SPONSORSHIP - proposal sample - Colours in the Community

1 | P a g e in the Community 2012 1 - Introduction “ Presents Colours in the Community” Artists for Kids is an organization committed to enriching the lives of children in the community with art and instruction. This presenting sponsorship proposal package was designed by the Artists for Kids event team, specifically with BC Hydro in mind. Throughout this package, we will demonstrate why we feel your company is a perfect fit for our organization and event.

Transcript of SPONSORSHIP - proposal sample - Colours in the Community

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1 - Introduction

“ Presents Colours in the Community”

Artists for Kids is an organization committed to enriching the lives of children in the community with art and instruction. This presenting sponsorship proposal package was designed by the Artists for Kids event team, specifically with BC

Hydro in mind. Throughout this package, we will demonstrate why we feel your company is a perfect fit for our organization and event.

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2 - About the Event

Colours in the Community

This reception/cocktail party is the 2nd annual, semi-formal, art gala fundraiser for Artists for Kids. It will showcase artwork designed and created by the children who are involved with the Artist for Kids programs. The artwork follows a “green” theme, displaying their knowledge of practicing sustainability and loving the environment. Our vision for this event is to create a community-building environment that will generate funding for our specialized programs that engage children of all ages in quality art education, while instilling sustainable initiatives. Artist for Kids wants to celebrate art culture and imagination, while inspiring through exposure to Canadian art and artists. We are hoping to top 2011’s raised funds of $82,000.00 by 10%, as well as increase media coverage, by sending out a comprehensive press kit; this will include testimonials and photos from last year’s event and our programs. Colours in the Community 2012 will take place in the evening of Saturday October 6th 2012 at 7:00pm, at our new gallery on Lonsdale Ave. in North Vancouver. The evening will be catered and will serve wine, beer, juice and water with light canapés; to keep with sustainability initiatives we plan to use washable dishes, cutlery and glassware. This is an all age’s event, including the children artists and their families. Though our target market for art sales is business professionals of North Vancouver, we want to encourage the involvement from the entire community. This will gain more recognition for our cause, programs and sponsors. All proceeds from this event will contribute directly to the growth of our mission and vision. Highlights:

Media coverage

Original artwork from instructors and students

Silent auction and raffle

Mrs. Yolande Martinello as master of ceremonies

Local entertainment throughout the evening

Live art demo from the program participants

Free admission (donations encouraged)

Appearances from local and celebrity artists

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3 - The Sponsorship Package

Sponsorship Benefits of “Title Sponsor” $15,000 - One available


Official Presenting Sponsor, with brand acknowledgement on all media and marketing collaterals

· “BC Hydro Presents Colours in the Community”

Brand exclusivity

· Website banner, along with logo on event site with links

Logo with links on all e-mail blasts

· Special information on BC Hydro 2012 initiatives

Signage displayed prominently at venue

· Step and repeat logos, “BC Hydro presents Colours in the Community”


Will promote the BC Hydro name in conjunction with a non-for profit organization that supports the local

communities children

· One page advertisement in program booklet

Will give BC Hydro the opportunity to communicate their social initiatives with the community

· Logo representation on all collaterals, media and event merchandise

Have premier space on step and repeat wall, brochure, media mentions, and BC Hydro swag option

Joint press release announcing title sponsorship

· Global BC media coverage with BC Hydro acknowledgments

Hospitality package with invitations to the reception

· Have BC Hydro employee presence at event, in pictures, working and presenting auction items

Website presence with logo

Photo opportunities with participating celebrities

· BC Hydro guests will have VIP access to photo opportunities with attending / participating celebrities

DJ mentions at reception

· DJ will give regular mentions of BC Hydro as title sponsor

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Connect with the community CSR Have the BC Hydro brand associated with charitable causes within the community that involves children

0BBenefits 1BSponsorship Level Presenting Platinum Gold

Official presenting sponsor

Brand exclusivity

Website banner with logo and side links

Logo Logo

Advertisement in program booklet One page 1/3 page 1/3 page

Logo representation on collaterals All collaterals including media and event merchandise. Swag option

1/5 of event merchandise. Logo displayed in media material

1/5 event merchandise

Signage display at venue Step & Repeat wall name in event title

Step & Repeat wall

Step & Repeat wall

Press release acknowledgement

Logos on all e-mail blast

Links on all e-mail blasts

Hospitality package with VIP access 5 VIP passes 3 VIP Passes 3 VIP Passes

Photo opportunities with participating celebrities

DJ mentions at reception

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4 - The Perfect Fit

Our Connection to BC Hydro Artists for Kids understand that BC Hydro is committed to supporting and strengthening the communities you serve. There are significant alignments between your values and the values of Colours in the Community 2012. The support BC Hydro has provided for community-based projects across the province is astounding. Our event committee for Colours in the Community is proud to say that we are active in all three of your key funding areas:

Environmental sustainability Youth and lifestyle Community leadership

What exactly is the connection?

