Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material...

Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2

Transcript of Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material...

Page 1: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

Sources of nonlinearity (GNL)


Page 2: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

Nonlinearity: The Sources

材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 

Temperature-dependent properties

非線性彈性 Hyper-elasticity 潛變 Creep

幾何非線性 挫屈 (buckling) 大位移 (K = K(u)) 大旋轉 (bending) 預加載 (Preloads)

接觸 Contact Example: Reinforced Rubber

seal Problem combines all sources

of nonlinearity, which is typical of nowadays real life engineering problems

Page 3: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

線彈性 [K] 矩陣固定不變 [K] = K(E,n) {P} = [K] {u}

非線性 [K] 矩陣可能隨著外力 {P}

及變形 {u} 而變 [K] = K(E,n P,u) {P} = [K(E,n P,u)] {u}

Nonlinearity: Hooke’s Law & Equilibrium

Page 4: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.



100 in.

1 in.

Example: Linear Elastic Bar-Spring

右圖的垂直彈簧為線性彈簧 . 若整個系統為線性 , 則外力 P 及位移 u 應遵守下列關係 .

P = k u


u = P / k

然而 , 即使材料為線彈性 , 也沒有大應變 , 大變形仍然使得其反應呈現非線性


Page 5: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

Example: Nonlinear Elastic Bar-Spring

P = k(u) u


雖然外力 P 可以由變形量算出來,但是不可能再像之前直接把總變形量和勁度相乘而得(因為勁度 k(u) 會一直改變 )

  u = P / k(u)


Sol600 預設的方法為 Newton-Raphson method

Target: To ensure the displacement increments do not result in errors in the estimate of P beyond tolerance

Page 6: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

Sol600 本來就是發展來解非線性問題的程式

Sol600 提供了各式各樣的非線性元素和設定空間


Multiple Sources Of Nonlinearity

Blue Outline ShowsUn-deformed Shape

Impact of Stamp Analyzed Via Contact Pair Contact

Hyperelastic (rubber) band

Sliding Contact

Plastic Seal





Page 7: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.


Page 8: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

Geometric Nonlinearity

Linear Solution

Nonlinear Solution

非線性勁度矩陣的組成[K] = [B]T [D] [B] dV

[B] 矩陣是用來描述應變 - 位移關係 這個應變 - 位移關係包含了線性及非線性

[B] 矩陣會隨著位移而改改變 , 因此勁度矩陣 [K] 也會隨著改變

考慮一個懸壁樑 , 當變形不再是”很小”時 , 軸向應變會吸收能量 . 末端的垂直的變形會變小

幾何非線性是當結構變形夠大後 , 結構的強度會隨之改變


0 (a)

Page 9: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

Geometric Nonlinearity

幾何非線性的效應 : 應力產生後對結構的加強效

果 ( 如琴弦 ) 大變形 ( 包含位移及旋轉 )

Page 10: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

Geometric Nonlinearity幾何非線性的效應 :

挫屈的應用 “snap through” “snap back” collapse

”開啟”大位移”設定 Large Displacements


Page 11: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

Example: Rubber Boot

• Large strain and large deformation• Self-contact • Material nonlinearity

Geometric Nonlinearity

幾何非線性的效應 : 大應變

Page 12: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

The pressure stays normal to the deformed shape 壓力永遠垂直於結構表面

Because the load now changes direction it can produce a significant change in the reaction forces and moments 當結構變時, 外力會隨之改變使得反怎用力/力矩的也會隨之改變打開 “ FOLLOW FOR” 後這些因素都會加入計算

Geometric Nonlinearity

幾何非線性的效應 : 跟隨力 (follower force)

Page 13: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

Eigen-modes and eigen-frequencies of a blade on a jet engine are much higher when the engine is rotating at operating speed than when it is stationary. 渦輪引擎葉片的模態會因為旋轉產生的離心力而提高

Example Of Stress Stiffening:Blade On A Jet Engine

Page 14: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

Example Of Buckling: Lateral Collapse Of Flat Beam

挫屈的應用 板狀結構在受特定力時結構強

度會突然變小而產生劇烈變形 常應用於結構設計

Page 15: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

挫屈的應用 板結構在外力超過一臨界值



Example Of Buckling:Shell Collapse

Page 16: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

大應變 矽膠 , 橡膠部件 金屬成形

Example: 金屬彈片的成形模擬 (demo e8x52.dat)

Example Of Large Strain:Punching A Thin Sheet

Page 17: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

大變形的問題可以分為兩大類 :

1. 大位移 , 小應變 材料應力 - 應變關係視為不變

2. 大位移 , 大應變 ( 預設值 )

材料應力應變關係不再固定 大應變需要更詳細的材料模型

Geometric Nonlinearity: Large Strain

Page 18: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

Sol600 有先進的元素公式可以準確地計算大應變問題


Sol600 需要的應力應變圖為真實應力 - 塑性應變圖(true stress vs. plastic strain), 而非習慣用的應力 -全應變關係圖

Geometric Nonlinearity: Large Strain

Page 19: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

Geometric Nonlinearity: Follower Forces 跟隨力


外力方向會隨著結構改變 ( 如壓力 ) 跟隨力會影響結構的強度矩陣 跟隨力的選項



且計算此力對結構矩陣影響 FOLLOWER FORCE (BEGIN INC): 有跟隨力 ,

但只在每個計算增量 (Increment) 開始時且計算此力對結構強度影響

Page 20: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

This will be discussed in detail in a later section 材料的非線性行為且待後續討論

Material Nonlinearity

Page 21: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

Contact Nonlinearity接 觸

Page 22: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

Contact Nonlinearity

在 Sol600 接觸有三種可能的做法 一維的接觸元素 (gap)

1- 點對點的接觸元素

設定接觸物體 (Contact Bodies)

2 – 剛體 (Rigid body) 對可變形體 (deformable body) 的接觸

3- 可變形體 (Deformable body) 對可變形體(deformable body) 的接觸


• The nodes’ lateral motion is assumed to be small

• Contact is resolved as selected node against another selected node

Body-to-body contact:

• Nodes may move arbitrary distances over surfaces of other contact bodies

• The location and extent of contact is found and resolved

Page 23: Sources of nonlinearity (GNL) SECTION 2. Nonlinearity: The Sources 材料非線性 Material Nonlinearity 塑性 (Plasticity) 隨溫度變化的材料性質 Temperature-dependent.

This will be discussed in more detail in specific sections on contact 且待後續討論

Contact Nonlinearity