SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf

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  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    Liquid Holdup Correlations

    Inclined Two-Phase FlowHemanta Mukherjee, sPE, Johnstm-Maccco Schl.tnbwgp

    James P. Brill, SPE, u. of Tulsa


    Liquid holdup behavior in two-phase inclined flow was

    studied in an inclined pipe-flow simulator. Two sets of

    empirical equations, one each for uphill and downhill

    flow, are presented. For downhill stratified flow, a third

    equation is presented. The liquid holdup equations arc

    functions of dimensionless liquid and gas velocity

    numbers in addition to liquid viscosity number and angle

    of inclination. These four parameters uniquely define the

    flow-pattern transitions in inclined two-phase flow. Con-

    sequently, the hoIdup equations are also implicitly flow-

    patter n dependen t.


    An accurate prediction of liquid holdup is rcquied to

    compute the hydrostatic head loss in two-phase inclinedflow. In this case, hydrostatic head maybe the most im-

    portant of the pressure gradient components. There are

    many liquid holdup correlations in the Iitcramre, but

    nfmost d are for horizontnf or vertical uphilI flow.

    Eaton et al. 1 proposed a holdup correlation based on

    dnta for natnral gas, water, crude oil, and distillate oil

    mixtures in 2- and 4-in. (5- and 10-cm) diameter

    horizontal pipes. This correlation is based on tive dimen-

    sionless groups reflecting various physicaf properties,

    flow rates, system pressures, and pipe diameters. A

    study by Vohra et al. 2 showed that MIS correlation per-

    formed best on a collection of horizontal data taken .by

    Eaton et al 1 and Beggs and Brill. 3 Cunliffe4 found that

    using the Eaton et al. correlation to predkt the total liq-uid volume in a wet gas pipeline was quite successful for

    determining the incremental volume of liquid removed

    from rak increases.

    Using dyn~ic similarity annlysis, Dukler et at. 5

    developed a boldup corm?lation for horizontal two-phase

    flow. This holdup correlation is implicit in Iiquid

    holdup, ~quiring an iterative calculation. Experience

    has shown that most wet gas-transmission applications

    will result in a nwslip liquid holdup calculation when the

    Dukfer et at. correlation is used.

    0149-25 36/S3{0041 .0923500 ,25

    CoPYrlglIt ,983 socie>y of Petrde.m E@nws of AJ.4E

    MAY 1983



    The Beggs and Brill correlation was developed fromdata obtained in an air/water flow system with 1- and

    1,~.in. (2.5- and 3.8-cm) diameter pipes. They con-

    sidered a rsnge of inclination angles from O to & 90.

    Use of the correla~on requires first detemnining the

    holduv for horizontal flow according to cmdicted

    horiz&tal flow patterns. The horizontarholdu~ is then

    corrected for angle of inclination. Palmer6 found that the

    Beggs snd Brifl liquid holdup was overpredicted for both

    uphill and dowrdill flow and suggested proper correction--factors.

    For uphill flow from O to 9, Guzhov et al. 7 pmposed

    a holdup correlation that is independent of inclinationangle. Hughmark and Pressburg g developed a general

    holdup correlation for gaslliquid flow covering a widerange of physical properties and diarnetem. This correla-

    tion is based on data taken in 1-in. (2,54-cm) diameter

    pipe for vertical uphill flow of air, water, oils of different

    viscosities, and carcfolly selected data of other


    In addition to these empirical liquid holdup correla-

    tions, at least two analytical holdup correlations deserve

    mention. Bonnccaze et al. 9 developed a slug flow model

    for inclined pipe based on a mass and force balance

    around a simplified slug unit. The pressure drop con-

    tributions caused by the Iiqnid film and the gas bubble

    were negfected, Using this holdup correlation, they cor-

    related pressure dmp data obtained in 1 x-in. (3.8-cm)

    diameter pipe inclined at various angles around + 10 tofind an expression for friction factor. The holdup equa-

    tion and friction factor correlation were compared with

    field dsta taken in a 6-in. (15.24-cm) dinrneter, 10,000-ft

    (3C48-m) long pipe with a maximum deviation of 5 %.

    With a very similar mechanistic approach, Singh and

    Griffith 10 proposed a simple model for two-phase sIug

    flow in inclined pipes. Most of their mndel pammetera

    were experimentally determined using five different

    diameters of copper pipe at 5, 10, and 15 inclinations

    with an air/water system. For stratified tlow, the authors

    developed a holdup model based on Chezys open-

    channel flow equation. This equation shows that the liq-

    uid holdup is independent of gas flow, which is contrnry


  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    . . . . . . k,.,. 4

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    v T O T RANSDUCE R +DETAIL A [>.:4

    . .










