Slang Japanese


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Transcript of Slang Japanese

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A   Ahō, aho 【あほ】 - An insult along the lines of "stupid" or "idiot". Note: In Tokyo the insult is taken fairly

seriously, while in Kansai the term is regarded a bit more friendly and jokingly. (whereas baka is the opposite).

  Aitsu 【あいつ】 - A very impolite way to say "that person" or "that guy over there". Sometimes it's used in

groups of friends(usually boys) to refer to anyone out of the range of their voice.

  Ano.. 【あの。。】 - A term used a lot like the English "umm...". Used to soften when making requests.

  Are 【あれ】 - Literally means "that" (and implies mutual understanding and knowledge), but depending on the

context can refer to sexual activities or parts.

  Are? 【あれ】 - Used like the English "huh?!" in a moment of surprise. Can also be used as a general "huh?"

when confused.

  Asoko 【あそこ】 - Literally meaning "there" (and implies mutual understanding and knowledge) but depending

on the context can refer to the sexual organs.

  Atashi 【あたし】 - A contracted form of "Watashi"  that is commonly used by girls to say "I"

B   Baba 【ばば】 - An insulting way to say old lady. Pops up often in anime and television shows. It is almost

always used in a ironic manner.

  Baito 【バイト】 - Slang for "Arubaito" which is the Japanese adopted term for "part-time job". Comes from the

German "Arbeit".

  Baka 【ばか】 - An insult in the line of "stupid" or "idiot". In Kansai it is taken very seriously, but in Tokyo is

more of a friendly insult (whereas aho is more of a serious insult).

  Betsuni 【別に】 - A phrase used like the English "not really" or "nothing". It can be used as a response to such

questions as "Do you want to go?" or "Is it important to you?" (Be careful though) "Betsu" by itself means

separate, and can also be used in that sense. It can be used as a response to such questions as "Do you want to

go?" or "Is it important to you?" (Be careful though)C 

  Chibi-debu - a short fat person

  Chikusho 【ちくしょ】 - A basic Japanese equivalent of "Damn it!". Used in times of frustration or failure.

  Choudai 【ちょうだい】 - A friend to friend way of saying "can you do it for me?/give it to me?"

  Chotto ii? 【ちょっといい?】 - A very soft way to precede a question (with friends or close acquaintances).

Basically means "Can I have a second?" (to ask something)

  Chou~  【超】 - A prefix that means somewhere along the line of "Super" or "really" as in "Chousugoi!" (Super


  Chotto matte 【ちょっと待って】 - A colloquial and friendly way of saying "Can you wait for a second?". A

lot like "Wait a sec." Take out the "Chotto" to make it more urgent.

D   Daijoubu 【大丈夫】 - A normal word but useful for saying anything from "I'm ok." to "I don't need any more

food." This word is not slang, but very commonly used.

  Dame 【だめ】 - A colloquial word for "no good",

  Dasai 【ダサい】 - An exclamation for something very uncool. I heard it had some kind of connection with

Saitama prefecture. Who knows...

E   Ee 【ええ】 (Falling tone) - Used in conversation to acknowledge that you are listening (something important in

Japanese conversation). Use liberally!

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  Eeee.... 【エエ。。】 (Rising tone) - Used to show disbelief in what someone is saying. "No, I really did get a

new car!" "Eeeee...." (disbelief and excitement)

  Eto 【えと】 - Another Japanese way to say "Umm...." and is also used to soften up questions or requests. It is

also common to make it longer as in "Ettoo....." to match the amount of puzzlement or thought.

  Eroi 【エロい)】 - The Japanese word for perverted. It can be combined with other words to make

combinations as is done in "ero-oyaji" or "eroguro" which means erotic grotesque, or something like that.

F   Faito! 【ファイト!】 - A Japanese loan word translating to "Fight!" but used in the context of sports or

competitions like the English "Do your best!". Often used like "Gambatte!"

G   Gomen ne 【ごめんね】 - An informal way of saying "I am sorry". Don't use this with superiors, teachers, etc.

H   Ha, Ha 【は、は】 - The older generation's filler. It is used in conversation to acknowledge you're listening

(something important in Japanese conversation)

  Hara Heta 【腹へた】 - A slang way to say "I'm hungry". Not too polite to older people.

