SmartPanels for the Report Builder - Financial Mappers€¦  · Web view2021. 1. 18. ·...

List of SmartPanels for Report Builder: Financial Mappers Pro SmartPanels for the Report Builder The Report Builder allows the creation of Reports with a combination of text, charts and graphs (to demonstrate the modelled results of any plan). These charts and graphs are referred to as SmartPanels. This document lists all the SmartPanels already created for the Report Builder. They are grouped in categories. Please review the Table of Contents and click on those you are interested in to view them. As new features of Financial Mappers are added, more SmartPanels will be created. You will be advised when new SmartPanels have been added. This guide should be used in conjunction with the How to Create Reports using the Report Builder guide. In the early days of developing Financial Mappers, each report was specifically (hard) coded. These earlier reports are still available. SmartPanels have now been created so that you can customize your reports to include only the information you require. The coded Reports in Financial Mappers are: Plan Summary Financial Position at Start of Plan 1

Transcript of SmartPanels for the Report Builder - Financial Mappers€¦  · Web view2021. 1. 18. ·...

Page 1: SmartPanels for the Report Builder - Financial Mappers€¦  · Web view2021. 1. 18. · SmartPanels for the Report Builder. The Report Builder allows the creation of Reports with

List of SmartPanels for Report Builder: Financial Mappers Pro

SmartPanels for the Report Builder

The Report Builder allows the creation of Reports with a combination of text, charts and graphs (to demonstrate the modelled results of any plan). These charts and graphs are referred to as SmartPanels.

This document lists all the SmartPanels already created for the Report Builder. They are grouped in categories.

Please review the Table of Contents and click on those you are interested in to view them.

As new features of Financial Mappers are added, more SmartPanels will be created. You will be advised when new SmartPanels have been added.

This guide should be used in conjunction with the How to Create Reports using the Report Builder guide.

In the early days of developing Financial Mappers, each report was specifically (hard) coded. These earlier reports are still available.

SmartPanels have now been created so that you can customize your reports to include only the information you require.

The coded Reports in Financial Mappers are:

Plan Summary

Financial Position at Start of Plan

Insurance Needs Evaluation

Plan Summary – First 5 Years

5-Year Loan Report

Debt Management Report

Plan Outcomes using Modelling Tools

Financial Statement for Selected Year


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List of SmartPanels for Report Builder: Financial Mappers Pro

The SmartPanels have been grouped into categories in this guide, followed by a sub-section of that category. To assist you in locating the SmartPanels you require when designing a report, notes have been added to each category where applicable. Please review the table of contents, to familiarize yourself with the main categories and subcategories.

With the introduction of the Client Review Gateway, we added Interactive SmartPanels. You have the option to use the regular SmartPanel or the Interactive one. The Interactive panel has the same name with *** after the name. Here are examples:

The full list of interactive graphs is:

Bank Account – Balance Before and After Transactions *** Bank Account – Balance at End of Year *** Budget – Unallocated Funds *** General: Debt Servicing Ratio *** General: Targets ***


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List of SmartPanels for Report Builder: Financial Mappers Pro

In addition, you can include images in your reports. Refer to the last section of this report. A copy of these images and the ASIC MoneySmart Thumbnails are provided in the Word Document, SOA Images.


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List of SmartPanels for Report Builder: Financial Mappers Pro

Table of Contents

SMARTPANELS FOR THE REPORT BUILDER..........................................................................1

ABOUT ME AND MY FAMILY..................................................................................................... 14

About Me: Advice....................................................................................................................................... 14

About Me: Employment.............................................................................................................................. 14

About Me: Estate Planning.......................................................................................................................... 15

About Me: Family....................................................................................................................................... 15

About Me: Health....................................................................................................................................... 15

About Me: Investment Experience.............................................................................................................. 16

About Me: Risk Profile................................................................................................................................ 16

ASSETS............................................................................................................................................. 17

Assets: Bonds.............................................................................................................................................. 17

Assets: Cash Accounts................................................................................................................................. 18

Assets: Home.............................................................................................................................................. 18

Assets: Investment Property....................................................................................................................... 19

Assets: Managed Funds............................................................................................................................... 20

Assets: Personal Assets at Start of Plan....................................................................................................... 20

Assets: Shares............................................................................................................................................. 21

Assets: Term Deposits................................................................................................................................. 21

ASSETS & LIABILITIES................................................................................................................ 22

Assets & Liabilities...................................................................................................................................... 23

Assets & Liabilities: Assets.......................................................................................................................... 24

Assets & Liabilities: Liabilities...................................................................................................................... 24

BANK (TRANSACTION) ACCOUNT........................................................................................... 25

Bank Account – Balance Before and After Transactions...............................................................................25

Bank Account – Balance Before and After Transactions***..........................................................................25


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Bank Account – Balance at End of Year........................................................................................................ 26

Bank Account – Balance at End of Year ***.................................................................................................26

Bank Account: Bank Account – Transactions................................................................................................26

Budget – Unallocated Funds........................................................................................................................ 26

Budget – Unallocated Funds ***................................................................................................................. 27

CASH FLOW SUMMARY............................................................................................................... 28

Cash Flow –––Summary.............................................................................................................................. 29

Cash Flow Summary: Expenses.................................................................................................................... 30

Cash Flow Summary: Income....................................................................................................................... 30

