Snapshot Elementary Unit 9 Snakes Alive

Snakes alive! Unit 9

Transcript of Snapshot Elementary Unit 9 Snakes Alive

Page 1: Snapshot Elementary Unit 9 Snakes Alive

Snakes alive! Unit 9

Page 2: Snapshot Elementary Unit 9 Snakes Alive

Ex. 14 p. 58

boa constrictor

pet shop

wąż boa

sklep zoologiczny

Page 3: Snapshot Elementary Unit 9 Snakes Alive

tank akwarium




półka na książki


Page 4: Snapshot Elementary Unit 9 Snakes Alive

few – kilka

take out (took out) – zabierać

enjoy = like

explore – odkrywać

check – sprawdzić

notice – zauważyć

look for – szukać

with no luck – bez rezultatu

desperately – zdesperowanie

spare – wolne

suddently - nagle

scream - krzyczeć

alive - żywe

pull back – odkryć się

curled up – zwinęty

warmest – najcieplejszy

adventure – przygoda

decide – decydować

visit – odwiedzać

Page 5: Snapshot Elementary Unit 9 Snakes Alive

Answer the questions:

1. She was just a few centimetres long.

3. Sofia enjoyed exploring all the corners of the room.

2. Sofia lived in a tank in the sitting room.

4. She looked everywhere – under the bed, in the cupboard, behind the bookcase and under the TV.

5. She found her in the spare bed the next evening.

6. Sofia was under the duvet because it was the warmest place in the house.

7. Kate and her parents decided to give Sofia to the local zoo.