social lag

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This presentation is presented by:

#{140438} ; Md. Ashaduzzaman

What is culture ?

# Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, believes, arts, morals, laws, customs and any other habits and capabilities acquired by a man as a member of society.# A set of shared ideas, actions, principals, beliefs and values.

What is cultural lag ?

#Cultural lag is a term to describe what happens in a social system when the cultural ideas used to regulate social life do not keep pace with other social changes.

# The spread of cultural ideas from their place of origin to other regions, groups or nations.

Example of cultural lag:

# Medical technology is being used to keep peoples bodies functioning long after they would otherwise have been considered dead. This raises cultural questions about when life ends, who has the right to end artificial life support, etc. The development of new cultural beliefs, values, and norms lags behind the dilemmas posed by the technological change.

Cultural lag theory :

# Cultural Lag is the notion that culture takes time to catch up with technological innovations, and that social problems and conflicts are caused by this lag.

# Ogburn posited four stages of technical development: invention, accumulation, diffusion, and adjustment.

Today cultural lag :

# School Calendars

# Cancer Vaccine

# Stem Cells

# In Vitro Fertilization

Over come cultural lag:

# Educational development

# Awareness of people

# More concentration on physical development

# Emphasis on technological development

# More attention on social changes

# High opportunity to use modern technology

# Control market price

# Increasing GDP

What is diffusion?

# Diffusion is a social process through which cultural knowledge, practices, and materials spread from one social system to another. As opportunities for interaction across cultures increases, so does the rate of diffusion.

What is cultural diffusion?

# Cultural diffusion is the spreading of ideas or products from one culture to another.

# The spread of cultural ideas from their place of origin to other regions, groups or nations.

Example of cultural diffusion:

# Common Cultural Diffusions

# Religious Cultural Diffusion

# Cultural Diffusion in Technology

# Economic Cultural Diffusion

Common Cultural Diffusions:

# A Chinatown is an area with people from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao and these exist all over the world.

# Some people in the United States play hockey, which is played in Canada.

# The spread of music throughout the world shows cultural difussion. For example, jazz started as a blend of the music of Africa and the Caribbean.

# Southern cities in the United States, especially border towns, have signs in both English and Spanish.

Religious Cultural Diffusion:

# Christianity started in Israel and has spread all over the world.

# An example of forced diffusion is the Afghans forcing the Nuristanis to convert to Islam.

# India is home to many religions: Buddhists, Christians, Muslims and Hindi.

# An example of forced diffusion is the Spanish, French, English and Portuguese forcing the native population of the Americas to become Christian.

Cultural Diffusion in Technology:

# Paper was first made in China and soon spread to the Middle East and Europe.

# Kygryz herders in Afghanistan are isolated from the rest of the world and they have cell phones for playing music and taking pictures, even though there is no cellular service there.

# Gunpowder originated in China and eventually came to Europe.

# The fax machine was developed in Germany and was then made into a worldwide product by the Japanese.

Economic Cultural Diffusion:

# Trade has been a means of cultural diffusion over the centuries. One example is the Silk Road, over which caravans would travel and exchange goods between Europe and Asia.

# An article of clothing can be made from cotton grown in one country and then assembled in another.

# Coca-Cola products are found all over the world.

# In Himalayan villages, you can find people wearing blue jeans

Type of diffusion:

# Expansion diffusion

# Relocation diffusion

# Hierarchical diffusion

# Contagious diffusion

# Stimulus diffusion

Theories of cultural diffusion:

# Hyperdiffusionism the theory that all cultures originated from one culture.

# Culture circles diffusionism (Kulturkreise)the theory that cultures originated from a small number of cultures.

Mechanisms of cultural diffusion:

Cultural diffusion

Direct diffusion

Indirect diffusion

Forced diffusion

# Direct diffusion of culture occurs when two distinct cultures are very close together. Over time, direct contact between the two leads to an intermingling of the cultures. Historically this occurred through trade, intermarriage, and sometimes warfare because members of the various cultures interacted with each other for long periods. An example today would be the similar interest in soccer in some areas of the United States and Mexico.

Direct diffusion:

Forced diffusion:

# Forced diffusion or expansion diffusion is the second method of cultural diffusion and takes place when one culture defeats another and forces its beliefs and customs onto the conquered people. An example here would be when the Spanish took over lands in the Americas and later forced the original inhabitants to convert to Roman Catholicism in the 16th and 17th Centuries

Indirect diffusion:

# Indirect diffusion type happens when cultural ideas are spread through a middleman or even another culture. An example here would be the popularity of Italian food throughout North America. Technology, mass media, and the internet are both playing a huge role in promoting this type of cultural diffusion around the world today.

What is acculturation?

# Acculturation is a process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviors of another group. Although acculturation is usually in the direction of a minority group adopting habits and language patterns of the dominant group, acculturation can be reciprocal--that is, the dominant group also adopts patterns typical of the minority group. Acculturation may be evidenced by changes in language preference, adoption of common attitudes and values, members hip in common social groups and institutions, and loss of separate political or ethnic identification.

Example of acculturation:

# A first generation Italian who lives in an Italian enclave in the United States may continue to speak just Italian and to follow the norms and mores of his Italian origins. This person will not have become highly acculturated to American culture.

# The granddaughter of a Chinese immigrant has gone to American schools and will now attend an American college. She spends time primarily with her American friends, dresses as they do and shares their values and interests. She has become highly acculturated into American culture. "

The concept of acculturation:

# Acculturation contexts

# Acculturation strategies

# Acculturative stress

# Adaptation

# Applications

The Stages of Cultural Adjustment:

# 1stThe Honeymoon Phase: marked by feelings of idealism and optimism

# 2ndThe Hostility Phase: marked by feelings of frustration, confusion, and discontent; often times feeling as if one does not belong

# 3rdThe Humor Phase: marked by a period of reflection upon previous experiences and the ability to laugh at ones own confusion

# 4thThe Home Phase: marked by feelings of belonging and renewed feelings of optimism

Why is acculturation so hard?

# Adjusting to a new culture is often a very difficult and frustrating experience . The difficulty of this adjustment is due in no small part to the dynamic nature of culture.

# It is important to understand the characteristics of culture in order to understand why it can be so overwhelming at times.

# Culture development stems from environmental factors.

# Culture binds a group of people together (norms, values, etc.)

# Culture is dynamic in nature.




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