Solid Work Manual Stuffing Box


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Transcript of Solid Work Manual Stuffing Box

Page 1: Solid Work Manual Stuffing Box



Prepared by : K. Dharma Senthil

Cell : 9842798539

E Mail : [email protected]

Solidwork Manual 1 Prepared by K.Dharmasenthil

Page 2: Solid Work Manual Stuffing Box


Experiment: Date:

When a sliding or rotating rod passes through a cylinder, containing fluid under

pressure, to prevent the leakage of fluid along the sliding or rotating rod, a stuffing box is used. A

good stuffing box should allow free movement of the rod with practically no leakage of the fluid.

Stuffing box is used in steam engines, reciprocating pump, centrifugal pumps, valves


The stuffing box body is cast as part of either cylinder end or cylinder cover. The top

flange is elliptical. The space around the piston rod is filled with packing material. The packing is

compressed by a cast n gland which is forced down by means of two collar studs and nuts. e gland

is lined with a brass bush and a neck bush is inserted in the stuffing box. The ends of the bushes

are beveled. By doing so, the packing made to press tightly against the rod. An oil cup is formed on

the top of the gland to lubricate the rod.

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Create the Body

New part.

Click New , or click File, New on the Standard toolbar. Click the Part Icon form the

New SolidWorks Document dialog box, and click OK.

Filing a part.

Using the Save option from the File menu or selecting the Save button on the

Standard toolbar, file the part under the name Body. The extension, *.sldprt, is added

automatically. Click Save.

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Change the Name Body

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1. Select the sketch plane.

1, Insert a new sketch and choose the Front Plane.

2, Choose the Normal To Icon.

3, Draw the Center Line

4, Draw the given sketch

5, Change the dimension

Step 1

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Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

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Step 5

6, After finish the sketch and click the Return Icon

7, Click Features and select Boss/Base, Revolve... from the Insert menu.

8, Choose the Revolved Axis Line in the sketch.

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The Property Manager appears with the defaults end condition.

One Direction

Angle 360

9, Click OK

10, Finished Feature and Save the Part

The Solid Revolved Feature is created as the first feature of the parts

2. Select the sketch plane.

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1, Insert a new sketch

2, Click the Standard view – Left side view.

3, Select the Left view as Work Plane

4, Draw the Circle as per Dimension on the Work Plane

Step 1 Step 25, Completed the sketch and click OK

6, Click the Return Icon

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Work Plane

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7, Change the Isometric view

8, Click Features and select Extruded Cut from the Insert menu.

9, Select the Circle

10, Display the Cut Extrude – Direction 1 – Blind – Depth 25mm

11, Click OK

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Select the Circle

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12, Save the Part…

3. Create the Axis.

1, Choose the Menu Tool Bar – Insert – Reference Geometry - Axis

2, Click the Circular Surface

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3, Click OK

4. Create the Circular Pattern.

1, Choose the Menu Tool Bar – Insert – Pattern/Mirror – Circular Pattern

2, Select the Axis line

3, Enter the number of Hole (No. of 3)

4, Click the Equal Spacing

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Axis Line

Circular Surface

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5, Click the Features to Pattern Box

6, Select the Hole

7, After Display the 3 Hole than Click OK

8, Finishing Feature

9, Save the Part…

Create the Gland

New part.

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Click New , or click File, New on the Standard toolbar. Click the Part Icon form the

New SolidWorks Document dialog box, and click OK.

Filing a part.

Using the Save option from the File menu or selecting the Save button on the

Standard toolbar, file the part under the name Gland. The extension, *.sldprt, is added

automatically. Click Save.

1. Select the sketch plane.

1, Insert a new sketch and choose the Front Plane.

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Change the Name Gland

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2, Choose the Normal To Icon.

3, Draw the Center Line

4, Draw the given sketch

5,Change the Dimension

Step 1 Step 2

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Step 3 Step 4

6, After finish the sketch and click the Return Icon

7, Change the Isometric view

8, Click Features and select Boss/Base, Revolve... from the Insert menu.

8, Choose the Revolved Axis Line in the sketch.

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The Property Manager appears with the defaults end condition.

