SOURCE Service Scholar: CBO Info Session

SOURCE Service Scholar: CBO Info Session Click here to view the recording

Transcript of SOURCE Service Scholar: CBO Info Session

SOURCE Service Scholar:

CBO Info Session

Click here to view the recording


• Introduction to SSS Program

• Example Projects

• Preceptor Responsibilities

• About Project Proposal


SSS Program• Unique opportunity for students to make a long-term

commitment to a Baltimore community-based organization


– Requires 150 hours of service between

– Typically: August - May

– Maintain a consistent presence • At the CBO throughout the project (on average, 3-4hr/wk)

• Off site work (on average 3-4hr/wk)

• Open to any student enrolled in the JHU Schools of Public

Health, Medicine, and Nursing

• Scholars must lead small teams of student volunteers on


– Minimum of 4 students, but opportunity to engage more

students in activities is welcome

SSS Program• Receive training and guidance from SOURCE

covering the following:

– service-learning theories & practices

– project management

– volunteer recruitment & management

– delivering & reporting on outcomes

• These trainings will be delivered through the

SOURCE Service Academy

• Scholars are assigned to a SOURCE Staff

member for continued one-on-one consultations

CBO Preceptors and Projects

CBO Projects

• Develop a project and supervise the completion of the project

• Up to 15 SOURCE Service Scholars (SSS) will be selected for

the 2020-2021 academic year

• The program is not designed to bring students on as

interns but project managers.

Interns vs Project Managers


• Assist with regular program management

• Works on general task and assignments as given

• May or may not involve others in the completion of task

• The role the student occupies changes and morphs as needed to complete task and assignments as they arrive

Project Managers

• Works on a specific project which they interview to complete

• Works from a mutually designed plan of action toward a final deliverable

• Brings in other volunteers to move the project to completion

• The project plan and strategy morphs as needed to move the project to completion

CBO Preceptors are expected to…

• Insure there are two points of contact at your organization

• Complete SOURCE Online Preceptor Module

• Supervise Scholar and recruited volunteers over the term of the project.

- Establish regular and frequent meetings with Scholar regarding progress of


- Provide appropriate guidance for Scholar to complete project within their

academic year 2020 - 2021

- Ensure sustainability of the project by working with the Scholar on a

sustainability plan

• Complete a mid-year and final evaluation regarding the Scholar project

• Be able to verify Scholar hour logs

• Remain flexible with reasonable changes in the program structure

Project Examples

• Development and implementation of health-related curriculum or

educational workshops

• Community outreach (e.g. building partnerships in the business

community; developing social media outreach and marketing activities)

• Advocacy (e.g. designing/organizing awareness campaigns)

• Program design - A new program that needs to be carried out, but has not

yet been developed.

• Service extension of your organization – This could be anything that is

direct service, and needs volunteers for an extended period of time. The

Scholar could create a volunteer management and training process as well

as recruit volunteers.

Project Example Role of the Scholar Role of the Volunteer

Implementation of health-related curriculum

• Develop a plan to examine nationally recognized or evidence based curriculum

• Reach out to volunteers to help with client surveys and curriculum review

• Build curriculum based on the feedback of org client population and curriculum identified by volunteers

• Examine the curriculums in the plan

• Research the best practices• Survey client population to

identify key issues• Compile survey results and

suggested topics of interest

Community outreach • Research organizations on business that may be a good fir for partnership

• Develop a plan

• Conduct informational interviews with business or nonprofit s on the potential partner list

Project Example Role of the Scholar Role of the Volunteer

Advocacy • Develop a plan for an advocacy and awareness campaign

• Identify events and event locations for the campaign

• Develop a social media strategy for the campaign

• Create a plan for engaging volunteers to help with logistics, marketing, and staffing the event

• Write a grant for materials for the vents and printing

• Conduct outreach to the event locations and set up logistics for the event

• Own a social media take over for the campaign

• Work the event, hound out materials

• Pick up food for the event

Service extension of your organization

• Design a volunteer recruitment event with area high school service-learningvolunteers

• Develop a training and orientation plan for high school volunteers

• Design a reflection activity with high school volunteers

• Call local schools to coordinate opportunity presentations with community school coordinators.

• Work the orientations• Lead reflection sessions

Time Line

Wed, December 11 Deadline December 11 at 11:59 p.m. Recruitment of CBOs for project proposals.

Dec 16, 2019 – Dec

20, 2019SOURCE will review and follow up on projects with any questions. Final notice on

proposal acceptance will be sent by Friday, Dec 20th.

Dec 20, 2019 – Feb 5,

2020Recruitment of students to apply/participate. Multiple information sessions, emails,

fliers, message to academic coordinators.

Wednesday, Feb 5,

2020* Deadline for Students to apply for specific projects during the first round. (*Note:

we may keep projects open for the 2nd round of summer applications from the varied


Feb 5 – Feb 12, 2020 Internal Admissions team reviews all applications. Team will narrow the applications

to the top candidates for each project (3 or 4 maximum students)

Feb 17 - Wed, Mar 4,

2020 Interview for Positions. Preceptors will have the opportunity to interview (in-person

or phone) up to 4 students in order to rank order their potential student. Please

reserve time NOW on your calendars to be able to accommodate student

interviews during these 3 weeks.

