Then thlere is Mrs. Ioert Harri;,.cl(erk to the city audiitor. it is staitd.who is (iow :a residlut ol f 11110l. h ,iv-inhg re(ently rnemovedI to this thriviit

I little village fromn 1 lih metropolis of('1nterville, loh ated to the north ofUS.

Th1 o'1' TO vnhci: !clhioV\,lpHnt oflMayvior l1oddenl. ihowever, is thel

nomination ll llly (of "Nellie()'ltrion"' as stenographlr toi lihe coll-l.issioinr1 of public works. T'rhe Mils

(Il l itie i l a ied, it is slalitd y solliaI lhe city hall, has t e n did fCisnine time, whih, others uiiinhairthat there was a unixup in the nmninwhen the list was transcriiind fron,ohhnlnil ('o'a(te', rough draft of ipIoititll e s.

llowever, aI litlle thing like tlia'i(doesn't flii ltlhel n admW in istratiwhici h, despite t li( e fa that replt•lihliatns haive been kept from the eit

pl (countlI r for iia ideaide, is l•Iarninirapidly. \\'hal tii•t siiliple! Thliiimillrniig, it was disicrerdl , the nlin

lt.s of last ,Monday nighit' connelmeeting had toini 'revised anld ins nltd of tI e ho auti i' Nelli()'lrilen' is ptilii works 'innitii

O e Cent , cY I~ewr1 Wurd NE tIIn Advance CLASSIFIEDE ADS.


GOOD) coat maker or small job malk-cr. l'iinty ol worki. CGood prices. 1.

II. ,ehlneid(,r, \Vhitfish, Mont.

W\ANT'EI)- Anbitiouis mn to pre-pare for plromotion. Apply I

ternational Correspondence School.Iaysemeinti, No. 1 West Cro;•d .

ARE YOU SICK OR ('W ED?'.A few treatments of CIII lt(l'lt.\'-

TIC will relieve you. At :i;.y r1 Ilgive it a trial. Quit drugs. .\A, ithe operation. See Florla \W. Ilnmy.Room 9, Silver llow block.

RETURNED SOlDibaI,•i wlsiinK toadvertise for work can m- :u

want ad columns olf trhe Dtll r'letin free of charge. ilo,,) n,"t 'backward in taking al' :ntat ,r , .,1offer, we are glad to lie of --you.


IIIGHEST PRICI" paid foir ,!dl ; 1,-ting, shoes, hats, t aiun s, t, is

Phone 3557-W.


MRS. MAY STO('IK of Three Fork•'has taken cha;rge of lite roomingl

house at 33 Ea:;st Broad way. Alllhert rooms are cleai aid well fill.nished; rent risasoiiablle.

Furnished HousekeepingRooms

HOUSE C I,:I!NG aid single roomsat the lIwrmiian houise, 107 \Wesl

Quarlz, indoler new i•mnagement;everyl hing I throiugilly cleaned.

$12 l, 11N\I'tlI •rld up. Sinaeinroom.-; $G. [ tI': e aIn;ngrd for la-

)or. Il1I I' iht a'vt.

TWO NI'CI. clean. large, pleasant

furnis.hAl h;sll•keieping rooms;convenienlt; sunny; lose In. 507

W. Galena.

TWO NEW\LY furnished housekeep-ing roomi, hot and oldt water and

bath. 32G6 South Idaho.

NI('E CLEAN housekeeping rooms.10 North Washington.

Unfurnished Houses

4-ROOM modern house. Inquire1125 E. Seconld st. Phone 2231-W.

Pianos Tuned and Repaired

'GUYON. (;i0 S. Clark Ave. 6585-3


THAT OIi) 11.'1'. Get it reblockedand cleanl to look like new.

Both ladiets' a;lll gelnts' hats renovat-ed. Fiftev, y' ari' experience as ahat maker. 'Tie Nifty Hat Shop,9R61 E. Park st.

