Social Media The Evolving Patient Physician Connection Final

15 th National Forum: Customer-Based Marketing Strategies 04-16-10 11:00-12:15 Social Media: The Evolving Patient/Physician Connection Stephanie Cannon Director, Web Communications & eBusiness Nationwide Children’s Hospital (Columbus, OH) [email protected] Elizabeth L. Scott President & Principal Consultant Raven New Media & Marketing, LLC (Louisville, KY) [email protected] New Media & Marketing Raven

Transcript of Social Media The Evolving Patient Physician Connection Final

15th National Forum: Customer-Based Marketing Strategies



Social Media: The Evolving Patient/Physician Connection

Stephanie CannonDirector, Web Communications & eBusiness

Nationwide Children’s Hospital (Columbus, OH)[email protected]

Elizabeth L. ScottPresident & Principal Consultant

Raven New Media & Marketing, LLC (Louisville, KY)[email protected]

New Media & Marketing


Nationwide Children’s Hospital At a Glance...

Non-profit, free-standing children’s hospital in Columbus, OH

Founded 1892 Serves all children regardless of

families ability to pay America’s 5th largest children’s

hospital Top 10 research center 850K patient visits/admissions

annually 2009 - Referrals from all 50 states

and 35 countries 6,600 employees (2,400 more by

2012) Dept. of Pediatrics for The Ohio

State University

Raven New Media & Marketing, LLC

Raven is a marketing and new media consulting firm dedicated to assisting hospitals and health care systems with traditional marketing, interactive communications, social media and ebusiness strategy.

Health care web site audits (Internet, Intranet or Extranet) Ebusiness and marketing plan review or development Internal process or team analysis Web, mobile and social technology reviews Social media workshopsTechnology integration for marketing and communication programs Ebusiness project management process development Content management system analysisWeb content and web writing services Reporting and ROI setupDark site planning Ebusiness team training Executive ebusiness workshops Ebusiness team recruitment planning and development

Raven New Media & Marketing

Social Media: Expanding The Definition

New Media & Marketing



Online Advertising



Wikis & Comm Tools

Mobile Media



New Media Universe

Social Media = Social Platforms

Social media is… a communications


a conversation that happens online

an evolution in Internet user behavior

enabled by a diverse (and sometimes confusing) array of online tools

Social Media Examples Blogs: "Blogger", "TypePad", "Wordpress" MicroBlogs: "Twitter", "Pownce" Social Networking: "Bebo", "Facebook", "LinkedIn", "MySpace", "Orkut", "Skyrock" Social Network Aggregation: "FriendFeed", "Youmeo" Events: "", "Eventful" Wikis: "Wikipedia" Social Bookmarking: "", "StumbleUpon" Social News Sites: "Digg", "Mixxx", "Reddit" Opinion Sites: "epinions", "Yelp" Photo Sharing: "Flickr", "Photobucket", "Zooomr" Video Sharing: "YouTube", "Project Breakout", "Vimeo" Audio and Music Sharing: "", "ccMixter", "imeem" Virtual Worlds: "Second Life“, Elf Island Online Gaming: "World of Warcraft" Game Sharing: "" Marketing Campaigns: "Brickfish"

Source: Wikipedia

Social Media: A Patient's Perspective

New Media & Marketing


Patients Believe Physicians Should Care About Social Media

41% of e-patients have read someone else's commentary or experience about health or medical issues on an online news group, web site or blog

25% of e-patients have consulted rankings or reviews online of doctors or other providers

25% of e-patients have consulted rankings or reviews online of hospitals or other medical facilities

Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, April 2009

Conversations & Unbiased Health Info - Important to Patients

Source: Edelman 2009 Edelman Health Engagement Barometer



Hospitals are Addressing Patient Requests

% of hospitals planning on making these upgrades in the next 2 years

Source: Marketing & Planning Leadership Council Website 2009 Benchmarking Survey

Social Media: A Physicians’ Perspective

New Media & Marketing


Social Media: a Physician’s Perspective

PWP’s scare PCP’sSome wish the Internet would just go awayOthers know its important – but don’t know

why or how (for them)Patients are empoweredSocial media may put your docs over the edge

Our jobs = Educate first; propose second (plus 9 other ideas to remember)

Psychological Effect of Social Media CommunicationsTraditional Communications

Social Media-Enhanced Communications

Face-to-face in office only Meet in office only Occasionally communicate during

business hours via phone

Tools are usually not available to patient and physician to monitor conditions

Time spent waiting for appointments, in waiting rooms, or in automated phone trees.

