SPAWM c^^ fe^ thn...

¦ 1 -4 m xmM ¦ ¦ ' . f. ' .^t^ i '• ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦*i i ": ¦ , '; -< ¦ ¦¦ -"' f^A;-! TH— . wA-_&Ew—&t _i_W_.# •¦-- j^^ u^^^^nr" r'T,- ; . i 1 ; :. . ¦¦ i QlAfliu0 jut?*ioir;" I " 1 . t ' LiBOEST.Clsqcn i.TIO}i !r» THJ( SOOT H! <)» IBSt,A>Tr> SPuMWue aiirj FElD4l '/<rra ^a*X4^:«V^> TUBD.A 1 ir . : Mtmin|«,J«t »>»; «9 «t»« 50, KtagtnsVI:,: •. i (OPFOi IT» TH»lr»OTi»cm.,-»Ajr^>.,. , > ., i •OEICE-^-TWO PJWCB iTeaily(iiAdna»oe), 8s. Sd. Jt« ' " - By pprfWMtffrfc iPf7pd.[r : ' : i; v i < K3T AH Clieqt ea aiiJ IP. O, Ordtos. dnadaipayable to COBNEEHJS P. EBtt»tf>Nb, : at this Offio*. i; ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' li ' ^ . ^ v *' } ' 'I ¦ ' x ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i Th» NEWS (Libt ml In lioliaoa) oircnlatag eifenrivjoly eimoowb thn merohanta^ tradari and! nobility. v gantiy, farming classes , &< .t . in Witaiford, Kilkermy, Tipper»ry, and the south of Ireland geBetaUy. 'l The N»ws naa attained a cirb^tion^heSer , equalled by any paper published in WaMrford, bad 18 admittedly . tha. leading journal iti this imp )rtantqity, with ;wHnE there Is direct iailT oc-nmnnicafi in fronyjondoni ' j ' ! ; ' V ¦ 1 Pattirul&r atterr ion {aid to oommormnl-Mid'ttgrlouI- tural tnatters. j ¦ .: fr ; - ' ° ' •:': . ¦ -- •]¦ J - '' .. ¦! AdTBrtisements tooeiyeqior the NEWB by oil respect- ¦jbla Newspaper Agents jn thfl. Uidied; Kingdom. : Pre- payment roqakfte from patties apt knownj at the office. i AiafcHTS FOB Sita oi TBS Ttstysi usty voa; AavEfcTissHSHfa s ,r ' ¦ - TVATEBEOBl>—llr; W. | Kxtt.T, little Qeorge' s-st; _ BUNGABVAN—! JEISAI * & 00], Devbn»Mte Sonara ' , •' ; TBAMOEE—iliai : GLANCT ,.Ecft»»ftnWnt^£ooms. ' 0AREI0K.ON-SI XB^-MT, H«.w»,ifewi^g«it, i LONDON-J: G. - KINO * SoK j Bolt ' Courfc, Fleets. . DUBLIN—JleBsr^ W, p. §MlTH & 8J>N ,;Aliboy.rt.i j ENGIR D AJa> SOtJTH WALES - . A^:Tiir _ SOTITHI oy JBBLAHJ). ! i- lUte«i Service [by ;<>£E AT. WESTEBSf j BAIL- - Milford Haven. inicotnection TOth.jtfi e JP ATBBT ^ IBSLAND, i andj i -W AT WOBD, ; OPKOABVAN. . ABD i SSt^S&M . indi: Bedncii^area.j Tr-^-JK ; ¦ ¦ Etvrets Traint \and ' ; Fast . _p5? Ss5\ ,lk : H Koil flteamCTt , :i ¦ '5^____ S 2L \ lxrBBY:W! !X£DAX. ' : no-WN -LEi vilLoNBQW (Paddington) at 5.45 p.m.* -^" Sundays taepW4, and ABBIYS = AT WATra. yoED (wiather and dronmsto ^ permitting) . aW elovon a.ih., in tJme tor^e. 'Traina btt ; So Watorford and Linieriok ;, Central Irelarjd , ^j p Lr^e ^te^t ' s.O p.m., Woimok Day, OT ' o J Arrival of ;the U a.m Train torn Urnonqk; 10 ^ a!to. Train from Maryborough, and ' ¦ 8 l ' o ' a m ' Train 1 from liBmore; AsMvmo ?n 1 LONDON ' : (weather ana cironmstanooa por^ mitting) 1110.45 < a.m., the. foUowuig day;. . ¦ ¦ . . 1 q Dccial Steamir, carrying PasBengeri, penahab , le J?Sa Li^S&k . milSaUfromW &L. Company - a wttcrford at7S>. on Mondays) on arrival of tho 0.15 <iv^n from Paddirgtoa the pronoun oreuing. - ¦; ¦??£&»teSfaSw by the Steamo;r tevb«Wator- foriVlI- toturdaji will proceed from New iUUord by ^"SS^PSSSffT^-^^. W0 ^ar»u y»" ^ , t^a.ataffCB will lion be ^^^ enabJI thTs ^ers to dep^ PUNCT^aT ^So^mffiN from NEW i iLFOED wm ^ in aU^r fwAH• paiV j AX of Steamers leaving Wt ^nai^o ^BtanJ ^ canPasBen^ hol ding Thi^d i: ! .. I 3rd Clasa andFpr;eCabin.20B Od E^ BNO (available 2 .onth.) Ut^^S^n , V6B. ' ,, » 3ra Cla8B and Fore! Cabin, -33s«. , Paddiwrton TermintsJ ' - ! I i : r< '"' . . : AMEiUCAiJ LIN}!i.! ; i . ' ¦: ¦« v- ' !> V tnsilTED STATES MAIIi •=i_ll_2^b»]iiYerpool to Philadelp hia, , NEW YO£K , iiOSTON. or BALTIMOEE , ! KVEET : WEDNESDAY, | ; ! Calling at Qu^enstown ThuradayB. ' PirBt-clasa Fnll-powored ; Iron j. Steamships. The «nly TransJ-Atlantio lino Bailing nndet tbe Urii- tcdiStates Flag. 1 Accommodation for |all olaa^ea of Passengers equal to any European Steamship lino. Ptwaengers and goods aro landed at Philadelp hia on the j Wharf of the . Pennsylvania Eailrpad Company, irhioh has the shortest and most direct route to all places in the Western Slates. ' I ; i F»r further particulars apply to ! ! I I EI0HAUDS0N- , 8PENCE 4 Co. ' ! ¦ ;|17 andjW. Water-streot, Liverpool;, I " LOCii AQRNTB : . j I IHABVET M Saii'i' i H , Little George' s-Strcet, i 1 . Waterford;. I "| ! i EICHABD LANBY. CaTriok on-Soir ; ! WILLIAM O'DONOGHUE, Kilmacthomas ; j DOYLE & HUNT; New EoiB. i (o3) rr AMGHlOR" LLINE ^ i ; ![ l_ ; .! ' i : I MA^L' :!^TEAME B !' S. ; ' ^ \ "TNTOTIOE—To obviate tne risk I of collision; i- Nj lessen tbi ordinir ir dangers of Nation, and enroro Finer Wkther7the-owneM of the '' Anchor ! Iiae have adopWd Lieut Mwray' s syek m of : separatj Steam Lane Eoiites for the Oatward p d Homeirard Passages of theif Atlantic BteamerJ , whereby : the moat Bo^thorly route p racticable w illbe regolarly maiatained throogbont all seasons of the year, j I. ¦ ¦ " CITY OF RO3IE, '/ 8.415Ton« , ona of the strongest, largest, and fastist ol, the Atlantic , wiU saH as under. Excellent acoommodation for «llclasst« of Passpngew. | Fnin[ Qwxn»lown to Neu) \T(irk: ¦ ¦; Cnr OP EOUE ..: ., , ' ••;. j g^i Blh : plsTcn^oiIboc ked i U partoof the;UnitSd;State* ? ^P^ Or 1 aI ^N^i0N B%EH S, ; i VV1 . I : Scott 8auare , Queenstown. J LOCii AQKSTB. ! j i ' FHTI&; WA BO i WBIA8 &H0I.0HAN 'Hwgarvan-yf . WAWH. TaMow^ G. W. J ONZS . ' iAtmore-Jl W. O'OOHSW*:. ! ; , Cappogu'tH 08 " CowirotB. ¦ ¦ - ~ TSE SEB V ANTB ' REGIS TRY OFFICE. \ -nh- RR WALLIS' OFFICE removed from Lady M. IZu, No. 2 . B AN K PL ACE , ^ [Opposite City fciUJ, where all Order 1 ^ for^ervanta ^faTusualTrPivi prompt and ««^ «^ion. Mrs. WALUS bvai a of thisjopportbnity to return lei beat thanks for tUa Jorge V**^'?" ™} ***?} ! See the transfer of tajejSBBTAUTs ' BtoMK to her, and trusts to morit ai conKnuanw. ¦. . .: . U- .. - i- m L-,J. M Li CSS" No Servlnt rtcoramended ty <™& 4 - ¦" **** ?: .etttSny is made WJp^g o^^JlJSSiVrio^ presentdisorigagod , *<>]" » Tho« loKh i B i^ lint ?'> |^ eS and Housemaids; Bnilo^s, Coachmen i Ac. ¦ L»28-Bm OTHSEBTA J WS S; ' SSmmt^ \ VERAHDAflj | | ! YEKCSLWW» ¦ . WIHDOWOABpW : BAM( T?iiA- i i-aasWiSBBB^ar. of the most imp ovid; deegn. ia iltalw 1 ;* 0 " 1 . HEATING! APfA^ATUSj ¦ j ! : imVMi t ^HSJjp BSE&Li ' ¦ ¦¦ 1 ! CoBi^kt«&l *»»«h>« ll «2f ol * B f" » ! - ¦¦! ¦Batt p ^MJM , 6ohool » . *y> , :- . - j T^ : ^wiw^ s». -k«]tWnb^ " iH-^ r :f. -' - ,. !•; ¦ : ' i J.. . ' - ' ' . _:._ SEE^ttBEB, 1885; .;,] J;;" ! ! I' ' ¦ WA«BK* .0ffl.^^« r: tdraro o ^; - , i ; PLTM0UTH. BOCto*» Mto ^ l>i>|-BpiI|IB Of T ' ,. COttK , -DUBiini , Bjaf^OT fiiri... atiipf^CHV , ' .; ' - ¦ ' S-ijtl i ¦ ' I wii!^«f! «id,p<5wBjfiu Scter 4Mi££rK^ Xjtetuuto* ABAITUOBE, BAKLT . .^UjSfcmH^ i COTTOiJT jC L^ck t-CpPBLAHD, , INISOTBAHULL^ATHrjar , 81L7kS^i. ' StEB^tVOBfll TO WABD , in lnUiidsd , tol .Soil iui Imtaen , weatner Mr* mtttinc (unlea prevented' by - anJoroBoea'OlrctLmBUDoea),, with liberty to Tow Veaels, lad to rail at any Port OT Potts ia any order , la or out ' of f lia Aostomory coorso, to BeoMte ' ondDlscharKe Coreo . or for *nr other pnrj>o«8 whktaoerex. ,- Taemiay. . lrtUJ, ' ' i'TU Baifist 1 i;,: : ! l . ' .p.m. . W«dnei4oy, 2o4 , f via Cork, ¦ ¦ ¦ . i 1 pjn.! Friday, ith i via Cork :: ¦ i 1 D.m:' Monday, ! 7tU - J direct U nooD. 1 Tuesday. ,, .. : 8th.:. 1 via Belfast ' . . -, : 1 p.m. ¦KT ednesday; - , ¦ 8th- - . via Cork' ;: .1 JWaj;_ nth .. „.. ¦ rta Cork ... 1 p.m. Mondnj, Uth 1 direct' ' 13 nooa Tpesdoy, . .. 15th , ivU BoUost . ;; M p.m. WednMdajri 1 ' -' l«tb. ' - ,r Ti« Cork \ ¦ I' p.m. Friday, 18th. ¦ ,? TlaCork ¦!¦ 1 p.m. Mondiyv ¦ ' airt . T;, ! "direct . ¦;; ..12 noon. Tuesday, ' 22°4 . » iri a i Beltoat ' ¦ 1 p.m. ' Wednesday, ' 23rd. ' | " vl» Cbtk *i ' 1 p.m. Friday, 25thi ¦ j vi» Cori : I p.m. Mooday, 28th : direct : 12 soon Tuesday, / 29th ¦ IvialBelfaat : 1 pjn. ¦TCedaescbjV , SOth \ via Cork : 1 p.m. 1 ¦ rao ir oLxsaoWTO f iTiTEarOED Eyery MOKDAY direct ' ^ ... 1 p.m. ; " / - . i . ' : I ' Bo J l i to:Qroeoock...6J0p.m. Every WEDNESDAY, ThJDublin. w.; ' 1 p.m. '! ¦ ' J _ iHalt. -to 'Greon 'bck.:! Jrery IHUBfiDAY dlroct : ! , :., . .; . -., . 1 p.m. - ¦¦ ¦ ' I- Ej»a to Qreenook...* p.m. Every FBIDAY, via Cwk : . ! ' ¦ .< < : :;¦ . ' . . . 1 p.m. ' ¦ ¦ ¦ I ' BaiU to QKteuock.,.6 ^ 30 pjn. ¦ rsou wirEoroa^TO BEUAar, Evory TUESDAY ... !, ; - . ... at 1 p.m. : ¦ BELTiST TO'WiTSBXOBD; •• ¦ 1 pSTcrr WEDNESDAY , via Qlolzon. .. . : KBOM TMZKRjto&I) TO . OUBLU I, .. . . ' Every PHIDAY, «a Cork and - -Quui gbw. : . : ' ¦ SteamorS on Uh aud 1 18th Sept. *U1 go direct (com Cork to ' : Dublin ahonld fuficient cargo offer. ¦ : : DDBLIX TO WiTEuyonD-fEvery TUUB8DAY, dlreot.- ! ' - ' -i rsov wiTB&foao TO cou; t ' i ¦ Every WEDNE8DAY, dlreat j ..: , ... at 1 p.m. ; Every FB1DAY, direct | I '! .: .. . ... otLpm. -! FEOH COEI' TO WXTKBTO&D, dfroct—Every . MONDAY. ' ; - .1 . ' : WHTBTOEO TO Loatoa (St. Katbeiin» ' sJ>ock);- : ¦ . . ; ¦ Every BATllKD W, »t 4pm. : I OSDOB TO WiTsii'bKDi'c. via Plrmoath, ; ! Evory THURSDAY,; frbin Su KatberWa Dock. : ¦ : No Transhipment by this route. Ordtrs for collection or delivery of Goods will be attended to by Laviagton Brothers, 69, Old Bailey, E.C. ; Grea t IHormi tago-Strai t, Wapping, E,, and-Arober-street , JJonth Lambetb. ti.W. . ' " ¦ ; , WiiEETOBD TO PiTHOOTfl , \ direct—Every SATUBDAYi ; : at jVp. m. ¦ ¦ ¦' . ¦ ¦ , : PiTMOnrrn TO WA«aronb r direct— Every 'SATUEDAY, ' WiTEBTOED TO 80nTH»lIPT0a; tu XlilBOUTBj , Every8ATlfBDAY at . 4 pjn. . i SourniBiTOH TO WITEETOBD, VIA Plymonth. : Ever7|pamAYi . ¦- ,. ¦ ' . Th ese Steamors havo excelleat:' acobmmoda tibn. for PotsengeraJ .. I : -' . - . j ¦ PASSAGE.MONEY. ' . 1 ¦ ! r ' r I ! !' Cabin,! Eeturn. -Deck- WaUrford to Glasgowand l idtaet . 17>. 6d. 25«.. 10a. I ! Cork, .„ I ...ii Bs. j lie. , 5s, . ! Dublin, ... j ...; 1 12a. '64 20». - 7«. 6d . . I Plymouth 4 Southampto« ,20s. 80a. 103 ' ¦ I London, ... I I ... ! . ¦ l£s. 6d 35a. It's. Botnrn Tickets available for two mocths—not transferable ' Children above- 3 and ufifler 12 years of' age , w»» Faro; '0* NOTXI—Tho Clyde Shi pping Company Insure all Goodj Bhipped b y these lines of Stekmers at 3s id per cent, to Traders having yearly agrcumentsJ isnd If *, per' Cent to occasional Sbippers. Valaes to be declared at time ol Shipment. Forms ana all information to be hald at the offices. 1 ¦ For Batos of Freight , 4c., arppl y to-J. C. Pinzxio s , Belfast : KimBT J. WuJsu ' .& Co., JPlimonth». THOMAS M'GABSIT,! London and South , -Western, Hallway Company, Exeter Buildings , Artbar qtroet , West, and at the 17. & 8, w Boilwuy Beceiving HonBes j tnro nghbnt j Londoni J CLTDX SBippraa Co., fllasgoif , GrieWek, 13 , Thomas-st.! umorick j Soatbampton; 21 Eden Qusy, Dnblinj Patrick's Quay, Cork, I (±YDE SBlPPlNfl COMPANY . I ¦ ¦ , Cnstem Uoase (]aay, Waterford. Special forms of Bills o! Lading,required.b y the Cl yde Snipping Company, to bo hid of ' . the Agent*. . CTaterford SteamoMj. Company , I (LIMITED). ' UTTENDED OBDEB OR SAILING—SEPT. , 1885. ' I bTEAMKBS !•• . ' EEGINAiD, COHEBAOH. LABA, ZEPHYB,.GAL- ! TEE, CBEADEN, IDA; TINTEBKr/ BO3A, : DAtJNTLESS , and New Steamer Building..: > -V- - i ^.. ¦ TVrlOTrCE. The Watorford t ^ iiiV^*~~ iV^' i JL_ \j Steamship Company (Limited) JCVgjySaU '^i. recelve;Ooods »n4.1iv « Btock for Bh' , - ^ >: , - ¦ '*f?>^* Tv | mmi I f>w ' tho ¦ opndrtlonji mentioned id ' ' ¦ ¦ : ' ' p ^ auimW:El»t» , S»., t»-U- ha4 at their 1 Office i . ! M ¦ ¦ WA| TEBFOBD AID BBIST0L; rEOHiWAlUrOED tO BR18TOS [ I TEOB BRISTOL tO WAlZErOBD, Directi: . ' ¦ I ., . Direct i . Tuesday, Sept. 1— 1 aft' n xin Wednesday, Sept 2 . 10 night Friday, I ,, ? •• 3 att'npon SOUDAT, : 6 ... 3 morn Tuesday, ,, 8... 3 utt' nooo Thonday ,, 10 ... 6 morn Friday,| mornj Saturday, U ... 8 «Ufn; Tuesday, 15.-12 noon] Wedne»day, W ...10 al giil Friday, 18... 3 oft ' n]x>n 8OHDAT, U) .„ 3 morn Tuesday, 2i« 3o[t'oooo:Tbansday, \A ... 6 morn Friday, 25... D.morri ' Satnrday, . .. 7 att' n Tueiday, ,, 29...11 morri ! (Wednesday ., 30 ... 0 ni ght tr On early Horning Soiling*; Cabins of the steamers will be open to receive Paesen^ers:arriring by the Night Ha) Twin I ¦ J i i : ; ¦ : Tram. ¦ i j \ \ . ¦ : Fares—Cabin , 15s. ; do. Beturn (available for One month) £53. i do Children and Servants, travelling with Families , Uts. Deck, 7s. 6d. j do CbUdren; 43. S : WATEBFO .BD |AND LIVEBPOOL, . FXOK WAntBroBO:: I ' ¦ i ¦ . ' FBOU ; LivnroOL :: : Wcdnodsy, Sept. 2 ... •* aft' n^Wodnesday, Sept. 2 ... 3 nft ' n Friday, ' 4 ... 9 mornTfridsy, . 4 ... 8 kft ' u Mcndayi i \ T ... ' 1 nlt' n! !— Wednesday, . ,,. 0 ... 2 oft' u Wednesday, 9 ...lOmorn Friday, , 11 .- a alt' n Frid.y, 11 noon MoDday, ' 1* ... 2 nft' u Monday, . 14 ... 8 nffn Wednesday, 16 ... 2 oft^n Wednesday. ,, U ... 3 ulfn Friday, 18 .., 9 mpip Friday, ' IB ... 4 affn Monday ' ,, 21 ...12 noun Monday, ,, 21 ... 8 mom Wednesday, 23 ... 1 alt' B WMuosday, ai . .lu morn Friday, 25 ... 1 aft' p tMday, : a ...11 mom Monday, ,, 23 ... 3 olt'p Jtonday, . iH ...II nonu Wednesday, iSOj... 4 aff' ij Woduosday, 80 ... Z uffn I Cubin i' are , Us. Od : do i/e-uin , available for a mouth, - Jia. Do. Servants (travelling wfth'iliuniliei) and Children , lus I: Deck, 7s Bdj Children, 4s.[! | : . . ' : : : Extension of Time grantsa on all Eeturn Tickets, on the following tezms;— For » Fortnight , its. Od , ond for every, cnbeequent week; 2s. | | [j ; , Goods rocolved and disaborgeJt at Clarence Dock. ' . : !. Goods.liooked) throJgh (rod all .prindpul'Stations pnj Great Northern, 1 Lancashire,and Yorkshire , London andj North Werteru i Loudon aod South Western , lUnohcstor , - , Sbetfield, aud Linco lnshire and Midlan d Builways to. Waterford. ¦ , Through Bookings also to .Limeriok , Tiypb>: : <Jood» Booked through bom all Stations on Waterfntd aiid: Central Ireland Bcilway, Waterford, Dungarvan, and Lismrae! Bailway, and Watorford and Llraertot Bailway. : f ' Parcels hopked through at law Kates to ail principal Sta- : tlons on London nnd North Western Uailray. i WATEBFOBD ' AND HEWfOlil. i j nan nxnmoiw. \ ' ¦ raox asinro&T. ' •Weekly. - i ll ! Weekly. ; j ¦ WATEBFOED A;N[b DUNOAitVAN; ; | : ' As Cirxa offorn. : ! WATEEFOBDI jCNDIXOUGHAL. i : ! i ¦ ¦ . " As Cariro'Jofferj. - ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ : ! i I - v 7 A T £ E F 0 B Dj 1AHD NEW BOSS i i ; Fsov NBTV Iioss—Doily, Gundays exoeptod, at 8-J4 o.m. i ' i Faox WATBB »OBDDaUy! Sundays excepted , it $-3j p.n»J ' i WATEBFOBD . AiNip DUNC A NNOHTi . I Fwm DracAirifOH—Dail yj Sopilays excepted, at 8.30 ».m. : : FSOK WATKBIXIED Daily, Sundays excepted , at S-35 p.m. ' < I Non—Tho Waterford Steimship Company, Limited , Injure aU Goods Shipped, by these I lines of Steamers at 3s. 4d. por Cent, to Traders having Yearly Agreements , and Ss. per: Cent, to Occasional Sbippers ,values to be declared at time of, gbipmoot. Forms and all j Information: to be had at : ' : Berths secured and every! Information given by Agents at ! BBiSTOirf-Watorford Steamship Compony ' sOclce (Llmitod) C3i QuB«n f Bquire i . . .!;. .; < J - , Xivznroo ^-Wobsrford . Steamship .Company (Limltad), SO, WatftMtreet , and Clarono* Dock. j . ! NrwrxTBT—'Thomas & Co. ' , jpock^nroet. ¦ ! ; DTOOAIVABMr. . T. Down«y, -M*in-«tn*t : ' . ! Yovoau—W.:N. Ussher ,iN*l»ou.plaee. i i " i - At the Ofnoer , New Boa and Duncaoson. ! ¦ And atr the Company ' s H«ailOmiJes, XEB ""¦ . TVAitavois. « FOR THg BkM I3 THE iir&V ' .; WORLDHFAMED ^ ! ! Trad* MarkH- "Bl50d Mixture. " i. i iXTlOB CLEAN SING Wad] CLEA^LNO the JtjA)01> ! Jj from all AmpuritM^aWot Ve too highly,, woom. ; ioeodod. For ScrotuU , Scurry,. Skin ' Diseases, and sort* WaU kindjltuaneveMalliBi.ind permsaent onr». I ; ; It Cons OId Bores r f I i; 1 •'¦ - . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ; Cure* Ulcerated<Jorei on tha Neck ) , , Cur«#tnoent»d Sot*. Logs j j ¦ ¦ ! Cur** Blackheads or (Pimples en UM Fac« i . | ; ¦ Onres Scurvy Sore* I! r ' ! ¦: ¦ , i " ¦ i ; Cures Cinoorotto Dfc«rs 11 ' : ' ' ' i : Cures Blood *nd Bl lo DUeuss) ' ' Care* Olandnlajffiw ulinjnt i ' ¦ ' < ! ' Clears the Blood from *Ji Impor4 Katter, bom ' whatevtf , - ¦ ¦ ¦ v - -i , ¦ ' ¦¦ ea iseariilnj 1 . ¦ ' , ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦' . ¦ ¦} , : A* thls mttfqte U t>U*si «rttq ths t»st« , aBdw»mnt«d{re* bom aaytbtox lnjarious <o! the most delkats coustltatfoni oj eitbar «x . th« Propriston s#Udt sufferers to rive it a trial toU tt its vain *. . - - . ¦ ¦{ \ ' lil ; "¦ > i- . : ; ' •!¦ ¦ ¦] ' ¦ ' 1 TMomun mt BtSTilio»iAi * Jton Ali rust. . .\ i ' Bold In Brittle* Sd eeio, sad InCisa* , oooUinin* 8 BoU tleV 11* *s«h.W«ol«nt' to|««>rt»5«r«asii»tit ceotln Ung i itandlflf essesj by aU Chkstlsbj *n51*<«nt Hedkine Vtnj 4oT»tS»u|boirttbe. viOTl<l|;(>r , »eBt to sny addrsw oarscdp * rf 5wln*ndl2$l»nd Co iikba' Dri^ Owrpany, tnrooiii j, j r; ¦ , iniinn^G j ^vtomixf r i I j EffectiTB . tTMgoiiei t* eij»rj»tfei » . wWrrOabi K ^ for PBIHTIM #^^e iiy. 'defcHpttai , ia^din g\ rDOSTBBS. Bfn-h« %/Cirfa^KoteH^dljilt itTs Pamp hlet* . Bba Swjli>, P»M-bin» , IiiTdo *i ¦ JtMee, «jd ,^ti r^Mm |(MfaS >•*& •" «>T BMd ia^Wi* tjr: !lltito4«. .>t ^-i- 12JAA % -L fEn-tttlltim u aim tp ? tiu o* vttimi •.Kotiog. Bool <#Wdlff f, ;>|tf, to f mtgrmi |rtp<|1|Vi; v ' : : ]; ' : ^\. \ :|. ; : :? ;•; r '^r mm-s rk. JI :tim. ¦ ¦lul l\ . ¦ ^ JJJli . -T f-iJLJJLi ^JL . 1 . M'^^ili/d^llJ^^J^Jil^^^^^ " ; : ' _ I" ' ' . . " ; ' : ¦- . ' .: - : - ' . :! : ' ¦ :J : : ' :: j ¦: i , ;3Sidraijt^iiei^a^^ . (:¦ ' ' , U > - ' ¦ ¦-:..:r n ; ¦ , : :- . ; ¦ ¦!; ¦ ¦: .; ¦ ' ¦ - ; ¦<' .S vTT. ;;.-:. :. ' .,! !., .. \ ¦ ' .; l - : : ' } ^ ¦ ¦¦ , l tt rZTTrc t r * ¦ ¦ . _ j . ¦ j . . . - . ; u " ' ¦ : '¦ ¦; ¦ ' ' ¦ - ' ¦ ¦] .; . - ' I ;.! ^ ;,: " ' .;. " ¦ ' : ' : ,J: ; '!' j ¦ ;!¦ ' ¦• ' ¦. ' " ' ! : I 'kTEKBaidiiB PUBEBT i ANp . BEST..- ;;;: , : . :: .:.;.^ r ' ¦ . iaaa^n : ! : Lemonade 33&£feSHP ^WBlife^^ Sdda^iWffiwrJ i fiiniser ¦ 'JB^er. < WATKBFOfBD AND UDtfiHTOK BAILWAY. ¦ , ¦ ¦¦ ' , .U j>, l Train$ frimJr. attiferd.::, . :|: 1 j, ¦ ¦ j - '¦ ¦ , ¦ r &imxmvm vm. " ¦ Bdyi j ; vfATBTtronn i ¦' ¦!¦ , ¦' Mollf v (Mail ; Jliit : , TO UWISJ 12 3 la ' s 1«3 123J1 23 12 3 124J < "J Class. Class. Class. Class. Class. Class, ol xs : .... ..,_.., tM. !».«.:. r.n. I'MCi j r.K. -j r.». n»! Wateriord dep. a 0 9-4S 1 ll !* * '/«»¦'i!i- ; I ST Carriok^n^ulr 6 33 lit 18 12 '7- B 27 1^1* 9 US! ClottBML....;...... 7 10 W^J 18 8* ?«-» 10 0 , ^- .10 0. Hpperary...,,.... 8 10' 11 45 145 ¦»' SS - '^ ' U »' Junetion.. n 8 85 12 13 2 20 5 45 12 « 12 25, gola- 8 45; ... 230 :659 ... ' .7 Dallas 8 65 12 30 9 45 6 o 12 80 - 12 50! Dromk een. l; 9 0 ... ... 6 15 .. , ,. \ Boher .....^. B 10-12 43 8 0 6 80 ¦• ... ¦ - .. ' Limeriok arrival 9 85 -1 0 S 20 6 50 130 130 Dow» .2?ra» »vs./roni Hmtrie. . ' |. : I , TSAtas os WSXK BATS v I Sd ysi uireiici .1 *? I i j ' ' i i . . l ukll ' TO WATIEIOBB - . ' 12*812*812431248 1243 mtt jl j iClass. Class. Class. Class. Claeu. Class,Cliss. | A.V. | i.K. |; A.K. | P.M. j r.U. : p.m ) F^M.; Limerick' dop... t- I 7 0 '11 0 1 35 I 4 0 18 50 lO aoT Boher - ... ' ¦— ! 7 18 11 18 ... 4 20 , ... .. Dromkeon ' :— ! 7 28 111 28 ... 4 SO ' ... ¦ . . I Pallas ' ... ". 7 35 U, 35 ... 4 40 11 15 11 15 Oola . . ... ' 1*7 M tl 80 ..i 4 55 ¦ Junction arrive | 8 lu 12 '8 2 IS 5 10 11 55 11 55 Tipperary..:dep : 8 65 13 SO 3 2a '5 50 12 50 12 50: Clonmel ' ... 8 30 10 15 182 .585 7 5 i 2 20 230 Carrick ... 810 10 60 2 0 r 7 ' 45 3 0 8 0\ Waterford urrirlO i 0 | 11 25 2 35 ; 7 40 '8 30 j 3 45 SU ' | JOHN j ' . i jnJBPHT. Secretary. WATEBFOBD AND CENTRAL IBELAND AOT) > KILKENNY) JONCTION BAILWAYS. . i The shortest route from Watorford and Kilkenny to Dublin' Athlone, Parsonstown ,; or Ncnujh , is fia Uaryboronsh. ( Tain ALTSBAnosB-r-On Suidoys , tbe 8. 0 am. Down , «nd 6.JOp.m. Up Excursion Trains discontinued. On week days 6.15 p.m. Up Train , discontinued , i j : , ' U rBOK WATIBTOJlll. | ' | TBAUTS OS TTXtK PATS, 1 BOaCATIj. STATIOKS. il2431 42 l243Good^ 123; 138 : Clan Class Clou. Class, Claps^ Cliss. , . I A. H. |..wt. j r-ji. j T.X nooni f.|i. ¦ I hm Ih. b.m. h- jn* p. m. Waterford, departure 7 0 2 201.4 0 12, '" i « 50 Kilmacow.... 7 10 2 28 ' 4 10 12 <0. . 7 To Mullinavat 7 20 4 20 12 20/ 7 10 Ballyhole 7 40 2 50 4 45 1 12 4i 7 8i> ' Thomnstown ............ 7 55 3 0 5 0 1 0 | 7 50 Bennetsbridgo , 8 10 5 11 115:i8!5; Kilkenny :arrival ' 8 80 8 20 5 SO 1 S0;| 8 E5 ; Do departure ' 8 40 I 3 25 5 41 1 ' 40 , 885 ; Ballyraggot 9 0 !' 8 45 6 0 2 S !! B 55; AttaDogh 1 9 10 : 3 55 6 10 2 15jiOS Abbeyleix 9 40 ! 4 5-t6 2S!' 2 30 | 9 20. Moryboro 1 arrival 10 0 ! 4 Zon 0| 3 0 , 19 4-J 1 Maryborough dep. up 10 53 ! 4 41 7 46 3 24 I Portarlington Juno.... :ll U I 8 7 3 43 —; Dublin .....arrival, 1 15 | 6 0 10 0 5 «J : Athlone June, arriv. 1 459 . . ; Maryboro " dep. down 10 30 ; : 7 4 i ; i 0 52 Ballybroony 'lO 55 ' 7 89 _ ' 10 25 Bo»crtu;...: ill 3* - 18 30 ! ' - Parnonstown : 18 4 | I 9 0 ! ' I Nenwh ; i: 13 23 1 9 20 ! : TempWore |, 1 6 ?813 10 64 Th urles ..; arrival. 1 83 p ' 8 35 i : ¦ ¦! . ¦ I fl ' •> ¦ ' : TO Vf ATSBTtf v . I . . I TUAUiS ^ JQC DilS. I SUlTDATd. ! BTATIOSS. ¦ |123 , 128i|lfc2;14q | : I iClacs. Class. ' Class. 'Claes.ll 2 4 3,13 6 i A.H. j A.U. | A.n. f.n. Ckgj.lCtoJ. - h m ! U m h m hm h ml pm Thurles dop. ] 7 10 . . —. j Templcmorc. -! i 7 32 154 : i BaUybrophy . . -j ; 8 1 ' . 218 ; . Nena-h - 8 SO s - JI2 S5 ' - Parsonstown - . ¦: . _ . 6 40 i - 115 -; U , Eoscrca . ! 7 IS •' 1 47 - ¦ - Monrboro * orrl up] - '838 255 . Athtono Junctiott 1 -t : ' . 18 15 , 815 ! Dublin - dop. ! 6 0 ; 9 0 : 1 0 9 80 Pori&rling ton Juno' tn 8 8 10 13 2 45 ; —I Hary borx? arvl dwn - ¦ 8 25 10 30 i 3 9 . 11 52 DOWS nuns. goods Moil : 1, 2, 3 ' ; i Uaryboro ' dep. - ; » ' 10 40 | S SO 8 0 4 0 Abbeyleix ¦ , 9 W 11 0 14 5 8 20; 4 20 Attonogh -; 9 43 111 15 i 4 20 8 35 4 83 BaUyragget ¦ ' -! 9 55 11 25 4 SO 8 42 | 4!45 Kilkenny ' arrivall 10 25 '11 J5 1 4 50 9 10 610 Do. dopartarc; 7 15 10 35 12 8 ; 8 0 9 SB ' . I 5 20 Benwstabrfdgd ! '|7 3>j .12 15 5 10 9 3' . '] 5:80 Thomastown 7 55 ! 10 o5 12 SO 6 25 9 45i ] 8 45 B&Uyhals !- - 8 10 ill, 5 !l3 45 S 45 . 9 ** . 6 0 Mullinavat . j. - 8 85 i I 1 '8 I 6 8 0 IS « 25 Kilmacow - - 8 45 11 25 | 1 15 « 15 10 2J 6 83 Waterford ' arrivall 9 15 ill 85 I 1 .45 : 8 SO 10 45 I 7, 0 HOSSTXXLLICX BBAXCH. Mary borough , drp., Ita ttni, 11.0a.m., 4.4ip.cj | MonntmelUoksrr., 7^5 a.m., U.S5 a.mi , 6.5 p.m. Monnttnellick dop., 8.40 a.m., 2.10 p.m., 5.*0 vun.| Maryborong h srr., 9.5 a.m., t£i p.m., 6.5 p,m. ¦ . ¦ ' \ SATCOOAT Bvmta TICKSTS TO DOBLIBFirst and Second Class Betarn Tickets are issned on Saturdays at a Singla Fan and on Eighth from. Water(ord ,Thoma<town, Kilkenny, Bill7ra((g«t, Attuugh, and Abbejleix^to Dublin, if th» 'W and U0 p.m. Up Trains , available (or return on Sunday; and by tho 8V>ajnaniMajn. Down 'rralus oa Monday. ¦;, , ¦ ' - .; |: W. WILLIAMS , Soeratary. . WATEBFOBD! AND : TBAM0BE EAILWAir. , ; -i : VfeJi Joy Trains. , ' i; , j~ l i ' ¦ 8 | ¦ 4 ; 5 o , 7 ¦ 8! I " : 9 | » m p m p m pm pm p m p ra b m' h m hmj h m h m hra ; h m ; h m hm W'frd7 45 10 15 U 151 U30 2 is! 4 0 5 SO ; 7 U 9 0 rrn' roB lO, 10 45 ;^1 W 1 20 8 0 | 4 30 I 6 0 17 43 9 SO ; ptinday Train*. ' ¦ ' 1 | 3 . - , U , 4 . . 5 i 8 ~i 7 0 ! 9 rsoK ; am i a in p m i p m 1 pm i pm \ p m pm jpm: hm ' h ia .h jn ; hm ¦ ' hm ' .h m- 'i ra h mihm 1 W'frd 8 0 11 15 12 16 !l 3-> ! 2 31 ' 4 80 ; 8 30 ,9 S0J9 0 Tm - rej 9 18 It 45 . 12 its j 2 -0 4, 0 ; 8 0 i 6 0 ,7;«5j 0 SO First Class Bingl* . Sickst, Is. : B»tar». Ticket , - is. 0d. ' Third .. - ditto. : 8d. i BMtorn ditto, U. Od. WILLIAM BEA ,; 8ccrotary and Manager. ' WATEBFOBD , DDNOABVAN, ft OSHOBE BAiliA7Ar SlSOSTZST EODT» TO COBK , XlUjn, ADD KlLLAMII. . . reo« vfATiiknmp! - ¦ i ; STATIONS. ¦ ' ; I Wsok Days. Suridayi ; A. x.i r. s. r. B Watarford. ... dop. 9 15 f > 3 0 Kilmeodbn . ... . 9 50/i 3 16 Carroll' s Cross ... Flat;, "3 25 Xilmacthomas . ... 9 55-3*0 Durrow and Strodbally Id « 3 55 Dunguran ... !0 S3 410 Cappazh - .~ 10 48 i 4 25 Cappomln ... . ,, 11 3 ! 4 4Q Llsmiro ,. ... arriv. 11 15 4 80 8. 4 W. Eailway : Lumoro ... dep. 11 30 i 8 0 Fermoy ... arriv. 12 14 ! : 8 40 Mallow ... . 10; 6.20 Cork .. ' . ¦ 2 0 ' 818 KOlamey _. 3 4 932 Tral ee. ¦ ' , -.. . ' ¦ 3 55 10 25 ¦ TO WATIBFOBl), ' ~ STATIONS, - Week Days. ' ' ¦ Sundays. 8.4 W. Eailvmy, , ' A. I. A. H. A.«. ... . j . . I Tr&l ee ... .;. ; dep; 10 15 A. »,!*.' H. Killarney .;. ' ,. 11 13 -f; ;— Cork ... t .., -; - 12 80 - )- Mallow ... ... ,, 125 -!• ¦ p ¦ ¦ Fermoy .., ... :. ,, ' , 2 18 -r - , ' r~ Llsmoro ... .„ sriiv. 8 0 . :•- , . W. D. 4 L. EslWmy. ¦ - j ' 4 !- ¦ Lismoro! ... . dep. 7 80 8 20 i ¦ ' f i Cappoouln. .- 8 0 8 S3 -I' ¦— I Cappsgh ..„ ^ BlM 843 - C: Dungsrvsn.» ¦ .. - . ; "^ 8 80j 4.10 i— ¦ Durrow * BtradbaUy. : - 8 48|;«25 - i-; Xllmsothomu ;.. » «' 4 40 - ¦,_ . . OarroU' s Cro« ,. . ,. ' , - »« Fla* - .^_ | Vi\m ^» ^f iy ,.. ' .. ~~ V 301 8 0 ^> U" Waterford _. arrival - , 9 45| 8 15 - ¦!_ ! v - ,; ,:. I THOMAS O^Auir.HAtiffcU . ' ; Bt»iafd Ol»as : Works, ¦ | -j ' 11, tf PFEB CAUDBN-STBEBT, DUBLIul T|/rBS8ES. " BAEtY , 4 PO^VBLI. - retf ictlk n 7 J XMJ r«qne«t tbe Clergy to! EJICOUBAO « IBIBK ABT. All Works eifcQUd on tbe Premises; : I ' ¦Bty tf rnnr: Zp tf ei* : Cards, j 1; |. i . ' A LL Descrfotioos of jFETHYUTQ on auctj C^&s J%. exor>ot«r»t ! TBil WAf»B>OBD Ntws Offlb, ¦ ¦ , ! DR. ! 8M1TH'S ¦ I: ! I PO8t>g$V J BfE , B«gPI^8 ,[i "ClOB TflB>GUB15^f!NEliVOU | 8 j ind JJ PHT8I0AL DBBlfctTf-aBjiTW-Sent bj l post to all parU of <b» World 6a r«ceipt of Two 8U mix, to prepay post«j»J 24* p****. : ; . J - ThT'Booi; cjiPohTiTB BIWHJIM glvei SOB «!aitra. ordlttarjriCmt' W J DJ»W«« <* »W JgnMr? Oi giiw,- Weakn«s f Or»»cLj Baokaohe , And Wwhanrai,; Abo, of N^OM;IMW^. :..Th5 H»»«pf tb«.l|dteJi« |it w tfedldnei thitfrer* W>* O f. S* TH »orov«pS5Jrt» Teari an now p &nUt ,, jFolMDjtnjaUpni tkt dv«s wUh«aoh if imSi, to etUi)l<ih» InvsJld to HUotlihs Medioine »ml CR**t<Melf, wi»h<rt t oontultinf ja M, dl< H. 8MITH If 0< ., 8oji th»mpto n Bow, Loadctl, ' ¦ S ; " ' . ¦ ¦:. .l ¦ '" ^vi ' : . : ¦: ' \mU J- - " ¦;!. ! . . ¦ H; .;. -:!¦ ¦ : ^ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . i : ¦ ¦ ! " : : j J: ' ; . ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ; ¦ ' ¦ .|| j! ¦ •• ' . ' ¦¦ I ' U \ \¦ >¦¦ ' . ' •; ! ' : ' : ' •! ;i . : ¦ ¦ : : . . i> ¦ ¦ . ; i ¦ ¦ . : ¦ ¦ ;i :- ... : ¦ ¦ -. ; . , j . a? aoatt Asi &sJ4B«RPi ana - TSC ^ ILAB ^j k i ii X,. ^ -:S\ . -^ - <j ¦ ¦ ¦ .-• ¦ ' •*_[¦ _ ! : ' i : - 'Tv/iD. ' . ' ' / ; ' ' o " ' ' ' - " : : ; " -I : ; ¦¦ > v ¦-¦ ¦ -' ¦ ¦ '^^.f i f f i $ &S $} Ss _ : ©.<3-^{^V ¦ r; * ; - " ' : ' ^Ha^n^U^u^bMed^ MesswV'klAHQN Yj.A CO'S. ; Inte rest i " ia thejabovie cxtens ' lTO-l . . .. BWtiMr, ANRf m ' ' . ¦ ¦ Bi g ' .-to inJfprf9( tKe^ l Ftie.Hdfljfcnd! tbe Publio tlmt their . Yans noif . deliver :- •¦ . f. : ' ; ' ' : . : . f . ; ! through. Town and Country '^' . . "j * " '" . ' ' . ;.. ' . ' .. Mesarp. i lUIJW^S . '^COJS; ISaperior DOUBLE STOUT. 1 ! ' . ' \ BAaS;V:aiii ; :<St lile ' rlijH6i[CE ALES of Superior Quality aod Splon^id , Conditiop. - " ¦ , ' . Bcii^Bra idB- pf DEVONSHIEB ' CIDEB. j | * . :[ •: *} " ; ¦ . ' MINEKflilii.VfiTEES in every variety; manufactarcd on their Premi ' sca by 1 SmitW-celebratci . PrizeSteaui-powepMaohinptj. ¦ ¦ i i : ¦ •¦ ' ¦ j . A S. it is. ttiqir,jirlteDtion (o^offerlto tbeTrada a vtry superior Quality of each Article, Jkhey ¦ J-&- ' \\ ' ¦ ' confidently bftpie for ' a libetal abore of :patrJonage« ^ ' ' ' (32? -All Orders carefull y attended to and executed on the shortest notice.- ¦;' . ¦ . Waterford j UtWiMay, 1885:;; ' i ' ' i I i ! ; n) (}LASS- AJ^ D CH1 IN i: W1 III 0 ^S E ; ] {OtoEST ESTABLISHED R0UBE t ll{ THE TRAVE). ., OWEN i POWEK- !&;: SON'S i 7, 8, ! AND 33, GREAT GEQRGH'S-ST., WATI&irORB A bplo&did, Colloctioa pf J Drocil on and Qovro China , ouitablo for T7cddiim,. ' ' : ' . ' . ¦ ¦ I ¦; 'i . Presenta. l : ; ¦ Our STOCK of DESSERT SERVICES are aU of the . Ndnrcct and moat artistic . Patterns ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦;¦ j ; i and Desi gns I ¦ : i .. CRE8T8.AND M0NAGBAM8 . . EXEC UTED. ON QLA88 , OHINA , AND IRONSTONE. . . , i ' -I ' - ' - ___ « - ___ ¦ ¦ ' : ' . ' . ' . ¦ AGENTS FOR MINTONS & COPELANt)'S CELL NA. BACLB V PARIES, AKD PIONICB ^ su tPMEi) [ WSTB , (} XITLJ : B, J - if ip , ' u.i >. OTitna JJE .qtrlrJ^'!:3 ^ , STECIAJ - ATTENTION GIVEN TO MiTonwaa IK CILABB AND CHINA . s26.2y JL^O^JE5-JEiJa;l. -£&-o lyJLJCi JA»JA» JL $&~ ' UlP« j ' '! Invito particular attention to their present Stock of : SUPERIOE ;; HOME:, AND lQ^iGffl;i SPIRITS, " ¦ ' ¦ j I AT THE 1 FOLLOWING PBICEB :— : i Wi'ttT'S KIE 8. ' : . Pe ' rOaK.. : Per Dozen;' - - ' - MEEET'S EXTEA OLD MALT j... 21e. ... 42J . ¦ ' ¦ ii ' VERY OL0 MALT .... 203. ;.. 403.,.: " FINE . OLD MALT ' ... IBs. . ,., SG* ' Stored ' on Fresh Sherry Catkt. . j i IRISH WHISKEY . No. 1 L. . . ici. ' . . ¦ ' ; i ., i, ; No. 2 ' .... H *. ! , FINEST OLD ! ISLAY MALT.......... 15)8. ! I . i : GLENLIVET.HALT , IBs. . E:.E AN V IE S. !! | ¦ ' I ¦ ; ¦ OLD PALE COGNAC, .well matured , fine flavour;.; 24*. por Gallon. " - ' Finest OLD PALli COGNAC, full y inatuiujd (in Wood),. 203-.: ' : - j, OLD PALE COGNAC, J in ^laeis . 4s.l( Half , F]a8ko, 23. . , . Finest OLD PALE COGNAC, in B'luake, ago 8 yis., 6a. j -i . . , 23i:6d, |' ~ ' Imported in' Oasli and Bottlei by ourpclvet. i C2JT' . A Trial; respecffuliy solicited. ' j | ' j j !| LIQUEUBa. ' MINEEAL WATERS , ALES, POETEE»;,t<;. . General List on Application , -j ' !ROBERT ,A . MERRYjjS COv ! FAMILY ^EOCERS iiDd WINE ; HEEOHANTS, . ' Ufi?. ^ a \ | 5 aui 6, tho Uall, Watorford, and Bnarrarvaa, . ' SOPB-A-KS i \ J# ^ <^ \J^ CfilEBBATED SAUCE ^ JT ^ ^% ^ ^^ OBIG IKAI BECEPR BE , IB9 : ^^ S^T ^ ^^^ Xu^ !Si:?J ^ THE TrEI ' 1L " 1 ^O'"^ iAABEXi ' SIQ^ED TWo | lili 9l io proteoted by jperpetpal injnnctio iiin^^ Chancery-of tha ; j Oth July 1858 and without it none can be gen uine. ' &JEPABEI) 051Y BY E. IAZENBY % I ^Nj LONDON, <4n4 sold Retail by Grocers , Oilmen , Italian ^Varehbicsemen , #o. ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ; ¦ t \ througjiout the KingdoT^. j " I ¦ W&TJ&B^OBB j BOTTLlMG j STOBE S BEGS TO 1 I tfFOBM HIS. FBIENDS: AHD THE PUBLIC I f GE ^ NEEAL THAT HE HA9 Opened | the above { EstablisMaent in: The &to; In tho Concerns held by the'late Mr. P. K. EEID. 'and fitted them op with all the ' LATEST IMPEOVED/MACHINEEY for-carrying o ' d iho Manufutturins of . Xllnord ^watoro, Eottlinjj - of Gninnosi a' fl Stoat, Baso' D aaa other Alca- HAVIN G bad long exptrienct in the Trade , hla Customers con rel yon bdlng supplied ¦ with all Liquors in the vast BEBT CONDITIOH, and ftll Ofderft will rweiro ¦ ' j ' Paoiirr ATXBMTIOH, ^ ; . » | ¦¦ : ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ . January 8tb, 1885. . ;! - > \ ' ¦ i f : (jaO^m) ' 0 ! M : . X - i COpMR^WE'S MElfTY-TWO GOLD; ;AN D j RI^E MEDA LS MAEpED.r AnflttATIO ^GInGEn HLLi- - ' ^^^^ 1 **- 00011 ^^ -! | >; ' ' ¦:¦ ¦ . - ¦ ¦ . - / i: i ¦ : Li : -4-r. . - - \ \\ ' ULUD OUUfl. » CANT^ ELL A COpHPANE , " bW T T V " n j . Under Spooiju BegUtrtUon. i6 OnAni/l 1MOM ¦ Tkt Drink for the Qouly axl ilknmatie. SPAWM H . c^^ fe^ . . j'i ii^lipspWiT* : ,. ;;:;:^ *^!^ . . FOBB^Ni AND COLQNIAI/ OBDBBS ABE SPECIALnT ; PBBPABED T€) SUIT •• ¦ ¦ . ; . j ; ' ¦ ;;¦ ; :. THE|yABIOtI8 C|.lilATEf ji ¦:\:\. \ ' ,\. : - ' ;. : j frsprejon to Hir Hojerty 1 * How»-d ] W-liaaxent, ; I i ; . i : . . ! : ¦ „,: . -;[ { . ¦:;, im^.^.j, ,.. Jj ¦ .; / , ;. „; .;.!:, . i . ; :: ¦ ; : I ; ; HIS gxq^BNOY 'ltHg ^ tORP iUEUTiHAHI . PF tpMMHf i,;, >. <. > . ¦ ¦ ¦ I ¦ I ' ' ' " ¦ ! . ' ft i I ' " ' ' ! ' ' ' * !;!' : -; ' . -i- , .! ¦ ' ¦ . r\ ¦ Pi -1= J V . U' - : \: \ u. : W' : ^ \&*tt\*. vij/ji 'U r cMJ-w.::/. ¦ ; D U B LI N ..;::: ¦\- > ~.\ T *7ft^tntrffiii1 t t nfl : i P»|» T^+-Lff4Wliig'-WttTtf#i ! . i 49, , MABJJBOB JOPQH STBEBX i "R •pASfrHiS ^tini;|>4bria; _n Mooram cKiaW , Jrjwrtt or ^tittiotft Bowd ^ anti «a tinomUdrto *k iiaBi<; ott _<SWr»tt> T«Wrri. . r -¦:>.. ¦: « c«T 025. »[ f , 1 ffZ.SityPon. ctpj&ftKloi, to StokvtuWttbet. ; I \[. ! The Burlington Bestanva&t * : ! ( ht* fo' 3h^^Ml i wh r bunduon;b{)Mti >an4 Bapper ;; 7l i toxnvWRVBCB-tANt; , ' , ' "• -i (nnxt door to Hibernian Bank) .- ,T V^OV^O^Brf ^- ^msn , Sonp. Pish, $n- U fawtfand-jdfei <£?*e.?Bappen , BUh and M«s<. Qameiilwaj*3e«4J^; ¦ ' ¦ - ¦; . ! TiThi'i&tAED BOOM ia sleiranU y appointed. : !. ii «ari LUNCHBOp aJ Oh> ;- «ltofrjJ y.fitt«d I(i.k B^^T^Miit ^ Tof ' ¦Oy.Kri , toVntwi , C»b« i * o ft Sa. - . .,..rj- i'lah , and a- Tarie tr of Meat and other Saiid- ?rloha*. , ; ,Wlnfe^ 'and 8pl4U" of tbe finest nualltj' . JTanj^iVSirea Years 1 OldM&lt. Kartell' . Braoiy, 1) yetn old. Ales and Stoat frota tb» b«tt BrpwerlM , and" in perfeot oondition. Fineit Bed ,Bank Barma n trarobMed by ihtitXe Wt, CoNMa. A.Jilal .«i]40)t«d. U. ,;: ~ ITKOaTAg^F; COBXESS if BQgiiWOp. - (nig 1 / i Where to-Dino inODiijlin. ,THB .BJSST - Sinn-ixa Dmms : in Ireland is I , Supplied at the : 1 THW HOiTEIi , IJPPEEiSACKVILIiEl ^. | STREET (Oppojite/NelsonV Pillar). : ' . : |'Tho-Pritne8t of ¦BiWand'MoTtotf, "' j Vegetables freah daily froin tbo Proprielor' a own Gafden. . ; . ! ' . jy2i tf : Blaoi^ater , Vale Hotels : ¦ ' ¦ ¦ LI S MOE E ' . JOEN NO ON AN , Proprietor. TTI8ITpB^and CoratD^r^ialiaentlemen will find y. ' ! ' the , abo.Te Hotel Clean , Comfor.table , Charges Mod^rj(te, and A' ceommpdation Excellent A Bath Eoo * m well supplied with-Uot and Cold Water, j, . Cars meet tbe arri ral of erery Train, LIEIEIllcar-Tho Oloatworth, A FiraUiIaas Famil y and Commiroial Hotel. ' mHE " Qlentwojrth" Ji8 the nearest Hotel ;in JL - thd City- to tho Eailway 8tation, Banig , Btaani- boat OfEcba , Telegraph and Post Offico, and to all pnb- lio plaoos of amnaoment. P. KKKNA , Proprietor. 14 15, &nd 10, Glentworth-strcct^ Iimenek. je !8 i ¦ ! SOUTH KENSINGTON ! Private <; Residential Famil y Club. ' i " QLENDOWEB MANSION," ' 13, 15, 17 , ani,131 HABRlNCrTOtr nOAD, 8.W. ' , ¦ ; LONDON. (Tho best and woat convonioilt poaitioil ic Town). One iminnto from . Sonth Konsinptop Station ; ten minntcs to Westminster ; eighteen minutes to the City—Mansion Honif Station ; near Parki , Garden* , Albert HaH, andiMmenma. , | FOE Families wishing to aYold txpenie ;of Honss keeping, Visitors to Town, or Gentlemen detiring the odrastago of a Clab , oombinod with the prifaoy and comfort of Horn* , at a moderate Cost. < Introduction or reference reqoiredJ I dl9-tf !£%r 'Address Secretary, THE GLENDOWEB EESIDENTIAL ' CLUB and PBIVATB HOTEL , Harrington Eoad , Spnth Kensington, 1 8.W. , THE , AHQBI. HOTEL THIS. Largo, Comfortable, and oonrpniently titnated II HQIEL; ha*! recently b«oi». tboTonghlyjpainted andienoTatod by tbo present Propriotor, Mr. HEALX. For Gentlemen ' and families ooming to Dublin f n legal bosineu, it will be foaod mast cimronient , belqg litaated next to the l Fonr Co urta ; and foj Weddi fis Parties and Vi»itor» Jo Dnblia, the acooranodation is secoud to none in the Kingdom, j ' ¦ ' ¦ ; , ' | Private Sitting end Dining Eooms ,,Coffe*-room fpr Ladies , Bod-room« frotn Is. 6d. to 2«.>aoh. Smoking and Billiard Boom«. , : John Jamesoii *nd Son* ' Sercn ftare * old Mali; ; Gninnoss ' s Stoat - : Bass' * Ale. Wines, Brandies, Champagnos, Llqnonr&s 1 , io. ' ' ' ¦ BICHABD HEALY, Proprietor. | a!3.1y Imperial Hotel, ' ; LOWEK SACKVlLLE-STEEET; DUBLIN. j (Opposlto the General Po«t-Offloe and telefraph Offiq«) ' The most oentTal .in tto City. ¦ , r /O01^LETKLT-rcmbd«Uei4fla, re-fnrni«he»J. V/ ^ Magnificent Lad iea' Cuffi)9-B5oj», DiningBoom , Qmofcing.Iloom , Billiard-room. Charges taoderat*. . j : CHAELES .LAWLER/L' roprietor. - f8!»- GREAT ,. G1>QBE jaQTlBL, LOWEB :. BEIDGE-STEKET, D tl B L; IK , Uni JlICUARD COFFEY , Proprittrui i Mdow at tht | lal« BWHA&D COPFETJ. - : j MOST Central ; immediate : nei ghDoaruoojl . '" of Law Courta and Tolegtaph Omooa ; a few doors from. King' s Bridge .Tramway Lino iiflye to tea minntos' drive to any City Bailway ; lwwl j decaratad ro-fdrnishod, and supplied with eTery modern impror». men^ requisite for ths comfort of -riaitors, under the personal snpervisibnlof Mrs. COITMT and family. : i. . Eggs , Bolter, Cream, and Vtg otabUsf torn the Farm doily. - NotwithsUDdlcg preeenttoh rates , Urma , are most modarite. Breakfast* from Is;Si , Beds , from la. Od. each. ' Table d'Hota daily, three o ' ilooa; > 8nn- dayi , .five o' olook; Boup, Two Joints. . Vegetablea and Cheese. 2s. only. ; ' ' : j ¦ ' A Night Porter in attendance ' . All . SerTatita paid hy the Proprietress. All communications to be' addnsnd , ; Mra. COPFjRY, Great Globo. HoW,. i Lower Bridge^treet , Dublin) -, Nocommnnication with any othor hbttsq. . , K8 jy, r CHIP and COUHERCIATV HQTEI^ I W, QUAY , WATERTORD. 1 : . i MIOttAETi KIRWA ;N , TT -A-AVING purchased it * Interest in.tbe abqyjj JOL HOTEL, begs to announce that this EsUb. fiahrnent OP«N«P on , SATOBDAv , yi?8. 16 ,. 1879, . ¦ M, K, , truats, :by strict attsntioi 1 ,. t«jtho»e wfco patronise THI SHIP AHD COWMKBUIAO Horn,, ito merit a continuance of thoir patronage. ¦ i ; ; Quay, Waterford , Fob. 12, 18SS.I ¦ ' fZ8, tf 6ST PBrtlLIOSS or TtlTUIAUSK.., ' Briton Life Association; Lin-ted. THIS 8OCIETY haa doposited lfi33 ,000 with " tha British and Cnlonlil OorenmcDta ua Sp«aial Seonrity to Polioy.Holdcra. .< ¦ .. ' ¦ ¦ " , ' ¦ Ciiii|»MAK t FBANCI8 WEBB. Esq., Soothampton \ I : : BnildiiiRt. ' , DiPrrtT-CHAiuitAN , Dr. B. W. ttlCHARDSdN, ' ! M. A., LL.Dl. F.B.S. , Jlarioheiter Square. " : Imp ortant and Special Aivantagu to Total Alltaintri i ' |- ¦ AN IMMEDIATE B0SU8; ' Beeent Inrettl gatioas h&tlng proTod tb« idor»a*jd T»l iie. of the lite* of porsona wboaroConsUtent Ab- staioeM. an immediate Heduclwn of Ten per C**l. in ^ht Ordinary Annital Premium \n made all «gofa A«»praneca eff^ctwl with, the Association , with partirf- . patfon in th« profits. . . ' ¦ ' . ; : ; (a24.8m.«a») Pf<ispectn8 , Proiiosjl Forms, and «»cry Informition may be had oo applicatiun to the Coinpsoy' i Agent, . ' ¦ ! •EDWA'B D ' - FOXi ' -' j ' p.. * ' GOVBaNMtNT Bf'-OK AND SK*RKnBOItf R, 1 ¦ SI. D\M&Sl!UEET, ' DtWLtN.:i: ; ! ¦ !) • ! I SPBCMKN BTBtJOTUriESj ; .ti&, ' aiity : o^ »Uw at tiWr W««4»_ rfahamble tit , i i CattUE<W4Ht»d Cart S Wn > : \ ; Publie Sato and SdxMko *** ¦ tern * * Boni 1 IKW Et^i ' tafiiftracMw" ' : eTPnbUe W<^*M «^JnHw)Mai 7^pr<>T«4 I1 all nvti of tW£i»gdai4, OorwimmJ Utum ¦]M a |^ fbr^1iwO< bU1 8^aUi(4 iwl tcn» minltm *<x m* &Mi\f ciitt[t\ ¦ m«—5—** n.—i——tf» .. _> «—a—.it—' :R Tp^fT|^fJ j/Tt-j- Lj^^. ^M ^¥ J —— hijM^I— IsCMHMWtta^sVH^ti ¦^i-Llwro'ft^ i^WDfiQhyrfr:iU^ra_iA_toEH :ftOLi» ( 1 . - , - :IOBA«S00w^i!pw6 -«^^5 ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ '\ 8otd Wholewta aod B iUll at "^ ' ¦ ¦" ' ¦ :H ¦ .. .t i Sr3fii "«WS*"'' 1 "'"~ - . ' ; NO BmCOVAIi tf t i u bTwi i0t4MLlBHED ., ; . .. r.!.. ; MVpIyAZ:£i}BXk *)8B> ¦,(....:/ . ¦ -: •j i' :. ' iJ%*5fci " : ! i2(V' i 9TJf^^A^j ; (Mtt,^ . ' ¦ . •j fH- '' iK' .Mj J>»B8 ^h& ^to+ ' iJbni-m¦ ttoW V^^ aPubliegwieralVttattbTMSleBamAMrt 12% QpAYj iU atUl atitWJitty. WttiifiSM •ad 8 MS (JIMM »^lnt>gm*2ivtt$W^ -WK. Joj»«»3|, t «wler<W J}BaW-4S^I«rt«* Co., and tbe onl y Addrtaaiof *te •bow'Xai»fl|1 ; WLLWAM t&Oti!f t> & CO? ¦ ; 120 , QTXiY., ifATSBFO^P/ , j -4a ' Also, that liia Son, 'W ILUAIC Jons, from Collaid t Collard, defotes- hie entire time to tlifl Maalo Buaioera; Tanipg and IBe|)*irini PJaO6»«hdHar- moninma j visiting,at—aa t)i» Cdontiea of Wat«rford , Weifotd , Tipperary, and BJlltenny. Haring assisted to r manac«tjUiaiM«i9. badeni at 120 Quay,, for the Jaat. .W lyeaw^and ifrom hi* tbrpUgh inowlec[ gp : of; thfl'l}iiain«a« , obUiined at Factories of Collard 4 Collanl and otbiir noted makers , tb» pabli c may depend on hailn ^' a aelee- tioa of flfet-cli«s Inatrhmenta-to ' oboose. ' - ¦ -. ;VfimAJ&.\3OXteS&'&liO ,. ; MV8iO WABEBOU8B, 120 QUA Y , . lorite iotendintr Partibawr* toin»p«ct'th AHHocic oi NEW INSTEUMENTS^juat arrived for tbe Hiring Season , from ibe.#actt*i«« of C?Uard * Collard , Broadncod. KirJt ma U, and other filfcekaa Engliab and Fo teigrtMator i - CiU be hlred-fryHha month or year, with^be option of purchase; also, on ttie two and three ytatra ' ay item. - ¦¦ ' ; <<yiO)d InstromentB taken ia ecrcbangg,' ¦ Pianofort ea and Birpipjiinnai Too^lfcepairtd , Packed , Stored , or EeaiOTed. bj 1 , ipting cftir , on tea* eonable terms. ,, - ' | > i New Mu»io ordered dail y, and all Maain in stock at a great Seduction.; A largjB. ' dtsortment of all kinds of Mwioal Irutrarueota . Cricket Ba tf, Balla , Wicketa, Liwn Tennia.Bat^, Ball* , Met), *c, at ; WILLIAM ' /JONES <tf 4X>y _ " i 120 , ' QaAY; WAtBBPCtB©- . : . - , . - ,. I O B/ . | ¦ ¦ ¦ '->W J .:¦ ¦ ICE can be supplied in small or large quantiUet Special quouqona for latter. , A . limited qnantity Will be sold. ; ' ' ..I JyiatT PBOSSOB & CO., Saamer ; Hlll , WatDrford. ; ¦¦-¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ !—r-r1 ' ;.a,4_..-a.-_. -¦ '< iitn<! Tho TuxJrish^Bathj, "Waterfcird. For HEALTH/CLEAmp}EB8. atd HAl 'Pnf MBB . ' ' ¦ ' i»i * BM ¦ ' ¦ ! TUBKI8H BATB, aitna«h " *t; PAEK-BOAD, WATEEFOEB , now entirely renpvat«d . aad improved,, and opfln.iroc, 6' . jiuti to ' -Sj^tr/Jeaoh Week Day, and pa Sunday mocninga-v - - °? Single .Baths, la. -t» 2a, e«cb> and oa»do««a »t 8s. On 8atrxrday ETenioga » 8 to 8 ,-6<L [ _ ' Hot, Cold , and 8b&w«r Batba , -1».;- ; » - : ' ¦ " One of tha molt r*mifkablaprOp*rti»a«f itha Bath (a its ability, to destroy \ha aeoa* at Utifaa.»ii uxbu». UUoo. " —Mr. ERASMca WlL»0«. i . - Habitual Bathers seldom UkaooM anl U«l« Jrio hate got a ohiU , and. leel Cataitdt^iaamuiait , ean al> ways cat it short by a> good long bath. ' Dr. ifUDsnr. BQLOMOHS' iiflKEOfACLia MB; R SOL6_6TSS/<^riouir , ' ° -j- 19, N A 6 8 A q - . 8 TAB BX ,f: D OIILIH.. rsrtc^ bta 8; —an prcfm>lOaaU/,ec^U»h«Li>tJ>«aUa ^EQgto ' gj Moa the r^aa1 ^«tMt . th«^gt , tjiwrnfe' 8 ^.ra^'^%l^ q to n ^tfSiS«^?0 l T2S~ tbat nnabvrs hare serkraslT aolMra rfinagi ibavgaulMs— t—tltkaow' .anoecejiar . 'to dMll rtMHta tbiiSt <nee o( hi. SpeoUoW (*o difl««oti fiD«» KkkUor tStflif sabtteiuse, which h* uiuMi ooortrwU , «roin««» , nor <J1«- pose« at),aiid:oD tat adrx^gqi <1«du »y a j ftw»AI«>. «liiiii» > s aietbod of adaptlnc O_»« to DtimSin S»btTii Biatttr«f much deeper faaportaaca than U (nqaesll/ nggm ^tf ««aa ar« adntnUjr calenlated to pranr*tit* «j*aitalamlM to extfMM . oil »««.. Tbe/ bar* Man Ml br U»r_as*ajs- tingnlabed penous ana Members 6( Uu nmitj'0l Xk» Hinxdom. ; ¦ ¦ ~ i OBSEKVE. —l>er»ott« can b* toUtitx *—lodag- » f—rot Siieotaflle«. Or on« of: th« flliw '*» » i-**— .--**—. **— dl.tali <u Irbtaiib ' »aja th»yo«» noilntU^SvSb ' i&aad tbo«« who bat* not enjidoj ed aptetaetaa bj «i poH»l »f ta—r ¦y. j«^Mi f T' aVNi '' "|p#"1— *~— WaMifad and iU Vldnitj to ue di(ecte<rw^U. tiOU)HUK'(«itabllab* m«>Jf Mo. U ffA83AU^rKE»T; (IitMaiet »|JU( i)Wr>, within one door of KAWWM^rulUiT. DUB..OI , ' «k #<f^n o< an ktei proaBtlr j«(~d«a to/;.... Oomtialaif wruibai^ w)t^. «<tr*ar<is—- T pvwm an* oMar> i9M0( vi foo. wUeS; sarlTwdOls^eV&^ad «*5a ' Waistcoat i' oclut, Dwr 8—U_f, <lflUA»;'8aa ,' ai4 att otSs* pnrpostsi both by c_j "*n«l nliaW'aMaaaifKmStethie wOl »how AUtmir Jirptt<^« , tealSia , *c; . ! FrtaWCt, «A, W!W; . OAI ADD Art'SOaaaOCAL . TltlSCOPX, PUICS « COMPiera-WUh winijm&toeh^iolinMMtla ' obJ»ot:«Us«, iwo . iaprOTud«7? :ft«Ma ,fe* « lsi^ v p«Tt*>- metal pointed stand. ' : Tbis-«xti£aram*r inStHttasdt iria ' dearlrl «how tlie . Bo* t imottuat: ha(vMt^-ladlati , 4aA- ezulbU*lUidisUB«(D«Mta4i<Hda^slM^aBa««iaicH*;i*a , «t man* miles di*Uae« , *q«al !artsjU)*»4sAM*>t)tl (o(t)k* tbat x tbw slip mto a Wafak Jo— •* , -j* ri»m?7Jl1«<«nfo< power aawx. o<^th> tiH{—« B»g«4 tl«(v tlternwotan* itaal p ower , trom8t. 6d., an4laTl-Hii«Pk41ort«lil>i. - ¦ ¦ .3 MAOKJ . LAflXEuW8 A^U j ^TJjLVAffpi-Tlii 'trS- Cleir.brflWVt .slttude , tuoii^b »riu|j.;i41 tors*W<^W?«t is (rml Yttiety, —Conds , Boeni^'l^Mtfaskl/lnosinraaf tal«* , wart , traTela. «c. A save'^/'i—*Sk ai4 «?»»—t trcm 7S. 00. A Mfeiiogai in -rrii^H *-- : ' - ¦ ' V : <" ' ADMUtAlt yf«Boiri» jjG»jMEE«air*B_in.* i». r—mot Ufo»—Aoeont JIT <orrt«tlr*« <he W«*1J—r , —— W tonnWaiomud la ttahojiat. wtthTJiarTj|g»j«t«T; . . Its. BOEOMOtTH- MEW UuTJffi BASoSSmUirtW l&i M. Corr»alTberBiou>«t<i« , ' Jtfi ¦j i«»')4ai' " ¦.. ' ¦ ,. < . iMPitoveo >uou8Tiv ,i55r«;ir>airr9 tit -txaM and ercry degree o( tleaftifjf. •; ¦ j ! ¦ ' - ' . ':¦ CAUTiON 1—In co ~ . -atcin«se« . «f a«aara«i, atUMM at baportllfiB , tli ii accessary ^To act* Miteiljt peWairf'dUrass , an 4. to 1 oWene—i^alf f j >e tsl 1 uo«HV Jt. flo*o*oi * s Uonj(pr^eB»lan»K MUUU-i _5»S»a««WM. V VamkerNOfeTEEK, HiSA0»TiSr , 'Dttll.4r. ¦ Z*. triace W . Hill-boor.. wi»kl», eue fWjdr! «« BMWMtMMt , MciifH U M cfcf «MT a«-«dor .nAw e/' «*(a«. etalW^r *Oer na».«.aS <l uit— .r ftr-ok— Al«i!«ml*ii*BA»5LT.«B« , Mii^tEH jA^ArJS^^ r,jb* nau>yo» w. I .v _ We ;<JM r ^ obw. : WnriiAiS mk iNima 1 1 ' : yTr^j lt^^^ t '^^t#^ir 4i^ |piii : ¦ ¦ O&& 1 OEQXU? fttt : _tmcmi K* nftii—Fy wsw wtsu^tra 'i' -' . T ' ^n L^^*f^.Ln^T-7%. : m5fr'^ ? iErLn i ^- ft' •klOCDUOQ * SIAWOPBSHMI K#CU3*>13BBDSW ^ XEH?J O^ M v r ri CsrPpUcft ^ AT i - * •Tf ii tft ^riyjkfiit thBp^y ^' ^PBiy ^ ' :

