SOME DEFINITIONS OF “DOVERE ... - Web viewla password. il programma. la...

Italiano II Il 19- di settembre 2017

Transcript of SOME DEFINITIONS OF “DOVERE ... - Web viewla password. il programma. la...

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Obiettivo: Using the verbs Dovere, Potere and Volere to to express obligation and probability

Dovere –to express obligation- what must be done or what has to be done

Since we often talk about being obligated to do something, “dovere” comes in handy, so use this article to cozy up with all of the conjugations. What’s more, it’s an irregular verb, so it doesn’t follow the typical -ere verb ending pattern.

Below you’ll find all of its conjugation tables as well as examples so you can become more familiar with .


To have to

To must

To be obligated to

To be supposed (to)

To owe


It’s a transitive verb, so it takes a direct object.

When it’s used as a modal verb, it usually takes the auxiliary verb required by the verb it is paired with.

The infinito is “dovere”.

The participio passato is “dovuto”.

The gerund form is “dovendo”.

The past gerund form is “avendo dovuto”.

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Il presente

io devo noi dobbiamotu devi voi dovetelui, lei, Lei deve

Essi, Loro devono


Devo veramente fare questi compiti? - Must I really do this homework?

Lei deve imparare l’Italiano, perché si trasferisce in Italia. - She must learn Italian because she’s moving to Italy.

DOVERE, VOLERE, POTERE : How to say in Italian to must, to want and to can.

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We use modal verbs to show if we believe something is a necessity, a possibility or volition (if you must to do something, if we can do something or if we want to do something.We also use modal verbs to do things like asking permission, making requests and offers and so forth.The Italian modal verbs precede the infinitive of another verb and indicate a mode

voglio andare al supermercato (modal verb + infinitve + object)

devo comprare la cioccolata (modal verb + infinitve + object)

non posso aspettare (modal verb + infinitve )Dovere + infinitive: to must, to have to, I need to

Devo andare in palestra – I must (need, have to) go to the gym

Dovere + object: to owe Ti devo 5 euro per la piazza – I own you 5 euros for the

pizzaPotere: to ask for permission or being allowed or not to do something

Posso uscire un momento? – Can I leave for a second? I bambini non posso guardare la tv di sera tardi – Children

are not allowed to watch TV latePotere does not express the ability of doing something, like English. In Italian, is the verb SAPERE that does it:

so cantare – I can sing ( I know how to sing)

sai cucinare? –  Can you cook? sapete parlare russo? – Can you guys

speak Russian?Volere:

Voglio mangiare giapponese – I want  to eat japanese

Voglio il shushi e la tempura – I want sushi and tempura

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 Modal verb and compound tensesConjugating modal verbs in the passato prossimo (and other compound tenses) needs a special construction.Since each modal verbs is followed my an infinitive verb (Posso entrare? Voglio mangiare!), you need to chooe the correct auxiliary between essere and avere depending on the infinitve verb that is followind the modal verbs:

Sono dovuta uscire  – I had to go outUscire is a verb of motion that in compound tenses take ESSERE as an helping verb (or auxiliary)

Ho dovuto preparare la cena – I had to prepare the dinnerPreparare is transive verb taking AVERE as helping verb,

non ho potuto preparare la cena – I could not prepare the dinner

non sono potuta andare a pranzo – I could not go to the lunch

Note that if the auxiliary preceeding the modal verb is ESSERE the modal verbs dovere, potere and volere agrees with the gender and number of the subject.

sono dovuta andare via  ci siamo alzati tardi non siamo potuti venire


Dire Uscire Venire

Verbi - conjugation of dire, uscire and venireReview the conjugation of the verbs given below, in order to complete the following exercises.

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io dico noi diciamo

tu dici voi dite

lei/lui dice loro dicono

Lei dice Loro dicono


io esco noi usciamo

tu esci voi uscite

lei/lui esce loro escono

Lei esce Loro escono


io vengo noi veniamo

tu vieni voi venite

lei/lui viene loro vengono

Lei viene Loro vengono

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Dire (to say, tell), Uscire (to go out) and Venire (to come)The present tense of the irregular Italian IRE verbs Dire, Uscire and Venire

These verbs do not follow the regular conjugation patterns of the Italian IRE verbs and thus will be looked at separately here. These are not the only irregular IRE verbs but these three are extremely important to know as they can be used often in everyday conversation.