    - OIL F[LTER

    l, TANK

    Fig. lSchematic of inched flow simulator.

    to accepted phenomena. They also suggested a. method

    of calculating liquid holdup for annular flow that is

    iterative in nature. Their liquid holdup models repro-

    duced their data with rcasoaable accuracy.

    Experimental Program

    An experimental facility was designed and constructed to

    obtain the desired test data. Fig. 1 is a schematic of the

    test facility. The test sections consisted of an inverted U-

    shapc 1.5-in. (3.8-cm) ID nominal steel pipe. The closed

    end of the U-shape test sections could be raised or

    lowered to any angle from O to +90 from horizontal.

    Each leg of the U was 56 ft (17 m) long with 22 ft (6.7

    m) entrance lengths followed by 32- ft (9.8-m) long test

    sections on both uphill and downhill sides. Each test sec-

    tion could be isolated from the rest of the piping by

    pneumatically actuated ball valves tint could be opened

    or closed simultmeously when calibrating holdup sen-

    sors. Pressure taps 30.5 ft (9.3 m) apmt were located in

    each test section to permit measuring absolute and dlf-

    fercntiaJ pressures using Vnlidyne transducers. A 7-ft

    (2-m) long transpammt Lexin pipe section was located ineach test section to permit flow pattern observations and

    mounting of capacitance-type holdup sensors shown in

    F@ 2. The outputs from tiese two sensors were record-

    ed on an oscillograph as a time-varying trace. For ob-

    taining am integnited value of holdup over a particular

    period of time, a digital multimeter was used to note the

    gain in voltage output over that particular time. This

    voltage gain can easily be converted to a liquid holdup

    fraction using a linear interpolation over the calibrated

    values of voltage gain for O and 100% oil in the pipe.

    The oil and gas phases were carefully metered before

    mixing, turbbre meters, orifice meters, or rotametera

    wece used. depending on the phase and the flow rates.


    The two-phase mixmm flowed through the test sections

    and into a horizontal separator. The gas (air) was vented

    to the atmosphere and the liquid passed through a filter

    and into a storage tank.

    Kerosene and lube oil were used as the liquid phas~s.

    The surface tension, density, and viscosity of the

    kerosene at 60F (15 .56C) were 26 dyne{cm (26

    mN/m), 51 lbm/cu ft (816.9 kg/m3) and 2 cp (0.002Pa. s), respectively. Corresponding values for the lube

    oil were 35 dyne/cm (35 mN/m), 53. lbmlcu fr (849

    kg/m3 ) and 29 cp (O .029 Pa.s). Temperatures between

    18 and 132F (7.8 and 55.56C) were encountered

    during the tests.

    Phase Slippage and Liquid Holdup

    Ia inclined two-phaae pipe flow, a substantial part of the

    totrd pressure losses may be contributed by, the

    hydrostatic pressure difference. The relative contribu-

    tions of friction gradient and hydrostatic gradient maybe

    dictated by the prevailing flow patterns, angle of inclina-

    tion, and dwction of flow. Many of the current design

    pmcedurcs used for two-phase pipelines fiil to accountfor these effects with any rigor. Part of the problem. ii

    most design procedrm?a is the assumption that the void

    fraction is a unique function of quality and physical

    properties of the fluids. This is prnbably tme where

    homogeneous flow can be assumed or during bubble

    flow at very low gas flow rates. Similar situations may

    also arise where the phase velocity ii very Klgh, so that

    friction pressurs drop governs the total pressure loss. But

    in the remaining cases erirm may arise from. neglecting

    the slip velocity between phases. Thk concept of slip

    velocity comes from the physical phenomenon called


    The term slippage is used to describe a natural


  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    Fig. 2Capacitance sensor test cell and local electmics board.

    phenomenon of one phase slipping past the other in two-

    phase pipe flow. There are several causes for slippage

    between phases, Frictional resistances to flow or irrever-

    sible energy losses in the direction of flow arc much less

    in the gas phase than in the liquid phase. This makes the

    gas more transmissible than liquid in two-phase flow,

    even in the absence of strong buoyancy effects such as in

    horizontal flow. This effect can be ve~ prenounccd in

    ariy segregated flow regime such as stratified flow. The

    large difference ~ compressibilities between gas snd Iiq-

    uid causes the expanding gas to travel at a higher veloci-

    ty and to slip past the liquid when pressure decreases inthe direction of flow. Slippage between phases is also

    premoted by the difference in buoyant forces acting on

    the phases. In a static liquid medium, less-dense gas

    tends to rise with a veIocity proportional to the density

    difference. Zukoski 11 studied the effect of pipe inclina-

    tion angle on bubble rise velocity in a stagnant liquid. He

    concluded that, depending on the pipe diameter, surface

    tension and viscosity of fluids may appreciably affect the

    bubble rise velnci~. His findings also showed that for

    some conditions an inclimtion angle as small as 1 from

    the horizontal can cause the bubble rise velocity to be

    mo= than 1.5 times the value obtained for horizontal

    pipes. This establishes a strong dependence.between in-

    clination angle and phase slippage. In the absence of any

    annlyticzd formulation, the phenomenon of slippage

    caused by bubble rise velocity is studlcd empirically.

