Slangs English n o p q

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    nab Verb. 1. To steal.2. To arrest. E.g."Charlie's been nabbed with his hand in the till again."

    nab off (withsomething)

    Verb. To steal or take (something). E.g."I'm not inviting Kath round hereagain she's nabbed o!! with m lighter."

    nackered   Adj. #ee 'kna$kered'.

    nadgers Noun. Testi$les.

    nads Noun. Testi$les. %erived !rom gonads.

    naff  Adj. 1. &n!ashionable. Thought to have originated within the language o!olari. 1*+s,2. -ubbish useless o! oor /ualit unaealing.

    naffed off  Adj. 0nnoed deressed.

    naffing  Adv./Adj. &sed as an intensive su$h as '!u$king'. E.g."That na!!ing $oule

    netdoor were argueing again last night."

    naff off (!) Exclam. et lost3 4eave me alone3 0 euhemism !or '!u$k o!!3'. 15+s,Verb. o awa. E.g."6ill ou na!! o!! and leave me to get on with mwork." 15+s,

    nail   Verb. 1. To have seual inter$ourse with. E.g."%id ou nail that girl ouwere all over in the $lub last night7"2. To sedu$e.

    nan   Noun. randmother. 8In!ormal9

    nana Noun. 1. 0bb. o! banana.2. 0 !ool or idiot. :o$ular usage.

    nancy Noun. 1. 0n e!!eminate male. %erog.2. 0 homoseual. %erog. Adj. E!!eminate weak.

    nancy-boy Noun. 0 homoseual male. %erog.

    nang   Adj. E$ellent great. 4ondon use,

    nark Noun. 1. 0n in!ormer arti$ularl a oli$e in!ormer. ;rom the -omannak  meaning nose in the sense o! sni!!ing out in!ormation. id 1?++s,2. 0 bad mood. E.g."@e was in a total nark a!ter getting et anotherarking ti$ket."

    narked  Adj. 0nnoed ill temered.

    narky  Adj. 0nnoed mood uset. Arig.

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    natty  Adj. #martl and stlishl dressed.

    naughty bits Noun. 0 $o euhemism !or the genitals.

    nause   Noun. 0n annoing or irritating erson or thing.


    (something) up

    Verb. >ess u ruin. E.g."The game was going well until -oger naused it

    u and gave them a enalt B we lost 2B1."

    neat  Adj. 0 general term o! aroval su$h as e$ellent '$ool'. Arig. &.#.,

    neb   Noun. 

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    Newtons Noun. Teeth. >an$hester rhming slang derived !rom Newton Heath adistri$t in >an$hester. C!. '@amsteads'.

    nibbles   Noun. #mall sna$k te !ood ese$iall when eaten be!ore a meal orwith drinks. 8In!ormal9

    nice one!   Exclam. 0 general eression o! aroval.

    nick Verb. 1. To arrest. E.g."-ight >r @all lease ste out o! the $ar ou'reni$ked !or seeding."2. To steal.G. To take have. E.g."Can I ni$k a $igarette until later7 I'll bu a a$ketwhen I get m wages."Noun. 0 oli$e station. Adj. Hualit. &suall heard in the eressions good nick  or bad nick . E.g.";or that mu$h mone ou'd ee$t it to be in good ni$k."

    nicker    Noun. Ane ound sterling. 0lso selt 'kni$ker'. 8In!ormal9

    niff Noun. 0 bad smell. 8In!ormal9

    nifty  Adj. 1. #tlish. E.g."The $ar's looking loads more ni!t with that rearsoiler and goB!aster strie." 8In!ormal92. Hui$k and agile. 8In!ormal9

    nigga   Noun. 0 !orm o! address used between Fla$ks and an alternative'emowering' variation to the o!!ensive but standard English nigger .Contentiousl adoted and used within arts o! the Fla$k $ommunit.#ee 6ikiedia. Fla$k use. Arig. &.#. 1?+s,

    niggly  Adj. eevish bad temered.

    nimps   Adj. Eas simle. 4iverool use,

    ninny   Noun. 0 !oolish erson. 8In!ormal9

    nip Verb. To go /ui$kl o!ten with the imli$ation o! returning soon.Noun. 0bb. o! nile.

    Nip Noun. 0 erson !rom :aan. Taken !rom

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    nobbing Noun. 0n a$t o! seual inter$ourse. 0lso 'knobbing'.

    nobble Verb. To tamer with to damage. E.g."6e were nobbled be!ore the ra$ebegan and $ame last."

    nobbut   Phrs. 

