Specification by Example - Agile India 2015

right product ankur sambhar | [email protected] specification-by-example hawkeye technique for building Disclaimer: The views presented in this presentation are in the speaker’s individual capacity and J.P. Morgan Services India Private Limited does not endorse the same in any way. Agile India 2015

Transcript of Specification by Example - Agile India 2015

right product

ankur sambhar | [email protected]


hawkeye technique for building

Disclaimer: The views presented in this presentation are in the speaker’s individual capacity and J.P. Morgan Services India Private Limited does not endorse the same in any way.

Agile India 2015

whatwe will discuss?

who I am

why they


products werenot right



product right

right product


Image courtesy : http://goodrequirements.com/2012/behavior-based-requirements/Author: Gojko Adjek (Specification by Example)

how to buildright product?


whywe need specification-by-example?

Agile transformationwhat all has changed with

ensure everyone understandswhat needs to be delivered

precise specifications to eliminate ambiguities and gaps

efficient acceptance criteriato measure completeness

documentation to facilitate change

whatis it really?

Image Courtesy - http://davidtanzer.net/download/images/exampilistic_basic_usage_2.png


business goals

deriving scope

examplescollaboratively specify

refining specification

automated validation of specifications

building living documentation

why we adopted SBE? 

distributed teams

SMEs not co-located

complex business rules

regression packbuilding

what worked for us? 

when to create it?

during product backlog grooming

(PBR) sessions

who all shouldparticipate in it?

anyone who can contribute in specifying examples

“3 Amigos”meeting

this is

how many examples are good enough?

what level of granularity?

who should author examples?

everyone understood requirements correctly?

how to check onregression?

where does it fit in Scrum?

product backlog refinement sessions (PBR)

Definition-of-Ready (DoR)

Definition-of-Done (DoD)

that we used?tools



fitness & cucumber

let’s continue building right product


questions& answers?