Smartgrid Solutions

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  • 7/30/2019 Smartgrid Solutions


    How can we advancethe entire energy system?

    Answers for energy.

    Real Smart Grid solutions from Siemens get you closer

    to the future of energy right now.

  • 7/30/2019 Smartgrid Solutions


    Long-term drivers in the energy market are the cause of a current systematic optimization of

    the energy system. The demand for energy is growing worldwide a fact without doubt. It is

    expected to grow at an annual rate of 2.2 percent and climb from 20,300 terawatt-hours today

    to 33,000 terawatt-hours by 2030. The second major driver is the need for replacing aging and

    outdated energy infrastructure. And third, there is the massive challenge to put the global energy

    system on a sustainable basis. To handle all these drivers, we are focusing on a major field to

    manage the revolution in the energy market: the systematic optimization of the energy system.

    Behind this phrase is an intelligent network infrastructure the Smart Grid.

    To meet the growing demand for power, an intelligent and flexible grid infrastructure, smart

    generation, and smart buildings will be essential. In traditional power grids, power generation

    follows load. But in the future, power consumption will follow generation rather than vice versa.

    Prime examples here are electric cars that can be charged or operated at night drawing oncheap wind power. This means we are heading towards a paradigm shift. Towards leaving

    unidirectional energy and communications flows behind for bidirectional power flows.

    Siemens, a worldwide leader in the field of Smart Grid technology, makes possible the vertical

    and horizontal integration of all elements within a Smart Grid and beyond. Even better, these

    products, systems, and solutions are readily available.

    Discover on the following pages how a Smart Grid can become reality with Siemens


    Where we are headedwith the Smart Grid

    e-cars Smart distribution


  • 7/30/2019 Smartgrid Solutions


    Advantages across the board: Smart Grid

    technology with Siemens as your partner

    As the worlds only integrated energy infrastructure

    company covering the entire energy conversion

    chain, Siemens delivers intelligent, trendsetting

    answers to the increasingly complex challenges the

    energy business faces. The close and smooth

    interaction of all fields of technology and expertise

    at Siemens results in products, solutions, and

    services that meet the challenges of the changing

    energy landscape. Siemens comprehensive range of

    Smart Grid technologies emphasizes this leading roleimpressively.

    Apart from the much discussed environmental

    advantages, Smart Grid technology brings clear-cut

    benefits for all stakeholders along the energy

    conversion chain:

    reduction in power-generation-related carbon

    dioxide emissions through reduction in

    transmission losses and grid access for large wind,

    hydro, and solar power plants

    reduction in power-consumption-related carbon

    dioxide emissions through integration of smart


    better power quality on the various voltage levels

    enhanced system stability

    energy cost savings for building operators and

    increased network performance for utilities

    through active participation of buildings in Smart


    grid integration of decentralized generation

    through intelligent Information and

    Communication Technologies (ICT)

    possibility for bidirectional energy flow

    higher system security

    improved monitoring

    higher degree of operational safety

    reduced life cycle costs

    Smart consumption Efficient network

    Find out what the future holds

    Join us for a journey into the future. Experience an average workday in a world

    with a decentralized and proactive energy network that lets consumption follow

    generation. See for yourself how we all will look at electricity tomorrow and how

    Smart Grid technology will make our lives easier, cleaner, and more comfortable.

    The entire energy conversion chain


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    A reliable, comprehensive,and flexible charginginfrastructure: its real.

    An idea over 100 years oldis back in the center of attention

    Climate change, gas prices, the increasing demand for mobility, new

    technological developments for engines and batteries all these factors

    contribute to the fact that an old idea is coming back to life: electric

    automobiles, e-cars, are creating a surge of development and are the

    cause of exciting new alliances. Cars are turning into mobile energystorage units with the ability to re-feed energy back to Smart Grids.

    E-cars, therefore, become much more than environmentally compatible

    vehicles: they are an important element of an intelligent energy

    infrastructure and contribute to the grids ability to compensate for

    fluctuating infeed from renewables and distributed generation units.


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    Seamless integration of vehicles into infrastructure and environment

    with Real Smart Grid solutions

    We are on the verge of total electrification of vehicles today. The number

    of electric vehicles worldwide is expected to rise to 12 million by theyear 2020 a number that bears huge potential. Our answer is a self-

    integrating network that guarantees individual mobility at any time and

    makes sure energy is available in a sustainable manner.

