Social & New Media for Mental Health Organizations



Social & New Media for Mental Health Organizations. Ritu Sharma, Executive Director & Co Founder, Social Media for Nonprofits Mike Thornsbury, Marketer/Fundraiser, Mental Health America Board Member and Suicide Prevention Advocate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Social & New Media for Mental Health Organizations

Social & New Media for Mental Health Organizations

Ritu Sharma, Executive Director & Co Founder, Social Media for Nonprofits

Mike Thornsbury, Marketer/Fundraiser, Mental Health America Board Member and Suicide Prevention Advocate

Jessica Kennedy, Director of Finance & Human Resources/Webmaster, Mental Health America


• Provide an overview of social media in general

• Highlight different platforms & types of content• Address common concerns • Share examples• Increase comfort level with using social media


Ritu Sharma, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Social Media for Nonprofits@[email protected]/in/sharmaritu

Mike Thornsbury, Direct Marketer/Fundraiser, Mental Health America Board Member & Suicide Prevention [email protected]/in/mikethornsbury

Jessica Kennedy, Director of Finance/HR and Webmaster, Mental Health America@[email protected]/in/jessicamariekennedy

Why Social Media Matters

Because instead of looking here…

We look here…

Why Social Media Matters

• 93% of nonprofits use at least one form of social media

• 93% of those use social media for marketing purposes

• Only 37% use it for program delivery• Social Media audiences are growing faster than

email and webpage audiences

Sources: 2012 Nonprofit Social Networking Benchmark Report 2012, and Nonprofit Benchmark Report 2014

Elements of Social Media

• Platforms – Generic (social networking site, blog, forum) or specific (Facebook, Huffington Post, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)

• Content – Generic (photos, blog posts, video) or specific (Vine video vs. Youtube video)

• Devices – Mobile, Tablet, Desktop• Audience – The audience drives the content

Social and New Media

• Social media: websites and apps that let users share and network with each other

• New media: means of mass communications • Example: Use Facebook (social media) on

smart phone (new media)• Not all emerging technologies and apps are

social, but many are

New Media

• Digital computer-based therapy on the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices

• Behavioral intervention apps for smoking cessation and weight loss

• Gamification is trending • If apps aren’t social yet, they will be• As critical to understand new media as it is to

understand social media

This is Social Media

But… so is this..

Social Media for NonprofitsStrategy & Engagement

Presented by: Ritu Sharma

Executive Director

The “social reason” of social media

Source: Waggener Edstrom

Commons Actions Post Social Sharing

Source: Waggener Edstrom

• Having a Mont Blanc pen doesn’t make you a best selling author

• Having the top of the line Macbook won’t make you a blogger either

• Similarly, knowing the different types of platforms or being present on all them, doesn’t make you a socially savvy nonprofit.

The Social Nonprofit

The Social Nonprofit

• Understands different platforms and their applications and demographics

• Uses each to their strength

• Has a clear cohesive strategy in place

• Follows best practices in content curation and creation

• Is creative, engaging and authentic

• Measures, analyses and improves

Role of Social


Social Strategy

• Define your policy and process.

• Set clear goals and targets.

• Track and measure your progress.

• Integrate social into your overall communications/marketing plans.

• Be true to your cause & it’s brand

• Make it personal and interactive.

Define Goals

Choose Platforms & Frequency

Choose Platforms & Frequency (Cont…)




• Invite People

• Post photos & Videos

• Create Events

• Facebook Ads

• Fundraising campaigns



• Following Others

• Low Hanging Fruit

• Post Regularly

• RT Often & Liberally

• Create a Hashtag

• Participate in #ff




• Create Vlogs, PSAs & appeals

• Drive fundraising via google checkout

• Create “call to action” text overlays




• Create organization profile

• Link every employee, board member & Volunteer

• Ask for testimonials

• Join Groups

• Post blogs & useful info

Create A Social Media Policy




Create an Editorial Calendar


Measure & Optimize


Killer Content – Add Value


Use Scheduling Tools


[email protected] @RituSharma1


Thank You!

Social Media Trends & Analysis

Mike Thornsbury, Marketer/Fundraiser, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention



• Facebook Statistics

• Facebook Insights & Trends

• Twitter Trends & Statistics


Facebook Statistics

* Source: M+R and NTEN

Facebook Statistics

• Health & Wellness is the 3rd most popular cause on Facebook

*Source: Waggener Edstrom

Facebook Trends

• 829 million people use Facebook on a daily basis, an increase from 802 million last quarter. *

• A significant 92% of marketers said that social media was important to their businesses. This is an increase from 86% in 2013, where only 49% strongly agreed and 37% agreed **

• The top two benefits of social media marketing are increasing exposure and increasing traffic. A significant 92% of all marketers indicated that their social media efforts have generated more exposure for their businesses. Increasing traffic was the second major benefit, with 80% reporting positive results. **

• Source: Facebook** Source: Social Media Examiner

Facebook Insights

• Posts from your page that have board members & volunteers tagged increases organic views

• “Boosting” a post, or the Facebook term for promoting, should be used for important news and messages where organic views & activity are not being achieved after 24 hours

Facebook Insights

• Example:

Facebook Insights

• This post received 1,672 Organic views and 21 Likes or Comments

Facebook Insights

• This post received 138 Organic views and 884 Paid Views with 19 Likes

Facebook Insights

• For the paid post a total of $5.00 was spent to reach 884 people who either liked the page or who liked the post.

