Soil Erosion...Drainage and erosion control measures are implemented on roads, trails and landings...

RCPP-CSP-2019-1_AK - AK Non Industrial Private Forestland_Associated Ag Land Page 1 of 20 Soil Erosion Sheet and Rill Erosion Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met Permanent ground cover > 90% and slope less than 10%; OR, The water erosion rate is less than or equal to T. Yes No Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met Plant cover controls active erosion (shallow less than 1 foot deep rills and gullies) and runoff from normal rain events; AND, No litter dams or terracettes are present. Yes No Wind Erosion Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met Permanent ground cover >90% and slope less than 10%; OR, The wind erosion rate is less than or equal to T. Yes No Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met The areas integrated with trees are covered with leaves, needles, fine woody debris, rocks, and/or herbaceous vegetation that protects the soil on more than 90% of the area. Yes No Residual forage heights meet or exceed the State standards for controlling wind erosion. Yes No

Transcript of Soil Erosion...Drainage and erosion control measures are implemented on roads, trails and landings...

Page 1: Soil Erosion...Drainage and erosion control measures are implemented on roads, trails and landings to minimize detrimental effects of concentrated flow, erosion and sedimentation;

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Soil Erosion

Sheet and Rill Erosion

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Permanent ground cover > 90% and slope less than 10%; OR, Thewater erosion rate is less than or equal to T.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Plant cover controls active erosion (shallow less than 1 foot deep rillsand gullies) and runoff from normal rain events; AND, No litter damsor terracettes are present.

Yes No

Wind Erosion

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Permanent ground cover >90% and slope less than 10%; OR, Thewind erosion rate is less than or equal to T.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The areas integrated with trees are covered with leaves, needles, finewoody debris, rocks, and/or herbaceous vegetation that protects thesoil on more than 90% of the area.

Yes No

Residual forage heights meet or exceed the State standards forcontrolling wind erosion.

Yes No

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Classic Gully Erosion

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Classic gullies are not present; Or, Classic gully management isadequate to stop the progression of head cutting and widening andoffsite impacts are minimized by vegetation and/or structures.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Classic Gullies are not present; Or, All classic gullies are stabilized;AND, All areas expected to have high erosion rates are stable.

Yes No

Streambank, Shoreline, Water Conveyance Channels

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

For shorelines and water conveyance channels; banks are stable orcommensurate with normal geomorphological processes; AND, Ifbank erosion is present, it is beyond the client's control orcommensurate with normal geomorphological processes; AND, Forstreambanks, SVAP2 bank condition element score > 5. If shorelinesor water conveyance channels are not present, set this planning criteriato NA.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Excluding all fundamentally unstable, natural geomorphicstreambanks and shorelines, all streambanks and shorelines on the landuse show few signs of erosion or bank failure; AND, Each is stableand protected with natural materials. If shorelines and waterconveyance channels do not exist on the land management system, setthis test statement to NA.

Yes No

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Soil Quality Degradation

Organic Matter Depletion

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Organic matter within the soil does not cause resource concerns orresource management issues. Determined and documented by on-siteevaluation methods.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

There are no areas of extensive bare ground, or largely unvegetatedareas. Vegetation and organic matter are managed appropriately.

Yes No


Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Soil compaction is not a problem: AND, Activities do not cause soilcompaction problems AND can be documented with priorconservation planning or other on-site evaluation methods.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Soil compaction is limited to roads, trails, and landings; AND, Roads,trails, and landings are properly maintained as to not cause associatedresource concerns.

Yes No

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Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Histisols are managed so as to not exhibit signs of subsidence.Determined and documented with soil survey documentation or otheron-site evaluation methods.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The forest O horizon is covered with leaves, needles, fine woodydebris, rocks, and/or herbaceous vegetation that protects the soil onmore than 90% of the area. There is no artificial drainage operating onthe site. If histisols are not present on this land management system,set the test statement to NA.

Yes No

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Excess Water


Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Seeps are managed to prevent significant impacts to conservationmeasures and/or sensitive habitat. If seeps do not exist, set thisplanning criteria to NA.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Excess water seepage is controlled to the point that is does not restrictland use or management goals. If seeps do not exist on the landmanagement system, set this test statement to NA.

Yes No

Runoff and Flooding and Ponding

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Runoff, flooding, and ponding is managed to minimize the impact onconservation measures and/or sensitive habitat.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Runoff, flooding, and ponding is managed to minimize the impact onconservation measures and/or sensitive habitat.

Yes No

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Insufficient Water

Inefficient Use of Irrigation Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

The irrigation system components and management result in a FarmIrrigation Rating Index > 60; AND, Meets applicable State in-streamflow and lake and pond water levels requirements. If the landmanagement system is not irrigated, or equipment on this landmanagement system is not used to irrigate, set this planning criteria toNA.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

An irrigation water management (IWM) plan is followed that meetsthe crop's needs, while maximizing irrigation water efficiency. TheIWM plan schedules water application based on soil moisturemonitoring and/or evapotranspiration monitoring, measures andrecords the amount of water used to irrigate, and the irrigationsystem's distribution uniformity has been evaluated and necessarychanges were made. If the land management system is not irrigated, orequipment on this land management system is not used to irrigate, setthis test statement to NA.

Yes No

Inefficient Moisture Management

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Moisture management is not a problem and activities do not causeinefficient moisture management problems. Soil loss is less than orequal to T.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Plant species are suitable for the site and moisture management is nota problem; And, Management activities do not cause inefficientmoisture management problems.

Yes No

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Water Quality Degradation

Pesticides in Surface Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Pesticides are stored, handled, disposed and applied to prevent runoff,spills, leaks and leaching; AND, Conservation practices andtechniques are in place to minimize ground water impacts.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Pesticides are not applied or stored on this land management system;Or,' Pesticides are applied using a site-specific mixture of prevention,avoidance, monitoring, and suppression (PAMS) strategies.Environmental risk screening tool are used (such as WIN-PST orsimilar LGU approved tool); AND, application rates and timing arecompliant with the label.

Yes No

Pesticides in Ground Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Pesticides are stored, handled, disposed and applied to prevent runoff,spills, leaks and leaching; AND, Conservation practices andtechniques are in place to minimize ground water impacts.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Pesticides are not applied or stored on this land management system;OR, Pesticides are applied using a site-specific mixture of prevention,avoidance, monitoring, and suppression (PAMS) strategies; AND,Environmental risk screening tool are used (such as WIN-PST orsimilar LGU approved tool); AND, Application rates and timing arecompliant with the label.

Yes No

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Nutrients in Surface Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Nutrient and amendment applications are based on soil or tissue testsand nutrient budgets for realistic yields; AND, conservation practicesand managements are in place to minimize ground water impacts.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The land adjacent to a stream, river, or other waterbody on the side orsides you control: - has diverse, natural plant cover typical to thatalong other streams within the drainage basin; - extend from thestream bank/shoreline for a distance of 35 feet; OR, (if applicable) Theminimum State buffer-width requirement, whichever is greater; AND,Have few places where concentrated runoff flows through.

Yes No

Filter strips that are at least 30 feet wide are established andmaintained on all areas in the land management system where filterstrips are applicable.

Yes No

Livestock access to streams is limited to short periods of time andsmall areas.