    The early morning business meeting in

    downtown Los Angeles is over, and you

    are on your way back to your office in

    Las Vegas. Driving in this megacity

    can sometimes be quite stressful. But

    nowadays, e-cars and flexible charging

    concepts have become state-of-the-art

    solutions that considerably reduce

    the strain on the environment and on

    congested cities. It is amazing how

    easily and flexibly you can recharge

    your vehicle. Now all you have to do is

    beat traffic and youre on your way


    An integrated approach for the entire

    e-car infrastructure including various

    charging solutions, information and

    communication technologies, and billing

    solutions that make possible the seamlessinteraction of e-cars, operation centers,

    and power grid.




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    A grid that can consistentlyjuggle surges of generationand consumption: its real.

    Grids that are efficient, flexible,reliable, decentralized, and smart

    Societys expectations towards utilities and network operators are

    continuously growing. We are experiencing more and more market

    liberalization, and the political pressure for higher transparency is on

    operators. Energy networks have to become more efficient, more flexible,

    more reliable, and more decentralized, and they need intelligent conceptsfor the increased amount of renewable energy being generated all over

    the world.

    Distributed power management

    As the Smart Grid develops into a decentralized energy network offering

    maximized efficiency for all participants, reliability also needs to be

    guaranteed at all times. This calls for an overall solution that integrates

    all approaches and is already perfectly suited for tomorrows energy mix.

    In a nutshell: an intelligent and smart infrastructure offering increased

    observability and controllability, fault protection and analysis, and a

    flexible and proactively operating infrastructure.


  • 7/30/2019 Smartgrid Solutions


    The higher degree of automation and self-healing applications reduce

    operational and maintenance efforts and, therefore, enhance the

    profitability of electrical networks. Consequently, telecontrol and online

    monitoring of substations improve operational safety. Moreover, the

    standardization of protocols and interfaces makes network solutionsmore flexible and accessible.

    Smart metering solutions from Siemens combine sophisticated metering

    functions, the management of distribution networks, and the integration

    of back-end IT systems. These solutions were specially developed to suit

    the new challenges the liberalized energy market poses on distribution

    network operators and energy retailers and ensures maximum

    transparency for end customers. This allows network distribution

    operators to optimize essential key processes and offer new services like

    flexible billing to their energy suppliers and customers.

    There is no place at dusk like Las Vegas.

    Bright lights, big city. Like every day

    at this hour, the entire city turns into a

    firework of kitsch and illumination.

    It is amazing how electricity grids

    can handle such instant peaks in power

    demand and keep supply consistent

    throughout the entire network. Smart

    Grids adapt to the inconsistent levels

    of generation and consumption and

    can easily handle distributed power

    generation as well, ensuring grid

    intelligence that guarantees energy

    knows where it is needed. Pretty

    impressive, you think, while you are

    heading out east toward Calico Ridge,

    where your office building is.

    Smart distribution

    Distribution Management System


    Distribution automation and

    protection Power electronics (SIPLINK)

    Smart metering

    Real solutions


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    A building that communicateswith the grid reduces yourenergy costs, and even earnsyou money: its real.

    Actively engaging consumers in amaximally efficient network

    Buildings account for 40 % of the worlds energy consumption and 20 % of

    total CO2 emissions. Therefore, Smart Buildings play a central role in the

    Smart Grid as they provide a huge potential for energy efficiency. Actively

    influencing their consumption and generation, Smart Buildings support

    grid stability and allow generators to consider other options before addingnew generation facilities. Leveraging e-cars and related energy storage

    technologies, Smart Buildings have become a key component of the

    Smart Grid.

    How Smart is a Smart Building?

    Smart Building optimize their own energy flow by balancing

    consumption, storage capacity and decentralized generation

    Interacting with the grid, Smart Buildings can decide on energy

    purchasing or selling based on current tariff levels

    Smart Building clusters become an interactive part of the grid by providing

    significant generation capacity and demand management potential E-cars will become an additional flexible storage capacity for Smart Buildings


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    Real solutions

    You are back at the office. It is late afternoon,

    and the current heat wave has lasted two

    weeks now. You turn away from your

    computer and the heaps of e-mails, and you

    look out of the window at the picturesque,

    ever-growing city you call home. It persistently

    amazes you how high-tech this former town

    has become, and you wonder how the grid

    can dependably keep up with the electricity

    demand of this growing metropolitan area.

    But perhaps what is even more amazing for

    you is how your building has managed to stay

    comfortable throughout that heat wave and

    still has managed to save tons of cash on

    energy costs. Of course, since you oversee

    energy costs, you are well aware of the

    reason: Your building knows to store energy

    when prices are most favourable for later use

    when prices are much higher. It even knows

    the best time to deploy renewable energy

    sources for its own use and when to sell

    supply back to the grid.