Transcript of SPAWM c^^ fe^ thn...

Page 1: SPAWM c^^ fe^ thn merohanta^tradari and! nobilityv. gantiy, farming classes, &< .t. in Witaiford, Kilkermy,Tipper»ry,

¦ 1-4


xmM¦¦'. f . '. t i• '•

¦¦¦ ¦¦*ii ":

¦,';-<¦¦¦-" 'f^A;-!

TH— . wA-_&Ew—&t _i_W_.# •¦--j^ u^^^^nr" r'T,- ; .i 1 ; : . .

¦¦ i QlAfliu0jut?*ioir;" I " 1 . t 'LiBOEST.Clsqcn i.TIO}i !r» THJ( SOOTH! <)» IBSt,A>Tr>SPuMWue aiirj FElD4l'/<rra a*X4 :«V >TUBD.A1ir• . : Mtmin|«,J«t»>»; «9 «t»« 50, KtagtnsVI:,: •.i (OPFOi IT» TH»lr»OTi»cm.,-»Ajr ^>.,. , > ., i•OEICE- -TWO PJWCB iTeaily(iiAdna»oe),8s.Sd.Jt« ' "- By pprfWMtffrfc iPf7pd.[r :': i; v i< K3T AH Clieqt ea aiiJ IP. O, Ordtos.dnadaipayableto COBNEEHJS P. EBtt»tf>Nb,:at this Offio*. i; > ¦ •

' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' l i ' .

v *' } '• 'I ¦ ' x '¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦

i Th» NEWS (Libt ml In lioliaoa) oircnlatag eifenrivjolyeimoowb thn merohanta tradari and! nobility.v gantiy,farming classes, &< .t. in Witaiford, Kilkermy,Tipper»ry,and the south of Ireland geBetaUy.'l The N»ws naaattained a cirb tion heSer ,equalled by any paperpublished in WaMrford, bad 18 admittedly . tha. leadingjournal iti this imp )rtantqity, with ;wHnE there Is directiailT oc-nmnnicafi in fronyjondoni' j ' ! ; ' V ¦

1 Pattirul&r atterr ion {aid to oommormnl-Mid'ttgrlouI-tural tnatters. j !¦ ¦.: fr ;- ' °' •:': . ¦-- •]¦ J - „ '' . .¦! AdTBrtisements tooeiyeqior the NEWB by oil respect-¦jbla Newspaper Agents j n thfl. Uidied; Kingdom. : Pre-payment roqakfte from patties apt knownj at the office.

i AiafcHTS FOB Sita oi TBS Ttstysi usty voa;AavEfcTissHSHfa s ,r : ¦ •'¦ -

TVATEBEOBl>—llr; W. |Kxtt.T, little Qeorge's-st; _BUNGABVAN—! JEISAI* & 00], Devbn»Mte Sonara', •' ;TBAMOEE—iliai : GLANCT,.Ecft»»ftnWnt^£ooms.'0AREI0K.ON-SI XB -MT, H«.w»,ifewi g«it, i •LONDON-J: G.- KINO * SoK j Bolt'Courfc, Fleets. .DUBLIN—JleBsr^ W, p. §MlTH & 8J>N ,;Aliboy.rt.i


SOTITHI oy JBBLAHJ). ! i-lUte«i Service [by ;<>£EAT. WESTEBSf j BAIL-

- Milford Haven.inicotnection TOth.jtf ie JP ATBBT


i SSt S&M. indi: Bedncii^area.jTr- -JK ; ¦¦ Etvrets Traint \and '; Fast .

_p5?Ss5\ ,lk : H Koil flteamCTt, :i • • ¦'5^____S2L \ lxrBBY:W! !X£DAX. ' :no-WN -LEivilLoNBQW (Paddington) at 5.45 p.m.*-^"Sundays taepW4, and ABBIYS = AT WATra.

yoED (wiather and dronmsto permitting). aW elovon a.ih., in tJme tor e.'Traina btt; So Watorford and Linieriok;, Central Irelarjd,

jp Lr^e^te^t's.Op.m., Woimok Day,OT' o J Arrival of ;the U a.m Train torn Urnonqk;

10 a!to. Train from Maryborough, and'¦ 8 l'o ' a m ' Train1 from liBmore; AsMvmo ?n1 LONDON

' : (weather ana cironmstanooa por^mitting) 1110.45 <a.m., the. foUowuig day;..

¦¦ . .1 qDccial Steamir, carrying PasBengeri, penahab,leJ?Sa Li^S&k.milSaUfromW &L. Company-a

wttcrford at7S>. on Mondays) on arrival of tho 0.15<iv^n from Paddirgtoa the pronoun oreuing. - • ¦;¦??£&»teSfaSwby the Steamo;r tevb«Wator-foriVlI- toturdaji will proceed from New iUUord by

^"SS^PSSSffT -^^.W0 ar»u y»"

, t^a.ataffCB will lion be

^enabJIthTs ersto dep PUNCT^aT

^So^mffiN from NEWiiLFOEDwm


aU rfwAH• paiVjAX of Steamers leaving Wt

nai o BtanJ^canPasBen^

holding Thi d

i : !„ .. I 3rd ClasaandFpr;eCabin.20BOdE^BNO (available 2 .onth.) Ut^^S^n, V6B.

' ,, » 3ra Cla8B and Fore! Cabin,-33s«.

, Paddiwrton TermintsJ ' - ! I i : r< '"'. .

: AMEiUCAiJ LIN}!i.! ; i . • '¦ :¦« v - ' !> V tnsilTED STATES MAIIi

•=i_ll_2^b»]iiYerpool to Philadelphia,


! Calling at Qu enstown ThuradayB.' PirBt-clasa Fnll-powored ; Iron j . Steamships.

The «nly TransJ-Atlantio lino Bailing nndet tbe Urii-tcdiStates Flag.1 Accommodation for |all olaa ea ofPassengers equal to any European Steamship lino.

Ptwaengers and goods aro landed at Philadelphia onthe j Wharf of the . Pennsylvania Eailrpad Company,irhioh has the shortest and most direct route to all placesin the Western Slates. ' I • ; i

F»r further particulars apply to ! ! II EI0HAUDS0N-, 8PENCE 4 Co.' • !¦ ;|17 andjW.Water-streot, Liverpool;,I " • LOCii AQRNTB : . j IIHABVET M Saii'i'iH , Little George's-Strcet,i 1 .Waterford;. I " | !i EICHABD LANBY. CaTriok on-Soir ;! WILLIAM O'DONOGHUE, Kilmacthomas ;j DOYLE & HUNT; New EoiB. i (o3)

rr AMGHlOR" LLINE ^i ; ![ l_ ; . !

' i :¦

: I M A ^L ' : ! ^ T E A M E B!'S . ; '

\"TNTOTIOE—To obviate tne risk I of collision;i-Nj lessen tbi ordinirir dangers of Nation, andenroro Finer Wkther7the-owneM of the ''Anchor !Iiae have adopWd Lieut Mwray's syek m of : separatjSteam Lane Eoiites for the Oatward pd HomeirardPassages of theif Atlantic BteamerJ, whereby :the moatBo thorly route practicable willbe regolarly maiatainedthroogbont all seasons of the year, j I. ¦¦

" CITY OF RO3IE,'/ 8.415Ton«, ona of the strongest,largest, and fastist ol, the Atlantic, wiU saH as under.Excellent acoommodation for «llclasst« of Passpngew.

| Fnin[ Qwxn»lown to Ne u) \T(irk: ¦ ¦;Cnr OP EOUE ..: ., , ' •• ;. j g i

Blh :

plsTcn^oiIbocked iU partoof the;UnitSd;State*


Or 1aI N i0NB%EHS, ;i VV1 . I : Scott 8auare, Queenstown.

JLOCii AQKSTB. ! j i '

FHTI&; WA BO i WBIA8 &H0I.0HAN'Hwgarv an-yf . WAWH. TaMow G. W. JONZS .

' iAtmore-Jl W. O'OOHSW*:. ! ;, Cappogu'tH08" CowirotB. ¦ ¦ -


-nh- RR WALLIS' OFFICE removed from LadyM. I Z u , No. 2 . B AN K PL ACE , ^[Opposite City fciUJ, where all Order1

for ervanta^faTusualTrPivi prompt and «« «^ion.

Mrs. WALUS bvai a of thisjopportbnity to returnlei beat thanks for tUa Jorge V** '?"

™}***?} !

Seethe transfer of tajejSBBTAUTs' BtoMK to her, andtrusts to morit ai conKnuanw. ¦. . . : . U - .. - i - mL-,J.M Li

CSS" No Servlnt rtcoramended ty <™&4- ¦"****?:.etttSny is made WJp^go^ JlJSSiVrio^presentdisorigagod,*<>]"» Tho«loKhiBi^

lint?'>| eSand Housemaids; Bnilo s, Coachmen i Ac. ¦ L»28-Bm

OTHSEBTAJWSS; 'SSmmt \VERAHDAflj || ! YEKCSLWW» ¦.WIHDOWOABpW : BAM(T?iiA- ii-aasWiSBBB^ar.of the most imp ovid; deegn. ia iltalw1 ;*0"1 .

HEATING! APfA^ATUSj¦ j ! : imVMi t HSJjpBSE&Li ' ¦¦ ¦ 1

! CoBi kt«&l*»»«h>«ll«2fol*Bf"» • ! -¦ ¦ ! ¦Battp ^MJM, 6ohool». *y> , :- .- j

T^:^wiw^ s».-k«]tWnb^ "iH-

r:f.-' - ,. !•; ¦

: ' i

J...'- ' '. _ :._ SEE ttBEB, 1885;.;,] J;;"! ! I ' '¦WA«BK*.0ffl.^ « r: tdraro o ; • -,

i ;PLTM0UTH. BOCto*» Mto^l>i>|-BpiI|IB Of T',. COttK, -DUBiini, Bjaf^OT fiiri...atiipf^CHV, '.;'

- ¦' S-ijtl i ¦ ' I wii! «f! «id,p<5wBjfiu Scter4Mi££rK Xjtetuuto* ABAITUOBE, BAKLT.. UjSfcmH^ i COTTOiJTjC L ck t-CpPBLAHD,,

INISOTBAHULL^ATHrjar, 81L7kS i.'StEB tVOBfllTO WABD, in lnUiidsd ,tol .Soil iui Imtaen , weatner Mr*mtttinc (unlea prevented' by - anJoroBoea'OlrctLmBUDoea),,with liberty to Tow Veaels, lad to rail at any Port OT Pottsia any order, la or out'of f lia Aostomory coorso, to BeoMte 'ondDlscharKe Coreo. or for *nr other pnrj>o«8 whktaoerex.,-Taemiay. . l r tUJ , ' ' i'TU Baifist1 i ; , : : ! l.'.p.m. .W«dnei4oy, 2o4 , f via Cork, ¦ ¦ ¦. i 1 pjn.!Friday, ith „ i via Cork : : ¦ i 1 D.m:'Monday, ! 7tU - „ J direct U nooD.1Tuesday. ,, .. : 8th.:. „ 1 via Belfast '. . -, : 1 p.m.¦KTednesday;- , ¦ 8th- - „ . via Cork' ; : . 1 p.muJWaj;_ nth .. „ . .¦ rta Cork . . . 1 p.m.Mondnj, Uth „ 1 direct' ' 13 nooaTpesdoy, . . . 15th , „ i v U BoUost . ;; M p.m.WednMdajri 1 '-' l«tb. '- ,r Ti« Cork — \ ¦ I' p.m.Friday, 18th. ¦,? TlaCork ¦ ! ¦ 1 p.m.Mondiyv ¦ ' airt .T;, ! "direct . ¦ ; ; ..12 noon.Tuesday, ' 22°4 . » iriaiBeltoat ' ¦ 1 p.m.'Wednesday, ' 23rd. ' „ |"vl» Cbtk *i ' 1 p.m.Friday, 25thi ¦ „ j vi» Cori : I p.m.Mooday, 28th „ : direct : 12 soonTuesday, / 29th ¦ „ • IvialBelfaat : 1 pjn.¦TCedaescbjV , SOth „ \ via Cork : 1 p.m.

1 ¦ raoir oLxsaoWTO f iTiTEarOEDEyery MOKDAY direct — ' ... 1 p.m.; " /- . i . ' : I ' BoJli to:Qroeoock...6J0p.m.Every WEDNESDAY, ThJDublin. w.; ' „ 1 p.m.

'! ¦ ' J _ • iHalt.-to 'Greon'bck.:! IHUBfiDAY dlroct : ! , :., . .; . -., . 1 p.m.• - ¦ ¦ ¦ ' I - Ej»a to Qreenook...* p.m.Every FBIDAY, via Cwk : . ! ' ¦ . < < : : ; ¦ . '. . . 1p.m.: ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦

I ' BaiU to QKteuock.,.6^30 pjn.¦ rsou wirEoroa^TO BEUAar,

Evory TUESDAY ... !, ; - . ... at 1 p.m.: • ¦


1 pSTcrr WEDNESDAY, via Qlolzon. . . . :KBOM TMZKRjto&I) TO . OUBLU I, .. . . '

Every PHIDAY, «a Cork and --Quuigbw. : . : '¦SteamorS on Uh aud1 18th Sept. *U1 go direct (com Cork to '

: Dublin ahonld fuficient cargo offer. ¦ :: DDBLIX TO WiTEuyonD-fEvery TUUB8DAY, dlreot.- !'-' • - i rsov wiTB&foao TO cou; t ' i¦ Every WEDNE8DAY, dlreat j ..: , ... at 1 p.m. ;Every FB1DAY, direct | I '! . : .. . ... otLpm.-!FEOH COEI'TO WXTKBTO&D, dfroct—Every .MONDAY.' ;

-.1 .' : WHTBTOEO TO Loatoa (St. Katbeiin»'sJ>ock);- :¦. . ; ¦ Every BATllKD W, »t 4p m. :IOSDOB TO WiTsii'bKDi'c.via Plrmoath, ; !

Evory THURSDAY,; frbin Su KatberWa Dock. • : ¦ :No Transhipment by this route. Ordtrs for collection or

delivery of Goods will be attended to by Laviagton Brothers,69, Old Bailey, E.C. ; Great IHormitago-Strait, Wapping, E,,and-Arober-street, JJonth Lambetb. ti.W. .'" ¦;, • WiiEETOBD TO PiTHOOTfl , \ direct—Every SATUBDAYi ;

: • at jVp.m. ¦ ¦¦' .¦ ¦ , :

PiTMOnrrn TO WA«aronbr direct— Every 'SATUEDAY, 'WiTEBTOED TO 80nTH»lIPT0a; tu X lilB OUTBj ,

Every8ATlfBDAY at .4 pjn.. iSourniBiTOH TO WITEETOBD, VIA Plymonth.

: • Ever7|pamAYi . • ¦- ,. ¦ ' • .These Steamors havo excelleat:' acobmmodatibn. for

PotsengeraJ .. I :- ' . - .j ¦ P A S S A G E . M O N E Y . ' .

• 1 ¦ ! r ' r I ! ! ' Cabin,! Eeturn. -Deck-

WaUrford to Glasgowand l idtaet .17>. 6d. 25«.. 10a.I „ ! Cork, .„ I . . . i i Bs. j lie. , 5s, .

„ ! Dublin, ... j ...; 1 12a. '64 • 20».- 7«. 6d. . „ I Plymouth 4 Southampto«,20s. 80a. 103 '¦ „ I London, ... I I ... ! . ¦ l£s. 6d 35a. It's.Botnrn Tickets available for two mocths—not transferable

' Children above- 3 and ufifler 12 years of' age, w»» Faro;'0* NOTXI—Tho Clyde Shipping Company Insure all Goodj

Bhipped by these lines of Stekmers at 3s id per cent, to Tradershaving yearly agrcumentsJ isnd If *, per' Cent to occasionalSbippers. Valaes to be declared at time ol Shipment. Formsana all information to be hald at the offices. 1 ¦

For Batos of Freight, 4c., arpply to-J. C. Pinzxios,Belfast : KimBT J. WuJsu '.& Co., JPlimonth». THOMASM'GABSIT,! London and South,-Western, Hallway Company,Exeter Buildings, Artbar qtroet, West, and at the 17. & 8, wBoilwuy • Beceiving HonBes j tnronghbnt j Londoni J CLTDXSBippraa Co., fllasgoif , GrieWek, 13, Thomas-st.! umorick jSoatbampton; 21 Eden Qusy, Dnblinj Patrick's Quay, Cork,


¦¦ , Cnstem Uoase (]aay, Waterford.Special forms of Bills o! Lading, the Clyde

Snipping Company, to bo hid of '. the Agent*. .

CTaterford SteamoMj. Company ,I (LIMITED). '



> -V- - i ^.. ¦ TVrlOTrCE.— The Watorfordt^ iiiV^*~~ iV^' i JL_\j Steamship Company (Limited)JCVgjySaU' i. recelve;Ooods»n4.1iv« Btock for Bh',- >:,- ¦ '*f?>^*Tv | mmi I f>w ' tho ¦ opndrtlonji mentioned id

'— ' ¦¦ : ' 'p auimW:El»t», S»., t»-U-ha4 at their1 Office i.! M ¦ ¦


Directi: . ' ¦ I . , • . Direct i . :¦Tuesday, Sept. 1— 1 aft'n xin Wednesday, Sept 2 . 10 nightFriday, I ,, ? •• 3 att'npon SOUDAT, : „ 6 ... 3 mornTuesday, ,, 8... 3 utt'nooo Thonday ,, 10 ... 6 mornFriday, „| mornj Saturday, „ U ... 8 «Ufn;Tuesday, „ 15.-12 noon] Wedne»day, „ W ...10 algiilFriday, „ 18... 3 oft'n]x>n 8OHDAT, „ U) .„ 3 mornTuesday, „ 2i« 3o[t'oooo:Tbansday, :¦ „ \A ... 6 mornFriday, „ 25... D.morri ' Satnrday, . „ 2« .. 7 att'nTueiday, ,, 29...11 morri ! (Wednesday ., 30 ... 0 nighttr On early Horning Soiling*; Cabins of the steamers will

be open to receive Paesen ers:arriring by the Night Ha)Twin I

¦ J i i : ; ¦ • :Tram. ¦ i j \ \ . ¦ • :

Fares—Cabin, 15s. ; do. Beturn (available for One month)£53. i do Children and Servants, travelling with Families, Uts.Deck, 7s. 6d. j do CbUdren; 43. S :

W A T E B F O .BD |AND L I V E B P O O L ,. FXOK WAntBroBO:: I '¦ i ¦ . 'FBOU; LivnroOL :: :

Wcdnodsy, Sept. 2 ... •* aft'n^Wodnesday, Sept. 2 ... 3 nft'nFriday, ' „ 4 ... 9 mornTfridsy, „ . 4 ... 8 kft'uMcndayi i „ \ T ...' 1 nlt'n! !— —Wednesday, . ,,. 0 ... 2 oft' u Wednesday, „ 9 ...lOmornFriday, , „ 11 .- a alt'n Frid.y, „ 11 noonMoDday, ' „ 1* ... 2 nft'u Monday, . „ 14 ... 8 nffnWednesday, „ 16 ... 2 oft n Wednesday. ,, U ... 3 ulfnFriday, „ 18 .., 9 mpip Friday, ' „ IB ... 4 affnMonday ' ,, 21 ...12 noun Monday, ,, 21 ... 8 momWednesday, „ 23 ... 1 alt'B WMuosday, „ ai . .lu mornFriday, „ 25 ... 1 aft'p tMday, : „ a ...11 momMonday, ,, 23 ... 3 olt'p Jtonday, . „ iH ...II nonuWednesday, „ iSOj... 4 aff'ij Woduosday, „ 80 ... Z uffn

I Cubin i'are, Us. Od : do i/e-uin, available for a mouth, -Jia.Do. Servants (travelling wfth'iliuniliei) and Children, lus I:Deck, 7s Bdj Children, 4s.[! || : . .' : :: Extension of Time grantsa on all Eeturn Tickets, on the

following tezms;— For » Fortnight, its. Od, ond for every,cnbeequent week; 2s. | | [j ; ,

Goods rocolved and disaborgeJt at Clarence Dock. '. :!. Goods.liooked) throJgh (rod all .prindpul'Stations pnj

Great Northern,1 Lancashire,and Yorkshire, London andjNorth Werteru i Loudon aod South Western, lUnohcstor,-,Sbetfield, aud Lincolnshire and Midland Builways to.Waterford. ¦, Through Bookings also to .Limeriok, Tiypb>:

: <Jood» Booked through bom all Stations on Waterfntd aiid:Central Ireland Bcilway, Waterford, Dungarvan, and Lismrae!Bailway, and Watorford and Llraertot Bailway. : f

' Parcels hopked through at law Kates to ail principal Sta- :tlons on London nnd North Western Uailray.i WATEBFOBD 'AND HEWfOlil. i

j nan nxnmoiw. \ ' ¦ raox asinro&T. '•Weekly. - i ll ! Weekly. ; j¦ W A T E B F O E D A;N[b D U N O A i t V A N ; ; |

: ' As Cirxa offorn. : !W A T E E F O B D I j C N D I X O U G H A L . i : !

i ¦¦ . " As Cariro'Jofferj.- ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ : ! i

I -v 7 A T £ E F 0 B Dj 1AHD N E W B O S S i i; Fsov NBTV Iioss—Doily, Gundays exoeptod, at 8-J4 o.m. i 'i Faox WATBB»OBD—DaUy! Sundays excepted, it $-3j p.n»J 'i W A T E B F O B D . AiNip D U N C A N N O H T i .I Fwm DracAirifOH—Dailyj Sopilays excepted, at 8.30 ».m.: :FSOK WATKBIXIED—Daily, Sundays excepted, at S-35 p.m.' <

I Non—Tho Waterford Steimship Company, Limited, InjureaU Goods Shipped, by these I lines of Steamers at 3s. 4d. porCent, to Traders having Yearly Agreements, and Ss. per:Cent, to Occasional Sbippers,values to be declared at time of,gbipmoot. Forms and all j Information: to be had at : '

: Berths secured and every! Information given by Agents at !BBiSTOirf-Watorford Steamship Compony'sOclce (Llmitod)

C3iQuB«nf Bquirei . . . ! ; . . ; < J - ,Xivznroo -Wobsrford. Steamship .Company (Limltad), SO,

WatftMtreet, and Clarono* Dock. j .! NrwrxTBT—'Thomas & Co.', jpock^nroet. ¦ !; DTOOAIVAB—Mr.. T. Down«y,-M*in-«tn*t : '.! Yovoau—W.:N. Ussher,iN*l»ou.plaee. i i "i - At the Ofnoer, New Boa and Duncaoson. ! ¦And atr the Company's H«ailOmiJes, XEB ""¦. TVAitavois.

«FOR THg BkM I3 THE iir&V '


! Trad* MarkH-"Bl50d Mixture." i . iiXTlOB CLEAN SING Wad] CLEA^LNO the JtjA)01>! Jj from all AmpuritM^aWot Ve too highly,,woom.;ioeodod. For ScrotuU, Scurry,. Skin ' Diseases, and sort*WaU kindjltuaneveMalliBi.indpermsaent onr». I ;; It ConsOId Boresr f I i;1 • ' ¦ • - . ¦¦ ¦¦ • ' ;• Cure* Ulcerated<Jorei on tha Neck ) , ,

Cur«#tnoent»d Sot*. Logs j j ¦ ¦ !Cur** Blackheads or (Pimples en UM Fac« i . |

Onres Scurvy Sore* I ! r ' ! ¦ : ¦ , i " ¦ i; Cures Cinoorotto Dfc«rs 1 1 ' : ' ' ' i: Cures Blood *nd Bl lo DUeuss) '' Care* Olandnlajffiw ulinjnt i • '¦ ' < !' Clears the Blood from *Ji Impor4 Katter, bom' whatevtf, - ¦ ¦ ¦

v-- i , ¦' ¦ ¦ eaiseariilnj1. ¦ ' ,¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦' • . ¦¦} ,

: A* thlsmttfqteU t>U*si«rttqthst»st«,aBdw»mnt«d{re*bom aaytbtox lnjarious <o! the most delkatscoustltatfoni ojeitbar «x. th« Propriston s#Udt sufferers to rive it a trialt o Utt its vain*. . - -. ¦ ¦ { \

' l i l ; " ¦ > • i - .: ; ' • ! ¦ ¦¦ ] '¦'1 TMomunmt BtSTilio»iAi * Jton Ali rust. . . \ i

' Bold In Brittle* 2» Sd eeio, sad InCisa*, oooUinin* 8 BoUtleV 11* *s«h.W«ol«nt' to|««>rt»5«r«asii»tit ceotln Ung iitandlflf essesj by aU Chkstlsbj *n51*<«nt Hedkine Vtnj4oT»tS»u|boirttbe.viOTl<l|;(>r,»eBt to sny addrswoarscdp*rf5wln*ndl2$l»nd Co iikba' Dri Owrpany, tnrooiiij, j

r ; ¦, iniinn^G j ^v tom ixf r i I jEffectiTB .tTMgoiiei t*eij»rj»tfei» .wWrrOabiK for PBIHTIM #^^e iiy.'defcHpttai, ia ding \rDOSTBBS. Bfn-h« %/Cirfa^KoteH^dljiltitTs Pamphlet*. Bba Swjli>, P»M-bin», IiiTdo*i¦

JtMee, «jd, ti r^Mm |(MfaS >•*& •" «>T

BMd ia^Wi* tjr:!lltito4«. .>t ^-i- •• • 12JAA % - Lf En-tttllt im u aim tp ? tiu o* vttimi

•.Kotiog. Bool <#Wdlff f, ;>|tf, to f mtgrmi

|rtp<|1|Vi;v' : : ];': ^\. \ : | . ; : :?;•; r ' ^ r

mm-s rk. J I :tim.¦¦lul l\

. ¦ ^JJJli . - T f-iJLJJLi JL . 1 . M' ili/d llJ^ J Jil ^ ^ " ; : ' _ I " ' ' . . " ;' : ¦ - . '•

. : - : - '. :! :' ¦ :J: : ' :: j ¦ : i ,;3Sidraijt iiei a^ :¦ . ( : ¦ ' ' , U > - ' ¦ ¦-:..:r n

; ¦

, : :- . ; ¦ ¦!;

¦ ¦: . ; ¦ '¦ -; ¦ < ' . S vTT. ;;.-:. : . ' • .,! ! ., . . \ ¦ '.;l -

:: '} ¦¦¦ , ltt rZTTrctr* ¦ ¦ . _ j .