Decorations and PaintingCLEGG, 645S-\W, before 9 a. m.

sinn 's ' it 0 Og1 l ht.i 1,l•o ()l-t..\l'ss O' ri•,lin said to il;nsv wlied (1t

cole I I lilf rtidir at l1 tilne toewhil t r some ofliet .Al is;;013a e}ta8 li l tu Priol :0)110 gou11 0 11111111 1110Harrington dlring the last Iwo datisdoos not alplteiar. t i hti tac r'- iiI :;l that the records of Mlond.;,:ilht l'., met tling liiv ile s l doctored.


A ,litiiit of i hl (rIt d riny (1lii tipnlblic and otiller phi tr'ioti ot -

I I (l ooti Al ereO % te Ii. of ilt, t0 )IIii

:h-.Alleric. ll h \t ' t K' 'liltt l ; 11 i ll i. Stilltt ein I Ft llilt lll Ill hioli tl hit

i'ille s lir i'It I Sr I t I t tlli' llhotlls'

a 1 111 1 . The Iprt r:I ,1 i\ 1 u:;

Spe el' l, `11":. ,' 1 ,nk ( Ii: : aenil;:ion ?,lire Sp;it l ing; 1,',lI 1 ( l1,1 .tit::. Grh ay an:I ;--fil: t. \1 L. .o(d; in Ira-1lent;,1 dti', Kinl•y hr il ler;' ; piatn,:','eit ( !, In ihle Van O)rd'o ; [an;{nt,o(I , .1rthur i l' i Kinnely; :1 •]ih r,:'tier I ',enl; addlress. M\ .,-. Milt,.irton: ad hr :S, ;':i• loll ll;; l , i l'lh;ddress, (' h rlks 1P. ltrinton. 1,')1a)Ning the progrntm refrte~dl i'n t "":en seI tt d.

O,,1,i' 1

I \11.11 ,


,\ illin I n ( l , J I, , ; .O B lre l . \''ul -llrville, h;as ri' rlln'd to his hollow aft-, 1" ill ;l l.• i,1 ,• O)[ 18 Illl~ l~ Sill 111 l ;lll11 i

:ill i o ]:,Iilth en, ine r: of " h1'in, IVy fir: divisiont. I1, ine ' a -

inip:111 ill 1h•' I'tillu lN I:Ilh' of tIherl en.'lq l I~o'111' ,-


lUN ].[1 d.'.N I Il,::) f'latf; Ir(ee rn(1110-;d111( .rn1 1'!1 g't :'; shim les' : 1•11(1('11 1

91,i I:. l1l:iltitm :A . llllllil'l' L1,". Mil .r. iPhoneit,- )7 -J,.

FOI RENT -Lar;ge hall, suitable forcluis, pool, dance o, r Imeoting plac('e.

Over 'Peopie's Loan Otice, 281, EastPark. hl liro within.

! . ll'l.'> l

l,1111l, 5-r, oom loit.u ,

minutes x:iili: fro. t car tine. InlqulirlTi Itlll| \'is 1 ''11 h tl, lel(llrlllil 1at !)15 I)lol• it a t •.

Tll lt",1-I 1O.)' 1 flat1 , milersl ; fil lrini-S for sa1)11 le; ra ge connected.l .

Apply 410S Soth ,IJ lkon, rI(iar.

)ONE arnished room, wilh or witlh-oltl 1 1ard. 11.1 .1 ., a li'.son S1 .

Gran. Aply owner, 14 S. Wy-W.I-1in )\1 cabin furnisltd. At 0 .403-

REAL ESTATE-c) 1 lhouse, with llargo lothlls

'clos1 ' and pa/ntry, icoal <s(ed andlarg' shed fior v arage; li•iht a

iwater. 1522 I'hlayton ve., \\'atlk r-villode rn II. Y., cl'Ve hille; in.

gain. Allly owner, 1945 S. Wy-oming st. Phon1 e 5403-J.

