Social media analytics - A Tool That Improves Your ROI

Social Media Analytics Said Karfa Business Consultant


Social media analytics is the practice of gathering data from blogs and social media websites and analyzing that data to make business decisions. The most common use of social media analytics is to mine customer sentiment in order to support marketing and customer service activities. During the presentation I covered three areas of social media measurements: 1. Social Media Metrics 2. Social Media Measurement Tools 3. Measuring the ROI of Your Social Media Efforts Social Media Analytics Social media analytics fall within four different categories: • Increase in community membership • Content mobility and engagement • Market perception • Social conversions Enjoy the presentation!

Transcript of Social media analytics - A Tool That Improves Your ROI

  • 1. Social Media Analytics Said Karfa Business Consultant
  • 2. Measuring Social Media Effectiveness HootSuite is the source of your social data Track Twitter click-through Track source Track individual posts (through the system) Track LinkedIn Track Web traffic generated by posts
  • 3. HootSuite
  • 4. Summary Report Measures Hootsuite posts activity Geographic data Referral data (network source)
  • 5. Individual URL Stats Report Tracks click data for one individual post Shows the lifespan of an individual post
  • 6. Facebook Insights Reports Graph shows post activity Likes Comments Shares Track engagement Reach Engagement Conversations Viral
  • 7. Google Analytics Report Shows website traffic, not social traffic Snapshot of key Google reports Visitor volume Region Sources
  • 8. Twitter Influencer Analysis Found in Contacts Allows you to see: New Followers Follower count Following count Description Use to identify potential influencers Diagnose potential service issues
  • 9. Questions? Said Karfa Business Consultant