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    nose-bag Noun. ;ood or a meal. %erived !rom the method o! !eeding workinghorses via a bag o! ha strung !rom its head and ne$k.

    nose blow   Noun. 0 handerker$hie! or tissue !or the uroses o! wiing one's nose.

    nose candy Noun. Co$aine. Arig. &.#.,

    nose-rag Noun. 0 handerker$hie!.

    nose wipe   Noun. 0 handerker$hie! or tissue !or the uroses o! wiing one's nose.

    nosey parker Noun. 0n overl in/uisitive erson. 8In!ormal9.

    nosh Noun. ;ood. Arig. ermaniddish. 1++s,Verb. 1. To eat.2. To !ellate. #ee 'noshBo!!'.

    noshery   Noun. 0n eating establishment $a!e restaurant or sna$k bar. ;rom'nosh' (noun).

    no shit "herlock!   Exclam. E$lamation o! surrise usuall ironi$ or sar$asti$. Arig. &.#.,

    nosh off Verb. To !ellate. %erived !rom 'nosh' (verb) meaning to eat. E.g."#healwas noshed me o!! be!ore I went to workD it heled me sti$k with that =ob !or more than 5 ears." 1+s,

    nosh-up Noun. 0 good meal or !east.

    not a dicky bird   Phrs. 0bsolutel nothing.

    not all there Phrs. 0 euhemism !or a little insane or e$$entri$. %erog.

    not a sausage Phrs. 0bsolutel nothing. %erived !rom the Co$kne rhming slangsausage and mash meaning $ash thus originall 'not having a sausage'indi$ated having no mone.

    not backward atcoming forward

    Phrs. Coming straight to the oint brash.

    not batting on afull wicket

    Phrs. E$$entri$ insane odd.

    not cricket Phrs. &na$$etable or un!air behaviour. E.g."I mean it's =ust not $ri$ket isit7 Knowing that a meal $ontained bee! !at and not telling a vegetarian

    until a!ter the'd eaten it." 8In!ormal9

    not gi#e a flyingfuck

    Vrb !hrs. To not $are one little bit. E.g."I don't give a !ling !u$k i! ourmother sas we should save our mone we're going on holida andwe're going to en=o ourselves3 6e'll worr about the bills later."

    not gi#e a fuck   Vrb !hrs. To not $are at all the absolute non$halan$e. The '!u$k' $an berela$ed with an number o! eletives su$h as 'shit' or as below with'monke' or 'toss'.

    not gi#e a kipper$sdick

    Vrb !hrs. To not be bothered an eression o! indi!!eren$e. E.g."I$ouldn't give a kier's di$k who ou marr as long as I get an invite tothe wedding." Arig 6. >idlands use7,

    not gi#e a Vrb !hrs. To not $are at all an eression o! indi!!eren$e. E.g."I don't give

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    monkey$s a monkes i! I lose m =ob it's the most boring one I ever had."

    not gi#e a stuff    Vrb !hrs. 

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    nuff said   Phrs. There is no need to sa anmore it is understood. 0n abbreviated!orm o! enough said .

    nugget   Noun. 1. 0 one ound $oin (one ound sterling).2. 0n idiot !ool.

    nuke   Verb. 1. To $ook something on a ver high heat and /ui$kl.

    2. To burn something during $ooking.

    number Noun. 0 $annabis or mari=uana $igarette. Arig. &.#.,

    number two(s) Noun. 0 euhemism !or an a$t o! de!e$ation.

    numbnuts Noun. 0n idiot. %erogator but o!ten =o$ular. Arig. &.#.,

    numero uno Noun. 1. The best.2. The to erson the most imortant erson the boss.

    numpty   Noun. 0 !ool idiot. 0lso selt numbty  and num!tie. Arig. #$ottish,

    nut Verb. To headbutt.Noun. 0n insane or e$$entri$ erson. %erog.

    nutcase Noun. 0 lunati$ an e$$entri$.

    nutjob   Noun. 0n idiot $raJ erson.

    nutmeg Noun. 0 skil!ul move in !ootball (so$$er) where a laer with the ball getsast an oonent b ki$king it between their legs.Verb. To $omlete the a$tion o! the noun nutmeg above.

    nuts (!) Noun. The testi$les. Adj. 1. >ad insane.2. Enthusiasti$ obsessed. E.g."Fus her !lowers ever week makes allher meals he's nuts about her."Exclam. 0n e$lamation o! de!ian$e or annoan$e.

    nutter Noun. 4unati$ idiot.

    nutty  Adj. >ad e$$entri$ or a little $raJ.


    Noun. 1. #erm with regard to being seeds. &sed in hrases su$h as sowone#s oats whi$h essentiall alludes to ro$reation but at its most basi$ tohaving to seual inter$ourse.2. #e. The in!ormal hrase get ones oats meaning to have se. E.g."oulook a bit ha3 %id ou get our oats last night7"

    odd-fish Noun. 0n e$$entri$ or unusual erson.

    odds Noun. 4oose $hange. robabl short !or odds and sods. >erseside use,

    odds and sods Noun. Fits and ie$es mis$ellaneous items.

    offer someoneout   Vrb !hrs. To $hallenge someone to a !ight.

    off it Phrs. #ee 'o!! one's head'.

