Social Freedom and the Idea of Democracy社會自由與民主的理念 · The Social Philosophy of...


Transcript of Social Freedom and the Idea of Democracy社會自由與民主的理念 · The Social Philosophy of...

Page 1: Social Freedom and the Idea of Democracy社會自由與民主的理念 · The Social Philosophy of Axel Honneth in Transcultural Perspective 跨文化視野中的霍耐特社會哲學
Page 2: Social Freedom and the Idea of Democracy社會自由與民主的理念 · The Social Philosophy of Axel Honneth in Transcultural Perspective 跨文化視野中的霍耐特社會哲學

Social Freedom and the Idea of Democracy 社會自由與民主的理念 The Social Philosophy of Axel Honneth in Transcultural Perspective 跨文化視野中的霍耐特社會哲學

The social philosophy of Axel Honneth, especially his theory of recognition and his more recent idea of social freedom have become important conceptual tools for the philosophical analysis and diagnosis of the present social and political situation. As a leading figure of third generation Frankfurt School Critical Theory Honneth has taken up this legacy mainly by the way of a critical continuation and transformation of Jürgen Habermas’ theory of communicative reason. For Honneth, who has followed Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno as director of the famous Institute for Social Research, it is an intriguing question, whether there is something like a “Frankfurt School”. Is it not a contradiction to refer to Critical Theory as a “tradition”? Is Critical Theory not based on the conviction that tradition has never value per se, but only as long as it is alive as a source for intellectual and cultural creation? Honneth has, nevertheless, made great efforts to shed light on neglected scholars within the wider context of the Frankfurt School and thereby has greatly contributed to establish it, paradoxically enough, as a non-traditional tradition.

The Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy at Academia Sinica is one of the major academic institutions in the Chinese speaking world, in which one of the most important philosophical traditions in 20th century China is studied and developed well until today: Contemporary Neo-Confucianism. A major goal of this school has been to defend Confucian learning in particular and classical Chinese culture in general against the violent anti-traditionalism of Sino-Marxism and Maoism. But the philosophers in this modern Confucian tradition never have been just traditional. Their work has been, very self-consciously, a critical reconstruction of the Confucian heritage triggered by the challenge of Western modernity. After the republican revolution of 1911, their conservatism largely embraced the ideals of modern science and liberal democracy as well as the transcultural entanglement of old and new, East and West that shaped their philosophical reflections.

One major aim of this workshop is to establish links between Critical Theory and Contemporary Neo-Confucianism or, more precisely, to reflect on the question how the conditions of possibility can be created, under which this kind of transcultural communication may become fruitful. Therefore, many contributions to the workshop connect with the work of Axel Honneth in rather unexpected and highly experimental ways by linking it to different aspects of classical and contemporary Chinese philosophy. The workshop will focus on three major fields of discussion: reification (Verdinglichung) and recognition; social freedom and ethical life; rethinking the paradoxes of modernity.

Axel Honneth is Professor of philosophy and director of the Institute for Social Research at Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main; he is also Jack C. Weinstein Professor of the Humanities at Columbia University in New York. His books, translated into many languages, include Kritik der Macht (1985) [The Critique of Power (1991)], Die zerrissene Welt des Sozialen. Sozialphilosophische Aufsätze (1990) [The Fragmented World of the Social. Essays in Social and Political Philosophy (1995)]; Kampf um Anerkennung. Zur moralischen Grammatik sozialer Konflikte [Struggle for Recognition (1994)]; Leiden an Unbestimmtheit (2001) [The Pathologies of Individual Freedom. Hegel’s Social Theory (2010)]; Verdinglichung. Eine anerkennungstheoretische Studie (2005) [The Tanner Lectures on Human Values (2006)]; Umverteilung oder Anerkennung? Eine politisch–philosophische Kontroverse (2003, zusammen mit Nancy Fraser) [Redistribution or Recognition? A Political– Philosophical Exchange (2003, together with Nancy Fraser)]; Pathologien der Vernunft. Geschichte und Gegenwart der Kritischen Theorie (2007) [Pathologies of Reason. On the Legacy of Critical Theory [2009]]; Das Ich im Wir. Studien zur Anerkennungstheorie (2010) [The I In We. Studies in the Theory of Recognition (2012)]; Das Recht der Freiheit. Grundriß einer demokratischen Sittlichkeit (2011) [Freedom’s Right. The

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Social Foundations of Democratic Life (2014)]; Die Idee des Sozialismus. Versuch einer Aktualisierung (2015) [The Idea of Socialism].