Virtual “face-to-face” Opportunity to communicate 24/7

with medical professionals Meeting in a secured environment Ability to enable “mobility” for those

with physical disabilities Ability to consult around the world Patients engage in their

ongoing maintenance and treatments

Time saved

Social Media Benefits for Physicians

Physicians Have Choices With Social Media

Control, Risk, Time, ResourcesLess More

Listen Participate GenerateBuzz

Share Content


Think Outside Their Service Line

Why is this an important part of my practice?How will this save me time?How will this enhance my practice?Internet to connect with patients and peers not

just a billboardB2B for peers/acquisitionB2C for current patients/families

The Stakeholders

Primary care physiciansSurgeonsNursing staffCME & CEU leadersHospital administrationLegalMarketing & communicationsInformation systemsResearch


New Media & Marketing


Being Found – New Business

Reviews – Google is Forever

Find a Doc

Twitter Twitter Becoming Essential Tool for Docs Twitter will soon be an essential tool for medical practices according to a poll conducted by Case Western

University, an independent research university in Cleveland. Fifty-nine percent of those who participated in the poll voted “yes” that Twitter would become an integral

part of the way doctors communicate with patients and other medical professionals. Although more doctors may be using the service, they are not necessarily using it to give patients advice. “I was a clinical assistant professor of medicine at CWRU until 2008, and I think it is great that the

university community shows an active interest in social media services such as Twitter... That said, I am yet to ask medical questions on Twitter and generally do not answer clinical queries from patients there,” said Ves Dimov, MD, founder of, an online case-based curriculum of clinical medicine, in a blog.

Doctors don’t generally use Twitter to give medical advice but to guide the public to reputable sources of information or share breaking medical news, said Kevin Pho, MD, in a post on his medical blog,

Pho conducted a similar poll in Aug. 2009, asking medical professionals how they used Twitter. He found that about 45 percent did not use the service at all. Thirty-six percent said they used it to share and keep up with news and information and only 1.5 percent said they used it to connect with patients.

By Molly Merrill, Healthcare IT News, March 17, 2010

Print Pubs

Increase EngagementGive your physician audience a

change to interactCME opportunitiesResourcesPublicationsE-newselttersEase of doing business

Perception is Reality

Build Relationships

Medical Students Need Help – Look to the Web

Show Your Culture – In Your Own Words

Blogs – Find a Champion and Go!


Doc Visibility – repurpose materials

Research Collaboration

Research Collaboration

You just never know…

Social Media Value

New Media & Marketing


Physicians & Patients Benefit from Social Media Communications

PR, Marketing & Awareness

Patient Education

Patient Monitoring & Tracking

Physician Practice Communications

Pharma & Breaking Medical News

MD Networking & CME

24/7 MD & Patient Communications

Organ Donors & Study Participants

Health & Government Groups

Connect with Staff

Feeds & Quick Access to Resources

Social Prescription for MDs

Educate first; propose second

Be deliberate in your selection of physician/patient social media goals

Document 2 to 3 objectives and outcome expectations

Study your audiences and ASK them about preferences

Map your audiences to appropriate social tool/application/site

Involve legal when making a new media decision

Map new social media to measurement tools

Evaluate your realistic commitment to control, risk, time , resources

Give it time and stay consistent

Discussion & Questions

New Media & Marketing


Additional questions?Contact us:

Thank You

Elizabeth L. ScottPresident & Principal Consultant

Raven New Media & Marketing (Louisville, KY)

[email protected]

Stephanie CannonDirector, Web Communications & eBusiness

Nationwide Children’s Hospital (Columbus, OH)

[email protected] 614- 355-3017

New Media & Marketing


Handout: Health and Miscellaneous Blogs WSJ. The Wall Street Journal’s blogs cover a variety of news and investigations on health and business.

Effect Measure. This blog encourages public health discussions and disagreements, along with providing health education to its readers.

Medical Products Insight. Read this blogger’s articles on a variety of issues in the healthcare industry and politics role in medicine.

Respectful Insolence. This blog covers up-to-date news about the health industry with clever articles and YouTube videos as references.

Science-Based Medicine. View articles about the relationship between science and medicine and see what medical myths these bloggers are debunking.

White Coat Underground. Read about "absurd" medical claims, alternative medicine and American healthcare values on PalMD’s blog.

Denialism. Read these bloggers’ pieces on denial and how it affects public understanding of medicine.

Discover Magazine. Browse through hundreds of informative and well-researched articles about all things health related.

Health Policy and Communications. Information about the current debate on healthcare reform and breaking news updates can be found on this Health Policy and Communications blog.

General Health. This blog gives patients a chance to moan about their illnesses and health experts a chance to offer medical advice and information.

Dr. Weil. This doc shares his medical philosophies and writes about western and eastern medicine.

Code of Ethics. Founded on the healthcare code of ethics, this blog ensures reliable information from its bloggers who write about a wide variety of health topics.

Placebo Journal. An extension to its magazine, Placebo Journal, this blog covers health issues, medical controversies and current events.

InsureBlog. Inspired by government policies and current healthcare issues, this blog touches on insurance principles, problems and solutions.

