Soccer - Collier County Public Schools / Homepage€¦ ·  · 2016-02-29Soccer. ee Educated in...

ee CHOMPIN’ UP WITH THE GATORS Page 1: Top News Page 2 & 3: Sports Page 4 & 5: Features, Opin- ion, and Polls. Page 6 & 7: Teacher Bios , Creative Writing, ENMS Events Page 8 & 9: Around ENM Page 10 & 11: Reviews Page 12: Ney Years Feature East Naples Middle School How kindness helps those around us Geety B., Staff Writer Kindness. Learning kindness is a huge part of growing up and is usually introduced at young ages, sometimes even before Kindergar- ten. Here at ENMS, students are continuing to practice kindness. In just the smallest ways, being kind can make a HUGE change and difference in the lives of those around us. “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is never wasted. “- Aesop. Recently, the Kindness Project was introduced at ENMS. Many stu- dents have signed the petition and have promised to carry on kind- ness this year and into the future. The East Naples Middle School Guidance Counselor, Ms. Gonzalez, is conducting this wonderful project. Ms. Gonzalez said, “To me, kindness is showing that you care, showing sympathy, and showing respect.” Ms. Gonzalez took on this project to help our students understand the importance and affect that kindness has on one another. Research shows that kind- ness programs in schools improve the students’ concentration, at- tendance, self-esteem and overall health. According to recent statis- tics even our referrals at ENMS have been reduced. “There are many acts of kind- ness that you can do each day to carry on the kindness effect.” Jazlyn C., an 8 th grader here at ENMS says, “Giving hugs can prove an act of kindness”. Maria C., another 8 th grade student said that an act of kindness could be donating money to a fundraiser. Some acts of kindness are, opening a door for someone whose hands are occu- pied, helping someone find their way giving navigation, giving a com- pliment and making someone feel good about their day. What acts of kindness will you carry on? ENMS Student Newspaper Spring 2016, Issue 4, MLK Issue Kindness should be a regular, planned habit, not a random act - Ms. Gonzalez Designed and Edited by: Jazlyn C. (Managing Editor) and Madison C. (Editor in Chief)

Transcript of Soccer - Collier County Public Schools / Homepage€¦ ·  · 2016-02-29Soccer. ee Educated in...


Page 1: Top News

Page 2 & 3: Sports

Page 4 & 5: Features, Opin-

ion, and Polls.

Page 6 & 7: Teacher Bios ,

Creative Writing, ENMS


Page 8 & 9: Around ENM

Page 10 & 11: Reviews

Page 12: Ney Years Feature East Naples Middle School

How kindness helps those around us

Geety B., Staff Writer

Kindness. Learning kindness is a huge part of growing up and is usually introduced at young ages, sometimes even before Kindergar-ten. Here at ENMS, students are continuing to practice kindness. In just the smallest ways, being kind can make a HUGE change and difference in the lives of those around us. “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is never wasted. “- Aesop.

Recently, the Kindness Project was introduced at ENMS. Many stu-dents have signed the petition and have promised to carry on kind-ness this year and into the future. The East Naples Middle School Guidance Counselor, Ms. Gonzalez, is conducting this wonderful project. Ms. Gonzalez said, “To me, kindness is showing that you care, showing sympathy, and showing respect.” Ms. Gonzalez took on this project to help our students understand the importance and affect that kindness has on one another. Research shows that kind-ness programs in schools improve the students’ concentration, at-tendance, self-esteem and overall health. According to recent statis-tics even our referrals at ENMS have been reduced.

“There are many acts of kind-ness that you can do each day to carry on the kindness effect.” Jazlyn C., an 8

th grader here at ENMS says, “Giving hugs can prove

an act of kindness”. Maria C., another 8th grade student said that an

act of kindness could be donating money to a fundraiser. Some acts of kindness are, opening a door for someone whose hands are occu-pied, helping someone find their way giving navigation, giving a com-

pliment and making someone feel good about their day. What acts of kindness will you carry on?

ENMS Student Newspaper Spring 2016, Issue 4, MLK Issue


should be a



habit, not a

random act

- Ms. Gonzalez

Designed and Edited by: Jazlyn C. (Managing Editor) and Madison C. (Editor in Chief)




Educated in metaphor

Saoirse B., Staff Writer

Thursday, January 21st, was the day spelling bee contestants could either make it or break it. There were six participants that

represented each language arts class in the school, and all grade levels competed at the same time. Sixth grade language arts

teacher, Mrs. Hendershot was the announcer and Ms. Perez and Ms. Gonzalez were the judges. With the word acetone, Isa-

belle Erickson, an 8th grade, student came in first place for our school and will be moving on to the Collier County Public

Schools District Spelling Bee along with, Sai R. and Karla S. Sai says that he didn’t mind whether he won or lost, he just want-

ed to be in it for fun. Since Sai won first place in the school spelling bee and came in seventh in districts last year, he definitely

saw himself going far this year. Sai wasn’t nervous at all and says, “The spelling bee is interesting and I like it.” On the other

hand, Karla S. was self-doubting because she knew Sai’s capabilities. She was extremely nervous even though she participat-

ed at a spelling bee at her previous school, Gulf Coast Charter Academy South. Our school coordinator, Mr. Holimon, provided

each class with spelling bee lists to prepare the students for the upcoming challenge. He also holds all the records of each

word the students went out on. He is a casual acquaintance with all students and supports every teacher’s style of effective

teaching. Before his career at ENMS, Mr. Holimon was an eighth grade Language Arts at Oakridge Middle School, a district

coordinator of Language Arts grades six through twelve, and an English teacher at Golden Gate High. We can all excel in eve-

rything we aspire to be in life; effort is the key.