「社會自由與民主的理念──跨文化視野中的霍耐特社會哲學」工作坊的重要目的之一,在於使得批判理論與當代新儒家,兩種非常不同思想狀態溝通起來;或更精確地來說,是反省應如何創造這樣的跨文化對話──在何種可能性條件下,始能孕育長遠的學術交流與合作。因此,本工作坊的特色在於以一種奇特且富實驗性的方式,將霍耐特的著作碰上古典和當代中國哲學的觀點。本工作坊將圍繞著三大主題展開:(一)「物化與承認」觸及當代資本主義的批判、溝通與感通的關係、莊子研究脈絡下的「物化」,以及「承認」與「自然」等問題;(二)「社會自由與倫理性」:康德與黑格爾、自由主義與社群主義、道德性(Moralität)與倫理性(Sittlichkeit),此為霍耐特所謂「民主倫理性」(demokratische Sittlichkeit)的重要背景,由此可連結到儒家哲學的重要主題,如「仁」與「禮」的關係問題等;(三)「現代性弔詭重探」:藉由自由、民主、社會主義等概念的討論,可連結臺灣、中國大陸及東亞現代化的重要議題,包含自由的概念與資本主義的關係、對社會主義的批判反思、儒家與民主政治的關係問題、通三統話語的相關爭論等。

霍耐特(Axel Honneth) 為德國法蘭克福大學社會研究所所長及哲學系教授,同時也是紐約哥倫比亞大學哲學系教授。他許多著作翻譯成多種語言。幾本重要的著作之中文譯本已經出版:《為承認而鬥爭》(2005)、 《分裂的社會世界:社會哲學文集》(2011)、《權力的批判》(2012)、及《自由的權利》(2013)。

Workshop: March 31, 2016 09:30-10:00 報到 Registration 10:00-10:30 開幕 Opening and Introduction 何乏筆(中央研究院中國文哲研究所 研究員) Fabian HEUBEL (Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taipei) 霍耐特(法蘭克福大學社會研究所 主任 ╱ 法蘭克福大學哲學系 教授 ╱ 紐約哥倫比亞大學哲學系 教授) Axel HONNETH (Director, Institute for Social Research, Frankfurt/Main; Professor, Department of Philosophy, Goethe-University, Frankfurt/Main and Jack C. Weinstein Professor of the Humanities at Columbia University, New York)

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10:30-12:30 物化與承認 Reification and Recognition 羅名珍(芬蘭于韋斯屈萊大學哲學社會科學系 博士後研究) LO Ming-chen (Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Social Science and Philosophy, Jyväskylä University) 霍耐特與阿多諾之「物化」概念 The Notion of “Reification” in Honneth and Adorno 宋灝(國立中山大學哲研所 教授) Mathias OBERT (Professor, Institute of Philosophy, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung) 藝術物化與物化的藝術 Künstlerische Verdinglichung – verdinglichte Kunst Stefan Deines(澳門大學哲學系 博士後研究) (Postdoctoral Fellow, Philosophy and Religious Studies Programme, University of Macau) 藝術與批判理論 Art and Critical Theory 武嘉文(國立臺南藝術大學藝術創作理論研究所 博士生) WU Jiawen(Ph.D Student, Doctoral Program in Art Creation and Theory, Tainan National University and the Arts, Tainan) 物我關係與物化:晚期傅柯與後期海德格 Thing-I-Relation and Reification: Late Foucault and Late Heidegger 12:30-14:00 午餐 Lunch 14:00-16:00 物化與承認 Reification and Recognition 劉滄龍(國立師範大學國文學系 副教授) LIU Tsang-long (Associate Professor, Department of Chinese, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei) 承認自然 On the Recognition of Nature 賴錫三 (國立中山大學中國文學系 教授) LAI Xisan (Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung) 霍耐特與《莊子》之「承認」觀、「物化」觀的跨文化對話 A Transcultural Dialogue between Honneth’s and Zhuangzi’s Ideas of “Recognition” and “Reification” 鍾振宇(中央研究院中國文哲研究所 副研究員) CHUNG Chen-yu (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taipei) 承認的坎陷:霍耐特與牟宗三 The Self-Negation of Recognition. Honneth and Mou Zongsan 陳威瑨(中央研究院中國文哲研究所 博士後研究) CHEN Weijin(Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taipei) 「相互承認」與儒家:在臺灣教育體制現場重談儒家有何意義? Mutual Recognition and Confucianism. What Meaning Has Confucianism in Taiwan’s Education System? 16:00-16:20 茶敘 Break 16:20-18:20 自由與倫理性 Freedom and Ethical Life 文哲(國立臺灣大學哲學系 特聘教授) Christian WENZEL (Distinguished Professor, Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University, Taipei) 自由:從形上學到政治 Freedom: From Metaphysics to Politics 馬文寧(澳門大學哲學系 助理教授) Mario WENNING (Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies Programme, University of