One Direction

Angle 360

9, Click OK

10, Finished Feature and Save the Part

The Solid Revolved Feature is created as the first feature of the parts

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2. Select the sketch plane.

1, Insert a new sketch

2, Click the Work plane.

3, Choose the Normal To Icon

4, Draw the Circle as per Dimension on the Work Plane

Step 1 Step 2

5, Completed the sketch and click OK

6, Click the Return Icon

7, Change the Isometric view

8, Click Features and select Extruded Cut from the Insert menu.

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Work plane

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9, Select the Circle

10, Display the Cut Extrude – Direction 1 – Blind – Depth 25mm

11, Click OK

12, Save the Part…

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Select the Circle

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3. Create the Axis.

1, Choose the Menu Tool Bar – Insert – Reference Geometry - Axis

2, Click the Circular Surface

3, Click OK

4, Save the part..

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Circular surface

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4. Create the Circular Pattern.

1, Choose the Menu Tool Bar – Insert – Pattern/Mirror – Circular Pattern

2, Select the Axis line

3, Enter the number of Hole (No. of 3)

4, Click the Equal Spacing

5, Click the Features to Pattern Box

6, Select the Hole

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Axis line

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7, After Display the 3 Hole than Click OK

8, Finishing Feature

9, Save the Part…

10, Close the window

Create the Gland Bush

New part.

Click New , or click File, New on the Standard toolbar. Click the Part Icon form the

New SolidWorks Document dialog box, and click OK.

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Filing a part.

Using the Save option from the File menu or selecting the Save button on the

Standard toolbar, file the part under the name Gland Bush. The extension, *.sldprt, is

added automatically. Click Save.

1. Select the sketch plane.

1, Insert a new sketch and choose the Front Plane.

2, Choose the Normal To Icon.

3, Draw the Center Line

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Change the Name Gland Bush

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4, Draw the given sketch

5, Change the Dimension

Step 1 Step 2

Step 3

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Step 4

6, After finish the sketch and click the Return Icon

7, Change the Isometric view

8, Click Features and select Boss/Base, Revolve... from the Insert menu.

8, Choose the Revolved Axis Line in the sketch.

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Axis line

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The Property Manager appears with the defaults end condition.

One Direction

Angle 360

9, Click OK

10, Finished Feature and Save the Part

11, Close the Window

Create the Neck Bush

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New part.

Click New , or click File, New on the Standard toolbar. Click the Part Icon form the

New SolidWorks Document dialog box, and click OK.

Filing a part.

Using the Save option from the File menu or selecting the Save button on the

Standard toolbar, file the part under the name Neck Bush. The extension, *.sldprt, is

added automatically. Click Save.

1. Select the sketch plane.

Solidwork Manual 27 Prepared by K.Dharmasenthil

Change the Name Neck Bush

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1, Insert a new sketch and choose the Front Plane.

2, Choose the Normal To Icon.

3, Draw the Center Line

4, Draw the given sketch

5, Change the Dimension

Step 1 Step 1

Step 36, After finish the sketch and click the Return Icon

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7, Change the Isometric view

8, Click Features and select Boss/Base, Revolve... from the Insert menu.

8, Choose the Revolved Axis Line in the sketch.

The Property Manager appears with the defaults end condition.

One Direction

Angle 360

9, Click OK

10, Finished Feature and Save the Part

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Axis Line

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12, Close the Window

Create the Piston Rod

New part.

Click New , or click File, New on the Standard toolbar. Click the Part Icon form the

New SolidWorks Document dialog box, and click OK.

Filing a part.

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Using the Save option from the File menu or selecting the Save button on the

Standard toolbar, file the part under the name Piston Rod. The extension, *.sldprt, is

added automatically. Click Save.

1. Select the sketch plane.

1, Insert a new sketch and choose the Front Plane.

2, Choose the Normal To Icon.

3, Draw the Rectangle

4, Change the Dimension

5, After finish the sketch and click the Return Icon

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Change the Name Piston Rod

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6, Change the Isometric view

7, Click Features and select Boss/Base, Revolve... from the Insert menu.

8, Choose the Revolved Axis Line in the sketch.

The Property Manager appears with the defaults end condition.

