Spiritual Aliens

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  • 8/3/2019 Spiritual Aliens


    Cherokee Debate Institute 2012


    War CP

  • 8/3/2019 Spiritual Aliens


    Cherokee Debate Institute 2012


    (Shell 1/3)

    Counterplan text-The United States federal government should not prevent war. Thisincludes not doing the plan.

    Observation One- This is a legitimate counterplan. The U.S. has empirically proven that

    it will allow wars to happen.

  • 8/3/2019 Spiritual Aliens


    Cherokee Debate Institute 2012


    (Shell 2/3)

    Uniqueness-Aliens are currently invadingthe world.

    Caldwell 05 (Joseph George, May 1, http://foundationwebsite.org/AlienInvasionStrategy.htm,The author of this book has a career that includes both military defense analysis and economicdevelopment. He worked for about fifteen years in defense applications and about fifteen yearsin social and economic applications. His work in military applications includes ballistic missilewarfare, nuclear weapons effects, satellite ocean surveillance, naval general-purpose forces,tactical air warfare, air/land battle tactics, strategy, civil defense, military communications-electronics, and electronic warfare. His work in social and economic development applicationsincludes tax policy analysis, agricultural policy analysis, trade policy analysis, health, humanresource development, demography, development of systems for planning, monitoring andevaluation of social and economic programs, and educational management information systems.He has lived and worked in countries around the world. He holds a PhD degree in mathematicalstatistics and is an expert in mathematical game theory, statistics, operations research, andsystems and software engineering. The analysis presented in this book is derived from years ofexperience related to, and years of analysis of, the population problem this is taken from thetext Can America Survive?] On Saving the Environment, and the Inevitability of Global War.

    It is the view of a growing number of people that an alien race of souls is inthe process

    oftaking over Earth. The way thatthis is being accomplished is to hybridize thecurrent race ofHomo sapiens so thatthe bodies of future generations of human

    beings are better matched to souls ofthe alien race thanthe current residents,

    and then reincarnate inthe genetically modified bodies. This paradigm explains

    UFO (unidentified flying object) and alien abductions, and includes explanation of therelated phenomena ofmissingtime, cattle mutilations and crop circles. See my previousarticle on this subject for a list of references describing the alien-invasion paradigm. The alien invasion phenomenon has been

    observed over a long period of time, in many cultures, and a somewhat confusing array of terminology is involved. Becausethe alieninvasioninvolves interaction between our physical reality (third density)and the spirit world (fourth density, astral world), much ofthe evidence ofthe

    invasionis not solid. It involves UFO sightings that may have alternative explanations (e.g., hallucination, masshysteria), and reports of alien abductions that can easily be ascribed to mental illness. By the very nature of an

    invasion, the invaders would like for the current residents of Earth to be as

    unaware as possible of whatis going on. To this end, they go to substantial effortto

    minimize their exposure (e.g., working at night, and in remote areas), and theysuppress or alter abductees memories of abduction events. Most of the information about alienabductions has been recovered by means of hypnotic regression or channeling, both of which mainstream (physical) sciencedismisses or ridicules.

  • 8/3/2019 Spiritual Aliens


    Cherokee Debate Institute 2012


    (Shell 3/3)

    Link/Internal link/impact- They stop war which is crucial for alienvictory. Ifthey fail, the

    resultis extinction of both soul races, and destruction ofthe earth. This is the BIGGEST

    impactinthe round.

    Caldwell 05 (Joseph George, May 1, http://foundationwebsite.org/AlienInvasionStrategy.htm)

    Atthe presenttime, the alieninvaders are in a life-and-death struggle with the current

    hominid soul-group, Homo sapiens (fifth root race, Aryan race) for the control of Earth. Theyhave abducted a large number of H. sapiens and genetically modified them so that future

    generations of physical human bodies will be better matched to their souls than to H. sapienssouls, and they will incarnate on Earth in increasing numbers. Unfortunately for them, however,

    they are in serious danger of achieving a Pyrrhic victory. H. sapiens is destroyingthebiosphere at anincredible rate, and there will soon be no planet left for the invaders to

    occupy at least not a Garden of Eden biosphere like H. sapiens inherited and proceeded todestroy. The process of abducting H. sapiens and then reincarnatingin place of an H.

    sapiens soul takes years to accomplish, and by thattime there will be nothing left for the

    conquerors but a ruined, species-desolate planet.Strategy for Planetary ConquestSo, what

    to do? Well, it should be obvious. War. But it will not be war in the usual physical sensebetween the alien invaders and H. sapiens. It will be a destructive, global war among H.

    sapiens. When the smoke clears, most of H. sapiens will be dead, and the invading soul racewill prevail. The only issue to address is how to ensure that the proportion of H. sapiens that is destroyed by war is much greater than the

    proportion of invaders destroyed by it. This will be done in two ways. First, as global oil production peaks in the next year or so (HubbertsCurve, Hubberts Peak), the industrial nations of the world will plunge into an incredibly destructive war. It will not be oriented towarddestroying poor countries, since they have no oil, anyway. It will be focused toward destroying other users of oil other industrially developed

    nations. So the first thing to do is abduct H. sapiens for genetic modification mainly in remote, rural, economically undeveloped areas, which areunlikely to be destroyed. And it is very clear that that is what is being done.