    Cheater gravitational forces on the more-dense liquid

    phase promotes fallback of liquid when shear forces and

    buoyant forces fail to support the liquid in upward flow.

    For downward flow it causes the liquid to travel faster

    than the gas. Thus, while buoyancy aIways causes the

    gas phase to rise dative to the liquid phase, gravity

    always tends to cause the liquid to faU faster than the


    A few impommt conclusions can be made from the

    preceding discussion. Except for homogeneous flow, the

    MAY 1983


    presence of slippage between phases in two-phase pipe

    flow is unavoidable at any angle of inclination. In both

    uphill and downhill bubbie or slug flow, when the liquid

    phase is continuous and is capable of being suppmted by

    itself, buoyant forces generate bubble rise velocity caus-

    ing slippage between phases. Near the slug and annula-

    mist flow transition or when the slug length becomes

    long [> 1.5 to 3 ft (0.5 to 1 m)], the phases become

    discontinuous. During this type of flow, broken liquid

    slugs or rippIes incapable of bridging the pipe are seen to

    fall back against the direction of uphill flow. Vecy

    similar flow phenomena occur in dowabill stratified flowwhen the liquid falls back and accelerates until the liquid

    kinetic energy is balanced by the shear energy around the

    liquid layer. In stratified flow, large ir-situ velocities at-

    tained by the liquid as a result of acceleration by grsvity

    normally causes a very smaU liquid holdup. This

    phenomenon is shown in Fig. 3, where, in stratified flow

    at O. 3 63-ft/sec (O. 11-m/s) liquid superficial velocity,

    void fmction rises rnpidly to nearly 97% when very little

    air flows simultaneously. At bigher liquid velocities in

    bubble or slug flow, the void fraction builds up mop

    sIowly. An important deduction at this point is that in

    uphill flow, slippage causes liquid velocity to SIOW

    down, resulting in a net accuqndation of liquid in the

    flow channel or pipe and increasing the in-situ liquidfraction. The in-situ liquid fraction is commonly called

    liquid holdup. In downMll flow, slippage causes the

    in-situ liquid velocity to increase, resulting in a decrease

    in liquid holdup. AU these causes of phase slippage and

    the resulting flow patterns will occur as soon as one end

    of the pipe is raised about one pipe diameter from the

    other end, regardless of the angle of inclination. Thus,

    depending on the Iengtl of the pipe snd direction of

    flow, characteristic flow patterns or liquid hoIdup for in-

    cliied flow should be observed even at extremely low

    angles. For exsmple, at my low uphiU angle, the

    s~titied flow pattern should never be observed.


  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    ,.o~,, ,0 ,0 m ,00 ,,0

    S ,EX,,C,AL 0.4, VS,OCITY (FT/$EC1

    Fig. 3Void fraction vs. V%g at different values of V,L fOr

    - 30~ angle.

    . .0 20 40 ,0 m IOD 120

    SUPERFICIAL ,$ vEmcnY (fTmc)

    Fig. 4Void fraction vs. Vw at different values of V,L for

    horizontal flow.



    2 4:.

    s, = p..:,M,;sEc

    . s . : ,.,6, FV5,c

    0,1 ~ L f.;.,+ ,:;,,=

    (mm ./s1

    ,o~o,PERFIc,.+L . AS ,LOC,T, (FvwC)

    Fig. 5Void fraction vs. Vw at different values of V,L for+90 angle.


    Development of Liquid HoIdup Correlation

    ArmIytical expressions for liquid holdup have been at-

    tempted for uphill two-phase slug flow in vertical pipes

    and for downhill flow at low angles of inclination in the

    range of O to 15. Considering the complex slippage

    mechanism, a global liquid holdup model for any pipe

    inclination has not been attempted before.

    More than 1,500 liquid holdup measurements at uphiIl

    and downhill inclination angles from O to +90 fromhorizontal were obtained in this stndy. Attempts to cor-

    relate these data into a global empirical liquid holdup

    correlation are presented in the following. At each uphill

    and downhii angle, void fraction was plotted as a func-

    tion of superficial gas velocity for fixed supeflcial liquid

    velocity. Each of these pIots was continuous within the

    error tolerance of the holdup measurements. Example

    plots are shown in Figs. 4 through 6. At very high gas

    rates, the curves almost become asymptotic with the

    100% void fraction (O% liquid holdup). For downhiil

    stratified flow at very low gas rates, the void fraction

    rises rapidly and then almost linearly increases with in-

    creased gas rates. However, the void fraction plot for

    horizontal ffow is sirniIar to the uphiIl plot, even in thestratified flow regime. The geneml shapes of these plots

    prompted sekction of a nonlinear regression equation of

    the focm

    [HL =exp (cl +c2sin@+cssin26 +c4NZ )

    NC. 5


    NL 6

    . . . . . . ...(1)

    Subsequently, three liquid holdup correlations were at-

    tempted, one for uphiII and horizontal flow and the other

    two for downhill stratified flow and the other downhill

    flow patterns. The regression coefficients are given in

    Table 1. The coefficients were obtained by using the

    nonlinear BMDP regrcsaion programs. 12 In each of the

    regression analyses, the outliers in the residual plot w, w

    deleted from the data set and the anaIysis was repeate~.