Yes No

Excess Pathogens and Chemicals from Manure, Bio-solids or Compost Applicationsin Surface Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Potential sources of pathogens or pharmaceuticals are not applied onthe land; OR, Organic materials are applied, stored, and/or handled tomitigate negative impacts to surface water sources.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Livestock access to stream is controlled; OR, Livestock are limited tosmall watering or crossing areas.

Yes No

Filter strips that are at least 30 feet wide are established andmaintained on all areas in the land management system where filterstrips are applicable.

Yes No

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Petroleum, Heavy Metal and Other Pollutants Transported to Surface Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Activities do not present the potential for contamination by petroleum,heavy metals and other pollutants. If present, potential pollutants arestored and handled to avoid runoff to groundwater.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Fuel storage does not occur on this land management system; OR, Ifrequired, the producer has and is following a Spill Prevention, Control,and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan; OR, The fuel storage area and tankis located: - above the 100-year floodplain, - a minimum of 100 feetfrom any river, stream, ditch, pond, lake, sinkhole, wetland, or waterwell; AND, Within a stable place designed to provide secondarycontainment if the primary means were to fail.

Yes No

Petroleum, Heavy Metal and Other Pollutants Transported to Ground Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Activities do not present the potential for contamination by petroleum,heavy metals and other pollutants. If present, potential pollutants arestored and handled to avoid seepage to groundwater.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Fuel storage does not occur on this land management system; OR, Ifrequired, the producer has and is following a Spill Prevention, Control,and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan; OR, The fuel storage area and tankis located: - above the 100-year floodplain, - a minimum of 100 feetfrom any river, stream, ditch, pond, lake, sinkhole, wetland, or waterwell; AND, Within a stable place designed to provide secondarycontainment if the primary means were to fail.

Yes No

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Excessive Sediment in Surface Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

There are no untreated sources of erosion and streams or shoreline arenot on or adjacent to site; OR, Upslope treatment and buffer practicesaddress concentrated flows to water bodies; AND, Heavy use areas arestable; AND, The SVAP2 - bank condition is >= 5.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The land adjacent to a stream, river, or other waterbody on the side orsides you control does: - have diverse, natural plant cover typical tothat along streams in your area, - extend from the streambank/shoreline for a distance of 35 feet or (if applicable) the minimumState buffer-width requirement, whichever is greater; AND, Have fewplaces where concentrated runoff flows through.

Yes No

Drainage and erosion control measures are implemented on roads,trails and landings to minimize detrimental effects of concentratedflow, erosion and sedimentation; AND, Stream crossings are restoredand stabilized.

Yes No

All temporary or permanent rills and gullies are stabilized; OR,Temporary or permanent rills and gullies do not exist.

Yes No

Established filter strips are at least 20 feet wide and maintained whenfilter strips are applicable. If filter strips are not applicable on this landmanagement system, set the test statement to NA.

Yes No

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Elevated Water Temperature

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Water courses on or adjacent to the site are not designated by a StateAgency as a temperature impairment; OR, The SVAP2 - riparian areaquality element score is >= 5; AND, The SVAP2 - riparian areaquantity element score is >= 5; AND, The SVAP2 - canopy coverelement score is >= 6; OR, Existing conservation practices are in placeto address water temperature. If water courses are not present, set thisplanning criteria to NA.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

More than 50% of the water surface is shaded on the length of thestream/river for this land management system. If waterbodies are notpresent on this land management system, set the test statement to NA.

Yes No

Surface water temperatures do not limit use for fish, wildlife,invertebrates, or other intended purposes. If waterbodies are notpresent on this land management system, set the test statement to NA.

Yes No

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Air Quality Impacts

Emissions of Particulate Matter (PM) and PM Precursors

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Management activities do not contribute to agricultural sourceparticulate matter (PM) or PM precursor emissions; AND,documented episodes or complaints of emissions of PM (dust, smoke,exhaust, etc.), or chemical drift have not occurred. PM producingactivity examples are: Prescribed Burn is conducted, Travel waysunpaved or untreated with binding agents, Engines (combustionsource), Tillage, Pesticides are applied, Fertilization (manure/commercial), CAFO/manure management.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Dust is controlled on all non-vegetated, unpaved travel ways. Ifnon-vegetated or unpaved travel ways are not used or planned, set thistest statement to YES.

Yes No

Objectionable Odors

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Activities such as pesticide or manure application are managed toreduce objectionable odors; AND, Odor sources are not regulated inthis planning area; AND, Documented episodes or complaints of odornuisance have not occurred.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Manure is not applied on this land management system; OR, manure isimmediately incorporated; OR, manure is only applied when winddirection is away from human occupied areas.

Yes No

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Degraded Plant Condition

Undesirable Plant Productivity and Health

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Plants are adapted to the site, meet production goals, and do notnegatively impact other resources; AND, Plant damage from winderosion is below crop damage tolerance levels.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Plant yield, vigor, and quality are as expected. Yes No

Inadequate Structure and Composition

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Plant communities contain adequate diversity, composition andstructure to support desired ecological functions for the ecological site.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The current plants provide the desired habitat structure andcomposition. State identified invasive plants and noxious weeds arecontrolled.

Yes No

Excessive Plant Pest Pressure

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Plant pest damage to plants is below economic or environmentalthresholds; AND, plant pests, including noxious and invasive speciesare managed.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Invasive and noxious weeds are controlled or are not present. Yes No

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Wildfire Hazard, Excessive Biomass Accumulation

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Wildfire hazards is not a concern; OR, Fuel loads and fuel ladders aremanaged to provide defensible space.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Wildfire risk to sensitive sites are controlled by treatment, removal ormodification of vegetation, debris and detritus in a strip or area.

Yes No

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Fish and Wildlife - Inadequate Habitat

Inadequate Habitat - Food

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

The WHSI rating is >= 0.5; AND, (when surface stream present) TheSVAP2 - fish habitat complexity element score is >= 7; AND, TheSVAP2 - aquatic invertebrate habitat element score is >= 7; OR,Conservation practices and managements are in place that meet orexceed species or guild-specific habitat model thresholds; OR, Food isavailable in quality and extent to support habitat requirements for thespecies of interest.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Designated areas are planted as food and habitat forpollinators/beneficial insects; AND, Protected from disruption. Forexample, planted to nectar and pollen producing plants and protectedfrom disruption - chemical, biological, or mechanical.

Yes No

Plants growing are expected, desired, and suited to the site. Existingforbs and woody species meet state specified amounts.

Yes No

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Inadequate Habitat - Cover/Shelter

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

The WHSI rating is >= 0.5; AND, (when surface stream present) theSVAP2 - barriers to movement element score is >= 7; AND, theSVAP2 - fish habitat complexity element score is >= 7; AND, theSVAP2 - aquatic invertebrate habitat element score is >= 7; ORconservation practices and management practices are in place thatmeet or exceed species or guild-specific habitat model thresholds; OR,habitat cover is of available quality and extent to support requirementsfor the species of interest.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Plant growth and cover is managed to develop and maintain habitat tohelp chosen wildlife species. (see State Wildlife Action Plan)

Yes No

The pond/lake, which supports a natural or planted fish population, ismanaged: -to exclude livestock, -to control nuisance species andundesirable aquatic vegetation controlled, -to complies with state andlocal regulations when stocking the pond, AND -use of a buffer zoneof diverse, natural plant cover at least 35 feet wide.

