Software Pipelining on Multi-Core Architectures

Software Pipelining on Multi-Core Architectures Alban Douillet, Guang R. Gao CISC 879 : Software Support for Multicore Architectures Tom St. John Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Delaware

Transcript of Software Pipelining on Multi-Core Architectures

Page 1: Software Pipelining on Multi-Core Architectures

Software Pipelining on Multi-Core Architectures

Alban Douillet, Guang R. Gao

CISC 879 : Software Support for Multicore Architectures

Tom St. JohnDept of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Delaware

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• Introduction

• Single-Dimension Software Pipelining

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• Multi-Threaded Software Pipelining

• Experiments

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• Software pipelining is among most successful optimizations

• Can it be applied to multi-core chips?

• What extensions are required?

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Single-Dimension SWP

• Does not simply pipeline innermost loop

- Pipelines most profitable loop level

• Loop levels enclosing selected loop left to global scheduler

Selected loop seen as outermost loop

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- Selected loop seen as outermost loop

- Inner loops executed sequentially

• Able to take advantage of ILP/data locality properties present in other loops

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SSP Example

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SSP Example

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SSP Example

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Multi-Threaded SWP

• Several Obstacles Exist

• Dependences/resource constraints must be respected

• Operation cannot be scheduled before all dependences are satisfied

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dependences are satisfied

• Memory dependences may exist between thread units

- Synchronization is required

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Multi-ThreadedFinal Schedule

• Schedule each group of Sn iterations on a thread unit using round-robin approach

- Workload balance is fair

• Sn is max number of iterations that can be executed in parallel without resource conflict

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in parallel without resource conflict

• Thread units may share same instruction cache

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Final Schedule Example

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Final Schedule Example

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Data Dependencies

• Data dependencies may exist between outermost iterations

• Synchronization points are chosen to minimize code duplication during code generation

- WAIT is placed before each repeating pattern

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- WAIT is placed before each repeating pattern

- SIGNAL is placed after each pattern

• Synchronization delay guarantees the correctness of the schedule

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Synchronization DelayExample

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Synchronization DelayExample

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Synchronization DelayExample

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• Each thread has two counters

- Synchronization counter counts number of synchronization signals received

- Clock counter incremented after each WAIT

When thread reaches a WAIT, execution continues

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• When thread reaches a WAIT, execution continues only if synchronization counter greater or equal to clock counter

• WAIT implemented with an active loop

• SIGNAL is a non-blocking atomic add-in-memory instruction

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Innermost Loop Tiling

• Allows for coarser-grain synchronization

• Execution of Nn - 1 instances of the innermost loop pattern is tiled into tiles of G iterations

• WAIT and SIGNAL are issued at the entrance and exit of each tile

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exit of each tile

• Gmin, value of G that minimizes final schedule length, can be approximated at compile time

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Cross-IterationRegister Dependences

• Assume thread units do not share registers

• Insert copy operations to copy value from one thread unit to next

• Register dependence transformed into memory dependence

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• Issue memory spill instruction to copy from register to scratch-pad memory of destination thread

• Value restored using local memory load

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Cross-IterationRegister Dependences

• Memory spill instructions only need to be issued by the last iteration of an iteration group

• Memory restore instructions only need to be issued by the first iteration

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• If distance of dependence is greater than 1, cascading copies and memory spills/restores will bring value to target iteration

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Cross-IterationDependence Example

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Correctness & Properties

• The multi-core final schedule represented by the schedule function is correct

• The multi-threaded final schedule is deadlock-free

• The synchronization signal guarantees that the memory accesses preceding it on the same thread

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memory accesses preceding it on the same thread unit have been committed

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Experimental Framework

• The MTS method has been implemented on the Open64 compiler retargeted for the IBM Cyclops64 architecture

• Loop nests from the Livermore Suite, SPEC2000 and NAS were used

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Execution Time Speedup

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• MTS schedules showed very good scalability, with relative speedup between 57.5 and 81 for 99 threads

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Loop Tiling Factor

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• Timing results using tiling factor Gmin match results using best empirical tiling factor