Social web for grannies

The social web for grannies Mar$n Hatchuel, Silver surfer Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Dont Panic


Understanding the social web - and why it (a) wasn't started by the kids; and (b) isn't only for kids, either

Transcript of Social web for grannies

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The  social  web  for  grannies  Mar$n  Hatchuel,  Silver  surfer    

Douglas  Adams,  The  Hitchhiker's  Guide  to  the  Galaxy      

Don’t Panic

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Social  media  

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Bad  name.  It’s  social.  But  it’s  not  media.  

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Media:    One-­‐way  messaging  

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TwiFer  is  not  a  new  media.    It's  the  global  conversaIon  we've  always  thirsted  for  Jack  Dorsey  Execu$ve  chairman  of  TwiCer,  CEO  of  Square,  and  a  founder  of  both    

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So  let’s  call  it    

The  social  web  

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But  it’s    for  the  kids    Every  granny  you  ever  meet  

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Mind  the  Gap      ConnecIng  generaIons  Returning  to  business  as  humans    

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I’ve  come  up  with  a  set  of  rules  that  describe  our  reacIons  to  technologies:    1.  Anything  that  is  in  the  world  when  you’re  born  is  normal  and  ordinary  and  is  just  a  natural  part  of  the  way  the  world  works.    2.  Anything  that’s  invented  between  when  you’re  fiQeen  and  thirty-­‐five  is  new  and  exciIng  and  revoluIonary  and  you  can  probably  get  a  career  in  it.    3.  Anything  invented  aQer  you’re  thirty-­‐five  is  against  the  natural  order  of  things.    Douglas  Adams,  The  Salmon  of  Doubt    

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It’s  a    State  of  mind    

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Watch  this  video  at  hFp://    

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70s  -­‐  Calculators  80s  -­‐  PCs,  fax  machines  90s  -­‐  Internet    Naugh$es  2003  -­‐  MySpace  2004  -­‐  Facebook  Mobile  -­‐  smart  phones,  tablets  

Remember  them?  

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Expensive  technology  &  connecIvity  Only  available  to  the  wealthy  few    


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35  in  1990  57  in  2012      

How’re  the  grandkids?    

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When  I  took  office  only  high  energy  physicists  had  heard  of  the  world  wide  web.    Now  even  my  cat  has  a  home  page  Bill  Clinton    

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RevoluIons  Pew  Research  Center    


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Internet  &  Broadband  Individuals  became  broadcasters    


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Mobile  connecIvity  46%  SeFled  an  argument  39%  Found  a  sports  score  


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Social  networking  Blimmin  no  good  kids    


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Wrong!      •  Their  IQ  is  on  the  rise  •  They  research,  write  and  read  more  than  any  previous  generaIon    

•  Some  write  more  than  10,000  words  a  month  online  •  They  get  behind  causes    •  Highly  advanced  visual  &  problem  solving  skills    

Damian  Cook,  eTourism  Africa  

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•  They  read  8  books,  2,300  web  pages  and  1,281  Facebook  profiles  a  year  

•  64%  never  read  a  newspaper  •  Internet  more  than  TV  •  Extensive  and  trusted  networks  of  friends  •  Use  phones  rather  than  computers  

Damian  Cook,  eTourism  Africa  

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Silver  Surfers      

•  50+  •  Urbane  •  WiFy  •  BeFer  behaved  •  Far  beFer  taste  in  music  

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They’re  on  line      

22%  of  them  used  social  sites  in  2009  ...42%  in  2010    

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They’re  curious      Anyone  who  stops  learning  is  old,  whether  at  twenty  or  eighty.  Anyone  who  keeps  learning  stays  young.  The  greatest  thing  in  life  is  to  keep  your  mind  young.  Henry  Ford  

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They’re  engaged    

Silver  surfers  are  30%  less  likely  to  suffer  depression  than  non-­‐surfers    

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So  what  IS    the  social  web?    

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Any  on-­‐line  planorm  that  lets  us  do  a  profoundly  human  thing:  connect  with  one  another    

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Kids?        They’re  not  looking  at  their  gadgets.  They’re  looking  at  each  other  

Kids?    They’re  not  looking  at  their  gadgets.    They’re  looking  at  each  other.  Lee  Rainie  -­‐  Pew  Research  Centre  

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Yes,  but  how  are  they  

using  the  tools?    

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Telling  Stories  

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Where  do  I  start?    

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Stay  in  touch    

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Get  curious    -­‐  talk  to  strangers    

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Same  as  we’ve  always  done    Roaring  20s  Newspapers  Magazines  LeFers  Radio    

Swinging  60s  Television    Newspapers  Magazines  LeFers    

NaughIes  Internet  E-­‐mail  Mobile    

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Only  differently  •  8%  of  the  world’s  populaIon  had  

smart  phones  in  2008  •  12%  of  us  had  smart  phones  in  2010    

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Use  the  social  web  to  build  relaIonships    

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Be  personal    Be  authenIc    Be  transparent    

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Amplify  The  love    

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Build  a  community    Connect  Reciprocate  Follow    Link    

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The  value  of  the  social  web  becomes  clear  through  repeIIon  and  redundancy  Ron  Mader  

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All  media  is  now  social  media.  Yet  the  basic  rules  remain  the  same.  


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Rule  #1:  Listen  


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Rule  #2:  Engage  


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Rule  #3:  Be  real  


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Rule  #4:  Be  respecnul  


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Rule  #5:  Have  fun  


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We’re  once  again  doing  business  in  the  old-­‐fashioned,  human  way    

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Ixnay  on  the  Brand-­‐ay      

CorporaIons  Call  centres  Customers-­‐by-­‐numbers    

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Hello,  Ms.  Smith.    It’s  Thursday:  your  usual?  

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1.  Think  globally:  Deal  locally    2.  Tiny  cells  make  giant  trees    

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MarIn  Hatchuel      [email protected]    0027(0)84  951  0574            Thank  you  •  Panic  buFon  -­‐  Microchip08    •  Four  generaIons  of  Victoria's  family  -­‐  Peter  Symons    •  Fitness  –  Shustov    •  Dinosaur  Footprints  –  Petropoxy  •  MulItasking  –  Zil    •  LiFle  Spielberg  -­‐  Me  •  Grocery  -­‐  Deutsche  Fotothek  •  The  Pine,  Saint  Tropez,  1892-­‐1893  -­‐  Paul  Signac  (Hermitage,  St.  Petersburg)      Advice  and  inspiraIon:  Ron  Mader  hFp://