Yes No

Designated areas are planted as food and habitat forpollinators/beneficial insects. For example, planted to nectar andpollen producing plants and protected from disruption--chemical,biological, or mechanical.

Yes No

The stream(s) have: - a natural, unaltered configuration, with minimalchannel straightening, dredging, or bank alteration by armoring withrip-rap or other non-natural materials, - stable banks with limitederosion or bank failure; AND, human uses and/or grazing levels thatdo not negatively impact bank condition. If streams are not present onthe land management system, set the test statement to NA.

Yes No

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Inadequate Habitat - Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

The WHSI rating is >= 0.5;AND, (when surface stream present) TheSVAP2 - aquatic invertebrate habitat element score is >= 7; OR,Conservation practices and managements are in place that meet orexceed species or guild-specific habitat model thresholds; OR, Wateris available in quality and extent to support habitat requirements forthe species of interest.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Water for habitat is accessible and at the right depth, duration, andtime of year for chosen wildlife species (See State Wildlife ActionPlan)

Yes No

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Inadequate Habitat - Habitat Continuity (Space)

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

The WHSI rating is >= 0.5; AND, (when surface stream present) TheSVAP2 - barriers to movement element score is >= 7; AND, TheSVAP2 - aquatic invertebrate habitat element score is >= 7; OR,Conservation practices and managements are in place that meet orexceed species or guild-specific habitat model thresholds; OR, Theconnectivity of habitat components are adequate to support stablepopulations of target species.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Existing fences allow wildlife movement without harm. Yes No

Connectivity between food resources and cover and shelter is providedfor the target wildlife species. (see State Wildlife Action Plan)

Yes No

The land adjacent to a stream, river, or other waterbody on the side orsides you control does: - have diverse, natural plant cover typical tothat along streams in your area; AND, Extend from the stream bank orshoreline for a distance of 35 feet; OR, (if applicable) The minimumState buffer-width requirement, whichever is greater.

Yes No

Designated areas are planted as habitat for pollinators and beneficialinsects. Non-cropped area protected from disruption during nestingand foraging periods--chemical, biological, or mechanical.

Yes No

In-stream structures (i.e. dam, diversion structure, bridge, culvert,low-water stream crossing, etc.) allow for the upstream anddownstream movement of fish and other aquatic animals throughoutmost of the year.

Yes No

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Livestock Production Limitation

Inadequate Feed and Forage

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Livestock forage, roughage, and supplemental nutritional requirementsare met.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The existing forage quantity and quality are expected to meet thelivestock needs and goals.

Yes No

Inadequate Shelter

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Artificial or natural shelters meet animal health needs. Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Adequate shelter is provided to meet the needs of the livestockthroughout the period the land management system (LMS) is utilizedby livestock. If livestock do not use this LMS, set the test statement toNA.

Yes No

Inadequate Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Water of acceptable quality and quantity is adequately distributed tomeet animal needs.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The livestock have enough drinking water of good quality. If livestockdo not use this land management system, set the test statement to NA.

Yes No

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Inefficient Energy Use

Equipment and Facilities

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

If equipment, motors, pumps, etc. are used or located on AssociatedAgricultural Land (AAL), are they commercially available improvedefficiency models or have they received manufacturer approvedupgrades.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Pumps, motors, wells, etc. located on the land management system areimproved efficiency models.

Yes No

Energy conserving implements are used for all or some fieldoperations.

Yes No

Farming/Ranching Practices and Field Operations

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Equipment or implements used on Associated Agricultural Land(AAL) for agricultural uses are improved efficiency models.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Pumps, motors, wells, etc. located on the land management system areimproved efficiency models

Yes No

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Soil Erosion

Sheet and Rill Erosion

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Permanent ground cover > 90% and slope less than 10%; OR, Thewater erosion rate is less than or equal to T.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

All non-traffic areas are vegetated. Yes No

All temporary or permanent rills and gullies are stabilized. All areasexpected to have high erosion rates are stable.

Yes No

Wind Erosion

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Permanent ground cover >90% and slope less than 10%; OR, Thewind erosion rate is less than or equal to T.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The areas integrated with trees are covered with leaves, needles, finewoody debris, rocks, and/or herbaceous vegetation that protects thesoil on more than 90% of the area.

Yes No

All non-traffic areas are vegetated. Yes No

All temporary or permanent rills and gullies are stabilized. All areasexpected to have high erosion rates are stable.

Yes No

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Classic Gully Erosion

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Classic gullies are not present; Or, Classic gully management isadequate to stop the progression of head cutting and widening andoffsite impacts are minimized by vegetation and/or structures.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Water runoff from hard surfaces, such as building roofs, is controlledto the point that is does not cause erosion or large streams of water.

Yes No

Classic Gullies are not present; Or, All classic gullies are stabilized;AND, All areas expected to have high erosion rates are stable.

Yes No

Streambank, Shoreline, Water Conveyance Channels

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

For shorelines and water conveyance channels; banks are stable orcommensurate with normal geomorphological processes; AND, Ifbank erosion is present, it is beyond the client's control orcommensurate with normal geomorphological processes; AND, Forstreambanks, SVAP2 bank condition element score > 5. If shorelinesor water conveyance channels are not present, set this planning criteriato NA.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Excluding all fundamentally unstable, natural geomorphicstreambanks and shorelines, all streambanks and shorelines on the landuse show few signs of erosion or bank failure; AND, Each is stableand protected with natural materials. If shorelines and waterconveyance channels do not exist on the land management system, setthis test statement to NA.

Yes No

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Soil Quality Degradation

Organic Matter Depletion

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Organic matter within the soil does not cause resource concerns orresource management issues. Determined and documented by on-siteevaluation methods.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

There are no areas of extensive bare ground, or largely unvegetatedareas. Vegetation and organic matter are managed appropriately.

Yes No


Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Soil compaction is not a problem: AND, Activities do not cause soilcompaction problems AND can be documented with priorconservation planning or other on-site evaluation methods.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Soil compaction is limited to roads, trails, and landings; AND, Roads,trails, and landings are properly maintained as to not cause associatedresource concerns.

Yes No

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Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Histisols are managed so as to not exhibit signs of subsidence.Determined and documented with soil survey documentation or otheron-site evaluation methods.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Areas of organic soils are avoided during all farmstead activities. Ifhistisols are not mapped on this land management system, set the teststatement to NA.

Yes No

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Excess Water

Runoff and Flooding and Ponding

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Runoff, flooding, and ponding is managed to minimize the impact onconservation measures and/or farmstead areas.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Water runoff from hard surfaces, such as building roofs, is controlledto the point that it does not cause damaging runoff, flooding orponding.

Yes No

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Insufficient Water

Inefficient Moisture Management

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Moisture management is not a problem and activities do not causeinefficient moisture management problems. Soil loss is less than orequal to T.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Plant species are suitable for the site and moisture management is nota problem; And, Management activities do not cause inefficientmoisture management problems.