¦ j . . . - . ;u

" ••'¦

:'¦ ¦; ¦ ' '¦ - ' ¦ ¦ ] . ; . - '

I ;.! ;, : "' . ; . " ¦':

': ,J : ; ' ! ' j ¦ ; ! ¦ '¦•


'! : I •'kTEKBaidiiB PUBEBT i ANp . BEST..- ;;;: , : . :: .:.;. ^ r ' ¦.•

iaaa^n : ! : Lemonade 33&£feSHP ^WBlife^^ Sdda^iWffiwrJ i fiiniser ¦ 'JB^er. <

WATKBFOfBD AND UDtfiHTOK BAILWAY. ¦,¦ ¦ ¦ •' , .Uj>, l Train$f r i m J r .attiferd.::, . :|: 1 j,

¦ ¦ • j - '¦ ¦¦

, ¦ r&imxmvm vm. " ¦


; vfATBTtronn i ¦' • ¦ ! ¦ ,¦' Mollf v (Mail ; J l i i t:, TO UWISJ 12 3 l a's 1« 3 1 2 3 J 1 23 12 3 124J<"J Class. Class. Class. Class. Class. Class, ol xs: . . . . . . , _ . . , tM. • !».«.:. r.n. I'MCi j r.K.-j r.». n»!

Wateriord dep. a 0 9-4S1 ll 8» !**'/«»¦'i!i-; I STCarriok^n ulr 6 33 lit 18 12 '7- B 27 1^1* — 9 US!ClottBML....;...... 7 10 W^J 18 8* ?«-» 10 0 , - .10 0.Hpperary...,,.... 8 10' 11 45 145 ¦»' SS -' ' U »'Junetion..n 8 85 12 13 2 20 5 45 12 « — 12 25,gola- 8 45; ... 230 :659 ... ' .7Dallas 8 65 12 30 9 45 6 o 12 80 - 12 50!Dromkeen. l; 9 0 ... ... 6 15 . . — , , . \Boher ..... . B 10-12 43 8 0 6 80 ¦• ... ¦ — - .. 'Limeriok arrival 9 85 -1 0 S 20 6 50 130 — 1 3 0

Dow» .2?ra»»vs./roni Hmtrie. . ' | .: I , TSAtas os WSXK BATS v I Sdysi

uireiici .1 *? I • i j ' ' i i . . l ukll'TO WATIEIOBB-. '12*812 *812431248 1243 mtt jl j

iClass. Class. Class. Class. Claeu. Class,Cliss.| A.V. | i.K. |; A.K. | P.M. j r.U. : p.m ) F^M.;

Limerick' dop... t- I 7 0 '11 0 1 35 I 4 0 18 50 lO aoTBoher - „ ...' ¦— ! 7 18 11 18 ... 4 20 , ... . .Dromkeon • ':— ! 7 28 111 28 ... 4 SO ' ... ¦ . . IPallas ' „ ... ". 7 35 U, 35 ... 4 40 11 15 11 15Oola . . „ ... — ' 1*7 M tl 80 ..i 4 55 ¦Junction arrive — | 8 lu 12 '8 2 IS 5 10 11 55 11 55Tipperary..:dep — : 8 65 13 SO 3 2a '5 50 12 50 12 50:Clonmel '... 8 30 10 15 182 .585 7 5 i 2 20 230Carrick ... 810 10 60 2 0 r6 « 7'45 3 0 8 0\Waterford urrirlO i 0 |11 25 2 35 ;7 40 '8 30 j 3 45 S U

' | JOHN j'.i jnJBPHT. Secretary.


The shortest route from Watorford and Kilkenny to Dublin'Athlone, Parsonstown,; or Ncnujh, is fia Uaryboronsh. (

Tain ALTSBAnosB-r-On Suidoys, tbe 8.0 am. Down, «nd6.JOp.m. Up Excursion Trains discontinued. On week days6.15 p.m. Up Train, discontinued, i j :,'U rBOK WATIBTOJlll. |



STATIOKS. il2431 4 2 l243Good^ 123; 138: Clan Class Clou. Class, Claps Cliss., . I A.H. |..wt. j r-ji. j T.X nooni f.|i. ¦

I hm Ih. b.m. h- jn* p. m.Waterford, departure 7 0 2 201.4 0 — 12,'" i « 50Kilmacow.... 7 10 2 28 ' 4 10 — 12 <0 .. 7 ToMullinavat 7 20 — 4 20 — 12 20/ 7 10Ballyhole 7 40 2 50 4 45 1 — 12 4i 7 8i> 'Thomnstown ............ 7 55 3 0 5 0 — 1 0 | 7 50Bennetsbridgo , 8 10 — 5 11 — 1 1 5 : i 8 ! 5 ;Kilkenny :arrival '8 80 8 20 5 SO — 1 S0;| 8 E5 ;

Do departure' 8 40 I 3 25 5 41 — 1 '40 , 885 ;Ballyraggot 9 0 !'8 45 6 0 — 2 S !! B 55;AttaDogh 1 9 10 : 3 55 6 10 — 2 1 5 j i O SAbbeyleix „ 9 40 ! 4 5- t 6 2 S ! ' — 2 30 | 9 20.Moryboro1 arrival 10 0 ! 4 Zon 0 | — 3 0 , 1 9 4-J 1Maryborough dep. up 10 53 ! 4 41 7 46 — 3 24 I —Portarlington Juno....:ll U I — 8 7 — 3 43 — ;Dublin .....arrival, 1 15 | 6 0 10 0 — 5 «J — :Athlone June, arriv.1 4 5 9 — . . — — — ; —Maryboro" dep. down 10 30 — ;: 7 4 i — ; — i 0 52Ballybroony 'lO 55 — ' 7 89 _ — ' 10 25Bo»crtu;...: ill 3* - 1 8 30 ! — — ' -Parnonstown : 18 4 | — I 9 0 ! — — ' — INenwh ; i: 13 23 1 — • 9 20 — ! — : —TempWore |, 1 6 — ?813 — — 10 64Thurles ..; arrival. 1 83 — p'8 35 i — : — —¦¦ ! . ¦ I f l ' •>

¦ ' :TO Vf ATSBTtf v. I . .


BTATIOSS. ¦ | 1 2 3 , 1 2 8 i | l f c 2 ; 1 4q | : IiClacs. Class.' Class. 'Claes.ll 2 4 3,13 6 i

A.H. j A.U. | A.n. f.n. Ckgj.lCtoJ.

- h m ! U m h m h m h ml p m

Thurles dop. — ] 7 10 — — . — . —. jTemplcmorc. • -! — i 7 32 — 154 — : — iBaUybrophy . . -j — ; 8 1 ' — . 218 — ; — .Nena-h - • — 8 SO s - JI2 S5 —• ' -Parsonstown - .¦: . _ . 6 40 i - 115 - ; U ,Eoscrca . • — ! 7 IS • ' — 1 47 - ¦ -Monrboro* orrl up] - '838 — 255 — . —Athtono Junctiott 1 -t — : ' . — 1 8 15 , 815 — ! —Dublin • - dop. — ! 6 0 ; 9 0 : 1 0 — 9 80Pori&rlington Juno'tn — 8 8 10 13 2 45 — ; — IHaryborx? arvl dwn - ¦ 8 25 10 30 i 3 9 — . 11 52

DOWS nuns. goods Moil : 1, 2, 3 — ' ; iUaryboro' dep. - ; » 1» '10 40 | S SO 8 0 4 0Abbeyleix • ¦ — , 9 W 11 0 1 4 5 8 20; 4 20Attonogh • • - ; 9 43 111 15 i 4 20 8 35 4 83BaUyragget • ¦ ' -! — 9 55 11 25 4 SO 8 42 | 4!45Kilkenny ' arrivall — 10 25 '11 J5 1 4 50 9 10 610

Do. dopartarc; 7 15 10 35 12 8 ; 8 0 9 SB'. I 5 20Benwstabrfdgd ! '|7 3 > j — .12 15 5 10 9 3'.' ] 5:80Thomastown • 7 55 ! 10 o5 12 SO 6 25 9 45i ] 8 45B&Uyhals !- - 8 10 ill, 5 !l3 45 S 45 .9 ** . 6 0Mullinavat . j. • - 8 85 i — I 1 '8 I 6 8 0 IS « 25Kilmacow - - 8 45 11 25 | 1 15 « 15 10 2J • 6 83Waterford ' arrivall 9 15 ill 85 I 1 .45 : 8 SO 10 45 I 7, 0

HOSSTXXLLICX BBAXCH. — Mary borough , drp., I ta ttni,11.0a.m., 4.4ip.cj| MonntmelUoksrr., 7 5 a.m., U.S5 a.mi,6.5 p.m. Monnttnellick dop., 8.40 a.m., 2.10 p.m., 5.*0 v un . |Maryborongh srr., 9.5 a.m., t£i p.m., 6.5 p,m. ¦ . ¦ ' \

SATCOOAT Bvmta TICKSTS TO DOBLIB —First and SecondClass Betarn Tickets are issned on Saturdays at a SinglaFan and on Eighth from. Water(ord,Thoma<town, Kilkenny,Bill7ra((g«t, Attuugh, and Abbejleix^to Dublin, i f th»'Wand U0 p.m. Up Trains, available (or return on Sunday; andby tho 8V>ajnaniMajn.Down 'rralusoa Monday. ¦;, ,

¦ ' • - . ; |: W. WILLIAMS, Soeratary..

WATEBFOBD! AND :TBAM0BE EAILWAir. ,; -i : Vf eJi Joy Trains. , ' i ; ,

j~l i ' ¦ 8 |

¦ 4 ; 5 o , 7

¦ 8! I " : 9 |

r n o K a m . a m » m p m p m pm p m p m p ra

b m' h m h mj h m h m hra ; h m ; h m h mW'frd7 45 10 15 U 151 U30 2 is! 4 0 5 SO ; 7 U 9 0rrn'roB lO, 10 45 ;^1 W 1 20 8 0 | 4 30 I 6 0 1 7 43 9 SO

; ptinday Train*. ' ¦'

1 | 3 . - , U , 4 . . 5 i 8~i 7 0 ! 9rsoK ; am i a in p m i p m 1 pm i pm \ p m pm jpm:

hm ' h ia .h jn ; hm ¦'• hm '. h m-'i ra h mihm 1W'frd 8 0 11 15 12 16 ! l 3-> ! 2 31 ' 4 80 ; 8 30 ,9 S0J9 0Tm-rej 9 18 It 45 .12 its j 2 -0 4, 0 ; 8 0 i 6 0 ,7;«5j 0 SO

First Class Bingl*. Sickst, Is. : B»tar».Ticket,- is. 0d. 'Third ..- ditto. : 8d. i BMtorn ditto, U. Od. •

WILLIAM BEA,; 8ccrotary and Manager. '


. reo« vfATiiknmp! • - ¦ i ;

STATIONS. ¦' ; I Wsok Days. Suridayi

; A. x.i r. s. r. BWatarford. ... dop. 9 15 f> 3 0 —Kilmeodbn . ... . „ 9 50 / i 3 16 —Carroll's Cross ... „ Flat;, "3 25 —Xilmacthomas . ... „ 9 5 5 - 3 * 0 —Durrow and Strodbally „ Id « 3 55 —Dunguran ... „ !0 S3 410 —Cappazh - .~ „ 10 48 i 4 25 —Cappomln ... . ,, 11 3 ! 4 4Q —Llsmiro,. ... arriv. 11 15 4 80 —

8. 4 W. Eailway:Lumoro ... dep. 11 30 i 8 0 —Fermoy ... arriv. 12 14 !: 8 40 —Mallow .... „ 1 0 ; 6.20 —Cork ..'. ¦ „ 2 0' 818 —KOlamey _. „ 3 4 932 —Trale e . ¦ ' , - . . . '¦ „ 3 55 10 25 ¦ —


STATIONS, - Week Days. '' ¦ Sundays.

8.4 W. Eailvmy,,' A. I. A. H. A.«. ... . j . . ITr&lee ... .;. ; dep; — — 10 15 A. »,!*.' H.Killarney .;. ' ,. — — 11 13 -f; ;—Cork ... t .., „ -; - 12 80 - )-Mallow ... ... ,, — — 125 -!• ¦

p ¦¦

Fermoy .., ... :. ,, ' , — — 2 18 -r -, 'r~Llsmoro ... .„ sriiv. — — 8 0 — . :•- ,

. W. D. 4 L. EslWmy. ¦ -j ' 4 !- ¦Lismoro!... . — dep. — 7 80 8 20 i ¦ ' f iCappoouln. .- „ — 8 0 8 S3 -I' :¦ ¦— ICappsgh • .„ .„ „ B l M 8 4 3 - C :Dungsrvsn.» ¦ ..-. ; „ " 8 80j 4.10 — i— ¦Durrow *BtradbaUy. „ : - 8 48|;«25 - i-;Xllmsothomu ;.. „ — » «'4 40 - ¦,_ . .OarroU's Cro« ,. •. • ,. ' , - » « Fla* - .^_ |Vi\m^» f iy ,.. '¦ ' .. ~~ V 301 8 0 > U"Waterford _. arrival - , 9 45| 8 15 - ¦!_ !v - , ; , : . I THOMAS O^Auir.HAtiffcU

. • '; Bt»iafd Ol»as : Works, ¦ | -j '11, tf PFEB CAUDBN-STBEBT, DUBLIul

T|/rBS8ES."BAEtY ,4 PO VBLI. -retf ictlkn7JXMJ r«qne«t tbe Clergy to! EJICOUBAO « IBIBKABT. All Works eifcQUd on tbe Premises; : I '

¦Bty tf rnnr: Zp tf ei* : Cards, j 1 ; |. i .'A LL Descrfotioos of jFETHYUTQ on auctj C^&s

J%. exor>ot«r»t ! TBil WAf»B>OBD Ntws Offlb,¦ ¦ , ! DR. ! 8M1TH'S •¦ I : ! I

PO8t>g $V JB f E ,B«gPI^8,[i"ClOB TflB>GUB15^f!NEliVOU|8 j indJJ PHT8I0AL DBBlfctTf-aBjiTW-Sent bjl postto all parU of <b» World 6a r«ceipt of Two 8U mix, toprepay post«j»J 24* p****. : ; . J -ThT'Booi; cjiPohTiTB BIWHJIM glvei SOB «!aitra.

ordlttarjriCmt'W J DJ»W«« <* »W JgnMr? Oi giiw,-Weakn«sf Or»»cLj Baokaohe, And Wwhanrai,; Abo,of N^OM;IMW .:..Th5H»»«pf tb«.l|dteJi« |itw

tfedldnei thitfrer* W>* Of. S*TH »orov«pS5Jrt»Teari an nowp&nUt , , jFolMDjtnjaUpni tkt dv«swUh«aoh if imSi, to etUi)l<ih» InvsJld to HUotlihsMedioine »ml CR**t<Melf, wi»h<rtt oontultinf ja M, dl<

H. 8MITH If 0< ., 8« 8ojith»mpton Bow, Loadctl,' ¦ S ; " • '

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Ha^n^U^u^bMed^MesswV'klAHQNYj .A CO'S. ; Interest i "ia thejabovie cxtens'lTO-l . . ..

BWtiMr, ANRf m' • ' . ¦

¦ Bi g'.-to inJfprf9( tKe^lFtie.Hdfljfcnd! tbe Publio tlmt their . Yans noif .deliver :-• ¦ . f.: ' ; ' ' • : . : . f . ; ! through. Town and Country ' ^ ' . . " j * "'" . ' ' . ; . . '. '..

Mesarp. i lUIJW^S.'^COJS; ISaperior DOUBLE STOUT. 1 ! ' . '

\ BAaS;V:aiii ; :<Stlile'rlijH6i[CE ALES of Superior Quality aod Splon id , Conditiop. - " ¦ ,' . Bcii^BraidB- pf DEVONSHIEB 'CIDEB. j |

* .:[ • : * } " ; ¦ .'

MINEKflilii.VfiTEES in every variety; manufactarcd on their Premi'sca by1 SmitW-celebratci. • PrizeSteaui-powepMaohinptj. ¦ ¦ i i : ¦ • • • ¦ ' ¦ j

. A S. it is. ttiqir,j irlteDtion (o^offerlto tbeTrada a vtry superior Quality of each Article, Jkhey ¦J-&-' \\ ' ¦ ' confidently bftpie for 'a libetal abore of :patrJonage«^ '• ' '(32? -All Orders carefully attended to and executed on the shortest notice.- ¦ ; ' .¦ .Waterfordj UtWiMay, 1885:;;'i ' ' i I i • ! ; n)



A bplo&did, Colloctioa pf J Drocilon and Qovro China, ouitablo for T7cddiim,.' ' : ' . ' . ¦ ¦• I ¦ ; ' i . Presenta. l : ; ¦

Our STOCK of DESSERT SERVICES are aU of the.Ndnrcct and moat artistic. Patterns¦ ¦ • ¦ • ¦ ; ¦ • ; ¦ j ; i and Designs I ¦ : i . .CRE8T8.AND M0NAGBAM8 ..EXEC UTED. ON QLA88, OHINA , AND IRONSTONE.

• . . , i ' - I ' - ' - ___—«-___ ¦ ¦ ' :'.

'. '.



JL^O JE5-JEiJa;l. -£&-o lyJLJCiJA»JA» JL $&~' UlP«j' '! Invito particular attention to their present Stock of :

SUPERIOE ;; HOME:, AND lQ^iGffl;i SPIRITS,"¦¦ '¦ j I AT THE 1

FOLLOWING PBICEB :—:iWi'ttT'S K I E 8 . ' : . Pe'rOaK.. : Per Dozen;'- - '- MEEET'S EXTEA OLD MALT j... 21e. ... 42J .¦ ' ¦ i i ' „ VERY OL0 MALT .... 203. ;.. 403.,. :

„ " FINE . OLD MALT '... IBs. . ,., SG*' Stored 'on Fresh Sherry Catkt. . ji IRISH WHISKEY. No. 1 L.. .. ici.' . . ¦• ' ;

i ., i, ; No. 2 '.... H *.! , FINEST OLD ! ISLAY MALT.......... 15)8.! I „ . „ i : GLENLIVET.HALT, IBs. .

E:.E A N V I E S. ! ! | ¦ ' I ¦ ;¦ OLD PALE COGNAC, .well matured, fine flavour;.; 24*. por Gallon." - •' Finest OLD PALli COGNAC, fully inatuiujd (in Wood),. 203-.: ' „

: - j , OLD PALE COGNAC, J in laeis. 4s.l( Half , F]a8ko, 23. . ,• .Finest OLD PALE COGNAC, in B'luake, ago 8 yis., 6a. j -i . „ . , 23i:6d,|' ~ ' Imported in' Oasli and Bottlei by ourpclvet. i

C2JT'. A Trial; respecffuliy solicited. ' j | ' j j!| LIQUEUBa. ' MINEEAL WATERS, ALES, POETEE»;,t<;.. General List on Application , - j '

!ROBERT ,A. M E RR Yj j S COv! FAMILY ^EOCERS iiDd WINE ; HEEOHANTS, . ' Uf i ? . a\ | 5 aui 6, tho Uall, Watorford, and Bnarrarvaa, .'


^ JT^ ^%



: ^^

S T^^^^ Xu^



TWo|lili9l io proteoted by jperpetpal injnnctioiiin^^ Chancery-of tha; j • Oth July 1858 and without it none can be genuine. '&JEPABEI) 051Y BY E. IAZENBY % I ^Nj LONDON,

<4n4 sold Retail by Grocers, Oilmen, Italian ^Varehbicsemen, #o.¦ ¦ ''¦ ; ¦ t \ througj iout the KingdoT . j " I ¦•



Opened | the above { EstablisMaent in: The &to;In tho Concerns held by the'late Mr. P. K. EEID.'and fitted them op with all the' LATEST IMPEOVED/MACHINEEY for-carrying o'd iho Manufutturins of .

Xllnord^watoro, Eottlinjj- of Gninnosia'fl Stoat, Baso'D aaa other Alca-

HAVING bad long exptrienct in the Trade, hla Customers con relyon bdlng supplied¦ with all Liquors in the vast BEBT CONDITIOH, and ftll Ofderft will rweiro¦ '

j ' Paoiirr ATXBMTIOH, ; • . » • | • ¦ ¦ : ¦ '

. ¦ ¦

. January 8tb, 1885. • . ; ! - > \ '¦ i f : (jaO^m)

'0 !M:. X - i COpMR^WE'S


AnflttATIO^GInGEnHLLi--' ^ ^ 1**-00011^-! [¦ • |

>; ' ' ¦: ¦ ¦ .-

¦ ¦. - / i :

i ¦ :L i • : -4-r.. - - \ \ \ '

ULUD OUUfl. » CANT^ ELL A COpHPANE,"bW T TV"n j . Under Spooiju BegUtrtUon.

i6 OnAni/ l 1MOM ¦ Tkt Drink f o r the Qouly axl ilknmatie.SPAWM H . c^ fe^. . j ' i ii^lipspWiT*:,. ;;:;: * ! . .


. ; . j; '¦ ; ; ¦ ; : . THE|yABIOtI8 C|.lilATEf j i ¦:\:\. \

', \ . : - ' ;.: j f rsprejon to Hir Hojerty 1* How»-d ] W-liaaxent, ; Ii ; . i : . . ! :

¦„ , : . - ; [ { . ¦ : ; , im^.^.j , , . . J j ¦.; /,; . „; . ; . ! : , . i . ; : :¦ ; : I ; ; HIS gxq^BNOY 'ltHg ^

tORP iUEUTiHAHI .PF tp MMHf i, ;, \¦>. <. >.¦¦¦

I ¦ I ' ' ' " • ¦ ! . ' f t i I ' " ' ' ! ' ' ' *

! ; ! ' :- ; ' . -i-, .! ¦ ' : ¦ ¦. r\ ¦ P i - 1 = J V. U' - : \ : \ u. :W' :


\&*tt\*. vij /j i 'Ur cMJ-w .: :/. ¦; D U B LI N . . ; : : : ¦ \ - > ~ . \ T*7ft tntrffiii1 ttnfl :iP»|»T +-Lff4Wliig'-WttTtf#i

! . i 49,, MABJJBOBJOPQH STBEBX i "R•pASfrHiS tini;|>4bria;

_nb« MooramcKiaW,Jrjwrtt or tittiotft Bowd^anti «atinomUdrto *kiiaBi<;ott _<SWr»tt>T«Wrri. .r- ¦ : > . . ¦: « c«T025.» [ f,1 ff Z.SityPon.ctpj &ft Kloi, to StokvtuWttbet. ; I •

\[ . ! The Burlington Bestanva&t* : !(ht*f o'3h^^Mliwhr bunduon;b{)Mti>an4 Bapper;; 7l i toxnvWR VBCB-tANt;, •', '"• -i (nnxt door to Hibernian Bank).- •,T V^OV^O Brf - msn, Sonp. Pish, $n-U fawtfand-jdfei <£?*e.?Bappen, BUh and M«s<.Qameiilwaj*3e«4J^; ¦'¦ - ¦; . ! •TiThi'i&tAED BOOM ia sleiranUy appointed. : ! .ii «ariLUNCHBOp aJOh> ;-«ltofrjJy.fitt«d I(i.kB^^T^Miit Tof ' ¦Oy.Kri, toVntwi, C»b«i *oftSa.-. .,..rj- i'lah, and a- Tarietr of Meat and other Saiid-?rloha*.,; ,Wlnfe^'and 8pl4U" of tbe finest nualltj'.JTanj iVSirea Years1 OldM&lt. Kartell'. Braoiy,1) yetn old. Ales and Stoat frota tb» b«tt BrpwerlM,and"in perfeot oondition. Fineit Bed ,Bank BarmantrarobMed by ihtitXe Wt, CoNMa. A.Jilal.«i]40)t«d. U.,;: ~ ITKOaTAg F; COBXESSif BQgiiWOp.- (nig

1 / i Where to-Dino inODiijlin.,THB .BJSST- Sinn-ixa Dmms : in Ireland is

I , Supplied at the :1 THW HOiTEIi , IJPPEEiSACKVILIiEl. | STREET (Oppojite/NelsonV Pillar). : '.

:|'Tho-Pritne8t of ¦BiWand'MoTtotf, "'j Vegetables freah daily froin tbo Proprielor'a ownGafden. . ; . ! '. jy2itf

: Blaoi ater , Vale Hotels :¦'¦ ¦ LIS MOE E' .J O E N N O O N A N , Proprietor.

TTI8ITpB^and CoratD^r^ialiaentlemen will

findy. '!'the ,abo.Te Hotel Clean, Comfor.table, Charges

Mod rj(te, and A'ceommpdation Excellent A BathEoo*m well supplied with-Uot and Cold Water, j ,. Cars meet tbe arriral of erery Train,

LIEIEIllcar-Tho Oloatworth,A FiraUiIaas Family and Commiroial Hotel. 'mHE " Qlentwojrth"Ji8 the nearest Hotel ;inJL - thd City- to tho Eailway 8tation, Banig, Btaani-boat OfEcba , Telegraph and Post Offico, and to all pnb-lio plaoos of amnaoment. P. KKKNA , Proprietor. 1415, &nd 10, Glentworth-strcct Iimenek. je!8 i

• ¦ ! SOUTH KENSINGTON !Private < ; Residential Family Club. 'i " QLENDOWEB MANSION,"'13,15, 17, ani,131 HABRlNCrTOtrnOAD, 8.W. ',¦ ; LONDON.

(Tho best and woat convonioilt poaitioil ic Town).One iminnto from. Sonth Konsinptop Station ; tenminntcs to Westminster ; eighteen minutes to theCity—Mansion Honif Station ; near Parki, Garden*,Albert HaH, andiMmenma. , |FOE Families wishing to aYold txpenie ;of Honsskeeping, Visitors to Town, or Gentlemen detiringthe odrastago of a Clab, oombinod with the prifaoyand comfort of Horn*, at a moderate Cost. <

Introduction or reference reqoiredJ I dl9-tf!£%r 'Address Secretary, THE GLENDOWEB

EESIDENTIAL 'CLUB and PBIVATB HOTEL,Harrington Eoad, Spnth Kensington,1 8.W. ,THE, AHQBI. HOTEL

THIS. Largo, Comfortable, and oonrpniently titnatedII HQIEL; ha*! recently b«oi». tboTonghlyjpainted

andienoTatod by tbo present Propriotor, Mr. HEALX.For Gentlemen 'and families ooming to Dublin f nlegal bosineu, it will be foaod mast cimronient, belqglitaated next to the l Fonr Courta ; and foj WeddifisParties and Vi»itor» Jo Dnblia, the acooranodation issecoud to none in the Kingdom, j '¦ '¦ ; , ' |Private Sitting end Dining Eooms,,Coffe*-room fprLadies, Bod-room« frotn Is. 6d. to 2«.>aoh. Smokingand Billiard Boom«. , :

John Jamesoii *nd Son*' Sercn ftare* old Mali; ;Gninnoss's Stoat - : Bass'* Ale. Wines, Brandies,Champagnos, Llqnonr&s1, io. ' '' ¦ BICHABD HEALY, Proprietor. | a!3.1y

Imperial Hotel, ' ;

LOWEK SACKVlLLE-STEEET; DUBLIN. j(Opposlto the General Po«t-Offloe and telefraph Offiq«)

' The most tto City. ¦ , r/O01^LETKLT-rcmbd«Uei4fla, re-fnrni«he»J.V/ ^ Magnificent Ladiea'Cuffi)9-B5oj», DiningBoom,Qmofcing.Iloom, Billiard-room. Charges taoderat*. • .

j : CHAELES .LAWLER/L'roprietor. -f8!»-GREAT,. G1>QBE jaQTlBL,

LOWEB :. BEIDGE-STEKET, D tl B L; IK ,Uni JlIC UARD COFFEY , Proprittruii Mdow at tht

| lal« BWHA&D COPFETJ.- : j

MOST Central ; immediate :neighDoaruoojl

. '" of Law Courta and Tolegtaph Omooa ; a fewdoors from. King's Bridge .Tramway Lino iiflye to teaminntos' drive to any City Bailway ; lwwl j decaratadro-fdrnishod, and supplied with eTery modern impror».men^ requisite for ths comfort of -riaitors, under thepersonal snpervisibnlof Mrs. COITMT and family. : i.

. Eggs, Bolter, Cream, and VtgotabUsf torn the Farmdoily.- NotwithsUDdlcg preeenttoh rates, Urma, aremostmodarite. Breakfast* from Is;Si, Beds, fromla. Od. each. ' Table d'Hota daily, three o'ilooa;> 8nn-dayi, .five o'olook; Boup, Two Joints. .Vegetablea andCheese. 2s. only. ; ' '• : j ¦ '

A Night Porter in attendance' . All .SerTatita paid hythe Proprietress. All communications to be'addnsnd,; Mra. COPFjRY, Great Globo. HoW,.

i Lower Bridge treet, Dublin) -,Nocommnnication with any othor hbttsq. . , K8 jy, r


. i M I O t t A E T i K I R W A ;N ,TT-A-AVING purchased it* Interest in.tbe abqyjjJOL HOTEL, begs to announce that this EsUb.fiahrnent OP«N«P on , SATOBDAv, yi?8. 16,. 1879,. ¦ M, K, ,truats, :by strict attsntioi1 , . t«jtho»e wfcopatronise THI SHIP AHD COWMKBUIAO Horn,, itomerit a continuance of thoir patronage. ¦ i ; ;

Quay, Waterford, Fob. 12, 18SS.I ¦ ' fZ8,tf

6ST PBrtlLIOSS or TtlTUIAUSK.., 'Briton Life Association; Lin-ted.

THIS 8OCIETY haa doposited lfi33 ,000 with" thaBritish and Cnlonlil OorenmcDta ua Sp«aial

Seonrity to Polioy.Holdcra. .< ¦ .. ' ¦ ¦" • • , ' ¦Ciiii|»MAK t FBANCI8 WEBB. Esq., Soothampton \

I : : BnildiiiRt. ',DiPrrtT-CHAiuitAN , Dr. B. W. ttlCHARDSdN,' ! M.A., LL.Dl. F.B.S., Jlarioheiter Square. " :

Imp ortant and Special Aivantagu to Total Alltaintri i' | - ¦ AN IMMEDIATE B0SU8; 'Beeent Inrettlgatioas h&tlng proTod tb« idor»a*jd

T»liie. of the lite* of porsona wboaroConsUtent Ab-staioeM. an immediate Heduclwn of Ten p e r C** ht Ordinary Annital Premium \n made o» all «gofaA«»praneca eff^ctwl with, the Association, with partirf-.patfon in th« profits. . . '¦ ' . ; : ; (a24.8m.«a»)

Pf<ispectn8, Proiiosjl Forms, and «»cry Informitionmay be had oo applicatiun to the Coinpsoy'i Agent, . '¦

! • E D W A ' B D •' - FOX i ' -' j 'p. . * 'GOVBaNMtNT Bf'-OK AND SK*RKnBOItf R, 1! ¦ ¦ SI. D\M&Sl!UEET,' DtWLtN.:i : ;

! ¦ ! ) • !

I SPBCMKN BTBtJOTUriESj ;.ti&,'aiity :o^»Uw at tiWr W««4»_ rfahamble tit, i

i CattUE<W4Ht»d CartS Wn > :\ ; Publie Sato and SdxMko ***


tern* * Boni1 IKW Et i'tafiiftracMw "':eTPnbUe W<^*M «^JnHw)Mai7^pr<>T«4I1 all nvti of tW£i»gdai4, OorwimmJUtum¦]Ma| fbr^1iwO<

bU18 aUi(4iwltcn»minltm*<x m*&Mi\f ciitt[ t\¦ m«—5—** n.—i——tf».. _>«—a—.it—' :R

Tp fT| fJ j/Tt-j-Lj^ . ^M ¥J —— hijM^I— IsCMHMWtta^sVH^ti

¦ i-Llwro'ft^

i^WDfiQhyrfr:iU^ra_iA_toEH :ftOLi»(VT.it1 .- , -:IOBA«S00w i!pw6-«^ 5

¦:¦ • ¦¦' •

¦'\ 8otd Wholewta aod B iUll at " '¦¦"'•¦

: H ¦• .. . t iSr3fii "«WS*"''1"'"~ - .' ;

NO BmCOVAIi tf t i ubTwi i0t4MLlBHED., ;. .. r .! . . ; MVpIyAZ: £ i}BXk*)8B> ¦,(....:/ . ¦ -:•j i' :.'iJ%*5fci" : !i2(V' i 9TJf^^A j ;

(Mtt, . '

¦.•j fH- ''iK'.Mj J>»B8 ^h&to+'iJbni-m¦ ttoWV^^ aPubliegwieralVttattbTMSleBamAMrt12% QpAYj iU atUl atitWJitty.WttiifiSM•ad 8MS (JIMM »^lnt>gm*2ivtt$W^-WK. Joj»«»3|,t «wler<WJ}BaW-4S I«rt«*Co., and tbe only Addrtaaiof *te •bow'Xai»fl|1 ;

WLLWAM t&Oti!f t>& CO?¦ ; 120, QTXiY., ifATSBFO P/,j -4a' Also, that liia Son, 'WILUAIC Jons, from Collaid

t Collard, defotes- hie entire time to tlifl MaaloBuaioera; Tanipg and IBe|)*irini PJaO6»«hdHar-moninma j visiting,at—aa t)i» Cdontieaof Wat«rford, Weifotd, Tipperary, and BJlltenny.Haring assisted to rmanac«tjUiaiM«i9. badeni at120 Quay,, for the Jaat. .W lyeaw^and ifrom hi*tbrpUgh inowlec[gp:of; thfl'l}iiain«a«, obUiined atFactories of Collard 4 Collanl and otbiir notedmakers, tb» pablic may depend on hailn 'a aelee-tioa of flfet-cli«s Inatrhmenta-to'oboose. '

- • ¦-. ;VfimAJ&.\3OXteS& '&liO , . ;MV8iO WABEBOU8B, 120 Q UA Y, .lorite iotendintr Partibawr* toin»p«ct'th AHHocicoi NEW INSTEUMENTS juat arrived for tbeHiring Season, from ibe.#actt*i«« of C?Uard *Collard, Broadncod.KirJtmaU, and other filfcekaaEngliab andFoteigrtMatori -CiU be hlred-fryHhamonth or year, with^be option of purchase; also,

on ttie two and three ytatra' ay item.- ¦¦ '; <<yiO)d InstromentB taken iaecrcbangg,' ¦Pianofortea and Birpipjiinnai Too^lfcepairtd,Packed, Stored, or EeaiOTed.bj1, ipting cftir, on tea*eonable terms. , , - ' | > iNew Mu»io ordered daily, and all Maain in stock

at a great Seduction.; A largjB.'dtsortment of allkinds of Mwioal Irutrarueota. Cricket Ba tf, Balla,Wicketa, Liwn Tennia.Bat^, Ball*, Met), *c, at; WILLIAM ' /JONES <tf 4X>y _" i120 ,' Q a A Y ; WAt BBPC t B© -.:

. - , . - , . I O B/ . | ¦¦ ¦ ' - > W J .: ¦


ICE can be supplied in small or large quantiUetSpecial quouqona for latter. , A . limited

qnantity Will be sold. ; ' ' . . I JyiatTPBOSSOB & CO., Saamer ; Hlll, WatDrford.;¦¦-¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦— !—r-r1 ' ;.a,4_..-a.-_.-.» ¦ ' < i i t n < !

Tho TuxJrish Bathj, "Waterfcird.For HEAL TH/CLEAmp} EB8. atd HAl 'Pnf MBB

. ' ' ¦ ' i»i *BM { ¦ ¦' ¦ • !

TUBKI8H BATB, aitna«h"*t; PAEK-BOAD,WATEEFOEB, now entirely renpvat«d.aad

improved,, and opfln.iroc, 6'. jiuti to'-Sj tr/JeaohWeek Day, and pa Sunday mocninga-v - - °?

Single .Baths, la.-t» 2a, e«cb> and oa»do««a »t8s. On 8atrxrday ETenioga» 8 to,-6<L [ _ '

Hot, Cold, and 8b&w«r Batba,-1».;- ; » -: '¦ —" One of tha molt r*mifkablaprOp*rti»a«f itha Bath(a its ability, to destroy \ha aeoa* at Utifaa.»ii uxbu».

UUoo."—Mr. ERASMca WlL»0«. i .- Habitual Bathers seldom UkaooM anl U«l« Jriohate got a ohiU, and. leel Cataitdt iaamuiait, ean al>ways cat it short by a> good long bath.'—Dr. ifUDsnr.

BQLOMOHS'iiflKEOfACLiaMB; R SOL6_6TSS/< riouir, ' ° - j -

19, N A 6 8 A q -.8 TAB BX ,f: D O I I L I H . .rsrtc bta 8; —an prcfm>lOaaU/,ec^U»h«Li>tJ>«aUaEQgto'gjMoa the r aa1 ««^gt, tjiwrnfe'

8 .ra ' %lqton tfSiS« ?0lT2S~tbat nnabvrs hare serkraslT aolMra rfinagi ibavgaulMs—t—tltkaow'.anoecejiar.'to dMll rtMHta 0« tbiiSt<nee o( hi. SpeoUoW (*odifl««oti fiD«» KkkUor tStflifsabtteiuse, which h* uiuMi ooortrwU, «roin««», nor <J1«-pose«at),aiid:oD tat adrx gqi <1«du»yajftw»AI«>.«liiiii» >saietbod of adaptlnc O_»« to DtimSin S»btTii Biatttr«fmuch deeper faaportaaca than U (nqaesll/ nggm tf — ««aaar« adntnUjrcalenlated to pranr*tit* «j*aitalamlM toextfMM .oil »««.. Tbe/ bar* Man Ml br U»r_as*ajs-tingnlabed penous ana Members 6( Uu nmitj'0l Xk»

Hinxdom. ; • ¦ ¦ ~ iOBSEKVE.—l>er»ott« can b* toUtitx*—lodag- » f—rotSiieotaflle«. Or on« of: th« flliw '*» » i-**— .--**—. **—dl.tali <u Irbtaiib'»aja th»yo«» noilntU^SvSb'i&aadtbo«« who bat* not enjidojed aptetaetaabj «ipoH»l»f ta—r¦y. u» j«^Mif T'aVNi ' '"|p#"1— *~— WaMifadand iU Vldnitj to ue di(ecte<rw^U. tiOU)HUK'(«itabllab*m«>Jf Mo. U ffA83AU^rKE»T; (IitMaiet »|JU( i)Wr>,within one door of KAWWM^rulUiT. DUB..OI, '• «k #<f n o< an ktei proaBtlr j«(~d«a to/;....Oomtialaifwruibai^ w)t^.«<tr*ar<is—-T pvwm an* oMar>i9M0( vifoo. wUeS; sarlTwdOls eV& ad «*5a'Waistcoat i'oclut, Dwr 8—U_f,<lflUA»;'8aa,'ai4 att otSs*pnrpostsi both by c_j"*n«l nliaW'aMaaaifKmStethie wOl»how AUtmir Jirptt<^«, tealSia, *c;.! FrtaWCt, «A,

W!W;. OAI ADD Art'SOaaaOCAL . TltlSCOPX,PUICS « COMPiera-WUh winijm&toeh iolinMMtla 'obJ»ot:«Us«,iwo. iaprOTud«7?:ft«Ma,fe* «lsi vp«Tt*>-metal pointed stand.': Tbis-«xti£aram*r inStHttasdt iria 'dearlrl «how tlie . Bo*t imottuat: ha(vMt -ladlati ,4aA-ezulbU*lUidisUB«(D«Mta4i<Hda slM^aBa««iaicH*;i*a,«t man* milesdi*Uae«,*q«al !artsjU)*»4sAM*>t)tl (o(t)k*

tbatxtbw slip mtoa Wafak Jo—•*, -j* ri»m?7Jl1«<«nfo<power aawx.o< th> tiH{—« B»g«4 tl«(v tlternwotan* itaal •power, trom8t.6d.,an4laTl-Hii«Pk41ort«lil>i. - ¦¦ ¦.3MAOKJ. LAflXEuW8 A^Uj^TJjLVAffpi-Tlii'trS-Cleir.brflWVt.slttude, tuoii^b »riu|j.;i41 tors*W<^W?«tis (rml Yttiety,—Conds, Boeni 'l^Mtfaskl/lnosinraaftal«*, wart, traTela. «c. A save' /'i—*Sk ai4 «?»»—ttrcm 7S. 00. A Mfeiiogai in -rrii^H *-- : ' - ¦' V : <" 'ADMUtAlt yf«Boiri» jjG»jMEE«air*B_in.* i».r—mot Ufo»—Aoeont JIT <orrt«tlr*« <he W«*1J—r, ——WtonnWaiomud la ttahojiat. wtthTJiarTj|g»j«t«T; . . Its.BOEOMOtTH- MEW UuTJffi BASoSSmUirtW l&i M.Corr»alTberBiou>«t<i«, a« 'Jtf i ¦ji«»')4ai' " ¦. .'¦, . • < .iMPitoveo >uou8Tiv ,i55r«;ir>airr9 tit -txaMand ercry degree o( tleaftifjf. • ; • ¦

j ! ¦' - ' . ' : ¦

CAUTiON 1—In co~.-atcin«se«. «f a«aara«i,atUMM atbaportllfiB, tliii accessary To act* Miteiljt peWairf'dUrass,an 4. to1 oWene—i^alf f j >e tsl 1 uo«HV Jt. flo*o*oi*sO»Uonj(pr eB»lan»K MUUU-i _5»S»a««WM. VVamkerNOfeTEEK, HiSA0»TiSr,'Dttll.4r. ¦ Z*.triace W. Hill-boor.. wi»kl», eue fWjdr! «« BMWMtMMt,MciifH U M cfcf «MT a«-«dor .nAw e/'«*(a«. etalW^r *Oerna».«.aS<l k« uit— .r ftr-ok— Al«i!«ml*ii*BA»5LT.«B«,Mii tEH jA^ArJS^r,jb*nau>yo»w.I.v _

We [¦ ;<JM r obw.: WnriiAiS mk iNima11 ':yTr jlt^^t' t# ir4i^


: ¦ ¦O&& 1 OEQXU? fttt : _tmcmi K * nftii—Fy wswwtsu tra 'i'-' .T ' nL^^*f .Ln^T-7%.:m5fr' ?iErLni ^- ft'•klOCDUOQ *SIAWOPBSHMI K#CU3*>13BBDSWXEH?JO M vr r i

CsrPpUcft ATi -*•Tfiitft riyjkfiitthBp y ' PBiy^':

Page 2: SPAWM c^^ fe^ thn merohanta^tradari and! nobilityv. gantiy, farming classes, &< .t. in Witaiford, Kilkermy,Tipper»ry,

'i! 1 ¦'. h\ !

; ; , |: :; |. ;- E : D |U.CAT10 jNj. | . : . ;/:. £¦:¦; ¦ To 'Pareata *!ndi Chuirdlajitsv' "


:•;#£. )B . } V. X>|B£i , : oiton -.>'Teae)(&£±

HAS made arrangements' tolQpeh EVENINGCLASSES for Boys and Be>pectable Young

Men from Waterford and; surrounding Districts.The following art a fair of the mimy Testimonials

waich be holds as tio his efficiency asa Teacher :—"Mr. DBKI proredJiiBHol£ja-mo*t.-»aooes«fql

tennRT'HBfltt cnder my management.! '; : "' . : .L< : ¦- ' ¦¦ i -. - 1 -1 ¦ t] ' - ".JTOHHJ)«B, P.P.•"gattfn«!aJe ' i1«l>^dTelnber, 188Q.V V '. • -.'¦. ;" Md-DBliPposUhse : boriaidarable' aptitnds for

toaohini. »M. MAi.nnlir. Dki. 1M... NJ? »¦: .•.:f*.W«toH»rt .".-.".;:-r :.-r.-: :..- l . i |.|- - ¦ ¦ "Tha Quariian»i regret patting with Mr. DBSA, ashe proved whilst in.-their service a most intelligentf*"?8

(, ; • •• " Jpaw MACKBT,' Clerk of' Union.'!

Mr. DBBA will aim at, imparting: a. soucd'English.Education to thosejehtrusted to hla tnitioi^partionlarattention being bestowed on thos« preparing fprCivil Semceor:<3oiaimerbialparsuita. - i ¦ r : \

Terms on application tor-' i ! ! i •• - • 'Mr. E. V. DfiEAi e. HENBIETTA-STBF.ETiId : i : i V ; • . : WiATEBPOED. |l : " . : ; ._ UOUES os ATTKKDANCE—6.80 'until 8.80 for Boysunder 15 years; j8.80 until 10 . for all over that°Ke- :;. : ':

¦¦ ¦. ¦¦ ; ¦ i ; . I ¦ ¦ ¦ ';! ¦

:: ; ; ^ff/ fB; BALTOSV ;;¦• - . • ¦ "; Firtt Class Oerbfied ¦Engineer,i 6 , WI S B 'S H U L L , C O B K ,

And at 22, : M A L L , W A T E B F O B D .A GENT :for tua Irish Enterprise Dry Dock

XOi Beoairing Company, ' now forming; Sight-fed | Lubricator, a . real economic novelty; theAutomatic "Water- Guage—when the! glass breaks itshuts off the . ateiia .and 1 water. jThe UniversalKnowledge' and Information Company ; any ques-tion answered fotj Is., with numerous other Speci-alities.. All of intrinsic north to steam users andothers concerned therein. : i my22.ti

¦ ; \ ;. ; P:GETSAIT!SmAKEN DAILY y Mr. WINTEB, ond yiniahedJL j in the best style of AET, at hisapproved¦i ' PHcrrpoBiwno SJTTBIOI iG7, 62, QUA Y( SJDB EstB&uoE) WATERFOBD

i POWEE BEOS.'Ginger Ale | and Hinorul XTatoxa,



DUNGAEVAN. j ! [au2i.6m


. Teitimonialt from the Leading 2fu»icol Talent ofi | , . ¦: ' . . the Kingdom. ! ! "i ¦ THE MAETBL or THE AQE.AIPEEFECT CUBE FOB ALL AFFECTIONS

¦f u- of the [VOICE and THEOAT.

jTo be bad of all Chemists throughout the World,in! Boxes, Is. ljd.. 2s. 9d-, and 4s. 6dJ,eacb, and ofpJiA. LESLIE & Co., Sole Makers and Patentees,

i ! SC, BRIDE STREET, DUBtlN.! :¦ ! [dl9-ly] } ¦ II


• ; : • i ! ¦

1J0B THU T/8B Of ' I • . jTOAJSIILIES andjINVALIDS.inanftelysup'erforiC to any other pffered to the Public. [


May be obtained of all Grocork and WineI Merchants throughout the Country,And Wholesale (in Wood and Bottle) from thei- . . !• ] ¦- . • ,: iltuiulactnrers, ' J I

. : BEVVLEY &j r DRAPER (IWED),&&¦: ¦ ¦; ¦'¦ ; ]D U B L I N + \ ;tf: Eooiro i BOOTS ! ~

"TOSEPH BOTD has much pleaoure in inform-oJJ ing his Custon|er8 and the Public that, havingsucceeded in entering into Contracts! with severalof the largest MANUFACTUBEBS1 of BOOTSana SHOES, he is enabled to . | ¦

¦ SELL] THEM- AT LOWEB PBICES" • . | thkn erer yet offered to, the Public.

COMPETITION DEFIED—SMALI PBOFITS; ! I AND QUICK BETUENa: . ' ; { ' !' '¦ ¦—- • [n9^m. : ; J Q 8 E VH B 0 Y I >f ;


Tiah, Game, Poultry, and Ice Storoa,"BEATJ-STEEET, WATEBF( »BD.

THE attention: of the Gentry and PublicI , is called to this Eatobliahmon't.GOODS or ^

TBZ CHOICEST QUAUTT.Country orders carefully attended to. I' . • I ¦ \yT ' STBEET, PEO BrproB.

; lost |Ics ! I ICE j ; ! -A luxury for hottrcather, so-otuoly packed for' cpnveyanno by rail, &b. Terms onapplieajion, ' • M ¦ . 1 my3-lyj . . i CHABLES McnrrOSH,PX .XJHBEE, BBASB-FOUHDEE,¦ GAS-FTTTEE,' and I.TVAT> MEBGHANT: : ' j WATEBFOBD. ]i :


Offict* dnd Show Boom : So. 10 LADT LANE.yf-1 BEEN-HOtSES , CONSEBVATOBrES, »nd*ij? PUBLIC BUILDmaa i HEATED by Hot Wa-ter, on the most approved principle. I ¦J Testimonials, tooinumerona for iniortdon, from the; coding Gentry of Wsterford and surrounding Counties,whose places I hare heated, may be seen ai'my .offloes.:P.S.—Haying purbhaaodat the Sale at Little George'Btrcot tio eijtiro Stock of Brass, Wood, and Lead Pat-terns connected with the Foundry, for Bniu CastingsI am enabled to execute all orders for Casing at theshortest notice, and on reasotable term*. |

Entrance to,Works from Poterrtroot. Imhi IMPOBTANT NOTICE. IParties about to Supply their Houses irith the new

PIPE-WATSS will oonsult their own izteresta by callingat the abov Eatablishmcnt, whoro estunates can be hadfrco. ¦ p •¦ ' i ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' |: All work Iwill bo guaranteed; of the best material andworkmanship, and will be executed on the moat BBA-SOyABLE TSSHS. ¦ ' . ! ' I -j' A trial respectf ally solicited.i 10, Lady Lane, W»terf6rd, Aug 27, '83.

i JOHH D. TTAL3H,P L U M B E R Airo a A 8- F I T T EE


; FOBCB and LIFT Puiips neatly fitted up.Jobbing promptly attended to. ] I nl7.1y

; NICE FLAVOURED TEA' S,| At 2J . :0i, 2J. 01, 2$. 81, and 8s per lb.

ilS E0XTHD3 of the aljovt TEASI" FREE" Br PAECBLS POST.