Environmental sustainability BC Hydro takes initiative to enhance environmental sustainability and the conservation of energy. Our event focuses on minimizing waste to ensure sustainable practices are used. Youth and Lifestyle Colours of the Community is an event that creates opportunities for youth to engage with others about environmental sustainability, clean energy, and taking personal accountability for energy use in B.C. The purpose of our event is to raise funds, allowing children to be engaged in art education while learning how to contribute to sustainable practices in their daily lives. Community Leadership Our event provides opportunities to educate and foster personal and organizational action for environmental sustainability, clean energy, conservation and safety in B.C. The program we represent not only contributes to educating children, but also gives the people in our community an opportunity to make a difference.

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Colours in the Community is capable of meeting BC Hydro’s strategic objectives. Our event:

Provides an opportunity that helps BC Hydro deliver on the funding pillars, while enhancing relationships with customers

Provides unique opportunities to promote BC Hydro's energy story to British Columbians

Educates and mentors tomorrow's environmental community leaders

Provides access and educational opportunities for those who would not otherwise be able to participate

including those in low income families and remote rural areas

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5 - About Artists for Kids


We support our Vision Through…

An Inspirational Canadian Art Collection

We maintain a collection of the finest contemporary Canadian art for students and the public to experience, learn from and enjoy

Relevant Curriculum

We build our educational programs on a balanced and sequential understanding of contemporary visual culture, art-making, design

and reflection upon art history and aesthetic appreciation

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Meaningful Instruction

We provide instruction by professional art educators which honours individuality,

ensures learning by discovery and work to develop success in all learners

A Dedicated Staff

We engage qualified art educators to lead and implement our programs, supported by eager staff and passionate volunteers

Sharing and Celebrating Successes

We proudly honour accomplishments and celebrate successes of our students, staff and artist partners alike

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Our unique educational partnership include artists, educators, students, parents and the community at large

Program Diversity

We support the artistic abilities of all students by providing a diverse range of enrichment program opportunities in schools and to

the community at large

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A Sustainable Operation

We support our activities by generating revenue from the sales of original prints, grants, donations, creative products, program fees and from the Smith Foundation Endowment

Engaging Facilities

We provide a contemporary curatorial facility and educational environments which stimulate the visual art experience for participants of all ages

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6 - Our Programs


After School Art:

After school art courses throughout the school year Young artists ages 5-18 Courses are taught by art teachers Designed to extend and enrich school art with age appropriate experiences All courses provide learners with an opportunity to further develop their individual abilities/skills Specially designed to foster positive attitudes to the visual arts

Summer Camps: www.artists4kids.com/documents/video/ParadiseValley.mov

Residential summer camps Young artists/elementary and secondary aged camps Opportunity to develop their abilities Rich learning environment inspired by some of Canada's finest artists Nurtured by some of the finest educators in the province Week-long at Vancouver Outdoor School in Brackendale, BC

Studio Art Academy:

Peak performance program For talented Grade 10, 11 & 12 students Who wish to prepare for art college Students enrolled in courses will develop peak performance skills and attitudes Will enable them to successfully enroll in a post-secondary art institution upon graduation

Enrichment Programs: www.evs.csfm.com/art4kids_media/FashionFoto11.mp4

Elementary and secondary students Selected by their schools to attend master classes Guest artists who are teamed with experienced educators Programs offer learning experiences Tap talents and motivate confidence in exciting ways Cannot be duplicated in a regular classroom setting

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7 - Summary

Our team at Artists for Kids are very excited about this opportunity to partner with BC Hydro. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on our package along with any new ideas. Our goal of this proposal is to clearly represent the

connection between our organization and your company.

We would appreciate your response by Tuesday September 4th 2012, so that we may have sufficient time to incorporate your logo and branding into our marketing campaign.

*All pictures and information on Artist for Kids was borrowed from www.artists4kids.com

**All information about BC Hydro was found at www.bchydro.com