Yes No

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Water Quality Degradation

Nutrients in Ground water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Liquid manure is not stored; OR, Liquid manure storages have a linerto reduce seepage to groundwater sources.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Liquid manure is not stored; OR, liquid manure storages have a linerto reduce seepage to groundwater sources.

Yes No

Pesticides in Surface Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Pesticides are stored, handled, disposed and applied to prevent runoff,spills, leaks and leaching; AND, Conservation practices andtechniques are in place to minimize ground water impacts.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Pesticides are stored, handled, and disposed to prevent runoff, spills,leaks and leaching.

Yes No

Pesticides are not applied or stored on this land management system;Or,' Pesticides are applied using a site-specific mixture of prevention,avoidance, monitoring, and suppression (PAMS) strategies.Environmental risk screening tool are used (such as WIN-PST orsimilar LGU approved tool); AND, application rates and timing arecompliant with the label.

Yes No

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Pesticides in Ground Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Pesticides are stored, handled, disposed and applied to prevent runoff,spills, leaks and leaching; AND, Conservation practices andtechniques are in place to minimize ground water impacts.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Pesticides are not applied or stored on this land management system;OR, Pesticides are applied using a site-specific mixture of prevention,avoidance, monitoring, and suppression (PAMS) strategies; AND,Environmental risk screening tool are used (such as WIN-PST orsimilar LGU approved tool); AND, Application rates and timing arecompliant with the label.

Yes No

Pesticides are stored, handled, disposed and applied to prevent runoff,spills, leaks and leaching; AND, Conservation practices andtechniques are in place to minimize ground water impacts.

Yes No

Nutrients in Surface Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Organic or inorganic nutrients are not applied and AFO/CAFO is notpresent; OR, Nutrient and amendment applications are based on soil ortissue tests and nutrient budgets for realistic yields; AND, Manure ismanaged and stored to eliminate off-site movement; AND,Conservation practices and management activitiess are in place tominimize surface water impacts.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Sacrifice areas are properly sited. Yes No

Manure and untreated runoff from animal pens, feedlots, or similarAFO/CAFO is stopped from entering nearby streams, drainageditches, and irrigation ditches.

Yes No

Livestock access to streams is limited to short periods of time andsmall areas.

Yes No

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Excess Pathogens and Chemicals from Manure, Bio-solids or Compost Applicationsin Surface Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Potential sources of pathogens or pharmaceuticals are not applied onthe land; OR, Organic materials are applied, stored, and/or handled tomitigate negative impacts to surface water sources.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Water well(s) does not exist; OR, Any water well(s) is located at least100 feet from animal pens, feedlots, or similar AFO/CAFO; OR,Runoff from these areas is treated; OR, An impervious barrier aroundthe well prevents seepage into the surface water.

Yes No

Animal pens, feedlots, or similar AFO/CAFO do not exist on the landmanagement system; OR, Manure and untreated runoff from animalpens, feedlots, or similar AFO/CAFO is stopped from entering nearbystreams, drainage ditches, and irrigation ditches.

Yes No

Livestock access to stream is controlled; OR, Livestock are limited tosmall watering or crossing areas.

Yes No

Excess Pathogens and Chemicals from Manure, Bio-solids or Compost Applicationsin Ground Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Potential sources of pathogens or pharmaceuticals are not stored orapplied on the land; OR, Organic materials are applied, stored, and/orhandled to mitigate negative impacts to groundwater sources.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Water well(s) does not exist; OR, Any water well(s) is located at least100 feet from animal pens, feedlots, or similar AFO/CAFO OR runofffrom these areas is treated; OR, An impervious barrier around the wellprevents seepage into the groundwater.

Yes No

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Petroleum, Heavy Metal and Other Pollutants Transported to Surface Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Activities do not present the potential for contamination by petroleum,heavy metals and other pollutants. If present, potential pollutants arestored and handled to avoid runoff to groundwater.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Fuel storage does not occur on this land management system; OR, Ifrequired, the producer has and is following a Spill Prevention, Control,and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan; OR, The fuel storage area and tankis located: - above the 100-year floodplain, - a minimum of 100 feetfrom any river, stream, ditch, pond, lake, sinkhole, wetland, or waterwell; AND, Within a stable place designed to provide secondarycontainment if the primary means were to fail.

Yes No

Petroleum, Heavy Metal and Other Pollutants Transported to Ground Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Activities do not present the potential for contamination by petroleum,heavy metals and other pollutants. If present, potential pollutants arestored and handled to avoid seepage to groundwater.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Fuel storage does not occur on this land management system; OR, Ifrequired, the producer has and is following a Spill Prevention, Control,and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan; OR, The fuel storage area and tankis located: - above the 100-year floodplain, - a minimum of 100 feetfrom any river, stream, ditch, pond, lake, sinkhole, wetland, or waterwell; AND, Within a stable place designed to provide secondarycontainment if the primary means were to fail.

Yes No

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Excessive Sediment in Surface Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

There are no untreated sources of erosion and streams or shoreline arenot on or adjacent to site; OR, Upslope treatment and buffer practicesaddress concentrated flows to water bodies; AND, Heavy use areas arestable; AND, The SVAP2 - bank condition is >= 5.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Drainage and erosion control measures are implemented on roads,trails and landings to minimize detrimental effects of concentratedflow, erosion and sedimentation; AND, Stream crossings are restoredand stabilized.

Yes No

Water runoff from hard surfaces, such as building roofs, is controlledto the point that it does not cause erosion or concentrated streams ofwater.

Yes No

The land adjacent to a stream, river, or other waterbody on the side orsides you control does: - have diverse, natural plant cover typical tothat along streams in your area, - extend from the streambank/shoreline for a distance of 35 feet or (if applicable) the minimumState buffer-width requirement, whichever is greater; AND, Have fewplaces where concentrated runoff flows through.

Yes No

All temporary or permanent rills and gullies are stabilized; OR,Temporary or permanent rills and gullies do not exist.

Yes No

Established filter strips are at least 20 feet wide and maintained whenfilter strips are applicable. If filter strips are not applicable on this landmanagement system, set the test statement to NA.

Yes No

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Elevated Water Temperature

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Water courses on or adjacent to the site are not designated by a StateAgency as a temperature impairment; OR, The SVAP2 - riparian areaquality element score is >= 5; AND, The SVAP2 - riparian areaquantity element score is >= 5; AND, The SVAP2 - canopy coverelement score is >= 6; OR, Existing conservation practices are in placeto address water temperature. If water courses are not present, set thisplanning criteria to NA.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Surface water temperatures do not limit use for fish, wildlife,invertebrates, or other intended purposes. If waterbodies are notpresent on this land management system, set the test statement to NA.

Yes No

More than 50% of the water surface is shaded on the length of thestream/river for this land management system. If waterbodies are notpresent on this land management system, set the test statement to NA.

Yes No

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Air Quality Impacts

Emissions of Particulate Matter (PM) and PM Precursors

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Management activities do not contribute to agricultural sourceparticulate matter (PM) or PM precursor emissions; AND,documented episodes or complaints of emissions of PM (dust, smoke,exhaust, etc.), or chemical drift have not occurred. PM producingactivity examples are: Prescribed Burn is conducted, Travel waysunpaved or untreated with binding agents, Engines (combustionsource), Tillage, Pesticides are applied, Fertilization (manure/commercial), CAFO/manure management.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Dust is controlled on all non-vegetated, unpaved travel ways. Ifnon-vegetated or unpaved travel ways are not used or planned, set thistest statement to YES.