  • 8/3/2019 Spiritual Aliens


    Cherokee Debate Institute 2012


    2NC Impact Extension

    Impact- The Aliens must win so thatthe earth is notturned into a planet similar to Mars,

    completely desolate.

    Caldwell 05 (Joseph George, May 1, http://foundationwebsite.org/AlienInvasionStrategy.htm)

    The current race of Earths human beings has committed a grievous sin against Earths

    biosphere, to the other species of Earth, and to itselfitis destroyingits very home. This

    incredibly foolish, suicidal act of self-destruction can have only one end the loss to the H.

    sapiens soul group ofits physical planet. But this loss can occur in several different ways.

    On the one hand, H. sapiens may destroy the biosphere utterly, as inthe case of Mars, so

    thatneither it nor any othersoul group may use it as a physical home. Alternatively, it may

    lose the planetto a more environmentally sensitive soul group the alieninvaders. In this

    case, the H. sapiens soul group has lostits physical home, butthe invading soul group has

    rescued it and is makinguse ofit. In either case, H. sapiens has lost its planet, and is doomed to wander for eons searching

    for a new planet. But in one case biological life continues on Earth with hominid representation. In this case, the alieninvasion

    represents an evolution to a new age in which the planet is occupied by a more deserving,

    environmentally sensitive soul group. Ifthe alieninvaders are successful in their program of

    genetic modification and reincarnation, the biosphere will be saved, with an environmentally

    sensitive hominid-soul-group species as part of it. Ifthe alieninvaders fail, the alternative is

    death death ofthecurrent hominid species, death ofmany other species, and perhaps the

    complete death ofthe biosphere. Unless the alieninvaders succeed intheir conquest of

    Earth, the planets biosphere, under H. sapiens dominion, is doomed to destruction. Life onEarth at the present time is a living hell for most of its inhabitants. Let us pray for a better time. Let us pray for a new beginning, and a new

    system of planetary management. Let us pray for the alien invaders, that they may save the planet from destruction.

  • 8/3/2019 Spiritual Aliens


    Cherokee Debate Institute 2012


    AT-They cause death


    Terence McKenna, The Worlds Foremost Ethnopharmacologist, 1984, New Maps of Hyperspace, URL:


    I suggest that it is much more useful to try to make a geometric model of consciousness, to take seriously the

    idea of a parallel continuum, and to say that the mind and the body are embedded in the dream and the dream is a

    higher-order spatial dimension. In sleep, one is released into the real world, of which the world of waking is only

    the surface in a very literal geometric sense. There is a plenum - recent experiments in quantum physics tend to

    back this up - a holographic plenum of information. All information is everywhere. Information that is not here is

    nowhere. Information stands outside of time in a kind of eternity - an eternity that does not have a temporal

    existence about which one may say, "It always existed." It does not have temporal duration of any sort. It is

    eternity. We are not primarily biological, with mind emerging as a kind of iridescence, a kind of epiphenomenon atthe higher levels of organization of biology. We are hyperspatial objects of some sort that cast a shadow into

    matter. The shadow in matter is our physical organism.

    At death, the thing that casts the shadow withdraws, and metabolism ceases. Material form breaks down; it

    ceases to be a dissipative structure in a very localized area, sustained against entropy by cycling material in,

    extracting energy, and expelling waste. But the form that ordered it is not affected. These declarative statements

    are made from the point of view of the shamanic tradition, which touches all higher religions. Both the psychedelic

    dream state and the waking psychedelic state acquire great import because they reveal to life a task: to become

    familiar with this dimension that is causing being, in order to be familiar with it at the moment of passing from


    The metaphor of a vehicle - an after-death vehicle, an astral body - is used by several traditions. Shamanism

    and certain yogas, including Taoist yoga, claim very clearly that the purpose of life is to familiarize oneself with this

    after-death body so that the act of dying will not create confusion in the psyche. One will recognize what is

    happening. One will know what to do and one will make a clean break. Yet there does seem to be the possibility of

    a problem in dying. It is not the case that one is condemned to eternal life. One can muff it through ignorance.

    Apparently at the moment of death there is a kind of separation, like birth - the metaphor is trivial, but perfect.