I 8ent on Receipt of Order vrith Remi .tonce.-lOfroODFORD, BOURNE, & CO'S ; TEA8 are

v y ¦¦• giving the greatest satisfaction; 'possessing

that' delicious richness of flavour and strengthwhich is , only foand ' in the Teas of -the finestgrowths. If only onco tried, always usep.

i ; WO0DFOBD, BOUBNE, & CO.,iel2.10t , - PATBIOR.STSBW,! COKK.


i MONUMENTAL 8CULPTOR,j CALLAN,i| . . , ! J Corarr-EttEBBHT,1 ¦

\ ¦ i

TiO>EQS,to call the atteotioa of his Customers andip4v tDa rish Public' to the tact that h} has been¦Jvarded'a GOLD MEDAL" otii DIPLOMA for: the supe-rior excellence of bis exhibit of a Celtic! 8tone Crossei the Boston Exhibition of 1883 ; also thfe HIOHMTPiurBS. awarded at the recent Dublin 1 and CorkExhibitions for bi» specimens of CeltioCroese*. :i All kinds of Mot.ument*l and Ornamental Stone

ind Marble Work* ; Celtio Crowes In gre t taHetyJ! Alton,; Fonts, Mural Tablett, if a., executed onie tnoet reasonable T«rn>t and shortest notice.! Farther particuJars can be hsd oni appUeation to \j! , ! EDWARD O'SHBA. : ; | , }y26 :' . • . ; !. CALLAN. : COUKTY XHiKENNY.

sran ivo nusu fOB»,| ' ; MXCHABLjBTR^BT,^ WATBR70RD.;rO '<¦ (riUHii 'fE & - SONS, beg r*»pectfnlljJP>; ¦ ¦to" InvHe ftB attention of ttepeptile]of W*tor-\ T4 mid the »nrronndlny dlitrioU to tlio Urge stock ofHiAD-ero is1, TOIKBS, and Mowoirtirts of tbonewrgrt §ttl« *M best iriiteruapfocarAble.JncIadujg • UrgeBtook btJotetlaaed.CelUsCroue*. i ' <: i0 Bi t .&f io f t twptmt f tA.toentarinU «nwet«lor eVer/ descr tM of Stone «nd K»rbl« Work forCemiterfti, *o.. CHJIMW TI K M nrepti* I andtrt.r B* :th»lr «xten»iTe ptMite* ,the*can exoojiteany!vo%i| &wted to theli'^

thiabortortiiottoe.jn tlw

'»^ ian^BkwAM6Mbto:tet£«,|; apg-ly>T\ "TT^'flr!"" . ¦""¦'¦¦• B' - * , i ' ! I . . ¦ •

' 3toffy fy^* * lytp o^BWiit vX Cooiurf M in ,tb - bfl'''¦ i.lU«f*"A -Cv5!8>« iiua,1 W«i« iford, tod

lilr::ill i:i'. 'l' HS;:J

li ill-lfiiiiSsmmmmmm^m mm

p '$ :V.J/\ B«gttt jtMoancethaVl tliwiw i Department they

are rtMmjfrs j; . :

W^iiloj iiiiMi^^ii^I • : i

¦¦ '; '¦ ¦ ' ¦ '¦ "• ! '

' I : " ¦ ¦ ¦

; ¦. .

¦ I - - . : . . : \ ' . '

. • ¦ . ! . - • i !:

i . -j ; ¦ / ¦ ¦ ¦

]- -.-:-.;:- f, :; ..:--PErCES- -AND-:ABRi^G^MENTS-;-lIAI>B -FOR— -.4f•-:¦¦:?-TTrHr.---u ;ScE3;> ir ; 3^O^HlT'! : - :O^'nL ^v .>; 1; , ^

[ ¦I ¦ :': ; ¦ G Z^M f ~m v/ r jiSj .

|: . , . ; ¦; [ ¦'• > '¦: '• '¦ ! \ ¦ ' ¦ j ' ¦ . ¦ ; ¦. . ; ' ij ; 1 .; ;

1/ 1 To convenience oar Customers, we are iis'ulng • FIBSI-CLASS EKTUJUT ' TICKETS raoit. 'i j : .'.•: ;¦ . - .. . ' : : ; '¦ . fWAXKBjroB&

^tp TSAMOBB at lfl. 8d. : . ' ¦¦ . ¦

j ; -(. . ;

i r: ' ¦ ;' ' . ' ' ; WE ' INVITEV ATTENTION TO - OUR '. : i : : ! \ > - >J " :


• ' . .

"¦ .

'- '\

¦" ¦¦

- . .¦ ' ¦¦¦


'¦ ¦ . :¦ :"


¦ ' : '

: : ' ' " ¦

rurrar Angola and dteriot Suitings,! . ; :• ¦¦ : Ardr0s3an and Bannooiburn HXixtuxea, ¦ ' !I i •¦ i I . - ; ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . ¦ ¦

(- . . ; , • .- ; _ • : . ; ¦. ¦¦ . - . . _ ; Shannbn" and Blarnoy' T flcaa/ . - 1Oreian Boavor Ovorcoatings, and' Hfaw 'siadoo in Covorfc' :Ooatinga.j

¦::. ¦ ¦: ; ' / ¦ ; j , ALSO- TO :OUR ¦ . . ' ^ w . ¦ • ¦ : ¦ .

! ; S^BdiA-L ;STpIT .A.T vOa.,;• . ' .' ' ' . Less Five per Cent, for Beady Jloney tmi our ' . i ; -

^bE'EOI^-L; T^G)'V7*S£lR/is -A^l? I 16


P.- ' !TOBIN:!& BOMBPATF.WT TROW8EHS1 STEETOHERS. 6a.;6d.':ca6h. No dne ehonld ba mthont one.

' -; : THIS CELEBRATED . ; :



! IMPOETED ONLY BY JAMES GREEN -, AND CO., DUBLIN,Uio Boot and Oacajoafc T7ino over Imported. Prioo-i-Sia. per Boson

TO RE HAD FEOll: - I "' ' "'¦ '. '- ' .'

. ¦ \ " i '

EBLLYttst .-ai ¦ !

¦ WINE i MERCHANTS. 88, QUAY. WATVBt 'O&D.1 H : ¦ - - . . . ' .

' _ ' ' '

: ' ! i ... ¦ * ' —~- '

i N BEIEB ' EOIttEK 1; G^iIMB,i ' ¦i " irAo' Cheapest Feeding ' Stuff. Especially suited, for vie with Pulped Turnips.\ ' ¦ '. '. ¦ ¦ '. j . • ' ' • ! ¦ ; ', i i i ¦

/TilECULAES, Names of Local Agents, and References to Gentlemen in tbo locality uoing thisti> I ! ,! ¦ i ' I Food, will be" sent post free on application. . ! ¦

& ; : iWiliSON

i The Dubliii Grains Company, LiniiteG, '¦i ! l ! . ; | to,] ZAIN8F0RD-8TREET, DUBLIN. ':

\ ' ¦ ' ' !

<¦ T ieso Grains constitute a variety of Food to ¦nbich Cattle ore generally partial. Thoy are nutritionain a mgt degree i Trhen properly dried, they j will keep unchanged for any length of timo, and are inpanic liar distinguished by the relative low cost at which they may be purchased;"—Apj ohn.

*¦' DHed Grains keep in a good condition for almost any length of- time, and trill be found a good andwljole ome'Fopd for every description of . 8tock, and par'ticularly useful for Horseaand Cattle."— Vodelctr.

1 j I r Bada holding one '; ewt. chargcd 8<J. each .ettTa. if not returned immediately, 0l8.6ra

| : 'V ; ; FOB SA1E.TTBLACK Hamburgbs, Ligh| t and Dark Brabams,-IQ> IPe)1*" 6

an" n? Cochins, Pekin Ducks,

from; 10B. i a pair. Som'obf tbeae Prize Winners,and wed from such. Apply '»o »18Jy



THE Board'of ,Quardiana of the above Unionwill.jat their Meeting on MONDAY, 28th

InjataAt, 1 receive l and consider Tenders for theusnal HALF-YEABLYSUPPLIE8 of ProTisions,N cestones, and ; Clothing required for the Work- ;house from the 29th SEPTEMBEE, 1885, to the 25th ;Mkso i, 1888; ' ' j ' ¦ ! I

¦ i . . ¦ ¦ :

Lie of Articles , required land Forms of Tender:con bo had on application to I me—By order,

i ( i JOHN F. SHELLY, Clerk of Union, jBoard.Boom, Callnn, 14th September, 1885. (slS.2t

i ' ——— ' ': ' i! : KILKENNY UNION

|_ SUPPMBS WAETTBD. InnH B Board of Guardians:; will, up to Half- !-L : MUt Eleven1 o'clock a.m., oa THURSDAY, the !24th 8 CPTIMBBB, Instant, rent vo Tenders for sapply-ing tl o Workhouse and Fever Hospitals at FresMordand C oWrah, from the 29th SEFTEUBBB, instant, tothe 25 h MABCH, 1886, with i i• Besi BEEF and MUTTON, at per lb., in proportionof/f Boef tof Mntton, the Beef to be without Bono, :witi Week* and Laps excluded ; to be delivered in Iquart* r« and boned at the Workhonso. ,

HO JQHS, to weigh not lessthan 16 lb., at caoh.!JUi Lllp.'ateaohrand i ' • ; ! r- \BEES'.BONE8, at per Stono- : . : ; ;IGEQCEBIES generally, as specified in dotollin form

of Tender, to be bad at the Workhouse.jWwS EY, not less than two >ean old, permitted

from Bonding Stores Maker's;namo, ago, anastrongthto be i tated in Tender. I j


'genon Ily. ; • -¦' : ~ •¦ ¦ ¦

'.COl FINS, made' from well-seasoned Elm, t inchthick i nd 11 ioohe* in depth, oiled with Lioecod Oil, atper foot.- I ! By orSery . :* ! 1 ;: I M.! MOLONEY, Clerk of Union.)

Wo: khouao, 14th Scptemborj 1885. It


i Stooi-Totor T7antod. ! 'THB' : Guardians of the above Union will, at,

their Meeting on the 24th Instant, appoint1a ' Cot ipetent STOOK.TAKEBJ to take Stock on;the 2 )th 'SEFTEHBBB, Instant, and following days/if: oec essary, at a Remunaration of Three Pounds.;

1 :Apj licants to produce testimonialB of compa-'toncy. . ! Applications to be ] lodged with me oa or jbefore Twelve o'CIock, Noon, on THUESDAT, the24th I Ixnaazn, 1885.—By order, '¦ ¦ - • i AMES G. F1TZGEBALD, Clerk of Union-12th September, 1885. j i It


Bl TIATI WANTED—Tenders will be coarsidered on WEDNESDAY,] 23rd Sen., 1885;

for' at pplring to the Workhouse (uarriage free) at snohtimes and In each quantities as mi; bo required, fromthe »tb September to the 3Ut Oiftober, 1685, both in-cludv i, BEST WHITE BBKAD, at per 4 lb. loaf, inloavei of l ib. and 12 ozs.jand BBSr WHOLEMEAL;iffik iDiln. Loftvei of 12 ox*, and 10 or*. ;

To be tnpplied at snob time* add in such quantitiesaa mi f be'reqnired. The GnardUos or theirauthoruadOffice r will bo at liberty (o reject it Iwhenever the anpplywill I «Ifonnd inferior to the beii Bread in any of thoBakei s'iiiaoM in tha City, and to purchase Best BreadeUew ierej the extra eost (If any) to be charsed againstthe C mtractor. Tbe Bread, both Vhite ana Brown, tobe bi ked| si least Twelve hoan before d*Uverr at thoWori honse, The Guardians reaarve to themselves the'right of dividing; this Contract between two or morener»ou,: and parties tendering >re Moordlngly roiqtMt a to state what proportion Of the oontract theyaxe w illih) ; ta supply. The Tender*, wbiou muse oe inthe f ntnTpresmbed b* the Poor Law CommiMionora,eopie i «t [whjoh : may W . had trimmo/aretobe ««qlthrot gh the Port Offloe,addre*»«d to " Tbe PrealdUiglCuaiimani" and marked'on the patside •' Tender foeBrea L'tl . Boch Tenders must ba potted in iaffld«nttime to I roach my OnToe on tha morning of the »bojre-nanu 1 iar.—B/ Order, ( ¦ ' ': '¦ ' j I .; ' ITT > - JOHN MACKETV Clerk of Colon! I

Chrli'Offioe.Uth September, 1885. : It; ¦• - i ; . | :¦: . ¦: ¦:::•*

¦— } -:.

'¦: i

¦ ¦ i

¦ .- . - i

fTH iNDEES will beconsidelred on WEDHE8'JLl DfW1, 23rd Stpt, 1885. for sdpplying to the Work'hou» (<wrri*gefree)atjiQchtime) aad iniaeh quadli*tie* » may : be Mq ired, f torn Aa 80th Sept to 3HHOoto wi bw? inclusive, BEST Bl 5ES" in fore Quartan,with *i't»keB oc« from U»« «bonWer | also Hind Qoatftan, rj»|hoigb «nd»u«titak«uoB, at per e«t. in «»ohmSi. 'ftridm W«>t9 «Ut« tht prioeI ¦ of BesV BedEottid»("UoontI»P»or Paden) Dot Isu than 30 lbsrtjJpkW H»«J», W per .e c,»t eaohJ ; Tobd*r>»UJ M teoeifed on •*»« cay f« Pbrluteaks (Jtwo-thirdiBaekfot' Lbb, remainder Pwinfi nr Scraps), at per lb.i¦ndltor Vknl •t taw doMO. The Veiitti , which p>P«StoSTSfflTprwcWb l bytbt Poor L»4 CominU.SoSCTjopkp ot »hioho»y be hi d (ran ml are toib*•e^rOMKUrt P«« Ofioe, •ddrMMd to f The I>fct^MkliuMl&P-'f S T«ojders mart b« potjetla aW Mtttee totwbm Offlo» on tbe morning,o

' ¦ ' [• f . - i Ki - : :l ¦!! ¦ ' ¦ '{ - . . ' i I¦..• I l: ii - | ;• ¦ ¦ ¦; : : ; : . ¦! > ¦:• : : ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦


¦ ¦ ¦ r •' ¦ ¦ i .-

¦ ¦ • - • ¦> i - • 11 - i. ¦, ¦ ¦ i- ; - - : - ¦. i - , : i • *

¦ ¦ r - i - ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ j ;


h I .* t = -: - . . . .-j - * ; ; i- - - . . -- ^ - - ; .- ' . *.

¦-- = 1 : - , r ; k; # : .-j i .: 1 : . . ; • . ; ! ; j - . '¦ . . :. ?:': :;;:¦ / : i

¦ ¦ • ¦ .. ¦ ! • ¦ : !¦ ¦ ! ; . ' S f

WiA : - *t*ll* jB l# " : : - ; *' . ; j . -1 :fiteDBRS|}: hOat" 01tA|aiTT.:<^M'v |

&k Department they are AfcWj]!|Nj : A 'ty S ¦ j - f ^h i ^ j i mOi P iJB S ^-m ! !"• i ,mTTin riA-n FTITTTl OTi A OAXT ' |Befo<ie :eaob,l :Uau,i at !ih|s DOOM of the v»riou»!¦Pi t's! Pill? THI SK^A NflN ' ¦; ¦ :. ¦ ¦ - , -niiiiMhM:i. Shin cu». -,,..v. ^. .-


h^I>v G ot CAIlI:ri €O^ ; :i ; ; ! KUJMAOTHOMAS AND DUBLIN. L : '¦ . j

; 'DANNY'S IPUBEITOTAN j TBAS./fVUR ''PUBE INDIAN TEAS" are tho produce of ; the Dargcelia'g and tbe favouritejo'i ; Assam Gardens, and will give thorough satisfaction to our Customers. ;

The 8s., 2s. 6d., and 2s. 3d. qualities are specially recommended, as theso pncea; ; afford us an. opportunity of supplying the -finest Teas groiim. , :

I OUR LOWER rPRICi^ p TEAS,t the same time, at 2a., ! ls. 10d., and Is, 8d,, r wiil be . found to : be excellent ;value, and; very much superior to Teas hitherto offered at these prices. ' ¦ ; , :•I : ' ¦ ¦

.' ! ! ¦ : •—f-— '. ; ' : .

! ¦ ij Having ample capital, we are enabled to purchase oh beat tertns foe Cash, i



at theiz mooting op TUESDAY, tho 22nd day ofSKPTEHBCBJ 1885, reoeivo Tendore from parties will-in? to "apply (carriage free) at the Workhouse, withinTHBEE WEEKS from, doolamtlon, of ; Contracts, thefallowing articles of CLOTHING' and BEDDINGMrhioh must be of EBISH MANUFACTUBE ; and theContrantors Iwill have to bare tho Manufacturer'sBrand on coon Sample, as also on caoh article of supplyon delivery, viz.—200 yards Brown Sense and 100 vardsBine 8orgo;|200 Yards of Cordnroj, 27 Inches wide;100 Yards of Undreased Grej Frieze 27 inches wide ;200 yards of iWincey ; 2,000 Yaras of.Calioo, 38 inohoswide i 400 Yards ot Bengal Stripe j 1,200 Linen Sheet-ing; 400 Yards of Check ) poo Yards of 8tripodHcuion ; 100 Yards of Tweed,'at por yard; 100 Bugs;40 Women's 8hawU ; 150 lbs'.'of Btooking Thread|;100 Men's Caps marked " Tipperary Upion" ; 60 Pairbof. Blankets, at per Fair. One! Sample only of eacharticle priced, to accompany Ttndein. Tenders glv,-ing tho Names of Two.Sareties trillink to join inabonjlfor the due performance of Contract, Iwill be receivedby mo up to 12 o'clock on the above day.—By Order,

. W. B. REARDON, Clork of Union. . 1Boar<J"-room. 1st September., 11885.' ni.2t


Cheap Ezooraioa/to Killnrrioy jON SUNDAY, 20tU eBPEBMlBEK, 1885.-L

On above dato,a Special EXCURSIONTBAIN.1st. 2nd, and Crd Cla&s, will rah from Watorford anilundermentioned Stations to KJLLAHNEY :— i I

'¦ ¦ Fara to Killamey and Back.a-m. list Cl. .. 2nd Ci. 3rdCl.

Watorford dep. 6.30 ... 13*. 0i 9B. Cd. 6a. GdiCorriok . . .... . 7. 0 •) ' . j [ ¦ {¦ I : I

Ssr1 ..;:' . ?:S:[. io.j «4. s>. <*\

Tipporary' ,, 8.20 J . ' ; ; iKiUarncy tirr. 11.50 I . ¦ : ' "

Tho Hoturn Train will lcavo Killarnejrat 5.S0 p.m.Carriacea run through. No Change' at Lunertok Junc-tion; fiokcta available forj day of issue only. NoHalf .Fores,br Lnrrgaso allowed. !!" I JOHN ROBERTS, Trafilo Manage ¦.Trafflollanaffcr'sOI3co, Limeriok Terminno,: ¦ ¦ August 28th, I885J i i i F • ,t .


Dnmmor Escurciorio toltho Seaside.1 ION SUNDAY, 5th JTJLxi and on each

foUonini Snndaj ontU farther, cotlco, SPECIALEXCUESION TICKET8 wUl b« letnod p» finder i . ;.: ' j ' : - I i 1 ' ! I I To TuMOlui¦ . i To Xf xmaoBD IS Diat. i & BACK. I

1st 2n4 Sti : 1st 2nd 3rd: ci. icu ci. ci. ci. : cr,' ! a.m. ».d. s.d. o.d. s. d. s.d. i.'dllountmelitekdcp.7 SO 50 140 86 00 SO 43llor/boroogh „ 8 0-\ ; I I . " j Ii«f !;: t §f «<> w ° ^ ^ \v >SSSSfc«i:: -8g}. 3o >a - 8, « : ¦*<» .„ \i,IST;;; l£] *• !=" H i 3<J 8° |2 !3Siw' i ;- i8g} ' »« « * i 3« ao ' iaWaterford an. 10 45 • ' •! ! iWatarford orr. 10 45 ' | • \ \ -\ . ! !. Eotprn TlofceU between IntornjwHite Stat ona will b« la)aedatSlDgle Pares. Tneae Ticket* will be »v«ilabla for retnrn \>jtie Train lairing WaterXord at CM p.m., and arriving InHountraeUiek abont 1045 p.m.' ITiclnUinot-transferable)no Half Fsres-) no Iinmga «lk>wed.¦ ¦] ¦

\ :TEAHOBB EAILWAY,—WmfarfOTd deportores i 1L16«.m., 13.15 13a., and| retoreinj from Tr»mor»»tJ.l» p.m. ml 6.0 p.m. Second; CUn! Pu*eng«n cao trarel

FimCla««Ubont exb» chartra. - : I • \ )¦ On Batnrav, 4th Jaljr, andoaeaeb folloirin> ButardiyantU farthat notice, Fint, Sotond, a id Third Cbu EotnraTiekeU, at SlsgU f i r e *, will be lataed from aU SUUons toWaterf ord b> tbo Down Train leaving UoontaieUlok at 2.10p.m. and Marrboroagb uastp.a., arall»bl» for-return byany Train pn,Buad»y or Monday, i i T . i¦ ' • ¦ . : ¦ • ¦ i I: i I BT OBDEItJHeid Offlcxm W«t«Tf<ml TenUttaj, Jnoe, ISM. f '

WOOL ! W00LI1 WOOL I I I |.|!

¦: ——M ; • ¦ ' ¦ :i M

THE DTniltlJS WOOL gAlED 'G A N L Y , 8OX8 '¦ £¦ 'Cd. 'B i i

TW "EXT i GREAT &aCE |, Or WOOL byJ3I AOCTION will take tU«« on FRIDAY,16tb OcioBiB, 1886, at jOno o'clock, proflpt,wben they will offer, at their Sale Rooms, 18, 10,and,»). TJSHBR'S QPAY, fDUBLW, about 1AQ0PACKS of WopL, consigned for Sale by Growers aidCountry Buyers. i M : ; ' [ '

Consignments for the Sale will bo in time np to¦WKDHMD^

T, 14th OoTODlR, ! eltUt¦ ; :: ;¦' XHS PIQj ' JTBADE, ,~~

BOOKS usod by Buyeni iu the Pig Trade cad jwhad on the most iuoderate terms at Til

N«W8 Offlcfi. | , ¦ ( ; ; 1 j

¦ ; ;!' • j "" ¦

. j ¦¦

¦ Jf Louistoui— Po* TH» |Tirxtl AttD i BBiATH A{•w dro o* tto lta«U Ifcr«4,JSr|nkW wawH tWthVraih, nrodaoM apUimatlatbir.itnioh tkonogbt/elMUMtbe Teelb bom HI puraritat or ImtariUM, bAnUnuiUwKSnai.ptvraaU Urt«r,;stop» diioay, tin * to tb*tT*etb a WoulEpelrlr whlUow.,^a7%bW*« J;trib.TO£*It nmpvNall nopleaa»s» odow trbji IroaKbduMlltMUior tobiooo (Aoka. | To* f r^*tt WUrS(» *J>iintooam!ma

Ja^ ' S ^ft!* f^ ilf: f9"Mr. Qanosp, EtartMobDrotijcrWke,W»twfo^J : ,. ;; : _ u I-J--V-- - .-3-Tp!i

;. . iT>': ;: i \ * 't i r f r " ¦'% \: \\ . ! ¦„'-: -j :


¦¦ ¦

. .. .. •» ., -J :. \: -,¦¦¦. ; .. < .:

¦« .-. -

¦ ¦ : vs-v

W . :¦, :¦


:]-:HBteBRSh0I' QrtAWITY.'^JH.; i • ¦

. Dojaation* from those who cannot attend will begratefully recelied;atthe!Convftntrorby-the-MostR«*f.' Dr. PoTVMand the Clergy of the City. ' 2t

To tie Ciergyi and B«Ilgious,. *.:. ._ :.. ."- :.c<y &*0;yiTliS.—r-rr— "¦SACRED VE8TMENTS of all descriptions nnd:

;in the Newest D«si(friB, including OHAstr»tis,iCOPW,: Hoirjiglii! VlILS, PB«iOHrtl» ifeTbtH,ALBS, 4c.4 ' 4at cari be had at ST. DOM KICK'S!INDJJ8TRIAX BCHOOL; WATER^OHD. | '. '¦

The IWork and Embroidery ora executed in tbo'School,1 and can, therefore,1 be gnaranteoda»darableend kHracUre. i ^rbe Prices will be found as lowas tbosn of any Establishment for tbe sale ot Vest-ments, j All i Orders will bb attended to promply onapplication, to ! ' | ; , .:TB* SufKuoaias, ST. DOMIHICK'S iHDnrrwAL: ' ' ¦]_ : • ' ¦

• ' SCHOOL, WfTSttFOBD, . * ,N.B.—Birrettas, Stocksj IK.', made at the shottertNotice.

¦¦ ¦ :¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' i .

¦ "(818.0 01) !

i latopuition i Wanted ofFAMES/BANLEY, formerly of the Ct,autyQJ> Waterford'j emigrated to America, some years»go- His MptherB Maiden Name was MABT RTAU.

If Father oe Mother living, or Brothers or Sistersor their Children, they will hear of something tothoir advantage on applying to i, , ; , JOSEPH W^ HOWARD, Solicitor,

! - ¦ : i The Mall, Waterford.v . I ' . l ' i ; ;ij T7ANSED, ': ' ' ''

¦ '¦''*l >, ''J'<?On .-BuBT»(t8S j PABI OP THB OlTT,

A iLIOENSJJD HOUeE, or on UnUccnsednZS ffPWto'hioha Ltoenso might be transferred.Goodacoommodation roqoired. ¦

Apply, stating partioulara as to Rent, Prioe, &o., toL' . DANIEL DXrNJFORD.Solioitor,¦W-B I ¦ . . ¦ . " . - 21., King.8yet, Wateiford.1 ¦ i ¦ WAUTED,AN AGENT for thei Sale of CLTDE REPINED¦ ! SOOAE for Waterford and Diitrict.

Apply by letter, addressed 64 Box, Poot Office,Glasgow. .

¦ . ¦ ; • ¦ . ¦


A0?11?8- ?1* i %e"7where throughout„ the Waited Kingdom For particnlara writo toCo., 50 Calthorpe Streot, London, W.Q. . a«t


BUSINESS. Apply to JK Y, Office of tbS**"?<*• ¦' . |: , . sl t"

PUBmSHED APABTt2EI7T3A T No. 2, BANK PLACE, opposite OITTU31. HALL; cheerful and1 airy, with sunny ospoct-Apply on the premises. I ¦

HOUSE SO JiETAT BARKER-STREET, a House containini?

8ii Apartments, Garden at Jiere, and Wateron tbe Premises. Apply ¦ ; P. t\ GLACttEN, 65. MAKOB.


npHIS Fint-Closa Hotel ip beautifully situated,JL commanding an uninterrupted view of tbe Bay,and within coo minute's walk of tho Strand andRailway Station. ¦ • I- ¦ . :


jyl7-ly] K. PLYNN, Proprietress.

COUNTY OF COBK.BRIDGETOWN (within Two Milea of CaBtletowjwroche Station, on Mallow and Fermoy Line.) IM. HARTIGAN bas rewired inatruotions from theExecutors of the Ute Mro. CLAKOT, to

Dial. BY AXXC IOn,On tbe ilands, '

r .(??r.-!ifm lr' ^

lh BEPT.. at One o'CToei,nnHB TENANTS INTEBEST in this veryJU-- valuable and favourably eitoated DAIRYFABM, which contains 74 Irish Acres or there-abouts, occupied at the lo;w Yearly Rent of £UlCa. Cd., vrith comfortable Cottage and Ont-Offices ingood order, the whole held under Lease dated 3rdSeptember, 1859. ¦ . j ,' ¦! • ,Also, 80 Head of CATTLE and SHEEP, com-prising Primp, Dairy Cows, Calves, and Lambo;nay, oiniir, f arming implements. Dairy Utensils;

&C.. &C. ' "• ¦ ¦ : ¦. [ • . |

The FUBNITUBE of/ tto Cottago consists ofuseful Household Articles. IUsual Commission of Five per Cent,.F.uU particulars and Condition of Sale 'on appli-cation to ; I i rr

P. S. CONNOLLY, Esq.Js'olicitor,88, George-Street, Limerick.

M. HABTIGAN, Auctioneer,o »¦ ' i.

' ;- t «, Gtorgc-Street, Limeriijk.September 17tb. ¦. ; \ ; :18 2t


II3EOE.TA1TT AUCSIOHOv VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNHUREPiano, by Collard & Collard ; Primb Feathe^Beda, Hair Mattrassei ¦ Hone, Carl Harness,

T' lO °BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION onTHURSDAY and;PKIDA X . 24th| andL 26°hof SBPTKMBBB, 1885, commencing cacb day at

In the DIKING, DBAWINO ROOU,' and PABLODEWIU be found-ChairB iu Leither and Damask, withSDnng seat ) Arm Chuii's and Lpnngen <o match imixinff and occawonal Tables, Whatnots, Ottomans,Gipsy Table., Cabinets ,• Brussels Gupeta andRugs ; Fendenf and Irons!; Coal Vaee i Lace and^ [¦ir


^£°",and, 0le8

' Wind0 Blind, tP«dest»4 Flower Standsf Mate. Foot Stools; Paint.r^.*

0 ?*™1™*8 '- M<4«*Dy i "t fTelescopoDining Tables, 10 feet x 4. feU 8 in. ; 8ofa', Side andWork ditto ; Lounger,' Sideboard. Lbo Table,Chimney Mirrors ond Ornaments : BAi,.v2w«t«ViCollard and Collard, BookjHbelr. V 'and SkinRugs and Mate , Marble Clock, &«., AcV iio



C?"r" nBd ^blei Hat and Umbrelk8tand : MabOtfany-cased Eigbt^day Cloc k • Tamnn' fejYbe BEDR50M/(o7a 'fWr:n.sbed with Muhogany and MapleViod Bedsteadsand Palluisses; Hair Mattresses i Priinn P«ithntB*i. Bobters and Pillows !W^ rSSS&and Preaaj Ch«tU- Drawers, Secret l.e., ToUetTables and Glasses ; Towel Airem, Commodea,Sofas, Chairs Carpeu, Rugs, Fenders ind lronlBathe, &c. Servants' rBoooms fully furnished

o^SIiD^flDg lei3'able8'Tllb8'&<:- r¦?h?r ,«n ¦£?,> f ° *-V a**™«

er Side Car,

Set Silver Mounted Harnees. with a[ quantityof in and out-door property not'enumerated. *lerms—Cash. . | • , \


& SON. Auotlineew, AcThe Mall, Waterford, Sept. Wth 18851WATEBPORD AND (LIMERICK RAILWAY.

. . . . . _'¦' TOINKS 8BAN0H . : . |

B Silfe S rftS&'BsSTEAMBOAT r8EBVIcI:-Tho pecliu UngSTrain leaving Umeriok for Poyries it 8J50 p.m. onSaturdayi, will be discontinued oh and after 28tt Sep-tember ; «nd during tho j remainder of preient month

It" ?%??** 'rr?? *<>"»* *° Kilrnsh will oonneet wtththe 1-35 p.m. Train timeriek, . I ¦ ¦From 1st notil 3rd Oatobor Inolusivo, tho Steamorwill run In connection wtth the 11.10 a-m. Train fromLimerick, and tbo ' Train Fovncs toLimeriok. | <The Steamer wUl rfy for the last tlmo thU teuoaon Saturday. 8rd 6ctoWr, on arrival of, 11-10 a.mTrain from Lftnotlolc. ¦ | ' i :. ,

m_« • M l J0HN EOBBRTS, Trafflo Manager.Trafflo Manager's Offloo , LtaerickTermiaqi,. . • ; lQth Sep{.j;1685. j


' .¦ ' -

;¦' "

. ; .' ¦

) ¦ ] '

- ¦ -,

i . ;

: lUvMAnaiwii AM *.4> #¥afil«* !

GUNDAY. 20th Sl iFTBMBEB. 1896.»-PorC7 tha aoooaiDodatlon -A person* attending f bon,SPECIAL TRAINS . will rnn to CaUr and Uck ondata mentioned a» under ir- ' j ; I

! ' 'UP. < a.m. : a-m. • ' ! ;Waterfori dcp. G 30 \ Single Fire* forCarrlok '¦¦ ¦„•¦ 7 0 i • Y iBeturt JowneyKilalieelan „¦ ? 20 '¦. "¦ ~\ ' ¦¦! .) OrdinaryFethard „ ! } l . 0> , ' J UtoxnClonmel i ,, 7 30 11 SO J SJKMi'Cahlr ' , arr. > W XI 45 i: Botdrnlog to Clonmel 4ad Futbard at 6.30 pjn., an 1to WaUrford, Carrick, aoil KiUheelan at 0.40 p.m.; i i DOWN.;' ji.w. ' I - ! : ;LJ^JcWunoUon dep.

^O^ to

Bwiba :• : ¦ ; : lUOj «»•• . ; ,

Returning to UmeHoiJonction and Iiitann*jiateStations at 6.0 p.m. : ] :- , ¦ ¦ ¦ i •

Tlok>W«JlowaTi JOaNbOBBBT8.Trp4f Mwflf »,TntRa Xvyrti .jWpaSb fyl. JHNHj s -

j j . : . ' - j . : ' - : <¦ ¦¦ ¦

- I

WmsmmnM ^mjif;l«^;.l885.;laenAf ' «w» do-mf cm


WOT ito^-. !¦ "*--'¦ ¦ I :

i -rtOOT -Iafldrdeaiud, ¦ ; . . !

' A ,J J IB18H.' 9* _ _ I _"?*•V BfciTii*el>»*«lof 2801bs. IT <1. t. '< V». i7~ *. d.! - Tied . . . - Ou 0 00 ua7 0 17 I

-—¦—¦—tBWspii»aa--^—• no-:errrtw 034 ¦ 0iris -vBABtBY, p«r barrel of 224lt». ; i , I .: ^; — l Oxlndlna .. . • 00 O 00 OW 0 00-0v j —

¦-tHalMnj . ; '.;«0:O 00 U00 0 00 0'04lT8, y«>ifii of 1961b. ' ' i . '.l .V L „"II — > £laeK '• . • 7 - ID t. JO 9 0 0 D« 8

'i t' — : l<ix , i . . . IKUJP.. VJ HV) 0 00 0PLOUfi, uer Moi, of 2801b». I I :

I -rfSxinjSBiio. - - 28 0 20 0, 00 U: uO 0; ; _-• Uinet - . . 27 0 S3 00 0 00 0->¦- ;- — ; ]8t4i . . . 20 0 21 000 0 00 C

OATMXiL, per Sack . -: SO 0 31 Oiw v uu vJJSAN, per Cirt. • . - -[ 8 0 9 8 u ' O ¦. ««• 0POLLABDdo. 8 8 6 0 0 0 O C U

j . j F0BE10N. _ : _ ;• i'aM. ¦WHJiAT; per barrel ot280fb'V.~ ' ¦'».• ' d."~'«."*d

,' — Odeaa 19 0 «> 3) 01 — H«d Winter, - -• •: - ¦ •00 0 00 O— ; BptUg ¦ '. . . - . . .0* 0 00 0• — AastnUao • . • • • J 21 6 21 »ttrUIANICOBW, Velloir * • .1X1 » 00' 0¦¦• — : I — ' Ibrall and Toxonka - ' 13 0 13 8¦ . — ! — American Hew j • uO 0 09 o: — : — ' no. old • - - - ' v«o o oo o

— i — OabtU ' . '00 0 00 0- — - — Odetn • ' • • *18 0 13 oFIiOLTB, Am»r)aui,p;i barrel at lMlb*. * '00 0 00 3' — Fronoh,porMck,of 2801b«.! . -00 0 UO 0

llfDJAM: 1TEAL,American,par Eiekj - *00 0 , .00 0

i I aack. of 2801b.. I,1* « u °

; Importi f Export ifor wetktndatg Thursday, 17th,indion Con< ...U,7pt> Qouton. ¦ Iadlan Corn I fiOQoartenWheat.;.;,. • . . 1|7 do. Wheat- ,.-. — iJarreta(Uta ! :.l — "¦• do. OaU. ... i 2088 do.Blrlor....l. .,.»... 8 SOOXJ. ¦ B&rloy . 3 do¦Plnn, ' - i W » do- VIOOT — &1C»»* onr • I — Barrels. OUnwal ,;.. M dolEoal _ ¦ «- Book.. Indisui mnol .' — do

(Corrected thi$ day for the Waitrford New) .' PB0V18I0NS. . ' jBACOB Fios, per owt. — — JOa. Od. to Sis. CdBruza do. — — W O 00 0JPKT ! do. — o 9 ¦ 0 00 oHiABS.' pcr ton — i- «J3 0u! 0 00 (IIiisD (onsndler*.) — — S8:0 ( W 0

B0TCKEE8' MEAT. iBcxr, per lb. — — 0a, 6d to 0a OdU0TTOS, por lb. — — 0 :6 ' 0 9LiUB, per lb, — — 0 :8 " 0 9VsxL, perlb. — — 0 j 6 0 8FOBK , por lb. — — 0 ; 6 0 9

POTATOES. !Price por stono (retail) — ft). <|d- to C3. 0-J: Do. : do. (wholesale) — 0< Si - 0 0! ; - BUEAD. . ;WHITS, per libs. — — Od. Sd. to 0a. 0'Houssaoi-v. n>r do. — — 0 i o 0 0Housxaou), por do. —

i WHISKE1TDosui, per gtlloa —CUBZ, puncheon —

19i. Od. to ,0i. 00IS 3 IS «

P I 8 U . !NnrroonDUaD CodOih, per cut. — 15a. 0d. to 22*. Od.Hximiiios, Ronnd Norwegian, por b&rrol 21 0 uo u

Do. Split Labrador— — 23 0 uj 0SILUO», per lb. (wholesale) — 0 0 0 0QalLsa, per do. — — 0 \ 0 0 0Sou, per do. — — 0 j 0 0 0TUUBOT, per do — — 0 0 0 0

FOWL AHD EOOS. \ .Cuicssss, por pair — — Si. 60. to is. 0J.Cocr Toanis, por pair— — 10 0 0DCCKUVOS, per pair — ¦ — 3 0 0 0OEESB, do. — — S O 0 0boos, per 120 — — 9 0 0 0Duck £ara» — — 9 0 0 0FOWL, perpalr ¦ — — 2 6 0 0• ' WOOL AND HIDES. \HogRet Wool, per lb. — — 0o. 0<I. to 0a 0| J ,WeUor a id Ewo, do. — — 00 8 00 l>Skin Wool, do. — — 00 0 00 8HIDX3 , per cwt. — — 2i 0 23 0Kirs, por owt. ¦ — — 24 0 13 0CUT, por doion — — 30 0 S3 »! 80AP AND CANDI.E3IV/BIIE, per cwt. — — ZSt. 0J to £3 < . ( d.iBiiowir, por do. — — 17 8 :2 uMOULD, per dozen lbl. — . — * : 0 0 0'Dorr, per do. — N — 4 1 6 9 0: " TIMBEE.;E«n Piira per ton, — ; — 70 . Od. to 60s. OdYnxow PIH J par do. — — OS 0 00 o

, '81*713, por 10W — . — M 0 00 0latUB, per d»; — — IU 0 00 V

i ' . C 0 A L 8 .:j COILS, Cardiff por ton (atqJAjs)— 15x OJ to 00*. 0d! , Do. deliTercd— — — 16 6 O) 0i COKB, per do. — — 18 i 00 u' ; ; FODDEB AND GEEEN CBOP3.

HIT, per ton, — — SS». Od to 47« 01., 6nuw, wlicaten, per do. — is 0 55 0

. • Do.i oaten, — — SO 0 it) 0iToBBlW, pordo. — — 00 0 01 0•IXAXOOLDS, por do. — — 00 0 <0 0' CiBBors, per do. — — CO 0 00 0

; WATEBFOBD BDTTEB UAJBKET.Number / f irkins weighed at the Public Butter MarketI for iccck ending Friday (this 1 day), and p ricci.

! Saturday, • — S3* — lOBn. Od. to 116J Od.: Uondaj. — £3 — 100*. Od. to lC8s. Odj Taeadajr, — 0 — 00». Od. to 00s. Od.' Wednesday — 2J1 — 100*. Od. to 110s. Od.| Tnur»day. . - SC» - 1! 6».- Od. to 1178. Od.! Friday, — 0 — 00*. Od. to 00a. ud.I No. of Firkin, corrojponding week lost year. _ 733i Price per owt 122s. oi to ISOJ. Od.

$ittm, 3Hatrlag«, | and HeathsAnnouncincT,'n of B M h t,lI(irrinii$,e De3[l\t,v \ut>bi f r i s i a< i

; i B I R T H B.'¦ Soptcmbcr 8, at Gnnagh House, oo. Kilkenny, tha vllo ofDoctorCogbhn. ofason. ] : . ;! September 11, at 70, Csdogan-plsoo, Dnblio, tho wifo ofCaptain Dawson, Queen's Bay., of a ion. :11 September 11, at the National Bank, Limited, BiHigho.dcrrron. the wife of V. 3. Momy, Manag«rJ of a duurht«r./ September 7; ftt Moant Dnid, Ki|l(ney, the wife of MajorBodikm-TbornMll, Kiigorid, Ballinuloe, of a ton.i September 13, tt Lower OooTge'i-streat, Wexford, the wifeof Dr. J. P. Waddy, of a ton. :i Boptembor 11. at Blchmond-itreot, Wcxford, tho wifo ofDcorm Hidden, of a ton. I

[ . ! M A E E I A Q E S . (,! At tbo Chnrcb of tbo Imnucnbto Conception, Atibata,Oeor i, on Thnnday, Angost 27th, Dr. ChirlcJ A. Sloran,to ULts HoUle A. Bheeban.i September 14, at the Unlienltr Charoh, Stephen'agrcen,iDubCi), by tha Ser. N. Eoche. C.C.. atslsted-by tbo Bar.IFathez Egan, Michael Wiekham, £«j., BoeUand Cottage,jWexford, to HtMxr Kot« (M»r), oaty daughter of Thomu:Eelmonl,Es<j., Clongoon, oo. Werford. i

BoDtember », at tbs Catbollo Cbnrch, Fetbard, co. Tip.,iWDuam Fitzserald, second «oa of Sllchiel FiUgerald, Car.;rick-on-Snlr, to Mary, Moond daughter or the tats Jamea'Jaekmaa, Carrlckbejc, co. W»terforJ.

September 10, at St. Qoorge's Chnrch, Bloomsbary, L«m-den, br tha Ber. John Oohur, u>l<t«d by tbe B«T. Arthai:lAraagbi Chulas AobnMe, LL.D;, T.C.D., Wtterford, to[Kathcrtno, daughter of the Ut« Jiuoe* Ooiog, of Coppati*-Ignrnuie House, co. Tipperary. ; ;! Septembertt, ofrtho Cathednl,' Tbqrle*. Uiobsel, yoanff.l;e*t ton of Mr. Kiohoel Kennedy, Cbarlertllo, to Johanna,:doazhter of Mr. John Hall, Thnrlas.

September 1*. tt tbe CathedzaL Mtrlborongh tnet, Dub.l lla. Jama, Km of Jtmei Kelly, Kilkenny, to Katie, dangb.;terof Patrtok Byrne, Bagntlstown.' ;

September 7, tt New Kott, M. Bnreton. B.I.C., oo. Tip.,third son of M. Breroton, ex-H.C., B.LC, to Elen E., onlydaughter of P. Moran, ta-8., B.LC^ New Bon. i

On tbs lOtb inn., it th» Methodist Charon. Waterford, bytha Bar. J. W. Ballard, William1 W. Xaowlea, to Mary'Lonito, eldest dtarhter of William Kelly, of this city.. Sep imber 13, William S. Fro.*, JEM., of Wett Wrtttliij;Park, Cambridgtbire, to Lydla, oiily daoghter of tbe UU

i AUxmoder Sempl*, of Kilkenny.September 9, Henry James Bice, L.B.C.P. It L.B.C.8.,

Sandbank, Cheshire, eldest ton ot Himry June* Bice, M.D.tMonntmelllck, Queen'. Coonty, to Efliabeth Mary, onlydaaicbter of Eobert Moylet, Eynt Haate, Utrrbonraab.

! D E A T H S . ;On thlf momina', at her nsldeno*, Catherine-street, after

a ibort! illness, Mrs. Robert ClamMtt, Tery dettrredly n»CTtttod by her family and friend., i !

Septembers, at Blcbsel treet, Waterforf, M1117 Cother-ino, infant danghter ¦ of AUrod and, Minnie BodUnion, aged¦ix BJO3tlH« i j j

September 12, tt ber rcaidence, 6, Alexasdra Place,' Tra-more, Soni Belle, aged nearly 85 y«tn. | ,

beptember 13, tt Bank FUM, Mallow, Besjtnio, only tonof Eliia Phillipe, ated 31 yean. { ' i

September 15, tt I, Haddington-pUe*, Kiogstown, B«n*]>mia Oeonre MaoDowel, M.D., Phrticiin tothe Qoeea inIreland, of 83, Umtotqun, tgad 64 yearn

September IS, t«bl» residenot, 14, B«ljpn{Te-«<iaare, Bath,mines. Jamea Coade, Etq., H.M. Inlaid Eetenne. 1

September 14, at Boliybtaok B.L ConaUbolary Bamck.•William Eobert, tjed 12 ytart tad 7 nontbsj third «ldett tooof Sergeut WOliam HarpliyrB.LC, < < . :

Soptembor 12, after t lengttteaed QlnewJ borne with per.feat resignation, Mr. MkuTArobbold, eocla^Mtleal student,son of Stephen ArcabJld, of Kilkeony, aged St. ¦

September. 9, at hi* toa't nsideuot, ' Onlgn*, Cadow,Patrlalr Simmon., aged 70 years. : ' I ;September 9. tt Can», Wcxford, Bloudol William Talbot,aecond Iton 6f Bleordo wid Mary V. PtloUr, of CUybmr,Boshey, HerU, aged 9 year, tod 7 ipontbt. ' iSeptember 12, tt EUinore, Dalkey, John ItoCnrdy, C.E.,

inbieindyear. ¦ 1 : ¦

\ LOCAL RAILWAY TRAPPIC.Ttttf eBtctirttf or «wt f i ll'BMFHStBgB llf k, l«5.' ' iWaUitod ' ' ' iJikituiTWaterfonl,

and Wtterford Jonotlop Dnofarraib' Lim«Hok ud Kil- Bail«tj> and•;27imlle» kenny (81 (28|n>U» Lttmon ,

! I op«n). mlletcp«B.) opeb) . (4S B1I«.).i i : e «. 4 . 1 «- *. ' dj « ¦•. a. • « »;a.:

Pasrongen. 1 ¦ . J I - ;, ' ' J» 8 0 1S3 « 8 S8» 13 0

Oood»,CttUe : | 279 15 4 7» 1 « it* 0 0

Total].:n...4217 0 0 ; 703 lsT II I 8 i»l« 0Corratp'ding * ! ' r ! 'i •week Itrtyr. 8838 0 0 I ~ 7P IS i 844 IB » I W*_l_?

t lnojades 131 uOeiot Joint Un|* wort< d hjr Wat«f<w<land Llin«rlok Ballwty Company, . ,

[WATEBFOED UHIO f—TH I « VAT. ¦:' RIOBABD MoBwasT, Ktqi, n tha uhsilr, an4sub-leqne^Ur P, J. POWM, M.if. Also | »r«ent—Cap*.PowgD, fl. CVMwm, AM.'Sf" I»pn4, f p M Alliog.bain, Major. John BJ»D, f . f . P. Ktinnjr, T.p. ¦ >: Twnlden for th* Ml-1*** « «« »dB«plcd to-day,BmoDijtt which ware let, (it IJ . 8d. per lb, pt-dnty,the contractor* bctog trrM'*»i«.. JTwaiW j Kno«,Sqwirp i John PheUn,Bieb-i tret* i hmtm Power,Bdlljfcricken < E. O. FUld&ir. F-C ( Itwrge'a-strwt.Wbblt»y, 18fc lOd.,BW mm * Mr. Horn] Kuo«,T.C., eqoare.: A fttll lwJo wr «»««.' Adjournednt 8.1$p,m. ttUirppolwtt *

all th«bo»Jjie» ¦

'i Tbl Ir}«t P«rliMi«|tax* Partj ^bjkw r*con».0604*4 th» hoWUgof imp M*«« far tte-coimtjfof W«t«rtoa*»k ««»*jnav>i Ibn /j tfci ilwo?Wpff. -


¦¦ ,i.- -. .y^- -- - - ; f is> :i: ¦ ¦ "¦-¦ ! ^ ;

v ; ; ; ' ¦*¦

;^- T:[.= : ¦¦.- ¦ m -; Ft-rmt mw??*m<%i Ki wm

¦ ,; : ) ¦. WATBKW at; if** p ¦«' u »?; -map

'3?faii JMSW W« ri* *k SSpf cb tt 1 l*Jti'rali?laU

W oriT^HCloiaS. Sa briaTfo tmp iSf. batter, bat Ittfewuja tetad. ¦ v - : ' J^ ; ' ¦* ~:i •}•¦: Bunoi> OaAta Hjj tMmt~f *r **4i 'r -Bmt a Motamt*

ed. ty otit$ (ii^ f m imm vot.Urm M. ibW

6W. totW/Tttilinm; S7». to «»., p« trktn oi:8 art. Mb *.tow.. . _ i .-j.,- ;' . [, ;;- -.' ;¦ ¦ ;¦"; - : :|- ; . j I , ; ¦ ' ! - .