Yes No

Emissions of Ozone Precursors

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Operations that produce ozone precursor emissions are not present;OR, or are managed to reduce emissions. Ozone precursor producingactivities may include: Engines (combustion source), Pesticideapplication, Burning, CAFO /manure management, or fertilization(manure/commercial).

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Energy-efficient vehicles, equipment, and other actions are used tolessen discharges of NOx. Other actions may include: regularlyservicing and properly maintaining combustion equipment, using theminimum level of equipment needed to accomplish the activity, andminimizing number of trips into the area.

Yes No

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Emission of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs)

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

If AFO/CAFO is present the National Air Quality Site AssessmentTool (NAQSAT) indicates "NA" or at least 50% green for thefollowing gasses: Methane (CH4) and Nitrous Oxide (N2O); for allapplicable management categories. If AFO/CAFO is not present,renewable energy sources are utilized.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Renewable energy sources are used. Yes No

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Objectionable Odors

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

The score bars in the NAQSAT report are at least 50% green for all ofthese sectors (or appropriate documentation is provided to indicatewhy an applicable score bar does not need to be at least 50% green):Mortalities, Manure Storage, Feed and Water, Land Application, andAnimals and Housing data categories under Odor; Manure Storage,Feed and Water, and Animals and Housing data categories underVolatile organic compounds; Manure Storage and Feed and Waterdata categories under Hydrogen sulfide; and, Manure Storage, Feedand Water, Land Application, Animals and Housing, and Collectionand Transfer data categories under Ammonia.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Manure from AFO/CAFO is managed to reduce objectionable odors;AND, documented episodes or complaints of odor nuisance have notoccurred. If AFO/CAFO does not exist on this land managementsystem, set this test statement to NA.

Yes No

Composting is managed to reduce objectionable odors; AND,documented episodes or complaints of odor nuisance have notoccurred. If composting does not occur, set this test statement to NA.

Yes No

AFO/CAFO does not exist on the land management system; AND,documented episodes or complaints of odor nuisance have notoccurred. If AFO/CAFO exists, set this test statement to NA.

Yes No

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Degraded Plant Condition

Undesirable Plant Productivity and Health

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Plants are adapted to the site, meet production goals, and do notnegatively impact other resources; AND, Plant damage from winderosion is below crop damage tolerance levels.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Plant yield, vigor, and quality are as expected. Yes No

Inadequate Structure and Composition

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Plant communities contain adequate diversity, composition andstructure to support desired ecological functions for the ecological site.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The current plants provide the desired habitat structure andcomposition. State identified invasive plants and noxious weeds arecontrolled.

Yes No

Trees and shrubs are pruned to improve plant structure andcomposition.

Yes No

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Excessive Plant Pest Pressure

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Plant pest damage to plants is below economic or environmentalthresholds; AND, plant pests, including noxious and invasive speciesare managed.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Invasive and noxious weeds are controlled or are not present. Yes No

Wildfire Hazard, Excessive Biomass Accumulation

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Wildfire hazards is not a concern; OR, Fuel loads and fuel ladders aremanaged to provide defensible space.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Sites needing wildfire protection or using Prescribed Burning have apermanent or temporary strip of bare or vegetated land (i.e. FuelBreak) that retards fire.

Yes No

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Fish and Wildlife - Inadequate Habitat

Inadequate Habitat - Food

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

The WHSI rating is >= 0.5; AND, (when surface stream present) TheSVAP2 - fish habitat complexity element score is >= 7; AND, TheSVAP2 - aquatic invertebrate habitat element score is >= 7; OR,Conservation practices and managements are in place that meet orexceed species or guild-specific habitat model thresholds; OR, Food isavailable in quality and extent to support habitat requirements for thespecies of interest.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Plants provide nectar and pollen sources for pollinators and beneficialinsects as well as providing adequate food for browsing animals.

Yes No

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Inadequate Habitat - Cover/Shelter

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

The WHSI rating is >= 0.5; AND, (when surface stream present) theSVAP2 - barriers to movement element score is >= 7; AND, theSVAP2 - fish habitat complexity element score is >= 7; AND, theSVAP2 - aquatic invertebrate habitat element score is >= 7; ORconservation practices and management practices are in place thatmeet or exceed species or guild-specific habitat model thresholds; OR,habitat cover is of available quality and extent to support requirementsfor the species of interest.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Designated areas are planted as food and habitat forpollinators/beneficial insects. For example, planted to nectar andpollen producing plants and protected from disruption--chemical,biological, or mechanical.

Yes No

The forest/woodlot/shelterbelt is fully stocked with tree speciesadapted to the site; AND, Has spacing for good tree growth and airflow between and beneath: AND, Does not have excessive treemortality: AND, Has an understory made up of desirable species:AND, Is not inhibited by brush or other undesirable vegetation.

Yes No

Plant growth and cover is managed to develop and maintain habitat tohelp chosen wildlife species. (see State Wildlife Action Plan)

Yes No

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Inadequate Habitat - Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

The WHSI rating is >= 0.5;AND, (when surface stream present) TheSVAP2 - aquatic invertebrate habitat element score is >= 7; OR,Conservation practices and managements are in place that meet orexceed species or guild-specific habitat model thresholds; OR, Wateris available in quality and extent to support habitat requirements forthe species of interest.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Developments in the flood plain, stream water withdrawals, flowaugmentation, or water control structures may be present, but do notsignificantly alter the natural flow regime.

Yes No

Water for habitat is accessible and at the right depth, duration, andtime of year for chosen wildlife species (See State Wildlife ActionPlan)

Yes No

Inadequate Habitat - Habitat Continuity (Space)

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

The WHSI rating is >= 0.5; AND, (when surface stream present) TheSVAP2 - barriers to movement element score is >= 7; AND, TheSVAP2 - aquatic invertebrate habitat element score is >= 7; OR,Conservation practices and managements are in place that meet orexceed species or guild-specific habitat model thresholds; OR, Theconnectivity of habitat components are adequate to support stablepopulations of target species.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Connectivity between food resources and cover and shelter is providedfor the target wildlife species. (see State Wildlife Action Plan)

Yes No

In-stream structures (i.e. dam, diversion structure, bridge, culvert,low-water stream crossing, etc.) allow for the upstream anddownstream movement of fish and other aquatic animals throughoutmost of the year.

Yes No

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Inefficient Energy Use

Equipment and Facilities

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

On-farm renewable energy and/or energy conserving practices havebeen implemented and energy savings can be documented byoperational adherence to an NRCS approved Energy Audit or the useof various energy saving calculators.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Pumps, motors, wells, etc. located on the land management system areimproved efficiency models.

Yes No

Energy loss from lighting, drying, refrigeration, cooling, heating, orbuilding insulation has been improved.

