Slow Change!

Slow Change! Brought to you by Ascendance

Transcript of Slow Change!

Page 1: Slow Change!

Slow Change!Brought to you by Ascendance

Page 2: Slow Change!

Change is the way the world works. Everything goes through the process of

change, except of course, change itself! But that doesn't mean changing too fast is

a good thing either!

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Fast change can sometimes be really damaging if it isn't carried out properly.

Luckily there is an awesome way of changing that doesn't freak out your mind… it's called changing slowly!

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Slow Change; taking small steps which would eventually lead to a graceful process of moving from

one thing to another.

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When you're trying something new, or working on a goal that you haven't ever tried out before, your Subconscious Mind

isn’t familiar with it.

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This is probably because it isn’t the habit pattern that you programmed it to have and now it's panicking because it doesn't

know what you are trying to do.

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So your Mind gets confused as to why you aren't following the program, that you

made, so it tries to bring you back to your old ways with whatever resources it has. This is what happens when you change

too fast.

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But if you change slowly, by taking small steps when you try something new, you’re subtly changing your Mind’s programming

without it knowing, thus in the long run you’ll be able to be more productive with

a slightly more co- operative Subconscious Mind.

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For example, if you've never exercised before and you suddenly feel motivated to

do so. Don’t straight away start it off by doing 100 push up! Even if you manage to

consistently exercise for a week, soon your old habit patterns would start to creep up on you and you’ll go back to

being lazy.

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Here are a couple of tips for changing slowly. First, take small steps.

Spend a few minutes working on this new thing that you're doing and try not to get too excited and overdo things. This gives your Mind the space to adjust over time.

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Also, it’s really important that you make sure that you're consistent on working on it. When you're consistent, you form habit patterns. And it's these habit patterns that help you solidify the new thing that you're

working on.

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