DireSubject Pronoun

Dire conjugated


Io Dico I sayTu Dici You sayLui/Lei Dice He/She saysNoi Diciamo We sayVoi Dite Y’all sayLoro Dicono They say

Thus; Io dico = I say / Tu dici = You say / Lui dice = He says / Lei dice = She says Noi diciamo = we say / Voi dite = Y'all say / Loro dicono = They say 

UscireSubject Pronoun

Uscire conjugated


Io Esco I go outTu Esci You go outLui/Lei Esce He/She goes outNoi Usciamo We go outVoi Uscite Y’all go outLoro Escono They go out

Thus; Io esco = I go out / Tu esci = You go out / Lui esce = He goes out / Lei deve = She goes out 

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Noi usciamo = we go out / Voi uscite = Y'all go out / Loro escono = They go out 

VenireSubject Pronoun

Venire conjugated


Io Vengo I comeTu Vieni You comeLui/Lei Viene He/She comesNoi Veniamo We comeVoi Venite Y’all comeLoro Vengono They come

Thus; Io vengo = I come / Tu vieni = You come / Lui viene = He comes / Lei viene = She comes Noi veniamo = we come / Voi venite = Y'all come / Loro vengono = They come 




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Ages ago we learned the direct and indirect object pronouns - mi, ti, lo, la, gli, le, etc. Unlike English, Italian has another version of these which you use after a preposition or verb, often for greater emphasis (hence the name "stressed pronouns"). First we'll learn what these pronouns are, then we'll see how to use them.

Stressed Pronouns

me (me)te (you)Lei (you formal)lui (him)lei (her)sé (yourself, himself, herself, oneself - reflexive)noi (us)voi (you plural)Loro (you plural formal)loro (them)sé (yourselves, themselves - also reflexive)

So they look like a hybrid of direct or indirect object pronouns and subject pronouns. But take note: although Lei, lui, lei, noi, voi and loro look like subject pronouns, when used disjunctively they are not subjects!

So how are they used?

1) after a preposition

Questo libro è per te. (This book is for you.)Siamo usciti con loro. (We went out with them.)Pensa sempre a sé. (He always thinks about himself.)Studiano sempre da sé. (They always study by themselves.)A me non piace questo vino. (I don't like this wine - a more emphatic way of saying, "Non mi piace questo vino.")Andiamo da lui. (We're going to his place.)

2) after a verb to give the direct or indirect object greater emphasis

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Lo amo. - Amo lui. (I love him.)Ti cercavo. - Cercavo te. (I was looking for you.)Mi abbraccia. - Abbraccia me. (She hugs me.)

The above pairs of sentences have the same meanings, but the second in each pair is more emphatic. For even greater emphasis, use anche, proprio or solamente - e.g. Cercavo proprio te. Abbraccia solamente me.

3) after a verb to distinguish between multiple objects

Riconosce me ma non lui. - He recognizes me but not him.Ha invitato noi e loro. - He invited us and them.

4) in comparisons

Marcello è più alto di me. (Marcello is taller than me.)Loro sono meno paurosi di noi. (They are less fearful than us.)Tuo fratello non era intelligente quanto te. (Your brother wasn't as smart as you.) 

A very common Italian idiomatic expression that uses stressed pronouns is, "Tocca a me!" - It's my turn! Of course, you can use it with the other disjunctive pronouns too - Tocca a te, tocca a noi, etc. So when the waiter brings you the bill and someone asks, "Chi paga oggi?" just say, "Eh purtroppo oggi tocca a te!" (Who's buying today? - Unfortunately today it's your turn!) C4N!

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Here you go guys, an exercise on Moday's lesson - the disjunctive pronouns. Just replace each noun or regular object pronoun with the appropriate disjunctive. C4N!

1. La rivedremo. - Rivedremo _____. 2. Non li conosco. - Non conosco _____. 3. Ci piacciono. - Piacciono a _____. 4. Ve lo offrono. - Lo offrono a _____. 5. Gli hanno indicato. - Hanno indicato a _____. 6. Le daranno le chiavi. - Daranno le chiavi a _____. 7. Ti dico sempre tutto. - Dico sempre tutto a _____. 8. Ha detto che mi ama. - Ha detto che ama _____. 9. Non ho visto Mauro e Maria. - Non ho visto _____. 10. Sei meno grassa di Mirella. - Sei meno grassa di _____.




