Social mobile - Arts Management

Mobile Social Arts Management Bath Spa University


This session designed to give a bit of confidence to start exploring what's available and to start understanding how useful these tools can be in a creative/arts management role helping organisers to start looking ahead to how things could develop in the future.

Transcript of Social mobile - Arts Management

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Mobile SocialArts Management

Bath Spa University

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• Social Media

• Mobile Technologies – Ambient Participation

• Social Media Examples

• Media on the Move

• Reflection Q&A

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• Started as a Harvard-only social network in 2004.

• Open to everyone by 2006

• In 2008 Facebook became the most popular social networking site.

• Feb 4th 2011 celebrated 5th birthday – 150 million members


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Social Media

The online tools and platforms that people use to share opinions, insights, experiences, and perspectives with each other.

Social media can take many different forms, including text, images, audio, and video.

Popular social mediums include blogs, message boards, podcasts, wikis.

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Mobile Phones

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Mobile Media

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Service & Signal



• Edge

• 3G

• 3.5G


• 4G

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Operating Systems

• Symbian (Nokia)

• Apple OS

• Android

• Windows

• Blackberry (RIM)

• Java enabled

• Text capable

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Internet Connectivity

• Ethernet

• WiFi

• 3G

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GPS (Global Positioning System)

• Geo-location

• Geo-Caching

• Security & Safety

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Mobile Web Access

• MiFi

• JoikuSpot

• Devise tethering

JOIKUSPOT premiumMobile Broadband

Personal WIFI Hot Spot

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Stay Connected

Notebook PC


Bluetooth keyboard

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Mobile Phones

• What makes a phone SMART?

• Phones in the room

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Tools, Services & Platforms

• Photography

• Audio / Podcasts

• Video / Vodcasts

• Geo-location

• Community

• Promotion & Publicity

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• Camera – manual upload

• Mobile camera – post to Pixelpipe, Flickr


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• Native voice recorder – manual upload to Audioboo

• AudioBoo

iPhone Android

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• Native camera – manual upload

• Qik

• Bambuser

• Ustream

Nottingham Creative Business Awards Launch 2009

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• Gowalla

• Foursquare


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Walks, Hunts - Trips

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• iPhone

• Android

• Blackberry

• Nokia

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Promotion & Publicity

• QR codes

• Tagging


• Blogging – Posterous

• Cross Posting /Share / Like

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Datamatrix Code that resolves to Nasa’s website -

Rocket Science!

• NASA has made one giant leap for a national governmental agency. A mobile-based scavenger hunt.

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New meets Old

•Magazines•Papers•Fliers•Posters•Programs•Business Cards•Buses•Signs•T-Shirts

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Lionsgate has teamed up with Augme to promote the upcoming movie “For Colored Girls” with a QR Code poster. The QR Code resolves to a mobile site with a trailer, a synopsis, a portrait gallery of the cast and a text reminder for the movie’s November 5 release date. Interestingly it is a negative QR Code in that the normally white modules are black and the normally black modules are red. I suspect there are some readers that will have difficulties with the color reversal and the reduced contrast. Please leave a comment on your experience with the code….

QR Codes

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• Twitter

• SwarmPro

• GroundCrew – intro web periphery

• Color

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WorkshopLets have a go

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Making Media

• SwarmPro

• FourSquare / Gowalla

• QR codes




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• Mass Messaging via text

• Ask questions• .ask

• Distribution notices• .tell

• Communication• .chat

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Background image source article: Artist Nicole Cullum Horn has painted an exterior QR code (image below) to promote Art Conspiracy 6 on October 23 at 511 W Commerce St, Dallas, TX. Art Conspiracy is an art collective that use their collaborative talents to create a giant art happening to raise money for grassroots art charities in Dallas. 120+ artists gather at the venue and are given an 18×18 piece of plywood on which to create art, which is then auctioned.


• QR code creator

• QR code reader

• Create & Track

• QR code sharing

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• Search for a location

• Create new spot

• Claim your spot

• Add special offers (Foursquare)

• Make trips(Gowalla)

• Share

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Getting started on Swarm

Text the following to +447786203958

Join BathSpa username

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Sending a message

Text the following to +447786203958

Hello CJ, I’m in!

This sends a message to the online notice board

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Mass messaging

Text the following to +447786203958

.ask BathSpa What is your fav colour?

This sends a message to everyone in the swarm and sends replies back to you.

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Mass messaging

.chat BathSpa Anyone free to meet later?

This sends a message to everyone in the swarm and sends to everyone.

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Targeted replies

.reply 5266 What a brilliant workshop!

This adds a reply to a previous message:Welcome to BathSpa Swarm Team .TELL: CJ (BathSpa msg7360)

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[email protected]: 07714700010

To start your own swarm and for more information

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In Plain English

• Social Media

• Social Networking

• Blogging


• Photo Sharing

• Wikis (Online collaborating)

• PR web (