So like… read this while we wait for 10:00…AL Waqiah ﺔُﻌَِﻗاوَﻟٱۡ تِ...

So like… read this while we wait for 10:00… Every week the day before your class you will receive a link over WhatsApp (so please save the Ummah Heart number 0842925797) Please do not message the ummah heart line unless its a question or a concern (no ا جزاكمor ameens… say that in your heart) Recordings will only be made available to medical practitioners so please do not request a rec. that was a once olast week Registration is closed Do not get upset unnecessarily we are new to this and have one person manning the phone - please bare with us

Transcript of So like… read this while we wait for 10:00…AL Waqiah ﺔُﻌَِﻗاوَﻟٱۡ تِ...

  • So like… read this while we wait for 10:00…

    • Every week the day before your class you will receive a link over WhatsApp (so please save the Ummah Heart number 0842925797)

    • Please do not message the ummah heart line unless its a question or a concern (no جزاكم اهلل or ameens… say that in your heart)

    • Recordings will only be made available to medical practitioners so please do not request a rec. that was a once off last week

    • Registration is closed

    • Do not get upset unnecessarily we are new to this and have one person manning the phone - please bare with us

  • Allah grant our beloved:

    Farhana & Aaliyah Dhorat

    Sumayyah Kola

    Ayaanah Patel

    Aunty Mariam Cassim

    Muhammad Iqbal Omar

    Zaheda Bham

    Little Humayra and Isa

    Aunty Ayesha

    Yasmin Ibrahim

    The Highest stages in Jannah

    انا هلل و انا اليه راجعون

  • Surah Waqiah The Occurrence


    Revealed in Makkah 96 signs

  • –Surah Taha v. 14

    َلوٰةَ لِِذڪِۡرٓى“ ” إِنَِّنىٓ أَنَا ٱهللَُّ آَل إَِلـَٰه إآِلَّ أَنَا۟ فَٱۡعبُۡدِنى َوأَِقمِ ٱلصَّ14. Verily, I am Allah! There is no God but Me, so worship Me, and perform Salah (for My remembrance)

  • –Hasan Basri

    “No poverty is worse than ignorance… No wealth is better than reason…

    No worship is like contemplation… No goodness is like good character…

    No devotion is like restraint”

  • Islam is the school

    We are its students

    Muhammad S.A.W is our Educator

    is the examiner اهللهلالج لج

    Qiyamah is result day

    Jannah is the celebration

  • The Sun is at an average distance of about 93,000,000 miles (150 million kilometers) away from Earth. It is so far away that light from the Sun, traveling at a speed of 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second, takes about 8

    minutes to reach us.

    Nabi ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said: On the Day of Judgement, the sun will draw near

    the servants until it is a mile or two away from them.

  • AL Waqiahَذا َوَقَعِت ٱۡلَواِقَعُة ٕاِ

    1. When the occurance occurs

    َلۡیَس لَِوۡقَعِتَہا َكاِذَبٌة 2. There will be none to deny its occurrence

    اِفَعٌة َخاِفَضٌة۟ رَّ 3. A day that will lower and elevate

    ا ِت ٱۡالَۡٔرُض َرّجً۟ َذا ُرجَّ ٕاِ 4. When the earth will be shaken violently

    ا ِت ٱۡلِجَباُل َبّسً۟ َوُبسَّ 5. And the mountains will crumble like dough

    ا ۢنَبّثً۟ َفَكاَنۡت َھَبآًء۟ مُّ

    6. Until they will become dust… scattered in the air