COMPARE ACTUALS.................................................................................................................... 31

Compare Actuals – Home............................................................................................................................ 31

Compare Actuals – Investments.................................................................................................................. 32

Compare Actuals – Investment Property.....................................................................................................32

Compare Actuals – Managed Investments and Super..................................................................................34

Compare Actuals – Net Investments and Super...........................................................................................34

Compare Actuals – Net Worth..................................................................................................................... 35

Compare Actuals – Net Worth Alt 1............................................................................................................. 35

Compare Actuals – Super............................................................................................................................ 36

DEBT MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................................. 36

Debt Management: Loan Balance at Start of Year........................................................................................37

Debt Management: Loan Payments............................................................................................................. 37

GENERAL......................................................................................................................................... 37

General: Average Investment Allocation (5yr).............................................................................................37

General: Debt Servicing Ratio...................................................................................................................... 37

General: Debt Servicing Ratio ***............................................................................................................... 38

General: Drawdown Funding (Present Value)..............................................................................................38

General: Financial Performance Snapshot...................................................................................................38

General: Goals (First 5 Years)...................................................................................................................... 39


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General: Goals Graph.................................................................................................................................. 39

General: Income and Expense Profile.......................................................................................................... 39

General: Insurance Graph........................................................................................................................... 40

General: Key Indicators Snapshot................................................................................................................ 40

General: Main Strategy............................................................................................................................... 40

General: Milestones.................................................................................................................................... 40

General: Plan Comments............................................................................................................................. 41

General: Plan Cover - Name, Plan Name Ages..............................................................................................42

General: Plan Details................................................................................................................................... 42

General: Plan Objectives............................................................................................................................. 42

General: Plan Risks..................................................................................................................................... 42

General: Retirement Income....................................................................................................................... 44

General: Summary at end of Savings and Retirement Phases.......................................................................44

General: Targets......................................................................................................................................... 44

General: Targets Graphs.............................................................................................................................. 45

General: Targets ***................................................................................................................................... 46

General: This Report is for User, Plan.......................................................................................................... 46

General: What you owe.............................................................................................................................. 47

General: What you own.............................................................................................................................. 47

General What you Spend............................................................................................................................ 47

LOAN REPORT............................................................................................................................... 49

Loan Report: Interest Rates, Capital and Interest Payments.........................................................................49

Loan Report: Interest Rates, Capital and Interest Payments Graph..............................................................49

Loan Report: Loan Balances and Loan Repayment Schedules.......................................................................50

Loan Report: Personal Budget Expenses (PV)...............................................................................................51

Loan Report: Personal Budget Expenses Graph (PV)....................................................................................51

Loan Report: Planned Management for New Loans and Refinanced Loans...................................................52

Loan Report: Salary Savings........................................................................................................................ 52


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LOANS.............................................................................................................................................. 52

Loans: Credit Cards..................................................................................................................................... 53

Loans: Current with Lender Details.............................................................................................................. 53

Loans: Home............................................................................................................................................... 53

Loans: Investment Property........................................................................................................................ 54

Loans: Personal........................................................................................................................................... 54

Loans: Shares.............................................................................................................................................. 54

MODULATORS............................................................................................................................... 55

Modulators: Status..................................................................................................................................... 55

PERSONAL BUDGET..................................................................................................................... 55

Personal Budget: Expenses Breakdown....................................................................................................... 55

Personal Budget: Income (Present Value)....................................................................................................55

PROGRESS REPORT..................................................................................................................... 55

Progress Report: Asset Allocation................................................................................................................ 56

Progress Report: Asset Allocation and Investment Profile (Retirement).......................................................56

Progress Report: Asset Allocation and Investment Profile (Savings).............................................................57

Progress Report: Assets and Liabilities (FV) (Retirement).............................................................................57

Progress Report: Assets and Liabilities (FV) (Savings)...................................................................................57

Progress Report: Bank Balance.................................................................................................................... 58

Progress Report: Budget Summary (PV)....................................................................................................... 58

Progress Report: Investment Profile (Excluding Retirement Accounts).........................................................58

Progress Report: Net Investments & Retirement Funds (FV)........................................................................59

Progress Report: Net Investments & Retirement Funds (PV)........................................................................59

Progress Report: Net Value of Home........................................................................................................... 59

Progress Report: Return on Investments (Including Retirement Accounts)...................................................60

Progress Report: Salaries, Drawdown & Pensions from External Sources (Present Values)...........................60

Progress Report: Statistics (Retirement)...................................................................................................... 60

Progress Report: Statistics (Savings)............................................................................................................ 61


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RETIREMENT................................................................................................................................. 62

Retirement: Annuities................................................................................................................................. 62

Retirement: Employer Super....................................................................................................................... 63

Retirement: Self-Managed Pension (Superannuation) Fund.........................................................................65

RETIREMENT PLAN..................................................................................................................... 66

Retirement Plan: Drawdown Allocation...................................................................................................... 66

Retirement Plan: Drawdown Funding.......................................................................................................... 66

REVIEW........................................................................................................................................... 66

Review ***................................................................................................................................................. 66

SAVINGS (INVESTMENT) STRATEGY...................................................................................... 67

Savings Strategy: Allocation of Savings........................................................................................................ 67

Savings Strategy: Assets at Start of Year...................................................................................................... 67