' 'DUBLlK'STOCK tiZCMAJSQS-Tiw DAt, ". . l -: ^> . -~ '. • . [. ! BiitWAYB. i " '- ! ! '•

Great Sonthexo'*;W«tem ... ! iff liMidland Great Western ' j ... . I ... 68Great Northern Baflvw . ' ' «• : ... 112JDublin, Wloilow, and Wexford ... . ... 42¦" ¦ . ' ; [ • ' ¦ ¦ i i - ' BAMKB. ! • ; ' !


NaUonal Bwik ' ' ... \ ... 21*ProrlnoUl Bank . ! . . . : < ... .27Bank of Ireland ' . ! i ... ... 822

HARVEY A SMITH, Stookbroburs.iWatsrford.


.: • ' I

¦ • " • :




to La France says that if pablio reparation benot madq by Germanj disturbances may occur.


raoured last night that the Madrid GoTernmenlhas already replied to the communication re-ceived from the British Government on the Caro-line Islahda, and has rebutted its pretentious,on tbe ground that the Powers at tbe BerlinConference .bad rejected a British proposal toextend to the Pacing Ocean tbe rnlea laid downfor Africa, and'the papers Bay tbe Governmentis muchjdispleascd at tho attitude of Englandon this question.

: THE CHOLERA.1 AI ADEID, THDESOAT.—The offleial bnlletin,issued this morning reports 858 cases and 337deaths in Spain yesterday. Of these, 10 cosesand 1 death occurred in Madrid capital ; 27 cosesand 6 deaths in Madrid province; 66 cases and32 deaths in Cadiz capital ; and 57 cases and20 death? in Jaen capital.

TOULOH, THUB8DAT, 10. 30. a.m.—Only twodeaths from cholera, have been registered herosince last; night. Tbe amelioration in tbe pub-lic health! continues.

THE INTERNATIONAL YACHT RACE.. NEW TOEK, WEDNESDAY, 415 P.M.—The Ameri-can yacht fnritan bas won. She crossed tbe win-ning line at four hoars and nine minutes, followed aminutes acd a quarter later by tbo Oenesta, the En-glish yacht, j : ¦

-- ' • ¦ "

RELIEF FOR THE KA88ALA GARRISON.The Daily Chronicle Vienna correspondent tele-

graphs—Intelligence has reached here from Alex-andria to tbo effect that Ras Aloala, the AbyssinianGeneral, ¦ with twelve thoosand Abyssinian troopsand four pieces of artillery, bas crossed the Abys-sinian frontier on bis way to relieve the: Eassalagarrison. ¦ i


We are happy to learn that the ran on theBank of Ireland has ceased, and bad it spread,it woald have ; been a y vrj serious matter, notalnno forj this great institution, bat also forother i Irish Banks. ¦ Even in the small town ofTipperary it ia, said . that £150,000 was drawnfrom this Bank in gold, the balk of it perhapsnever to return. Tbe Directors got so alarmed,that not satisfied with bringing one half millionover from; England : in bullion, but they subse-quently brought over another ball million, inorder to bp prepared: for the worst, and to showthe public that tbey wore equal to the emergency.But this only proves how far j short a millionwould go if tbe run had been continuous andgeneral. rVVo need not say what anxiety, risk,and loss to the Bank : all this has entailed ; andthe question ia now generally atked what hasbeen the | cause of " this " ran" on a Bankhitherto believed the most solvent in the King-dom P - It! may, bo said that the refusal of tbeBank to further prop np to a dangerous extenttbe Munster Bank, was the. obief cause. ; Batwe are, convinced tbat this was not so—it wasrather in consequence of the enquiries into thestability.'; of Irwh Banks in general, and whatthey bad to fall back upon" in case of a calamity,ancn as b fel tbe Manster. ; :

The Bank of Ireland, having persevered inrefusing forbears inj giving proper informationto its shareholders and the public, led to doubtand fear with regard to its management. ; If ithad nothing but a plain unvarnished tale to tellwhy not publish a clear statement of its affairs—its liability and assets at least half-yearly—as is done by every other Bank in the Kingdom PThe refusal to do so bas brought upon theobstinate Directors a punishment tbat tbey didnot anticipate, j People generally thought thattbe Bank was' a Government institution, andtbat the Government .would sustain it underany difficulty. : Bat this idea having been dissi-pated, tbe| eyes of tbe publio were immediatelyopened as to it* position. ;

The question was also raited as to tbe liabilityof iu shareb6lden, it having been believed,and after all that has been said is atill believed,that the shareholders having paid their sharesin fall, are not; farther liable, and in this casethe principal ite,m they'd hare to fall back uponwould be the reserves, whiob woald be smallindeed in case of an unexpected calamity,genernlly [admitted not likely to occur. ,

Tbe Bank of Ireland Governois may thinktbey can | do nb tbey like ; but it is now cleartbey cannot; and will not: be allowed to do so.Tbcir shires have already dropt £7 each, whichon! the whole will! tot up a very large amount.Their perseverance in a wrong course has clearlyinflicted muchr injury also on other Banks, andlessened ^beir shares to a serious extent. Forinstance, the Provincial and other Banks haveadmittedly I suffared ; and: likewise our ownpopular National Bank, whose small shares werequoted at ,2H to 25, shortly before the Ustmeetings are now only 21 J, ¦ '. ' , ¦

• This is a matter for serious consideration, notonly for tha shareholders generally,, but for thecoautry 4*! larg«> jit is not pletinnt for thePress ta ishowt np these roatUrs. But negleoton the part <if tbtJ sbarehulders, after suchshameful and rotten mismanagement M wasdisplayed in tbe Monster,'tbe organs ot pablioopinion ire bound (to advise an4 tell tbe truthm 'time. | Ak;*t said1 before, if ! a few "indepen-dent shareholders had made proper ioqninw ,and spoken ont (ike ben, tbe JUantter woald havebeen a prosperous iisUtntlon' to ay. I¦ Too nrachiiproiie cannot siren to the1VWM»'« Jourml for the able anfmanly standn na» «™ on inia «MO

M SJSQ on tbe ques-tion w Bank ManageribcuigAiiiiuto Insar-ance. Oojx^Z ^^^Z^ iprewoas ioTappiorallol the »»luabl«inform*:tion the Fnt*M * tu jrjten on I both Ejects.And we are gratified tofcdtbWtWMbeTewuWjonrnsl m Ireland, a detetofarf^HwJSTlt«? g! ^?»gr|»o'd;pri3itectlng/tl» «ttol5interest*. . Jf ^ intend !to takeuplhWqneirUoaifrom time \d. tinie, and show sharehokt«ra tbakthey havo been oq Jong aalw.^Tukfai*pUusible ] assertiow for Uf itM , and oar«taH?;made-up reports fur: geriuln* jjt. rtinableirtiitelments, wbfob ; axe ofun aa delktivii uTTkl" »«d S frp tHUurnto on pa.-

• ^ ™ Si S ^BSiifi.1"-' ¦::i:;

ranch ot ¦ toe! prn! - <>b« e M tf f iM m.look, on In^Wd r In a diWaUrbadpfin--Enuland and BoSanl wh* .*i£* IJSKtvX

ranch ot ¦ toe! prn! - <>b« e fctUrr^ ISliSistooks : oattjtpLejUli!U 4 iUjUi^& 1dition, Tbe, aatM jstau of &i£S£*3Biv5mj iEngland aid BghOaad, wa* * t£ a?SK|£o|

i • ¦ ¦ i ' • i " i - : ;; :- I * i- - ¦ " ¦"* :!: . ¦

¦¦• i f - ' l ' '' -iCHvj .fct' ¦

:¦¦ .


¦ ! I - i ¦': ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' i ' *¦ ¦ ¦ • ' ' » ¦ •• ;7 '.'---t-*is««« --

iisiiiBnmr 'MelMiiJh fe,jprt0«.*4 to Venftoy aSSZ *M -'

¦cyyftogly sbi|ha»fi»»»l^i ywisss, i»te beaidat<Fioterett> dAh#Hi ttSfttC. Stt b.S

the eBeoU;o; procwdtoc. Jn thVp iSSoqnrt,a««afral4 to dttxoitS *— pesUoit u3

a tenant tm 8iij Biobaisd JMaVs ettaW, swotJSphsssanUwejgso bo« m?*«P «**£i£Ztbe land for her, aad ib» was afnM Sw Smoff. .In ,aBotb«r caw a Unant stated th« rabbitabred ia the tbatch of tbe hbqse, aod & wa.i Iffireason for reduction of rant befora the OhfeTcooi".oiiiioners,. This is ;*o fiist ease sA its ktodtri^i to ibis tounty, sad we Ulieve in u£3tnnde* the gau« hxm~<hrr$twmdtm*. -.¦¦ ¦ . -T J

mu ^TPB CITY SBWEB8. .Tbe weekW :expeB<Ilttin> on (be cocstructfoo of

abont £&O a wpekla l.boor. exelaslTe of pJfeThe Corporation, in piblie meeting asaemStd. re-fused to strik*.a borough rate tZtoTZZZfi *paying thta &*eessary exp *£tnt», oa tL %£££f*'Tn* %,VtaaJ l'*»ay »<»-t»»dratepsy«rs,bat, neverthless, tbe "poor.oppressed" wflniveto pay, as :tbeicost, iuw charged to the BoroojAFund, wilV be{transferred bom the WaterBateithe approtcbiag redaction of which was near atband. (. Pedm ft if/ai will'tfa'ci^poor' tttsmntV"should tborongfaly nadewtand this nttle maUcr.

FIBDTOilNTO ])WELI,IHO HOU8ESDoaoAavAB-,, TsaniBDAT.—At one o'clock thismorning, it b reported, shots were find into thedwellinghouses of Co'nielios Honrlgsri, sen, farmer,and William !$arron, bailiff oa toe estate of 8irHenry Winston \Barroa, Bsllyiwctrt townlaai,about seven mile, from Dongamn: Infotiaationwaaconveyed to the jiolioe ben, when H*«d<oo-stable Eyne and psrtjr of ConsUbnlaty proceededto tbe placs. It appeani that Barren had token afarm from wfclch a foiiaerte&sat had been evictedand that both himself and floorigaa ware ia treatyfor another farm from which Jerraiah Oleeecoohad been evicted last July, bat it is believed in theneighbourhood that Birron, being a'rmt-wazsei orbailiff , got! the prefeience. Tbe polios succeededin discovering several grains of shot in Barron'tbed, but evidently tbe person who fired did not in.tend to inJaM , anybody, for .appcrmUy the »botstruck tho kx|liug and side wall of Bwrron's bedroomand then rebounding, I ell apoc the bed. At Hoari-gan'«, two girl, who slept ia a settle-bed ia tbekitchen, were : awake ned by report of firearm*.They fonad ,the doot perforated on risiag. Tbeaffair, being so unosaii in this county, has caosedmuch excitement.

i L O C A L J T B U . S . \ .THX WATKTOKO HABKHM.—At meeting, atwhich most of the athletes of this city attended,was held (by kind peimistioii) at the Bicycle ClnbBooms, at nine o'clock: oa Friday evening last {Mr.

B. Fielding ia the chair) for the purpose of forminga harrier dub : in thii city. • After a very eloquentspeech from I the chair, in which Mr. Ftodingsnowed that a harrier dob would benefit all oorathletes from tbe lOOyard* sprinter to the four milesSouth of j Ireland bydcls champion, Mr. A. O.Williamson (late vice-nptain of tbe North DublinCity Harrier*) propoied, and Mr. B. J. PowerMcoodedj tbelolfowinrrosolation:—"That we forma harrier club, and call it tbe Waterford Harriett,"which wtd passed unanimously. Mr. Williamsonthen proposed and Air. Power seconded, a coda ofrules for the managomsnt of the club, which wasaluo passed unanimously. Toe following officerswere then elected—Captain ¦ Mr. A.J O. WlUiaauoa(proposed by pit . Ponur, and seoooded by Mr. W.Croker) ; Yice-Captaiii: Mr. B. J. Power tpropowdby Mr. WardeU eecouled by Mr. W. Croker) f honsec and treasurer: Mr. K. H. Croker (ptoposed byMr. Power, seconded bT Mr. W.Todd) j CommitteeiMessrs. C. P, Beduioud, E. O'8. Wazdell, W.Croker and B, i Fielding. Tbe grand opeain* rimhaving b&an iUad to tike place on Wedaeadaj, tbe23rd inst, 'tbertneetinj came toa eloee,

A TaovBLuoica LCMATIO A* TsAKoxa.—Aboota week ago, a small fa.tner, named Patrick Qai(Iey,from Daogarntn, coc.nty Kilkensr, came to Tnt-more and took lodgirgs in Miss BaUiru's boose,Main-street. Hjs uwuuer for tarse ot <bar daysbail lieva ratber peculiar, exhibiUnr ' itoaU in hisgiving Urge silver coins for the smallest arUcls*,and refusing j any cbaoge. On Prichy tngfat last,he showed in a very marked msnn*r, that be wasbetomiosr a dang«rotia itmaiio, and aboat eighto'clock t&at evening ho attempted to .ssanlt a vmtand twoydas£ laduM W.>o ware with bin, bos BUS*agud to make good bit e«ape before 9«ry«aat Kor-maa und. Constable '3arey, who weat ia search athim, could arrest him, having devuiped, bat Utscis tbe evening bo rettiroei to hi» lod iaga, and Usconduct beoajae so violent the police had to be sen*for. At about midnight, be was so ootianoos ia bisdemeanour, that a yoosg woman, from jfow BOM.who was lodging in th» pUoe, tw w frigbtearftbat .he jumped through tbe top window of tb»house, a disUsoe of ten feet, fortansteiy witbootsunUioingi any injury. Uoiirle* waathaa Wmkratto the polico-banauk, wberethe mefl of tbatstatMT ' ¦must hare had a plesjnnt olght, if one eoight iadrt ¦ '¦from the unfortunate ouaa'skokrsv wbWh cootd b*' ' :.heard outside in tbir street till (*r into moraiBg. '¦--Tje uiualcextaicates liavingbeenprocnred.QaigkT ' !wa* oommltted to tte Waterfoaa Dittrlct LaaatM' ¦Aejlnm oa Saturday, ' ¦ ¦ • ! (

Assam TO Ma. J'. A, VUII, JJP^-Tkerahas: 1been lor tome . time put, oos extiibitioa te the :spJeodidly; arrmagtd aisdow of Mr. ft. iHlloe, 'ja weller. Quay, a betuUfoUy Pamlnatodcopy of tbe -i>uddreas prewat«d by tbd Corporation to Mr. BUe , Ion nis risi t> this <ity prior to bis departaMloc : iAostnUia.: Thc.addnM, wbioh ia flalsa«d l the: ¦ '< :biifbest and o>ort elrgaat style *adtnua«d ia ¦ . . ';costly uiaan«f,fca» bt^a writfant •odillamiaatsd b/ r;fMiss Alica Heron. lUry-«t»at, ayooag Is4*«f ; { <hitfb artistic MooatslisttsHat, «ooUia« mrwfi, . ] '$¦incoesoiut rarroiUMuag soMery of WaMtWO. si• ¦{:Tbe work; reflects the fraatjsst ertdtt otea lOm: ' i ' VHuron, and is a stitog proof what htehTrUsrto; , . :

former OCCMWUin th<iUst«fdlmaaa«riawakkAe ' i iUluminated taj addrens presented to UM , jataj fiiCoontylnspsctor HainL ¦ " ""* V r?.\ F T ) ¦¦; ; : |jjjEbtTa*ow>i»iA«T PiuoAnni-JTb* fbOo«is<r«stia- • Mordinary placard ban bwa posted tnrUi dwd ¦%>,

walls of Xooghal.and h *cB *m&mm *Mm Utt~it H* H« Borial of British C(Mitio0f-Th«Mit«SlisiEi»' ¦jl'lCorn-Dromann Mountain, btkwMa Oni^aiiiraad-' -M-I0 * li"* i^^SS^WSf S^^mber. The proomtoa trill start fortbt pJutiflSil "I Hat two o'dpek, aad tlteooOa, witb ttMywsim w I [' |"f»|-«4 be. l**l on a ¦ ak JSStW::¦# .)cataWquei drawn by l(» assfs,aad«Ma^d«rW.

11ptMUUonsiia deep aiotimiaf.¦¦!TarwtfiMokuwct; \l(¦and* will t>la> th* T)aiA M*rm * l+UUnt?mmA~m!-Til Imosting will b«'bald.aair th4gmriIttib*-*»tH :||worM oa. tba itKMrnfal ooo .kvv de .kjMr! !Unrated vCoerdk* i ct, Bnf Urfs MMdy &» afl ;oor^woM.f .. . . j . • • ¦:.i^ :ii- --n - . ;~ , v. - t^:.Uvrurt* w to <^ In*a»jrT lfr-!,lVMi, J I.fcyps, Q.O. b.Vl. W«i«oo«r»atPftiowV».||o^! : ;day, wb*ti "-- f ^ j-1 HiT *t"-¥i iitinlsltMi iiiJM - •- ';of ,tae Watectoia Vtioii ¦***¦ rmvmiQM&i; \tMuakey. Cterk -.jrw WimMi-Xm ^m ^hi- -fMnrUnB»rtoa,rate iiollwtor, «mte;attMitoa,! J 'The WhaiiWajpfid n, if 6 imi A ^uWaSSmm- iltb eabW mF^wumWiSvm SmmM

im of mm® IJIIMBKIia*.ium?f m i^nFiifmtiniilMr- irfflmmos5»2oiaSittojiaTssw*•blbP*

Page 3: SPAWM c^^ fe^ thn merohanta^tradari and! nobilityv. gantiy, farming classes, &< .t. in Witaiford, Kilkermy,Tipper»ry,

twenty-two yearaija noW in]!Mrt |&a5SiS2&;haying orimia^r*«»at^* iroi|5«^Sw?-:a locality between^ GlenDJoreiandMolliiifatlQouoi jKilkenny.¦! It ji'aUegidJUiaVon. WidWatfMgftlast rWaUh'waa g6fc Wmeiton bl :Jwfc:a&iw'*a married woman, n»pedCattaiinV t*3aW(irte;ol a bhod bej rijWdaocortedJiwIfH^pMw

d1on, but shortly alter Arda lamed and foUowi 4her, overtaking ber inear tho -placei woer« he flntaddressed her. T J, m«i>;:iaie|«lop is f ibftWalsh knocked ler down.and crimiwaiy iimauludher. The accused pjlU !bfcb|»ogo,t'.uj > for trud, itUiBaid, at the next quarter! aessiotiav-' *¦' I ~ ' ¦'¦¦' > '

YAOHTrad.—Tbelwi^MintrotU jMHWentuiie,46 tons, owned by Mr. q. D.'«toff , of;Waterford.liBat present anchored off the -Admiralty PUr,<)ne«d»-town. Tbe Ndptuloe W fcne ctt the faltdit'yiiclits.ofof her class afloat.;! Durinit the breaient season ahThas earned obVMo teas ttkatr^prLses^ hairing taken1first place for 13, Beoon(Jf6r.\hree, andlKUQiorona.Yesterday she had iwlnnlng. coloori dentting- thisnnmber of victolrisa flying.'"Tb:rea print, were -'iroain the London rive^ two At'Cowieii two ftl Bdntb-ampton, two at Dartmdothj two at Torquay, one atDoTer, one at BeMbrioW,' one at Weimonth, andone at Soutbeea. • In miayjo* :tho raise In which, thoVeptnne took first plate,-that ofsecond'wastakenby the well-known cotter Wraith/both! being Irishboate. The Neptona wa»;tinilfc at Jfairlee'ta 1876,bat has Jatterlyjundergdue extensivei alterations andimptoTementc. !• ; :; ! ¦•;:_ ';] ¦ ¦ . - . ]:• > : - . n - . ; . .

COEBEOTION.—In pur last issue it wak incorrectlyBtated tbat Thomas Cantwejl was sent to prison fora week for being concerned in the MnUinavat riots.Cantwell was discharged byjthe bench.: ' j . •

3RD BATTAWOK EOTAI, IBISH BxsiiuiiT (WKX-TOBD MILITIA).—Inatrnotions havo . been receivedthat the recruits of this' regiment on, its disembodi-ment, are to be Bent t4 tQe depot at Clown el, tocomplete their 83 days'jdrilL ¦ • ¦ \ : . j . ; ' "¦

I'ATAI. AccbiNT J T CABBICK-ON-SUIB.—OpSaturday, Mr. 'E. N. Power ' held an inquest uponthe body of . Michael Farrell, who was accidentallykilled at Carriok railway. station byjthe, night roanon| Saturday night.' | Mr. Edward Burke, BOJX., withMr. Connington.i represented the Bail way Com-pany, and Mr. I O'Sollivan. solr., appeared/for thenext-of-kiu. The jury found an open verdict, andrecommended the deceased's widow and family tothe consideration of the'company, ¦ •< ; '• ; ' ¦ ¦ \ ' : '

TEAMOEE PETTI SESSIONS.—At itise' sessions,held on Monday, 'Measrs. Congrere Eogere, Wm.Qallwey. D. G. Bodkin, K.M., preflidedJ A [womannamed Anaatotia | Meehan was fined;j8e- ]6d.' forallowing some cattle to trespass on a farm occupiedby Jobn Kirwan. j Sergeant Tyndall charged JohnBrien with1 havingi on 22nd August, assaulted hiswife, and he ,i was [ bound to the pe oe, bitnselfin JE5 and t"«-o sureties of £2 10s. each.' Tnia cbn-eluded the business.| '¦ ¦ "¦ . : ' i ' ; ' [ ' ¦ '. LOCAL IMPBOVBMBNTS.—We are glad to' sea thejnew wall now , being erected near {he' DungarvanEailway station. It ,waa very mnoh required, j A nowsewer :s also greatly peeded at the comer of Gallows-road,- Sommetland, ; and the grating; of it should bemoved np higher, opposite the gateway of Mr, Colter.The present old sewer ia not working, and useless asit is. Tho County. 8rirveyorVattention is requested tot immediately. ;: . ' . | ' . - ; i , • . - ' . -

LZCTUBE IN THE TOWN H*iii.—Tho msmbers ofthe Watorford National and Literary Clnb have inrited¦our eloquent fellow itizen, Mr. Thomas Sexton, M.P.,to open the winter session for them br a lecture in thoTown Hall, ata3 early a date aa possible.!

: O A T B O J J X C C H V B C B .: CARDINAL MoiAB.-4At the invitation : of bis

Eminence, thejpeople o( the diocese ot Ossory haveheard of the intended ^departure, for Sydney, ofthe Her. Patrick Murphy from St. Kierah'a Collegewhere be laboured Bo assiduously and zealously inthe discharge of the onerous duties of president fora lengthened period, and his services are needed ina like position in Sydney, where the Cardinal intendsestablishing an ecclesiastical College. Dr. Murphywon the respect and affection of the ecclesiasticalstudents of St. Kieran's by his wise: and paternalrule, and his departure is much deplored.!¦ THE FEANctBCAjj ORDKB.—The BOT. P. Mullin,O.S.F.'

has bjeen I transferred from; Waterford to

Ennis as Master of Notices: . . 1


iaj r erenin? lost fUr. BDS llri. Qombletca gure one ot theirpleasant lawn taaistai erming parties; at QUmaton, Co-Waterford. Amongst thoao presant were i Iodr Ana Uoird,Strancall/ Cnatle: tto Uiaei lioj i. Ml *. VilUsrs Staart.Drdnmo»: Ker.l B. and Mn Longfleld, Cunjf Uj a i Mr.F/ne, BoJljTolaae ; j Mr. ind tin. Peroj Smttb, Head-boronglij Colonel De* Btata, Homelf CMtlo :tac Xiste *Croker, Lisfinn ;' Mojfirrad1 Urs. Vf Barn*, Mia Omnble-toa, Torquay ; Or. and Hit. Blaqaler, MoaUgoe Lodge iJilt. Hewwra and Miss Jerrols, Yoogbati Mn. and MiuGreene, Abern Hoose ) Mr. and Mr*. Carr, Tonghal; Mr.St. Qeurge Browjus; Mr. and Mr*. JDe* Buns, Sprlsgdale itbs Uintes Croter. Iiiimbtin i Mr Wjtin, O»ppoqain;.Mr»Bnd^ell, Wodeliyo; Mr. Orpen and Ma. Orpen, Hariton iMr. and ihe f l i taea Bopklaa, Atearn; Mr. A. 1>» Barmand Aitas Vcn Barren i &GM R. Long£eld and Mr T, Looglleld,Carrjgbsa; Miufl Dror, Caitleljrons Jthn M1*«J McCreery,Fenno/, 4c. | 7 i ' : . :: ] I .• •: : Lord Marcus land ILord, William: Beresfordhite ldt for England} I ' ' • i - ; | . ;

oir n,. r . jveune, .Dart., ana XJ OOJ Javeanenavearriredat Ardmoro. I ' ¦ i ¦ •• j .1 i I '¦ ''

Lady Mnsgniv Si> B. J. Masgrave/ Bart,and tbo MUses MnsgraTe bmo aniTod at (hang*,! An)more.

: Sir J. N. McKenna.M.P., and Lady McKennahate tWr reiidBnce, Ardo Hoaw, noarjTonghal.

: General Sir Frederick and Lady Eoberte harearrired in England from IndU. ' ; ' 'i ! —i—r*- f; VISITOES TO i TTCOB, WATBEWOEKS. ;

Bemud (yOrid j , limerick, 19th ot Juno, 18 5—I tattedtbe water and t<faoi it rorj clear and good. Tfas Kronodaand workj are in splendid order. "• ¦ i 1

.William Walker, Outlaoomer/Uth of Jane, 1835—I oor-roborata the abqie remark.. | I |

D. Duniord, aolicitor. and the Hlases Commlna, Qoa>—We were well pleased with our visif. I ' • I

J. P. O'Parrell, Xxxal QoTernment Inspector of Cork, 22ndJaXj . 1885—Those works seem to' me well; arranged and wellcared.

¦ j . : ¦ " : . : | ¦ |: Patrick DuantL coach baQder, 'Sereafora-ttrett, and Mr*.

Ellen Darand—Wo Tiaitod tbe waterworks thl* dar and wenweU cleaaod witn aU we hadaeen. I !

: J&mear. McMoUea,1 C.B., Cork, zctn'jolr, IfiSJ, and M.But, builder, {Bentford treet—W« riitted T/cor mxter-works thiadajr. l We were well pleated with toe entire ar-xongeoteot ot the workt and the qtulit/'of tbe water. Thecaretaker took tbe greatest cue In explaining the works andthe procesa of filtenng. tbe water. I ;' | Very Eer. Uepn iTDoaavu *; Bathhurrt, New Sonth Wales ;—WeU pleased and Terj much dalljbtediwitb'tbe abtmdant iaappl/ of pnre water <or tbe citizen* of IWaterfoid. I looknpon tbe eatenrisa aa worth/ of imitation bjr larger com- ;xnaniHea. [ |- ' ¦ i . . ; ¦ ' ' |. ¦ . '

I T. Copperthwoite and C. P. Bedmond, Waterford—The ;Trcor waterworks are 'Well1 worth a visit. Thejgronnda an:admirably kept The' caretaker ii most obligigg;, and wellqa&lined for His position. ' ¦, . : , . - I '¦

i Ee vt at tbd Waterworks' Committee On the Srd Aajnst,'BS5, to iai pect t he wj I is Ior t r.'¦•: re montb ? -/cie committeeTidted Tjcor this day and -were terr much pleated with tbeappearance of the puce. ' It is kept in » T«rr beat mannerand all reflect great credit on the caretaker, Waiter Hoame.'

WATEEFbBDliAND TBAMOBE »llLWAY Ii ! ' . i : i ! jCqMPANT. [:¦ ! ; j ¦ j: The sixty-fifth ;half yearly meeting ofj tbe abore!

Company waB to have been beldjyesterday. The'Chairman having waited one hour1, and a sufficient!number o! shareholders not being 'then present,;either personally or by proxy, it was proposed by;tbe Ckairman, seconded by Mr. Morley, and re-solved >—"Thata dividend at the rate of five per;cent, per annum bejdeclared on the preference share;capital of thjj Company for the half-year faded 80thJune, 1885; .that such dividend be made payable onthe 24tb insti" Tbje further business of"the meet-ing nas then! adjourned. The following1 were pre-sent :—Messrs. A . ! Denny (chairman), C. Morley,1 1 t W TC*I.2» A ,I:~..U»_ OIL* *-ll !! _ i- j.C-4*UU V A*. ¦ w | uikUf ^•J»b«.t^r**« AUV AVllVfflUK IV Vll9i

directors' report, wbicb'was to have beehjread :—Sabloloed ia [the ntoal epmparatlTe atatemeat of trafflo.

showing, detail* of tie earnings of joar line fox the half-:year ended the JOth Jane last >— • j ; i

j < : TJnne»tn. l88i; Jtrie 30th, 1835.': I ; : '' '¦ '•¦ • \ ¦ '¦ £ »• d. '- I £ a. d.'Firrt class passonjcri.;. SlB7k 158 7 8 27W 139 H 3Xblrd does ! i, ... 49891 H36 6 .4 4057 135 11Ffrst clata rotun . .u 10508J 7A) IS S 9289) 612 U 0'Ihlrdclaat I ,, : i ..J 1W73 674 7 5 15 84' 623 8 ;BothlogOckHi . . j ' 1 ,239 7 17. 10 UP: « :0 4:8cnool tickets i ..; • 33 » 0 I 83 9 0Season ticket I , ... ; ' ¦, £3» « 0 : ! 238 4 0Prcl*.,doss,BxccssftTes , 12J 13 4 ¦ ' li« 1 <Goods • i "'.,. ! , : ¦ ¦

. USH 9 ¦ '- 1M 8 IMails :- | !•;.;. ; : j , \... ; ' . ..; : ' u o o

! ¦ ¦ : 818681 CU3 15 881SiH 9031 18 S¦' ¦M T' nDearea*!, tM £21118 U

Tonrdlreetora regiet lay ing to report :»faUfa(C off in therecdpts froi traffic,' which mar reasooaW M atribatal totbo continni d depreaslbn in tnae. ;¦• it ' .I DttriDgtb,biff.j ^amileanda b«U«topiehajbeenre-laid with steel ralU aod encwoted sU*p*n>» portion ofthe cost of < rb£n (tWp) Ut been oaLWiovatioaanspmaiacoonnt.j Tnkmnn^t. way and ptojatjare aiw ia a hlgattate of «fBate»6jr. |' i ' l : ! . . 'i i • : i : .; "

¦ .• : ¦¦

i Thebalio^TiratlafordiTidendJaftwprOTillatfoToat-stiadiog'acc raws aodlntareat on loan*) Jto 4Bt U*. 8d.> onof which yc nr 1 tirecton Br~"r>mtiii paj!n>«o*iO»i*n» uaualOltidead on Ibt yt«J«ipuoe sbans at f b f U UJ< f 5J«rcea*.

i Tha accoiiiUi for tie half ear, a« ajjaiad.ifc'0B'lifl*1

b/ the Cotapan/taadftoai; i A. pSS, CJsiwiaa.

, AuiriON-Ji'HAL^TEA .rWNT.-

C»stlo,J near Stfsojore/ re^DW, : llr.;Poiigla*,

Pyne, the t ODOWpiardjauoT$ *Kithat Mr, tf D> was wrvJoTwith a «%tr$i<«f«aoftbd Coke a Deronahirt, tb» landlor for 1 •year'*;ret>t, doe ipt to Wh Jiarfli ls»fc fe Vp» »«? O»agnt a chj ne tor, £60, whtoh. ooi wjjttf «P to « >fall amount jreqafaW.'.ww•rttornedtf Wnm » tome *accoant ir Xpevtf that there in »isrtaUBtaM« d««!(though ni .seen1 : itithe tine) to *• tiifBt byJb»landlord. *6w«V«T'»4=tbJi matt* il L"serionr, Mr.[Pyri*ftbofgbt it wtOtito WJ* W*f*J?accord all hfs stock land iurnttcrt, Ail ,Oi»a«tqo»uUy.on lurcaay UD sampg; w» niawi.wiw ""f"' TT*bandrcd* Jllpec^ attend lroo #rt*Kw-f»sal. wa. -.c. i9«V«a TMMlM JW*«i«*wthe present itate o '!tthi|», m obto«dtJK». ?F»g.To a rob fauitla?; WeG<><Md WiWlpRMS f'-hole | -

ito |;tefr«smjM£2SWtoweJ.W Mi%*»> :*•?* .M»»j,tn#> <«;*>

' w?i-*»w* vM %m- mm mmm*.t waffiBB afflsap** WIP1*"; - i ' n - . ¦ • •¦! va1 ';'¦'¦! - Mi ' lf -1' 1^¦ ;-J i : : ; ,l ' i ' -t *4: \ i Z : --4i~:ViMHm w

J.* ##^ pMtoi; jfeir 55*.

WM 9JW -4 >d)dffgb|;:« ,niOpiate tMt you w«jld|ffiS gi5i?Sk-i#* »

dl 1»Wt *««* public,thatliiJhlif objwjtlasgnje; j uutflta ;#«# wideaYonr«o Indnpe my brttieV I'I u i+Mntf trtiiitee to altow

gei nrtor! myjllifieb iUjtiv^gd'oii.the pootToli-

aT^ £i!t'10 P& *!*, "if «* tor^bat they flilltoaidajr^comlsfentiU sdM ;C write V t«U yon ?b*S 1 :<*]¦»».SlHon. :j4 <n;de«

~nb'resnltnp|c|this can be so called; - . , {1 •f r.; ':VwTj' ¦ i ¦ 'i! T

^Moetnnfprtiatateij.a! Jw days after I arrived In8yd6ejr «. BfOB a, » >oj Ma j then in the county;{aft for England witho it toVwccwdin^ in meetfiurWm ' >«p>,Jhiov.,«ver tej&ao when I get to £on.¦8?4--^" i<l - I'iw.i»i)U -: , ta!fe>*w..tio. ithe. trustee s»oliaitqr8 and induce them to promiseto rtoommend their c lent to; consent to bavelwota e Inurteea ' kppbini »d\i»&e ipUcfot i two .Wbodie

ap M t<j mye :«dd tiiad'VeviitT,<to:i;b.e triitfund. Even Bhonld su :h 1 nob be able to induce Mr,paddell, when Isee hli

t» consent to my spendingtbe interest! immedia #ly,' on ailing blm aatia-factory "8«cnHty to w !ubd ifc should my missEnabrother ever tnrn up, itill if may not be a matterto be: regretted,- s a i l La! lowrer the money reJtoains untouched ; tbe largeri will be !tbe amountfor [the ,poor; Teniy< ar» wiU not be so.lpngjingoing over. Should J : 'be -aliva then, wHb thehigh interest allowed o> money, in Australia] Ibhall bold' as large a|| 'sad)' to' expend at myabsolute disposal a i j'th,; fanning "bequwtkmounted to wbw it * m rMcprered. ' Should I beplive to look after its full disposal, it U my inten,t on1 to expend k: port! jnlj in promoting such tech.jnjical knowledge as; v ill: be- calculated to enablemany of tbe youth of Waterford of the workmgclass to earn a livelibot 3 by skilled industry, wmobfrom its superior remt aeration'as compared with;unskilled, ougbtj . with those who are Bober and in-OustriouB, torplaeetbes JnavtoeitlonJtoKvoiu tbeirold age independent -obarity. i-tn my

presenttour around and over tbe worlJ. «i also from toyexperience daring prtnons extensive traveki inAmerica and. India,:I]haw witnessed with deeppain, the Yery inferior)positions;many tbouBaddsof our countrymen occtvpy abroad, as compared with'.¦ nglisb, Scotch, French, : Oermaos, Danes;Sweedes, and other nationalities,' owing' in ¦ theformer not having received the same industrial train-.ipg. i It is a great mistake! for young men withoutmeans emigrating to Australia and New Zealandnot to learn .'Borne uaeftil trade, snob as carpentry,masonry, smith work, hoosepainting, <fcc,( beforetbey leave., If too pcoud to learn these 'ikUiedindustries in the locality they .belong f», then theyioaght to go elsewherejfor tbe purpose. 8otna oftbe most unfortunate Irishmen I have seen in thesecolonies are those whoj have come out to eeek em-ployment aa derks and, shop assistants." Afterm ich effort, about twenty-five shillinira a week isal fbey can get at firstiinthesi capacities, providedthey are competent. 'Tfbcir diet and lodging willcort nearly a pound a J week—they mast dress W,Bp ctebly—andifor tbia there remains, id a coantryi

ere clothes are very .dear, five sbijiinga a week,hardly balf ,su(Bcient lor th« purpose. A labouring',m n can earn; according1 to locality, six to eightsh llingu, and even tent shillings a day in northernAustralia and Kew Zealand—carpenters' and smithsmdeh more. These : colonies hte tbe: paradise^ ofservant maids. The l^atj arrivals can easily com-mand thirty or forty .pqands a year with good livingandjmany indulgences they bare dot in Ireland.The more experiencec ones often get a pounldaweek, and nearly all, if inot past the marriagqbleagej ean command go< d jbnsbarids whenever theylikp. I sapposef aocading to present ideas, it isverv nnDatnotic to sav so. bnt 1 must confess thatwhen I have contrasted the 'condition pf many ofonr poor people at,hot re, ibis and willing to work,butlhardly able to live n the poorest manner by it,wikh tbe prosperity at their; kindred out here, Ihave often wished that more came ont to enjoy thesuperior wages and ohc iper food. However, I hopethe; right of managinj our own affairs, which can-not be mnoh longer i itbbeld from us, will bringabbot a very improve 1 state of things in Ireland,Those who contend th{ It we are unfit to govern our-sellres can be readily answered by referring themto tho Australian cola ties to' prove the fitness ofIrishmen to govern tb imselres as weir as others.Tbe, governor of New i outh Wales, Lord AugustusLoftns, is Irish—so too s the gbvernot of Sontb Aus-tralia, Sir W. C. Bobii ion, brother to the governorof tbe Cape of Good Hope ; • 'Sir William Jervois,governor of New Zeal) nd, in a recent speech an-nounued bimBelf an Irii hman.i 'nounued bimBelf an Irii hman.! ' i ' I

"It would be asurplisa to.those . who 'anticipatean unruly Houte! of Commons to leirn that anIrishman, Peter Lawls '

^brother to cbe member forQueen's County, dpe ker of j two ParrUmenta ofVictoria, rules it with dignity and effect; that1 SirMaurice O'Kourke.who e nacoti proclaims bis nation-ality occupies the po3it on of Speaker in New Z«a-UndU There have been punierous'Pr'emiers.Judges,and [Attorney-Gfenerali Irish in these coloniea. notbecause they were: Iri :b, [but in spite of it, aa tbeyhave had much to co tend with against Englishaid Bcotcb piejudice.ipd then our countrymen arenot; numerous or influe ntial enough to do much forthem. Indeed the fa t'ot being backed by theIVialt j* nnitik mnnitn Aftan ?/! i innitM ft pyimtiinrttiftn

the other way on tbB part:of tbe Englisb landScotch. It will be very strange, indeed, if, whenIrishmen bava shown {themselves so capable of go-verning abroad, that tney fail to do oo at borne, whenIreland achieves her! Legislative Indep«ndKnve.I have now been nearly all over tbe most part ofAustralia, usually visited by travellers, and ailthrough Tesmania til d New Zealand, and havebeen] feted far beyo nd my ! deserts by my kiod-beaned countrymeo. To-morrow 1 leave for BiodeJaneiro, and after vis ting Brazil, tbe 'Argentine ,and other Republics ot thnt side of South America,shall! if the snow is oil tbe Pampas, cross the Andes,and see tbe other side. ; With' kind regards to Mrs.Allingham—Yours vpriy trnlyj j

' . ¦¦

I : |-i " JOHK Al BLASC.'<!' Tbe Mayor, Watei ford,, Ireland.'" I

! INFOKMA1 ION WANTED1 ' \ Mayor'slofflce; September 16. ISSS. jTbe Mayor of VYatftrfprd, with compliineDta to

the Witor of THB WAMBJOBD : NUTS, will beobliged by bis publishing the enclosed' correspoa-dence, as souie of tbe ittitena may be able to throwadditional light on tb< matter referred to i—

| Association of Mam fnotorera »nr) Momhants! of Jewelbiry, Pricloos Stones aod Trinkets, at

: . OeneVa, September 7, 1885. ,< I ¦ ¦ To tk» Mayor of WaJ for i: : . ' .: MB. MaToa—We tal e the: liberty of asking yon to

havo the esteemed kiidnees to give us, If you can,some:information bn tie followiog subjects. In'caseyon cannot yourself l iform'os, iwe shall feeliver;gratefnl. by yonr telling xa\ to whom1 wo can apply forinformation. Here is the jaabieot i—In 1783, at NewGeneva, near Waterfo: i, land probably .within yonrjorUdiition, a colony of Qonevase jewellers and watoh-makers established a mknafaetorv< whioh i wae workedseveral rears, and alter having expended J£80,000, .leftyonr jcoontry.' We wbnld wish to know—1. II it bepoaaible m find ont tb< /namea of those, who foundedNew lGebevD ? 2.!Wb kfreocption they got f and ifthey Obtained the symi athyof yonr conntrymon?1 8.If these ueneveM left a ly works of tbeir construotion,or any liWrary works re at)ve to their indastry ? 4, Infine, all details that'yiu can possibly. find as tojthaprirate l|fe, bntiueaa e» lacity, and literary attainmentsof'thiGBnerctefoundei t f New Qemera; We count,Mr. Mayor, on your kiodaess, and ,ivbile awaiting jourreplyj we thank yob in Advance for what }0u will do foras. Booeive, Mr. Mayor/ the assurance of pur profoundretpeci- -Signed; '' .J T Ji O, VACITHM; Sooretary..

1 JMi Tor's Office, Waterford, September 14, 1885.DB*B 8IB—I doly reoeired yonr letter of the 7th l ln replyto tits inqoiry therein,;! beg to;s»ythat the onl/ ijiformation l ean ileanas io the Genevacolony i rbinh settled temporarily noar Waterford intbe «&b eenth oontory,1 is as follows i—In'ooMeqoanoeofjpoUttoa troubles wfcleh ootmrrod Is ,«u» BepobUoof Qentva : in 1783, abbot : two thousand GenweaeappUed to the. than| Lord lieutenant of; Inlandfor p*ro Usion to setti|s la i thi» country. The IrishParfiiro nt ; voted JU0M0 to 'defray the expente oftheir j jo iraor, knd t<J purohaae itijtrm lands; ne»rWatflriord.: Many of .the! fogltivet earns to Irelandin .1788, who were foe th» 'most! cart lndustrion*mecbanfcs. whose industry would well hare repaid thebot'pijtaUty of the ooontry whlcb rnoeived them, pot itappears that they reqolred ovrtaiu pHrilegot and lm-muoitiBt. wbion ooald i rt be oonowlnd, and they I soonleft Ireland. A mUltarrj barrack «a«aft«r«rardseredtadon the site by tbe Briti h Govemment, »tfll calldd NewGeoera near Woodstc m, hut no traoe of the Gtneteeeoolotilstt exist berond % few patted bode oroaiaenU,which, 1 am tolij ar*j| stiU retained by;somo 0 theneighbouring peaaantrtl and are represented aa havingbeen! ex sooted by tbe 6 enereae, who wart very akflfulworkmet.—Tours trolj ¦. | ¦'¦ ¦•: - ', . : . \"¦¦ ' '¦ "i | :

. | i , . :;: : .l i , . ¦ [ Jomf lALMMOHAH, Mayo*/'

! THE »JBI IN WOOL SAtES. MJitttt * Ganly, Sons ,*; Co, snbmrtted for sals by§n» , DnbHaJ on Bridi Mltb jnatMt.oreT 1,000 paokiof •Irish': flewo*. and ot *t wools, consigned for aals bygarnet* -'and oonatry ooll«tor».; Mr. Andrew Ga&ly.SoiducUd, and tb* s*j • patsed off with fair spirit, thegtaaier {portion' of-tiu lots oflered: Wag dltpotedof.It fWtof parcels of deep efooUtaonatain and shoVn lambfv Mii&rbMMMi rb sfaklotofl^ptwwBttioi to c to U» sttmolai of »o AB»8Tkaw:deniand,.me»»n kd '•* !• •» imjftor i prieei. AmoogWttt boters« A «hSrtMde MDTM. rt.Uve7we POtioSl tho follow.b£ir rtlmnea, ri*. , Hewn. Or«nr f the BoabjoL laXlollaoa» I C3S18tw«ati,*.' BradK ,Um rslkartihjwt aa t J*>iwlTat»nu ,;. Mown.SS on - Bon*!* " Jo., mFo¥dSo>», ;Beld, }UfcMiyBrot iwiMaoreoJjUi l ^aJk»r,Ir^MMn/a«MreT»i

£32k' ti Co.!M'Q wtl ;- MsWkr/ 3 latk»':* Sjoj'fto.,

^l-^i^i f " - -' i "1ji: -: : ' ¦ \\ : \¦] "\V"i

^At«p'r».e5t-Ald. Smith >*imi Cli .boW

s^p iijpip^ fW 1 ? ^" mm $W?mM.P «g« tept;«5*.|)*ljtej iVKXup v endedrivw^aUho «i.r:A; letter was:*gkd ffoijutbS'Bev;J. Crott)( P P.;itating thApliw5F (ceded tt makeup tbe local dontributlon 'to get tw'< QbreilniBehtjtmnt?Fbfill« irtension, flsfcijof ¦fatetge'Pier] WWobwas promiaeal by; tbei Poorl'l»if# tordtani ofaiild.bV^rilMiiylths. terj^ bSai Jroi-"••¦t,?*OT Hd A*eJ»rt«d j[W *tol i«on: wiuld bflillegaL i-Bt ipr' Crotty asked t,b5 CdMajlsiloiben toadvance the becccssaryson^'ooU his ]>erabnali uar^antee,' nd ..the committee rocoujmended tAofctlieadvance should be made otiiVterms' of ftrtbtrCrotty'* lettft Mr. Flemi^ B.8.] iwrote expfew-ing the intention cf the CorpOyatloa to l eredf* se*bond laWne'oh the Quay. -\>ffj Wriaht ASHedi toroond latrine 'on tbe Quay, j WJ WHaht asked: f6r

compensation j;fo.r | injuries done' to his'clotbtodi byjumping into the river to sate tbe'life of a boy'whowho was drowning, and thecoalmlttieo granted him6s. compeasatibn. Mr. A. Horiie wrjote offering bisBteam;yacbt, tbe J7«T«ii, for; aale, fir barbooirp ir-poses> for which ¦ such aocomoiodation 'mi badlyneeded, and tie committee reco to minded tbit tl eyshould be empowered to enguire further into thematter. The .Secretary reported the accident'onboard- tho jli'i'ota,. and be and Mr. {Thornton1 (soli-citor) bad attended the inquert.; The cominittoedirected thkt i Mr. Thornton should procure [anyevidence be j deemed necessary tbey also cjrderedthat the end bf tbe Atrov) sb'onld h* nhntnvMMinliu .view oi ou/ claim iDaiimignt iM madef IXUeSecretary'was1 directed to make inquiries! as bolitfbters oi liver boats in other rivers, and to dmfta series oi rules tor tDeir.airpcUon. ' |, ¦

. ¦ ¦; " iTK»|moa» wiTbpi«B;iir. ¦ ' . s - i ' v

The Cbairnian—There;are three s ibjtcta in thatreport that claim yoar ttention on aocoUDtk>f tberecommendations.'. The first! is as to i ippointidg oneor two watchmen. . How do they stand P - \

The Secretary said tberel were atj present sevenand a; superinteudent. ". Formerly' there were nine,which allowed tw° to be ocoasionaily off duty atnigbt, and'tbere used to bej turns of day dofy forthe men: N6w the men must be outJ every night. \

Mr. ! Clibborne—I think ihere is a mistake Inspeaking of two men. 'The |committee only jmfeantone watchman,' and I more that ohe cuunibaap-pointed. Mr. Nelson seconded tbo motion, ' wticbwas agreed to. ¦', ¦ . ¦ ¦ j , ' ' i . '• ! '

.< ¦ i ' 1 THE PAB3AOE PtKR. :'- ' ! ¦ ' "

' The CDainnan—Tho second recommendation isto advance j£M0 on the personal security of FatherCrotty, to supploment the local contribution for theGovernment grant for.tbe Passage Pier Extension.