Facebook Insights

• The difference in the paid versus non-paid post was the tagging of volunteers. That organically spread the message and achieved better overall results with more page likes and overall engagement

Twitter Trends

Twitter Trends

• In the USA the number of Adult Twitter users is estimated at 34.7 million

• There was a 24% increase in monthly active users (MAU) over the last 4 quarters with the total now at 271 million.

• Twitter has added 53 million users in the last 12 months

Twitter Trends

• Twitter is to be looked at more as a news breaking and information source.

• Their latest hiring trends are mass media and television centric

• Twitter is pushing towards the integration of television, social and mass media.

Source: Jeff Bullas

Next Up….

Dealing with some of the challenges of social media

• Internet users between 18-29 are the most likely demographic group to use social media at 83%

• 73% of teen internet users are involved in social networking

• From 2005-2013, older adult social media usage went from 1% of internet users to 46%

• People with income less than $30K a year have the highest percent of social media usage among Internet users

• If they aren’t there today, they’ll be there tomorrow

Sources: Pew Research’s The Demographics of Social Media users – 2012, Pew Research Center’s Social Media Update 2013,

“My constituency isn’t on social media.”

• “Opt-In” philosophy• Develop clear policies and procedures around general

and specific use• Children – Parental consent necessary• Photographs – General events vs. Specific instances,

sharing vs. posting• Names – Careful with clients, secure permission, beware

of “tagging”• Events – Photo policies in advance, considerations such

as photos with alcohol• Clients and Individuals with Lived Experience –

Exercise caution, especially around HIPAA

“How can I respect privacy?”

• It’s a fine line• Define boundaries between

personal and professional in discussion and then as a policy

• Follow the Grandma Rule• Monitor comments and

unsubscribes• Example: Participate in #tbt

(Throwback Thursday)• Example: The Ice Bucket


“I don’t want to look unprofessional.”

“What if someone leaves a negative comment?”

• Upside: free-flowing, user-based content• Downside: you can’t control it• Response depends on nature of comment• Discuss in advance how your organization might respond to:

• Complaints about your organization or its programs• Bullying or harassment in comments• General crisis messages (“I feel like I’m slipping, please

help!”)• Specific crisis messages (threat to self-harm)

• • Don’t feed the trolls!• Users may police each other

• Your social media platforms are your choice• Most common platforms

• Facebook• Twitter• LinkedIn

• Other platforms should fit your mission and capacity• Art therapy? Maybe Instagram or Pinterest• Support groups? Consider Meetup or GroupMe• Custom social networking platforms for your organization• Popularity can rise and fall quickly

“Which of those platforms do I use?”

• Set Goals so you can measure them• Metrics and Analytics: report back regularly!

• Awareness: List Growth/Churn • Engagement: Comments/Conversations• Virality: Reshares/Retweets• Popularity: Likes/Favorites, Mentions

• Internal and external analytic tools• Use benchmarking data (but carefully)• Test new strategies• 88% of social media pros are asking the same question

Source: 2014 Social Media Marketing Industry Report

“How do I measure success?”

• Communications, marketing and membership staff• Interns and volunteers• Most important: roles should be well-defined• Easiest if social media is managed by an individual or small

group• Social media can be popular• Too much? Average corporate social media team is 11• Ask all staff to engage with the organization via social media• Culture of participation starts with the CEO

Source: Altimeter Social Business Readiness: How Advanced Companies Prepare Internally

“Who should be doing it?”

Next Up….

Examples of Social Media Use

• Water is Life’s Hashtag Killer campaign, aimed at #firstworldproblems

• More than 6 million views on YouTube

• Won 2013 Webby Award for Best Online Commercial

•• Could your organization

capitalize on an Internet trend like this?

A Twist on a Popular Meme

• The American Red Cross posts tips for National Preparedness Month in September

• What are you doing for…• May is Mental Health

Month• Minority Mental Health

Awareness Month• Children’s Mental Health

Awareness Week• Alcohol Awareness Month

Time Your Awareness

Disaster Preparedness

• In response to Superstorm Sandy, Animal Rights groups used #sandypets to:

• Tweet tips (“make sure all pets have collars”)

• List pet-friendly evacuation shelters• Share hotlines • Get volunteers and resources to


• What’s your emergency social media plan?

• Are you warning people about the impact heat waves and blizzards might have on treatment plans?

• What other information might you get out in an emergency?

• Oxfam America ran a Flickr campaign to support Ethiopian Coffee Farmers

• Individuals held up signs and posted them on a Flickr campaign

• Would your constituents visually tell their stories?

• What stories are best told visually?


Questions? Comments?