Software testing an overview

Software Testing an Overview and Its Importance Software testing is the process by which one can test the functionality of the newly developed applications. Implementation of this process before releasing or delivering the software will make it error free but, now a days this process is not getting much importance in some organizations because of there is lack of knowledge about it and its benefits. Software is developed by human and it is but natural that humans make mistakes which create bugs or error in the applications. Execution of testing plans and process on application is the best way to make it error free otherwise all the efforts of the development will be in vain and that will cost more to the organization. Planning is also very important factor before testing any software or application. There should be test cases, test plans, testing flow etc which will make the testing process smooth, quick and accurate. Testing Process Life Cycle Types Of Testing Black Box Testing White Box Testing Unit Testing Incremental Integration Testing Integration Testing Functional Testing System Testing End-To-End Testing Sanity Testing Regression Testing Acceptance Testing Load Testing Stress Testing

Transcript of Software testing an overview

Page 1: Software testing   an overview

Software Testing an Overview and Its Importance

Software testing is the process by which one can test the functionality of the newly developed

applications. Implementation of this process before releasing or delivering the software will make it

error free but, now a days this process is not getting much importance in some organizations because of

there is lack of knowledge about it and its benefits.

Software is developed by human and it is but natural that humans make mistakes which create bugs or

error in the applications. Execution of testing plans and process on application is the best way to make it

error free otherwise all the efforts of the development will be in vain and that will cost more to the


Planning is also very important factor before testing any software or application. There should be test

cases, test plans, testing flow etc which will make the testing process smooth, quick and accurate.

Testing Process Life Cycle

Types Of Testing

Black Box Testing

White Box Testing

Unit Testing

Incremental Integration Testing

Integration Testing

Functional Testing

System Testing

End-To-End Testing

Sanity Testing

Regression Testing

Acceptance Testing

Load Testing

Stress Testing

Page 2: Software testing   an overview

Performance Testing

Usability Testing

Install/Uninstall Testing

Recovery Testing

Security Testing

Compatibility Testing

Comparison Testing

Alpha Testing

Beta Testing

Advantages of Testing Process

Early discovery of fault can save both time and money

User will get full functional error free applications to use

Testing will reveal if critical functionality works, useful when you are selling something

Testing will ensure you that product will not affect negatively with interactive system

There will be more efficiency in the software development process

Application and code quality will become of high level

And many more…….

Software QA testing will provide a certificate of high quality to your application which will be very

helpful to get new business and retain the old ones. It is true that not all errors are due to coding error ,

sometimes it is caused by requirement gap. Overall QA is matter from both user and organization point

of view.