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    off one$s box Phrs. 1. Intoi$ated b drugs or al$ohol. E.g."I was so o!! m bo last nightthat when m brother walked in the room I didn't re$ognise him." C!. 'out o!one's bo'.2. Aut o! one's mind $raJ.

    off one$s chump   Phrs. 1. Ler intoi$ated b al$ohol or drugs.2. Insane $raJ. #ee '$hum'. E.g."@e's o!! his $hum i! he thinks I'm going

    to let him run o!! with m wi!e3"

    off one$s face Phrs. Ler intoi$ated b al$ohol or drugs. C!. 'out o! one's !a$e'.

    off one$s head Phrs. 1. Insane mad.2. To be etremel intoi$ated b al$ohol or drugs.

    off one$s rocker Phrs. Insane $raJ.

    off one$s tits   Phrs. Ler drunk or intoi$ated with drugs.

    off one$s tree Phrs. 1. Insane mad.

    2. To be etremel intoi$ated b al$ohol or drugs.

    off one$s trolley Phrs. 1. CraJ insane. 4ate 1?++s. Arig. &.#.,2. Ler intoi$ated.

    offy Noun. 0 sho that sells al$ohol. 0n abbreviated !orm o! o"" licence. 0lsoselt o""ie.

    oggin   Noun. 1. #ea.

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    one sandwichshort of a picnic

    Phrs. E$$entri$ insane odd. 0lso as two sandwiches short o" a !icnic .

    one$s tits off Phrs. 0n addition to $ertain verbs to add emhasis. E.g."I laughed m titso!! when I saw his new hair$ut it was ridi$ulous3"

    on one   Phrs. 0$ting in a slightl $raJed wa. E.g."I'm going home. 0nd's on one

    and he's annoing me."

    on one$s %ack Phrs. 0lone. -hming slang !rom $ack $ones. #ee ':a$k (:ones)'.

    on one$s tod Phrs. 0lone. -hming slang !rom %od loan the name o! an 0meri$an =o$ke.

    on the batter    Phrs. %rinking al$ohol or having a drinking session. Arig. Irish7,

    on the blink Phrs. A! ma$hiner or te$hnolog not working e!!i$ientl or temoraril outo! order.

    on the blob   Phrs. >enstruating.

    on the broo   Phrs. &nemloed $laiming unemloment bene!its. 0lso on the burroo.#$ottish use,

    on the cadge   Phrs. Fegging. 8In!ormal9

    on the dole   Phrs. -e$eiving so$ial se$urit bene!its. 8In!ormal9

    on the drip   Phrs. aing b installments on hire ur$hase. C!. 'on the never never'.

    on the fiddle   Phrs. In the ro$ess o! $heating or de!rauding. #ee '!iddle'.

    on the game Phrs. 6orking as a rostitute. >id 1++s,

    on the hoy   Phrs. Aut getting drunk with !riends. aking an event out o! getting drunk. E.g."@e's got a hangover a!tergoing out on the iss last night."

    on the pull Phrs. #eeking a artner !or seual intima$ies. E.g." 6e're o!! on the ulltonight so have a bath and wear our best suit."

    on the +   Phrs. An the /uiet se$retl.

    on the rag   Phrs. >enstruating.

    on the ra,, ra,,le

    Phrs. Indulging in al$ohol arting generall having a good time. 0shortening o! on the ra&&le'da&&le. E.g."I'm buing a new shirtD we're o!! outon the raJJle tonight."

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    o#er theshoulderboulder holder 

    Noun. 0 brassiere bra. :o$ular usage. C!. 'boulder holder'.

    o#er the top Phrs. Etremel eaggerated outrageous beond a =oke. C!. A.T.T.


    ow do!   Exclam. @ello3 @ow do ou do3

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    pash   Noun. 0n in!atuation.Verb. Fe seuall assionate to kiss assionatel. 0bb. o! assion.E.g."I !ound her having a ash in the ba$k garden with the netdoorneighbour."

    passion killers Noun. Ler unattra$tive underwear and unlikel to en$ourage seualadvan$esD in!a$t so unaealing the would halt an su$h advan$es.

    paste Verb. To beat u.

    pasting Noun. 0 beating. E.g. "@e gave me a right asting when he realised itwas me that sread that rumour."

    *at and Mick   Adj. 0!!e$ted with nausea ill. -hming slang on si$k. 0lso 'on the atand >i$k'.

    *aul eller    Noun. #tella 0rtois a oular brand o! lager. -hming slang on tella.aul 6eller musi$ian. 1+s,

    pa#ement pi,,a   Noun. Lomit when ling on the street.

