
1. In my point of view, the place that I like most is Singapore because of several reason. Firstly, it’s the cleanest city in the world. Surprisingly, in the city, you can be fined or arrested just for spitting, littering or selling chewing gum. With these strict rules, people have got to learn good habits which eliminate the negative behavior in public places. Secondly, Singapore is famous for the greenest city on earth. Particularly, although small in size, the government began to develop Singapore as a garden city. The downtown street is lined by miles of flowering plants. The special thing is that they grow variety of plants inside the shopping centers, schools and hospitals also. I love the fresh atmosphere there. 2. To me, the moment that I have to choose my career after graduation is the hardest challenge. Before enrolling at the University of Technology, I had spent seven years to learn the violin in the music college. Whether to be an engineer or a music teacher is really tough decision. My parents told me that I should find an engineer job because it brings me more chance to be promoted as well as having stable income. However, personally, I have a big love with music and children. I feel happy when I teach the children how to play the violin. It’s great to see them play better day by day. I don’t want to make my parents unhappy, however, I never give up my passion. 3. I think my most unforgettable memory is the performance in semifinal round of Vietnam got talent contest for a couple of reason. Firstly, it’s the first time I play the violin in front of thousands of audience. I can’t describe how excited I got from this moment. When I first come to the center stage, every people gave me big and long applause. What a happy moment. Secondly, it’s my first show on television. Through the TV network, I gave warmly thanks to my parents and my friends who always encourage and motivate me. Moreover, I received all yes



Transcript of Speaking

1. In my point of view, the place that I like most is Singapore because of several reason.Firstly, its the cleanest city in the world. Surprisingly, in the city, you can be fined or arrested just for spitting, littering or selling chewing gum. With these strict rules, people have got to learn good habits which eliminate the negative behavior in public places.

Secondly, Singapore is famous for the greenest city on earth. Particularly, although small in size, the government began to develop Singapore as a garden city. The downtown street is lined by miles of flowering plants. The special thing is that they grow variety of plants inside the shopping centers, schools and hospitals also. I love the fresh atmosphere there.

2. To me, the moment that I have to choose my career after graduation is the hardest challenge. Before enrolling at the University of Technology, I had spent seven years to learn the violin in the music college. Whether to be an engineer or a music teacher is really tough decision. My parents told me that I should find an engineer job because it brings me more chance to be promoted as well as having stable income. However, personally, I have a big love with music and children. I feel happy when I teach the children how to play the violin. Its great to see them play better day by day. I dont want to make my parents unhappy, however, I never give up my passion.

3. I think my most unforgettable memory is the performance in semifinal round of Vietnam got talent contest for a couple of reason.

Firstly, its the first time I play the violin in front of thousands of audience. I cant describe how excited I got from this moment. When I first come to the center stage, every people gave me big and long applause. What a happy moment.Secondly, its my first show on television. Through the TV network, I gave warmly thanks to my parents and my friends who always encourage and motivate me. Moreover, I received all yes from 3 juries for my performance. Eventually, I strongly believe that this performance is the most unforgettable memory in my life.

4. My most favorite item is the violin.

To begin with, its the most expensive belongs for which I have worked hard for one year to pay. At the first time my teacher played a song by this violin and all in the same breath I decided to buy it whatever its price. Eventually, my dream comes true as I can pay for the violin by instalments. The moment when I touch the violin and play some notes is the most unforgettable memory.

Second, the violin is my closest friend. I can express my emotion with the violin. Whether I am sad or happy, playing the violin makes me feel relax and enjoyable. With the violin, It also connects me with many friends who have the same passion. The moment we play together is wonderful. My violin is the only friend who is always beside to me without any requirement.

5. My father is the most important people in my life.Firstly, he is my reputable teacher. When I was a child, he taught me how to walk, how to speak and how to have a good manner also. Moreover, he has a wide knowledge of math and science, therefore, I am very interested in his explanation about nature phenomenon such as rainbow formation, what solar eclipse is. This kind of teaching method bring me a lot benefit when I am a student since the teacher sometimes dont teach us very well.

Additionally, he is my closest friend. I can share with him many things including my funny or unhappy moments. Specifically, he is a good listener who has deeper level of understanding my situation. For this reason, his advice often help me out of trouble. Thank for my father, the most meaningful one. He can do everything for me without

6. My favorite idol is Fernando Torres, a Spain football player.