  ~hen 【~へん】 - Ōsaka-ben for "~nai", e.g. "shinjirarenai" (I can't believe it) becomes "shinjijrarehen,",

"tabehen" for "tabenai.", or "Wakarahen" for "Wakaranai"(I don't know)..

  Hidoi 【ひどい】 - Used for "it's really bad" or "you're mean!" and can also extend to "messy" and other related


  Hora 【ほら】 - Means "Look!" or "See?". If lengthened to "Horrraaaa...." (with a descending tone) can mean "I

told you so...."

I   Iyada 【イヤだ】 - A phrase meaning "I don't want to do it" or "I don't want to see"(disgust or fear). Usually the

"I" in the beginning is omitted or shortened so much it's hard to hear.  Iya 【いや】 - An exclamation of disgust.

J   Ja 【じゃ】 - A contraction of the more formal "De wa" that in effect means "Well...", "So...", "Well then..." and

so on. Can also mean "bye!" depending on the context. Also can be used to hint that you're ready to end the

conversation or that you have to go.

  Jaa ne 【じゃあね】 - An informal way of saying "see you later" Don't use it to teachers, bosses, and the like!

Sometimes the "Ne" is changed to "Na" or even "Nya"(?!?) depending on the person. Foreigners will probably

want to stick with "Ne" to avoid sounding stupid accidentally.

  Jiji 【ジジ】 - An insulting way to refer to an old man. Used more often in anime and television shows than real


  Jouzu desune 【上手ですね】 - This literally means "You're very good, aren't you?". The only reason it is

mentioned is because even if you are actually not very good Japanese will often say this just to be nice. Don't get


K    Kai 【かい】 - A colloquial way of saying "desu ka". Used mostly by men.

  Keitai 【携帯】 - Though not literally, in effect it means "cell phone". The longer version would be "Keitai


  Kimochi Warui 【気持ち悪い】 - Literally meaning "bad feeling". This phrase can be used anywhere from

feeling sick (stomach) to seeing something disgusting to seeing the creep down the street.

  Kimoi【キモイ】 - The same meaning as kimochi warui, but more slang.

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  Ki ni shinaide 【気にしないで】 - Means "Don't worry about it"

  Koitsu 【こいつ】 - A very impolite and confrontational way to say "This guy....". Also used often to refer to

 people you don't like once they cannot hear you anymore.

  Kora 【コラ】 - A term used to get someone's attention in a harsh manner. Roll the "r" for extra emphasis.

  Kure 【くれ】 - Colloquial for "Kudasai" (used at the end of a request). Gives a bit of a rough tone.

  Kuso 【クソ】 - The Japanese way of saying "Shit". Actually a direct translation (so it can be used as a verb with

suru). Doesn't have quite the negative overtone as its English counterpart.

  Kyapi Kyapi Gyaru 【キャピキャピギャル】 - Means bimbo but originally means "happy, happy girl."

M   Maa 【マー)】 - An interjection used often between speaking for a break between parts."Sore wa, maa,

yokattayo". It has the power to slightly dampen any sort of happy meaning in the sentence though it can be used

solely as a filler as well.

  Maa ne... 【マーね】 - Used when someone asks you a question and you have an answer that's bad so you don't

really want to say. "How was the test?" "Maa ne..."

  Majide 【マジで】 - A very popular way to say "Really?" , "No way!" , etc. It is the slang version of "hontou ni"

and often shortened to "Maji??"

  Mazui 【まずい】 - Literally used for food that doesn't taste good, it can also be applied to other things that just

flat out aren't good. (like I lost the report I have to turn in to the teacher, or my friend just found out I lied to him).

  mecha 【めちゃ】 - Osaka-ben for "a lot", "extreme", "absurd", etc.

  Mendokusai 【面倒くさい】 - A normal word used for something that's "bothersome" or "annoying".

  Muri Shinaide 【無理しないで】 - A phrase basically meaning "Don't overwork yourself", "Don't kill yourself"

or just "Take it easy".

  Muzui 【ムズイ】 - A contracted slang form of "Muzukashii" meaning "difficult". Combine with Chou for

greater emphasis!N 

  Nandake 【何だけ】 - Used when trying to remember something and you can't. A lot like "what was it?.." (to


  Nani utten no? 【何売ってんの】 - Ōsaka-ben for "what the hell are you saying?"

