Sleeping Disorder Statistics in America

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In America you would think that a majority of the people slept really well at night and only a small majority struggled to sleep. It's sadly the opposite, if you're struggling to sleep at night you're not alone and you should check out the powerpoint we just created that breaks down the most recent statistics.

Transcript of Sleeping Disorder Statistics in America

  • 1. Recent Sleeping Disorder Statistics in America - 2014

2. Studies Done By: The National Sleep Foundation Center For Disease Control and Prevention You can view the article on 1800CPAP.coms website by visiting: statistics.aspx 3. Dangers of Bad Sleep For many first time users, adjusting to the air pressure is the root cause for their stopping CPAP treatments. ---------------- TryTheseTips for High Pressure and Low Pressure Health risks include: Heart disease, increase in stress, obesity, depression, anxiety, and even cancer. Other things such as accidents while driving, industrial accidents, mood swings, which can impact relationships all are impacted. 4. 2014 American Poll Do I have the style of CPAP Mask that is right for me? Do I have the correct size CPAP Mask for me? Every year, the National Sleep Foundation conducts a poll called the Sleep in America Poll. In it, they ask a group of people to answer questions about their sleep habits in order to better understand how sleep, or lack thereof, is affecting Americans.This year, the NSF surveyed 1,103 adults who are parents to children between the ages of 6 and 17 in order to understand how the modern family sleeps. While the overall results may not be entirely shocking, the specifics may be. 5. Polling Results 90% believed that sleep was important for their happiness. 45% of children receive 9 hours of sleep. 89% of adults have one electronic device in their room on when they go to bed. 75% of Children have an electronic device on. 68% of adults and 51% of children have two or more electronic devices on in their room when they sleep. Lights and noises from devices impact sleep. . 6. While not getting enough sleep during the night can be a type of disorder in and of itself, there are actual diseases that plague Americans all over the country. Some of the more common of these diseases include insomnia, sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. 7. Insomnia Around 22% ofAmericans experience insomnia on a chronic basis 48% ofAmericans report occasional insomnia This disorder is actually considered to be a symptom more than a disorder, and it is often the result of a different disorder such as sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome. 8. Sleep Apnea The National Sleep Foundation estimates that around 18 million adults inAmerica suffer from sleep apnea. It is harder to estimate in children due to monitoring problems, but the range is between 2% minimum to 20% maximum. This disorder refers to instances when a person regularly experiences interrupted breathing during sleep.This happens when the muscles in the throat dont keep the airway open. 9. Shift Work Sleep Disorder People that typically suffer from this kind of sleep problem are more prone to accidents in the workplace or while driving, which can both be very dangerous to all involved. This disorder is seen exclusively in people that often work shifts outside of the normal 9 to 5 work day. 10. Things such as setting a consistent schedule, avoiding large meals and caffeine, and turning off your electronics can all be good habits that promote healthy sleep routines.When you take the time to promote good sleep hygiene, you will notice the difference when you wake up to take on the world every new day.