    *.  Adj. 0bb. o! oliti$all $orre$t. 1+s,

    pd/ *0+  Adj. Ler /ui$kl immediatel. 0bb o! Pretty )amned *uick . E.g."oubest tid u that mess .d./. be!ore our mother gets home." 8In!ormal9

    peahead   Noun. 0 erson with a $omarativel small head. 0lso ea head.%erog.

    peanut smuggler    Noun. 0 woman with ere$t niles evident through her $lothing. #ee'eanut smuggling'.

    peanut smuggling   Noun. A! a woman having rominentl ere$t niles visible throughher $lothing. C!. 'smuggling eanuts'.

    pearl harbour    Adj. Cold weather. 0 un on 'there being a nasty ni! in the air '... !romni!() ($old) and ni! (:aanese). E.g."ut on our s$ar! and hat it'searl harbour out there." 1+s,

    pearl necklace Noun. E=a$ulated semen that has landed around the vi$init o! the ne$kand uer $hest imitative o! a earl ne$kla$e.

    pear-shaped  Adj. Aut o! shae unorganised wrong. @eard in the eression go

     !ear'sha!ed . E.g."0ll our lans went earBshaed a!ter our !unds were$ut b the !inan$e deartment."

    peasouper Noun. 0 ver thi$k !og. 8In!ormal9

    pecker Noun. The enis. Arig. &.#.,

    peckish   Adj. @ungr. E.g."6hat time is dinner7 I'm !eeling a little e$kish."8In!ormal9

    pee Verb. To urinate. 8In!ormal9.Noun. 1. &rine.

    2. 0n a$t o! urination.

    pee it down   Vrb !hrs. To rain heavil.

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    peelie-wally   Adj. ale looking si$kl. #$ottish use,

    peeps Noun. 1. #lee.2. eole.

    pee#e   Noun. %rink usuall al$oholi$.

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    selt !hwoar  and !hwoargh. 1+s,

    pickled  Adj. %runk.

    piddle Verb. To urinate. C!. 'riddle' and 'widdle'. 8In!ormal9Noun. 1. &rine.2. 0n a$t o! urination.

    piddle about Verb. To mess around waste time.

    piddle it down Verb. To rain.

    piddling  Adj. Trivial insigni!i$ant small. E.g."I'm starving. ou should have seenthe iddling amount we had !or dinner." 8In!ormal9

    piddly  Adj. #mall trivial insigni!i$ant.

    piece Noun. 1. 0 euhemism !or a gun. Arig. &.#. 15+s,2. 0 !emale seen as a seual ob=e$t. 0 shortening o! 'ie$e o! skirt'.

    A!!ens.G. 0 sandwi$h. #$ottish use,

    piece of cake   Noun. #omething ver eas. E.g."I got !ull marks in that /uiJ. It was aie$e o! $ake."

    piece of piss Noun. 0 thing that is ver eas. E.g."I! ou think giving u smoking is aie$e o! iss then ou've never been a roer smoker." C!. 'iss eas'.

    piece of shit   Noun. 0 $ontemtible erson.

    piece of skirt Noun. 0 !emale seen as a seual ob=e$t. A!!ens.

    pie-eater Noun. 1. 0 simleton. %erog. Arig. 0ust.,2. 0 erson !rom 6igan and surrounding area.

    pie-eyed  Adj. %runk.

    pie-hole   Noun. >outh. C!. '$akeBhole'.

    piffle (!) Noun. 

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    pig-headed  Adj. Abstinate.

    pig-it Verb. To a$t in an un$outh manner to live below one's normalstandards to 'slob'.

    pig-ignorant  Adj. Ler stuid due to ignoran$e.

    pig-out Verb. To eat !ull and enthusiasti$all.Noun. 0 big meal.

    pig$s breakfast   Noun. 0 $omlete mess. C!. 'dog's dinner'.

    pig$s ear Noun. 1. Feer. Co$kne rhming slang.2. 0 mess a disaster. E.g."I made a ig's ear o! that =ob interview whenI !arted at the outset and $ouldn't sto giggling." 8In!ormal9

    pigshit Noun. -ubbish nonsense. E.g."ou're talking a load o! igshit3"

    pikey 1 Noun. 1. 0 gs or traveller.

    2. 0 vagrant. %erog. 0d=. A! or relating to a gs or vagrant. %erog. Arig. #outhBeast EnglandKent use. %iale$t,

    pilchard   Noun. 0n idiot.

    pill it   Verb. To take e$stas (>%>0). E.g."6hat else is there to at theweekend aart !rom illing it and get o!! our !a$e."

    pill-head Noun. 0 !re/uent abuseruser o! illi$it drugs in ill !orm su$h as'e$stas' tablets.

    pillock Noun. Idiot !ool. Ariginall a slang term !or the enis but !airlino!!ensive now its this meaning has been !orgotten. %erog.

    pillow-biter Noun. 0 homoseual male. %erog.

    pin Noun. 0 leg. &suall lural. E.g."That FraJilian model has got a !ineair o! ins."

