Snow leopards[1]

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Transcript of Snow leopards[1]

  • 1. Snow Leopards
    By Reed

2. Taxonomy
Kingdom: Animal Scientific name: Pantherauncia
Phylum: Chordates (11)
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
3. Physical Characteristics
The Snow Leopard looks like a big, muscular, grey cat with black dots or lines and has a small head.
Weight:77-120 lbs
Height: Around 2 feet tall
Female is 30% smaller than male
Body length is 30-50 inches; its tail is over 75% of its total length
The Snow Leopard is smoky grey with black dots or short lines
4. Reproduction
The female snow leopard is in gestation for 3 to 3 1/2 months.
2 to 3 cubs are born at a time
The mother cares for the cubs and they are her main priority until they leave. The males are not involved in the cubs growing.
Cubs are born in late July or August and stay with their mother through the first winter.
Cubs learn to hunt by watching their mother
Mating season starts in January through mid-March
5. Habitat
Snow leopards live mostly in northern and central Asia.
The range they live in covers 2 million square kilometers of land.
The snow leopards habitat is very cold, snowy and mountainous.
The snow leopard is terrestrial.
The snow leopard is very territorial which is why it is rarely seen.
They nest in small ,hidden dens
The snow leopard is extremely endangered and its fur is made into purses and coats
6. Food
Snow leopards primarily eat wild goat, sheep and deer. But they will also eat rodents, hares and birds.
The snow leopard is at the very top of its food chain
Eatlarge prey over timeand stat near itso scavengers cant eat it
Snow Leopard Food Chain
7. Interesting Facts
Snow Leopards are rarely seen due to their reclusive and shy nature.
Snow Leopards cannot growl unlike every other type of cat.
Able to leap 50 feet horizontally! Able to jump 20 feet vertically! It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's a snow leopard!
Look at its huge tail
8. Physical Adaption's
Snow leopards have large teeth and 4 sharp fangs that allow it to tear apart meat.
Has really long fur to keep itself warm
Has large paws that work as snowshoes to allow it to run without sinking into snow.
Snow Leopards have grey fur that make it camouflage.
Have short forelimbs and long hind legs that allow it to climb steep, rugged terrain.
Has small ears that flatten making it less noticeable to prey.
9. Physical Adaption's Continued
The snow leopards extremely large tail allow it to stay balanced.
Have big eyes that let the snow leopard see at night.
The snow leopard has a really furry bell to trap heat inside.
Snow leopards have a large nose and lungs that let it breathe at high altitudes
Large Tail
Furry Belly
Big eyes
10. Behavioral Adaptations
When cold they put tail around head and bury into snow to stay warm.
Hunt at dawn and dusk to stay unseen to prey
They are solitary animals so they will not have to shard the food they get.
Stalks prey from 50 ft to stay unseen
Leave scents and claw marks to find other snow leopards to mate with.
Will become nocturnal if humans are in the area
11. Zoo Habitat
The inside cages are about 20 sq feet. The outside cage is about 45 sq feet and nearly 30 feet high so they cant jump it.
Two of the three leopards can go outside.
2 separated females and one male leopard so they wont fight.
Concrete under their feet when inside, pebbles when outside that does not let their large feet help.
The two snow leopard that are together have a tunnel to go outside and sit inside.
Glass walls and a few swings to sit in.
Lots of chew toys to keep teeth sharp.
12. Zoo Habitat Continued
Lots if logs, wood, shelter and even small dens to maintain their solitary behavior.
Vegetation to allow them to seem more in their environment.
Glass walls inside, metal wiring on outside with ivy covering it.
Drinking bowl in ground
The cage was very clean.
The snow leopards were sitting on edges of rocks and the two other snow leopards were sitting in the tunnel.
13. Snow Leopard Pictures
14. 15. 16. The End