Tbe Secretary—Captain Kennedy writesjtosaythat Father Crotty would h&vo . waited personallyon tbe board bot that he was unwell. I :

Mr..Slattery—I move wo grant, it.: ! j 'Mr.' Mackey seconded the- motion, which. :was

pat and carried. j ' ; '; j A WIIOHXr PEOPOSAL. '

j ! i |Tbe Chairman said the next recominendation'trasthat the Quay! Coinmitteo sbould be 'empowered toenquire into' , the . offer of a- steam ykoht, made byMr. A. Home; to supply a great want in the har-bour. Mr Malcomson said before they dealt with thathe would direct attention to tbe present stale otthe nver/ astoits navigation.' Last week one ofthe Waterford SteamBhip Company's Vessels i bad toanchor.ineide! Checkpoint for two hours. [Wbenthey remembered aJJUhat the captains and cr«ws ofthose vessels had to do and suffer outside tbe portto make expeditious voyages, and tbe loss which twohoars would be to them, they should do all in tbeirpower to prevent . sucb a delay! occuring. tf theylooked to Cork, toDublin, Or to Belfast, thej* wouldsee the largo amounts that Were spent on enablingvessels to reach tbe quay at all statej of the tide.If tbey recognised, as he trusted they did, the ex-ertions of the different companies trading with thiscity to provide Urge and commodious j vessels to dothe work of the port, nothing should be allowedto interfere with enabling them to retnjove every ob-stacle in tbe way of tbe upeedr navigation of tbeirvessels. He trusted be bad to only bring the mat-ter under their notice to insure their doin^ every-thing ia tbeirJpower to remove ell difficulties to thefree navigation of the river, i I j i :

Mr. Slattery, whilst holding tbat Mij Milccimson'ssuggestion should have every uonsidentioo^waa ofopinioa thata steam yacht should ba parchueed ifone was required, as it would only involve the let-penditure ot ia couple of hundred pounds. - I ' i 'Aid Smith agreed with what bad been said aa to tho

efficiency of Cos vessels plying into Jtbe port, buthe would like to see tbe companies raaklnga littlereduction in tbe freights, and giving jbe merchantssome of the advantages tbey enjoyed themselves.He could not agrea with Mr. Malcomson that alltbe energies of the board should be directed to thedredging alone ; they should .look after the banVsas well, and in his opinion the stead yaoht 'offeredwas not fit for tbat purpose. He j thought tbeysbould get a steam-tug, as they did iri otberlplaces,and she would earn more than her keep for the year.Latterly ho found that every launch, or hulkjor boatthat anyone had to sell wnBJsnddenly i discovered tobo just tbe very thing that 'might have been madefor tbe Harbonr Commissioners (laughtec).: Hethought it was time for [them to ptt tbeir facesagainst , such a system^ and if they wanted i 6 tea inyacht let them buy a new one. and not make tbeirboard a rcfuy ium .p cecatoritlm for all tbeold :boatsin the port (bear,; hear) . j : • j , L j ;

Tbe Chairman said that in some respeots tbe, com-mittee thought tbe yacht Would do; but tbiJ1 firsttbing they ' wanted answered was riot could I. theytake Mr. Home's boat, but'did tbeylwant ai steauiyacht at all P If tbe board thought such k fbiogwas wanted tbe committee wished to | know if i.tbeywould be authorised to enquire further into theoffer. He did not see what Mr. Malcomtou wasgoing for at first, but now: be supposed it! was toprevent any. money being uboeoe-uurily spent untilall the dredging and deepening was d,one. Trie ex-pense ot a steamiyaoht, however, was so small inuomparuon,: that ; be did not think the two! thingssbould be Joined. L ; | j . : : ¦¦¦, .:

Mr. Nelsonj held the adoption of [Aid. Smith'ssuggestion about a'tug would bring them into coin ¦petition with the WaterforJ StPutuahip Company ana towing company. . I [ . I : . !

Aid. Smith described MrJ Hom'a yacht as' unfl ,for the work, and he prupr ed that] the KsiUd o\cany otber boit of tbe description t>e not vurubolsod!.

Tbe motion was seconded by Mr.|Freeu3kn, andadopted. ' ; : ' ! ' • ' IThe Chairman—WouM ]Mr. Mulcomsonjlikp U>have his suggestion referred to any particular <iom-mi:tee, or to the next board P ¦ , 1 : , | ; |

Mr. Malcomson stid that iti was eJ faot tnat res-sels had passed - the Bar and been) delayed belowCheckpoint If they could bo Rot in at all tideiwithout a very large outlay it sbopld be; acooii ¦plisbed. Every otber harbour board bod borrows Imoney for such; purposes 'and they! might! do: tb 3same. : : j ' - i I , |

Tne Chairman -Will you refer t to the Qua ;Committee or to a special oominitte* t : : j ! |

Mr. Malcoinson—Tbe Qtiay Com nittee, if the |will give their attention to it. , ' • ] <AMr. Slattery seconded tbe motion, which waa pniand carried, i • i ¦ ¦ ¦¦

. %| i l ¦ .;

Tae PILOT CoHitrmtB reported tnat a corrotpot ¦denoe bad passed between Mr. Tbbrntoa and UeasrjD. and, T. Fitzgerald, solicitors of tbe owners (ftbe Btovell BTOWM. who wrote offering jBtOp aa icompromise of all the board's claims! on th<in). Bydirections of the committee, Mr. Thornton answeredtbat the least the board wUl take' is 390.—Ap-proved. ' '! ¦ ': ' , j i : r ! j I il

Captain Kennedy reported tbe buoys below Pa»-eage to be in good oider and condition. He visitedtbe station at Donmore ind foand tbe cutter ingood order and thednty will attended to. I , ;T:

' . ' K*onraia'B BtrbBTJ ' I : i l :Mr. Otway reported thb dredger had Iraisad

6,059 tons of mud and Band ¦ f rom] the Cool Quajjfduring tbe' month. Tbe Priestuiau dredger bisraised 1,090 tops from the upper jettjTbl tbeWaterford and limerick Co., aooVe bridgeJ Theoutside boat* have all been weighed and toarked,and tbe mark* bave been renewed on tbe Cotomii-•loners' boat*. Adjourned. ¦ ¦ ¦ h- : '


Fmo«B»LD, V.C., in tbe chair. Other guardianspresent—Messr*; Jobn Bi tier, J.I 1.. A. Poe. J.P.,J, Poe, J.P4, J. Midlgan, T. White, W, Mollally,F. MulUlly, D. DmaiD, II Filigerild (Fraakford'),M. Kenny, P. Torple, T. Sullfrao, P. IiyncbJiShirley, and; P. Codf(An3er). ! I ; f' 8TATS or rmm Hoon^—Bema ning ofpee listweek, 2*7 « in infirmary, 87 j ia feWlotpltaJ, 01almitted, S7j b6ro, 0 i diM 1 i diMbargedfjS | rls-mafirtog, t&i. Cost of proviaioM and noirtsmrlMrecelvii 32 7«. 10d.| d ' consut led, jes; A.UT,•JrejAe coftj p«t bead weeklj, 8s. 9d.jdo4lnfev^rMHi Ot. O& I do. In loflrmsry, 8«. lOfd. nncbl-¦KU13 4I. Od. i IWUDM «%tln t tbe gunrdiao*,WoTlT*. Od-j cost of iutrellel for tb«| week,

- CHUPB** OUT AT HrtM|u--M r, Tpblk^BA,reported tlait b« visitor the child -en outlat nnriein his district on the fitb.imt., an 1 found them ijlclean and healtby. 8li'|of them who attendtdsobool are no w

on vacation, ; ¦; ' ¦ r - : - • : :i :! • ¦ ¦!'KtatoTioHi or As«irTaJrr St ontAMBi—Tt«

guardians n«xt proceeded to elect u wutot nt ihoVmaker, tb« last appoinfj jent net havii g' ,b*(teapproved of by; tbe lAxa I Qover unent Bolud.: 1Boontequeno* ot' no »ctl«»; ibefni ; (rivea.; Th(ywquested the (fMrdaiiii.'to gjvO w usual poU ,which:- WM; MeoSUMjf. ' M.' Tlet> we» ibn*candidate fo*' tbrafot5-B-: Bu ler, J. ' | <if obj,and J. CoMdL fTb« »<41ng m< • folio. i]-r?orButler, 10, Botkr WMM0prdiOglya»cia«S e T9t«4i

:• ¦;¦ ; ' :->.r] ^ ^ v) '

f i f tr- - -ii7T\\ :$ -

.. '.¦

. : i : . 1 - : ! . I " ; : : : V > W !ll

%^™P! fftt

Sr iKte^ mm*r»*b4 proBfrly 6w«af» Ihrt^dhArkif^dlrta*o^rwohljWve m- W-m o^;««&ttap>%ijiUete ohfldrefi pr ividiir «*m«! WtndUs* foi ;oa»lilrawoald<b*nal5.jfo: by ttotMM t IWenMU fa. 1 obligedUiy tti woaldl lin Uy5 aay • If aftoh pavnuat ;«oald be,lefaJUpjildifroin ht ra^M. .<}) \- y : •: K.j Mf;#"««»••¦• .!:'!»; }:". : -,;f. :• ¦ -i \ \ i ' - \i.^ ': ,y i . > .v-'J ?.Ot*»»tJPi: . .;;; - ' .!• ¦

. ¦M. i . :¦¦ ¦ . H :.i. ^ -i x J; tow$K...

¦: . f - ¦¦ . i ] .[ i : ¦ ! rMPfcrl : ¦ ], ¦"- ' :¦ ' ; .¦ Local Go»<Wm .nti'Board, DnbUi i; 12th SopM885-; ti iSlB- Ianvdireotedby the'Looal qovernment.Board!for lrelahd to aokiowledge there* iptof a-lettbrdatedthe 9th lout, sift ed' br jonrMlf and ,two other guar-dians of thai Wat Tford union, bv 4wbioh yda' enquirewhether eipendlti re toenrred by yon la proriainf oarsto-visit the ornaai and doatitnte; children oubat nnrseMold be legally d if rayed out of thirate* of the nnion,and in reply,; f am; to state that »uoh aa axjtenditorewould not be a legal charge on ta« ' poor-rates. Theboard trust that ;he gnardians will Inaistjon tbe striot"discharge by- tlte rellenng offioeri of. theiri duties Intbia^respeot, u[presoribed by the, 48th Artiole,'No. 7o< the General B< gnlation.—I am,. sir, yonr, obedientae«»nt. ¦ '¦ ¦'¦ '¦ " '¦ ¦ '¦ ' ¦ ¦

: '- .' ¦ ' ' . ¦ ; j - . • ".¦ ¦ ¦'¦'t'!-j J :iXB6HU A. MobHlf ,'Akllslant Secretary. •;. T*feiI*;-:K;iM.; jUlen. : • ¦ ¦ ¦¦ V- '¦¦¦' ¦ ' ¦':!¦ ¦" ¦

• '

Mr/L»i»I^—J .rd not tbe relieving offlcets 'supVpo8ed-tol66k aft ir these oblldren and not tbe guar-dians. "Clerk t Tek i tbe gnardians can do so at

Aid. UUKPTTT retnarieo tnac on a lormer oc-casion, whenJ]rand >'otber guairdiane visited somechildren wbd wei a 'but at nurse in : Moonooin, tbeyfound them in'a filtby state, without being sent toschool, and witbput almost anything to eat, withthe result thai hey were, in mnch worse healththan when ebnt out. from the bouse. This, state ofthings was reportejl at the time" to tbe board,'andthe children | wer i brdugbt into tbe hpose. \ He wasgiven tb undars and that soifle'of tbe children atpresent at nnrst tfere1 hot much better off, and bemas! prepared1 ! io give up. a couple of days of histime to nee if jftiese statements were correct, butwas not prepared to pay aicouple of guineas out otbis pocket for CH r-hire' in doing to. • \ -: Mr; Lauf a y w glad that the money for this car-hire could not b takon1 out of the rates. !

Dr. SOOTX did not see bow the necessity; for thisInspection bad:aiisen. He' would like to know whoconstituted those three guardians as inspectors ofIhe children! at njurse? The ptbper course for thesegentlemen |would|bave been to make thlejir com-plaints- before t|ie: bdard, and bring any evidencethey coald ia support of tbem. It would then be-come the ddtyjpf tho board to nominate gentlomento inspect these]nurseries for thelobildreni Thesethree gentlemen, however, wanted to take thematter out of trie hands of the. board altogether;tbey were aisnding a' responsibility not thrown onthem, and such Conduct should not be tolerated bythe board. There waa a combination at tbtis boardof parties who came them with d! previous under-standing, and, without waiting to' near argument,formed themselves .'into a faction to bavo theirviews imposed upon fbe board (ob> ob).' ;

Mr. AiLSNr-Name tbe parties P Mr. ; ILEAMT :No. Aid. CUUTETT t Dr. Scott refers to the LandLeatruo (lanabtct). Dr. SCOTT : I did not. Mr.ALLEN : You refer to a lot ot' bostboons. I

Dr. SCOTT disavowed ever having thought of apolitical party when just now speaking. Aid.CLAMPKTT i! Name tbe parties ? j

Dr. SCOTT—There is a case io point just now.Wbat right;bad: A,ld. Clampett and others to writetbat lotter, making an implied charge againat tborelieving officers, and then offer themselves a sortof inspectors to^go out and set everything right ?Are they so 'much in love with the proper: adminis-tration of ttie poor law that they would spend daysin setting matters right ? If these , children wereto be examined,| tbia three last men at tbe wholeboard I won d select for tbe puepose are tho threemett whose-names are to tbat dooament (laughter).

Mr. DnNFBT-j-ThAt is a poor| compliment, any-way. Dr. Kcorr said these men were only loweringtbu guardians in. the eyes of tbe Local GovernmentBoard. He| hoped it would be a warning to tbem.

Mr. Au>>H—Wbat are you driving at standingup here and making a rambling statement P Wehadl a perfect right to write that letter. ¦!

Mr. BLOOirraLD thought it was a ridiculousletter to have written. If it was a fact , as was im-plied, that [ the !relieving officers were not doingtbeir duty, why a report to tbat effect should bavebepu made to tbe board. These guardians bad noright, whatever; to constitute themselves into »•eflWo relieving officer's. | J

Mr. Morrissy said the instruetiona to relievingofficers were most imperative, and if tbere 'was any-thing wrong, it should be reported to tbe board.

Mr. Krt»f«T—'Does;not tho i>w 'compel them tosend in a monthly report as to tbe condition of tbechildren ?' Certs t Ten. Mr. . KBNNT :. And dotbey do i t P i CLJBEKiiTbey do. -' :i

Aid. CLAUPEJTT defended his action ; ia tbematter, andj said that Dr. Scott only oamo there toredicnle, sneor iat, and call the guardians1 a lot' ofboatboons. j Dr. jScoTT : I never used tbat word inrelation to a member of this board. Mr. I KCHMT :It was pot into MB mouth. ; :

Tbe CBAIBMAN ruled that there was nothing be-fore the board, ijnd :the matter;dropped. , '

SAiiiTABi.—Dr. StepheBson reported that thereis an escape ot pewer w djin^eroos

to tbe publiohealth, fron a grating opposite Jobn Power's nonse,Waterford Road, and lie recommended that' alarge trap and u nuw grating ba laid down there.Ordered accordingly. | : ^

ADVIBTMIMO.J—The Hon. Sec, of the WoodstoivnDispensary .Committee imported that no applicationfor tbo position >f midwife for the district bad beenreceived. Tbe committee recommended j tbat anadvertisement i nnonucin'g tbe'proposed appoint-ment should be | Inserted in the IIWM UT Eap rcu.

Capt. POWBR 'moved tbat tbe recommendation beadopted. I>r. SfOTX objected, as be did not see whyone pupcr ebould be singled out more than another.He moved ia . oh amendment, tbat tbe gifen to tbe local papere. , ;

Mr, BLoOMn*LD seconded the amendment, wbiobwas nut, the voting being as follows i— !

for—Mctsrp, 'Leilmy, Morrissy, Kenny, Clampott,Bloorofleld,1 Scott, Eyan-7. ! ; ;

jjaiiut -f-Messrs. |Allen, Connolly, jO'Keeffe,Power, Hearno/Frtaney, and the Chairman—7.

Tbe original motion was then put, and the votingon it was as follows :— :

For—Mesara { Hearne, Allen, Freaney, Connolly,O'Keeffe, L'eam , Morrissy, Kenny, Cbaittnan—0.

Agaimt -j- MeMrs. Power (Capt), Bloomfield,Scott. Ryan—*) i i i i ¦ i . • i

THB KBLIBTINO Omoias SACABIES.—Dr. Scott,putauant to notice, moved, Mr. Allen seconded, aidit was resolved; " Tbat tbe resolution passed thisday reducing | the salaries, pf city relieving officersso rescinded ] and that their rate of payment forthe duty ot warning tbe vaccination defaulters intbeir distrlota, stand as before, viz t—12s. 6d. aquirter." i j " ¦*«»« »*T»B, : :

The following_wfls read by the Clerk :—I ¦• ' , . j ; Waterford, Seplember I6tb, 1885.

P«AB SIB—On rooeipt of reports from! SergeantHealy, Kilmaoow, I visited the following; i places :—Mrs. Cheaaty'*, Newtown, and found one! plfC died fromswine feverti and that there were 25 pigs on the farmnnaffeoted with tho diseasei Mrs. Maokej's, Kilma-oow, and round 18 pifs had died from swine fever, aad6 pigs were' sufferinsr from tbe same disease, wbiohwere alaughterec ; Mrs: Walsh, Kilmaoow; and foundone pig suffer! i|r from swine fever, whieh wassikUghtaredi; thure were three pi«t on, the farm:un-affected with tl» disease i Mrs. Oanle's, Kilmaoow,where tw« pigs vero, suffering; frdm swine ferer, andthref pigs were free from tht. disease. S«rge»nt Shell,Moonooin, reported that pigi, the property bf BridgetDelabnntr, |Lnffney,- wenr' siok. I Tiaitfid 'the placeand fonnd one ptg had died' front iwine fever, and thattnsre were jwp pig» toere ireo irom any aisease.—Y6nrs trnlyf i I , ¦ A JJOBBTH, V.S.

8om» disquswon arose as to the advisabllitr of pay-ing for pCgslordeted to be slaughtered, «nd lt was de-cided to aak! Mr. Dobbyn, V.8. (who waa present), toba'«a esrefql M; toaslbte in ordering the killing of pigswhen Infeotwwth the dU*a*e, [

A letter was read from th» Privy Council, DublinCastle, asking Whether any farther report had beensubmitted or th > Veterinary Inspector, relative to thedairies and mllkahopa in tho union.- The clerk wu or*dared to reply li the negative. Adjourned.!

8TAT> 0* Tfli Boost.—BemaUung at last report,817 | admitted rinoe, 87 I; born, 0 t disoharged, . 40 1di#d, 21 •remaining,: 877 1 correspondlnir {week lastyear, 839 | coat of prorislou* reodTed,!£84 4a. 4d. idot oonsanied, Ifiltw 14*.' lOd. t general average oo«t,3«;<d. I io iialbSary, 8*?d. | ftverh«(pWd7«i. 2d fdining ball It. 7oV j No. on out-door wlkf, lf i&l ioost,i43 Jls, M. t Ustyaar, 1,147-oost, 445 10s. «d.

| ¦


. jAt tbe usual weekly meeting of (guardians of theAbove onion toJday, Mr. B. J. UUHIM, J}P., in, thecliair,,a letter w!a» Mceived from tbe Local > Go-vernment [Boa d, stating tbat tbe maUry of store-keeper wwild dkte from his Uking up; the duties ofofmcarDrovidedtbat Be bad iriv«n ut> the public-UH IO0J piUTlun VUN HB *»•*• H»VU uw IUO uuvuvbow. A •«» id l9tUir,oa same subject pointed outto the guard at ¦; that acoomlng to a prefjoui letterof l«ooal Opi er iment. it «aa most objectionable tobilf e a penion ia; tn« employment 'ol {gaardlauto, keep a bob] obouie.! A wttn was received fromMewrs. Bit neV»y, Coftnao, suting, (n reply to *toter of KUI rdiana, tbtttbe label uttd aapauU onth* brandy lot l«'- wui genuine, bot they!could not•ay waa' itj i n icuident not yet mot'with, or tttfec iployroent ot i ffe#h oork that1 cauvvd'tbelr baneto be off life co 'k eubmittod to thcinl !tbt Cbalr-mkn ask«d' the >oa»d woold they advertitf aboot tbe* Mr. M,.mis i. did not «f» tb.ooa. aa U looat masCflWH fcftKM * k(»d:M;*i <31OMI«I: two; OaPtoinKJrby.'wtwjtbaHt wnnld b« o*tl«M ti fcdv»rt|M ioU t fati tej k n b m 'il A loug di*,?Mloa _took

i m-^^rmn-

¦ \| ^ lnfflra**» < WBTfiiw;-.: ;;|hPrirj <»al to'plWfciann (toicwien'ti fcvery*

s^sffi^is^latent 55 mJmomatis ITigatb-rfng; 4\«K|•5»ud'« S'lJMii^^^ibow ctd aSuSm 5B« R KnoemeOt of th*;aii,|5$:% tqpftaifMli 4if'»In«imK?r;<jr!'ga|[?ftttS rol ferjral desoi*;. if l&VMQrsptd; qitif ;«$&'the ] : ¦ariou* piotare»qa«>:iwbkh oonv eTlBti tht hudsote«riitd»totroeu* r. iAmnmtircwa, tx ay pi equownau» io» » portion; of tn» 4ortege; Ji nd a novel and,pleaait|j•pectadle iwafjojfotded k (he nomberii tprig>,Slaurelllandlauryl;leave«!» hich almost every V*PWin the laWmblkge (male: ind^emale), wOrt inwiiibat* oe bj*6'nsj A very: sonsiderable sgrinklinJ ) iithe! fai '.»e)t ehllfened tbf icene by their proisnoe,and an eiyH anything can be an' indication of tieapraad;of educ«uon and ii telligence in tbe oountryit is in the improved oondll ion of thedf ughUraof th(farmei*. >Tb9dpp«aranc>, eoetomee, and generi.demeanour of ; !&aay of the gentler porfloa^ nlhumanity present en 8u» lay at^ortlaw, might Y <with t"4t; of !tt»ny f dainty oity damsels. , Tte•trains! of! tbeli!" Auvitet r Brass Band," (whiobdrove Jotit "frbjii!.' Waterford" io waggonettbe),And of a focal ipjind, enlivened the i> 'mieedingsArohesi loOveNdi-wltb greW bOngbs, and b*»riogsundry! Inscriptions, sooVaa " Corsed ba Ibe . whiocovets bis neighbour's property," " Down with tuelandlords/' " God save Irbland," spanned thi* roadiappr6alib'ii|g to Pprtlaw, «lnd also tbe atreete ot tti«town.' 'Tiifl oolW' wen: ' nowhera to be seen: ex-cept in tne nagDDournooa ot tne uonsiaouiarybarrapks, aioBnd which they lounged in tbe traestyle of tbe country;custodians ot the peace. The'principal streets) bf tbe village Were variegated withgreen ooughs and branches around tbe doore andwindows, and the plore of meeting, a field close \pthe towniwyond the " Hen and Chickens," bad theaspect of si fair or race meeting rather than that of asober patriotio demonstration. A large well-pitchedtont . occupied the space close by tbe entrance tothe field, and a flourishing trade in ginjfer-bro^d,lemonade and cakes was carried on by tbo enterpris-ing proprietors. Tbe plaintive notes ot feminine pro-fessional ballad singers wore • wafted on tbe ear, aayou approached the- meeting place, and a group of"Aunt Sallies" in a corneroltbe field completed tbe-picture". The meeting was not so well attended asit mizbt have been, but still there were probablyabont two thousand persons present. Tbe chairwas worthily filled by tbo patrotio and spirited pae-tofof Portlaw, the Eor. THOHAS HJAUHI . and |«.right worthy chairman be made. The speaker*included Mr. Laurence Power, Mr. Edinond Leam'y.M.P., 'Father Ni«ary, PJ?. of Mullinavat, Mr. P. , JPoweri ,MJP.. Mr. L. C. Strange, Solr., Mr. Fisherof the ifuniier Ezpreti,\ and perhaps tbe toastnoique and extraordinary: episode in tbe entire pro-ceedings, aa episode that would not be obaractariB-tic of a publio demoiutratiua in any ot her civilize!country, outside, perhaps, America, waa tbe propos-ing and seconding by two yonng girls of a reaoiotibnthat the female population of the counties of Water-ford, Kilkenny .arid Tippejrarv should matrimoniallyboycott Mr. Hiokey. pt Coolfin, a farmer who hasmodq himself obnoxious fo the local branch of tb«TjfAatie. The InroDoser ! of the resolution, Misn8u11ivan, daughter of a neighbouring farmer, cameforward, introduced by Father Hearne; with greatiangfioid. She waa neatly attired in a white cos-tume, and wore a green scarf oross-wiae round hershoulder.!' 8he made a very pretty and apprbpriitelittle speech, readily and wjtbout hesitation,and;cer-tainly, gave ad example of what , the ladies ' arecapable ot as pablio orators and speakers. Tbepresence of Father Neary.of Mullinavat, gave «datto th^ proceedings, and afforded the Bevcresdgentleman an opportunity^ he so forcibly expressedit himself, of "'nailing Capt Hamilton with a lie."It will be remembered that it was stated that oneof the Tigbe tenants, a poor "widow, bad paid 'Z \years' rent witb'in twelve months. Captain Hamiltondenied this, stating Bhe bad only paid 11 years' rent.Father Neary produced the receipts passed by Capt.Hamilton, and read them for the meeting, provingconclusively that tbe widow bad p.-id tbo 2T yeara'rent witbln tbo twelve months as stated. | :

Subjoined is A summary of the speeches deliveredat tba meeting, with the names of thos* who wereon the platform—Bov. D. Hearne, P.P. i Bev. FatherNeary, P.P. ; ;Bov. T. Condon. Bev. T. Shartall, :B«r.T. Keating ; Mnssrs. P. J.' Powor, M.P. i E. Laamy,M.P.j E . Shell, M.P. ; W. G- Fisher, Munttti EK-prci, t L. C. Strange. J. 'P. Kennedy, E. V. Drea,¦Nicholas O'Doherty, Philip Power, P.L.Q. i iAlt l .Power, James Holdon, L. Power, Carrigeaa : PatNugent, Newtown : Michael Salliran, Walter Walsh,John Daniel, E.Delahanty.E. Brennan, P.L.O. | JobnPower, E. Tobin, David Hlckor, P.L.G. ; JamasJIcGrath. T.iMoQrath, Carriok | Pat Morrlssey, d» jPat O'Keoffe, P.L.G. > 'James FarreU, Kilmaoow ;Put Deady, do i Jos. Hanuiy, Bichard Power, WUliamt-town ; Michael Sullivan, hon sec. Ballyduff Branch ;Jamoi Htarne. PJL.G. ; i .O. ;Haokett, Qnjly. rP. i J.¦R Av. Aa. i Patrick Walsh. 'Nioholaa , Walsh, JamosWalsh, Kilmaoow ; J. Joy; Waterford ; Andrew ; John 8hoahan, do i M. Qolnn, P.L.G. » JtlohfceJS Sheohan, James Power, Adrimone ; John Powpr ,K. A. Power, J. Hoarnts D. Kiersey, T. Fahsy. P,Tobin, Carrfok-on-Suir ;: John C'Brieu, EdwardO'Brien, Tybroughney ; 'f. Dwyer, John D. Powpr ,E Walsb,' ,T. Roekett, John Shea, and Peter Wall ,P L G'e; M. Wall, Thomas Lynah, hon seo. CarriokBronoh : Maorioo D*viuj W. Power, Jan ; M. jV.Power, Maurice . Foran, i J. Hearaa, Bryoo Finn,Maorico Coffey.P.t G's; EdwardBlaokmore, Piltowa |,T. Malone, WJ Brennan, Slievorue j John Fioldiajr,D. PowerJ Mloiael Hickey. T. Bowers, Fiddowq j'J,Shanahan, Tbomos Snlliyan, James Doyle,. Thoo«

'• Stone, John Doinell. P. Gqotch , Jamas Malone, ThonjMBhoi\ , James Shsa, John Hcarn, W. Egan, M. P.JPower.

Whaa the poopln were about to take their place" !onthn nUtfdrm. sevoral of those present accused Mr.Bryaa Finn," P.L-Q-. for!having voted with the to-omeioi at tho rcoont msntiag of the KilmMtbocaUboard of Kuardkas, when the question ot Dr. Walker's

Mr i Ron cams forward and repudiated the Juiputft-:tton aU groundless on*. ;Ha sUted that b* was thevery first to wipr i hia vota in tbe opposition, (Tblsaunounoomant was received with oheew). i I' Tho'Chalrm*d. who was reo.'ived with loud applnakn ,thon eiu4»tned the objoot of tho msetiag in a forciblespecoh. He anboouoed that tbey had that day amongstthem the unoqnqaerable and unoonqaereJ hero o(MoiUn&Tat (lobd oheer* were ban giTen for FatherNoary). But for the fact that flu poopU who uajem-bled to assist the families that were to be eviotod atMalllnavat had at their head such a man as FatherNeary, they would have boon mowed down liko thistles(hear, hnar). Thev had Msembled to protect again«tas oaprioloaa an eviotion is bad over takea place. Jothis Instance tbe eviotea was not a larmer, ue was abeggar with seven of a family. I '

Tba following resolutions, adopted by the Portlawbranoh ot the jLrish National Laagae, were then real ¦

That we heartily approve ot tha projramma of theIrish National [Party, lately plaood before the ojuntfr,and pledge oorieWes to support Mr. ParoeU aud blsbrave folloirers,la their; giant efforts for good oldIreland'. I : : !: That tbe poqt laboarcrs ibate been always a wrongedaootion of the Irish poople, and that we shall buuo*forward oo-operate to imptove their condition, and ob-tain for them oider tho labourers' Art their well-de-Wvod plot of groond. j .- . u : ' •: That w», the laboorers and farmers of tbta bronfli,resolve to hava no dealing': with Michael Hiokey. in theway of labour, limo, milk, oe cooperage, and oallon phosurrounding branches to t*ke dua notlos of tbia resoln-tion partlouarly.: ,- _ i. • , ¦ . , ; ' j '

That we oonaemn tha ndhoard of praotlcs of payingrent in odtajwe, now iatroduoed by Miohoal Hiokoy(oooper),' as admitted by Atmseii and proved by nw re-ceipti showing bimself a real prop of landlordism; j1 That we hereby expel'Michael Hiokey. aad refaaoacknowledging: himaoy laager a mombor of thla braneh,and recommBDdhimto joiathe 'EmergenoyOotamittoaof KaTOEagh'si Land Corporation.' . ¦ ; iThis we, theimembew Q? tho Portlaw Braaoh, ayjopa-

thise whh Tbomaa Burke aad his seven youngohildren,who i/i ti oo rathJeaJy «viot«d from thulr honja andgordon tnd tSrown on the - rood aide depending torsaslt«i oi theU sympathising.neighbour*. J. J: Thai baving'f ally beard state 1 what Miohoel Hioloyand Thomas £arke say oa this matter, wo oie

: firmly cooviaoed that Miehael Hiekey U the causeof thji h«»rtl<»> eviotibn. | i J i l ,

Mr, Laurence Power, Camgeea, then oome forwardaDd aaid bt nufer felt . greater pride thaa that day Inbeing asked to take part (a thj .proceeding*. beeaaMthe meeting was oalled;to show joar sympathy, sotwith ft Urge f»tmer, but f lth the poor UbooriogmauCobeers). i loey wuoea to snow, tae xaoonrort wiat miwers{th«lr frisadi. His Impresaioa was tho».they badnot practised teal boyooUtog yet, bo» if they oorriedoat the resolatioos atricUy, and every man of^themactod sUiotly au to them,1 they would soon nave in*prin pli .BcAufolr eatabliihed ia their diatrict(obo«a).i Lord Waierfo^d had. stated tbe previwuToeaday at Kilmaothoma* that he WM ia tat onr Of »*UbSuTSr*' AAi.that he had tbeir lnterort ttWrt.But how did h< show it t iWby, Bor)» had ln hUIUUenpin foor k ids of oot», and. Lord Waterford hadthemi oat and removtd ito Cnrraghawre, where j h«thmhed >beoj foi hU own! o»»(gT«t groaning), « I ' '

Mr. Power t ten urged the strUteet adherenoi withthe National I Mga* mini, aid imDrwwd on thsta toeoeoelcUy for «mi&-«, fore». \ht reeolU of. whjoaj*>r»so Ulumted>kW(y »*MtDlnarat(bear, b»r). JaJftbetween tbi fi rmen and tb» laboarer* was •*• m|UsaIn tie gnat itruggle r ii. whieh tlMf we*» « [a#ed

UrffixIxoM li«A»T, M.P.i who wo»io*lly eh.« *d,next addw*a.l khe oeetingi He sold tba* hi aanot wr^W»»l •ex.oalntol wl«» tU pliop aoiyi eitb* •»«IOT » * charge whkh. had bwt; brooghi «agai iTHiflke: .and hS<x oUTnot drtiio U*m,og«J»,bat 5J ,w«mld ajr, this, ttat h» iwon)d trjMo & pWupon thim thi twntsalty pf txaalnlog oaJretauy mrrcnarg«>blcb may . b«; praferred.agife,** »,«»%*«p»3ritf oT %eotttag i ftbomt.r Let thUn.wi^eaVrfolly lotothaw «har pST examios Into ;t»p»th« *tmjst o* « and top, rttaVty t lot thsoi notrtta*•oBdaaipn*,.' . ^. ;*^ '*^ MfUthe Wly. aaf itvda'dW Mt pi dofenduig htauMfJ ItwasW8hV> «M.tW to > WrjWt nialng tk^UspoDK ¦* Irjl»4rf alw4>vi3.-Wc de«^partv0foat!an B * *w they 1 •dMW.oj iMr.*******that & <*M l)*»4&w .ta W ti PaVjtlt*«KS

v f Vp- i j t- : '!; ; : '-:!/?:!; ,:!'.,' ¦

. ;.i : ;: l ¦ ¦ i: !; >|\ ;iV" ; x!:' 'fe;


t rx*vm* -m «,{****

W »b7ah . ^NL^r^^rTbvhl

jfttStafcapKeb;A«d OOB* :¦¦ Son-. thfTjgw £• to M$mUbpmr(|J.{;Bfi;« v«WiW«hili mmb ffiPft tiaHlarid

1 LSSSil's«n»S lA?s«ib*

ah< 'if they did;«« y'l light depenS Wtt» fW? tSftopar*)) of wUoh he md *a huiabUiriUD tirWld be •fatfound strenuously irostdag- tolecaHtiw'rtdUticm ofaU they so fondly ioped to aehiere (ohoBw).] ¦ . ( i

: Bef. Father N« iKT, P.P., who w*. ree«ived with kload [and :opntinm 4 oatbnwt f ohaerfafToald; theirenthdsloalio reoep ooi. their rinjrfnfiObeeai.aad mortDnnerved blm that had, the bnakahofoad th*.b»yon«t»of the polloe some day, ago. Ha the J •tood.fefrleealyandundanntedlylithepreeeaoeof deith siaddangeri>et their presenoe had more unmanned him; V'Heredl^Ury bondsmen, kdow ye not,' who wonld be| fi*e bia»-selfj mast strike tl eblow" (great eheerinj).' At Mul-lina.lT»£ itkt woofc ith«T had atrnnk th* ! h!o*. and th*soobd ot that bio r had gone forth; to tbe eads of thedrijiaed world on.ibe wings of it he frees, the. wings oflightning (cheers).: They had fought the good ngbt notfor | Mnllinavat-tbey. fooght it for all Ireland (oaeeri).They fought and they. eonqaered. He WM there thatd*y| to crive the lie to Hamilton; aod he wonid nail tbelie W 1 ii-: 'i rant. ' Ha asked Hamilton to challsnge hiainto a-,, cart of jusUee (aheer*).: ' He wonidi pabliahthe i oorrespoadenoe which had token plaooj betweenHamilton, Tighe, and himself. Colonel Xighe,lo one ofhis letters, stated tbot> Hamilton had told [him thatthere was e, combination against '.payment! ot rent.There was no anch thins: outalde the imoclnatibn ofHamilton, lie made lan-appaarcora ftittlement, ne¦npplioated Colonel iTigbe/ for morcy, bat tB8 replywait, that the law shoaldjtikeits ooarse, allhough thefiiot Act was .read (load applause)..' Father lie&ijthon dwelt on Hamilton's deaUngs with the, Mnllinavattenants at some length, and concluded by impressingon them tho necessity of remaining united.! :

Mr. P. J. PowjtB, M.P., who was well raoeired,assured tbem that it waa refreihing! for an Irish repre-sentative to oome amongst, their warm-hearted people,and he was anxions to have tbat opportunity of adresa-ing hie fellow-oonntymsn,' in order'to lender to theman account of his stewardship (cheers.) : And firstwhen they honoured : him with their confluence hepledged himself jto act, ait, and -vote- with the Par-Iiamontary Party. He gave his constitaents thatDledte. and ha *u thsrA (a uV thai ho ' had not

position oi a seat in tne Mouse .or uommons ; suu asvalued it more than be could express by thowing thathe posBessedto some degree the confidence of his fellow-ooootrymen, as it ahowed that1 as an Irishman he wasnot. an .enemy to b}s country. And, while saying so bemight add that be could not conceal from himself thefact tbat they might have eeleotod ao'mo one more com-petent than him Uf represent them, bat to no man wonldhe yield in his love of ooontry aud ia his 'desire to liftnp his country and enable her'to take np her positionamongst the nations of God's earth Ccheers). He thendenounced land-grabbing, and said if )and-grabbing waacrushed landlordism was alsoiorushed. He caaUonedtbem to be very careful as to how tbey used the weapbiof boyootting. Those aoensed should have anbpportunit;ot explanation, bpt havlog got a fair hearing, aad attethoee present thought that the weapon of : boycottinishould be used, it should be then vigorously broaghinto praitioe (oheers). . ' ' i I '

The Chairman pat the'resolutions to the meetingand declared then carried. . ; ; |

Miss Margaret BuMhan then came forward, and iia taw eloquent words proposed the following resolutions—" That we, the young 'girls of Waterford, Tipperary, and Kilkenny, tesolve and prouuae thia da;belore'this voat ' mnltitnde. to treat with koorn anoontempt .any aatnmomal proposals from MichaelHiekey, as paaishmeat for his high-toned hostility totho poor labourer Barke and hia young and belpfyesfamily of seven.> 1 : i ;

Miss SnlliTan seconded the resolation, whiah wascarried by acclamation. . : ; . ¦ ¦ j

Mr. L. C. Strange, ia tho cOarso bf a short speeob.assnred those present that he wonld be always fonndstruggling wita them in their, efforts to have NationalIndependence restored to them. ' "|

After some words from Mr. W. O- Fisher, i 'Mr. D. Gleeson, P.L.G., Ballyshonnok, (proposed,and Mr. James Power, P.L.G.,sAdrimone, seoonded avote of thobks to the Ber. Chairmaa for ijireslding,which was carried amidst the utmost enthusiasm. :

The Coalrman hating briefly replied, the prooeedbigs

xae usual mommy- meeting , waa neia ou lastSunday. Edmond Powea.proposed;: and Jobn Lalorseconded—" That Mr. Lannan, P.L.G., dn take tbecbalr." ': ¦ ' ' • ; • '¦ ¦¦ : : j

Proposed by B. Power, and sooondod by ,M. Power—',' That we, the members of the Ballyl\neen Braaohof ithe Irish National League, jdo hereby aiaoen-lythank each one of the fourteen, elected' gnardsaQS whovo^d against tho granting of a pentioo to fo. Walker,and congratulate taeo$Jor, ha^og me&saied swordewith tbe landlord party with aaoooss." . . - ¦ , ,

Proposed by Michael Foley.'and seconded by JeoffreySulUvan-" That aa, Mri Michael Terry, who was theonly elected guardian who voted for Dr. Walker, statedin tbo Kilmaothomaa Workhoase, before the division,that he wasn't asked by one of the ratepayer* whojro-tofned him ia March to vote> ogalnat the penalon, \webefeby call on all.the ratepayer* of tae Ballylaneenelectoral division, who are not in faf oar ofj having Dr.Walker get a pension oat of the fratisyto sign a memo-rial to Mr. Terry, stating ha misrepresented, tbem.and that oar secretary be empowered it? d|iaw np saidmemorial for snob ratepayers aa wish to sign same."

Michael Power proposed, and Abdfew Drphao tec-onded—"That » special meeting be'beld aa this day,

Lord Waterford recently, and it *a|iei how the branoh confd serve Mr. Imeeting. . . , j

Mr. Edmond Power said it would'sxptain that ha had tbo bailiff , wlWaterford on Mr. Coffey's farm, I

loomed. ¦ , ¦ j ' . j . . . .• . : :

' .P O L I C X p~0 V S

~T . i . : '

: . [ . '. -.

9ATOROAT~(Berore Mr. John Slattery).—An Tin-lietnui Cardrivtr t James UoDonnell; woi| summonedfor pUiog for hire without a license. High-ConstableMaibony: He has bern op four timas bsforo—toree,timea for pljlng for hire without a! lioense, and qnoufor assaaituig a gentltmao. Mr. Blattery i Is this tfr*mau tbat is so notorious on the othtr aide of tbe water rHigh-Constable Mabony i Yes, your worship- Theaoting-aorgeant at tb? otaer side niade a complaint thathe had oasaultcd an army officer, bPt he oonld not actbimself, as the auault WAS not eomtolrUd ia his view,and tho gentleman bad not Urns to wait, bat reportedtbe matter i bis conduct is generally baid. iDefendaht'swife i He will behave himself ) I applied for tbe lioehse,and was ret used by Mr. Howard. fcU. 81aUery ¦ Bathe irili not get a hc4ase ; he is not'61 to bold one. ' Iwill only fine him 5*. now, aad ! if he conUnae* to plyit will bo worse for him. It U a great 'pity he will notbehave himself. Street Nuitanm liOn to* ohorgi ofBorough Constable Walah. who stated thata complainthod been lodged: with him. by 'Mri D. Canty, T.O.,John Baker was fined Is. and 2i. ooeU for rolling «trtck on the flags at Jobnatown. Patrick McGila-eu(ly, a boy, waa lined la. aad 2<. ooata (br a similaroffxnoe at the Cuitom-bonae. Ditordt t ly i 'Joa. Calaiswas charged by Constable Guinan' wita aaving' Qe«nriotous hy a^htitti at BillySrlokeu! an Mbidiy. JH»WM flfbtuig with another n;»n at th* corner of • l»f>e,bat the othor" mua gut away. TapoiM CaaaiogbjMi,for defenoe, deposed that he was;la a; pablio-ai|uauwith a man named Foloy, whom b«i aaxed pn eoifiogout for • pips, and on bting re/uaod ne gar»: tbo roan a.shove aad he fell. Mr. aiatury sold ii was a. shamtfforamaa Ukehim ooadactlng nlmaeU V* be was, wht>ahe could be in a rrsiKcttuie iiodaoq. ' Tbe prl»cuorwonld k« flaod 10*. or • week's latprisouBKwt. ' [ '

UOMAAT.—Od thia moroiaf, Mr. WUixrj preebUagjthere were only »few nuinter»»lini:oa»e« ordrtmken-nesa betpre the e«ort •; ¦ ¦ .- l . ' |' ;i * i ';. . -: ( '• ; • ! : :¦ '

TnziDAT—^Bafon iha umi nuv<i(i>i*»lL-fcIahn Tsl.

Sergeant Daltoa M pne who jgeU dramk every tim i b*comes to town, was;connoted of Imbi iag too maa i onth* prerlom* night; and WM 'sent to gaol for foot MIdays. Joseph Karihal WM pbargtd with beiag ji inkla i AlazaaderxtMft th« prerlpas;- nigai Berg atatMossopsaM th# d¥«nd«W» toMhtr udlstsUr i «d«oh irgea acaioat hirni - A woman oat»«d Bawoy, «M«Tto UanaaVswcmt shewM tiraid f

atr lifata atiroi tsldttwdootra Mwanl; qC W^^hw .-Ulad *>.+S\ao to of naoua, »«W he wonld sB r«r;»ixmjtta»|ni *olan ber aoaoant,udbrowia tba wiodow*Mbcxko IM.Tit drfendan^^mctoar fJ« « >q a^To|>HT »»¦dt Bt: «r. Blat&y. W« wilj fc «i5a7l5,lor a-iri Ik'siidprUonmeut, and to th» ¦wnHnti yot'faq sam nonbif, anil we wiU ;Ura) Itetol ib»iHtM^ e(<tM iJehu UcaiUkw dylasd J«M*!ri5«eT»U ym% 72vn.m> md for rfotou JMUTWU OH'MIM IMI: Oowtabl*Pi llon.d irf tto'tteMaW&SlS^^geim-lany oo Vt$Mf liAMriaC TifimmtA m» «fdSgoodol*nu««^)fcrg»»MT^n7atf »W ^Bi rk» tu'ehiu 'vthiUu ib«a4rb«r"ok ' «•&%, 0«fa*^'I>ailM >WlSa . had^iMdi!

* to MiSm Utim my dmmMmR Pri


m-mmmmMM.pravioM eonriotte^MJTaMl «>*faM£Mt ¦', , - ,term for being: drank :a*"lGeS ittSZ'- ;»«fc5 p / ', , ZPaWftkMadt. WM «hai»W *i«4 <iShMirW^ - \

Mark^ ^^raSc^in me. ' Th«y. aiw«lw»y»ifratoHnf m«. I «B OBff il -V :the old ariatocraoy of W jtty-'! ftrgeiwt BalbSi'4, | :nloeoriatocrat t . Oa"tb»',ami Atagnst.i "84, l«gotow 'month for being* rogBfl and, m Ta^oliondiOaagktar). f ' VSUt^rYou . dfeorVw .^ na.Sand we are letUng_y<m of very light, jaabul Kara- 'DagVaiid Patriok Doberty w»r« tounraoiedfor figbttttgl ' ' 'in Peter-street' on last Saturday sighi; h<>t«rmtdi: ¦aotd they niul only a.litUe-row «»er.e>iodeirt»«t«h,i :and were good frUpdH now. I Dioeharnd. •¦¦: Mm (f \' IPbela'n, of Cook-lan#, for being1 djapn}ei&«j»8atar- .- ¦day night, wasi fined ?*.$i- afdoowU.; jMOT'Lealv':*»4 Jtaeph iMcGulre wtre ahaiipd by. i3oM*skfc:Mangan with flghtiDg a»BoJ&brtokaat>*Saailayi»otn-teg last. Iiappearedthjt£*hy*Mthlit SgaW ,he waa fine£-2frM.,«tbe?tatber d»t«W«Bt 1>eiBf dJa-cbarged. ElleaConnonia noted eoarafier, forpeing :disorderly oa,Saturday niihti w«#oToVredte pay Me. • ,or go tj gaol for a woek. JJr. Jamas CNeUlsainnoaad!a baker, named John Bnmnan, for annoying'hiinj On :8atarday Brennan frejjneiitly «om«-to hia shop, ia .Miohaal-rtreet, and gavel gnat onsoTaaee; bo madeuse of tiisgasting langoaj e, abated We. O*l(eill| andconducted himself so thai a ord*d ooUjsoUd round tin''door. IMr. Slattery > W« w{U put • atop to ttd* kind elwork. |He U fined aOs. oi » month'*iaprisdiantnt. '

crrr PETTT SH SSIOSS-TBW I»AT.J !Before the Mayor, Dr. Scott, Mr. J. I.yan, Mr.

