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  • 7/30/2019 smp220160.pdf


    The FIRO-B instrument identifes how you tend to behave toward others and how you want them tobehave toward you. Your FIRO-B results can help you increase your sel-understanding in a number oimportant areas, including how you handle interpersonal relationships and your own social needs, howothers perceive you, and how you see them.

    The FIRO-B tool provides information about three fundamental dimensions of interpersonal needs:



    The FIRO-B assessment also indicates your preferences in regard to two distinct aspects of each ofthese needs areas:

    This profle reports your results on the expressed and wanted aspects o the three interpersonal needsexplored by the FIRO-B tool and includes basic interpretive inormation or each. As you read through thisprofle, please consider how the results compare with your own sense o how you interact with others. Resultsshould not be used to make a judgment about whether any behavior or any person is good or bad. Youshould avoid making major decisions based on the results o only one assessment.


    is about recognition,

    belonging, participation,contact with others, and howyou relate to groups


    concerns infuence, leadership,

    responsibility, and decisionmaking


    is about closeness, warmth,

    sensitivity, openness, and howyou relate to others

    expRessed BehAvIOR

    How much do you preer to initiate the behavior?

    How do you actually behave with respect to the

    three undamental interpersonal needs?What is your comort level engaging in the

    behaviors associated with the three needs?

    WAnted BehAvIOR

    How much do you preer others to take theinitiative?

    How much do you want to be on the receiving endo those behaviors?

    What is your comort level when others direct theirbehaviors associated with the three needs to you?

    FIRO-BProfleCopyright 2003 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. FIRO-B, the FIRO-B logo, the CPP logo, and Fundamental Interpersonal Relations

    OrientationBehavior are trademarks or registered trademarks of CPP, Inc., in the United States and other countries.

    cpp, I. | 800-624-1765 |

    Prepared forJANE SAMPLE May 25, 2010

  • 7/30/2019 smp220160.pdf



    Yor FIRO-B R


    Below are your scores or both expressed and wanted aspects o Inclusion, Control, and Aection, along withtotal scores or each dimension.

    InclusIOn cOntROl AFFectIOn



    er Iio

    Range: 09

    You typically include others inyour activities, join and belongto groups, and interact withpeople most o the time.


    er coro

    Range: 09

    You typically avoid controllingand infuencing others andsituations, organizing anddirecting others, and assumingresponsibility.


    er Affio

    Range: 09

    You typically get close topeople and are comortableexpressing eelings andsupporting others.


    tOtAl expRessed

    Range: 027

    You initiate activities withothers, but it clearly dependson the people and thesituation.


    Wa Iio

    Range: 09

    Most oten you want othersto include you in their activitiesand groups, and you likebeing noticed.


    Wa coro

    Range: 09

    You are most comortable inwell-dened situations and tryto get clear expectations andinstructions.


    Wa Affio

    Range: 09

    Most o the time you wantothers to act warmly, sharetheir eelings, and encourageyou.


    tOtAl WAnted

    Range: 027

    You are comortable withothers initiating activities.


    tOtAl InclusIOn

    Range: 018

    You have a strong preerenceor being involved in socialsituations most o the time.


    tOtAl cOntROl

    Range: 018

    You preer a moderate amounto structure and clarityconcerning authority andresponsibility.


    tOtAl AFFectIOn

    Range: 018

    Typically you like a lot owarmth and closeness inyour one-to-one relationships.



    Range: 054

    Involvement with others isoten satisying or you. Youprobably preer to work withsmall groups and regularcontacts and tend to have alarger group o riends andassociates.


    For urther inormation on the FIRO-B instrument and reports, reer to Introduction to the FIRO-B Instrument inOrganizationsby Eugene Schnell and Allen Hammer, Introduction to the FIRO-B Instrumentby Judith Waterman and

    Jenny Rogers, and Participating in Teamsby Eugene Schnell, all available rom CPP, Inc.

    cpp, I. | 800-624-1765 |