Speak Out and Change the World! Voices 2015

Global Tech Women Webinar, March 12, 2015 Speak out and change the world!

Transcript of Speak Out and Change the World! Voices 2015

Global Tech Women Webinar, March 12, 2015

Speak out and change the world!

About me

•Nuts about gender equality

•Equally nuts about genderequality in tech

•Passionate volunteer advocatefor women’s issues in San Francisco

•STEM and the nontechnical me

•Marketing/branding adviser

•My story starts with failures

A call for women’s voices

We’re long overdue for a world in which talented, deeply knowledgeable women break through the noise and rise to be known as the leading voices in their fields, as thought leaders.

— from Guise’s Thought-Leading Women Manifesto

Today’s agenda

•Unpacking trending words and ideas

•Passion to make a difference: the underpinning

•About influencers/thought leaders

•Why we need more women influencers

•7 steps to thought leadership

•Overcoming obstacles

•What success looks like for you

Unpacking trending words and ideas

•Change the world/find meaning in my career


•Thought leadership

•Personal branding

Passion to make a difference

Thought leaders...

•Are distinctive experts

•Are deeply knowledgeable

•Change the way we think

• Influence us

•Are passionate to make a difference

•Create a legacy of ideas


•Known for what you think

•You may think differently about things

•Visible and known: in company, in industry

•You’re “packaged” — identifiable, distinguishable

As a thought leader, you’re...

Advantages of a thought leader


Leave a legacy of

your ideas





Top 3 Common Threads of a Thought Leader

Passion Expertise


Your Thought Leadership

Where are you on the continuum?


Distinctive Ideas


Being a thought leader is…

•Effective to advance your career

•What you want to be known for…today, tomorrow

•How you make a difference

•About core ideas, expressing them, getting them known

•Being an influencer

Influence in the community

What gets influenced

•Workplace processes, behavior, policy

•Products, product safety

•School curriculum and education system


• Immigration

•Human rights

•Policy: environment, science, economy

As an influencer, you…

•Are a go-to authority

•Are chronically curious

•Mentor others

•Help others succeed

•Shape opinions

•Move the needle towards gender equality

•See your passion in action

Where are the women? My soapbox

•Women’s voices are missing around the globe…

•17% at Davos 2015 WorldEconomic Forum

•22% heads of state globally

•3.2% CEOs of Asia Pacific Top 250 firms

•8% CEOs of India Top 50 firms

•4.8% CEOs of U.S. Fortune 500 firms

Where are the women? My soapbox


Where are the women? My soapbox


Where are the women? My soapbox

Where are the women? My soapbox

Phil Cohen, “The most comprehensive analysis ever of the gender of New York Times writers.” Family Inequality blog, April 29, 2014

7 Steps to Thought Leadership

1. Build your support scaffold

2. ID your passion to make a difference

3. Develop your personal brand

4. Write about your core idea

5. Distribute your writing

6. Present/speak on your core idea

7. Keep it new and fresh

1. Build your support scaffold

•Follow your passion

•Develop relationships with uplifting women

•Add support network: Global Tech Women

•Find a mentor + role model

•Enlist stakeholders

•Look in/outside your company for feedback

•Protect yourself from negative people

2. ID passion to make a difference

Exercise: draft a sentence…

What are you passionate about?

What could you become passionate about?

3. Develop your personal brand

•Core idea/message…your passion

•How you want others to see you

•How others see you/your reputation

•Executive presence

• “Package” yourself

•How you show up online/social media

•Personal branding: a forever activity!

Personal vision statement

I will ________________________________________________________________


I will achieve this goal by __________________________


I will provide tech women with the vital resources, tools and support they need to have successful careers, because of the challenges women in technology are up against and my passion to topple the status quo. I’ll achieve this by being a hub for programs and opportunities through my new nonprofit, FemResources.

4. Write about your core idea

•3-5 starter topics

•Develop “library” of intellectual property (IP)

•Tie into what’s trending

•Present “same ol” differently

•Conduct a survey, write the report

•Opinion piece or letter to editor for local print media, your blog, or company blog

5. Distribute your writing

•List ideal online/offline venues

• Identify publications for opinion piece

•Start a blog or contribute to company blog

•Make influencer list/introduce yourself

•Pitch story idea to media/press release

•Create short videos

•Create podcasts – just audio

6. Present/speak on your core idea


• Internal

• Industry/professional meetings as panelist or solo presenter

•Chambers, Rotaries if non-technical

•Speak at every opportunity

•Find/create speaking opportunities

7. Keep it new and fresh

•Update as needed

•Add new idea into your concept bag

•Solicit feedback from mentor, peers, support group

•Stay current with industry trends

•Keep your passion alive!

Personal Action Plan






My vision:

To help get more women into tech jobs and staying in tech, to achieve gender equality in technology

Form nonprofit to provide resources and tools for tech women at all career stages

Build website, launch “club,” resource directories and access to education, skills training, scholarships Conduct research to understand specific issues

Key measure: tech women secure jobs

Research is funded and implemented

Partners sign on

Funding and other grants secured

Garner media attention and regular media inquiries

Tech women sign up to belong

Dec 15

April 15, ongoing

May 15, ongoing

May 15

May 15, ongoing

No funding

No partners

Women don’t show up for membership

Technical issues

Get seed funds, run out

Bad media reviews

Hostile social media

Seek alternatives, e.g. crowd funding

Tweak messaging

Tweak offerings

Op-eds, letters to editors

Ignore hostility where possible; address where needed

Barriers, obstacles and brick walls

• Outside your control:biases, hostility,

• Within your control:Top 5 Barrier-busting Actions

a. Reaffirm your passion

b. Assess situation

c. Assess costs to stay the course

d. Assess costs to retreat

e. Reaffirm your passion


Imposter syndrome

•Repeat, “I am nota fraud!”

•Focus on your value

•Compare yourself onlyto yourself

•Let your passion drive your beliefs

Image: © SnorgTees.com


Confidence obstacles and barriersGlobal Tech Women Voices webinar:

The Confidence Gap: Igniting Brilliance through Feminine Leadership

Lisa Marie Jenkins, Cisco Systems/Lisa Marie Jenkins Consulting

What does success look like for you?

To be successful, be…

1. Curious

2. Bold

3. Patient

4. Impatient

5. Compassionate

Above all, find your passion and live it!

Speak out and change the world!

Roberta [email protected] FemResources.org415-420-6276


SESSIONto first 5 people

who sign up!