D. Or. Bodkin, B.M., Mr| J. Slattery.;-- -r- lq .A Dtsi&TiB.—Charlas Bnrns was chiirged 'by

Sergeant Smith, on bi»|own ;admia»ion,fcr betaf adeserter from the EoyaLArtiltery stationed at Clfltt-mel.: ; The accused was remanded, to b« handedover to tbe military antborities. i . , . , j

A Nioa HiLPXATB.—ThOuoa»Tower wail chargedby Constable Doyle with being drank and dis-orderly in Michael-stroet last evening. He. waswalking do<vn the street with 4 barter's poll) in hi*band,; and was followed by |4 large crowd. Hebroke ! windows ap> in Stephen-street 'VTg^"*Doyle said the prisoner waa not np for three years jbe bad a drunken wife who' waa aobitontlr ojmor-ing him 1 the other day she pjfdged hU :oola,l»dhe bid to go into » shop to work junta IM MOtdenough to release them. Mr^ 81«U«ry r It i» ,th«wife- shoald be in the dock. ;Head-eoutabl«Kavanagb 1 There are) charge* banging areriyOttrbead,; Power, for breaking tbooo; window;! j wa arenot prosecatingyon for the damage. PrtawieTi Iwill j>ay it; my wife oama in drank and drove manearly mad. The case waa adjoarned fBr*4ort-night, to see how Power«ot bn.u> 'the'm*uitiiBC»^

ASSAUW.— Bridget : Whflelee obijrged. aeattatia.Walsh with a.sdult on Tuesday night last., TMnwas a cross charge between tbe partiea. TbcM ha*been an ill-feeling between tbe two fajniliejs torspme time, and this affair. arote out of previoosrows.. Both cases were dUmjaaed.i Adjourned. . ¦j . "" ia»«—awa» ¦ . .( • ,, » . il

. ; ' LISMOBB UNI0N-W«>itMi>AT. 1 ' !Jomf O'KMH.EM., Chairman, ! preeiied 1 AlsoCr"enJ. $?«""•• J Bonrke, Wm-jWalai, Thoia*» JW*y,J.P.. F. E. Carry,J.P., WnvHadaaT -- . i , .- ¦

B»wmT.-The board 'was oeoapied •> ooa«ide>iabbUme over the relist eases, wbi«h, tbej did inoaVeSci-f nlly, with a doe regard to the interests and reeling* ofthe poor. ¦ ; ¦ ' . > ' ' ¦¦¦ ¦' ":

¦¦' : . - - ?!i A GOOD BISOLTTHOH.—Atlthe tnggeetionol tii*Chairman, Mr. Pyne proposed that the rilievmgofflcers of the onion prodoe* reocipto for «Mti of «soyprovlaional relief whioh may be given.' '¦ 8«ooads4 byMr. W»lsb, and paaaed, : - ,; : ¦ ; : . , ¦ • , \ 1

Mr. il. Healy, olsrk, read the; minabetaBd oomt-poadenoo, . A«. There ore 43 paraooa mot* <» oqtdpecrehof this year thaa last year, i iHie boaril ii finaa-c£XZJa*Il'Ty Mtisfaotory.- poiitom. iaviig in bsink41,537 to lU oreait. The report bf tha'oaildrta oot'ttnarse woJ very satisfactory. ; ; i ]' I I.LASOOBEBV AOT.-A letter! WM read frmn Ow l.G. Board iacloaing hutnetkms; te., tot tbk guidono*of gnardiaps under thifl Act ¦!, ¦ ¦¦ . • ' • ; . ,J v "¦¦

,AjP°OT woman naia Baldwin, fr^ j et o w a, «p.plied fdr soma ajaiatM to'Mn v>o«H«Uld'aCWato an hoepltol ia Cork: to get an "twanim psrCufStlon; her eyes/ Clerk (fXoa will ftslveT y Sohild's nulntenanoa ia hojpital, and ess ijuut' OMM .into toe hoaae for some time. | The latter obuld iotafford to send her op. ; give ISi:iTr' " ,'") '¦:8ioo»>TAXiHO.-Mr. Biebard Bury wp-SrWd1 tfct :he attended and took the stoekiof the henU at a-'ooetof 304. Mr. Pyne . When w tbe etaok tita* laa}»

Clark s Twelve moatha ago., He titeanadait a Us* ofarticlea nnflt for ose. *' : ; 1 • . . . . ,. . ; . ' ¦. ; ., .„¦The UuUt (Mr. Flood)'oaia ibroonhoBta*'n±Ufnnmber ot iamnbe in th/tooee had gone ilowoT 1 beoonsldered thia slook anfit for dae;' Mr. Pyiie tt»g>tit»lorg» quant ty to ooad^ma ii oneyean ¦ 1M| tfaateraaid it waa not heaTMr than areit The boaSl ioo*t**d

evenly boloooed, or bettor eaied}. « 8oa* (< tbs oidclothisg is n*iid for aooariaf and other norliouii aadibe restsold. - i , i " i j . : . r ^rrj-^ r,,TT;Air ACCODNT.—A coutrootor ooaed gl"til*Ti for ''the baUdlng of eUyenUboaren'MtUZMlq UMaaiM, '

WM pas»ed| Ti» 1 £33 14» on oaoooat .. .".. i ;'. 1, ''K*lTho Clerk reported that Dr. OTarron vis|itd bi£o6.qala lately -reUUv. to Uw wiUr'aUpp'ly JiaiiJTTS.Chairmaa aaidjh. heonl thet> 'wM^ViBoFoiwater; in it. Some aadtarr * ipxte' werar rt*Hftsathe oedioaloffioen. Tlw CSeri ssidittat mw4m Malinot ,Uke awjyf the oootout.,itjPrtrie«, wtdntMNM .

complained of by Dr. Kwlowadia f r m m c o it *.-«. (t, 4 ;Tai Miuc.-Tb. ooutracl fbrja k .t .ttmfor two yeore, at« per goUuru. Keot, 7* ?«¦•*»• H F¦ Tha rfMter Whe oad.o 'gro VwWeropof hay.fur the hoaaa. -A^ iJqrarMd.'.'1 -; ..TT.^TrT

DBIED BBEWEB'8 GBAIH8 A3 CATTiM KttD.Cattle foods are In 6o» partiSlar like bno«H^ many ther* U no ead. I U « oaM be dlS(Bllito!«(tV

mcrate the various Qjm&iondi walah ha»« (rasp'ttsMto time been pat tMfon tag pablio wtthtixsmatilWi*ing •UUnpooU M to llie noe i i fomof»hetn psufkrttskMany of them an mytt*rioMUa«d woaMafif utoikbat some or* onqu»«ttottably ««*ljw», Md:p«,.JM>'out doubt a matter bf immensa faancrtMwtJBiiili ifoot-breeders«ad aU who lar*'to dijiabloc*»i addoMVtasboald diaooyer what arv.tbijs^im&*.: Mow, wha^VW oWSTlod lajiS^ PPvarioas advertis«d prydtotWaJs. H towUflttpillSbrowar'a gralnvhare long tooaiia, wry nitublafM-;ditioo, to the rer>nroa«;of .stookownerswlMa^ffWMM.toodwa<aTaila^le.<3b >k»ta^^sk t»jUlSF

hapoeas to U ia proxliutrsoTlarge;wi*Wf<ifi»yr »tbe gmLM eu be obfaaaed U .tfs.'ftWb-la^'jiW*diSaolty bM beea Maona k« i»iDoWJ«aSi<OSi-¦paay,.6»U«d, of .Botpsforfe 55^;JOaHlfeaj.-i^pfcalUr proc th*,W:|;ir :|>«^lrF»JUawhih> a fresVsWo.WM I •»(.(#¦.»;,«MoJ Atoeat of water. Then k no da ferine of Sim W 2l'

aaaiftj tht digUtioa of<Sj th y &SiimiM *m& : :

§m§mmfpagSraKySfm li ttSliffflMWMfiwift^ " W* ^ ^S O> ¦•p P SV BJBHp nSH S^ nVB^ PJSJSJ^ ^ ^ PV g S H ^ ^ W ^ w g^ n ^ w^ ^V^ ^r S^ fTHdrP*'*1 *> .


Page 4: SPAWM c^^ fe^ thn merohanta^tradari and! nobilityv. gantiy, farming classes, &< .t. in Witaiford, Kilkermy,Tipper»ry,

r. :•* >¦



: »v-a~<—« i^fliigb»|i«Tiini|f6rrt>lTi1i<T>nii«n'"- Arfg^MB wjj*>rtt.tlTnf1f'1 rrfoa.the)aaB 'i

^'. 'i '' 'B*3^ Ww4)^ t|%pF0mil jMM*i |8I*VP ;-. ¦:¦'

; Iu!»tatd*,tf«ac»'or1(<»talll*a*MU<*lV:l\ i7'¦'"¦!>'" ;

TkVliflwwnni'.v ';. ', (1 :.lw ., i'L:! ; ' ;:. • .t ' - - ; • ; ¦

• : : ; ! • • ¦• ;. -- .',.r,xoofe)OB;tooB«iJi't - ":."¦¦;¦; : ¦ '¦¦

., ' Wlth siswm apodpf tldo:!,., ' , ; : u¦ ¦¦ : • " With Love UoaVHbpe4t«itw side » • '; ¦ ' '

!l An4now 1tUohly>late.Jnl»-, ' : , " . '; - , AndVyeValasyuathlnkif I new—[

' .' ! ¦ : ¦- . ; • ' .Too'.soon, too Boon— - _ .= ¦ i;, Deathwbiiperi4,thefa»ing<treea.j. , , : I

, ' , And when the sun's red lighys gone, ; ,- ¦ :: And- Night unfold* bar myalwks, . . - . ; , , ¦ ¦ . ; ,1 i With'faUing heart ulmoit I fear :¦ i logarden, plots remote and lone'.¦: • To find tho dwadfnl shadow near—

i :. .j ; . ¦ ! loo »o*n, too •oasjl : ¦

SOME DATI know not when thfldij 101111)6, . : .i I know now where oar ejes shall moot,fWhat 'welcome you may gire to me, <• - .i Or will your words bo sad or sweof | ;It may 'not be. till Team hare passed, ,¦ Till eya« are dim Sad trosses gray. . _ ¦liho wOrials wide, bat, lastOur hands, oar hearts, taut meet somo clay

1 Some day, somo daj-, ' . ¦ ' j1 Some day, I shall meet yoa, ' jLore, I know not when or how,' Lore, I know not when or how ; . :

Onlr this, only this, . i -That once yon lored mo;: ¦ ¦.- • .

Onl> tbls, I lore ypa npw, 1 lore roa now,; flora jon now. ' . ';¦ • s , '' : '. .. ;I know not ore TOO ftr or near, . '¦' Or are yon dead o do vou lire ;' . !:Bnt when we xnoet someday, Borne day, !

1 Eyea clearer growjl the truth/mar eeo, ¦ ¦Ana ererybloua shall roll away : ': That darkens lorb 'twixt you and ma. I '

'86m6 day, some day,' • . :¦¦: Some oay-I shall meet you, :Lore, I kn()w not when or how, :Lore, I know not when or how,

Ontr this, only thl», this,: Th»t onoa yoa lovba me, . '. ! .Only n«ft, I lore joa now, I lore you now,, Ilore sov now. I > , ,


'CjOTTY—HOtTO* MKLSEBAr—-DOW1T THE BLACK-jYYATEB IN TBB " AVONMOBS"—TOUQHAV AMD'jpBOUANA, &C. ' I' ' ' ¦ ] \ I .jCappoqiiin is reacbeojlby bar or mail from LIB-

more, and op<5n a fine:day the tourist could notdesire'a more lovely drive. Our drirer,'John WaUbo{ Cap oquin, is fall of information, and wry readyto 'impart it. He lamented the desolation of theCiistla jand the dwindling total of sammer toariete.Tp o coantry, he complained,' la lovelier than ev tyand yet every year less rind'leas come to see it. :Themajority -of- vititots are . foreignerB/ ' Very : fewtravelling Irishmen pais that way. ' Sooh a driviras this'will in ten minutes give his fare more infor-mation; about the locality and the people who dolife, ok] have lived, or oujfht to liv'e irii'iti togetherwith its general history,''both ancient and modern,than thei . most laboriouij BenrchiDg of guide' books9Arm Vi At»t»o ' s>a*t - OTT/WV? I Ani> ' Aw'tvtnm '• Imil *U K 1. ' ji.

brong! it a party^of yoatg English toarierta aroundLiauiore, and OT«n them to' the Cathedral andCastle and subsa^mila'tly. to Cappoquin and MouitMellecay, And heSxinld not Und: rrords eloqdentenong l to express his gratification at the" interestthey <bolc in the sights and lecenery. . Were thecastle jhis private dwelling-houseand tba conntiyside his private estate;- he conld not have beenprbndi r of themj - This is again the old trait in theIrish peji«ant which k) frequently during . ourTTande ings we have had occasion to comment upop.The ei ipler they are tie' more 'trnly do they loveNut-up [and things of beauty and historic associa-tion—' be more intenaely'do thuy: understand them'.The I |sh peasant : baa'as fair a knowledge oftosthetab' science as tbe town-bred student, andoften it is of a, very m'ach more wholesome andpcal:kijad. ; \

¦¦ ' ¦ ,. ' . || V . . ;. ¦: : - ¦ ' jCappoquin is an exceedingly ancient town. Its

nan)a^(iJl irisbr-CeapacJj-Chuinn— signifies " the!village : plot of Conn." j .Few: relics of ite ancientstate remain, but it is recorded that'the Fitrgeraldabnllt d cafltlfe pepe at an early date. In the wexif t1641 it was occupied by the' English; and .beneathits walls mauy'bloody.scenes were enacted. . It was 'at ; lust| taken in lfrlS "by the Irish,: under LordCastlebaven, after a stoat defence.: Anciently theriver was. here . epanned jby a quaint wooden bridge,,of which engravings are preserved; set rip by thefirst Earl of Cork. It : 1666'it was rebuilt, ondtaken down in 1850. Tie stone bridge which nonaffords I the • necessary accommodation occopies itssiteasaearly aspoasibl ; There" ore; few visitorawho happen ts be in i B neighbourhood' that willWWW V« fc******•*w bmM^AA " k' wu^o |v DUD 1UU1UUO

AUUCJof Mount Melleray, occupied by monks of the Orderof IjaTrappe, which lies ibont three miles from Cap-poquin along a picturesquely wood-bobudrood. It!¦was byitbe devolution < f 183O| that the communitywere driven from Franiie. Some of tbe Ibretbren :sodght^be shelter and hospitality of the EmeraldIsle, and they did not i eek in1 vain. : ;A largo tractof ImldJ comprising upwards of five hundred acres',Ttas granted to the wand >rers b/ Sir Bichard Eeane,and many benevolent pi rsonr, moved by their mis-fortoniee and tbeir coifident relianoe upon thissympathies of a foreigc ; people, contributed largesums. '(. (The Doke of Devonshire gare one hundredpounds'] Tbe brethren arrived as strangers "andpilgrims in this remote spot of »n unknown land,and at once, realising their position, they appliedthemselves to labour. They; had j to fight againstNature almost for subsistence, since their farm walaan>uiDrodnctiveinoor^ thickly strewn witb boaldersand atones, i xney naa tbe willing help of thepeJisantry, for no cost, land before long toe roughBoil wai cleared, coltiva ion was > successfully cooi-menced, and tbe .barrel -bill aide was! transformedinto fields of smiling pai ture and i tillage,! The ex-terior pf the Abbey is plain, andjthe parts spprtf-priatedito the use of to s good brethren are simply!turnisbed. Tbe spire teaches an elevation of, 140feet. The stones used in all the, buildings bare beenobtained from the surr landing hUls.. The wholeinstitution is, indeed a aonument oi indostry 'andpiety, inch asimpresses tbe eojoarner wi^b a <Wpsense 61 admiration and respect, iln the little rnnf.mnnit there ore no distinctions bf rank, and tblatime is rpent is devotional exercises, 'ond in hardvrork.; Tbe;bretbren war'a peculiar dress, -whiotlooks ;Very quaint and. pictoresqbe.' It U a whitecloth robe, wit b a blackjxipeandithood of the eamecolour,over the bead, ^erpetoaltsilcnoe: isone oftbeir most rigid observances; aid th« Visitor isBtnick; Jbe spectacle |of these men,: all quietly;industrionsly pursuing I their ' various avocariociThe roles of tbe order j do not pirmty the use ofanimal food.- Tbe brethern rise so mmer and winterat S a.njv and their fajre cons|stji of brown bread";otiraboi t, vegetables, and butter, their drink beingwatcri and they bare but two meals in the day..thefirst at 11 a.m., and tbe second ftt 6 6'clock in tbbevening, when, after two hours' servic>, tbey retirbto rest ] Tbe dormitoryjis a large apartment, overone hnndred feet in Jetgtb, ! fitted iwitb . woodehboxes l&e stalls on botn : sides, there being in eacha bed and crucifix and tardly room besides for theinmate I to kneel to hie devotions. !Tbe rule Ofdlence j baaone eictptjon. It i« the case of tbeOaest-BBoter.: Uu is charged with tbe duty of re-ceiving .Tisi tore and concjuctingthem oiertbe estab-lishment. Tbe 'stranger, ia hospitably! entertained,nor will the monks solicitifrom him,Any guerdon.Severely simple as are tbeir refector|es* and cells,they Nive'expendod a wdrld of tbooghtfulcare uptjnthe adornment of the ohipel, and (he embellishmentof the littl« ohurebvard, where alneadfl mkny of tbebrethren »Ieep., And BO in modera days the ancientfame of all this historic district as a centre of reli-gion oed piety i» perpet uted, xu>i least remarkablein | the Uves arid laboc rs of' tbd Monks of MountWfiextf. I , ". ' " ! ' . " . ! :

¦• . . ;! :

. '] : : ' .- ' oiPKxjunr'!TO roccHAi.] ; . . ;; 'A shrill wbistU-, mapy tiine* impatiently re-

peated, awakens as froa? tbe i lre»ms is) which latelywe had been indulging.; jThe Ai maori lies at thernde, joit ; beyond tbs bridge thatspansl ithe BUckwuter;; and as toe time advertlwdfor tbe! start is close at jb*n4 *d mosj) hurry downtoj find tbt place on boajd- • it is j» curious liUUsteamer, yet well adapted tot. tbd Jtiai of traffl<tbit if required., It iaflit-botton ed. And draws nomoreJSan 2xt 9io,, and, s w*Ut<-rp»d only;dairiflgithe; soaanffr montb» i In itbe winter tbeway that seems .noir si «iis/i^ rough1 enoogbi arid j

msayi'iatiUqnrt)** toattimctattemion/bavinzonie;an ancieat .Jarisdlctior i of. * CornortUonl Thecbartet of ^Kbard m. motedln X«fi,«onferr«i;oa;,tW W(Xi**M^ ^

:bprf i^<momwcocket' * all Uiinirs «j stonkbSfrom lArdmoia

i -VtSMn Atup tf ivu&neatv, * witet-iMiUB to

.W.;*.B?»| twptfiW #W#4M {WTOBter* ,rtmin-it.ot] ec^!th j( j^Ung« «»atenie|i£.Tbajecon: sfl |«c jrflmiinir, .(j^KsWmidfjHMtiitKt'able unres rerei efleoUditip him,* bpteimoU n-srtbtawou ifs Mai f tiu&Sm -m atNirtber"c( Dudl'-urea'm « * Wcoun foMmspnanaJ'rae^bnj' bi 'M> iiWiiiSi'lSd3rrtdy 'i&tfeSa .ffitt liBiK.Wr -caA m&f i&bk wmUm^mm:

^iet wouldj hB pt"!aWie rdiot^:mr |e of;i . 'uPronj th^"p (ntftteM]^Wgin«| iiocrSsiiei ii'splendour. ( Thy 1i«nii'xiniythfir«id« soar high rJ' 1aod ht no i t;distatcetwe carilsee'itbey'rise^Mj'more ilofti' :in;;niaOTin enb ror rtion; o ir'oKd^ana!'crown 4. jwit&tne' fbUatte^f pUaW aad'.nnddr*1woodand 1 Ul in^^m'taS bereWm. ff l Wf i Wtne !s i'tur ¦rrmore'BWdTiW hliri thrfrafSvariationi"of 'oolonrli t 'tbe Ksene.1 i: Where'conlione.jfind, n?orel&vish luxi trainee j than:'jip9n'thVb*i«btSjtbat,riwaround Drt maaiand/V'il(ieritowBP; _l'herd5aCaii«'phire npoi [the otbar »ide, rw'here wji stop, and ntd'glad to. do JO, in order longer to enjoy !tfae proepect;"On .tbe le ti, :therd«me;gne or Dromaii«!iskirtstherirer; for 1 Uoat: tbree'-i rfiileft ' Olosel Di'tbis'spotanciently toad, Gerildme'Castle, bfelorigufgiothe'Fitzgerald otjthe X)ec|es;'wlio were desferided. troto'Sir Geralc , ! second.soh'lof James,fennth' .E'arl ofDesmoiidj] In; thi* castlerwas bora thefamona." OtdCountess' < f , Deamqnd," who lived: ;to seatbe ruin'of her bo i8e i by attainder, passed in 1(86; At theage ef 14< -5631:3; she made her-appeaVanoe at theCourt of J ames l^to ri«HHnn for 'thVrftatoratimi 6f-her jointui e," iwb'icU 'she'got It Was at Dromanja.that'the cl erry ¦wki . first rdomestlo>ted/' ia thiscountry; li lying been' brought from: .the). CanaijyIsles, by E ir: fuller Baleigb, and the death of theOld' Countis^ jis jsai4 'by tradition to have only.atlast: taken place; b y a f ll from a high branoh of |afayonnte : ( berry tree,'' which nearly jpnt an'end tb"tbe Latin IVrist.orojhe might possibly have made 'up her cen bry and a half, since it would seem thatif this bra tre old Jady Waa active enough1 to climbcherry bra lcbes at tpe reapeotablo age of f .4f l 'dr 'thereaboutf (i.-Bbe'. . 'might Very; well navetikefl her)ease under .tb'eir shadow's somedoien years or solatter. ' > \ ' ' ¦ • . . . : • . ! : • ' . ! •

: . : 1 &0tUWtt«. , : : •THE DA: QT.—The crop of after-grass this season

promises t ) > be. exceptionally fine ]and plentiful.Tbe 1 past, reek's nearly, continuous-rain, comingafter the ieat,.wben the gronnd was warm, bdscaused it to spring' up withfUrn'ost trppical rapiditj.¦ BUTTEB M»Rinyr:-^W« have already 'got someof this aft :r-gras8 butter in the rnojrket, and it isvery fine, >f beautiful: rich colour and 'deliciodsflavour. T10 rise which has taken place in foreigbbutter, and tbo falling off in the fresh-butter makein the Eng. ish .districts, > have caused rather moredemand for Irish, which' is now much; {cheaper that)tbe finest foreign, although we are now gettingsuch very £ tte quality that we neednO/t fear a com-parison ; a id, in fout,iit would be jto; the benefitof tbejuiatdrs' of finest Irish butter if eustomerswhose i prei ddices have been raised I asrainst ° Irisbwere to con pare tbe present make of finest Irishwith the fo eign butter, at a good deal more money.I,notice tbii C persons," whose interest it' is to createand foster t bis prejudice/and who nr!e interested inthe foreign butter trade, are taking a| rather curiouscourse. Tl ey poso as the friends .. of the Iifisbdairy' farm>r, |and, under tbe guise of good adviceto tbem, tb ;y moke damaging remarks as to1 thequality of ] rish batte,r, putting forward statementsthat every one here knows to be exaggerated. TheIrish , farm ir may well say, '.'. save; me from suchfriends ;" t ut if he continues in theVimprovementthat is sow taking place in the make,' be need notfear such tactics, as be has natural advantages' inclimate and. pastnrea, not possessed in the same tho le countries.' Mr.' A. H. Lucas, of South-ampton ; writes spontaneously, to me, under date26th'ult—' t baverccme to tbe firm conviction thatIrish butter5 is the finest . tbe world produces"—T.CLAHOHT/ ! ¦ ; • ¦ ¦ ¦ : J . - i • ' i

: . . MILK—FOOD OP coyf s. ;. ¦ An. ' Ame ican paper, says t " Milk I is one of themo3t absorbent of liquids,. and is affected by thefood consuuj'ed, by the' cows ond even by odors intbe air.breathed by; them.;1 When thelfood or watetor air is foul lor unhealtbful the milk is at once im-pregnated,' pbdShows it; by tbo ta'steondodor orray.)jd decomposition.:' A dead animal in & neighboring

field, watery filled,with" vegetable^ g«rtps from de-composed matter, wild' onions, garlio, _ and othetodorous or !;ill:flavored \herbs ; .poisonous plants',;which wou(d otherwise destroy(tbe cows, as iu tbewell known disease known as',' milk sickness." haveeach and all b en known quite frequently to effecttbe milk so;!mucb «!s to make it unfit; for use. andeven dangerous or persons using it, .whilethe cow, re v'ed by the absorptive character of them, ilk,;has ateaped injury.; These facts should bewidely sprt*fl jabrmid arid made known to dairymenand others Mao keep cows or hot one cow for familyuse. Unwholesomp milk carrying foul germs ga-thered front impure food is one of the most alarm-ing sources: of disease^ and is justly an object ofdread to physicians and; boards of hitaltb, who caywell be. ezeused for any: supposed or alleged excessof ; caution, Sri regard tojtbe introduction of diseasedand poisonous 01 ilk!into: towns and cities under thoir/.nro " • ! I

¦ ¦¦'' ¦ : .- . . . \

¦ • . - •care. • ! ! :• ' ;.• ¦ ¦ • > " :- ¦I ' 1 p—|—i»^— " —w— -: ,¦¦"¦¦ . I ' EFP£C1' OP PANIC >Writing, las ; we !are, ln 'thecentre of intelligence,

and at tJe boorcej where reliable information ' canbe obtainei I,' we natotally feel amused at the con-duct of ouij country'.ccusins'in Tipperary, Kerry,and eUewh( re, in withdrawning their money fromsuch an in jtitution, as; the Bank of Ireland andplacing it for :«afety iri public houses and in the"coffers" of iicnilar;"banking" institqtions. Someyears ago ( if, the time' of the failure of Ssdlier'sbank) an t utoble, ! but easily' panio' stricken de-positor of JBWO in the Bank of Ireland palled at abranch in Tjpperary and asked to have his moneydelivered to ihiui in gold. The request was com-plied' with .] romptly. f f hea possessed of the goldtbe perplexity; ss to :wbere it should be depositedmust have teen very embarrassing, as, after dueconsideratic ii; tbe frightened possessor of the sixhundred soi ireigns walkedintotbepolicestation,andasked one (f jtbe men to take charge Of tbe money.The police! an consented, locked up the money inone of tbe r wms of the station, and put the key inhis pocket Tbe depositor walked oft rubbing bisbands in de ght, arid congratulating .himself uponbaring left ila money in such safe custody.

After lea r|ag tbe police station b'o met a few;friends, wb^ were aware of his caving intended todraw his tuejney out of the bank. 'He informedthem, in re] jly to tbeir inquiry as to iwhst he baddone with at] that he bad given it in charge to apoliceman i wherenpon they Baid, you will neverseei i the. p< Uceman or! the ' moneyj again. Hehastened 0 to the police station in great trepi-dation, and; ion arriving there, fouad that thepoliceman hkd|du?appeared. We need not picturetbe btate of kbe poor man's mind on being informedthat neitbc k tbe policeman nor the key was'to befound.. Th ire, is a moral in this wbicb ebonld bebe; felt in jthe bamblest , homes throughout Ire-land.— Iritl Intvranet Journal. -' : :

;.j <3EAKr8; DEATHBED.It was n (ti the feaiti of Grant's services to the

Nation and mitnkiod tbit he confronted serenelyand! with n) ruffled patience the most terrible of nilphysical »ff jettons.; In hie whole career there wasnothing me re ;heroic Uisn bis manly and unmur-muring act stance, of fbts fate. Months ngo hekriefr that ibe was sentenced to a lingering andhorrible deitbl; He received the sentence withouta tremor. Be bad certainSrork to ddr-tho writingof 1 bis men oin; and the Arrangement of his affairsfojr he ben fit of bis family. ' He aef blmself quietly,at; work, an i pangs of disease could ndt conquer theinjlomitablt j resolntion1 with wbicb tbe work Iras'carried to 0 ancletion. ; Concealinz from'Mrs Giantat first, at d for aa long a time as!possible, thenature of his disease, bB showed through his wholeillness the 1 itrie earnest desire to spars others from:sharing hit , misery. Day after day with patientaijdjoheerfiy fortitude, th« sitent wtnpnever tnoregraidly silent—bore the! ceaseless tortare' and:waited call ily for this end. -His loib word* to his,fainily—". I: don't want anybody to 'feel distressedon my account"—were, {toe expression of his daUyeffort since .sufferings began. 'Onc^'hB ught usho

to coc ijuer a brav« people) in drmt Now hebas,tangbt os how to conquer jjwtin'and deith, andtheroare tt iosands of spff«ringand dying men and•pto'eri wb f ."are, stronger to-day .JMcause of thelewon of Qi ant's death4^L— .r.T» )w«.j!j ¦ [:1i; : ijor' " '

¦-, ' i: - j • :, A MAH i rrrB A fisuir nr ni B Uiir.i-kAboutt»o, m^ntbi lagouyouth;nainrf OeorgeMi»seyjige<l]19, itmployi il M a'cjert'in thB'ofttce ofia solicllor inQtisen yict irbisteeet;ilondon,wasfoui 14 lyW own'the {Soor of ib'«| Wnoe'sb t tbroutcfa tbeMd, witn arecently-du ibixBedjsvolvar fjingby Is.side. He'w»« remove lio St. BartbdJpnww's llo*pitdr, and tty nd tiuufy \\ id -tbat \im | bullet bad entered tbeskull 4nd.l ii (ed in tbe osntre of tbf brain, therebiirig * te Mbla wood in the forsb «d. He was:unopniciooi i wi apparfnUyj.n a drirJj r sUte. Tbehow *o«jt too,i on'ettminiaj hiujL jxprwwed'in1

m S ei W diJs aiiwW;jty: wpsctrt to sDrrlve T<ry;M *.: Sab \imfif,] haw€)iitr.' Mn«t *. oHp. mete'¦Kb tocsi »i*!tn«liuUi;t,butwitbookittcc«*i,and'1 «n t* tbi asfa)ni«b(o4ut: of U* m twl st«ff the:

pitient wit >1B * few:days.r*g«Ined <iiHi«aottso«M,BdWn t f reoovei'. lo spit* of tt|i;)ibwev*r;tr-«;taufsau tri ^mmBliag Wbeliev^

Wit toe .pstient

hli 'jrfiphi I m\ lM W, - 'm » W: iai^rmt.N MM 9 Wff iwif a*** ^itoai, tW

* M mm p >mm*2**v»*i#« »iiu:f«»«ins'11 Ss •; 'HWlNSHNfw m*W&l ltj MMMt, fc ; : ';**-.v..K^j'..i.j.:. ..;.! ; ,¦ ;•)-' >¦'[.:.

- TH»iHJ5uBbTO.)-TlistHi rtreniiMslirt! 4Mrii»'uUr's|HMJ«lssMd!fajiti^Wtti ' t'-t | jyi¦|Mti-Bi 'ihti

W*SM*UaiterVJ^?OW* q*Und; w|sr«' X)boiS2SldnertfoiarishriJghtirfeet 3i<>lr*4oy5.l"lWeSiffiini"«i^n«t|sjtiepri»4:ijt' &«'( o.4 -MfMConnor 1 'ffnli skJibsre'wasigrill pfriinoj,' rwotldibe in ftWnt Waiviiig thea)ntr»otrW»mIdibiKm»t,j Ca >fc Gibbon 11

wooldjiotfiTe W»T:*O *nia»«ta*aUfa the n ib «.:oju tf nn the. ooatrKitJrf omeioll.toji -Donaiirv in0ttW,iuidit waif. «oked atj)f,.i a,4 onj/.the

¦y*»fc r-

6rd msn snppuew% jon.'would bi pntop'sottbinoca-ToilBiiOB.1 Mr/*t pB.>'I hid sotrnr little eri>efHiio( a'f«#.aa>sraM,'aad{t axsetly; bears 'dii'ihtil ueatlp .1 Itwo>r i M *e pia-AyexvbW klmllirj Werkl& the buOri,•» wai *»ri«BI tiget«[from'«l>ablinhot»sofiand.thf difforBnoi. in '*. ponJot kborit vekuf hqndredi gilb LS '

.0T»r_ ftJBrietoliK>n<«w»tje8;l£«, ] I n»»H mostanib ilpgetjitfrqoi;* Dnblnj h^oBBj bn» Tinfprtnnstoly, f ir

th pnos it opnjd lSpt bedor»;..Mr»!)Jj(c(it«iy iljbii k:

yon wl)r,:8n'd, notwitt«^diBg/rt9 Aii aiffereaoe rithese ino atlons, tt»t"Uior« was .sbote material ctittc &•enW either 'in the riW fetettal'or inlni pro*aoUd5 >fthe articla. Therp woM'1ibt'be 'cirtiinljr1 idi tfrTb >iof aaatUole Sttoh-M 'Mr.ljlynnhasspbki tfof withont a dtfferonoa'.lii ihematerialiotworkmanB&i >.':hey have of ooflr ) faslUtiSs for^oaklng thing*'gre»t rthin wo have: in thVwnntnvTha itft'tHJr then droppe 1.: .THJJ OIL SoppLTfT-Mri yValsh, liQsneotor, rjport dhat Ee;had reooivudeW ijarrelB ot cH , from Mr- Henryiell, orWateTf9ri,'t(wd0d 120 teit. ' Mr. MoCsrtbjfIs that'lh^authortSBd.'Wana r" Mrjm'sh': ItTs/slt (it'was'btanaed.ih Nbtr'Tori:.':- 1 ¦ -1 ¦ (] , - '; ' |i! THB ObTOBBk Eu(MtO!ii.-The'Cl<iifk reportea thitbo jwai t making orit tbefj list pf' voters for ' the oomMgeleotion of Town CommisdOners. ¦ 1 , ! ¦ '. '. ¦ '• \, LAJU" CaijiirEie.—A report w^ai 1 fcld before th,eipard .by Mr. Walsh that , for Uta <pist month, .nine

doien and. two phimseys 'ward broken in the publlolamps. !' Captain Kirby'> Bat howjmoay 'ot ths lttrnpswepe not liahtUg,1

**1 all?, Mr. 'PlynnTrsaw fon'r' A

bam: myself. ' Mtf Beaty said :h4 dia n6t knew thelampsi were not UahUbr.' Ha noUoed ajfew tampi'tb twent odt after beinifflighted. Mr. Fljnnaaida* be wasevidently ooncernedia the lamp ohunrieys ho wishod toinform the board that ttlwaSthe mdst wanton careless-ness that breaks lithe ohimnevs even: in the wetteatweather. \ He tcstfi the ohlmneys himself, and had thelamps lighting on [&e stormiest nighti that came, aridnone were broken! i There' was one.of the new lamplsin the Square rondpmned,' and he took it to' hlsplaoo-arid' it .lighted sptendidly.i Ha had jit oat tibonigWtof the hnrrioane, arid thord 'was not' i'blomiahon theglobe;, iHe showed tha.lamps to Martin Downey, andnow the lighting, in.' the S oard.' Mr. Bearysaid thore .was ascertain larrangBfaeit in that lampwhicjh ,Martin Dft cej . did not enddrotand. .MarhnDowney came befd e'tho hoard, and ,o| long dUomdoatook pl&oa regarditg the lamps, iSf . J?Iyna 1' Do jottthink if yda went *ronnd the town now would all thalamps bo lighting?" Martin Downey i Well, you conld ba,Ve a walk Yourself and see how theyare (laughter). Sometimes the chimneys do be stolen,and morctimes a man will go np ti the lamp and takuoff the obimney and light his pipa . 'M E. Plyna 1 Bathera novel way of lighting his pipe. I I think y ii. ougtitoffer a reward for those stolen ohimaoys. I xear wpmust, cvbuxn M> i.uo g«B agttin, , jur* x aejuQ' : uvuia uiogas company hara »njthing to do with bribing thepeople to break tn»:obimnej/s (loud knghtor) ? [To thi"reporter] :.Doa'tJpiic that down.' That is one of thethings that should hot be taken advantage of (renewedlaughter). Mr. O'Connor :»They willl havo an actionagainst you now (larfghter). •Mr. fh lan :.That ia a.thing that.would only bo taken down b^tho late JimmjrDooun (renewed laaghtor): ; Mr. O'Confor 1 How doefcthe .water got.intol tbe lamps to break! the ohimneys FMartin1 jDownej ; Sure we had to make four holes irithem to let the water ont that gets in 1 Mr. MoCa'rtby t'How does it get in P Martin Downey ' •¦ Begor, it pokesa hole iri' all of pttfolf '(.renewed laaghtor). Mr. Danle*remark«d if tbe wind blows against the doors it gets in.¦ THX TOWN Kkh V—Tna Coumssioi^EBS DISSATIS-riBD.—Mr. PhelajK said with r«latioD;{o the oontem-platedpurohttso 06 fhe Toirn Ha!l,j tha |Oomniitoie ap-pointed by the. bo* /d waited some; ticas ago on Mr.Enddoll, and be etlied he Was willing to' give tha .TownHall to them (6i\£iJ5. half what be paid himeelf.' 'Thevunderstood from liim, and! reported ; jt6 a sabeeqaentmeeting, what he offered, ;bearing| ID mind irhat hopurohasod the place for himself. Hi bought the groundrent from Lord Wat«rford for 62517si 6d., for 15 yearsonexpieod lease. Lord Waterford «61d ihe place! to Mr.Eaddell snbjoot to existing ! rights } bat nafortrioatelythey found, oa oaUing.on Mr. Bnddoll, yesterday, thathe raised some objections about, the head rent. Theyasked him if he Via* selling 1 them the bbad rent of ill15s/," arid he said ha was | not, that [he was sellingnothing but, the rerenioD, and not tho bead rent. Mr.M'Carthy i Did not we alwajs pay the £li 15*. a year fMr, Pbelan :' Yes, ijt is paid to the Sboobans, ' LordWaterford1 conld not ' soil that ositbaro was a leaseagsisst' it. '. Mr. . Pbelatt 1 If we pay 4285 now to Mr.BotdeU we o'nght gjet.balf the head robt. Chairman {He' stated to ns 'that be wonld- Ei*e ns the plaoo oncqoitablo tarms. Mr, JFInin »Toa nodarstoM fromhim that ftawaAto givinslhaU^Jie. be»d rent on thatpurchase. Chairman V WHabover admntagoi ha gotfronj' Lord Waterford, wejexpeoWd to; get the same;Mr.'PhalaiVlnfsot he told us it was'a good bargain.He added tq our "preseDt rorit the ittowat on X275, at5 p«r oiat., mildDgit iS8j 15s. 'for tpmo voaro, andtboo We would hare " tha' place rent fy t i e .' CaptainGibboni. : We.'thought ho, was daatlpg handsomely,because' he said tie oould gat.' -£30 a y«ar for it' for a,ooa 7**d' Mr, 'O'Connor : Not for : fonrtoen years;Mr. PholflQ : One great; o'bieqtion ! wii to bavo thabutter market so near the obapel.' Sonio ono told himthat it wonld be worth JE30'a year as a «oal store, f Mr.'Flyrin : Mr. Bnddell most have been' I balled over thocoato 'hlinself aftot he gave his daditya to you: thatday.' Mr.' O'Cono/f : fl the few bid irons gare way1me wnois piaoe wot a ion. mr. ji.eonan asicea naa toeythe letter Mr. Bnd< >U sent'offeriDg to slu f The Clerk 'read the following irosolnttoa of the1 Commissioqera 1" fifJoioW, Tbat tfib offer of Mr.' Marribk, of Yonghkl, !as conveyed to p? liy'Mr. EuddoU'» lottor, to sull tho'Town Hall and BfUor-weighhousa.f to| tho boird, boacocptod,' as recoi tmehdud by tho dtputation thatwaited on Mr. End >U.

p ; I : | ;• Tboy irecalvea tW folldwiag roply froU Mr. Merrlok, :

>f Toughal i—" loar sir, I have duly ' Ireoeivsd your'favour, .'enaloting 1 |>py of the resbtatioat of tbe Dan-1Srvan Cotamisslo .ort. re ground hint of tbe Town

ill, cto. Kindly '.jender my thanks, to ithe Commissio-ners for same." Chairman 1 It is toe ground rent hoi» dealing with ia that oommunicatioa} [ Mr. Flynu 1 Ifyou gat that letter , stamped you can. bind him. Mr.f helsn i You need, not stamp it. It is an accaptodproposal. He is bound by thatlettef, 0,3 bound as evera m»n iW» by the no8e. : I ' -It was ultimately arrangod that tha .'Chairman. Mr.TlL^l l.-'J 1 !.!- - At l_ ¦ W_ Tf^l.i k,-l!- > » .(uuuw| . wuu nut, v*v&», aw MU, juuwif, w^iVlbUJT, BUQshow him a oopy of the lelt jr, and! 4 s^ocial mootingwill bo called to deoido finally tha qriost|i)n.

; i : PETTY SESSIONS—SA?Ditt)'AT.:, (Before Sir N. Humble and Dr. Holland). :

MB. WALL'S FAEK CASB.—Michael jKeatiug suodMargarot Joyoo for trespass of 12 tows jaud a goat ontwo pocaaione. Mr. Williams apjtesrea for defenoo,and!'Mr. Hodnett for complsinantj t!6hn 'Keating, :sworn, deposed to Mr/Hodoetttllamiri the employ-ment, of oomplainant; cm tbe 81st AagOSt I foana the :12 cows and a goat on too land of Mr. Keating 11bronght' tho catUo again to Mr. Keatinjj's, and ut five!o'olock in th6 morning met Mr. Wall and'gave them upto him.: Mr. Hodnett sold tbera was'no controversy:about tbo foots of tha case. Th«J only point was1whether: tho witness was jostiilsd i taking tbe cattle ;book to Mr. Keating and impoundUg'thim. Possibly'thAt'might be a otupablu act ; bat, with great trfJT6at,tbo 4|u«vUoa for tbj^r worships to coij»ider wa?^wiSlii».statute oomplied* tilth ? Ho thoughtitJ was^wirtnwhich tha bonoh Aaght coaviot. Ilr.: WilliaaWriefdthat:! tbey eoold nob reoover, as the]! could not oommitan • illegal act, and ¦ comply with toe requisites of thestatute. Keating oould bavo bis right ot:acUoa at theeivll bill oourt, and if damage was done' eosta could beproenred. He wanted to have a casi,1 and for thepurpo»e of doing that he does an Illegal itst, and takesthe oatile back again to Keating'* Uoase.'1 Tho Chair-'man said there was a doubt whether s> mah tsJdrigcattle to the owner at two o'olock in! the morning; call-ing vociferously, and not being »o*jwered, and takingtbe cattle back to bis own boasci was legally tight.Mr. Williams contended that rt. wos ni

ta illogal to

keep the man's cattle in Ma possession foe three hoars.Chairman t I think so, Mr. Hodnett i ¦ Tboro is a badfeeling between tha paitieb.aqd itwoulS not bb Wellto. iooll up the defendant at two o «lodfc in the morn*!Ing- ' Tboro was no time defined is tits sta rate for' giv-Jnj) the cattle. ¦ , ' : ; ' \ ¦ i ' ' ]¦ ¦

•The Chairman said M thebenoh ooojd not agree ontnd matter, they would adjourn the iosjsa until Mr. 1J dmouid had arrived, sod he porhapa'cnght orarrulohim (chairman). , |'| ; ¦ |: : | : • '• ¦: : '¦¦ Mwhael Keating thea bropght a Isaoond ehargoagainst tho same defendant for tho trespass of 12 caws¦Wil A tf oAt ' MP ' Iteatinir. : In r«nW (A Mr. ITmlnnM;.do>o«ed;that be saw Mr. > Wall's boj1 during the cattleoflihlii (plaintiff'!/ tend ( 'there is 00 doa, bt e,bootth«noMber of oattls i Meskell saw thejastU* on tha laadtoo. hCross-eiaaiinad 1 I did not torn the cattle off,myself that moraine ; it w»? about five o'olook In themorniDit; thefleldlsnoarntyownhbtiseJ ¦ . \< r< David Meekill , deposBtf,* in replt tJ Mr. Hodoetk,that be was goitlng-up'tbrly that mirttlng and i'« sawtha; cattle on KeaW* field t he oallad Mr. Kttting,and on-coming book hu*»w Mr.' Water*' bov tamingtho ekttlo off tbe land. To t'ae Ch»irm»s 1 I tborignt .be Iwas Mr.1 WaU's boy; • ' . I . ; ! ' ¦ ' ¦ : 1, ¦

Mr; Hodnett said tbat on tho last day the bench oon-Tioted on the evidsnoe of Mr. Wall1* witn sss.'and nowfrom the evidsoee it appears that uadoab »dJy the boywo* Si common perjurer, . " - j" \ ' ¦ ' \ :- ¦

' Mr] William* asked {6 have tboj besih make; anorder to oompal Mr. Keating to make fu > to* f«n«es.Mr, Hodoett said that Kistiog was prepo «d to swe»rthat he built op the feaoee, and newmanjuif b« faondtbsUjrambled down. He would ask to ;oavo speclsloosts ttiven ia this ease, as it was now [clearly provedthai ttt*» was faUe iireafiBgoa U»»S4urday. < i

A 'Jaestldn tneaj aros* as to wlistlifr1 tbe land WMfatteninit p»«tnr«iandornot. Ia ttie fo me 6s4»'thaaoe>onld ba6nsshillia*ahead, aidb tbe l»tC«y«d.«kAi',. X U «o»H »4,TB <«««*» tot 7W, 6d, dMi4f*>. - TBASsrsB or LIOBKSS.—Mr. rfodbett, on buballof JMU.'Fan*y, aDiilied fj» ,a tn j Mfli»«B»«rrronj'th« lkbi Mrs.' KtliT, of \W< sqoare.i C u iriMut < WasMUs! iFaher to Mrs. >K«Ure servlo* bt fo m sae dud t•M. HodnsU:¦< Shews*. .'The x l d i i UH * trsSsfeiwitt'Wnly *p»»t« to« «SJ .'BU»>«•( ka«!*tah i(m objeoting osia obj*o« btfor* Ws )i at low, fUadC^WU«»Kyiu» aaW tofcMIss W ey hid **«J«oBf'anMngf Uw basta«M tofM r».K«I r I>r » kfef,4J*«:AtSI/«iey. ewoTD <Mmi: ffc* * ¦ lo ay;'tts5|«ie«ifor: sits.| Kelly, bto >iad>l»l Irtter t» a Brj. Kttl»'isori*Wri»notfo sJ ^«rfW»enss« Uj

M . Ib«tews^;•¦• ¦i :i - -T--- - ' | j ¦¦'."''¦";.' ¦ '¦ ¦— '¦¦ ':-..{rJ..?!.^T]

L 'm: *> :«ordJiii*'(bft«n,-Ht f t - p#. ««^

'•¦ Tjfl¦ t .i ; : .: ' ; : ¦ ¦ • . : ; ¦ ';:¦ : ; :¦ '

\ : . :!¦ ¦¦¦¦ p ;• ¦'

\W. l!\: lih VI 'K : '0\1 ; i. - i : -; : - ^

• :M ! i- : ¦ : - ., ::- x * : -M ;

I1 -: ¦ 1 il l m m. ¦ Na^sips -: Pi ^i iafgp

'¦fl ' V uuii fir J2«BfiC'""¦M * of-miWtWMfl >¦Ut SI r^^ BSiti''

¦¦% 1* ofwwwhimiii 'vu ihii : ..¦• ,y iiui *t ''*. i! '.; ']• i.: x$m inTiliiMvTanf dopii.f awMti '^ y ¦

61 ipl llniriyot shopkeepers W;«»' town ofxTirtetsah 0 ithTsTi eJtSptlowrt;' who! 'woreiinJaHrigrbm- ,p ojftf BB yv'telSng idrelgn Shoddy" in place b<iWuMJir&fi.'made goods.; No; nioHon wks,. mada:tibon t. '« | ' ¦ t i - r ^ l !'''' . '' .,1"""'' '' -

1 "' • ' ! '¦' ' '' ':" " ' ! ' ' ¦ liji;- ?:\. :bf«Ko»j0* rait"« ikip> :cjoMPpBAxip».''r . ¦ i! jKj jyL:iFyr7l i#^!>tbfi Dpndnioj,1Co.!T.JpWrwYJ;, |rnesM w .. Jt:Jis^bmMMitod iqa*,pauoe thatljaree sues, tbe property pf. to* >'. Latid

<fcrnp n,:i;aMtf»c^;wUh;nun«e, or-seab, o .th*Unds >f, Cloogh»Mlh,'fle«r .OpWenj. ; ... .• , . . ¦ . ;, ¦ \ }

•''¦ t jl;.' - '^ J^


pH!r,.Sergosnt, BJ,C. :. ':'.:}The .O rktTiPwm pnlo». ; , .. - . ; .; ¦ < : . [ ¦ ¦ . ¦ rjrvj4</»pqrfc waa.'also/read ,tha,t.a .cow,:: ave'.year»oiai -1 as BUHerinff/from lung'aiaease in anomer <us-<tltW'iI '-tneonion: - . • .; : . ¦ ¦'¦¦l - ' ' ' • ' • ¦ < '": l'

'I-1'- ii W0iUtH0U8B>K>f—^*D| TAEiTUMJlt;-- '' ¦ : ; . [' [A: little 'Workhbhse1. boy;<Sauie ,before/the .' bobrd.abd' ia- 1ne-lwas"1eri ed'1 witn-a farmer 'Bailed;JEV>*rc ij who ha4 Beveg.cpwg ; be (rave bimj(boyl 4orcldth< s and no'money, thbugh.; e ; worked with him

ifl.v4 4°nins..j7i ,. , . .,.[ ¦ • , '"j: ''¦'¦¦ '- - / ¦' / ¦ • ¦' I . '"' ', . I Thi Cjluirmaneaid, U. .this : statement be truo. it

as ,TOi^. a ', fa)e»tmenj. ; Tbej. boy ; ,was reared inthe! wprkhouse.r.tfhe"porter! stt,id,'.the, boy's master

, told q(ai !tbey co.old get no good, of him, and said bywjas. in tho habit of sleeping[Onti , He (boy) said be:

.wduld'. nit be jet In.' Mr. O'Brien'.: He :musfc tyedfspb.4iant.: % iwai; .however,., admitted to the

;hpuseLa4a bls m? tKr4trccted to, bo written to, ' }, ' .| A'ciharge was.oiade igainstl CollectoriO'DonneU,;to yftichithe bqardaak'ed him to reply by this day!Week. , ' ' |'.

¦• ' ".-: ¦'.', . :. .

' . :. ¦ ] ¦ '

<' ¦ ! ¦ ¦;

j !' ; . . . .. . . ¦ . ". ¦. i

,'j A1 liter, waa read from the If . Q. Board complain^ing :tha't! the collectiont of rates jn the .union: wasjverv backward, there beine over JB7, 00 due. .The 'bpardj urged upon.tho collectors to be more active.