Savings Strategy: Net Assets Graph............................................................................................................. 67

Savings Strategy: Personal Income & Expenses............................................................................................68

Savings Strategy: Real Estate Purchases at Start of Year..............................................................................68

Savings Strategy: Real Estate Sales at End of Year........................................................................................68

Savings Strategy – Shares, Managed Funds and Superannuation.................................................................68

SMSF................................................................................................................................................. 69

Savings Strategy – Statistics & Asset Allocation...........................................................................................69

SMSF: Asset Allocation................................................................................................................................ 69

SMSF: Asset Allocation (Detailed)................................................................................................................ 69

SMSF: Balance at Start of Year.................................................................................................................... 70

SMSF: Investment Profile............................................................................................................................ 70

SMSF: Present Values.................................................................................................................................. 70

SMSF: Returns............................................................................................................................................ 70

SMSF: Risk Profile....................................................................................................................................... 70

SMSF: Transactions – Cash.......................................................................................................................... 71


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SMSF: Transactions - Investment Property..................................................................................................71

SMSF: Transactions - Shares and Managed Funds........................................................................................71

SOA................................................................................................................................................... 72

SOA: Attitude towards Investing................................................................................................................. 72

SOA: Authority to Proceed.......................................................................................................................... 72

SOA: Commissions...................................................................................................................................... 72

SOA: Commissions Paid on Insurance Policies..............................................................................................72

Consequences of my advice........................................................................................................................ 72

SOA: Estate Planning................................................................................................................................... 73

SOA: Executive Summary............................................................................................................................ 73

SOA: Fees and Costs.................................................................................................................................... 73

SOA: General Information About Client and Partner....................................................................................73

SOA: How to follow my advice.................................................................................................................... 73

SOA: Improving your Money Management Skills.........................................................................................73

SOA: Insurance Recommendations.............................................................................................................. 73

SOA Investment Planning............................................................................................................................ 73

SOA: List of Attachments............................................................................................................................. 73

SOA: My Advice.......................................................................................................................................... 73

SOA: Product Replacement......................................................................................................................... 73

SOA: Reasons for my recommendations...................................................................................................... 73

SOA: Review of Performance...................................................................................................................... 73

SOA: Scope of Advice.................................................................................................................................. 73

SOA: Wealth Tracker Summary................................................................................................................... 73

SOA: What this document is about.............................................................................................................. 74

SOA: What you Want.................................................................................................................................. 74

SUMMARY REPORT..................................................................................................................... 74

Summary Report: Asset Allocation.............................................................................................................. 74

Summary Report: Asset Allocation (Detailed)..............................................................................................74


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Summary Report: Asset Allocation (Detailed) – Investments.......................................................................75

Summary Report: Asset Allocation (Detailed) – Retirement Accounts..........................................................75

Summary Report – Asset Allocation (Detailed) $ Values..............................................................................75

Summary Report – Asset Allocation (Detailed) $ Values – Investments........................................................75

Summary Report – Asset Allocation (Detailed) $ Values – Retirement Accounts...........................................76

Summary Report – Asset Allocation (Detailed) $ Values (5yr)......................................................................76

Summary Report – Asset Allocation (Detailed) $ Values (5yr) – Investments................................................76

Summary Report – Asset Allocation (Detailed) $ Values – (5yr) Retirement Accounts..................................76

Summary Report: Assets............................................................................................................................. 77

Summary Report: Debt Servicing Ratio........................................................................................................ 77

Summary: Investment Profile...................................................................................................................... 77

Summary: Investment Profile (Investments)................................................................................................77

Summary: Investment Profile (Retirement Accounts)..................................................................................77

Summary Report: Investment Income......................................................................................................... 78

Summary Report: Liabilities........................................................................................................................ 78

Summary Report: Net Value of All Investments...........................................................................................78

Summary Report: Pensions (External Sources).............................................................................................78

Summary Report: Retirement Accounts Net Value......................................................................................78

Summary Report – Risk Profile.................................................................................................................... 79

Summary Report – Risk Profile – Investments.............................................................................................79

Summary Report – Risk Profile – Retirement Accounts................................................................................79

SUPER.............................................................................................................................................. 79

Super Asset Allocation................................................................................................................................ 80

Super: Balance of Fund............................................................................................................................... 80

Super: Fees and Taxes................................................................................................................................. 80

Super Investment Profile............................................................................................................................. 81

Super: Risk Profile....................................................................................................................................... 81

Super: Present Values................................................................................................................................. 81

Super: Transactions.................................................................................................................................... 81


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TAX ESTIMATOR.......................................................................................................................... 82

Tax Estimator: - Estimated Tax Due............................................................................................................. 82

Tax Estimator: Income and Capital Gains to be Taxed..................................................................................83

IMAGE LIBRARY............................................................................................................................ 84

ABOUT OUR IMAGE LIBRARY................................................................................................... 84

FULL LIST........................................................................................................................................ 84

IMAGES............................................................................................................................................ 85

About Me................................................................................................................................................... 85

Accident and Sickness................................................................................................................................. 85

Accident..................................................................................................................................................... 85

Adviser at Computer................................................................................................................................... 85

Balance your Life........................................................................................................................................ 86

Balance your Life & Risk Reward – Scales....................................................................................................86


Building Graph............................................................................................................................................ 86

Business...................................................................................................................................................... 86