Yes No

Farming/Ranching Practices and Field Operations

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

On-farm renewable energy and/or energy conserving practices havebeen implemented and energy savings can be documented byoperational adherence to an NRCS approved Energy Audit or the useof various energy saving calculators.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Pumps, motors, wells, etc. located on the land management system areimproved efficiency models

Yes No

Energy loss from lighting, drying, refrigeration, cooling, heating, orbuilding insulation has been improved.

Yes No

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Soil Erosion

Sheet and Rill Erosion

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Soil surface organic residue cover >80%; OR, Site is stable andwithout visible signs of erosion.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The forest O horizon is covered with leaves, needles, fine woodydebris, rocks, and/or herbaceous vegetation that protects the soil onmore than 80% of the area.

Yes No

Wind Erosion

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Soil surface organic residue cover >80%; OR, Site is stable andwithout visible signs of erosion.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The forest O horizon is covered with leaves, needles, fine woodydebris, rocks, and/or herbaceous vegetation that protects the soil onmore than 80% of the area.

Yes No

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Classic Gully Erosion

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Classic gullies are not present; Or, Classic gully management isadequate to stop the progression of head cutting and widening andoffsite impacts are minimized by vegetation and/or structures.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Drainage and erosion control measures are implemented on roads,trails and landings to minimize detrimental effects of concentratedflow, erosion and sedimentation. Stream crossings are restored andstabilized.

Yes No

Classic Gullies are not present; Or, All classic gullies are stabilized;AND, All areas expected to have high erosion rates are stable.

Yes No

Streambank, Shoreline, Water Conveyance Channels

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

For shorelines and water conveyance channels; banks are stable orcommensurate with normal geomorphological processes; AND, Ifbank erosion is present, it is beyond the client's control orcommensurate with normal geomorphological processes; AND, Forstreambanks, SVAP2 bank condition element score > 5. If shorelinesor water conveyance channels are not present, set this planning criteriato NA.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Excluding all fundamentally unstable, natural geomorphicstreambanks and shorelines, all streambanks and shorelines on the landuse show few signs of erosion or bank failure; AND, Each is stableand protected with natural materials. If shorelines and waterconveyance channels do not exist on the land management system, setthis test statement to NA.

Yes No

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Soil Quality Degradation

Organic Matter Depletion

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Organic matter within the soil is managed by means of proper forestmanagement. Determined and documented by use of on-siteevaluations and state specific forestland management practices.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Tree/shrub residue is left in place to provide for natural organic mattercycling within the forest.

Yes No

The forest O horizon is covered with leaves, needles, fine woodydebris, rocks, and/or herbaceous vegetation that protects the soil onmore than 80% of the area. The O and A horizons are not displaced.Woody residue is being added to the surface soil horizons throughbranch breakage and treefalls.

Yes No


Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Soil compaction is not a problem: AND, Activities do not cause soilcompaction problems AND can be documented with priorconservation planning or other on-site evaluation methods.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Trails and landings do not have visible drainage or erosion issues thatare a result of soil compaction.

Yes No

Soil compaction is limited to roads and landings. Tree root growth isnot impeded. No more than 15% of the forested area is devoted toroads, trails, and landings.

Yes No

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Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Histisols are managed so as to not exhibit signs of subsidence.Determined and documented with soil survey documentation or otheron-site evaluation methods.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The forest O horizon is covered with leaves, needles, fine woodydebris, rocks, and/or herbaceous vegetation that protects the soil onmore than 90% of the area. There is no artificial drainage operating onthe site. If histisols are not present on this land management system,set the test statement to NA.

Yes No

Concentration of Salts and other Chemicals

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Salinity/sodicity problems do not exist: OR, Conservation practicesand managements are in place to mitigate on-site effects.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

There are no areas of extensive bare ground, or largely unvegetatedareas, present in areas of high salts. If there are no areas of high saltson the land management system, set this test statement to YES.

Yes No

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Excess Water

Runoff and Flooding and Ponding

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Runoff, flooding, and ponding is managed to minimize the impact onconservation measures and/or forest production.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Drainage and erosion control measures are implemented on roads,trails and landings to minimize detrimental effects of concentratedflow, erosion and sedimentation; AND, stream crossings are restoredand stabilized.

Yes No

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Insufficient Water

Inefficient Use of Irrigation Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

The irrigation system components and management result in a FarmIrrigation Rating Index > 60; AND, Meets applicable State in-streamflow and lake and pond water levels requirements. If the landmanagement system is not irrigated, or equipment on this landmanagement system is not used to irrigate, set this planning criteria toNA.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

An irrigation water management (IWM) plan is followed that meetsthe crop's needs, while maximizing irrigation water efficiency. TheIWM plan schedules water application based on soil moisturemonitoring and/or evapotranspiration monitoring, measures andrecords the amount of water used to irrigate, and the irrigationsystem's distribution uniformity has been evaluated and necessarychanges were made. If the land management system is not irrigated, orequipment on this land management system is not used to irrigate, setthis test statement to NA.

Yes No

Inefficient Moisture Management

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Moisture management is not a problem and activities do not causeinefficient moisture management problems. Soil loss is less than orequal to T.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Management choices include actions to limit moisture loss. Forexample, maintaining shade, retaining the forest soil O horizon, andmaintaining correct stocking levels.

Yes No

Stocking levels are monitored and maintained to maximize foresthealth and production.

Yes No

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Water Quality Degradation

Pesticides in Surface Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Pesticides are stored, handled, disposed and applied to prevent runoff,spills, leaks and leaching; AND, Conservation practices andtechniques are in place to minimize ground water impacts.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Pesticides are not applied or stored on this land management system;Or,' Pesticides are applied using a site-specific mixture of prevention,avoidance, monitoring, and suppression (PAMS) strategies.Environmental risk screening tool are used (such as WIN-PST orsimilar LGU approved tool); AND, application rates and timing arecompliant with the label.

Yes No

Pesticides in Ground Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Pesticides are stored, handled, disposed and applied to prevent runoff,spills, leaks and leaching; AND, Conservation practices andtechniques are in place to minimize ground water impacts.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Pesticides are not applied or stored on this land management system;OR, Pesticides are applied using a site-specific mixture of prevention,avoidance, monitoring, and suppression (PAMS) strategies; AND,Environmental risk screening tool are used (such as WIN-PST orsimilar LGU approved tool); AND, Application rates and timing arecompliant with the label.

Yes No

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Nutrients in Surface Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Organic or inorganic nutrients are not applied and the PLU is notgrazed; OR, If nutrients are applied, they are based on a soil test, tissuetests or nutrient budget and livestock access to streams is controlled.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The land adjacent to a stream, river, or other waterbody on the side orsides you control: - has diverse, natural plant cover typical to thatalong other streams within the drainage basin; - extend from thestream bank/shoreline for a distance of 35 feet; OR, (if applicable) Theminimum State buffer-width requirement, whichever is greater; AND,Have few places where concentrated runoff flows through.

Yes No

Drainage and erosion control measures are implemented on roads,trails and landings to minimize detrimental effects of concentratedflow, erosion and sedimentation; AND, Stream crossings are restoredand stabilized.

Yes No

Livestock access to streams is limited to short periods of time andsmall areas.