“Unless you are educated in metaphor, you are not safe to be let loose in

the world.” –Robert Frost


Be kind and pass it on!

Autumn N., Photos and Graphics Editor & Ashley O. Staff Writer

East Naples Middle School is spreading the word and their acts of kindness. The diction-

ary definition of being kind is: being characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings.

Are you known for being kind? Kindness is known to be contagious. Mauricio V., a 7th grader,

states, “Kindness is like the ripple effect we did last year.” Mauricio thinks an example of kind-

ness is, if you were to see someone fall down you want to help them up. Like what Mr. Bryant

said, “you have to represent your school.’”

Kelsie K., an 8th grader said she complimented someone on their basketball skills. She

said this was something kind that she recently did and was an act of kindess. Ariana R., a 6th

grader, said “You can help people and talk to them. Little things like that.” There are so many

synonyms of kindness. Mr. Holimon, our ENMS reading coach, came up with “graciousness,

serviceable, gentility, charity, generosity, sportsmanship, and integrity.” Ariana B., a sixth

grader, says kindness also means “nice and respectful”. Kelsie K. thinks it’s hard to be kind

and nice at school because “some people are very rude and mean.” East Naples Middle

School has a program with act of kindness that shows and tells of other students and how

they react to kindness. We hope that displaying kindness will help students show their

G.A.T.O.R. pride!

We have a school newspaper?

Madison C., Editor in Chief and Zach T., News Editor

Hello Gators! It is safe to say that students at ENMS were surprised to find that our school

does indeed have a newspaper! Gators of all grade levels were shocked to learn that “stuff”

actually goes on in the Journalism class. An avid reader and involved student ,Kyleigh C.

asked, “We have a newspaper?” The Journalism team takes pride in their hard work on the

school newspaper, and by spreading awareness using this poll the readers will see our dedi-

cation. After polling 150 student of all grade levels we came to these answers:


The Newest Addition to ENMS!

Astrid N., Features Editor

Mrs. Peterson teaches 8th grade Language Arts here at ENMS. She’s been

teaching for 15 years around America! From an early age all she’s ever thought

about was becoming a teacher. She went to Pacific Lutheran University in

Washington State, her major was in Secondary Education, English Language

Arts Education, and she also earned her Master’s Degree in Education.

The most important thing to Mrs. Peterson is building relationships and watch-

ing her students grow. She believes it’s extremely important for her students to

succeed; “every child can succeed, and I would give 150% into helping my stu-

dents succeed.” Mrs. Peterson’s learning environment can be described as

warm, educational, and friendly. She likes kids to feel like they belong in her

class and overall, in the school. Mrs. Peterson is a bright, fun teacher to be

around and people enjoy being in her class!

Are YOU a Critical Thinker?

Kylie L., Photo and Graphics Editor

Mrs. Graham is a teacher at East Naples Middle School who teaches

Critical Thinking and STEM concepts to 6th, 7

th, and 8

th graders. She

has been teaching for 24 years. She has studied at both the Universi-

ty Of South Florida and Florida Gulf Coast University. If she weren’t

teaching, Mrs. Graham would be doing something creative, like writ-

ing, or anything involving kids. Mrs. Graham says that the most im-

portant thing about teaching is, “having good relationships with stu-

dents and colleagues.” She describes the environment that she

teaches in as, “fun and creative.” It involves project-based learning

and problem solving, and her favorite thing about teaching is being

with her students. Mrs. Graham says that her best advice to students

is to, “find and follow your passion.”


Replacement Teacher

A Short Story

Katherine H., Copy Editor

While walking with Mrs. Shamrock to her class her dark green heels clung against the tile floor. Awkward silence increased as the door to the classroom opened and I took a seat at my normal table. She closed the door behind her and pulled a chair over to where I was sitting. I stared at her as her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. Am I in trouble? As if reading my mind she quickly answered,

“Don’t worry you are not in trouble I just wanted to talk to you about something.” Then I knew she would ask me about earlier. My palms grew sweaty as she started grabbing a folder from her hands and I rubbed them against my plain khaki pants. She took out a sheet of paper and held it up. Sweat trickled from my hairline. Just as she was about to open her mouth I quickly blurted out.

“I swear I did nothing to attract him Mrs. Shamrock, he bothers me because he thinks it’s fun! Please don’t punish him or then I’ll have to pay for it later!” I cover my hands with my mouth and notice that today my mouth does not seem like mine today. Everything that I tried not to say out loud I blurted at the end anyways. “What?” Mrs. Shamrock says. When I looked up I met confused eyes and then quickly added. “Ignore what I just said. It’s nothing, really.” Who am I kidding, it’s everything. All my problems come from that one fact.

