Slavery of Rubí

Slavery Rubí Jara

Transcript of Slavery of Rubí

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Rubí Jara 3ª

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Triangular Trade:

•Trade routes between Africa, Europe and the Americas during the Atlantic Slave Trade.

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The Cruise•Ships sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas•The journey took 8-10 weeks•Some Africans tried to jump ship, refused to eat and rebelled.•Loss of a slave’s life was a loss of $ for the sailors.

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Slaves were obtained by:

•Kidnapping• Trading • People were given by chiefs as tributes (gifts)•Chiefs would send people who were in debt•Chiefs would send criminals through judicial process• Prisoners of tribal wars were also sent.

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Slavery in the field•slaves worked 18 hours a day, women work the same hours as men and pregnant women worked up until the baby was borned, after worked with the child on her back, The field slaves all day long Were driven by a white overseer with a whip,the children 12 years worked as an adult almost.•had no free time, unless it was on Sundays or days of harvest, in his free time ,hunted or fished.

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house slaves•Most house slaves were living under better conditions than field workers. However, house slaves did not get Sunday off and usually attended church with the master and mistress. House slaves cleaned, cooked, served meals, and took care of the children. Some house slaves lived in attics, closets, or corners in the big house even if their families lived in the quarters.•Although house slaves had more privileges, being a house slave was not much, if any easier than being a field worker.

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Slavery Abolished in the Britain Empire

1807 = The slave trade was abolished in the British Empire, which meant that no slaves would be carried from Africa in British ships. 1834 = Emancipation Act stated that slaves under 6 years old were freed; field hands over 6 had to work for their owners for 6 more years; house slaves had to work for 10 more years.Britain gave 20 million pounds in compensation to former slave owners and slaves received nothing.1838 all slaves were given complete freedomSlavery in the USA was not abolished until 1865