    Real answers for energy optimisation in buildings

    Siemens smart building solutions make it possible for buildings to take

    advantage of automated demand response programs that immediately

    shift electricity demand from the least critical functions to where poweris most needed.

    Furthermore, they automatically store energy for later use when prices

    are most favorable. They even know the best time to use one-site

    renewable sources like sun or wind and when to refeed energy to the grid,

    thus making money on energy instead of spending it.

    Buildings, so far among the biggest energy consumers, are turning into

    sources of energy. That is why their active participation in a Smart Grid

    structure is essential for more energy efficiency, minimized operational

    costs. Siemens technologies for metering, enhanced forecasting, and the

    active management of a buildings energy consumption, generation, and

    storage make possible this active participation in the power supply system.

    Smart consumption

    Building Management System

    Building Energy Management System

    Demand response

    Energy Services

    Smart Metering Solutions


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    A self-healing network thatdetects faults and corrects them

    automatically: its real.

    Getting a grip on the entire system

    Power infeed from different sources into previously separated power

    systems often calls for extraordinary power transmission and distribution

    solutions. Despite the challenges this poses, however, the interconnection

    of different regions, countries, or even continents remains a viable option

    for providing certain areas with economical access to power.

    As a solution provider with extensive experience throughout the entireenergy conversion chain, Siemens has already implemented a number

    of projects linking power systems or connecting decentralized generating

    units to the grid. In each case, conditions were unique. And because

    Siemens makes a point of providing the customers with the most cost-

    efficient results, the solutions, all based on various technologies, are

    unique as well.

    The intelligent, comprehensively proactive, and highly efficient properties

    of a Smart Grid are based on a highly reliable power generation,

    transmission, and distribution infrastructure, as well as consistent data

    communication. The highest possible degree of proactive flexibility, as

    well as stringent monitoring and control, comprehensive fault protection

    and analysis, and maximal operational safety and security are of the

    utmost importance when it comes to fully bringing to bear all strengthsand capabilities of the Smart Grid.


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    After a long day you decide to relax on

    the couch. You start reading a magazine

    on new technology and constant

    innovations in energy networks. Smart

    Grids can now detect and repair faults

    before they can ever turn into a problem.

    Just this morning you were talking to a

    business partner who wanted to turn his

    power plant structure into a self-healing

    network. Five years ago you would have

    answered: Dream on! this morning

    you asked: What are you waiting for?

    You ponder that the energy world is

    developing at amazing speed, while a

    thunderstorm is rumbling outside your

    living room window. A pretty good

    feeling, knowing everything will be fine,

    even if the worst possible thunderstorm

    strikes the middle of the city.

    Efficient network

    Power electronics (HVDC, FACTS)

    Energy Management System (EMS)

    Smart substation automation and


    System Integrity Protection System


    Communication solutions

    Asset monitoring

    Reduction in transmission losses increase in system security

    Technologies from Siemens such as high-voltage direct current (HVDC)

    transmission and flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) help connect

    large-scale wind, hydro, and solar power generation to the grid even

    when generation takes place hundreds, or even thousands, of kilometers

    away from the centers of consumption.However, the constitutive element of the Smart Grid is state-of-the-art

    communication. Siemens communications solutions enable online

    monitoring and control of all grid assets, which in turn means fastest

    possible reaction to faults and minimized downtimes. In many cases

    intelligent substation automation and protection solutions in combination

    with the Energy Management System (EMS) will even enable the Smart

    Grid to react autonomously. Advanced condition monitoring solutions

    from Siemens help optimize grid usage through continuous information

    about the state of the devices in operation and high-quality evaluation for

    minimized downtimes, reduced life cycle costs, and an extended service

    life of the assets. Balancing technical and economic needs, the Siemens

    Grid Asset Management Suite (GAMS), a modular and SOA-based solution,

    additionally boosts the efficiency, transparency, and flexibility of gridasset management.

    Real solutions


  • 7/30/2019 Smartgrid Solutions


    Published by and copyright 2009:

    Siemens AG

    Energy Sector

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    All rights reserved.

    Trademarks mentioned in this document

    are the property of Siemens AG, its affiliates,

    or their respective owners.

    Subject to change without prior notice.

    The information in this document contains

    general descriptions of the technical options

    available, which may not apply in all cases.

    The required technical options should therefore

    be specified in the contract.