“Are you being bullied?” Mrs. Shamrock says, covering her mouth when she saw I did not answer. Bull’s-eye. She then turns around and grabs a pen and paper. “By who?” she says while pointing pen to paper. I can’t tell or I’ll pay for it later so I just gave a small clue that I’m hoping she might forget by the end of the day, because I actually do want to get him caught someday.

“My neighbor, I whispered.”

To be continued…

Meet Mrs. Peterson! Meet Mrs. Graham!


Check out these photos

on our very own ENM

Twitter page:


After School Program

Jersey Day

Boys Volley Ball




Mr. R’s Art


Science Fair


Starman Kylie L., Photo/Graphics EditorEver since his first album “Space Oddity” came out in 1969,

David Bowie has grown to be an extremely popular and successful artist. He has released

many albums and songs since then, and on January 8th, 2016 he released a new album

named “Blackstar”. This date also happened to be David’s 69th birthday. Sadly, he passed

away on January 10th, 2016 due to cancer. David Bowie had already released some of the

songs before the album came out and recently came out with a music video for the one of the

tracks titled “Lazarus”. David has been known to have very unique videos that have an un-

derlying meaning. “Lazarus” is a perfect example of this, the video seems very strange, with

the setting of a hospital room and creepy bandages covering his eyes. But both the video and

song had a deep meaning to David Bowie and his life. “Blackstar” was David’s 27th and final

studio album. Many people believe that “Blackstar” was foreshadowing that he would soon

die, with many lyrics referring to death and the afterlife. After his death, he had a constellation

named after him which is called “Starman”. David Bowie will forever be remembered for his

amazing music and his unique personality.


Everybody likes Kung Fu fighting! Deondre S., Staff Writer

Finally, another Kung Fu Panda movie came out on January the 29, 2016 with

new characters, better graphics, and more funny fat pandas! Brought to you by

DREAM WORKS ANIMATION. “When Po's long-lost panda father suddenly re-

appears, the reunited duo travels to a secret panda paradise to meet scores of

hilarious new panda characters. But when the supernatural villain, Kai begins to

sweep across China defeating all the Kung Fu masters, Po must do the impos-

sible-learn to train a village full of his fun-loving, clumsy brethren to become the

ultimate band of Kung Fu Pandas”, and now Po must train the pandas to defend

themselves against the evil master Kai, who use to work with Master Shifu! The

celebrities you will see starring the Kung Fu Panda 3 animation characters are:

(Jack Black) Po, (Angelina Jolie) Tigress, (Bryan Cranston) Li, (Jackie Chan)

Monkey, (Seth Rogen) Mantis, (Lucy Liu) Viper, (David Cross) Crane, (James

Hong) playing Po’s dad Mr. Ping, (J.K Simmons) Kai the one that wants to disin-

tegrate Po’s people , (Kate Hudson) Mei Mei, (Randall Duk Kim) Oogway wise,

and the grand master, (Dustin Hoffman) Master Shifu, as well as others. What

did you think about the new Kung Fu?

Below are several links to trailers of Kung Fu Panda 3:


Kevin N., Staff Writer

A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. Ah, get it? Anyways, back to

the topic of New Years. During this jubilant time, people all over the world are celebrating this joyous event

in different ways and sometimes on different days. For example, Chinese New Year is on February 8th,

2016. Most of the world however, celebrates New Year’s on January 1st, 2016. Some other celebrations

happening around the world during this time of year is Rosh Hashanah, Songkran, as well as New Year His-

tory. Most people wait at midnight to see the Time Square Ball Drop on the eve of December 31st. Some

people are there in the event, other people watch live streams of the ball drop. However, there are some tra-

ditions people still celebrate to this day. One such example of this is in Denmark. The big New Year’s Eve

tradition involves smashing plates against your friends’ front doors. It’s a measure of popularity to find a

heap of broken china on the doorstep at midnight –according to the tradition, this brings good luck, so the

more smashed plates, the more you’ll get. “On the other hand, in Romania, farmer try to hear their animals

talk in a ritual which, if successful, signifies not just a Doctor Doolittle gift for communicating with our furry

relatives but good luck for the coming year. As well as whispering to their animals, Romanians celebrate

New Year by donning bear costumes 97 and furs, and dancing from house to house, in an attempt to keep

evil at bay,” states

Most people stay at home on their phones or with their friends. Others celebrate the New Year’s with family.

“I go to church with my family during New Years to celebrate with the church,” states Josh D, 8th grader at

ENMS. “I like spending time with my family on New Year’s.” Not only that, some people kick it up a notch

and party until morning, starting at midnight. Parties like that are the most general ways to celebrate the

New Year. As weird as some traditions are, people still celebrate them because it’s something unique to that

region alone. They hold an unexplainable importance to them that they cannot relinquish and they celebrate

because of that reason. How do you celebrate?

2015/2016 Yearbook!


The Yearbooks are almost here! Go and preorder one

now. They may be purchased for $30.00 each. You can

relive this school year by getting this one of a kind

2015/2016 Yearbook.