Speech on Robotics

Intro Globally, more than 1 million limb amputations occur every year. People lose limbs, especially in the developing world, from o Work place accidents o War Broad solution A basic moulded prosthetic doesn’t restore quality of life. I want to create electrically integrated prosthetics to restore fine motor skills enabling people to work again and support themselves and their families


Small speech on the ability to provide robotics

Transcript of Speech on Robotics

Intro Globally, more than 1 million limb amputations occur every year. People lose limbs, especially in the developing world, from Work place accidents WarBroad solution A basic moulded prosthetic doesnt restore quality of life. I want to create electrically integrated prosthetics to restore fine motor skills enabling people to work again and support themselves and their familiesPresent the solution to the problem With a small amount of equipment, what if we could 3D print hands from cheap materials to be fitted by local medics It is my dream to help the millions of people that would benefit from this, all we need to do is think big