Premed Blog. This blogs posts information on MCAT procedures, admission tips and keeps you up-to-date on medical school news.

Health Careers. Andrea Santiago, a medical recruiter, blogs about important issues, such as finding medical jobs, handling student loans and debt and current healthcare debates.

Sporula. This blogger explores the bizarre, yet intriguing mysteries of biology and medicine "one spore at a time."

Medical Futility. This law professor focuses on medical ineffectiveness by the means of legislative, judicial and political analysis.

HealthLawProf Blog. See how medicine and law coincide from pharmaceutical companies and doctors’ relationships to stem cell guidelines.


Handout: Hospital Blogs Wachter’s World. Robert Wachter blogs about hospitalists, hospital policies and patient care. A Happy Hospitalist. This enthusiastic hospitalist blogs about his experiences at the hospital and other medical issues. Internal Medicine Doctor. A hospitalist who writes about current events, patient etiquette and random medical stories. The Hospitalist Refugee. Read about the ups and the downs of being a hospitalist. Running a Hospital. This CEO of a Boston hospital blogs about medicine, health insurance and what’s going on in his

workplace. Hospital Impact. Dedicated to making hospitals run more efficiently, this blog covers hospital’s impact, leadership and

medical news. Nick Jacobs. In this successful blogger’s site, you’ll read Nick Jacob’s explanation of why hospitals are the way they are. Society of Hospital Medicine. Get the latest news on hospital medicine and read about featured hospitalists. HCPlive. Read articles about hospital medicine and the latest technology being used in hospitals today. Today’s Hospitalist. Find up-to-date articles on hospital medicine and current medical events on this blog. EMedConcepts. Learn about hospital based medical practices and hospital leadership on this emerging blog. Craig Hospital Blog. Read inspirational stories of patients who were admitted to this Colorado hospital. On the Wards. Search the list of best hospitals in America, read about hospital caretaking and an inhospitable hospital. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Get information on this newsy blog that keeps up on the latest patient care, research and

education. UTMB Newsroom. Stay connected with The University of Texas Medical Branch’s blog that covers news, medical education

and interviews with experts. Riverside. Follow Riverside Health System’s breaking news updates, read a hospital executive’s position on the healthcare

reform and check out their clinical trials. Sutter Medical Center. Read about the trials and tribulations of building a new hospital during the economic recession. Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Get news updates, read about hospital medicine and policies from this top ranked hospital

according to U.S. News & World Report.


Handout: Doctor Blogs Voted the best medical blog in 2008, provides insight on medical issues and informs readers about important, and often

misunderstood, current medical information.

Anonymous Doc. This anonymous doc shares his true feelings about patient-doctor relationships and his not so glamorous hospital experiences.

Don’t Become a Doctor. This doctor’s blog has a satirical take on being a doctor with his brutally honest and not always well-received posts, such as "There is no cure," "Hate me" and "The doctor is OUT."

NHS Blog Doctor. Get the low-down on British medicine and politics from this family physician’s diary.

All Scrubbed Up. Read educational articles and clever posts by doctors on this South African blog.

DB’s Medical Rants. Dr. Robert Centor shares his medical opinions with newsy and interesting essays.

Notes from Dr. RW. This Arkansas doctor blogs about recent health issues and new medical findings.

GruntDoc. Read newsy, health-related articles and see what this ex-battalion surgeon from the Marines has to say.

Made a Difference. Christopher Coppola, a pediatric surgeon in Iraq, writes a captivating blog about his experiences in the military.

Scalpel or Sword?. This ER doctor posts intriguing stories from his work and sometimes asks what readers would do if they were in his shoes.

EM Physician. Bold and sometimes combined with graphic, medical pictures, this blog is a must-read for behind the scenes information.

Movin’ Meat: A Plea. This blog is another account of the excitement and frustrations of an ER doctor at work.

DocNotes. This blog covers health, technology and all things related to family medicine.

The Examining Room. This family physician writes about a wide range of health topics and experiences, including witnessing a seizure, how texting interrupts teenagers’ ability to talk to the doctor and exercising to lose weight.

Quackwatch. Doctors blog about medical misconceptions to help patients spot quackery and health fraud scams in order to educate themselves.

Aggravated DocSurg. This "Aggravated Surgeon" has a lot to say about surgery complications and problems with the healthcare industry.

The Doctor Blogger. Dr. Rima Bishara blogs about the daily routines and obstacles of a doctor.

Dr. Wes. Dr. Westby Fisher shares his views on medicine, health studies and his practice.

Retired Doc’s Thoughts. See what this retired doctor thinks about health care bills, clinical trials and everything in between.

White Coat’s Call Room. Follow the detailed accounts of this emergency physician’s malpractice trial.

M.D.O.D.. A few physicians blog about life in the ER and issues within the healthcare system.
