(SOV208) Amazon WorkSpaces and Amazon Zocalo | AWS re:Invent 2014



This session provides an overview and demonstrations of the key features and benefits of Amazon WorkSpaces and Amazon Zocalo. Amazon WorkSpaces is a fully managed desktop computing service in the cloud that allows you to easily provision cloud-based desktops that allow users to access the documents, applications, and resources they need. Amazon Zocalo is a fully managed enterprise storage and sharing service that offers enhanced security, strong administrative controls, and feedback capabilities. Users can access both services wherever they are with a device of their choice, including PCs and Macs as well as iPad, Kindle Fire, or Android tablets. Attend this session to learn more about these services, including how to manage them, what the experience is like for users, and how to get the most out of these services.

Transcript of (SOV208) Amazon WorkSpaces and Amazon Zocalo | AWS re:Invent 2014

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Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

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What is Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)?

Better application compatibility; charge by

total users

VM-level isolation; persistent experience

High scalability; charged by max concurrent users

Not persistent and no customization

VDIFull client desktops running as virtual machines (VMs)

Individual client VMs

Session virtualization Single-server desktop being shared via sessions

Single-server desktop

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Current customer challenges

Virtual Desktop


Remote Desktop


Virtual Desktop


Windows or non-Windows devices



At what cost did you

enable agility ?

How do we sustain TCO while enabling flexibility and provide compliance?Personas/profiles; access & security; data rights management; application lifecycle

Need access to apps & data

Windows environment

Traditional VDI requires a significant investment in infrastructure and licensing



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Value Plus

All WorkSpaces bundles provide the Windows 7 experience to users (provided by Windows Server 2008 R2 with RDS)


1 vCPU, 2 GB memory

10 GB storage

Standard Plus Performance Plus


2 vCPU, 7.5 GiB memory

100 GB storage


2 vCPU, 4 GB memory

50 GB storage

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WorkSpaces Bundle Monthly Price

Value $25

Value Plus $40

Standard $35

Standard Plus $50

Performance $60

Performance Plus $75

• No up-front commitment

• Delete WorkSpaces at any time

• Price includes infrastructure (compute/storage/bandwidth) application access

• U.S. pricing shown (will vary based on region)

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• Lack of tracking and control

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An access point to documents anywhere, anytime

An easy way to share documents with your colleagues

A place to review and markup any document

A central place for organizational control and auditing

… with a simple end-user experience

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Corporate value: fully managed & highly secure




at rest and

on wire

System and



Document &

folder access












Logins / AD

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