Yes No

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Nutrients in Ground Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Organic or inorganic nutrients are not applied and PLU is not grazed;OR, Nutrient and amendment applications are based on soil or tissuetests and nutrient budgets for realistic yields and conservationpractices: AND, Management activities are in place to minimizeground water impacts.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Grazing management in close proximity to sinkholes does not degradegroundwater. If sinkholes are not in close proximity to this landmanagement system, set the test statement to YES.

Yes No

Nutrients are not applied on this land management system; OR, ifnutrients are applied, a nutrient budget is used to determine allapplication rates, including: - Realistic yield goals, - Nutrient uptakerequirements, and - Available nutrient accounting for each of thefollowing: (a) N, P, K from representative soil tests (less than or equalto 3yrs), (b) Soil organic matter mineralization, (c) Legumes inrotation, (d) Previous applications of manure and other organic basedmaterials, (e) Planned post-harvest residual soil test levels, (f)Available nutrient analysis for each nutrient source, and (g) Availablenutrient uptake efficiencies from planned application rate, source,method, timing and placement. All state specific application setbacksare maintained for all nutrient applications.

Yes No

Excess Pathogens and Chemicals from Manure, Bio-solids or Compost Applicationsin Surface Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Potential sources of pathogens or pharmaceuticals are not applied onthe land; OR, Organic materials are applied, stored, and/or handled tomitigate negative impacts to surface water sources.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Livestock access to stream is controlled; OR, Livestock are limited tosmall watering or crossing areas.

Yes No

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Petroleum, Heavy Metal and Other Pollutants Transported to Surface Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Activities do not present the potential for contamination by petroleum,heavy metals and other pollutants. If present, potential pollutants arestored and handled to avoid runoff to groundwater.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Fuel storage does not occur on this land management system; OR, Ifrequired, the producer has and is following a Spill Prevention, Control,and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan; OR, The fuel storage area and tankis located: - above the 100-year floodplain, - a minimum of 100 feetfrom any river, stream, ditch, pond, lake, sinkhole, wetland, or waterwell; AND, Within a stable place designed to provide secondarycontainment if the primary means were to fail.

Yes No

Petroleum, Heavy Metal and Other Pollutants Transported to Ground Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Activities do not present the potential for contamination by petroleum,heavy metals and other pollutants. If present, potential pollutants arestored and handled to avoid seepage to groundwater.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Fuel storage does not occur on this land management system; OR, Ifrequired, the producer has and is following a Spill Prevention, Control,and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan; OR, The fuel storage area and tankis located: - above the 100-year floodplain, - a minimum of 100 feetfrom any river, stream, ditch, pond, lake, sinkhole, wetland, or waterwell; AND, Within a stable place designed to provide secondarycontainment if the primary means were to fail.

Yes No

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Excessive Sediment in Surface Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

There are no untreated sources of erosion and streams or shoreline arenot on or adjacent to site; OR, Upslope treatment and buffer practicesaddress concentrated flows to water bodies; AND, Heavy use areas arestable; AND, The SVAP2 - bank condition is >= 5.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The land adjacent to a stream, river, or other waterbody on the side orsides you control does: - have diverse, natural plant cover typical tothat along streams in your area, - extend from the streambank/shoreline for a distance of 35 feet or (if applicable) the minimumState buffer-width requirement, whichever is greater; AND, Have fewplaces where concentrated runoff flows through.

Yes No

Drainage and erosion control measures are implemented on roads,trails and landings to minimize detrimental effects of concentratedflow, erosion and sedimentation; AND, Stream crossings are restoredand stabilized.

Yes No

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Elevated Water Temperature

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Water courses on or adjacent to the site are not designated by a StateAgency as a temperature impairment; OR, The SVAP2 - riparian areaquality element score is >= 5; AND, The SVAP2 - riparian areaquantity element score is >= 5; AND, The SVAP2 - canopy coverelement score is >= 6; OR, Existing conservation practices are in placeto address water temperature. If water courses are not present, set thisplanning criteria to NA.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

More than 50% of the water surface is shaded on the length of thestream/river for this land management system. If waterbodies are notpresent on this land management system, set the test statement to NA.

Yes No

Surface water temperatures do not limit use for fish, wildlife,invertebrates, or other intended purposes. If waterbodies are notpresent on this land management system, set the test statement to NA.

Yes No

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Air Quality Impacts

Emissions of Particulate Matter (PM) and PM Precursors

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Management activities do not contribute to agricultural sourceparticulate matter (PM) or PM precursor emissions; AND,documented episodes or complaints of emissions of PM (dust, smoke,exhaust, etc.), or chemical drift have not occurred. PM producingactivity examples are: Prescribed Burn is conducted, Travel waysunpaved or untreated with binding agents, Engines (combustionsource), Tillage, Pesticides are applied, Fertilization (manure/commercial), CAFO/manure management.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Field operations and activities are managed to minimize particulateemissions on the farm (i.e. multi-operation field tools, precisionguidance systems, Prescribed Burn plans are implemented, andtreatment/management of all non-vegetated, unpaved travel ways.)

Yes No

Dust is controlled on all non-vegetated, unpaved travel ways. Ifnon-vegetated or unpaved travel ways are not used or planned, set thistest statement to YES.

Yes No

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Emissions of Ozone Precursors

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Operations that produce ozone precursor emissions are not present;OR, or are managed to reduce emissions. Ozone precursor producingactivities may include: Engines (combustion source), Pesticideapplication, Burning, CAFO /manure management, or fertilization(manure/commercial).

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Pesticides are not applied; OR, an IPM plan is followed which reducesozone precursors. IPM includes applications of pesticides, includingfumigants, be applied in a way that emissions of ozone precursors arereduced; Application methods may include: spot spraying, pest/targetsensing application equipment, alternative pesticide formulations, orlow emission fumigation methods.

Yes No

Farm or forest harvest equipment is serviced at regular intervals toreduce emissions of ozone precursors

Yes No

Energy-efficient vehicles, equipment, and other actions are used tolessen discharges of NOx. Other actions may include: regularlyservicing and properly maintaining combustion equipment, using theminimum level of equipment needed to accomplish the activity, andminimizing number of trips into the area.

Yes No

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Emission of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs)

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Activities that produce GHGs emissions are not present: OR, activitiesthat produce GHGs emissions are managed to reduce those emissions;AND, Carbon sequestration is enhanced through reduced tillagemethods or other practices. GHG producing activities that should beconsidered include: Fertilization (manure/commercial), Tillagemethods, grazing management, and forestry practices; AND GHGs arenot regulated in this planning area.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The forest is managed to promote carbon sequestration by selectingspecies with high growth rates or species with long lifespans that arecapable of reaching a large size.

Yes No

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Degraded Plant Condition

Undesirable Plant Productivity and Health

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Forest species are adapted to site AND, Composition and stand densitymeet ecological site objectives and production goals.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The forest or woodlot is fully stocked with tree species adapted to thesite, has spacing for good tree growth and air flow between andbeneath, does not have excessive tree mortality, has an understorymade up of desirable species and is not inhibited by brush or otherundesirable vegetation. Monitoring for insects and disease iscompleted to prevent outbreaks that would be detrimental to foresthealth.

Yes No

Inadequate Structure and Composition

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Plant communities contain adequate diversity, composition andstructure to support desired ecological functions for the ecological site.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The current plants provide the desired habitat structure andcomposition. State identified invasive plants and noxious weeds arecontrolled.