Wed, Mar 4, 2020 Preceptors and Students report their rank orders of preferred students/placements.

Friday, March 6,

2020Internal Admissions team conducts final matching of student internships. Emails will

go out by Friday, March 6, 2020 to notify all parties. March 13th the students should

inform us if accepting the opportunity.

Time Line

Summer 2020 Preceptors must complete SOURCE Online Preceptor Module. This mandatory

module will prepare preceptors to work effectively with students through the

SOURCE Service Scholars program. Deadline for completion is August 1, 2019. Send

completed certificate to [email protected].

Summer 2020


September 2020-

May 2021

Students work on projects with CBOs. Students work with the organization for the

entire academic year. Students are not required to work during school breaks, but

can work out a schedule with preceptor.

April 2021 Final celebration/appreciation event – Preceptors attend student poster session and


September 2021 First Face To Face Academy Session

Time Line

Frequently Asked Question Answer

My proposed project is really for one student internship project. Is that suitable for a SOURCE Service Scholar project?

I’ve had a SOURCE Service Scholar in the past. Can I apply for one again?

Why do we need 2 preceptors from our organization?

How many hours per week will the Scholar work and will they be working a regular schedule?

I’m a busy professional. How much supervision is needed of the Scholar?

Time Line

Frequently Asked Question Answer

My proposed project is really for one student internship project. Is that suitable for a SOURCE Service Scholar project?

It needs to be something the student can project manage, and provide a final deliverable for in an academic year.

I’ve had a SOURCE Service Scholar in the past. Can I apply for one again?

Why do we need 2 preceptors from our organization?

How many hours per week will the Scholar work and will they be working a regular schedule?

I’m a busy professional. How much supervision is needed of the Scholar?

Time Line

Frequently Asked Question Answer

My proposed project is really for one student internship project. Is that suitable for a SOURCE Service Scholar project?

It needs to be something the student can project manage, and provide a final deliverable for in an academic year.

I’ve had a SOURCE Service Scholar in the past. Can I apply for one again?

YesWe do try to give priority to new organization applications in order to promote equity

Why do we need 2 preceptors from our organization?

How many hours per week will the Scholar work and will they be working a regular schedule?

I’m a busy professional. How much supervision is needed of the Scholar?

Time Line

Frequently Asked Question Answer

My proposed project is really for one student internship project. Is that suitable for a SOURCE Service Scholar project?

It needs to be something the student can project manage, and provide a final deliverable for in an academic year.

I’ve had a SOURCE Service Scholar in the past. Can I apply for one again?

YesWe do try to give priority to new organization applications in order to promote equity

Why do we need 2 preceptors from our organization?

Two preceptors are requested to insure the organization has more than one person aware of the scholars work. Additionally, should the scholar have challenges, need guidance, or there is a staff change, there will still be a point of contact.

How many hours per week will the Scholar work and will they be working a regular schedule?

I’m a busy professional. How much supervision is needed of the Scholar?

Time Line

Frequently Asked Question Answer

My proposed project is really for one student internship project. Is that suitable for a SOURCE Service Scholar project?

It needs to be something the student can project manage, and provide a final deliverable for in an academic year.

I’ve had a SOURCE Service Scholar in the past. Can I apply for one again?

YesWe do try to give priority to new organization applications in order to promote equity

Why do we need 2 preceptors from our organization?

Two preceptors are requested to insure the organization has more than one person aware of the scholars work. Additionally, should the scholar have challenges, need guidance, or there is a staff change, there will still be a point of contact.

How many hours per week will the Scholar work and will they be working a regular schedule?

The schedule for week to week will depend on the project and the preceptors preference. However students are responsible for completing 150 hours total, which averages out to 4-6 hours a week, over the course of the academic year.

I’m a busy professional. How much supervision is needed of the Scholar?

Preceptors have the capacity to establish supervision hours based on their schedule and the schedule of their scholar.

Time Line

Frequently Asked Question Answer

My proposed project is really for one student internship project. Is that suitable for a SOURCE Service Scholar project?

It needs to be something the student can project manage, and provide a final deliverable for in an academic year.

I’ve had a SOURCE Service Scholar in the past. Can I apply for one again?

YesWe do try to give priority to new organization applications in order to promote equity

Why do we need 2 preceptors from our organization?

Two preceptors are requested to insure the organization has more than one person aware of the scholars work. Additionally, should the scholar have challenges, need guidance, or there is a staff change, there will still be a point of contact.

How many hours per week will the Scholar work and will they be working a regular schedule?

The schedule for week to week will depend on the project and the preceptors preference. However students are responsible for completing 150 hours total, which averages out to 4-6 hours a week, over the course of the academic year.

I’m a busy professional. How much supervision is needed of the Scholar?



2020-2021 SOURCE Service Scholars Program.

Proposals due Wednesday, Dec 11th by



Keilah Jacques, [email protected]

Tony Bridges, [email protected]
