Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

Sparse component decomp Sparse component decomp osition (SCA) and its a osition (SCA) and its a pplications to EEG and pplications to EEG and fMRI fMRI XuPeng, YaoDeZhong, ChenHuaFu School of Life Science and Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI. XuPeng, YaoDeZhong, ChenHuaFu School of Life Science and Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Contents. What is SCA? Approaches for SCA Applications. What is SCA. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

Page 1: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

Sparse component decompositSparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications tion (SCA) and its applications t

o EEG and fMRI o EEG and fMRI

XuPeng, YaoDeZhong, ChenHuaFuSchool of Life Science and Technology, University of Electronic Science and

Technology of China

Page 2: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI


What is SCA?

Approaches for SCA


Page 3: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

What is SCA

信号稀疏性的度量( Sparsity measurement)

信号的 模

信号的 模




Page 4: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

What is SCAWhat is SCA

When a signal satisfies the above three conditions, this signal is said to be sparse or have sparse expression in the corresponding transformation domain.

Page 5: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

What is SCAWhat is SCA

Fundamental hypothesis for SCA

there must be some transformation domai

n on which the signal expression is sparse(not strictly proved)

Page 6: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

What is SCA

Fundamental hypothesis for SCA

When the transformation dictionary is big

enough compared with the signal size, there must be sparse expression for

signal in this transformation domain ;

Page 7: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

What is SCAWhat is SCA

Overcomplete dictionary 过完备库中的分量不一定满足正交性,

称为原子 (atom) ; 原子个数远大于信号的维数; 在过完备库中,信号的表达是不唯一的

(Underdetermined system)

Page 8: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

What is SCAWhat is SCA

How to select and construct overcomplete dictionary

Different overcomplete dictionary for different signal and purpose

Page 9: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

What is SCAWhat is SCA

Overcomplete dictionary kinds

Pure overcomplete

Mixed overcomplete

Special overcomplete …….

Page 10: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

Approaches for SCAApproaches for SCA

概率框架模型 (Probability Framework , PM. Zibulevsky , et al,2001)

最佳正交基法 (Best Orthogonal Basis,BOB.

Coifman, et al ,1992) Focuss 算法 (Gorodnitsky ,et al,1997) 拉格朗日乘子法 匹配追踪法 (Matching Pursuit,MP)

Page 11: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI






Page 12: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

拉格朗日乘子法拉格朗日乘子法 采用拉格朗日乘子形式,目标函数变为,


ccs ||||min2


Page 13: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

拉格朗日乘子法拉格朗日乘子法采用牛顿法求解拉格朗日约束问题步骤: 1. 先设初始点 , 常用欠定系统的最小模 解 2. 求解出本次迭代的牛顿下降方向 和在该 方向

下的最优步长 ,更新迭代向量

3. 若不满足终止条件,转到 2 继续迭代


)( )(ixn

)( )()()1( iii xnxx

Page 14: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI


Mallat 和 Zhang 采用了匹配追踪 (Matching pursuit,MP)在小波库中来对信号逐步的分解,其思想是直接从信号分解的库出发,在使均方误差下降最快的方向上(选取相关系数最大的原子),通过逐步的迭代来分解信号,其每迭代一次,就抽取出过完备库中的一个适当的“原子”,通过多次迭代,在满足收敛条件时,就可以得到信号的稀疏表达。

Page 15: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

MP MP 的迭代步骤的迭代步骤

Page 16: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA ApplicationsSCA Applications

Signal higher ratio compression

EP(ERP) estimation

FMRI artifacts removing

EEG Inverse problem

Page 17: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application

Signal higher ratio compression


定有稀疏表达形式 ,通过构造小波过完备库,在过完备库中求解信号的稀疏表达形式,使信号能量更加的集中,完成对信号的压缩和恢复。

Page 18: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA application--SCA application-- Signal higher ratio compression Signal higher ratio compression


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bttW bs

Page 19: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA application--SCA application-- Signal higher ratio compression Signal higher ratio compression

Three atoms in the symmlet wavelet overcomplete dictionary

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Page 21: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

Reconstruction resultsReconstruction results

Page 22: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

Reconstruction resultsReconstruction results

Page 23: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

Reconstruction resultsReconstruction results

Page 24: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

Reconstruction errors with different atoms and coefficientsReconstruction errors with different atoms and coefficients