Carrying Bills............................................................................................................................................... 87

Carrying House........................................................................................................................................... 87

Carrying Money.......................................................................................................................................... 87

Carrying Taxes............................................................................................................................................ 88

Carrying Work............................................................................................................................................ 88

Chef............................................................................................................................................................ 88

Client at Computer...................................................................................................................................... 89


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Credit Score v1............................................................................................................................................ 89

Credit Score v2............................................................................................................................................ 89

Debt – letter blocks..................................................................................................................................... 90

Debt Free.................................................................................................................................................... 90

Debt on back lying down............................................................................................................................. 90

Dumbbells.................................................................................................................................................. 91

Explanation Mark (!)................................................................................................................................... 91

Falling Graph.............................................................................................................................................. 91

Goals.......................................................................................................................................................... 92

Green Keys.................................................................................................................................................. 92

Information (Letter i)................................................................................................................................... 92

Light bulb moment...................................................................................................................................... 93

Man in green hat - magician....................................................................................................................... 93

Manikin with Green Tick............................................................................................................................. 93

Money V green house................................................................................................................................. 94

Percentage – man pushing.......................................................................................................................... 94

Percentage - magnify.................................................................................................................................. 95

Puzzle Pieces............................................................................................................................................... 95

Objectives................................................................................................................................................... 96

Question Mark............................................................................................................................................ 96

Question marks - 3...................................................................................................................................... 96

Reading a Book........................................................................................................................................... 97

Rest in Peace.............................................................................................................................................. 97

Return on Investment................................................................................................................................. 97

Rising & Falling Values................................................................................................................................ 97

Rising Values.............................................................................................................................................. 98

Risk Reward - scales.................................................................................................................................... 98

Risk Vs Reward........................................................................................................................................... 98

Running wheel............................................................................................................................................ 99


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Shares Down............................................................................................................................................... 99

Shares Up................................................................................................................................................... 99

Shopping in box........................................................................................................................................ 100

Sick........................................................................................................................................................... 100

Signing Document..................................................................................................................................... 100

Sitting on Money....................................................................................................................................... 101

Steamroller -Costs..................................................................................................................................... 101

Stress........................................................................................................................................................ 101

Target – dart board................................................................................................................................... 102

Target – sitting on top............................................................................................................................... 102

Tax........................................................................................................................................................... 102

Thumb down – Red Face............................................................................................................................ 102

Thumb horizonatal – Yellow Face.............................................................................................................. 103

Thumb Up – Green Face............................................................................................................................ 103

Thumbs Down – Red Cross......................................................................................................................... 103

Thumbs Down........................................................................................................................................... 103

Thumbs Up - box....................................................................................................................................... 104

Wages...................................................................................................................................................... 104

Wealth Tracker Report.............................................................................................................................. 104

Workshop................................................................................................................................................. 105

EXCEL AND DATA TABLES...................................................................................................... 106


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About Me and My FamilyNotesThese panels are included primarily for advisers who have Connect Clients and they wish

to use the data entered in here and in the Starting Position to replace the Fact Find.

Like the Starting Position, either the adviser or the client can update information. Therefore,

you can copy and paste information from your other Fact Find, into these panels. These

panels will be included in some reports in a section called About Me and My Family. If data

is not entered in a panel, the panel is not displayed. When data is entered, the Heading is

automatically added.

About Me: Advice

About Me: Employment


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About Me: Estate Planning

About Me: Family

About Me: Health


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About Me: Investment Experience

About Me: Risk Profile


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There are a set of graphs which are displayed for each asset account within an asset type.

If you want to show all these graphs in a report (as in the Wealth Guidance Report – Your Assets in Detail) you can include each asset type in your report. If the asset type is not part of a plan for which a report is generated, the panel is not displayed on that report.

The name of each Asset Account appears at the top left corner (Heading 2) of the SmartPanel. If a plan has more than one account in any asset type, all accounts in that plan are listed and identified by their name.

Assets: Bonds


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Assets: Cash Accounts

Assets: Home


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Assets: Investment Property


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Assets: Managed Funds

Assets: Personal Assets at Start of PlanThese are only listed in the Starting Position where detailed Assets and Liabilities at Start of Plan are displayed.


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Assets: Shares

Assets: Term Deposits


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Assets & LiabilitiesNotes:These SmartPanels are generated from the Assets & Liabilities page found on the Reports chevron. These panels have been designed to give you maximum flexibility.

Panels may be for

Assets & Liabilities (Complete overview including Net Asset Value & recommended) Assets & Liabilities: Assets Only Assets & Liabilities: Liabilities Only

Once the panel has been selected you have three selections:

Indexing Method Future Value Present Value

Plan Phase Default Phase (The first phase of the plan whether Savings or Retirement) Savings Phase Retirement Phase

Year Range Years 1 – 5 Years 6 - 10

Here is a selection of examples:


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Assets & Liabilities


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Assets & Liabilities: Assets

Assets & Liabilities: Liabilities


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Bank (Transaction) AccountNotes:

Bank refers to the Transaction (Bank) Account. Monitoring the balance of this account is very important. If the account is overdrawn, and no overdraft limit has been listed, the plan is purchasing assets with money it does not have which means it is unsustainable and not a workable plan.