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Macau) 從承認到信任:儒家與倫理性的規範性基礎 Trust and Recognition: A Confucian Supplement to the Normative Basis of Ethical Life 張雙利(復旦大學哲學學院 教授) ZHANG Shuangli (Professor, School of Philosophy, Fudan University, Shanghai) 論對現代倫理世界的二次重構──從馬克思主義的視角 On the Second Reconstruction of the Ethical World. A Marxist Perspective 李雨鍾(國立政治大學中國文學系 博士生) LI Yuzhong (Ph.D Student, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chengchi University, Taipei) 為承認而制禮——重新定位荀子思想起點的當代可能性 Recognition and Ritual. The Contemporary Possibility of a New Understanding of Xunzi’s Thought

Workshop: April 1, 2016 09:00-11:00 自由與倫理性 Freedom and Ethical Life 王鳳才(復旦大學哲學學院 教授) WANG Fengcai (Professor, School of Philosophy, Fudan University, Shanghai) 從「規範的社會正義理論」到「作為社會分析的正義理論」──霍耐特對《法哲學原理》的詮釋與重構 From a “Normative Theory of Social Justice” to a “Theory of Justice as Social Analysis”. Interpretation and Reconstruction of Honneth’s Freedom’s Right 林遠澤(國立政治大學哲學系 教授) LIN Yuanze (Professor, Department of Philosophy, National Chengchi University, Taipei) 禮治與社會自由的民主理念──論霍耐特的承認理論與儒家社會的現代轉型 Ritual Government and the Democratic Idea of Social Freedom. Honneth’s Theory of Recognition and the Modern Transformation of Confucian Society 林素娟(國立成功大學中國文學系 教授) LIN Sujuan (Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan) 仁的互主體性與名的溝通性──談禮的自由與感通 The Intersubjectivity of Humanness (ren) and the Communicativity of Naming. On Freedom and Resposiveness in Ritual 李志桓(國立中正大學中文所博士生) LI Zhihuan (Ph.D Student, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi) 規範性重構與《論語》的相偶論詮釋 Normative Reconstruction and the Interpretation of the Confucian Analects 11:00-11:20 茶敘 Tea Break 11:20-12:30 社會主義的理念與民主的生活方式:與霍耐特對話 Discussion with Axel Honneth on the Idea of Socialism and Democratic Forms of Life 12:30-14:00 午餐 Lunch 14:00-15:30 現代性弔詭重探 Rethinking the Paradoxes of Modernity 劉紀蕙(國立交通大學社會與文化研究所 教授) Joyce C.H. LIU (Professor, Graduate Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu) 現代中國社會主義的悖論發展:內部批判的方法論重探 The Paradoxical Development of Modern Chinese Socialism. Reconsidering the Method of Internal Critique 鄧育仁(中央研究院歐美研究所 研究員) Norman TENG (Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei) 從政治觀點到公民哲學 From a Political Viewpoint to a Philosophy of the Citizen Lubomir DUNAJ(布拉格大學哲學系全球研究中心 研究員) Research Fellow, Centre of Global Studies, Institute of Philosophy, The Czech Academy of

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Sciences, Prague 社會主義的理念——革命或轉化? The Idea of Socialism. Revolution or Transformation? 15:30-15:50 茶敘 Tea Break 15:50-17:20 現代性弔詭重探 Rethinking the Paradoxes of Modernity 楊儒賓(國立清華大學中國文學系 講座教授) YANG Rur-bin (Chair Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu) 王夫之體用論的辯證發展 Hegel, Philosophy of History and Contemporary Neo-Confucianism 柯小剛(上海同濟大學人文學院 教授) KE Xiaogang(Professor, School of Humanities, Tongji University, Shanghai) 氣化與弔詭 Energetic Transformation and Paradox 何乏筆 Fabian Heubel 曲通三統?現代政治的規範性弔詭與「工夫辯證」的跨文化省思 Twisted Communication of the Three Traditions? On the Normative Paradox of Modern Politics and the Possibility of an „Ascetic Dialectics“ 17:20-18:20 霍耐特 總體回應 Axel Honneth General Response