    The seIection of phase velocity numbers as the in-

    dependent variables instead of the phase supefllcial

    velocities as shown in Figs. 4 through 6 was done to

    make the variables dimensionless. These numbers were

    also suggested as correlating parameters by Duns and

    Ros, 13 Hagedorn and Brown, 14 and Eaton et al. 1 The

    velocity numbers, together with the inclination angle,

    also formed the independent variables defining the flow

    patterns. Hence, inclusion of all these variables implicitl-

    y makes the holdup conflation flow-regime-dependent.

    The use of dimensionless numbem should not affect the

    shapes of curves shown in Figs. 4 through 6 since, for a

    fixed oil, convecting superficial velocities to dimen-

    sionless form reqnires multiplication by a nearly constant

    quantity of appmxima.tely 2.5 for this study.

    Effects of In&nation Angle and Viscosity

    The second-degree polynomial function of the form

    c1 +c2sinO+c3sin2@ was selected by plotting liquid

    holdups for differsnt angles of inclination at fixed liquid

    and gas velocity numbers. This relation was also con-

    firmed by comparing results of other equation forms in

    trisl runs of the regmsion analysis. The best error as in-


  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    dicated by the sum of squares was obtained using the

    second-degree relation. The equation is ako consistent

    with the Beggs and Brill discove~ that liquid holdup

    passes through maximums and minimums at fixed in-

    clination angles of approximately +5o 0 and 500,

    ~spectively, for their data. Eq. 1 shows that the liquid

    holdup should increase as the uphill angle of inclination

    increases: Thk can be shown graphically by comparing

    liquid holdup values obtained fmm the plots in F@. 7

    and 8, where void fractions arc plotted for the iame oil at

    three simif.w &pirOciaI liquid velocities for horizontal

    and uphill 30 pipe inclination.

    Intuitively, increased liquid viscosity should increase

    viscous shear, causing irrcrcased liquid holdup regardless

    of iriclination angle. Positive coet%cients of the liquid

    viscosity n~ber in all the holdup correlations support

    this hypothesis,

    In general, any force that creates drag on any phase

    against the direction of flow tends to increase the in-situ

    fraction of that phase. As a result, viscous dtag on the

    liquid will always tend to increase the liquid hoIdup, ir-

    respective of inclination angle. However, gratihy forces

    on the mo~ dense phase will tend to increase the holdup

    of that phase for uphill flow and decrease it for downhill

    flow. Similarly, buoyant forces will tend to decrease

    void fraction for uphill flow, while increasing it for

    downhill flow,

    Discussion of Results

    The proposed fiquid holdup corrdatirm was tested with

    the observed data to check the reproducibility of the

    obsewed holdup values. For both the oils at different

    angles .of inclination, the relative percerit errors were

    calculated for individual experimental observations. For

    each angle and each oil, the average percent errors md

    their standard deviations (Table 2) were also calculated.

    The capacitance sensor for liquid holdup rneasurcment

    was found to be less. accurate in the fwtge of liquid

    holdups less than 10% or more than 90%. In these

    ranges of liquid holdups, ve~ high percent errors were

    observed (more than 30%). More than 80% of these data

    points wiib high percent errors wee found to be in an-

    nular or stratified flow regime, III both of these flow

    regimes, the contribution from hydrostatic head to the

    total p~ssure loss is quite insignificant. As such, those

    data points with more than 30% relative percent error

    were not used for the calculation of either average per-

    cent errors or the standard deviations.

    In the development of these liquid holdup correlations,

    the BMDP nordirrcar regression package was used. This

    regression method minimizes the residual sum of squares

    to calculate the regression coefficients. The observation

    correspondkrg to the otitf ien in the residual plot were ex-

    cluded in the development of the holdup correlations.

    Normally, these outliera indicated erroneous observa-

    tions. This criterion for cuHing data does not correspond

    to minimizing the average percent error. Hence, when

    these corrdations were applied to the observed data, a

    fu~er culling of data based on average percent error

    was required. Normally, dependbrg on the value of the

    absolute relative error, the sensitivity of the holdup

    measurement techniques reflects a great deal on the

    average percent error. For very small values of obsemed

    holdup, even with acceptable absolute error, relative er-

    MAY 1983


    ?- .-





    e = W s=. s, = ,. ,, , ,,/s,.

