Special creature 130713172616-phpapp01


Transcript of Special creature 130713172616-phpapp01


Lesson #1

You are a Special Kind of Creatures

The animals are some amazing creatures. How you ever wonder, why God made you a boy or a girl,

other than animal? Well he had a Plan for you

You are a human being, a very special human creature. God made you a kind of creature that can do things

that not other kind of any other animal would be able to do what you do.

God made you this Way, so that you can come to know Him, Love Him, and serve Him, and be truly happy with Him for

ever in Heaven.

What Jesus Said that Give us Eternal Happiness.

Our Mission is to become Holy, and to find out what Jesus said how we

can be happy

Today we began to talk about you, and me, and other people around the world.

There are some things that made us, human beings, and extra-special. More especial than the trees, the birds,

flowers, and rocks.

What Makes Human Beings Different than Other Creatures?

What made us “human beings” different than other creatures down here on earth?

We read that God created all creatures of the world. So we going to look the Creation of Human Beings

We want to see if it is any thing special about it. Then God said let us make man in our Image and

likeness. So God created man in His own image. In the image of God. He created him: male and

female, He created them. (Gen. 1:26-27)

In His Images and Likeness God made us to be like

Himself; however, we know we are not God: He don’t get sick, or in trouble,

like we do. He is Powerful, and all good, And Yet we are like Him: God

himself said so!

Our Job now, is to find out, How we are like God?

How We are like God? Think about the world and all the things you

have seen:

Have you ever seen the starts, high mountains, and oceans, plants and animals, etc.?

God created all this things, and yet they can not do some of the things, we humans can do.

To start with: They can not think!

Could you ever imagine a plant or animal wondering what would be happen tomorrow?

But you ever think about tomorrow

You wonder what would happen in your next birthday

Or maybe how you’ll do in your spelling text tomorrow.

Human Have the Power to Think

We human have the power to think We can think!

the plans and rocks can not, neither can dogs or cats, cows or giraffes, or any

other animals.

It may seem that your dog or cat, think and is smart…

but because God made animals with certain abilities that dogs supposed to do.

And we called this INSTINCT They know to go the bowl for dinner And run away form a big dog or other danger

All animals were created with Instinct.

Let’s read some definitions of the word INSTINCT1) an inborn pattern of activity or tendency to action com

mon to a given biological species.

2) a natural or innate impulse, inclination, or tendency.

3) a natural aptitude or gift: an instinct for survive

4) natural intuitive power.

All animals were created with Instinct. This is how animals survive!

a) But have you ever heard from a dog that invented things?

b) Or have you ever seen a dog coloring a Pictures? A course not! The dogs don’t have that kind of mind, that

think such things.

Animals have a lower level of Brain Mark

Animals, to figure things out, or to invent things,

they have to learned to do treats to respond to things around them

To follow orders of the masters,

or to catch things,

but this is a much lower level of Brain mark, than you and I can do.

People know how to build houses, generated electricity, make yummy dinners,

You and I can color

We can even figure out how to make a 2nd color, or a 3rd color

We can write our names

We can make some calculations, etc.

but not dogs, monkeys or any other animal could never think like we think.

We Can Think, We Can Choose Because we human beings can think, we can also


The greater saints were very smart; they used their great mind, and their beautiful way of explaining things to help others to God.

Often the better thinkers and writers of the Church are called Doctors of the Church.

ST JOHN CHRYSOSTOM: Golden mouth said: Human beings have a special Power of Thinking

And a special power of Choosing that, there is unlike any power that animals have.

You too, must use your mind to help others to God.

God Gave Us the Power to Choose God gave us the power to choose,

so that we can choose to love Him, so that we can choose to be Happy. Rocks and plants cannot choose

Animals cannot be happy the way we are either.

Only human beings can Love

Only we can be truly Happy

True happiness come when we live with God.

And we will be truly happy only in Heaven, and we will be with God for ever. But being with God IN Heaven is not automatic; if we grow

up, we are growing in our abilities to make choice.

And if we want to be with God ever, we have to choose to be.

“Power to Think, and Power to Choose”“To Love and to Be Free”

By having:

a) the Power of thinking,

b) and the power of choose It’s one way, of the same way, in which we are

like God. another ways we are like God:

c) Being able to Love (a Agape Love)

d) and Our Free Will

God is free, and He made us free also. No one force God to created the world; God doesn’t have to created you and me.

God freely Chose to Brought his Love on Us

Jesus come to earth to die for us. In all this cases

God freely chose to brought his love on us, but no one can force us to love God either,

God made us free, so that we can choose to love him, and other People, too. And when we choose to do good or reject evil, we are

choosing to love Him But God never forces us to do the right thing; we are

truly free!

Many times we are given the choice between what is good and what is bad;

the Ideal is that you Use your free will to choose what is good.

You have the Power of think and Choose

You have the Power of think and Choose God doesn’t force you, he gave you free will, and he let you choose. The more often you choose to do the right thing, the freer you are, It become actually easy to do the right things, than the bad things.

When you choose the bad things, you used your free will badly. If you do this a lot, it becomes harder, and harder to do the right things.

God gave you free will, so you can choose him HE is the only way, where you will find true and ever lasting happiness.

We are Responsible for Our Free Actions

We are responsible for our free actions,

But Animals are not responsible for their actions,

we can make choices; they cannot.

The Dogs don’t choose to bite someone,

He didn’t even know, he did something wrong. That’s his nature or instinct.

a) He did it because either he was afraid, or responding to danger

b) Or he learned a bad habit,

c) Or he has being conditioned in that way.

We are Responsible for Our Free Actions

There is lots of things you can do, because you can think and choose.

You can do things that animals can't do.

You can read,

color, invent things,

write stories,

Work together to make a better world

Help or Care for others, etc.

But the most important thing is to chose to love God.

Animals can not do this;

they cant love God with their minds and hearts

The only creatures on earth that can love God –with their hearts and reason— is the human beings

That means that only humans are truly happy, when choose God.

The Grace of God“God’s Divine Life in our Soul”

GRACE: God’s Supernatural life in our soul.

do you remember your Baptism?

You can not know what was happening in the moment,

but it’s the most important day of your life!

When you were baptized, God came to live in you!

Do you know, how we called Life of God in our souls?

we called God’s Divine life GRACE,

GRACE is God’s life in us, and when God comes to live in us, we are rise up to be a new kind of Creature.

The Grace of God“God’s Divine Life in our Soul”

Now, we are know as the children of our Parents,

but when we are baptized we also become Children of Godo We became his Children, and part of God’s Family.

o And as his children, He live in us,

o and he works in us in a very real way.

God made us the kind of creature that is able to think and to choose, and he gave us freedom to love Him.

o With his Grace he strengthen our will.

o And illuminates our reason.

God lives in us“He Moves us to Do the Good”

But God doesn’t expects us to do all that for ourselves

Instead he come so very close to us, that He lives in us and moves us to do all the good that we do.

He always loves us and by His Grace, he made us able to choose to love Him more and more

For example:

You may notice that is often hard to do what is good,

if you going to get in trouble, it is easy to lie than to tell the truth

God doesn’t force you to tell the Truth,

but he give you all that you need, (His GRACE), so that you can choose what is right.

WE can Think & We can Choose! We have learned about the special Powers that humans have.

o We can think

o We can choose

o God intended that way for us.

Who lives in us, choosing us, to choose the Truth? God is!

o His life in us is called Grace

o God made you and me this way, so that we’ll be able to freely choose to love Him and others.

And if we do this, we will find True Happiness

a) Next time is about Happiness and

b) What would make us truly Happy?