Yes No

The forest or woodlot is fully stocked with tree species adapted to thesite, has spacing for good tree growth and air flow between andbeneath, does not have excessive tree mortality, has an understorymade up of desirable species and is not inhibited by brush or otherundesirable vegetation.

Yes No

Trees and shrubs are pruned to improve plant structure andcomposition.

Yes No

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Excessive Plant Pest Pressure

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Plant pest damage to plants is below economic or environmentalthresholds; AND, plant pests, including noxious and invasive speciesare managed.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Noxious weeds, and plants that impact forest growth, are controlled orare not present.

Yes No

Trees are selected or planted that are tolerant of known damagingpests. Woody debris that fosters pest outbreaks is appropriately treatedto reduce risk.

Yes No

Wildfire Hazard, Excessive Biomass Accumulation

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Wildfire hazards is not a concern; OR, Fuel loads and fuel ladders aremanaged to provide defensible space.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The forest or woodlot is fully stocked with tree species adapted to thesite, has spacing for good tree growth and air flow between andbeneath, does not have excessive tree mortality, has an understorymade up of desirable species and is not inhibited by brush or otherundesirable vegetation. Monitoring for insects and disease iscompleted to prevent outbreaks that would be detrimental to foresthealth. Woody debris on the forest floor supports wildlife but does notpresent an elevated fire risk.

Yes No

Active management occurs to avoid excessive buildup of likelywildfire fuels.

Yes No

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Fish and Wildlife - Inadequate Habitat

Inadequate Habitat - Food

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

The WHSI rating is >= 0.5; AND, (when surface stream present) TheSVAP2 - fish habitat complexity element score is >= 7; AND, TheSVAP2 - aquatic invertebrate habitat element score is >= 7; OR,Conservation practices and managements are in place that meet orexceed species or guild-specific habitat model thresholds; OR, Food isavailable in quality and extent to support habitat requirements for thespecies of interest.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Plant growth and cover is managed to develop and maintain habitat tobenefit target wildlife species.

Yes No

Trees and shrubs provide nectar and pollen sources for pollinators andbeneficial insects as well as providing adequate food for browsinganimals.

Yes No

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Inadequate Habitat - Cover/Shelter

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

The WHSI rating is >= 0.5; AND, (when surface stream present) theSVAP2 - barriers to movement element score is >= 7; AND, theSVAP2 - fish habitat complexity element score is >= 7; AND, theSVAP2 - aquatic invertebrate habitat element score is >= 7; ORconservation practices and management practices are in place thatmeet or exceed species or guild-specific habitat model thresholds; OR,habitat cover is of available quality and extent to support requirementsfor the species of interest.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Timber is managed in uneven aged stands, and not clear-cut. Yes No

Plant growth and cover is managed to develop and maintain habitat tohelp chosen wildlife species. (see State Wildlife Action Plan)

Yes No

The stream(s) have: - a natural, unaltered configuration, with minimalchannel straightening, dredging, or bank alteration by armoring withrip-rap or other non-natural materials, - stable banks with limitederosion or bank failure; AND, human uses and/or grazing levels thatdo not negatively impact bank condition. If streams are not present onthe land management system, set the test statement to NA.

Yes No

Livestock access to stream(s) is controlled; OR, livestock access islimited to small watering or crossing areas

Yes No

Designated areas are planted as food and habitat forpollinators/beneficial insects. For example, planted to nectar andpollen producing plants and protected from disruption--chemical,biological, or mechanical.

Yes No

The pond/lake, which supports a natural or planted fish population, ismanaged: -to exclude livestock, -to control nuisance species andundesirable aquatic vegetation controlled, -to complies with state andlocal regulations when stocking the pond, AND -use of a buffer zoneof diverse, natural plant cover at least 35 feet wide.

Yes No

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Inadequate Habitat - Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

The WHSI rating is >= 0.5;AND, (when surface stream present) TheSVAP2 - aquatic invertebrate habitat element score is >= 7; OR,Conservation practices and managements are in place that meet orexceed species or guild-specific habitat model thresholds; OR, Wateris available in quality and extent to support habitat requirements forthe species of interest.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Water for habitat is accessible and at the right depth, duration, andtime of year for chosen wildlife species (See State Wildlife ActionPlan)

Yes No

Developments in the flood plain, stream water withdrawals, flowaugmentation, or water control structures may be present, but do notsignificantly alter the natural flow regime.

Yes No

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Inadequate Habitat - Habitat Continuity (Space)

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

The WHSI rating is >= 0.5; AND, (when surface stream present) TheSVAP2 - barriers to movement element score is >= 7; AND, TheSVAP2 - aquatic invertebrate habitat element score is >= 7; OR,Conservation practices and managements are in place that meet orexceed species or guild-specific habitat model thresholds; OR, Theconnectivity of habitat components are adequate to support stablepopulations of target species.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Connectivity between food resources and cover and shelter is providedfor the target wildlife species. (see State Wildlife Action Plan)

Yes No

The land adjacent to a stream, river, or other waterbody on the side orsides you control does: - have diverse, natural plant cover typical tothat along streams in your area; AND, Extend from the stream bank orshoreline for a distance of 35 feet; OR, (if applicable) The minimumState buffer-width requirement, whichever is greater.

Yes No

Designated areas are planted as habitat for pollinators and beneficialinsects. Non-cropped area protected from disruption during nestingand foraging periods--chemical, biological, or mechanical.

Yes No

In-stream structures (i.e. dam, diversion structure, bridge, culvert,low-water stream crossing, etc.) allow for the upstream anddownstream movement of fish and other aquatic animals throughoutmost of the year.

Yes No

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Livestock Production Limitation

Inadequate Feed and Forage

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Livestock forage, roughage, and supplemental nutritional requirementsare met.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

An existing Prescribed Grazing plan is on schedule. Animal stockinglevels, minimum forage heights are maintained and rotation periodsare designed to avoid harm to sensitive plants. If the forest is notgrazed, set this test statement to NA.

Yes No

Inadequate Shelter

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Artificial or natural shelters meet animal health needs. Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Adequate shelter is provided to meet the needs of the livestockthroughout the period the land management system (LMS) is utilizedby livestock. If livestock do not use this LMS, set the test statement toNA.

Yes No

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Inadequate Water

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

Water of acceptable quality and quantity is adequately distributed tomeet animal needs.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

The livestock have enough drinking water of good quality. If livestockdo not use this land management system, set the test statement to NA.

Yes No

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Inefficient Energy Use

Equipment and Facilities

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

On-site renewable energy and/or energy conserving implements havebeen implemented to improve energy efficiency for field operations.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Energy conserving implements are used for all or some fieldoperations.

Yes No

Farming/Ranching Practices and Field Operations

Planning Criteria Planning Criteria Met

On-farm renewable energy and/or energy conserving implements arebeing used to improve energy efficiency for forestland operations.Forestland operations are planned with the intent to reduce trips intothe forestland.

Yes No

Evaluation Tests Evaluation Test Met

Energy-efficient actions are used in forest management activities. Forexample, limiting the number of trips into the forest, or leaving woodyresidue in place if it is not a fire or pest hazard.

Yes No