Page 25: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

EEG reconstructed by 35 atoms with 7.00% errorEEG reconstructed by 35 atoms with 7.00% error

Page 26: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application --EP(ERP) estimation --EP(ERP) estimation



Page 27: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application --EP(ERP) estimation --EP(ERP) estimation




多次刺激信号的叠加平均提取 EP

Page 28: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA application–SCA application– EP(ERP) estimation EP(ERP) estimation

ERP 和自发脑电等噪声背景的特点

ERP 在时域具有:瞬态性和局部性,较强的非平稳性

背景噪声:在整个测量时间段表现的较为平稳,无明 显的衰减和局部性

Page 29: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI


Page 30: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA application–SCA application– EP(ERP) estimation EP(ERP) estimation

针对 ERP 和自发脑电的上述特性,分别构造具有瞬时特性和平稳特性的变换,使信号 E 和噪声 N 在相应的变换库中体现出来 :

22112211 ,, CNCECCS

Page 31: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA application –SCA application – EP(ERP) estimation EP(ERP) estimation

混合过完备库的选择 小波过完备库: 很好地体现 ERP 的时域瞬态和局部特性

四类 DCT 变换库: 背景噪声视为不同相位的余弦信号的组合

Page 32: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

Atoms in mixed overcomplete dictionaryAtoms in mixed overcomplete dictionary

Page 33: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application --EP(ERP) estimation --EP(ERP) estimation

Separation of steady oscillatory and transient signals

Page 34: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application --EP(ERP) estimation --EP(ERP) estimation

Separation of EP and steady oscillatory signal

Page 35: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application --EP(ERP) estimation --EP(ERP) estimation

Separation of EEG and transient signal

Page 36: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application --EP(ERP) estimation --EP(ERP) estimation

Separation of EP and noisy background

Page 37: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application --EP(ERP) estimation --EP(ERP) estimation

Separation of EEG and EP

Page 38: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application --EP(ERP) estimation --EP(ERP) estimation

EP estimation by averaging

Page 39: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application --EP(ERP) estimation --EP(ERP) estimation

Peak latency contour on the recordings

Page 40: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application --EP(ERP) estimation --EP(ERP) estimation

EP estimations by time-delay-correction averaging

Page 41: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application --EP(ERP) estimation --EP(ERP) estimation

Page 42: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application -- FMRI artifacts removing -- FMRI artifacts removing

EEG +fmri 技术

EEG :极高的时间分辨率 ( 微秒级), 较差的空间分辨率

FMRI :较好的空间分辨率,时间分辨率较低

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SCA applicationSCA application -- FMRI artifacts removing -- FMRI artifacts removing

EEG +fmri 技术



Page 44: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application -- FMRI artifacts removing -- FMRI artifacts removing

EEG受 FMRI 成象梯度磁场的影响,混入和磁场有一致周期性变化的强 MR伪迹信号

Page 45: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application -- FMRI artifacts removing -- FMRI artifacts removing

EEG 和 MR 伪迹的特性差别 EEG 相对属于非平稳的弱信号;

MR 伪迹是有明显周期性的强信号, 幅度一般为 EEG 的几倍;

Page 46: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application -- FMRI artifacts removing -- FMRI artifacts removing

MR 伪迹去除效果

Page 47: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application -- FMRI artifacts removing -- FMRI artifacts removing

EEG 信号在去伪迹前和后的频谱估计结果。粗线为去伪迹后的频谱;细线为含有 MR 伪迹的频谱

Page 48: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application -- --EEG Inverse problemEEG Inverse problem

EEG inverse problem


Y ----Recording Matrix of Mx1,

D----Delivery Matrix of MxN,

X----Source Matrix of Nx1

N>>M Underdeterminded system

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SCA applicationSCA application -- --EEG Inverse problemEEG Inverse problem

-200 -100 0 100-100







大 脑 网 格 图




-200 -100 0 100 200-100








头 皮 网 格 图



Page 50: Sparse component decomposition (SCA) and its applications to EEG and fMRI

SCA applicationSCA application -- --EEG Inverse problemEEG Inverse problem

Sparseness in brain response brain neurons show sparseness in the discharge acti


For certain task, only several corresponding brain f

unction area responds.

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SCA applicationSCA application -- --EEG Inverse problemEEG Inverse problem

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