Bank Account – Balance Before and After TransactionsNotes:

The Program displays the Balance of the account BEFORE and AFTER any transactions any transactions deemed to occur at the Start of Year. For example, a deposit for a property purchase would be withdrawn at the start of the year.

Note the image panel is only displayed if the account is overdrawn by more than the nominated Overdraft Limit.

Bank Account – Balance Before and After Transactions***


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Bank Account – Balance at End of Year

Bank Account – Balance at End of Year ***

Bank Account: Bank Account – Transactions


This graph only shows the transactions relevant to the Account. It does not include all the yearly transactions for buying and selling assets or loan costs.

Budget – Unallocated Funds


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Budget – Unallocated Funds ***


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Cash Flow SummaryNotesThese SmartPanels are generated from the Cash Flow Summary page found on the Reports chevron. These panels have been designed to give you maximum flexibility.

Panels may be for

Cash Flow Summary (Complete overview & recommended) Cash Flow Summary: Income Only Cash Flow Summary: Expenses

Once the panel has been selected you have three selections:

Indexing Method Future Value Present Value

Plan Phase Default Phase (The first phase of the plan whether Savings or Retirement) Savings Phase Retirement Phase

Year Range Years 1 – 5 Years 6 - 10

Here is a selection of examples:


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Cash Flow –––Summary


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Cash Flow Summary: Expenses

Cash Flow Summary: Income


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Compare ActualsNotes: These SmartPanels are used only in the Report Wealth Tracker Performance Review. Two of the panels were made as special requests have not been included in the Template Report. The heading Managed Investments refers to Shares and Managed Funds.

We are currently in the process of creating SmartPanels with just one graph. These have been requested by advisers who have paid a small fee to have them included.

All advisers are free to use these “special requests”. Advisers may also request similar single graphs at a fee of $130 (excluding GST) per graph.

Compare Actuals – Home


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Compare Actuals – Investments

Compare Actuals – Investment PropertyNot included in the Template Report for Wealth Tracker


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Compare Actuals – Managed Investments and Super

Compare Actuals – Net Cash & Interest Earning Accounts


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Compare Actuals – Net Investment Properties

Compare Actuals – Net Investments and Super


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Compare Actuals – Net Investments

Compare Actuals – Net Shares & Managed Funds

Compare Actuals – Net Worth


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Compare Actuals – Net Worth Alt 1Not included in the Template Report for Wealth Tracker


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Compare Actuals – Super

Compare Actuals – Total Superannuation


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Debt ManagementNotes:

The coded Debt Management Report shows all the transactions relating to loans for the first 5-years of the plan. It also gives strategies for Debt Reduction. The 5-year Loan Report is the same report, without the strategies. These are very comprehensive reports and will most likely have more information than you wish to display to your client. Therefore SmartPanels have been created for you. Please note that the two sections relating to Interest Rate Risk Assessment and Reducing Debt through use of Optional Expenses cannot be used in your Reports.

Debt Management: Loan Balance at Start of Year

Debt Management: Loan Payments


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GeneralGeneral: Average Investment Allocation (5yr)

General: Debt Servicing Ratio

General: Debt Servicing Ratio ***

General: Drawdown Funding (Present Value)


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General: Financial Performance Snapshot

General: Goals (First 5 Years)

General: Goals Graph


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General: Income and Expense ProfileNotes:This panel should not be used for Retirement Plans

General: Insurance Graph

General: Key Indicators Snapshot

General: Main StrategyNotes:

If no information has been written, the heading or the SmartPanel does not display.


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General: Milestones

General: Plan CommentsNotes:

If no information has been written, the heading or the panel does not display)


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General: Plan Cover - Name, Plan Name Ages Notes:

This SmartPanel is obsolete as the program now automatically generates a heading.

Note that where a plan is generated by an adviser, this information is always included in any report.

General: Plan DetailsNotes:

This a copy of the Plan Details

General: Plan ObjectivesNotes:

If no information has been written, the heading or the panel does not display)

General: Plan RisksNotes:

This information is taken from the Insurance Needs Evaluation. The Insurance details are transferred from the Insurance Account. Other calculations in the Insurance Needs


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Evaluation Report do not have SmartPanels. You should use the coded Insurance Needs Evaluation Report when reviewing Insurance Needs with your client.

This SmartPanel will alert you as to whether or not the client has insurance. Where the plan is for two people the Insurance Cover for each partner will be displayed separately.


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General: Retirement Income

General: Summary at end of Savings and Retirement Phases

General: Targets


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General: Targets Graphs


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General: Targets ***

General: This Report is for User, PlanNotes:

This panel if included should be part of the first section of the Report. It gives some general information about the plan.


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General: What you owe

General: What you own

General What you SpendNotes:

This panel is only showing the Budget Expenses. It does not include Lifestyle Goals or Insurance costs applied to the Budget.


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Loan ReportNotes:

These are panels from the 5-year Loan Report (Debt Management Report is the same). It does not include the information for Interest Rate Risk Assessment and Reducing Debt Levels, as these are coded to change according to the information added to that report – Interest Rate Increase and Optional Expense Percent. The panel for Lender Details has also been added.

