Social media debate for bristol

Social Media – A Distraction Not An Aid To Medical Education’



Transcript of Social media debate for bristol

  • 1. Social Media A Distraction Not An Aid To Medical Education

2. Are you Keyser Soze? 3. Kash asks about quality? 4. Journals 5. So peer review is a flawed process, full of easily identified defects with little evidence that it works. Nevertheless, it is likely to remain central to science and journals because there is no obvious alternative, and scientists and editors have a continuing belief in peer review. How odd that science should be rooted in belief. 6. So peer review is a flawed process, full of easily identified defects with little evidence that it works. Nevertheless, it is likely to remain central to science and journals because there is no obvious alternative, and scientists and editors have a continuing belief in peer review. How odd that science should be rooted in belief. 7. Books 8. Conferences 9. learning 10. Confidentiality and concerns 11. information overload 12. Distraction