    0.2 , , , . 0.55;.gj,,c

    (0.09 .,s

    Fig. aVoid fraction vs. V,g at different values of v~L for

    -90 angle,



    6 0,~

    . s,

    ~ [FT/?.Ecl

    $ ,., . ,,,,4 (mm ,s1

    so ,.,6, (0.,, km

    $.9 (u, MI,)

    0,2. 7.i 12.2s MIS)

    1,.0 13.66 MB)

    Fig. 7Void fraction vs. superficial gas velocity at fixed

    superficial liquid velocity for horizontal flow.

    Fig. 8Void fraction vs. superficial gas velocity at fixed

    superficial fiquid vefocity for uphill flow at 30.



  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf




    Flow Direction Pattern e, C2 Cs c. C5 C6__ _ _ z .-

    Uphill flow all -0.380113 0,129875 -0.119788 2.343227 0.475686

    downhll flow stratified -1,330282


    4 . S08 13 9

    other -0.5i6644 0.78s805

    4.17< 584 56.262268 0.079951 0.504S87

    0.551627 15.519214 0.371771 0.393952



    Average Standard

    Anale Number of Error Deviation


















    Lube al





















    ( )





    - ? .96













    33 -1.01

    43 -7.52

    38 -4.34

    23 -0.26

    37 -7,15























    ror may be very kuge. This is often caused by division of

    a small quantity in the calculation of percent error.

    Values of average percent error and sfsndard deviations

    for liquid holdup for each oil at different angles of in-

    clination are shown in Table2.


    Ari empirical model forinclined two-phase flow liquid

    holdup is proposed. The proposed model enables. the

    determination of liquid holdup regardless of the angle of

    inclination and the direction of flow. The set of holdup

    correlations is dependent on the snrne dlmension168s

    painmeters that control the flow pattern transitions in

    two-phase. flow. Except for downhll stratified flow, the

    liquid holdup correlations are continuous across flow-

    pattem transitions.


    c = ~~pirial constant

    g =mvitationd accelemtion, ft/secz (m/sz)HL =Iiq iid holdup

    N8V =gas velocity number, vfcbL/(g@]O25

    NL =liquid viscosity number, pL~/(pLn3)]0Z


    NLP =liqtidvelocity nuniber, U$L[P@T)]025

    P,g = supefIcisJ gas velocity, ft/5ec (m/s)

    VSL = supefllcial liquid veloci~, ft/sec (m/s)

    x = viscosity,, cp (Pas)

    p = density, lbm/cu ft (kg/m3)

    ~ = s 451.

    .. ----14. Haged?m, A.R, and Bmym, K. E.: .Experimerdal Study ofPIEssure Gradients OcmnrirIE Dwig CoMin.ous Two-Phase

    Flow i. Small Diameter Verdcal Ccmduits,,, J. Pet Tech. (Apdf

    1 96 5) 47 5- 84 .

    S1 Metric Conversion Factors

    in. x 2.54* E+OO = cm

    ft X 3.048* E01 = m

    .Conversion factor k exact. m

    Original manuscript received in Sociely of Petroleum Engine.m o hm March 22,

    1 S82. Revised ma.uscr;pl received Jan. 21, 19S3. Paw acwted for Pubkaao.

    Ocl 8, 1SS2.


    -.. .

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    time. This voltage gain can easily be converted to a liquid holdup fraction

    using a linear interpolation over the calibrated values of voltage gain for

    zero percent and 100 percent oil in the pipe.

    The oil and gas phases were carefully metered before mixing; turbine

    meters, orifice meters or rotameters were used depending on the phase and the

    flow rates. The two-phase mixture flowed through the test sections and i nto a

    horizontal separator. The gas (air) was

    liquid passed through a filter and into

    Kerosene and lube oil were used as

    vented to the atmosphere and the

    a storage tank.

    the liquid phases. The surface

    tension, density and viscosity of the kerosene at 60F were 26 dynesjcn,

    51 lb ft3 and 2 cp, respectively. Corresponding values for the lube oil were

    35 dynes/cm, 53 lb~ft3 and 29

    encountered during the tests.

    CP, Temperature between 18 and 132F were


    In inclined two-phase pipe flow a substantial part of the total pressure

    losses may be contributed by the hydrostatic pressure difference. The relative

    contributions of f r i c t ion gradient and hydrostatic gradient may be dictated by

    the prevailing flow patterns, angle of inclination and direction of flow. Many

    of the current design procedures used for two-phase pipelines fail t o account

    for these ef}ects with any rigor. Part of the problem Inmost design

    procedures is the assumption that the void fraction is a unique function of

    quality and physical properties ofhomogeneous flow can be assumed or

    rates, Similar situations may also

    the fluids. This i s probably true where

    during bubble flow at very low gas flow

    arise where the phase velocity is very

    high, so that friction pressure drop

    the remaining cases errors may arise

    between phases. This concept of slip

    governs the total pressure loss. But in

    due to neglect of the slip velocity

    velocity comes fr@m the physical

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    phenomena called slippage.

