Slideshare horatio eng

Data Storage Security s.r.l società unipersonale Data Storage Security s.r.l società unipersonale Data Storage Security s.r.l società unipersonale Data Storage Security s.r.l società unipersonale - Cod. Fisc./P.IVA 01548880333 - Cap. Soc. €.100.000 i.v. Sede Legale: PIACENZA Via Poggiali, 43 - 29121 Piacenza (PC) Tel. (+39) 0523.33.46.40 Fax (+39) 0523.32.88.31 Sedi Operative: FIDENZA Via La Bionda 16 - 43036 Fidenza (PR) Tel. (+39) 0524.52.35.21 Fax (+39) 0524.81.994 FICULLE Loc. San Lazzaro, 2 - 05016 Ficulle (TR) Sito: Email: [email protected] “Horatio Private Secure Cloud” “Horatio Private Secure Cloud” “Horatio Private Secure Cloud” “Horatio Private Secure Cloud” The IT investment estimates for medium and large Italian companies for 2012, in the infrastructure field, are focused on security, business continuity and disaster recovery. This appears from the data of the latest Cio Survey carried out by NetConsulting. Another, more detailed report, prepared by Nextvalue and consisting of the Information Security Management theme, pointed out that most of the large Italian companies today consider very critical and significant the impact of the security solutions on business processes concerning the budget allocated to this segment and which currently cover only 5% of that intended for the whole computer process. Source: Corriere delle comunicazioni (Courier Communications) (link: informatici-prima-causa-di-perdita-di-dati.htm ) Des es es escription of the infrastructure ription of the infrastructure ription of the infrastructure ription of the infrastructure DSS has two server farms dedicated to Horatio, the Private Secure Backup Cloud service located in highly strategic geographical areas, in order to ensure continuity of the supplied services. The data centers that house the two server farms are certified facilities which make use of technological systems designed and manufactured in order to drastically reduce energy consumption compared to equivalent traditional systems and, consequently, to contain considerably the CO2 emissions significantly. Horatio Data Protection System Horatio Data Protection System Horatio Data Protection System Horatio Data Protection System Horatio Private Secure Clou Horatio Private Secure Clou Horatio Private Secure Clou Horatio Private Secure Cloud is a remote data protection service that allows backup and data restoring through a dedicated application software and a specific web application. Horatio uses a dedicated algorithm operating on the HTTP Protocol with SSL encryption in order to ensure the transferring of the data from the source to be protected to the archiving-dedicated structure in an efficient and safe way. The use of this methodology allows HORATIO to be a firewall friendly solution; i.e. the service does not require any dedicated devices to cross the firewalling barriers as the standard internet communication channel is used. Horatio makes efficient use of the internet bandwidth used for the backup process through the use of data compression combined with the deduplication incremental mechanism and ensures data security through a 256-bit AES encryption. Horatio exploits the versioning system of the files in such a way as to maintain, according to a predetermined retention, multiple versions of the same protected file. Horatio is a multi-platform solution and can work on multiple operating systems found on the market today. The service aims at supporting the client in maintaining continuity of business operations, giving them the tools they need to perform on a daily basis and in a totally automated way, the electronic transfer and remote storage of data to be saved, directly from the Server and from the PC to a safe backup infrastructure cloud. Thus, the service allows: - the use of the filing infrastructure, software, management and monitoring system that enable the supplying and implementation of the Service; - to keep the different versions of the files selected for the backup; - to restore the data when requested.

Transcript of Slideshare horatio eng

Page 1: Slideshare  horatio eng

Data Storage Security s.r.l società unipersonale Data Storage Security s.r.l società unipersonale Data Storage Security s.r.l società unipersonale Data Storage Security s.r.l società unipersonale ---- Cod. Fisc./P.IVA 01548880333 - Cap. Soc. €.100.000 i.v. Sede Legale: PIACENZA Via Poggiali, 43 - 29121 Piacenza (PC) Tel. (+39) 0523.33.46.40 Fax (+39) 0523.32.88.31 Sedi Operative: FIDENZA Via La Bionda 16 - 43036 Fidenza (PR) Tel. (+39) 0524.52.35.21 Fax (+39) 0524.81.994 FICULLE Loc. San Lazzaro, 2 - 05016 Ficulle (TR) Sito: Email: [email protected]

“Horatio Private Secure Cloud”“Horatio Private Secure Cloud”“Horatio Private Secure Cloud”“Horatio Private Secure Cloud” The IT investment estimates for medium and large Italian companies for 2012, in the infrastructure field, are focused on security, business continuity and disaster recovery. This appears from the data of the latest Cio Survey carried out by NetConsulting. Another, more detailed report, prepared by Nextvalue and consisting of the Information Security Management theme, pointed out that most of the large Italian companies today consider very critical and significant the impact of the security solutions on business processes concerning the budget allocated to this segment and which currently cover only 5% of that intended for the whole computer process. Source: Corriere delle comunicazioni (Courier Communications) (link: )

DDDDesesesesccccription of the infrastructure ription of the infrastructure ription of the infrastructure ription of the infrastructure DSS has two server farms dedicated to Horatio, the Private Secure Backup Cloud service located in highly strategic geographical areas, in order to ensure continuity of the supplied services. The data centers that house the two server farms are certified facilities which make use of technological systems designed and manufactured in order to drastically reduce energy consumption compared to equivalent traditional systems and, consequently, to contain considerably the CO2 emissions significantly. Horatio Data Protection SystemHoratio Data Protection SystemHoratio Data Protection SystemHoratio Data Protection System Horatio Private Secure ClouHoratio Private Secure ClouHoratio Private Secure ClouHoratio Private Secure Cloudddd is a remote data protection service that allows backup and data restoring through a dedicated application software and a specific web application. Horatio uses a dedicated algorithm operating on the HTTP Protocol with SSL encryption in order to ensure the transferring of the data from the source to be protected to the archiving-dedicated structure in an efficient and safe way. The use of this methodology allows HORATIO to be a firewall friendly solution; i.e. the service does not require any dedicated devices to cross the firewalling barriers as the standard internet communication channel is used. Horatio makes efficient use of the internet bandwidth used for the backup process through the use of data compression combined with the deduplication incremental mechanism and ensures data security through a 256-bit AES encryption. Horatio exploits the versioning system of the files in such a way as to maintain, according to a predetermined retention, multiple versions of the same protected file. Horatio is a multi-platform solution and can work on multiple operating systems found on the market today. The service aims at supporting the client in maintaining continuity of business operations, giving them the tools they need to perform on a daily basis and in a totally automated way, the electronic transfer and remote storage of data to be saved, directly from the Server and from the PC to a safe backup infrastructure cloud. Thus, the service allows: - the use of the filing infrastructure, software, management and monitoring system that enable the supplying and implementation of the Service; - to keep the different versions of the files selected for the backup; - to restore the data when requested.