    There is a possibility of damage or of incorrect activity. The English poet-mystic William Blake said that as one

    starts into the spiral there is the possibility of falling from the golden track into eternal death. Yet it is only a crisis

    of a moment - a crisis of passage - and the whole purpose of shamanism and of life correctly lived is to strengthen

    the soul and to strengthen the ego's relationship to the soul so that this passage can be cleanly made. This is the

    traditional position.

  • 8/3/2019 Spiritual Aliens


    Cherokee Debate Institute 2012




    Terence McKenna, The Worlds Foremost Ethnopharmacologist, 1984, New Maps of Hyperspace, URL:


    What this seems to be about is that from the time of the awareness until the resolution of the apocalyptic

    potential, there are roughly one hundred thousand years. In biological time, this is only a moment, yet it is ten

    times the entire span of history. In that period, everything hangs in the balance, because it is a mad rush from

    hominid to starflight. In the leap across those one hundred thousand years, energies are released, religions are

    shot off like sparks, philosophies evolve and die, science arises, magic arises, all of these concerns that control

    power with greater and lesser degrees of ethical constancy appear. Ever present is the possibility of aborting the

    species' transformation into a hyperspatial entelechy. We are now, there can be no doubt, in the final historical

    seconds of that crisis - a crisis that involves the end of history, our departure from the planet, the triumph over

    death, and the release of the individual from the body. We are, in fact, closing distance with the most profound

    event a planetary ecology can encounter - the freeing of life from the dark chrysalis of matter. The old metaphor

    of psyche as the caterpillar transformed by metamorphosis is a specieswide analogy. We must undergo a

    metamorphosis in order to survive the momentum of the historical forces already set in motion. Evolutionary

    biologists consider humans to be an unevolving species. Some time in the last fifty thousand years, with the

    invention of culture, the biological evolution of humans ceased and evolution became an epigenetic, cultural

    phenomenon. Tools, languages, and philosophies began to evolve, but the human somatotype remained the same.

    Hence, physically, we are very much like people of a long time ago. But technology is the real skin of our species.

    Humanity, correctly seen in the context of the last five hundred years, is an extruder of technological material. We

    take in matter that has a low degree of organization; we put it through mental filters, and we extrude jewelry,

    gospels, space shuttles. This is what we do. We are like coral animals embedded in a technological reef of extruded

    psychic objects. All our tool making implies our belief in an ultimate tool. That tool is the flying saucer, or the soul,

    exteriorized in three-dimensional space. The body can become an internalized holographic object embedded in a

    solid-state, hyperdimensional matrix that is eternal, so that we each wander through a true Elysium. This is a kindof Islamic paradise in which one is free to experience all the pleasures of the flesh provided one realizes that one is

    a projection of a holographic solid-state matrix that is microminiaturized, superconducting, and nowhere to be

    found: it is part of the plenum. All technological history is about producing prototypes of this situation with greater

    and greater closure toward the ideal, so that airplanes, automobiles, space shuttles, space colonies, starships of

    the nuts-and-bolts, speed-of-light type are, as Mircea Eliade said, "self-transforming images of flight that speak

    volumes about man's aspiration to self-transcendence." Our wish, our salvation, and our only hope is to end the

    historical crisis by becoming the alien, by ending alienation, by recognizing the alien as the Self, in fact - recognizing

    the alien as an Overmind that holds all the physical laws of the planet intact in the same way that one holds an

    idea intact in one's thoughts. The givens that are thought to be writ in adamantine are actually merely the moods

    of the Goddess, whose reflection we happen to be. The whole meaning of human history lies in recovering this

    piece of lost information so that man may be dirigible or, to paraphrase James Joyce's Finnegans Wake onMoicane, the red light district of Dublin: "Here in Moicane we flop on the seamy side, but up n'ent, prospector, you

    sprout all your worth and you woof your wings, so if you want to be Phoenixed, come and be parked." It is that

    simple, you see, but it takes courage to be parked when the Grim Reaper draws near. "A blessing in disguise,"

    Joyce calls him.

    Turn- once we transcend into hyperspace we can aid the other soul race by consulting with them.

  • 8/3/2019 Spiritual Aliens


    Cherokee Debate Institute 2012


  • 8/3/2019 Spiritual Aliens


    Cherokee Debate Institute 2012


    AT-Wars go nuclear=extinction

    Enter spark shell

    Turn nuclear war leaves the perfect number of survivors for the aliens

  • 8/3/2019 Spiritual Aliens


    Cherokee Debate Institute 2012


    AT-Aliens dont exist

    Your evidence is based on the assumption that science can prove their existence. It is naive tobelieve that science could ever prove the existence of the soul, which is what these aliens are.

    Science is limited to the third density, and these being operate on the fourth density (our first

    Caldwell 05 card indicates this)