, A guardian said' it iwaf hard! (jo . get in rates with.soph; weather aa. :wo have ; at present. The Chair-.'man said that, same persons , who say they canttpity had plenty of. money to take out of the. bank^.1They5(dolleator8): were,,then called upon ,to collect1,000 erery fortnight..- , i ' . : . . . :

. [' i i |0OTTAaBS^"ii»TT*B FBOMj h. Q. BOABB. . ¦ ' '¦

I ] A. letter was also read from tbe L. Q. Board stat-ing tbat {Where a cottage is to be built in pursuance,of tb ' order confirmed by Ac^ of Parliament, no;dbpar^ure can ,be < made, from (tbe plot of groundmarlc&dj On the denoeited maps.; If it be desired toobtain an amending order; under, section ;10 of thoEabonr^rV (Ireland)'' Act, 18S5, the sites; formerly'fiied jnpon can be;0banged under the provisions of.that ieotlon. It is .not necessary! that a local inquirySpQuia be Bern berpre.saon amenuipg oraer is made.Mr. Prenen explained astotbe necessity of changingspine 1 iltfls. Mr. O'Eyan 1 If wo go in for many obangea, 'we mi ,y as well give up tho building of tha 60 ootugoa1.,The letter was marked " read.". ' ! <

i - ! LkBOB BIPOTATrON OF LASOUEBBB IN TBS ' j¦ l : | - j - ' ; ' '¦ j BOABD-BOOk. ' . - '¦ !! A Urge dopnUtiott of labourers; from the tattln dls- !

Wot, JioarTippomfy, pamo before the board to ask thoKriardians: to push1 on the bnilding; of their cottages.The B*v. M. KyanJ C.C, Lottln, who headed the dopu. 'tajdoa, strongly impressed; on tho board the necessityof Nat bnbo . rrooeeding with tho , work. Ho quoalionedsome bf I the labourers as to their present bouse 'aoooia-modation, whioh they described an awfully bad—in foot,stme of them, with teu and twelve in one family,'livingaltogether in one miserable apartment ' TheiCbairmanhbped thu board wduld: shortly, be in'a position to build 1800 hoaaea, but tbe guardians were very short of build- :ing odntraotors. Mr. U Bnen said in Limenck ujniontheyland for the, oottagos' was taken : before the money •was paid.* Mr. 0'Ejao thought that was not the law j;be!be|ierod our chairman and board were most anifous:to go on with the cottages'. Mir. Culliuane thought oar !legal advisor knew nothing of the working of ' the Aot.THB t»BO&EUa " ACT— BEMCNEB1TION TO 6P7ICMB 1.'; THo Clark (Mr. W. B. Eoardon) here said he couldnot give even on: epitome of bis work under tha La-bourers'; Aot, bat would leave the matter entirely inthe handf of the board, belie ting, that it would do him(olerk) every justioe (hear, bear).; Mr. Callinin thenproposed his motion, of whioh he had given notice, tiiattae question of remunerating officials under the La-bj)dr6jrs' Aot be ': taken ' into consideration.' Mr.Oj'Ddnoghue (assistant olork) then read a number ofletters from several Irish unions, showing how thadtf-fdrenti olerks and eogineers were paid in them. In someof the unions tuero were no cottages built. In Lime-risk onion .£120 wa» paid tbo clork, and only 210 cot-tages jereotcd. In Iosmore, where sixty cottages are iaooarsf of erection, tbo olerk was allowed £50 ; in Wa-terford £70, though no cottages ; woro built. In KU-triallobk onion the olerk was allowed £120, thoughonly 120 : cottages were built. Iri Nenagh ! nnion theolerk Was allowed li per oant. on'the'outlay. la this,Iho Ttppomry onion, 6U0 cottagxjs were proposed to beerected, and 376 sanctioned, whioh.'ore more than twitetbe number of cottages in any other union In Ireland.A| letter was read from Mr. O'Dwyor , solicitor, to thoboaxdi stating that he conld aot possibly tell, what biswork Would be under the Act. ifr. f itipatriolc's (thoengineer's) bill was next read, amounting in the wholeto £223 3d. (id: Tho Chairman said this bill lookedbig; bnt no doubt a great deal of work was done. Mr.Pitspatriak said he-could not pay atr-hiro and do theWprt Joss than 5 per cent. . : 1

After a very long and dosoltory disoussion, on themotion of Mr. John O'Eyan, it was agreed to offerMr, Fitzpatrick £220 in fall payment of ocoount for-nisned, and 2| por cent, on the contract prise forsnperjntending the 60 cottages In courso of oroction.

1 Cn»NOiNQ.8rr£B.—Mr. Frowen banded in tho fol-lowing notloe of motion 1—" I horeby give notioo tbatI willj on this day fortnight, move that the board op-ply for sa amepdiag prorUional ordor jto enablo thesanitary autbority to cluaKO tho aitcs of cottages inoriginal order, where necessary." ¦: ;It was then about 5 p.m. when Che board adjoarnodtho romunoration to the effloiont and obliging clerk(llr. Beardon) to that day week.


[DEAB 8IB,—It is hard lines on tho Bank of Irelandto; bo run upoq, ond obligod to prod nee toas of gold.B^me poretoas are vexed with it'bo&ase it did not Dockup the rotten Monster. Why should it P The Bankof: Ireland does all its .business in Ireland—its direotonatjejrlah—iU elerks'are Irish.—so are Its porters evon.Itjis, tboreforo, patrlotio to pounoe 00 a purely Irish in-stitution ?, , Toe only, thing I find, fault with it is, Ithidk I it oufiht, like the bank of England and othorrrcit istabliihraonts, fublish its accounts. I b'elleyeiit haa gold enough to meet any 'emergenoy. Bat itot ghtjoot to hold its big light under a bnahel.

Vyaterford, Wednesday. ' WATBBFOBD MAR. !:

'. ! . | .


': \

'. . . ' " •

» i— ;

.i '¦


Kear the .rULwe ot ZlUliigJorl.i in Lowor Austria, IITOSMiria 'Hnas, an inunigent and ladnitrlous woman, whosestory of pariical sutfeHnjr and final relief, u related bjr uer-.salf/islol iotereat toEogUib women; " I was employed,•hp luii, "la the worjc ol a Itrxe brmhoase. 1 urerworkurbagat on tick beadacbe, followed by a deathly Inlnllng,ana I deknew 01 tbettomjoli, autil 1 wus naable to retainei'ibr food or driak. I was compellsd to tike to my bed for(efenJi weeks. Ueltlng a litUe better Irom nxc and quiet,:Zsougbt to do some work, but woi won takeu with a puln lamy ludei whioh In a Uttla whllo uemed to npre4d orer myWttole txidyjund throbbed In ercr/ limb. ThQ was followedbyj d caogb and thortnets ol bnutb, until anally I ooald not•ewj add 1 took to my bed (or the eoooad, ond, aa I thougbt.'fof thf last time, My friends told me that my time Hadneatly come, and tost I ooald not lire longer than when thetii «p put on their ftwffonoe more. Xben I happened td getona oi theBefMltumpUeU. I read It, and my dearmotuerb0 3ih*oia» bottlo or iStt l't Strop, wliioH ftook 'e»»ctlr

'Caoordlng to dlreotltmj, and I had tun! taken the whole ol' itrbelartiljelt a great cbjnto for the botter. My Ust Ulaeatbet^nJmneSrd, 1883, »nd[continued to Avirort 6th, when Ibeeaino take tbe Brrng. I Vary soon I ooolS do a ilttlo lightwork; The oongh left m», and I was no more troubled inbreath ax. ' Mow I art perfeotly cared; Asd oh. how hapnr14m ! foonnot express naiitade eno&gh for BolgBl'i Syrup.

-H9W A nut xau you viu» sao 'ioaroru 111 OUT auain aiitn-baUd lasdbUU cautioning pooplo agulott tbe uiediaine, Ul-

.lidar tl em it wtmld, do then no gooa, and many wore therebyinfluenced to deMrpy, the Seigel p«mphleU 1 but sow, wbejr*-erp^oieis to be tonod, ii.ts keut Uke.a rello. The few pro-•errei! ture borrowed to r*iJ, audihare lent mine for alxmiw« ground our dlitrlot. \P«op!e have ooroo ei liteen mile*togHmeto tray tbe modlolaefor them, knowing that. itooridime.juidto be rare'.to,get the tf*ht klad.i I know *W(>mai whowai looktsg Uk*' death; and who told m» iherjwa, nc help for her. ttat ihe had oonsalted aevenl doctors,bat no i» ooald help her. I told her ot Belgel's Hrrap, andwtoW the nanie down'for cer that •he mlgbt makono mi»-tnkf 8ue took n; adrioo ud tho Syrup, and uow ihoU Inperfoct heolth;»nitha pooplo around'n* in amtied. Tbemac tcina hai niidj snoh prorreas ia our. nelgbboarbooa thatdeo ue|siy thei don't want tha doctor any more, bat theytiki 1 tbo Syrup. SaSersra from gout who were eon&ned totnairaea juia eouia nar<Uyl mot« » nng«r, Juire ron rawiby iLl-Tberettsgirl In oar oistiiotarbo oanghtii ooU brgoiqg'throagU some water.'ssd was iln bed are y«ars witbao nr ne** *nd rbonaiaUe pilnm, and had to bare an atUndontto:. mjch, bjiH3r, , rhfpe mi not » doctor iq -tbo wrroundiog-dirt ricts to whom her mother hid not applied to nUero , Dor«hJl&< - bu( «verV pne eros»«m»a;v«», «nd»M Ihejr pouldsot typ Uer. Wb«oer« to* UtUe bellr»n»wUlehjto rung- inoar Miss wbonj aonMbod> ia daad, w« (thought sniely it VHfor: i*r, but Belgel'i Syrap andWU. *red her U;«, and nowsbalMs hMlthr M anyboarTgoe* to chorob, »ad 1 cjn workere; , lo the fiSJi.. Ererrbodr wmMf"i»b«i "•«» »•«>/ .»«hirion ;, kn«>ri«g how minyiears she had beeaia bad. To-dijih 1 adds her gratltaOo to gtlaa for Ood'i mercies andMrd'i'B/rW ' - i ' ' ! • M»s»* aus. .¦

Q ' •'¦, 11 ' :—< •' i ' 1 ' ¦*. . I ' '-ESTABUJHSD NIUELT: iiO YiiiiS.—White's C«!o-

bratedMbci-Main-Trasses. Butgts Trasses, from tfy ;ijbltTrasses, from 18s; Beat fr« from obserfsMonii&l ihtT- : ¦: I - • ' - v ln'1-1»VYmT*'s Moo-Mim Livsa TBCSS IS thvuratt1eotive isvBntlon fot tbe treatmertof Herpl»j~Thee ofa atetl «prlnft,» bqrtf ttl to «$• •ff"et*« fy VR1 '-Tfl;bw«MB#*« ff°« rottn,S1s^'v • «&*;Iplsito r»st«UD(t_ power (a toe Moo-Wslnt jibd Patent nUver1, fitting mtiohi ejs» andM eUeiss that U'daunot-bo date«ted.''Bead'fpy deaf rip*ttolkQUtMtbtMttaQtWa »n4 prioe*,'to <<> WiwaOoJ (United) 828; Hooidilly, Cindon. " Do not bar1 JbimUU.iwbo often »eli*u HHSr*Tl0»o» otir Moo-s a,, j J. White and (Jo,*av» no«W A«aoto. -, . -,;'J 'UkoAT Aif JStfrlOWAKD ttOA*»MK«88—AJljRor{ Dgfroro irriUUon of tha tWo»t and nowrseneM11 b^oipree»blysurnrisVis4thesJmostlmniBdUtertllelc rdWT by tie o»o>f" Hrown'* Bronchial Xrooha*.';e>« tunous "los«ng»«';»r« >»9W sold bi most ro*Wtabia Chemists iiothUoouritry»tla, 1 Jdvper bos.c ,\. tro lo ltha- t3»oo igb.>' sKoold,": >rinoiW »ffeoti6nii,o*ii

ty th«a}opsoon,4ili 1« rtnrabks f aliaireditfWMC Ms r*sn» In.ssrioniI Qtorv arid !AsUu«sjUo **•«« ons, [ 8M tUi tfi«a U'Bnwtt's BroswUa^ Troefcw ,'•*? on «(• Oorarnn t ittjmp iroi»d: aolv bo«. J r*ps«d hr John I,ppp3:g|#

mmmm mm

: S feJ fe;, TlraivS. M ?;o flUllitag. T «#bri»»V»«mhMM)foi'iBa>>8ou;Br.Jabsiiofn8a]b Jrownfl eafot

TP^SATBfO^ POWDBB. ' "-"•¦¦• 'J" :,' ,. " ' "¦¦¦'JjiLi'j. .'... 'i.-Up€ ' -.( . ..UotUn»;to!Sansi lt ' ¦ : ..

UATUJOIB^POWDEE..! -,i l .i .JJ ' , .. > ¦¦ ' - -

^ ^ ^Un^4 ftd : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

^ B Pdwdati so' oaUbaCett; 1M ^l«?iftUlSiSwB

'!? 'S?6'strt>Jtte<^DCWj^W.KAg, '.MPTHK ^ St 'JSA * jftf

bafd a tthtcmir 1 war<' It u(lav»lu>Matot4k»to tba'iMiaMa.'i

¦ ' ' l i :"' ; wpfeits'' tit; .ximtDRE*,* 1 .: i' ¦ ¦. ¦ ' ¦ ¦


> tS 'CHILDEjBMf, ., . , r ,Art easily, sureTy, trid with perfaet WWT gotjrl J of br

osingKuiuArB Woaa'Tuuns. 1Tins,- Jsvl|d.e»cb> ;¦ . ,i iWtoBSB . fe I>DA 1S ¦ " CABMINfrIVJE.iiTbis:J3i .nnaqnalled Mmedy. ls entWly tee ttom '*p.Orfates; or , noxious or stron* aoting Medicinei »Hft.effeot'UInstant; , in relieved Infant*. from OBIPBS,.WIND, COIJIC, 4O, It is gparanWed a!simple, b»rol-less Mediolne. No one in' charge of a.Bs6y should bewithout it. Prioe ls. per bottle «t ChoMlsts. Or f(rte onreooipt of that1 sum by THOMAS KSA.rf .sH , Chemist,London. .

¦ ¦'|' :- '- ' :

;; ' ¦ '¦ . ] \ ¦

> 'P*15-

' the HEW OBIDHXAL BANE ;. . - , ! : '¦ COBJPOBATION/LIMlTEp.' :

,.CAPITAL' I ... j l ... . . '•' , ' .;. -«2.00$.MOPAID UP ! ... ; i • . ' ... - . 1 ¦' -.' ' 600,900

LoNbON, 40, :Throadneo41e-Stroet;.EDirrBDEOH,23,¦ 'St! Andrew's Square. Branohes ' and Agencies In-; India, Cbinal Jspin; the Straits BotUetfients,'and the

-Australian Colonies, • ' I . ' , ' 'nrnpE DmECTOES are now receiving applleabousJL ! for 4 pei) cent Debentures of £10 and upwards,eeoured npon the Freehold Bank Praam<es in tbe Cityof f jadoa and elsewhere. Ctedltots ol the old Bankcan lubtain S per Cent. Debentures for; tha balance ofthele claims. : 1 ! ¦ „

TKo Bank reoeives money on deposit^ buys aijd sellsbills 1 of exchange, ' makes telegraph trunsfers,1 Issuesletters of brudit, forwards bills for collection, andtransacts banking and ogeney business gftnerslly.IHTIKEST ALLOWED oa Deposits of £10 and upwards.

Fited for 3, i, or 5 months, dt 8 per cent per annum.Fiied for GorO months „ 4 I , ,,Fixed for l jeor certain ,, 4J „' „.Fjted for 2 years -. ; . ... „ *i „ „

, , Fixed for 8, 6, or 7 years „ 5 < > ; ,1Oarrent ocooonts opaaed and oheok books luppUod.

Interest at 2} por cent, pec annum j allowed on theminimum monthly balance,'if not boW|.210O. (T Pay and Pensions ' drawn. , Insaranoo Premiums,dob 'Subsoripllons,' and other periodical paymentsmade at a uniform commission of i per cont. ¦

Securities bought , sold and received for safe custodyfrom constituents of tho Bank. Interest and,DividendsodUocted.. i ' ' I I, Drafts issued, npon the Bank's Eastern Braeohes atourront rates, free of oommisslou. Blif l.a oollsbted ornegotiated, and every description of exchange businessooudtioted. i ' .

All necessary information atifl forms cAn bo obtainedbjf aoplicationto the Agency; 23; St. Anidrew's Hquate,BJdiriburgh j or at tho Hood Office , 40, Threadrioodlo-

• StieetM»ndoa. ¦' ¦ : , ' I ap24.1y. : ' ROBERT TUENEB EOHDE, Secretary.

Not lotay to Protect but . to Promot * Trade, , an*¦ ¦'. ] : ¦ bring Good Men togethti. '¦, ; : ESTASUSHBD I860. < jFlint ond Co-'o British and Foreign, 1 : . commercial Inquiry Offloea.

HEAD OPPIOES:'—58, • OHBAWDE, Lon-dd 1, and BOW LANE. London, E.C. :

He- *—a Bankrupt. Ftilnr* for £30,000 |Jn loss than ayear's trading. Sot Tettimoulfls sea below; aato efflcieooyof onr information In the abore case. Aiotbar £i,00j (FiveThootinds PoandtJ «»vod to oar lubieribers. N.B.—Not

' ! : • one of them victtaured that inquire of oa.TERMS.—Subscriptions ! ; Three : Guineas per aonmn i 10,

inquiries, six stomps each inquiry ; extra inquiriesta anyontfyear, Twoandtareopenoe eoob, orTenpoonds per hun.dted. Debt eolfaotinst in jll parU. ; ;

1 I , . I aiSTIJIONIALS.From H. Oielcud, iron merchant, 65, Orooechurcb Street,

London, E.0. M Norember 19, 1879.—Keccntly; actinjuponyour adrioe, Idoolined to Mil to a certain Arm othorwliothan for immedltata cash, and sow I hear they har filed aTtM t it tf tn 1M KnnMntiinn. . . '. : :'' X biro mseh pleasure in bearing testlmonv to the varao otthollotormatloo reoel»ed through you in this lniunoe.—Mcirns. Flint and Company." ; ; i ¦

Memorandum from Cromar, Soott, and Co., Iron morchant.Neptuae Work*, LirerpooL—" Neotone Works, LlterpoolNoVenfber 2Mb 1 1879.—Bear 8ir»,—Be a Bankrupt, and roarmemo; 18th wattnt. We acted on the intonmtlon you up-plied us in reference to 30,892, and thereby atired slota an-donbtcdlv of £50 >. From what w« bare som of our planfor obtaining information we think yon dejflrrlojr of very.•apport, and we •hall certainly recommend.yovwheneverwe ca>i. Thankint you for your attention to our inquiries,we 'remain, roars truly, Cromar, Scott, and Co., per Wm FW BeU-Mes«r* Flint and Compuny." I !

liMl LancasbCre Paper Mill Company, Limited. Bsddifle,noj^ Manchwter. (members 18 yeorsi.—" Sin,—We.doabout £130,U>0 per annum. With .tbli 'we do not nuke £30a year bid debts. Tbi* we attribute to the excellent lnior-maliod ' we rceeire through you. N.B.—Send as another £Uworth bf oheques.—Measrs IOiiit tnd Company. [ - .


i ; " ; " ""\' ~" 1885. • . ¦! ' ¦ ' i


ij . 8TE0HELBA0H <Sf GO - 1,1 . ; ' tiiblT MAKEB8, $c, j

(Late1 of 69 and 60, SOOTH MOI/TON STB««T, "W.),TJT. SPE0L&.L APPOINTMENT to H.E.H.JO 1 the Princess of Wales and- tb'e Empress ofAustria, &«•. ,beg to inform Ladies that theii pre-sent place ot Business is at

15, CLnrPOBD-STKBET, BOND-STKBlCr, LOMOOH.Best Treble:Melton Biding Habits in any cplgur,

£3 ; 8s. ; Mild Melton ditto, in any colour, nt pro-portionate prices, .rben i paid for [on ordering.Patterns and self measurement papers on applica-tiod< ; ¦ !

CASH K CREDIT. 1 ! jAll 'Orders *IU be executed to time required.

P.O.O's. made payable, Vere StreetJ All articlesguaranteed to! be tbe best, fit perfect-, latest andnewoet styles.! , Cheques Crossed "B«nk of :Eng-und," Burlington Gardens, W. : • <¦ ; i

Wonctorfal for the Hair. . !¥\O 3S YOtJB HAIE FALL OFP, OB T JBNXI QBljT.i&o. ? If so, use B08ALIE 00U-PEliLI'8 CBINUTBIAB, noted all orer ne woridj orlUimlrocol nwpropetti**, and a* the only remedy thatoas Mdepend* d npon. I It is sn*r»nU©d to prodnoe whisker*,moaiuibiot'io.j in a few waeki.and will b* found enrt-DonUv jaooenful in Bourishlng, carllnf, andi beantHylin thshair t «Juwking rJreyneu.strenKthenln; weak,hair,prefeatfairUf«Wu off . and restoring it in baldness from whole««r

cTaseTiOpwards! of 100 physicians have reoommandtd it lalienorfirr, (or liromoUng % fine, healthy h»*dcih*lr,udarertiajtialdnessinalter years. In bottles»rio»2s.etoh.

"lwttV bald nine yean, bat I and newhair oomdnjra-Bldli -J. Hone." 'Thanto to yoor rtoff .U have i» ex-Salientmonstach* »n4 whisker»r-MBjor Browne."; V Ih*4lost mr hair a catches, bat it has restored ltJ-MissHewitt. '' " Altar 20 yean baldnM*, U has acted nUruo-

ciH, Sold at T«» K»w» Orrici Waterford. .! .

Tie 'kn the Bedi, Tio in th» Face, Tie 'in tht Ouml' '\TopihdtK*l and Nervou$ and 8iek Btadae «.

rruiaEBL ! ONE DOSE npldly t»Ue»e« tho Urrlbl*•i"r r J pains arUlog from NeonSiia to thei^.ead,r t i if i n'rv.L Vaceache and Toothache (even wh4n pro-.1 • r- i ©esdlng from a decayed tooth.; renderingmmlM. extraction paneoessary). | . ! •' ¦' 'flKHEEfi ; It U notpreUndodto bekcnro fo*«rery¦*¦ ' ¦ i acb* and pain, bat a cerUio and safe rv-TlKHSEL I medf forTio in to* UMd.'Tic'ia tM Floe,. *• -t ; ! . - . Tio b the anm»> Toothacba, and KarvoafpiinEEL ¦ ' (ind 81sk Hc*d*nhe. '_ - I , !

1 A ' ¦' ¦ '1 ' ! . ' wtn tv'nmliji. - ;

rrvsmZL. ! . The BeT^P. A . ; VwcmnV rB.D-.rntB-nrRt I ' Hector of EJs ed;, Trejffbrd, 4c.,irplKHEEL. I ¦ i n&u] ir itSrsii follows 1+. , 4miKT&FL i ''! a»»e taken twb oottlw bf yoiif.TUt-

,V,tvrrvrT i oouidhavbimUofomtsd afUrlaanrfWnotTfKHSBI. . ago,,, , itUA *u •pedlles «no«n,

_ . : ! j and ojbfnltodBhyiictaM without»«eirln«OUKHZEL. I iuy oeaeat;' rshaU begladto'MpfjjiU B»rJ. ; . : . ' own exiMiiMtoalliiuialri«*«a to tb>«fl>etT"lKHiEL o( thU invalubU nmed>(,, I hoi* thisX * ! U»timoaUI, if it will. .noi waoiu you, will

/piKHEEL, j at leufsxUUfBV jnUluiU." jTrvupt-i ' 17, Aron triei, Kuiohmter.IKHEEL. OgimiM^My ttife **££* wUh TIo«,™-«i in th» y»»4«nd*«oef.0f t#pBWptiMi;-.T*oTtKHEEL. dosesof Mor mibed miS *zrelitf 1 thi,¦¦*•'!• - ' -I flulsned tl>«i)OtUe,'»na f h4 .pali hai aevirTIKHBEL, retstnsd. I oajbl toteUjOBttatUloiheTX . , rem«ai»f («Ad s»» »ook.(tn*D3r) WUd toa lKUJUCL.. !, B»-^l»'iwto .{{»fe*»jil ii ; ' 'ifTiIKBKEt. ; . it^oDo.nJowth.Tootlukh.toTiRTtsrT. ' *W*\ ?«MIW ar* iat Up»e»as^ peon-

WUUUtBL I X"1 Potent medkins veiKlor»«,l Sb, «d.VTV > PAMIW FOST ?¦»>'/orm$£J *''PIjcaiEI, < Stamps 611 P.O.O: frdm|th# Hattnbb-'A ' -r " ¦ I tu|»rsi: "I '


¦. . : I ' ; ' i


.: THP >AT OJIBITAXIOIT A*U 0pB0Hl-r8o» B)e»tand,dryi»»i, U<ikUn» tod JrriUtioi,,Ind* ia| 4o4| H MkAad«rtiu£tt»rDlo.. ort]M«uymnWi.f o»»] OT»'«0U, MttM'JiJabW. X» copUrt with tiiiUads»i tb* 1 u/mmii W/4J*•rrtW jr Vh. »«'ot snek?rt,\MO)J.«toffBmi %«>able; ooWeeUonv Uoom** iitf rtlf ' Waliaj ¦> to»l < »JT l»Homojppithlo ci«mi»tT Letodoo." Pt-U<h m tj f * <m *Dlf workon •• No** and Taroit W»»«»»» u •< pf. » 7 Tfc» tHy^miip* it Job** jMMnd tr'JttiamKnt 'MWrMMoKQwdott.Holme*,|btotoJ?a«43ao~»o5* iHWWPnl:f»tt*>l "T cr 31y irtB* JaJdM* •< «0a*VUH»l4 M4»m Vt/Uk 1,

de JSSf.W4sBlr*Hitt If '8s.««S^AwJtmmt*•tMfr'BMk f t & t &QvM L bst II i* f*« ittlosjHrlHM I

wMmmmmwmPiii iwmmmmm

» i h-- -f - iamW^ p i.y c-y v i'- • ¦ ¦,» ,1 1 . ¦ ' ¦' ¦< • ¦ rtf &wtitoiAiniiff 1!"*'''-:'' ¦ '"•• ' "¦¦ '• -'

LOLMAN S M5TW0:m; "KlftGHETIOOr 1: PAT€HJHJ.: J ESS'Sffi l ^ ^S*ri»~.i *:~. 1. «'<,«nJ.J,«» »- 'a/, (lilr* AnA IUlief rMaml,»rtMt *H *b»<ttbUUlPt, mmW J%ejAlt»ttas

'\ral Debility, 8pvuU\-0omplainp >,i P rcdy iU, tyxxi *SSbttb+m\i

«*tigtif om,S7«/a < . \- ¦

. . . fnf cg eition, Liver: M.\4Mi» V Coiwiow i, J u f ^ i^ ^ S^ i^. JrtlZtuL.Dutptpti *, Q')»HU>ation, 8or6 !lAro<U,- bf Tluow^B^&r^Sffi fc^nd^wfth.¦ Weak Chert aucUrungvl BrmuHiiti;Nei6raigid,\ a^ » iwg '«^ »WtoWtos^

v.siiroN 'of P' ^ n^^BHtsjLOno; TjgppgB's'QrjI^mE-aadilBOlJ JTOMIC -Nerve' InvigOrators, CbSSt PrOtectoW,Turoat'lTrc- J^/BottJes-jfaeiitoWir**"««*i—m<i *.«A. iconictecta i, 6pWe Band*;' ifnetf 'Capf, Bole*> Sciatica l^m wm emo^ IivStiov'l55 ,Too» lAppliances, Shoulder au4'i;et<AppH«ces,Arni Ap.; S te^TgjJSJf* ^I S^ 1pliinces. Wristlets. NeuhilgLiJ .and Sleeplnsr Caps ^*5jg?LSrtSftr bdS-tlfST ¦ *"*&**•

6K . \ Pamphlets contn<uirig; meVlxal- testimonials, VT^pipn.0,0 Anmrwp' irla TaAn / enmnlist of ourPes, and en.jrafiinfb tioD/ wnt poSt

^^ ^ ^ ^SSi SSS^T(*PP_' ' ' ' h ¦¦ ! ' '' ¦ ' ' 1 ' ' ' all /Mimnlifc a ¦dtl« ; k*M l i i l l IHH>lsl -» -¦- — ¦ —

A FEW OF OUR lATSS T TSaffUOSIAL S1 : RHEDttATia GOOTi <^^WaUrperk, Castlwioanfl, Co.. Ltaeriek, Wh Jnly, 1835.

I hare mnoh plauior*ih Informiag yoa 'thaj the KnS*C**jI got from you on my way tbxottfhDubUi • few weeks s«ohas don* my knee mash good I and alt&ougB u ret it is not'altogether bee from i «,i I dan walk .mao> better andstrongsr. ' Jutta H. ?aM>*; (LleaK3oJonel, Tb«Honor»bU);

BBO^CHrnS AHli'DIFFKjD'LTT 'OF BBEATaiNO. ,EosbSrVjD, New Boss, 5th M«yj lffl5. !

I wUh to testify ot\ having Oerlfed v«rygTejtroUef endbenept to ray ferealhinj »nd ohe«t trom tho »e*riM«/yoorMa tJo LimFInTljor.tor dnrb,th» Wt »ixmootbj;;

,'. ' 1 ' *

¦ , A*. WAXT£«¦ : ! : . . • • ASTHUA.' '¦' ¦ ¦

- :¦: ; EnnlikfUeu, CalFerminagb, Mth Jvraary, 18Bi> ¦

I »m glad- to be able to state that tbe Magneticoa Lang-'Inrigontor which I paroUUed irum yon *ome time in for 11 ¦frl«ad. Who wai .a great fflirirr to asthma. eSeeted, I may ,llmnat iM •.novfant unXli nlrtalnlV BST* him STSat Mllsf.and tinea be commtnoed to wear, it h* his not hid sachserere atUw^uhe wM tomerlrWbJect tO.1 • J WflirESIDb DANE (Boll tor).'; EHJEUMAT1BM IN THB HANP8. .1

I Bbolb«B,;B»u»U, Connty.Tipperary, Jan. 25, W65. ; ¦I un happy' to lutorra joa that joarMignetic WrUtleu,

which i am weariti/r, ! comparmtlTeiy tpeakiny, far « very•Uort time, hare completely Cared me of *,n>o*s dlsUrMcbl*abenxn»tio Section of tlie b»ndi.. THOMAS BUEKE.

; , CHB0NI0 RHEUMATISM. ,. ' Kilmsssao.Co. Meitb, 5th Jaon»ry. 1885.'

I will thank rod for your Fanipblot on your intention* and1treatment of £heam*tifm ana otoer abwues by Bean* ofyour Magnetic AppUiiMe*., From my experieaoeof them,and ths beneBdAl reaolu eflect*d by them, I can and willrtoommecd tbeir use to other* who are ioff«ring, ol harebeenforyeart, from Chronio BhcomaUsm; 1 ¦

. ; ., ' ". ¦ ¦ (Bev) J, FAOII, C.C: . SCIATICA. : . . ;

Mcontmill Cottage Eathiilly, Co. Carlow.mhI barerreat pleasure la informing yon tha mym ther is

very mopb improted tlnoe ih» get yoar Mkgnetic Appliance*last July. The p*in» iha suOervd from so long asd so merelyare cdmpktelj gone for tha lastt^roe months. " "'

: - - JOHN' X£H0E. ,; ¦ PAEJ8 IN THE SIDE AND OHKST.i' US, Straibunr Terrace, Moaut Pottlnger, |' : i ' , . ¦ ' BdJut, 18th September, I8M. , ¦Baring-snSemt for many ;nn from JntertnltUot p«lnj fa

my altt*and obeat. Lthonght I would Cry one ot your PatentMagsptlopn Applkncu, and ia October, 1B83, I TmrahaMdone from jon. I ain glud to «>y tbe effect has been aoitenurrellou, the polm are eutirely gone, and therefore I can.with conndenoe, reoommend yofr Laog Invigontor to allsuffering as I had been. Before 1 parehosiug your Long In-vigorator, I tried all anilable meuu, bat to no purpose.¦ ! • ' : " ' ¦ ' JoHir Scon.

1 BEONCHIAL COOGB AND COLDS.Hsiorlsn Qlrbe. Fethard, 22nd April, 18S*

I hare much pleoiora in stating that the Uagneticon chestf pplianoe which my wife got from; yon in Norember bit hasbeen of mtwh beneut^and hit quite oared a mo*t trying coogbfrom which ib* ha> *nilered «rery.winter, aad for mon thansix weeks prerioos to nsiag one of yourobert prescrren.


H.M/. Pri»on, BJUumny, 17th Deo., 1883.. Having .tor rears snner»d-fU>il' latterly I may say an-

oeiiii/igly for en months -from 3ci&tica ond'Immbago, ¦>

frieod who had had practical proof of tba good effects to bederived from tbe use of you tMlla, kindly *ant m* oo», andfrom wearing it I obtained a:mo«t immediate r«llef, tba y*iubare left me within ¦ f*w days : : :

> .- dnutn Em Brswun, Ooveraor.! BHEUMATIflaiim TUB HD«.JorNT. > ,Endowed School. New Bos*. S7th April, 1883.

I may unhesitatingly isav (bat tbe belt voa supplied mewith In October kit ha* been of immense nlus to me.Bhentaatlim in tbo hip-joint bad mad* ma almost • erippUfor months, when a Lidy adrlstd m*. to try your " Magastiocon," and since I got it, 1 very (eldoai nm oon»cloa» othiring a hip-Joint ,and cap Walk freely without •offering. Ihare hot had eoorag* td lejvo it oS • day (ince I got it l**tmy old enemy sboald attack me agnia. 1 have recommendedit to ureral people asd would da so itrongly to any on* whosuffers as I did. ; : • 11 ! Mr». HAEErETJ. W. HUNT,

i (Now ot Killymard Eeotory, Donegal.)SEUKALG1A1 ! .

Canada Street, Waterf»rd. Hit November.I bare now worn yoar MagMtla 8pin« Band for more than

two months, during which tim*:I;hare had no rvtorn ofcenralgla. I softerva.from that complaint for thirty years,and had an ittack of it nearly *ntr week, I tri*d almoikerory remedy for it, bni toosd 00 relief antil I appliad yourMasrae^JnHnfnii.ll&nd. . ¦ . I Rmi L. H1UM.

BHEOHATiaM. ,; FetDbrokestowa Trunore, Co. Watcrford..I feel , pleasore iri offeriag of testimony In favour of

your Uagnetia AppUarioes. ' ' ¦ iSince1 1 began wearing yoar j WaltV Belt (special

power), I eniojed ezcellent health, and have been qnitafree from Bneamatinm, to which I was prbriontly •ab-ject. : , ! P. W. PowerTj.P.

Letters requesting advio*. reoarye oar best attention.Co&Wtatioo. Free. J ———• ; ¦ - ;

wsxxosr,.* : co.;9, LOWIB SACxViiii-SrotrT, DtTBLIN.

Sole Manufacturer* of Edg»r W«tton's Patent Magnetioi Appllaooas.' '

No AppUanocs gemtine nnlees bearing-oar Name andTr»d»luark. •' TBl MAOnrnoos."' f&fi

Every Man Ma own PaonterMIXED PAINTS OF 8TJPBBI0B QOALITT,i Propsred by HENBT BELL.

nfulE increasing - demand tot Mixed PalnU, andJL the dlOcolty of boUialBg' by Importation a really.xelUblo 'article, ho iadnoed Advertiser to' prtpar* on hispromises tnd put op In 1; 2, 4.7. aodl« lb. tia», . '

ITWSTTT. narxaurr nils o»: Mixio Piin*.These,will be found to dry o,aicklr and «Ub s gkMS. Siringa good: body, they ar* very dantue aid w«*tMr-r*sisUtig,'v>4 (DecUlly mttod for F«nn Imi'lsmouU, OnKjffloM, «to.,«• i»rU »« ror inside Hou»o-f»lotiBl. ; i ' ' iThey can b* sppli*d for ey »nr perton, and mar b« tad ta;Dnngsxna. FortUw, VUtown, buuinor* East, l>OBcuB0a«Trimore, Jf rmm» Eut; Artbantown, eta, and horn th*Minnltctnrer, at 8J, QDAT. Rmf g*noio* tin b*an th»Maker's aim* aad tddre**, I : ;

HENRY BELL, OU, Colour, Paint, ud GlassMerchant, 62, Qoav, Waterford.

8tores -Exehange-8tr«*t.:; i [ ' . ¦ :Sp«oi»l Offer to Punnert. :

SHELL COCOA for Cilvns and Osttle, U. perStone or fti. 6d. per Cwfcin Bog*, free* Sold bv

HENEY BELL, 63. Quv, vV*Urford., : . : To ZnfUioa. •

I aoi now offering tba'B«e«« ' v :' J "JSK Vf SEASOK'S COD tlVEB OIL" (1885).rflHIB Oil, wbiob ; is nearly tasteless, is easilyJL Wen' ssA raaJtOy retailed en the *tonucb, bdnttWpora 00 Vis contused lathi eetim of tha Ur*r of tba trmb oodnth; and *ont*l*il, th« ooiJ««to«iiU of tb» oil la it»M>«*t

•tfte...» to imixnuatita obWa'thb Mad iiwot IWantrell»Wea.a»lUy. lor. if i«;<r*or rtneid, it would distnrv tbadigestir»i fanctk)n«,.sod be trUwitrt wltb,lnjario»»««»ots.Importadand *oJd by •.,.¦. . , I i i ; r . . . 1. HBKBT BaCCtamlaj tad DrBCgUt, Watarfort.

THE TTNIVBfiaAt 6ALAD DBE83IN0.¦FOR Bukln* SaUds; wit*' eipedltioa t1 it U also «x-A osOsst* wlfh «UaoB. ilobrt«,r OT er»», :sad hssbMcrafaronit* ana* wiih 00W muti • FWoox«l b»: BJJMBr HELLrMJQ'toy, VYaterford.\Utg» Assort««ni'VJBATO 8PONQE8. old ky

A hiUQH Btook M OBEBN-HOOSB OLAS8** out la aqoar**, «*<)' ptafcaj I* 1CU aad kM l«t box**.BpaoklaooteUooaoasnltetioato ¦ , : . ' ', toarBjELXTea, Qey, WatU>nu „

-_ , i i : " ij ' 'tficTriiicifc. ' ¦ .[ ¦: . ) ; : . , "¦EnWbBBDs1 of < jfottU W !! B. EtL'S COBNfoidkUJMvleinlty. PnottAotJ if »y ~, : :"•¦¦ttUn-'OUJi. OhJmUt.'ftl dwV. Watertord.Aa Lfai525J ptVl *U«2* Wafaw, HUks';


.mMES8BB! RBf iSi2! ! 5^ F ffi«!rj5!5 !ffl

Ml 11 1 fl l f i iaT SiaUaNaMH UV<*| ¦i*nriv~TI~"T~rT f*" mNMCvpHM OJV*tZa. &<&* mc*Twalka|t<lsUSIaFtS*S ^MfTwaiioiQoiaisa aal Iron1 bloTf> bro"*}/ ¦-Agn*7^cfcfic*TTf«.ksauotShaLiml JhcatiatiaB.IiiecjiairtPudj .BiiTltaaDsnos, Feren, to,\':. -, •¦ .

¦; , •;¦•' * •'. . ; !. .> L j ' -. - ¦.. ¦ : ¦

T>;UPPBE:8 QTnNIH33:»iidlEON TONIC isJL i stronglyrwranuaradads*. <->« r*|*1f4.aeo>os*io»Iand advautageoos mode ofUking ifaMrueBmt; aadlettAiThe«.. «d.BoS)eon*Jiai 1ii^^r»i a^ uSv iTtiliaaaUyyUstsId daygis Then«it'iiJi«bo»U«l»lit;»a««Wttotut *i4«y».. Tht.StcM Ausraold X iZ», mek,j mit)» nmiiyJx of thefa. 8d. BotSej. fha i'we ot JTtZStap . Uos

OUI/PHOLINB LOTIOir An ' external beans£?'- of Oturisg SktaDiasasas-/ '1liarB-l*»a»re*lrtB3r »r«p»Hoa bot will ykldto '• 8alpbobn»". U-*<(*w«V«, aa eoa-n encs, toifaia swxy. evta Uit'i>M*£Sfsjaieara. OviUuryflmples,Tadnea*< K^nas>;«oqif. «yBrtw<p<,.'v»ji<fc4>H bymagic, whQ«f old, epdttring skin f Jsorders,that Vva ftstnaataosnfforer* tot mrs, howrrtr Iwiplr roo«*<l they,'• SalpholbM" wUf«««auraU) »tt*tkTa«a/ It dart«Dy« tb«aninucaJIa which cafe*, thaw j(MighUr,*Ttt»l>l«, -p«Jnrttl•Jectloas iadalwiOTclddo^dc niiil fTiartAloon.ditlon ot the sU&r rSalnhaUsiCLLotion to sol* *rHostchamist*. , . Bottfeii Ss. BI CE-.V .V/ UI . : i.i :. ; : . - .;,; .. ¦¦

rruBAxAcuH ft vopomTaJQtt%smti nX; to the Lrrer.-A doie or this ecaAbtUUi U reeom

mended to any oa*;o< pT»InIn»'oM2^D»r*og«m«nt,mor»particnlarly whan Tistcg from stgb> poajastlem. By gaaUystimoUUng' thf Urrt Zid tUrbW mbvurtSa BoweU, thaheavy drowsy fasUnaad Haa laj-Ml*, ****»*&£/fains iathe Chesti and Back, especially ttta aUlor, k, 4Mfl#ed.TiBltiCOM ASS Fosottrixur ia luuia sabrCi It* a«tion UuaCaknnal or Vina FflL aM:oarUiilly'V<ntt*'«jntti in pow»rmremoring tb« ottaa'astraastoc tsKmriokao* and FaUaMaa."J.-TEPPEB, LoBdo»,"mnsibi>p»tnaLii£»ir. . 1 ,

iPOSTER'S! BITLPHir.B HAIB EB8TOEEBI: wflj, darken (Jriy Hair, Hid ,iat«. afs rdsyCaastors

complatalylha natmni oolanr.' WJilla kaaptecth* M *izit*propercoloar, it is6s»rnlfor rWorlngsoorf. T xkyjn's B»-storer >M jwv«»>ft.l <ll » «r~.Wt>i»'wt. «Pr i..-v^ tTjr-»Uo H^irJinU.; >. Larg* BoSlai, is. iL: ? HT, A ¦¦:LOCETEE'Si 8TJLPHtr;S'HAtrVBESTOBEE

wai darken. (oitiMtoraar. alisdeiJBilB thaCJla abao-lately "bite, in about Und»yi i bat wteragnyMa s, is iooa.mendng at tte front'and temple*, Ui* SoJphnr Wsshprcaopt.Iy ool<mn, rendering it andminraishaUa' from thsl'Moakwu not eb«ngaaVX*i«aBottl*»,lL«L«»«A. ; M»y^ELLAB'S^OBir

PLi STEB.'-Bo»s is, lid

JL/ andis. »d. ( Th» Conj,PK«fc>nara*.y«rt»i% ear* foruud ar soft cons; tley oomplate' ilrx np**4a*ntt«teMis<fol corns 1 tb«Bosion Plaster* BptorMnitiaay for'Bom(on(aadenlariod toa-Jomtav SoldKr ilflChamlsti; 'B» carafoli^Uar-s AafterskwaoimUea.- . . .". :'| ' ' :/ BACSOFT? ABECA mJTIOOTS KA8TEV^ -Bynsingt&bAromsxtotfaiiUftl^*

Ueth beoomae whtta, soond, and _j»li»hod lika (ran-. It U•xoeadlngty-fimgratt, and sp«ri«ay nsafal tor x«a»a*jbwiacratUtlonii of -urtuon nagjaetal CMth. - BoldW tllcSmM-1st*. -Pota.15. aad^SoVaiSa; ((M CBOWIVSJ. . ,

. - tf. u E B ;,r o »;.'AIL K;& •¦ • i ¦ . -¦ HouwywATs -v - oafr man:;IltiOBTAJtT IhsCO-mBT—JIO jafaHS' flOf>SSUJI)t.—The dixoove rf UrU_OintmenlhM|T»o>r»a»a farvilTi-

»blo boon to thousands of snj'erers i w6*nn»bbM overor nearthe seat of soffertBg, f ir i 'CTrj Beihairrlo PrOTxr-ties are conveyed to every pait that it nsalslaWardwonnds and uleers of tie p iWJdm, BcNnsr,br Vfoin,strengthens the sptnal marrow in otsiaf W risrrotjjl SrBXsk>nssa and dspTession, and all dlseejslssof iU-TnoAT,Lvaat, aud OK«ST< NO inviOH need i!«spsir Of tfare.whilst thin Ointnwat can be oWsitW j) fdr Uwrepata-tion it beus ia every qnartertl tiM gtobe. S Adfar DOTMout by thkincoeM it bj s^Uil^'OorrobotAtad as itk>y UatlTtKinials from parsons of ailelaioa* «»d bbtin-tries :

¦¦ 1

¦ • • ¦ J ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : < ¦!

Qoat 1lOMxnuTieic,xint Vtoxiuiitj -Jn *MtnijIormidiabla and dreaded djseMM .wtth nootsiaaljpaiins,"--T"-t tiritirliinffB. mnsrmUrnTimTrt iriflsdlslMcai; winyield, when treated by this OiituiMi*.J lavowaecii itmoreunDortant Uf have the i^rtaiTOt horottablvsadeffectnaUy conveyed Uironjh tbVporeis df t|««Uaiottaaffected ports,np n whiohlt vrill pria«|tt»sooiMaf im-flaenoesip bear, aad thu* pwd*os «asfv«o»afo»t aadsoonriiy.i Th.PUUsiu.tildaUol tekemtatopKjriat,doses to I""" tlwi tiiaiBi»iW,> i/ti < Mi^tAyTtfrMitT|li);DdiBAO Laos, BAiiIMsAtT«7j7»> yf i>VTn)255to 0uOTBATIONB OF AiL KarDS.-ZTa* •ppUajtttesi ol.thantmenthe ,l0a.r«o>»rk»k;i« mm*** «v«t7Uado{Uloeration, sortaai the stiff otooatn tiUmni Smm" prond'.1! flesh teJ oUsapiMsir; ctd fotU aaoVioMbosMdischarge to beanlacvnv»He'itittoi«lth7i>« *;, »oa wes^ eaeott ara »ntfavvmy,,»«i artradical sad permaaast : , " . ,,. ¦ . i : - . | . ¦¦ ¦. : if'. . - .

Piucs,: FISTULAS;, iTn mmrimrlifi ' T»*»iiiri *Hsimilar aifeotions ninstba carsfaBy1 toMasdaetcimbttoUn plan rooomintadedin thsiJriit*aiJistmetii)si«C\ Jtb»Oktaent nwrtbekppUrf dirKrtly to topjrtailfw**,and Honv« *ft *f a U wx$*ii< tSitKtitv*attttoe blood; arid to oeiUve th« lutsmal rrnpitliias *htn>are so fertile a oauss of this clii»»ot4k>W»f ' -». '•• *¦}>

DBorucAXrJs^riA«ana>T«r 8wwun> .tiwtif i'j u t aVxxioosi VKBS)—In th« r»t»5ioi?3Fwn®Ua»»Swellings nor«m «]a«istU>tUwo«J»w*^'OiS* provenb* the tor£>atio» f d *m»momKTimthM.mtU•a involvibU: rrajadyJor- ol ktof-JTctaSs Ut.charges j when flUjmlli nilitiifl Tnyi thljKilsslTsstsJ.tho worst^aaewillyWaXi moaipS tSriSlSS ^mof time, j

¦ ¦ ¦ I . .' ,

¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' - ' ' ¦ :

: , i ¦

, ,. ¦- . - .

U a yrUl3r,m for xlldl>iMa.rftt>.lr1s.wCTwptoplM,aado4 ««

t*j iia)<IUM**aV«l*Ma9tMta>' .': ~olciiedbj tW»iar»JaaWaOBJ|O^Bt., : I ; : \ yf M ; - >Both th * W m«*«foii4Pm»»»o«f<iM *mH»f imjM»+ *

Bad -Leg* " ¦ : ' ¦. 7«a lgl^Vi*i M - '-« »*i l^^BadBrearta ' ' lHrfnW.¦ ¦ ' Mr 1-1 : £SB sa2a- ¦ '-Bnnu .. ' - , ' ' ¦ '¦ - nnrrfc^-'- •;. ' ¦ ' 'i'.'i ¦?¦ 'IftSSn Bgg : % >i

SiSSLi.;. ; S i9ir SMai- mChappedlUadsi,):, KbT . : - :< > K $SSi35? "¦¦ •- ¦-Conte»ot*3»nd8ttf!r B*Maa*ttttcf U* :JpS5»"'*f'' , ¦. ''.'Jousts; : . ' . • 8or».Ml»Bi(» 1 1 ! ; <V WMi S>uV? j - ;.The OiribUt 4MpSWpLv^. . ! . Tl IT'S' ir^ fall > tip JUTjaM .'V'l i .ij'ft ' ' ' V '. ' ' . „78. New oxforatst. v&mCm *ZdM2m mt iialso by nt*rly^UmMUmtt 'M aMaj-'&lthrooghoot the ttvffisad WML ivJft £ud Bo mM'?Mls. lpL; 2s. 9i, *».<4., U* jPlhlM ! fejMJ iJK P

smallest Box ot. Pfljs faurjSnt i ixxXm »«5b »^^^ ffrll riij ilii iliinn^i mi«il>1i^1n i>s|''t>l|Jiftr

¦iiM^i• '" '¦i'i't WJiB-I - ' :'-*>', H$W*a