1. lei 2. loro 3. noi 4. voi 5. lui 6. Lei 7. te 8. me 9. loro 10. Lei

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Dopo di……

Prima di……

Senza di……


Secondo lei, è facile scaricare le foto.

According to her, it’s easy to download the photos.

Uscite senza noi? Are you going without us?


Da is often used before a disjunctive pronoun to mean by oneself.In this case, use Sé for the third –person forms.

Installa il programa da sé. It installs the program by itself.

Vieni da me alle otto. You’re coming to my place at 8:00.

Faccio il sito da me. I’m making the web site by myself.

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Vai da loro oggi? Are you going to their place today?

Cultura- Cantare/Parlare


Finalmente A Cantare VOLARE in Italiano

Il Selfie a ballare


A. La tecnologia

Talking about Computers and Phones in Italian

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To talk


To send


To browse

La home page

Home page

Essere collegato

To get connected

Essere connesso to be connected


To download

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To switch on


To switch off

Calling someone and leaving a message might prove challenging in a new language! Here is a shortcut to leaving a message:

Ciao, sono [nome]

Hello, it's [name]

È un messaggio per [nome]

It’s a message for [name]

Il mio numero qui è [numero]

My number here is [number]

Non vedo l’ora di risentirti, grazie!

I look forward to hearing back from you, thank you!


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AccendereCancellareCaricareCominciareComporreEssere connessoEssere in lineaFunzionareNavigareRegistrarSalvareScaricareSpegnereStampareIl canaleIl carica batteriaLa cartellaIl computer portatileIl documentol’e-mailL’impianto stereoIl lettore DVD

La macchina fotografica

Il messaggio di testo l’SMSil microfonola passwordil programmala reteil sito internetlo smartphone

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il videogioco

Sentieri 4A

Attivita’ importante

Pagina 117 Pratica 1 2 3Pagina 124 Pratica 1 2 3Pagina 125 Comunicazione 4 5 6Pagina 126 Pratica 1 2 3

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aiutare amareascoltareaspettarebaciarebastarecamminarecantare causare cenarechiamare cominciareconservareconsiderareconsigliarecostare controllarecrollarecucinarecuraredesideraredimenticaredisegnaredisturbarediventare domandareentrareevitarefumaregiocare giraregridare guardareguidareimmaginareimparare incontrare indossare indovinareingrassareiniziareinsegnare inviare invitare lamentarelasciarelavorarelavare liberare licenziarelottaremandare 

to help to loveto listen to to wait forto kiss to be enough to walkto sing to cause to have dinnerto call to startto keepto consider to adviseto cost to controlto collapseto cookto take care ofto desireto forgetto drawto disturbto becometo ask to enterto avoid to smoketo playto go aroundto shout to look at to drive to imagine to learnto meetto wear to guessto put on weightto start to teachto sendto invite to complainto leave to workto wash to freeto dismiss to struggleto send 

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mangiaremeritarenuotare ordinare organizzare osare pagareparcheggiare parlareparteciparepassarepensarepesare portarepranzareprenotare preoccupareprepararepresentareprestare provareraccomandareraccontarerealizzare recitareregalare restarericordareriposare rubare salutaresalvare sbagliarescapparesognare sperare spiegare studiaresuonaresuperaretagliare tirare telefonaretornare trovare viaggiare visitare

to eatto deserveto swimto order to organiseto dare to payto park to talkto participate into spend (time)to think to weighto take to have lunchto book to worryto prepareto presentto lend to try to recommend to tellto realise to act to give as a present to stayto rememberto restto rob to say hello/goodbye to save to make a mistaketo run awayto dreamto hope to explainto study to play (a musical instrument)to overtake to cut to pull to telephone to go back to find to travel to visit

-ERE verbs

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A list of common regular second conjugation verbs:

Italian Englishaccederebattere crederedecederedibattereprecedere premerericevere temeretessere vendere

to accedeto beatto believeto dieto debateto precedeto pressto receive to fear to weave to sell

Prendere (to take)Playio prendoI takePlaytu prendiyou takePlaylui prendehe / it takesPlaylei prendeshe / it takesPlaynoi prendiamowe takePlayvoi prendeteall of you takePlayloro prendonothey take

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Other verbs like prendereOnce you've mastered prendere, are a few other verbs that follow the same set of rules.

Playscrivereto writePlayleggereto readPlaychiedereto askPlaydecidereto decidePlayspendereto spendPlayconoscereto knowPlaymettereto putPlayvincereto winPlayperdereto losePlaycredereto believe

The many faces of prendereI mentioned before that prendere sometimes shows up when you're not expecting it. Here you can see it in action, and occasionally acting strangely (from an English-speaker's perspective).

Cosa prendi?What are you having? (literally "what do you take?")Io prendo un caffé

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I'm having a coffee (literally "I take a coffee" )Maria prende le medicine ogni giornoMaria takes her pills everydayPrendiamo il treno per andare a RomaWe take the train to RomePrendete sempre dei voti bassi a scuolaYou always get (take) bad marks at schoolLoro prendono un bicchiere di vinoThey're having a glass of wine (literally "they take a glass of wine")

Conjugating regular Italian verbs ending with IRE in the present tenseInfinitive – “…A verb form that functions as a substantive while retaining certain verbal characteristics, such as modification by adverbs, and that in English may be preceded by to, as in To go willingly is to show strength or We want him to work…” 1 

There are three main categories of Italian Verbs known as 1st, 2nd and 3rd conjugation. Here is the most obvious, initial difference; 

1st Conjugation verbs are verbs that end with the letters ARE in the infinitive form. 2nd Conjugation verbs are verbs that end with the letters ERE in the infinitive form. 3rd Conjugation verbs are verbs that end with the letters IRE in the infinitive form. (These ending are “Infinitive endings”) 

To illustrate how to conjugate an IRE verb, I like to use a math equation as an example but first here are the conjugated endings for IRE verbs; 

Subject Pronoun  Ending 

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Io Tu Lui/Lei Noi Voi Loro

o i e iamo ite ono

To conjugate = infinitive verb – infinitive ending = verb stem + conjugated ending = conjugated verb. Example; Servire (To Serve) - ire = Serv + iamo (ending for we) = Serviamo (We see) 

Servire conjugated in the present tense Io Tu Lui/Lei Noi Voi Loro

Servo Servi Serve Serviamo Servite Servono

I serve You serve He/She/It serves We serve Y'all serve They serve

There is one exception with the 3rd conjugation on how it is handled in the present tense for some regular verbs. That is, there are some verbs that you have to insert the letters "ISC" after the infinitive root and before the present indicative ending for Io, Tu, Lui/Lei and Loro. Therefore, we conjugate these verbs as follows; 

Example; Capire (To Understand) - ire = Cap + isc = capisc + ono (ending for they) = Capiscono (They understand) 

Capire conjugated in the present tense Io Tu Lui/Lei Noi Voi Loro

Capisco Capisci Capisce Capiamo Capite Capiscono

I understand You understand He/She/It understands We understand Y'all understand They understand

America For The BetterTake action! Write your elected officials. Be heard. Make some ‘noise’.

Present tense in Italian: -ire verbs (third conjugation)August 12, 2006 in Uncategorized

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Italian verbs ending in -ire (also known as third conjugation) follow two different patterns. There are two types of -ire verbs.

The first type follows the pattern of dormire (to sleep):

io dormotu dormilui/lei dorme

noi dormiamovoi dormiteloro dormono

The second type follows the pattern of preferire (to prefer) – note the -isc between the stem and the ending (note that verbs of this type typically retain the -isc in other tenses so when in doubt, consult a resource!):

io preferiscotu preferiscilui/lei preferisce

noi preferiamovoi preferiteloro preferiscono

Notice the differences between dormire and preferire. When in doubt as to which pattern an -ire verb uses, consult a dictionary. Below is a list of common -isc verbs that follow the same pattern as preferire (note: some of the verbs listed below have multiple meanings –

please do not consider the meanings provided to be the only ‘translation’ of these verbs – consult a

dictionary when necessary!):

agire – to actambire – to aspireammonire – to admonishardire – to venturecapire – to understandchiarire – to clarifycolpire – to hitcostruire – to constructdemolire – to demolish

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favorire – to favorferire – to woundfiorire – to flourishfornire – to supplyfinire – to finishguarire – to healinserire – to insertimpedire – to preventobbedire – to obeypartire – to sufferpercepire – to become aware ofproibire – to prohibitpulire – to cleanpunire – to punishrapire – to kidnaprestituire – to give backriferire – to relate, to referscolpire – to sculptsparire – to disappearspedire – to sendstabilire – to establishsubire – to suffersuggerire – to suggesttossire – to coughtradire – to betraytrasferirsi – to moveunire – to unite

There are some verbs that can follow either pattern:

aborrire – to abhorapplaudire – to applaudassorbire – to absorbinghiottire – to swallowmentire – to lienutrire – to nourishtossire – to cough

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Irregular verbs

This is a list of top 10 notoriously irregular verbs in Italian grammar, and if you want to learn and speak Italian, you gotta’ commit to learning these.

I’ll break down the endings for the present tense below with a 2-3 examples each.

1. Essere – To be— Sono – I am

— Sei – You are

— È – He/she/it is

— Siamo – We are

— Siete – You all are

— Sono – They are


— Sono di New York. – They are from New York.

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— Siamo studenti di Italiano. – We are students of Italian.

2. Avere – To have— Ho – I have

— Hai – You have

— Ha – He/she/it has

— Abbiamo – We have

— Avete – You all have

— Hanno – They have


— Abbiamo due fratelli e tre sorelle. – We have two brothers and three sisters.

— Ho ventuno anni. – I am twenty one years old.

3. Fare – To do/to make— Faccio – I make

— Fai – You make

— Fa – He/she/it makes

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— Facciamo – We make

— Fate – You all make

— Fanno – They make


— Facciamo colazione con il cornetto e un caffé – We make breakfast with a croissant and a cafe.

— Voglio fare domanda per quel lavoro. – I want to apply to that job.

— Posso fare un pausa? – Can I take a break?

4. Andare – To go— Vado – I go

— Vai – You go

— Va – He/she/it goes

— Andiamo – We go

— Andate – You all go

— Vanno – They go


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— Andiamo ragazzi! – Let’s go everybody!

— Vado al cinema. – I’m going to the movies.

5. Potere – Can/ to be able to— Posso – I can

— Puoi – You can

— Può – He/she/it can

— Possiamo – We can

— Potete – You all can

— Possono – They can


— Possiamo andare al mercato? – Can we go to the store?

— “Chi entra nel deserto non può tornare indietro. Quando non si può tornare indietro, bisogna solo preoccuparsi del modo migliore per avanzare.” – Paulo Coelho

– Who enters the desert cannot turn back. When you cannot turn back, it’s only necessary to worry about the best way to go forward.

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6. Volere – To want— Voglio – I want

— Vuoi – You want

— Vuole – He/she/it wants

— Vogliamo – We want

— Volete – You all want

— Vogliono – They want


— Voglio andare in spiaggia. – I want to go to the beach.

— Volete venire da me? – Do you all want to come to my house?

7. Venire – To come— Vengo – I come

— Vieni – You come

— Viene – He/she/it comes

— Veniamo – We come

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— Venite – You all come

— Vengono – They come


— Vieni qua! – Come here.

8. Dire – To say— Dico – I say

— Dici – You say

— Dice – He/she/it says

— Diciamo – We say

— Dite – You all say

— Dicono – They say


— Ma che dici? – What are you saying? (serious gesture hands go here)

— Diciamo così – Let’s put it this way.

9. Sapere – To know— So – I know

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— Sai – You know

— Sa – He/she/it knows

— Sappiamo – We know

— Sapete – You all know

— Sanno – They know


— So suonare la chitarra. – I know how to play the guitar.

— Sappiamo parlare lo spagnolo. – We know how to speak Spanish.

10. Uscire – To go out— Esco – I go out

— Esci – You go out

— Esce – He/she/it goes out

— Usciamo – We go out

— Uscite – You all go out

— Escono – They go out

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— Uscite stasera? – Are you all coming out tonight?

— Esco domani sera perché stasera sono troppo stanca. – I’m going out tomorrow night because I’m too tired tonight.

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