Loan Report: Interest Rates, Capital and Interest Payments

Loan Report: Interest Rates, Capital and Interest Payments Graph


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Loan Report: Loan Balances and Loan Repayment Schedules


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Loan Report: Personal Budget Expenses (PV)

Loan Report: Personal Budget Expenses Graph (PV)Notes:

This graph includes Lifestyle Goals and Insurance (which is a budget cost only)


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Loan Report: Planned Management for New Loans and Refinanced Loans

Loan Report: Salary Savings


For each Loan Account, the Name of the Loan is listed in the top left hand corner.


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Loans: Credit Cards

Loans: Current with Lender Details

Loans: HomeNotes:

Graphs may be different depending on whether it is an Interest Only or P&I Loan or combined loan. (No additional payments can be made on Interest only loans. Same for Investment Property graphs


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Loans: Investment Property

Loans: Personal

Loans: Shares


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It is recommended that you always include this panel, so that one can easily identify if Modulators have been used, as in this case. It is very easy to forget to turn off modulators, or the user may intentionally want to have one of the modulators on.

Modulators: Status

Personal BudgetPersonal Budget: Expenses BreakdownNotes:Includes Insurance and Lifestyle Goals.

Personal Budget: Income (Present Value)

Progress ReportNotes:

These panels are based on the report currently called Plan Summary. Previously it was called Progress Report and hence the name. In the Plan Summary, the first part is divided into information for the Savings and the Retirement Phase. If you are creating a Report,


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which is only a Savings or Retirement Plan, then you would only include the panels for the type of plan. In a Lifetime Plan you would need to include both.

I would suggest that you make a report for a Lifetime Plan, including both sets of panels and then make two copies of this Report and adjust each so you have a Savings Plan and Retirement Plan. That way you will have one Report, but 3-versions depending on the Plan Type.

At the end of the plan are 8 graphs which give a good overview of the plan. The other information shows the data for the start of the plan, then the values for the End of Year 1, Last year of Phase and 2 intervening periods. The intervening periods will vary, depending on the length of the plan.

Progress Report: Asset Allocation

Note: The SmartPanel Summary: Asset Allocation has two graphs. One for Value of Asset and one for Income. This is to identify there an annuity has $0, value, but an income stream.

Progress Report: Asset Allocation and Investment Profile (Retirement)


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Progress Report: Asset Allocation and Investment Profile (Savings)

Progress Report: Assets and Liabilities (FV) (Retirement)

Progress Report: Assets and Liabilities (FV) (Savings)


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Progress Report: Bank BalanceNotes:

This is a really good graph to include as it ensures the Transaction Account is not overdrawn beyond the Overdraft Limit.

Progress Report: Budget Summary (PV)

Progress Report: Investment Profile (Excluding Retirement Accounts)


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Progress Report: Net Investments & Retirement Funds (FV)View 1

View 2:Where part of the Retirement Funds are held as an Annuity, the value of the Annuity will be displayed as $0, but the income from the Annuity will be displayed as a sub-graph (both FV and PV)

Progress Report: Net Investments & Retirement Funds (PV)

Progress Report: Net Value of HomeNotes:

Where a Home is sold and a new one purchased, the sale is at the end of the previous year to the purchase. Hence you will see a GAP in Year 5, where the property was sold at the end of year 5 and there was no home value until the new home was purchased at the start of Year 6.


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Progress Report: Return on Investments (Including Retirement Accounts)

Progress Report: Salaries, Drawdown & Pensions from External Sources (Present Values)Notes:

In the Retirement Phase, the Drawdown from the Retirement Plan is shown as one value.

Progress Report: Statistics (Retirement)


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Progress Report: Statistics (Savings)


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Each Retirement Account has the Name of the Account in the top left hand corner.

Retirement: AnnuitiesNote that Annuities have $0, value – just an income stream


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Retirement: Employer SuperNotes:In addition to this SmartPanel, there is one panel for each graph. The SmartPanels are listed as: Super: Name of Graph.

Please note that where the Super account is rolled over to an Annuity at the start of retirement, the value is listed as $0, but the income stream is listed in a sub-graph.


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Retirement: Self-Managed Pension (Superannuation) FundNotes:

This panel should be used, where you want to display all the account details. Please note that each of these graphs have their own SmartPanel. They are listed as: SMSF: Name of Graph.


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Retirement PlanThe graph may be either PV or FV. The title will indicate where the value is in PV.

Retirement Plan: Drawdown Allocation

Retirement Plan: Drawdown Funding

ReviewReview ***The results displayed are for the start of the plan in the PDF file.


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Savings (Investment) StrategyNotes:

These panels are from the coded report Plan Summary – First 5 Years. Previously it was called the Savings Strategy.

It is particularly useful to identify assets purchased or sold in the first 5-years.

If you want to create a summary of the first-5 years, you may wish to combined some of these panels with those from the Loan Report.

Savings Strategy: Allocation of Savings

Savings Strategy: Assets at Start of Year

Savings Strategy: Net Assets Graph


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Savings Strategy: Personal Income & Expenses

Savings Strategy: Real Estate Purchases at Start of Year

Savings Strategy: Real Estate Sales at End of Year

Savings Strategy – Shares, Managed Funds and Superannuation


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SMSFSavings Strategy – Statistics & Asset Allocation


Each graph has been separated so that you can just include the ones you want rather than all which are on the SmartPanel Retirement: Self-Managed Pension (Superannuation) Fund. Each graph will have the name of the SMSF account in the title of the graph. There may be more than two SMSF accounts if each partner has their own account, however, one would expect them to have joint account as is the case in these examples.