  Nanka 【何か】 - Shortened form of "Nanika" which means "something",

  Nanpa 【ナンパ】 - flirt, scam, scope, skirt chaser, etc...

  Ne 【ね】 - A Japanese particle that's asks for agreement as in the English phrase "....isn't it?". It's also used

(most often by girls) to get other people's attention as in "Ne,ne...!"

O   Oitoite 【置いといて】 - A shortened form of "Oite Oite" which means "set it there for later" (like food on a


  Oi 【オイ】 - An informal way (and sometimes impolite) way to get someones attention. A lot like the English

"Hey!", but a bit less polite.

  Omae 【お前】 - An informal term for "you". Though once considered extremely well-mannered, it's modern

day version is definitely regarded as impolite. Use only to your close friends (or enemies at your own risk), and

even then you have to be careful on the type of person your friend is. On the other hand, it is used often in martial

arts and like things by higher ranked members/teachers to their kouhai or students. It is uncommon, but

occassionally used, by girls.

  Omata(se) 【お待たせ】 - A shortened version of "Omatase shimashita" which roughly translates to "thanks for


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  Osu 【オス】 - An informal way of greeting someone (usually used with friends). Japanese doesn't really have a

set word to use instead of "konnichiwa" for hello, but this one is pretty good. Can be used for pretty much anything

in the Karate world.

P   Purikura 【プリクラ】 - The term for those colorful pictures people take in the booths and decorate their

 phones and bags with. An an interesting note, males are not allowed inside the purikura area without a female

companion, don't want any Chikan!

R    Rakki 【ラッキ】 - The Japanese way of saying "Lucky" and can be used without any other words to express


  Ryoukai 【了解】 - A colloquial way to say "wakarimashita" or "I understood". Has kind of a military-like tone

similar to the phrases "Got it!" or "Roger!"

S   Shikata ga nai 【しかたがない】 - Very similar to Shougainai in the meaning that "it can't be helped", I guess

we have to do it. Used in dismay when the ripoff landlords make you pay "key money".

  Shimatta 【しまった】 - Another Japanese way of saying "Damn it" when you did something you didn't mean


  Shoganai 【しょうがない】 - A very common phrase meaning "It can't be helped" or "I guess I just have to (do


  Shokku 【ショック】 - A Japanese way of saying "Shock" but with a bit different meaning. In Japanese shock is

always a bad feeling and carries no good meaning whatsoever. You can think of it more like "I can't believe you

lied to me" than "I can't believe you got me a new car!"

  So(u) Da Ne 【そうだね】 - An extremely common phrase meaning "It is, isn't it." For girls, "Sou ne" is more

common.  Suge 【スゲ】 - A more informal way of saying " sugoi"

  Sugoi 【すごい】 - A very popular term meaning "cool!" or "wow!" or any other word in the line of "really


T   Temee 【手前】 - A rude and confrontational way to say "you".

U   Urusai 【うるさい】 - Literally means "loud noise" but can be used as "be quiet" or "shut up" depending on the


  Uruse(i) 【うるせ】 - A more rude and slang word for "urusai"

  Uso 【嘘 -うそ】 - Lit. "lie," it can also mean "No way!", "You gotta be kidding me!", etc.

  Uzai 【ウザイ】 - A term referring to someone or something that is "annoying" or "bothersome"<b.<


  Uze 【うぜ】 - A more rude and slang word for "Uzai".

W   Wagamama 【わがまま】 - A term for a spoiled and/or selfish person.

Y   Yabai 【ヤバい】 - An exclamatory phrase with many different meanings. It can mean anywhere from "Woah!"

to "Damn" to "Really Good!" and can also be used with another adjective like "Yabai Oishii" which means

"Really Delicious!"

  Yabei 【ヤベイ】 - An even more slang-like way of saying "yabai".

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  Yada 【ヤダ】 - See "Iyada (イヤだ)"

  Yariman 【やりマン】 - Meaning "slut/bimbo" when referring to a girl

  Yaro 【やろ)-An impolite and confrontation insult for a person.

Z   Zannen 【ざんねん】 - Meaning "it's a pity". Often used for taunts.

  Zettai 【絶対】 - A common word for "definitely", "absolutely", and the like.

  Zurui 【ずるい】 - Adjective used in a negative sense. Means something along the line of "sneaky" or "playing