    The term slippage is used to describe a natural phenomena of one phase

    slipping past the other in two-phase pipe flow. There are several causes for

    slippage between phases. Frictional resistances to flow or irreversible energy

    losses in the direction of flow are much less in the gas phase than in the

    liquid phase. This makes the gas more transmissible than liquid in two-phase

    flow, even in the absence of strong buoyancy effects such as in horizontal

    flow. This effect can be very pronounced in any segregated flow regime such as

    stratified flow. The large difference in compressibilities between gas and

    liquid causes the expanding gas to travel at a higher velocity and slip past

    the liquid when pressure decreases in the direction of flow. Slippage between

    phases is also promoted by the difference in buoyant forces acting on the

    phases. In a static liquid medium, less dense gas tends to rise with a

    velocity proportional to the density difference. Zukoski 15 studled the effect

    of pipe inclination angle on bubble rise velocity in a stagnant liquid. He

    concluded that, depending on the pipe diameter, surface tension and viscosity

    of fluids may appreciably affectthe bubble rise velocity. His fixidings also

    showed that for some conditions an inclination angle as small as one degree

    from the horizontal can cause the bubble rise velocity to be more that 1.5

    times the value obtained for vertical pipes. This establishes a strong

    dependence between inclination angle and phase slippage. In the absence of any

    analytical formulation, the phenomenon of slippage caused by bubble rise

    velocity is studied empirically.

    Greater gravitational for es on the more dense liquid phase promotes fall

    back of liquid when shear forces and buoyant forces fail to support the liquid

    in upward flow. For downward flow it causacth liquid to travel faster than

    the gas. Thus, while buoyancy always causes the gas phase to rise relative to

    the liquid phase, gravity always tends to cause the liquid to fall faster than

    the 8as,

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    A few

    Except for

    phase pipe

    important conclusions can be made from the precedin8 discussion.

    houiogeneous flow the presence of slippage between phases in two-

    flow is unavoidable at any angle of inclination. In both uphill and

    downhill bubble or slug flow, when the liquid phase is continuous and is

    capable of being supported, buoyant forces generate bubble rise velocity

    causing slippage between phases. Near the slug and annular-mist flow

    transition or when the slug length becomes long (more than about two to three

    ft) the phases become discontinuous. During this type of flow, broken liquid

    slugs or ripples incapable of bridging the pipe are seen to fall back against

    the direction of uphill flow. Very similar flow phenomena occur in downhill

    stratified flow when the liquid falls back and accelerates until the liquid

    kinetic energy is balanced by the shear ner8y around the liquid layer, In

    stratified flow, large insitu velocities attained by the liquid as a result of

    acceleration due to 8ravity normally causes a very small liquid holdup, This

    phenomenon is shown in Fig. 3 where in stratified

    superficial veloci:y, void fraction rises rapidly

    little air flows simultaneously. At higher liqutd

    flow, the void fraction builds up more slowly. An

    flow at 0.363 ft/sec liquid

    t o almost 97% when very

    velocities in bubble or slug

    important deduction at this

    point is that in uphill flow, slippage causes liquid velocity to slow down

    resulting in a net accumulation of liquid in the flow channel or pipe and

    increasing the insitu liquid fraction,

    called liquid holdup. In downhill flow

    to increase resultlng in a decrease in

    The insitu liquid fraction is commonl y

    slippage causes insitu liquid velocity

    liquid holdv,p. AM these causes of

    phase slippa8e and the result$n8 flow patterns will occur as soon as one end

    of the pipe i8 raised about one pipe diameter from the other end regardless of

    the an81e of inclination. Thus, dependins OR the lmgth of the pipe and

    direction of flow, characteristic flow patterns or liquid holdup for inclined

    flow should be observed even at extremely low angles. For example, at any low

    uphill angle, the stratified flow pattern should never be observed.

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf









    o I I


    lB o


    m VSL = 12,041FT/SEC

    O VSL = 3,910 FT/SECI vSL = 0,363 FT/SEC

    t I I 1 1n mn .-

    4U 80 100

    superficial GASvELOcITY(FT/sEc) ~


    Fig. 3- Voi d Fraction w v8g atDifferent Values of VSLfor -30 Degrees Angle

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    Development of Liquid Holdup Correlation

    Analytical expressions for liquid holdup have been attempted for uphill

    two-phase S1U8 flow in vertical pipes and for downhill flow at low angles of,.