SMSF: Asset Allocation

SMSF: Asset Allocation (Detailed)


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SMSF: Balance at Start of Year

SMSF: Investment Profile

SMSF: Present Values

SMSF: Returns

SMSF: Risk Profile


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SMSF: Transactions – Cash

SMSF: Transactions - Investment Property

SMSF: Transactions - Shares and Managed Funds


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These panels are completely blank and can be formatted with appropriate Headings.

Each of the blank panel has no heading. This means us can use the 19 blank panels for any topic you choose to include. This is a copy of the Blank Panel (Note the level of formatting available)

Authority to Proceed is a signing page with the name of the clients and adviser to sign.

SOA: Attitude towards InvestingBlank panel

SOA: Authority to ProceedNotes:Each Report using this panel, will have the names of the client and the financial adviser.

SOA: CommissionsBlank panel

SOA: Commissions Paid on Insurance PoliciesBlank panel

Consequences of my adviceBlank panel


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SOA: Estate PlanningBlank panel

SOA: Executive SummaryBlank panel

SOA: Fees and CostsBlank panel

SOA: General Information About Client and PartnerBlank panel

SOA: How to follow my adviceBlank panel

SOA: Improving your Money Management SkillsBlank panel

SOA: Insurance RecommendationsBlank panel

SOA Investment PlanningBlank panel

SOA: List of AttachmentsBlank panel

SOA: My AdviceBlank panel

SOA: Product ReplacementBlank panel

SOA: Reasons for my recommendationsBlank panel

SOA: Review of PerformanceBlank panel

SOA: Scope of AdviceBlank panel

SOA: Wealth Tracker SummaryBlank panel


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SOA: What this document is aboutBlank panel

SOA: What you WantBlank panel

Summary ReportNotes:

These panels are from the Plan Outcomes which was previously called Summary.

Summary Report: Asset AllocationThe asset allocation shows the allocating according value and to income. This is because there may be times when the plan has a annuity or the super account has been rolled over to an annuity. In these cases, the value of the annuity is $0, however, the income will be displayed in the Income graph. In this screenshot, there are two superannuation accounts, one of which was rolled over to an annuity at the start of retirement.

Summary Report: Asset Allocation (Detailed)


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Summary Report: Asset Allocation (Detailed) – Investments

Summary Report: Asset Allocation (Detailed) – Retirement Accounts

Summary Report – Asset Allocation (Detailed) $ Values These results are in FV, any PV graphs will include (PV) in the title.

Summary Report – Asset Allocation (Detailed) $ Values – Investments


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Summary Report – Asset Allocation (Detailed) $ Values – Retirement Accounts

Summary Report – Asset Allocation (Detailed) $ Values (5yr)

Summary Report – Asset Allocation (Detailed) $ Values (5yr) – Investments

Summary Report – Asset Allocation (Detailed) $ Values – (5yr) Retirement Accounts


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Summary Report: Assets

Summary Report: Debt Servicing Ratio

Summary: Investment Profile

Summary: Investment Profile (Investments)

Summary: Investment Profile (Retirement Accounts)


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Summary Report: Investment Income

Summary Report: Liabilities

Summary Report: Net Value of All Investments

Summary Report: Pensions (External Sources)

Summary Report: Retirement Accounts Net ValueWhere a Superannuation Account is rolled over to an annuity, the annuity has $0. To compensate the income generated by the annuity is listed as a sub-graph. This is a view of where one superannuation account was converted to an annuity and the second was not.


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Summary Report – Risk Profile

Summary Report – Risk Profile – Investments

Summary Report – Risk Profile – Retirement Accounts

Super Notes:

These are individual graphs from the Superannuation Account. There is also a panel which has all the graphs in one SmartPanel (Retirement: Employer Super). The name of the Account is listed in the Chart Title. These may be times where each partner has their own


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Superannuation Account in the plan and a graph for each partner’s account will be displayed. In this example, the Superannuation/Pension Account is called: John’s Old Super.

Super Asset Allocation

Super: Balance of FundView 1:

View 2:Where the account is rolled over to an annuity, the account has $0 value, but the income is displayed as a subgraph. (Note in this case no asset allocation, investment profile or risk profile will be displayed for the period of the annuity)

Super: Fees and Taxes


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Super Investment Profile

Super: Risk Profile

Super: Present Values

Super: Transactions


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Tax EstimatorNotes:

There are no tables of information from the Tax Estimator.

Tax Estimator: - Estimated Tax Due


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Tax Estimator: Income and Capital Gains to be Taxed


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Image LibraryThese images have been optimized to two sizes - 1000 px wide and 150 px wide.

About our Image LibraryWith the FPA initiative to make the SOA more engaging for the client, we have created a set of images some of which have been used in our Interactive SmartPanels and in our Money Management Videos.

These images are Royalty Free.

When you are using the SOA Editor panels or creating your Report, you can include any of these images. If you can’t find what you are looking, these images were purchased from Deposit Photos. You will find many more images in this style, if you are looking for something different.

These images can be copied and pasted into your Report Builder and SOA editor.

Use the Navigation Pane (View) to find the image you are looking for.

Full List


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ImagesThese images have been optimized to two sizes - 1000 px wide and 150 px wide.