    pinch Verb. 1. To steal. E.g."uess who's =ust lost his =ob !or in$hing !romwork again7"2. To arrest. E.g."@e got in$hed when he was $limbing out o! thekit$hen window with the stolen TL."

    pinch a loaf   Verb. To de!e$ate to void one's bowels.

    pinhead Noun. 0 erson or $reature with an unusuall small head.

    pink cigar    Noun. The enis. 0lso in 'smoke a ink $igar'.

    pink oboe   Noun. The enis. 0lso in 'la the ink oboe'.

    pink pound Noun. %isosable in$ome that 'gas' ostensibl have through nothaving the !inan$ial eense o! $hildren.

    pint-si,ed  Adj. #mall and $oma$t.

    pip   Verb. To de!eat b a small margin. A!ten heard in the eression 'i atthe ost'. E.g."6e ied them to the !inish and won b =ust 2

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    se$onds." 8In!ormal9

    pip (someone) atthe post

    Vrb Phrs. To beat someone to the !inish and b a small margin.8In!ormal9

    pipedown! Exclam. Fe /uiet3 #hut u3 0n e$lamation. 8In!ormal9.

    pip-pip!   Exclam. oodbe3 0 dated eression that is o!ten onl heard used =o$ularl when mo$king the uer $lasses.

    pips/ueek Noun. 0 !eeble ine!!e$tual erson. %erog. 8In!ormal9.

    pish   Noun/Verb. 'iss'. #$ottish use,

    pished   Adj. %runk intoi$ated. #ee 'issed'. #$ottish use,

    piss (!) Verb. To urinate.Noun. 1. &rine.2. 0 weak drink.

    Exclam. 0n e$lamation o! anger !rustration.

    piss around about   Verb. 1. To mess about to waste time.2. To waste someone's time to anno someone.

    piss all o#er(someone)

    Vrb !hrs. To thoroughl de!eat someone. E.g."ou should have seenChelsea la on #aturda the issed all over 6est @am &td."

    piss-arse   Adj. Insigni!i$ant worthless.

    piss-arse around about

    Verb. To mess about to waste time o!ten to the annoan$e o!someone else.

    piss-artist Noun. 1. 0 habitual drunk. %erog.2. 0 $ontemtible time waster.

    piss away   Verb. To waste through $arelessness or negle$t to s/uander.E.g."Take m advi$e son dont iss awa our marriage =ust !or thesake o! a bit o! !un."

    piss-ball around   Verb. To idle awa time to mess around. E.g."Isn't it about time ou didsome work as ou've been issBballing around all morning."

    piss-down Verb. To rain. E.g."It's issing down outside so take our broll."

    piss easy  Adj. Ler eas.

    pissed  Adj. %runk.

    pissed as a coot fart newt

    Phrs. Ler drunk.

    pissed off  Adj. 0ngr uset or deressed.

    pissed up  Adj. Ler drunk.

    pisser Noun. 1. 0n uset. E.g."I $an't believe what a isser it was losing m

     =ob =ust be!ore Christmas."2. #omething ver !unn. Taken !rom 'iss onesel! laughing'.

    piss-flaps (!) Noun. The !emale genitals arti$ularl the labia.

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    Exclam. 0n e$lamation o! annoan$e.

    piss-head Noun. 0 drunkard a habitual drinker.

    pisshole   Noun. 1. 0 lavator a toilet.2. 0n unleasant dirt la$e.

    pissing  Adj./Adv. 0n intensi!ier su$h as '!u$king'.

    piss in the wind Vrb !hrs. To do something !utile. E.g."ou're issing in the wind i! outhink Kristina's going to slee with ou."

    piss it Verb. To $omlete a task easil to win e!!ortlessl. E.g."The issed itand won the troh !or the !ourth ear running."

    piss it down Vrb !hrs. To rain heavil. E.g."It wasn't a great holida it issed it downall da ever da !or a week." C!. 'iss down'.

    piss it up (against)

    the wall

    Vrb !hrs. To waste mone.

    piss off    Verb. 1. To uset to anno. E.g."@e had a reutation !or issing o!! thebar sta!! and getting thrown out o! $lubs."2. o awa. @eard !re/uentl as an e$lamation as  !iss o"", 

    piss oneself Vrb !hrs. 1. To laugh heartil. E.g."#he issed hersel! when I asked her out !or a meal. :ust be$ause I'm 15 ears ounger than her."2. To be terri!ied.

    piss on (someone)   Vrb !hrs. To thoroughl de!eat or troun$e. E.g."Cit issed on &nitedesterda in their $u mat$h."

    piss on someone$sbonfire chips

    Vrb !hrs. To soil someone's en=oment to ruin a good situation.E.g."%on't iss on his $his =ust be$ause he ruined our art lastweekD that was an a$$ident and he's said sorr."

    piss-poor  Adj. Terrible o! low /ualit.

    piss-pot   Noun. The toilet or toilet bowl. Arig re!erring to a $hamber ot.