    Inclination ln,the range of O to 15 degrees. Considering the complex slippagemechanism, a global liquid holdup model for any pipe inclination has not been

    attempted previously.

    More than 1500 liquid holdup measurements at uphill and downhill

    inclination an81es from 0 to f90 from horizontal were obtained in this

    study. Attempts to correlate these data Into a global empirical liquid holdup

    correlation are presented below. At each uphill and downhill an81e, void

    fraction was plotted as a function of superficial 8ae velocity for fixed

    superficial liquid velocity. Each of these plots was continuous within the

    error tolerance of the holdup measurements. Example plots are shown tn Fi8s. 4

    throu8h 6. At very high 8as rates the curves almost become asymptotic with the

    100 void fraction (O% liquid holdup). For downhill stratified flow at very

    low8as rates the void fraction rises rapidly and then almost linearly

    increases with increased gas rates. However, the void fraction plot for

    horizontal flow Is similar to the uphill plot, even in the stratified flow

    reeime. The general shapes of these plots prompted selection of a non-linear\

    regression equation of the form

    2 N C5HL=EXF(Cl+C2 Sin e+C3Sin 0+C4NL) ~.. .o~**. .~C(l)*..C(l)NLV 6

    Subsequently, three liquid holdup correlations wer e attempted, one for uphill

    nd horizontal flow and the other two for downhill strat~fied flow and the

    other downhill flow patterns. The re8ress&on cwdikients are given In Table

    1. The coefficients were obta~ned by using the non-ltnuar BIOMED4egression

    pro8ramao In each of the regression analysee, the outliers in the res dual

    plot were deleted f r o m the data set and the analyees wao repeated.

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf








    VSL = 7.325 FT/SEC

    VSL = Oc363FT/SEC.

    x VSL = 0.094 FT/SEC

    o 20 40 60 80 100 1


  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    . .









    VSL = 10,679FT/SEC

    VSL = 0.363FT/SECmx VSL = 0.094FT/SEC

    I i 1 I 1 10 20 40 80 80 100 120

    superficial GASVELOCITYFT/sEC)~

    Fig. 6- Void Fraution w Vs g atDifferent Values of V~ for 90 Degrees Angle

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    ~ AI

    I m VSL = 10.679FT/SEC

    A VSL = 1.817FT/SEC

    VSL = 0.305 FT/SEC

    I I I I I

    o 20 40 60 80 100 12


    Fig. 6- Void Fraction vsDifferent Values of-90 Degrees Angle

    VW atvsL for

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    I I

    Table 1

    Coefficients of Liquid Holdup Equation

    iI I

    I Values of CoefficientsFlow Direction Flow Pattern i1 1 I 1 B I 1 @ 1I 1 I IC I 1 I I1 I Ic I lc~cvlc I1 I I I j ~

    I I I~ Uphill Flow ~ All ~ -0.380113 ~ 0.129875 ~ -0.119788 ~ 2.343227 ~ 0.475686 ~ 0.288657 I1 11 II 1 ~ I ~ It 1 1

    IDownhill Flow I Stratified

    i 1 330282 ~ 4.808139

    .1 i~ 4.171584 i 56.262268 ~ 0.079951 i 0.5048W

    I iOther ~ -0.51644 ~ 0.789805 ~~ 0.551627 ~ 15.519214 ~ 0.371771 \ 0.393952 II i

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    The selection of phase velocity numbers as the independent variables

    instead of the phase superficial velocities as shown in Figs. 4-6 was done t o

    make the variables dimensionless. These numbers were also suggested as

    6 9correlating parameters by Duns and Ros , Hagedorn and Brown , and Eaton

    et al. The velocity numbers, together with the inclination angle, also formed

    the independent variables defining the flow patterns. Hence, inclusion of all

    these variables implicitly makes the holdup correlation flow regime dnpendent.

    The use of dimensionless numbers should not affect the shapes of curves shown

    . in Figs. 4-6 since, for a ~xed oil, converting superficial velocities to




    form requ~.- _. ~lication by a nearly constant quantity of

    2.5 for this study.Effects of Inclination Angle and Viscosity

    The second degree polynomial function of the form Cl + C2 Sin e +C3 Sinz e

    was selected by plotting liquid holdups for different angles of inclination at

    fixed liquid and gas velocity numbers. This relation was also confirmed by

    comparing results of other equation forms in trial runs of the regression

    analysis. The best error as indicated by the sum of squares was obtained using

    the second degree relation. The equation is also consistent with the Beggs and

    Brill discovery that liquid holdup passes through maximums and minimums at

    fixed inclination angles of approximately +50 and -50, respectively for

    their data. Eq. 1 shows that the liquid holdup should increase as the uphill

    angle of inclination increases. fiis fact can be shown graphically by

    comparing liquid holdup values obtained from the plots in Figs. 7-8 where void

    fractions are plotted for the same oil at three similar superficial liquid

    velocities for horizontal and uphill 30 pipe Inclination.

