Social Groups

When it comes down to social groups there are two main things that have to be considered. This is age and gender.

Transcript of Social Groups

Page 1: Social Groups

When it comes down to social groups there are two main things that have to be considered. This

is age and gender.

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Character break downs:

Elliot:Elliot was to play a rogue, male agent in his early twenties . Although he’s a male agent he plays the vulnerable character (this is due to the high angle shot, making him appear small).

Dan is the Villain. He is playing the agent, from the evil organisation . He is also playing a character in his early twenties. Unlike Elliot Dan is shown as the dominant character, as is stereotypical for a male actors.


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Female Agent In Our Film

Mary is playing another rogue agent, her personality isn’t really explored in our short film, because she dies before the audience really see that much of her. However the camera angles that are used, mainly long shots suggest she is quite a strong female character. The female characters are stereotypically vulnerable, and weak, however this stereotype appears to be changing, what with TV shows example Nikita, and films like mission impossible ghost protocol, (displaying female Spies as very capable and highly dangerous). As a result it seemed only fitting that we didn’t make our female character appear weak. She again is in her early twenties.

A picture of Mary from our film

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Stereotypical Agent Male

Short hair cut

Smart clothing

Sunglasses, adding an element of mystery

Physically fit.

Personality: Very cold, his job comes before his personal life, and he finds it hard to separate them, He will do what he’d told, but when necessary will disobey orders to get a job done.

This is very much who I based the character I played in the film, Dan’s character when shooting.

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Characters in Costume

Dan Mary Elliot