One Direction

Angle 360

9, Click OK

10, Finished Feature

and Save the Part

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Axis Line

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11, Close the Window

Create the Collar Stud M20

New part. ( Only Working in Tutorial window )

Click New , or click File, New on the Standard toolbar. Click the Part Icon form the

New SolidWorks Document dialog box, and click OK.

Filing a part.

Using the Save option from the File menu or selecting the Save button on the

Standard toolbar, file the part under the name Collar Stud M20. The extension, *.sldprt,

is added automatically. Click Save.

1. Select the sketch plane.

1, Insert a new sketch and choose the Right Plane.

2, Choose the Normal To Icon.

3, Draw the Rectangle

4, Change the Dimension

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5, After finish the sketch and click the Return Icon

6, Change the Isometric view

7, Click Features and select Boss/Base, Revolve... from the Insert menu.

8, Choose the Revolved Axis Line in the sketch.

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Axis Line

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The Property Manager appears with the defaults end condition.

One Direction

Angle 360

9, Click OK

10, Finished Feature and Save the Part

3. Create the Fillet.

1, Choose the Menu Tool Bar – Insert – Features – Fillet / Round

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2, Select the Fillet Edge and Radius 5mm

3, Click OK

4, Save the Part..

3. Create the Thread

1, Choose the Menu Tool Bar – Insert – Annotations – Cosmetic Thread

2, Click the Circular Edge

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Circilar Edge

Fillet Edge 1

Fillet Edge 2

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3, Display the Cosmetic Thread – Thread Setting - Blind – Length- 25 mm (D)

4, Click OK and Save

4. Create the Thread

1, Choose the Menu Tool Bar – Insert – Annotations – Cosmetic Thread

2, Click the Circular Edge

3, Display the Cosmetic Thread – Thread Setting - Blind – Length- 82 mm (D)

4, Click OK and Save

5, Close the window

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Circular Edge

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Create the Nut M20

New part. ( Only Working in Tutorial window )

Click New , or click File, New on the Standard toolbar. Click the Part Icon form the

New SolidWorks Document dialog box, and click OK.

Filing a part.

Using the Save option from the File menu or selecting the Save button on the

Standard toolbar, file the part under the name Nut. The extension, *.sldprt, is added

automatically. Click Save.

1. Select the sketch plane.

1, Insert a new sketch and choose the Right Plane.

2, Choose the Normal To Icon.

3, Choose the Menu Tool Bar – Tools – Sketch Entities – Polygon

3, Select the Polygon

4, Click the Origin Point form the Sketch window

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Origin Point

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5, Pick and Moving the Mouse Display the Polygon in the window

Pick the any point

6, Enter the value

a) No. of Side = 6

b) Circle diameter = 30mm

4, Click OK

4, After Finishing Sketch and click the Return Icon

5, Click Features and select Extrude from the Insert menu

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Circle Diameter

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6, Select the any Line the Sketch

7, Extrude Length 16mm

2. Select the sketch plane.

1, Insert a new sketch and choose the Working Plane.

2, Choose the Normal To Icon

3, Draw the Circle with Diameter 18mm

4, After finish the sketch and click the Return Icon

5, Click Features and select Extrude Cut from the Insert menu

6, Change the Isometric view

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Working Plane

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6, Select the Circle

7, Display the Extrude Box – Direction 1 – Through All

8, Click OK

10, Finish the Part and Save the Part.

3. Select the sketch plane.

1, Insert a new sketch and choose the Front Plane.

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Front Plane

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2, Choose the Normal To Icon

3, Change the view for Hidden view

4, Choose the Line

5, Draw the given Sketch

Draw the Single Line Draw the Angle Line Close the Line

6, Draw the Center Line

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Center line

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7, After finish the Sketch and Click the Return Icon

8, Change the view for Isometric view

9, Click Features and select Revolved cut from the Insert menu

10, Select the Center Line

19, Click OK and Save the Part..

20, Change the Shaded with Edges view

4. Create the Thread

1, Choose the Menu Tool Bar – Insert – Annotations – Cosmetic Thread

2, Select the Circular Edge

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Circular Edge

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3, Change the Up to Next and Dia 16mm from the Thread Setting Box

4, Click OK

5, Save the Part…

6, Close the window

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