    Intuitively, increased liquid viscosity should increase viscous shear

    causing increased liquid holdup irrespective of inclination angle. Positive

    coefficients of the liquid viscosity number in all the holdup correlations

    support this hypothesis,

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf














    A 0.0940 0.363 3.9x 7.3 12.0

    1 1 I 1 10 20 40 60 80 100 120


    Fig. 7-, Figure ShowingVoidFraction w Superficial (3as Velodtyat Fixed Superficial LiquidVelocity for Horizontal Flow

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf






    VSL(FT/SEC)o 0943*9


    0 20 40 60 80 100 120


    Fig. 8- Figure Showing Void Fraction vs Superficial Gas Velocity at FixedSuperficial LiquidVelocity for UphillFlowat 300

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    In general any force which creates drag on any phase against the

    direction of flow tends to increase the insitu fraction of that phase. As a

    result, viscous drag on the liquid will always tend to increase the liquid

    holdup, irrespective of inclination angle. However, gravity forces on the more

    dense phase will tend to increase the holdup of that phase for uphill flow and

    decrease it for downhill flow. Similarly, buoyant forces will tend te decrease

    void fraction for uphill flow while increasing it for downhill flow.


    The proposed liquid holdup correlation was tested with the observed data

    to check the reproducibility of the observed holdup values. For both

    experimental oils at different angles of inclination the relative percent

    errors were calculated for individual experimental observations. For each

    angle and each oil the average percent errors and their standard deviations

    were calculated. The data points with more than 30 percent relative percent

    error were not used for the calculation of either average percent errors or

    the standard deviations. A majority of these data were for liquid hcldups less

    than 10 percent or more than 90 percent. In this range of liquid holdup the

    capacitance sensor was found to be less accurate and high percent errors in

    the measured values were expected. However, for most of these very low or very

    high liquid holdup cases, the sensitivity of total pressure loss to the liquid

    holdup was greatly reduced.

    In the development of these liquid holdup correlations, the BMDPnon-

    linear re~ression package was used, Thts regression method minimizes t he

    residual sum of squares to calculate the regression coefficients, The

    observations corresponding to the outliers in the res&dual plot we~= c~cludei

    in the development of the holdup correlations. Normally, these outliers

    indicated erroneous observations, This criterion for culli~ data does not

    correspond to minimizing the average percent error. Hence, when these

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    correlations were applied to the observed data, a further culling of data

    based on average percent error was required. Normally, depending on the value

    of the absolute relative error, the sensitivity of the holdup measurement

    techniques reflests a great deal on the average percent error. For very small

    values of observed holdup, even with acceptable absolute error, relative error

    may be very large. This is often caused by division of a small quantity in the

    calculation of percent error. Values of average percent error and standard

    deviations for liquid holdup for each oil at different angles of inclination

    are shown in Table 2.

    CONCLUSIONSAn empirical model for inclined two-phase flow liquid holdup is proposed.

    The proposed model enables the determination of liquid holdup irrespective of

    the angle of inclination and the direction of flow. The set of holdup

    correlations is dependent on the same dimensionless parameters that control

    the flow pattern transitions in two-phase flow. Except for

    flow, the liquid holdup correlations are continuous across


    downhill stratified

    flow pattern

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf


    Table 2

    Statistical Parameters for Holdup CorrelationsApplied to Obeerved Data

    oil Angle iI ~f / Averagedegrees) ~ , % Errori I

    Standard iDeviation I



    :; 5J


    -;-20 .-30-50-70-80-90

    35iI 2.7948 I O*O457 I 4.71I 5*494; \ -1.96

    -2.17I6; ~ 4.98-2.77

    % ~ 2.9542 / -1.8640 I 2.44-O*33:; ~ 6.8131 I -1.7133 I 5 3529

    1- os05


    6. 19




    II 1

    01:; I I

    15.01-7.52 I 8.22-4.34 13.58

    : I

    I-Oe26 II 15 4337 -7.15 15.87

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf













    empirical constazs

    l~quid holdupgas-velocity number, v

    Sg {pL/(gu)}25liquid-velocity number, v sl {@@}25

    liquid viscosity number, p L { j/(pLu3)}*25

    superficial gas velocity, ft/sec

    superficial liquid velocity, ft/sec

    viscosity, Cp

    density, lbm/ft3

    surface tension,

    pipe Inclination


    angle from horizontal


    Cp x 1*O* E-03 = Pa S

    dyne x 1.0* E-02 = mN

    F *F- 32)/1.8 = c

    ft X 3.048* E-01 = m

    inx 2.54* E+OO = cm

    lbm X 4.535924 E-01 = KS

    * Conversion factor is exact.

  • 8/11/2019 SPE 10923 Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-phase Flow.pdf














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