TWO hahy buggies ill first-classondiio, 11 , will sell h ap. . .et.

luc(ck, 1611 Dewey l1ldg.


SECOND 11ANI) heavy Ilin r; iioesbeami 28 feel log1 . 61P9 tah an .

A TEhAM, ofr rmn driving home:,sired by Allerlon lBoy. Inqiire

217 W. Silver. Slhonte 41'-J.

or excavatinig. _HIO i llanfrisonave., phone 3132-,.

1OUli t RO(MS of o,011 fu!'nlitulel' ii

51 9 IV. Broadlway.

JEWELRY and second-hand cloth-ing for sale at Uncle Sam's Loan

Office, 11 S. Wyoming street.

DAIRY FOR SALE IT---A, centrallylocated. Snap. Phone 57fI0-wr.

,'I'INITURI: of I11011' I'( ni . ltni( tnew. 404 HIlolhins sI.


7-ROOM lodttrn hous(' .

bright, sun-ny r'ololms:; (htilp rcH to reliable

parties. ('all aft-r ,::.;o u. n :., tt1W. Silir .

FOUlt-itOOM furini.,had house '11rrent; no objelcion to children.

Call California sive.


3-ROOM furnished cottage. 1125S. Athntic.



Seven Men With Moto:Truck Driven From Timber Butte Home Afte:Artillery Battle.

\ll ltI(mip tl ubi," :y : 1a: mak 'd lli'

ill iII lll 111) ito '! 'l I 1)• r •l' it

ti j!' TIiu•i u uI' u .li[ ] I v. '•" 'll l .".i ll 1C ( e'II Iti ! ;,l-;W 11 ll nea Tint)11w I o li. t \\ili'! Villt • --1 II h''l .11i • ,1, , 11 h0I" til lt, 11 •1 •, ;11 '.11 ,(1;1 il' It11illt'.ll l,,Ill! t,;,i r,•c i d 11 1 l i {v,,1) .A!h I i h1 I Ii i ta' I uI'it Ih = l I ll

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Ilil: (0 It [ lin ul -lil I 11 1111Iill' 101'i w o \tl I 'l I ll" th 1 1 11 1 li () 1'' ll i

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Ini l. S 1 1

I job. ,1 t ;l ', :l. < e " t'all ' h ,


FVIVE 1 TIIOUSAND WOIRIHH iwrnted to buy $5 worth of stock

In The Bulletin Publishing Co.


v,'aic.h's, jIewelry and Ii)ib rty )bonds-at a rt'asioiablei rait of interst. TheOld t'liabl'. I. Simnlon, 21 N. alain.MONEY LOAN 'E)1 at :: per ctaut. Di

mnor5 ls, jewlry, Liberty bond-Moese Linz, upstairs (eweler.


AMERICAN Dyeing & Cl;aning Wks1341 Harrison ave. Phone 131.

•I 'I'S cI ll'd for mlI d elivet)red.\Voik g iuaranite d. (ill) rat's.

(iv' us a tri:il. Il slits', 22 ' \,•eQuirlZ st., phone 2711s.


IIAVE your children's hair cut atE. J. Swaidner's barber shop,

13 3 W. Broadway.


Ie, patriolti, sllmoke Armny andNavy lbranlld igars. For sale atcigar stands.

Hemstitching and Braiding

BIltAIDING, hemstitching and 101 Pennsylvania block. M

E. Benedict.


T't•Y 1T.Our chili alt'w .; lh hai t in the city

I'ONY CI1IL CAFE.t E. P1ark i t.


2711 or 2749.


191-it BI'l '.,. ti'ht 'l• body; ts a r t r , l I: : i 7 n ' l ]t : I l : tl.

c l d itio i. \ iu i h ol u l l -i , ! L t .i1liith M ;1lr:;iht s, op, .,,l \. '", ,

11111 '] T'Y SIX; li th:s:.,ligtr, ]I 'i1o10( 1(: almlast 10:t ch'W plt. A!

dress I, lill tin office.