Speed breaker power


Transcript of Speed breaker power

PowerPoint Presentation



Eco friendly POWER GENERATION through SPEED BREAKERSTeam membersVohra Samir s. 120640109120Divera Yuvrajsinh k. 120640109121Mahida Pradhyumansinh n. 120640109123Solanki KishanKumar m. 120640109124

internal guide : prof.ashok d pateliya

ContentsIntroduction Objective Different mechanisms Block diagramFlow chartParticular mechanisms with its meritComponent and its specification Scope and application Reference


introductionIn the present day scenario power has become the major need for human life. Energy is an important input in all the sectors of any countries economy.The day-to-day increasing population and decreasing conventional sources for power generation, provides a need to think on non-conventional energy resources.Here in this project we are looking forward to conserve the kinetic energy that gone wasted, while vehicles move.


Continued..The number of vehicles passing over speed breaker on road is increasing day by day.Beneath speed breaker, setting up an electro-mechanical unit known piston/water tank assembly could help us conserving this energy and use it for power generation. This generated power can be stored, by using different electrical devices. We can supply this energy to street lights, traffic lights, and nearby areas, and thus helps in countrys economy.


ObjectiveIn our country there is to much short fall of electricity and we try to overcome this problem by non conventional source of electricityTo tap the potentially useful potential energy from vehicles plying on the road.The objective of our project is to produce electricity by very low price.


Possible using different mechanisms

spring coil mechanism

Rack- Pinion mechanism

Crank-shaft mechanism

Roller mechanism


Why we use spring coil and rack pinion mechanism?Roller mechanismMaintenance will be very difficult.Might cause collision.

Crank shaft mechanismCrank-shafts are required to be mounted on bearings which creates balancing problem.Mechanical vibrations produces which in turn damage the bearings.

Because of above disadvantages We use ONLY spring coil mechanism & Rack- Pinion mechanism.Among this we use spring coil mechanism.


Block diagram


Flow chart


Spring coil mechanism

Working processVehicle approaching the speed breaker

Maximum load on the speed breaker is when the vehicle is on the middle of the speed breaker.



Due to this force is applied on the piston/spring mechanism in the water tank.And then water is coming outside of the tank. Now one valve is there which measured the pressure & Valve is maintaining of flow of water.


Continued..This water is passing on rotor blade which rotates & one chain belt is there so Generator is also rotates with rotor. This generator generates electricity which can be used for lighting of the lamps on the road or it may be stored in the battery and can be converted in AC current using inverter and used for lighting of the lamps, signals sign boards on the road.




ComponentPiston/spring arrangementWater tankTurbineDC generatorBattery/inverter



SPRING SELECTION.The function of spring is to bear a load and twist by application of force from the speed breaker. The spring should be such that it can generate enough force to pressurize the water in tank by piston.Based on the strength, functional requirements and the properties of the candidate materials as earlier stated, Stainless steel was selected as the most suitable material for its excellent ability to withstand high stress, good fatigue resistance and long endurance for shock and impact loads. The spring used is in helical shape.The spring stiffness and spring deflection for the chosen spring are 17500 N/m and 0.1M. 16


A small pelton wheel turbine is used . A pelton turbine consists of a set of buckets or cups mounted on a hub. A pelton turbine operates in air with the wheel driven by jets of high pressure water hitting the buckets or cups.



An electrical Generator is a machine which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy (or power).For this model a permanent magnet DC generator with drum type armature, wave winding is suitable which is shown in figSpecification: voltage 12volt, 1200 rpm ,DC generator



VOLTAGE GENERATED (VS) SPEED OF VEHICLESpeed of vehicle (km\hr) Voltage generated (volts)107.93206.28305.03404.66503.03


VOLTAGE GENERATED (VS) LOADVehicle load(Kg)Max. Vol. generated(volts)Mean Power(Watt)Charging Time(sec)20510.737.993.925012.839.47432013.0510.54.140014.9111.214.2



The battery used in the project work is rated for 7AH at 12V.It is a free type rechargeable battery generally called as secondary cell. It can supply continuously for a specified interval time.Current ratings varies in the case of lead-acid battery with high ampere hour capacity is called heavy duty battery.21



CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Resistance (R1=1k, R2=50k variable, R3=100k, R4=100ohm, R5=3k, R6=100ohm, R7=50ohm or 84ohm or 100ohm).Use 50 ohm with 500ohm variable to fine tone output. For me I have use 84 ohm.Capacitor-none polarized (c1=100nf, c2=10nf, c3=1uf, c5=10uf). For c5 you can use 5.6uf-400v polarized, its better.Capacitor-polarized (c4=10uf).IC (555timer).Transistors (q1=c2016 or (9013 but use 220ohm resistor instead of 100 ohm), q2=2n3055).Transformer with/out centertap-220v to 12v step-down, 1A or more.12v battery 10A, or use any ampere.This circuit will work only on 12v not more than 14v or IC will burn.


Low Budget electricity productionLess floor areaNo obstruction to trafficSuitable at parking of multiplexes, malls, toll booths, signals, etc.MERITES24

Scope and APPLICATIONThis mechanism is very economical and easy to install.Two protocols of this type of speed breakers are developed in India .not practically implemented till date.Practically implemented in New Jersey, China and Indonesia. Lots of researches and investigations are going on to practically utilize this technique.


ReferenceIJEDR1401219 International Journal of Engineering Development and Research (http://www.ijedr.org/papers/IJEDR1401219.pdf.) http://www.ijaeee.com/admin/post_image/1384179976_Production_of_electricity_by_the_method_of_road_power_generation.pdf. http://www.ipcbee.com/vol1/55-B10014.pdf. https://www.google.co.in/search?espv=2&q=power+hump+doc&oq=power+hump+doc&gs_l=serp.3..0i22i30.5424.8711.0.10209. Power electronics by P S BHIMRA.chp.8 topic no.8.1 &8.11 page 454-455 & 542-549 respectively.


ConclusionThe existing source of energy such as coal, oil etc may not be adequate to meet the ever increasing energy demands. These conventional sources of energy are also depleting and may be exhausted.These are some non-conventional methods of producing energy. This project is a one step to path of exploring the possibilities of energy from several non-conventional energy sources.27