Snap - Does your logo tick all the boxes?

does your logo tick all the boxes? brand your identity not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. Charles Darwin “It is Logo refresh The Marketing Essentials Series

Transcript of Snap - Does your logo tick all the boxes?

Page 1: Snap - Does your logo tick all the boxes?

The Marketing Essentials Series

does your logo tick all the boxes?


identity“It not the

strongest of the species that survives, nor the

most intelligent that survives. It is the

one that is the most adaptable

to change.”Charles Darwin

“It is

Logo refresh

The Marketing Essentials Series


of preparing your material for print


Page 2: Snap - Does your logo tick all the boxes?

Changing your logo isn’t easy.Human nature is resistant to change. Research tells us that we are always more at home with something we’ve become used to, such as a comfortable old jacket. The one you keep on wearing, even though it’s becoming a bit tattered around the edges.

So, a new logo discussion is likely to be difficult because you’re used to the current one and, besides, it will always be cheaper and easier to not change it.

Nevertheless, an inappropriate or dated logo can send entirely the wrong messages about how your business is perceived. It might be unprofessional, old-fashioned, or unrepresentative of your organisation. If you think that might be the case, you must change it, before it does you any more harm.

When (and why) you should refresh your logo.

Change. It’s happening all around you. Look around you – your life is unlikely not to have seen a number of changes. The TV set, the digital devices – laptop, tablets, mobile phones are sure to be recently updated. Look at the food brands you buy regularly - again, most of them will have updated their packaging, or added new varieties. Then there’s our clothes, cars, hair styles – they all change so often we would be in shock if we could travel back in time just 5 years ago. Whether we like it or not, change is constant and unless tradition is essential to your business, it’s best to look like you’re not behind the times.

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How does your business look to the outside world - honestly?Even if you’ve become attached to your current logo, it’s important to rationally consider how it reflects on your company, especially in relation to how you want to be perceived and how it stacks up against your competition.After all, your logo is the ”face” of your business – it makes an important statement to your contemporaries and clients about what kind of company you are.If you do think your logo is looking out of date, it probably is. In fact, it might also be wise to have a good, honest look at all your corporate branding. If one item is behind the times, it’s likely that the rest of your branding is due for a reappraisal. If you’re still undecided, try asking the opinions of other business-savvy people you know and ask for their honest opinions. Don’t ask your mum.

Why do famous brands change their logos?Most famous organisations routinely update, or refresh their logos. Very often, you might not have noticed the change because it has been minor.Apple, Sony, Nike, Coca Cola, Google, Starbucks, BP, Shell, Woolworths and hundreds of other famous names will regularly “tweak” their logos so that they look fresh. However, they will also ensure they retain the character of the existing one, so they still look familiar to customers across the globe.

How to get your refreshed logo rightIf you think a refreshed logo is necessary, make sure you go to a professional designer – such as one of Snap’s graphic design team. Logo design is not easy and it’s vital that the subtleties of fonts, colours, balance and space are all fully understood. Rest assured, logo design is not best handled by an amateur, like the bloke over the road who likes painting for a hobby, or the niece who does well at art in school. Graphic art skills are very specific and it takes professional training to understand how they should be applied for business.

Don’t leap In general, a simple, understated design is what will work best. Sometimes, a more contemporary font alone might be the solution. Often, incremental changes can make a big difference and it’s better to take small steps rather than leaps, so you see how the evolutionary process can develop your brand presence, without abandoning where you have been before.

Live with it for a few daysMost business owners are very protective of their logo, so any change is likely to be quite a shock. Don’t immediately reject new proposals. Make sure you “live” with the new idea, listen to their reasons for taking the chosen direction – you can be sure that it’s never just a random thought. Ideally, give any new logo at least an overnight consideration and, if you still don’t like the new proposal, have some good reasons that might help the designer to understand your thoughts and adapt them to a revised concept. Never say, “I don’t like it, but I can’t tell you why.” That is no help for anyone.

TeamworkGraphic designers are professionals and they will always be able to produce further ideas to meet your brief. Work with them, explain what you want to achieve and try to keep an open mind. Ultimately, everyone wants the same thing – a logo to be proud of, so work to that goal together and you can sure you’ll be delighted with the result.

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The Snap Marketing Essentials Series is a program available to all Snap clients.

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The Marketing Essentials SeriesThe Marketing Essentials Series


of preparing your material for print