    piss-proud   Adj. @aving a enile ere$tion on awaking in the morningD a $ommonsmtom due to one's bladder being !ull.

    piss-take Noun. 0 =oke a tease. %erived !rom the hrase 'take the iss'.

    piss-up Noun. 1. 0 drunken sree.2. 0 mess u a bungled event.

    piss water   Noun. 6eak or tasteless drink usuall al$oholi$.

    piss wet  Adj. Ler wet soaked.

    pissy  Adj. 6eak !eeble in!erior. A!ten alied to drinks.

    pissy-arsed   Adj. Insigni!i$ant in!erior.

    pissy /ueen Noun. 0 !astidious over !uss ga male. C!. 'riss /ueen'.

    pit Noun. Fed. E.g."Ah so ou've !inall got u out o! our it then7 "

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    pitch a tent   Vrb !hrs. To have an ere$tion whilst wearing $lothing.

    pits Noun. The worst imaginable situation la$e or erson. Arig. &.#.,

    pit yakker    Noun. 0 $oal miner.

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    plebby  Adj. Common ordinar. %erog. 8In!ormal9

    plod Noun. 0 oli$emanwoman. ;rom a $hara$ter in Noddy  a series o!$hildren's books written b Enid Flton in the 15+s.

    plod mag   Noun. 0 ornograhi$ magaJine. >erseside use,

    plonk   Noun. Chea or in!erior wine. 8In!ormal9

    plonker Noun. 1. 0 enis.2. ;ool idiot a desi$able erson.

    plook Noun. 0 sot boil 'Jit'. 0lso selt !luke. >ainl #$ottish use,

    plop Verb. To de!e$ate. Children's onomatooei$ euhemism.Noun. ;ae$es. Children's euhemism.

    plug-ugly  Adj. Ler ugl. Ariginall a ru!!ian and taken !rom the

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    poison dwarf    Noun. 0n unleasant diminutive erson.

    poke Verb. To have se with. 0 male eression.Noun. #eed or ower usuall alied to vehi$les. E.g."@is new $arhas lent o! oke."

    polack 1   Noun. 0 erson !rom oland.

     Adj. A! or relating to oland. &suall disaraging and o!!ensive.

    polish a turd   Vrb !hrs. @eard in a negative $ontet in the hrase you can#t !olish aturd  and when alied to a task means that it is imossible.

    poloney   Noun. 0 girl oung woman. 0lso !olone and !olony . olari,

    polaxed   Adj. %runk intoi$ated. Irish use,

    *ompey   Noun. The Cit o! ortsmouth.

    ponce Noun. 1. 0 $ontemtible erson.2. 0n e!!eminate male. %erog.G. 0n ostentatious male. %erog.Verb. To beg or !reeload. E.g."@e's been on$ing o!! shoers u thehigh street saing he's homeless."

    ponce about around

      Verb. To waste time to idle awa hours.

    ponced up  Adj. %ressed u overdressed.

    poncey   Adj. 1. E!!eminate with an imli$ation o! homoseualit. %erog.

    2. #nobb ostentatious. 0lso selt !oncy .

    the pond   Noun. The 0tlanti$ A$ean. 8In!ormal9

    pond life   Noun. erson or ersons o! low intelligen$e and not greatl evolvedas with $reatures !ound in a ond. %erog.

    pong Noun. 0n unleasant smell. 8In!ormal9Verb. To stink. 8In!ormal9

    pony   Noun. 1. O25 sterling.

    2. -ubbish nonsense. E.g."Aur team are a load o! old on and don'tdeserve to be in the !inal."G. 0n a$t o! de!e$ation. E.g."Can ou wait !or me7 I need to have aon." Lersions 2 and G are !rom the rhming slang !ony and tra! meaning#cra!# . #ee '$ra'.

    poo (!)   Noun. E$rement.Verb. To de!e$ate.Exclam. 0n eression o! distaste !rustration annoan$e. 0lso selt ooh.

    poo chute   Noun. The anus. C!. 'oo $hute'.

    pooey   Exclam. Eressing distaste or derision ese$iall imitative o! $hildren. Adj. 1. A! or resembling e$rement.

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    2. one.

    pop someone$scherry

    Vrb !hrs. To lose or take someone's seual virginit. Arig. alied tode!lowering (a woman).

    porcelain god altar    Noun. The toilet bowl. #ee 'ra to the or$elain god'.

    pork   Verb. To have seual inter$ourse.

    pork dagger Noun. The enis. C!. 'ork sword'.

    porker Noun. 0 !at erson.

    porkies Noun. 4ies !rom the rhming slang !ork'!ies.

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    porking   Noun. 0n a$t o! seual inter$ourse.

    pork-out Verb. To eat in e$ess.

    pork sword Noun. The enis. C!. 'ork dagger' 'mutton dagger'.

    porridge Noun. 0 eriod sent in rison. E.g."#o what's haened in the outside

    world sin$e I've been doing m orridge7"

    porridge wog   Noun. 0 #$ottish erson. A!!ens.

    posh   Noun. Co$aine.