About Me

Accident and Sickness


Adviser at Computer


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Balance your Life

Balance your Life & Risk Reward – Scales

Building Graph



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Carrying Bills

Carrying House

Carrying Money


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Carrying Taxes

Carrying Work



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Client at Computer

Credit Score v1

Credit Score v2


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Debt – letter blocks

Debt Free

Debt on back lying down


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Explanation Mark (!)

Falling Graph


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Green Keys

Information (Letter i)


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Light bulb moment

Man in green hat - magician

Manikin with Green Tick


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Money V green house

Percentage – man pushing


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Percentage - magnify

Puzzle Pieces


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Question Mark

Question marks - 3


Page 99: SmartPanels for the Report Builder - Financial Mappers€¦  · Web view2021. 1. 18. · SmartPanels for the Report Builder. The Report Builder allows the creation of Reports with

List of SmartPanels for Report Builder: Financial Mappers Pro

Reading a Book

Rest in Peace

Return on Investment

Rising & Falling Values


Page 100: SmartPanels for the Report Builder - Financial Mappers€¦  · Web view2021. 1. 18. · SmartPanels for the Report Builder. The Report Builder allows the creation of Reports with

List of SmartPanels for Report Builder: Financial Mappers Pro

Rising Values

Risk Reward - scales

Risk Vs Reward


Page 101: SmartPanels for the Report Builder - Financial Mappers€¦  · Web view2021. 1. 18. · SmartPanels for the Report Builder. The Report Builder allows the creation of Reports with

List of SmartPanels for Report Builder: Financial Mappers Pro

Running wheel

Shares Down

Shares Up


Page 102: SmartPanels for the Report Builder - Financial Mappers€¦  · Web view2021. 1. 18. · SmartPanels for the Report Builder. The Report Builder allows the creation of Reports with

List of SmartPanels for Report Builder: Financial Mappers Pro

Shopping in box


Signing Document


Page 103: SmartPanels for the Report Builder - Financial Mappers€¦  · Web view2021. 1. 18. · SmartPanels for the Report Builder. The Report Builder allows the creation of Reports with

List of SmartPanels for Report Builder: Financial Mappers Pro

Sitting on Money

Steamroller -Costs



Page 104: SmartPanels for the Report Builder - Financial Mappers€¦  · Web view2021. 1. 18. · SmartPanels for the Report Builder. The Report Builder allows the creation of Reports with

List of SmartPanels for Report Builder: Financial Mappers Pro

Target – dart board

Target – sitting on top


Thumb down – Red Face


Page 105: SmartPanels for the Report Builder - Financial Mappers€¦  · Web view2021. 1. 18. · SmartPanels for the Report Builder. The Report Builder allows the creation of Reports with

List of SmartPanels for Report Builder: Financial Mappers Pro

Thumb horizonatal – Yellow Face

Thumb Up – Green Face

Thumbs Down – Red Cross

Thumbs Down


Page 106: SmartPanels for the Report Builder - Financial Mappers€¦  · Web view2021. 1. 18. · SmartPanels for the Report Builder. The Report Builder allows the creation of Reports with

List of SmartPanels for Report Builder: Financial Mappers Pro

Thumbs Up - box


Wealth Tracker Report


Page 107: SmartPanels for the Report Builder - Financial Mappers€¦  · Web view2021. 1. 18. · SmartPanels for the Report Builder. The Report Builder allows the creation of Reports with

List of SmartPanels for Report Builder: Financial Mappers Pro



Page 108: SmartPanels for the Report Builder - Financial Mappers€¦  · Web view2021. 1. 18. · SmartPanels for the Report Builder. The Report Builder allows the creation of Reports with

List of SmartPanels for Report Builder: Financial Mappers Pro

Excel and Data Tables

Please note that any Data Table can be copied to:


SOA Editor panel

This is an example from the Cash Flow Summary, where the income has been copied into

an Excel File

Salary A $160,000 $164,000 $168,100 $172,303 $176,610 $181,025 $185,551 $190,190 $194,944 $199,818Salary B $140,000 $143,500 $147,088 $150,765 $154,534 $158,397 $162,357 $166,416 $170,576 $174,841

Drawdown: Super A (Old Fund) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Drawdown: Super A $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Drawdown: Super B $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0External Pension: Means Tested $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0External Pension: Non-Means Tested (J ohn) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0External Pension: Non-Means Tested (Betty) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Bank Account $1,711 $2,416 $3,191 $4,042 $4,974 $8,817 $9,926 $11,134 $12,449 $13,273Emergency Cash $1,119 $1,347 $1,593 $1,859 $2,146 $2,441 $2,744 $3,070 $3,422 $3,811Share Portfolio $2,261 $2,772 $3,347 $3,993 $4,718 $5,506 $6,363 $7,323 $8,394 $9,609Balanced Managed Fund $109 $343 $609 $909 $1,248 $1,609 $1,996 $2,430 $2,916 $3,475Property Trust $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Investment Property 1 $12,750 $13,069 $13,395 $13,730 $14,074 $14,425 $14,786 $15,156 $15,535 $17,580Home 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0New Home $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

One-off Receipts $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Total Income $317,950 $327,447 $337,323 $347,601 $358,303 $372,220 $383,723 $395,719 $408,237 $422,406

Income Salary

Pension Income

Investment Income

Other Income

In addition, any Data Table in a SmartPanel can be copied to an Excel Workbook: