Solitifola: Solidarity between generations and active ageing




Transcript of Solitifola: Solidarity between generations and active ageing

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In this presentation: EY CBI SoLiTiFoLa? Evaluation

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Background • European themes of years• 2010: European Year for Combating Poverty and Social

Exclusion• 2011: European Year of Volunteering• 2012: European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between

Generations • 2013: European Year of Citizens

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Solidarity in Turkey 2012 European Active Ageing and

Solidarity between Generations Fact Sheet (2011) Too many actors play role Lack of coordination bw actors 2008 social security reform: law &

practice gap

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Solidarity & Language Learning

• CBI (Content-based Instruction)

“approach to language instruction that integrates the presentation of topics of tasks from subject matter classes (eg. Math, Social Studies) within the context of teaching a second or foreign language.”

Crandall and Tucker (1990, p.187)

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SoLiTiFoLa: Solidarity between Generations & Active Ageing & Teaching Foreign Languages

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Erasmus Intensive Program (IP)

11 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Romania, Spain, The Netherlands and Turkey (in alphabetical order)

2 weeks in University of Reading, Reading, UK

IP program

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Daily reports“Can you feel solidarity with people you haven’t met?” This question leads to a discussion of a definition of the word Solidarity. What do we consider as being solidaric? Is it only a feeling or does it require an action behind the feeling? You can compare it with solidarity versus charity? We Danes were surprised to find that so many countries did so many different things for the elderly, which is similar to Denmark.”

Danish team

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Daily reports (2)“It was interesting to exchange ideas and opinions regarding solidarity with people from different countries. We realized that although we are from different cultures there are the some problems in our society nowadays. We really enjoyed the opportunity to be creative and working together in groups where everyone got involved and everybody could improve the social skills.”

Austrian team

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Lesson observation

• “In Belgium we only have one teacher per classroom and we could use more teachers to help more students. The things that caught my attention are:

• The quality of the student’s work displayed on the walls• Codes used while teaching: clapping, students have to ask

before leaving their chair and the importance of respect for both students and teacher.

• The use of different houses – colouring, story reading &telling etc.

• Classrooms were old fashioned, but all had smart boards and were very colourful.

• Point system to mark good and bad behaviour.”

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Lesson observation (2)

• “In Norway we only have one teacher per class and assistants depending on needs. I feel like we have more structure, silence, and order than what I experienced here. My expectations might have been a little high; I thought they had very high structure, order, and respect.”

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• Example lesson plans– 1– 2

• Visits to MERL and RISC

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Top experience

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It is a pity…

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Daily reports for SoLiTiFoLa (2012). Retrieved April 04, 2012 from

Eurobarometer survey on Active Ageing (2011). Retrieved March 21, 2012 from (

European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. (2012). Retrieved March 21, 2012 from

European Year of Citizens. (2012). Retrieved April 04, 2012 from

European Year of Volunteering. (2011). Retrieved March 25, 2012 from (Moodle platform of the project)

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı. (2011). 2012 Avrupa Aktif Yaşlanma ve Nesiller Arası Dayanışma Yılı Hakkında Bilgi Notu. Ankara.

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[email protected]

Derya Bozdoğan, PhDAbant İzzet Baysal University

English Language Teaching ProgramBolu