Spirituality (Presented by Deepika Kukreja)

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Transcript of Spirituality (Presented by Deepika Kukreja)

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Spiritual books

Life with God



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Introduction ««««««««««««06 Definition «««««««««««««.07 

Primary Goals«««««««««««09

Forms of Spirituality «««««««.11

Corporate Spirituality «««««««14Reasons to go for Spirituality«««.17 

Tools of Spirituality «««««««23

 Jane Fonda (Spiritualist)««««.26 

Shilpa Shetty on spirituality «««..28 Spirituality going Commercial «««29

Misconceptions ««««««««««...31

Spirituality as Lifestyle««««««.37 


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Welcome to a source designed to heal, inspire, and guide you on your SpIrItUaL jOuRnEyyyyyyy«..

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Gayatri Gayatri Mantra Mantra 









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Spirituality is not an escape from the world of realitySpirituality is not the denial of life, but the purest acceptance oflife.

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Spirituality is the state of mindIntangible spirit or soul

state or quality of beingdedicated to spiritualvalues

Spirituality is aholistic quality

It connects us touniversalConsciousness

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Self confidence

Self improvement

Inner peace

Balanced Life

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It is one of the mostimportant forms ofspirituality.

It is basically an ideaof trustworthiness.

the person placeshis/her life into thehands of the supremepower or an unseenpower for a betterfuture.

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Knowledge is anothermost important form ofspirituality

Knowledge-basedspirituality denotes tothe understanding ofthings

desire through which anindividual wants toachieve knowledgeabout life by his/herown goals and vision.

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The literal meaning ofMysticism is obscure orirrational thought

It is one of the importantforms of spirituality thatis related to the religiousbeliefs or faiths.

Mysticism is a principleor idea, which is relatedto the immediateconsciousness of God.

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Spirituality is the newmantra chanted by thewhite-collared corporateworld, and it is essential

for a long-term survivaland affluence of theorganization.

Spirituality at Work is an

organization of businessprofessionals committedto: the awakening of soulat work

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Reduction of stress

Positive impact on health of employees

A balanced perspective towards life

` Increase in concentration and memory

Enhanced creativity and efficiency

Increase in productivity

Positively affects team spirit and motivation

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Helps in achieving autonomy Innovation as the mind is free form stress

Meritocracy based decisions are taken Integrity as each for all and all for eachmotto is followed

Aggressiveness is sought In the business Respect is given to each

Service to the customer Tolerance level increase so less fights

Hard work due to reduced stress Quality and reliability increases

Continuous improvement due to reductionin burnouts

Forgiveness is inculcated in the way ofliving

Solving problems Love

Excellence achieved Compassion

Expansionism Mindfulness

Being out in front Balance

Organizations point of view

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Reasons to go for Spirituality


It is a paradox of modern civilization thatwhen mankind is able to find a cure for alldiseases, stress has become an allpervading phenomenon; affecting allprofessions,

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Stress is a dynamic condition in whichan individual is confronted with anopportunity, constraint, or demandrelated to what he or she desires andfor which the outcome is perceived tobe both uncertain and important

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Meditation Is One Of The Ways To

Quieten The Mind.

Meditation reduces the traffic ofthoughts in mind.

Meditation resets the brain waves and

synchronizes the waves of the brainwith the waves of the heart.

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Most people associate yoga and

meditation with the Hindureligionhowever it is only after onelearns or starts to practice them thatone knows that the effect and healingpowers transcend the boundary ofreligion

Yoga in all its forms tries to createharmony of the body with the mind andsoul.

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Vipassana, which meansto see things as theyreally are

Vipassana is a way of

self-transformationthrough self-observation

It focuses on the deepinterconnection betweenmind and body

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 Jane Fonda (born

December 21, 1937) is anAmerican actress,Writer, political activist,former fashion modeland fitness guru.

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When she talks about"feeling the presence ofthe Almighty," her viewof Jesus, and the way sheprays, her voice wellsfrom deep within herchest.

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Fonda's conversion did not

come overnight. She wason a very specific spiritual journey for two yearsbefore receiving the Lord.

Gerald Durley, pastor of

the church said that, "I amextremely impressed withthe genuineness andsincerity in [her] search forspirituality andwholeness."

As a person of honesty, sheis not likely to turn awayfrom Jesus.

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Another bollywood celebrity visits Baba Ram Dev·s Yoga camp inMumbaithese celebrities now-a-days are using spiritual means to earn goodbucks

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Spirituality going commercial

Spirituality shops offering"health and wealth kits" aredoing good business, and newlycreated religious channels on

domestic television areexpanding their reach intomillions of homes.

Personnel departments in bigfirms are calling on spiritual

gurus to help new recruitshandle the tensions of modernworking life.

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One of India's slickest spiritual movements, the Art of Living Foundation,led by the telegenic guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, runs a "corporate executive

program" aimed at helping senior management in India's leadingcompanies cope with stress. It offers relief by teaching employees how toimprove their breathing.

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F E A R 30% of the populationfeels that if God andsaints get enraged with

them, they will beharmed.

due to the fear that ifone errs, a sin shall becommitted and one willbe punished by God forit

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There is no connectionwhatsoever betweeneducation which givesworldly pleasures andignorance aboutSpirituality

Approximately 80% of thepeople from each of thefollowing groups -illiterate, those withprimary education, thosewith secondary education,graduates and post-

graduates are ignorantabout Spirituality, as theyhave no formal educationin it.

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One comes across 20%individuals in societywho harbour blind faith.

¶We consider a catcrossing our path as abad omen. So shouldcats never be seen on theroad?

These are notsuperstitions but arepremonitions.

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About 5% of peoplemake money under the

garb of Spirituality forinstance by starting a¶yoga· or a ¶ pranayam(controlled breathingexercises)· class.

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About 5% of people in

society try to educate themasses aboutSpirituality pretendingto be very well versed init when in reality theyknow nothing about it.

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Basic Disciplines of a Spiritual Lifestyle

Practising yoga and Meditation regularly

Doing a spiritual study on regular basis

Spiritual relationships & responsibilities

Rendering services to Humanity

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S piritual Lifestyle in India

In this world of chaos, competition andstress everyone is searching for somepeace, a balance in life.

There is only one solution to thisproblem where your search ends andthat is spirituality.

Following spirituality as a lifestyle canchange the way you live in and see theworld around you

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´Sometimes people get the mistaken notion that 

 spirituality is a separate department of life, the penthouse of existence. But rightly understood, it is a

vital awareness that pervades all realms of our beingµ.


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T h e E n dT h e E n dT h e E n dT h e E n dT h e E n d