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    Noun. 0 teenage mother usuall !rom a $oun$il housing estate. Coinedb the online gossi site obit$h and originall a woman with the!a$ial looks o! a oor single mother as seen around a housing estate.%erog. 2+++,

    prang Noun. 0 $rash or a$$ident usuall involving a vehi$le o! some kind.

    E.g."I had a rang last week so m $ar's at the garage."Verb. To kno$k or damage usuall with re!eren$e to having $rashed avehi$le. Ariginall an -0; term !or a $rash landing. E.g."> dad will killme I've =ust ranged his $ar on a lamost." Adj. aranoid. E.g."I dont know wh she has ink hair '$os she gets sorang that eole are staring at her." 4ondon use,

    prannet Noun. 0n idiot an imbe$ile or ob=e$tionable erson. ossibl derived!rom 'rann'.

    prannock Noun. 0n idiot. 0 variation o! 'rannet'.

    pranny Noun. 0n idiot a !ool. Ariginall a male term o! $ontemt meaning the!emale genitals. 4ate 1++s,

    prat Noun. 0 !ool idiot or ob=e$tionable erson. Ariginall meaning thebutto$ks.

    prat about around Verb. 1. To idle awa time.2. To a$t !oolishl and annoingl.

    prawn Noun. 0 small !eeble and generall ob=e$tionable erson.

    pray to the

    porcelain god

    Vrb !hrs. To vomit in the toilet (the or$elain god). E.g."I'm not going in

    there it stinks3 -ob's been raing to the or$elain god." C!. 'worshiat the or$elain altar'

    preggars   Adj. regnant. 0 $orrution o! the word regnant.

    pretty-boy   Noun. 0n attra$tive oung man rett as oosed to handsome ormanl. A$$asionall derog. A!ten a use,

    pre#ious   Noun. 0 $riminal re$ord. &suall oli$e and $riminal verna$ular. E.g."Fe$are!ul i! ou de$ide to emlo him he has some revious."

    pre,,ie   Noun. 0 resent a gi!t. 0lso !ressie. 8In!ormal9

    prick   Noun. 1. The enis. #.e. until 1N++s,2. 0n idiot $ontemtible erson.

    prick-teaser Noun. #omeone who knowingl eloits the !a$t that the are seuallalluring.

    pricks with sticks  Noun. #kiers. >ainl used b snowboarders. %erog. C!. 'gas on tras'.

    *rince 3lbert Noun. 0 ier$ed enis !or bod adornment or seual enhan$ement.

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    pri#ate parts Noun. The genitals. A!ten shortened to !rivates.

    pri,e (something) Noun. 0n absolute utter (something). E.g."I haven't got time !or himhe's a riJe idiot."

    pro Noun. 0bb. o! rostitute.

    prod proddy   Noun. 0 rotestant. >ainl used b Catholi$s. Irish#$ottish use,

    prole   Noun. 0bb. o! roletariat. 8In!ormal9

    pronto  Adv. 

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    pull a fast one   Vrb !hrs. To de$eive to gain an un!air advantage. 8In!ormal9

    pull a job   Vrb !hrs. To $ommit a robber. E.g."I ulled a =ob at the lo$al osto!!i$e so I'm ling low !or a !ew das."

    pull a pig   Vrb !hrs. To sedu$e an ugl erson. 0lso a $ruel game o! the samename laed b !riends on a night out the ob=e$t being to sedu$e the

    ugliest erson.

    pull a whitey  Verb. To turn ale and !eel like vomiting. C!. 'throw a white'.

    pulling tongues   Vrb !hrs. @aving an urgent need de!e$ate. E.g."@urr u I'm ullingtongues here and need the toilet." >erseside use,

    pull someone$splonker 

    Vrb !hrs. To tease someone to ull someone's leg. E.g."It's true heo!!ered to a me !or a brand new $ar. I thought he was ulling mlonker". C!. 'lonker'.

    pull one$s pud   Vrb !hrs. A! males to masturbate. E.g."ulling our ud all night is

    hardl what ou mother had in mind when she said do something$reative."

    pull the other one(it$s got bells on)!

    Exclam. ou are =oking aren't ou7 &sed to eress a susi$ion thatone is being tri$ked or teased. E.g."I drove round the $orner and therewas a ink elehant in the middle o! the road." "eah sure ull theother one3" 8In!ormal9

    pump Verb. To break wind to '!art'. E.g."I'm not sitting net to 4ouise she'salwas uming and I $an't $on$entrate on m work."

    pumping  Adj. 4ivel energeti$ thrilling. E.g."6hat was that last tune the %:

    laed7 It was umin'."

    punaani   Noun. ;emale genitals. Arig. Fla$k6I,

    punch someone$slights out

    Vrb !hrs. To beat u someone.

    punch up   Noun. 0 !ist !ight a brawl. 8In!ormal9

    punch up thebracket

      Noun. 0 un$h in the !a$e. %ated. 15+*+s7,

    punk Noun. 1. 0 raw minimal te o! ro$k musi$ born on the streets in 1N*and sawning 'thrash' 'indie' and 'grunge'. The asso$iated !ashionsevolving into a stereoti$al brightl $oloured mohi$an hair$ut s$ru!!bla$k $lothes metal studs belts and boots.2. 0 erson o! either se who wears the !ashions o! 'unk' and en=oslistening to 'unk' ro$k. C!. 'unkette'.

    punkette Noun. 0 !emale 'unk' (noun 2).

    punter Noun. enerall a $ustomer o! an business. 8In!ormal9

    puppies   Noun. ;emale breasts.

    puppy$s pri#ates   Noun. The best. 4ess o!!ensive variation on the 'dog's bollo$ks'.A$$asionall also !u!!ies !rivates. #ee 'dog's bollo$ks'.

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    pure bead   Adj. 1. 6ealth. E.g."6ith a $ar like that he's got to be ure bead."2. Eensive. 0 street term used mainl in #al!ordCheetham @ill in >an$hester.

    purler Noun. 1. 0 !or$e!ul un$h or hit.2. #omething that is e$ellent. E.g."It was worth aing twi$e the entr!ee =ust to see that urler o! a goal." Arig. 0ust.,


      Noun. The enis.

    purple headedwomb broom

      Noun. The enis.

    pushing up daisies   Phrs. %ead.

    pussy Noun. 1. The !emale genitals alluding to the in$lusion o! the ubi$hairs. 1*++s,2. 6omenwoman viewed as seual ob=e$ts. %erogA!!ens.

    G. 0 $at. 8In!ormal9M. 0 !eeble or weak willed erson. The ambiguit o! the word isn't lost on $omedians.

    pussy whipped   Adj. A! a man hene$ked dominated b a woman. Arig. &.#.,

    put a sock in it Vrb !hrs. Huieten down sto talking.

    put it about Vrb !hrs. @ave !re/uent seual liasons with numerous artners.

    put lead in one$spencil

    Vrb !hrs. To make virile or strong. E.g."%rink this lad it'll ut lead inour en$il."

    put one on(someone)

    Noun. #ee 'lant one on (someone)'.

    put one$s face on Vrb !hrs. To al $osmeti$ make u. E.g."I $an't ut m !a$e on untilI've !ound m new listi$k."

    put out   Verb. To readil agree to se. Arig. &.#.,

    put that in your pipeand smoke it!

    Exclam. 0 dismissive and angr e$lamation.

    put the kibosh on(something) Vrb !hrs. To ut an end to (something). E.g."6e all went home a!tertheir arents ut the kibosh on the drinking."

    put the mockers on(something)

    Vrb !hrs. 1. To ut a sto to (something).2. To bring bad lu$k to (something).

    put the pedal to themetal

    Vrb !hrs. To go !aster to a$$elerate. ;rom the a$tion o! ressing thea$$elerator (gas edal) to the !loor o! a vehi$le in order to make it go!aster.

    put the willies upsomeone 

    Vrb !hrs. To s$are someone to unnerve someone. E.g."I'm !ine withmost horror !ilms but the Evil %ead reall uts the willies u me."

    put the wood intothe hole

    Vrb !hrs. #hut the door. 0

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    "...or were ou born in a barn7"

    put,y   Adj. Eas simle. 0lso !utsy .

    /ueen Noun. 0 male homoseual arti$ularl one who is e!!eminate.

    /ueer Noun. 0 homoseual. An$e onl derogative but now the eression is beingre$laimed b the ga $ommunit. Adj. @omoseual in nature.

    /ueer as anine bob note

    Phrs. 1. Ler odd unusual.2. &ndoubtedl homoseual. C!. 'bent as a nine bob note'.

    /ueer bashing Noun. re=udi$ial aggression or intimidation toward homoseuals.

    /uickie Noun. 0 brie! seual liason. E.g."I'm o!! home !or m lun$h break !or a/ui$kie with the wi!e it beats eating in the $oman $a!eteria."

    /uick sticks   Noun. Hui$kl. E.g."I! the rash doesn't $lear u within the net 2M hours oubetter get to the do$tor /ui$k sti$ks $os it robabl means ou've $aughtsomething serious."

    /uid Noun. Ane ound sterling.

    /uids-in Noun. In ro!it. E.g."0!ter the dedu$tion o! m eenses I was still /uidsBin."

    /uilt   Noun. 0 !eeble or atheti$ erson. %erog. (4iverool use)

    /uim Noun. The vagina or more generall the !emale genitals. ossibl !rom theCelti$ cwm a valle.