
It’s All In the Attitude (skit) – the-attitude-skit July 19, 2010 by Marla Filed under Character, Holiday Lessons, Skits, Thankfulness No matter what happens, always be thankful… 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (TLB) Begin with the following skit: Two children enter, each holding an envelope. The first child looks disappointed, the second looks excited. First child: Hey. What are you so excited about? Second child: Today’s my birthday and I got a card from my grandparents. First child: Oh really? My birthday is this week, too, and I got a card from my grandparents. Second child: That’s cool. Mine sent me some money. First child: Yeah, mine too. Second: I’m going to have lots of fun spending this money.


Various skits for children

Transcript of Skits

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It’s All In the Attitude (skit) –

July 19, 2010 by Marla

Filed under Character, Holiday Lessons, Skits, Thankfulness

No matter what happens, always be thankful… 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (TLB)

Begin with the following skit: Two children enter, each holding an envelope. The first child looks disappointed, the second looks excited.

First child: Hey. What are you so excited about?

Second child: Today’s my birthday and I got a card from my grandparents.

First child: Oh really? My birthday is this week, too, and I got a card from my grandparents.

Second child: That’s cool. Mine sent me some money.

First child: Yeah, mine too.

Second: I’m going to have lots of fun spending this money.

First: Good for you. I don’t think I can have any fun with what they sent me.

Second: Oh, I can’t wait. I’m going to buy a toy or two, then maybe some candy. Or I could rent a movie and have all my friends over.

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First: Well, invite me over, would you? Cause I’m not going to get to go anywhere; I hardly got anything at all.

Second: This is more money than I make in a month’s allowance.

First: I made more than this picking my neighbor’s weeds.

Second: My grandparents must really love me. They sent me this money just because it’s my birthday.

First: My grandparents probably just scraped the loose change up from underneath the couch cushions. They don’t care about me.

Second: This is such a great gift!

First: This is the lousiest gift.

First and Second (to each other): So how much money did you get? (Each pulls out a bill): Ten dollars!!!

First: Boy, by the way you were talking, I thought you got a hundred!

Second: Well, you made it sound like you got a dime! (Both exit).

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Teacher follow-up: These two children had one thing in common—they each received the same amount of money for their birthday. The difference between the two is their attitude. One has an attitude of thankfulness, the other does not. In your life, many things will happen to you, both good and bad. No matter what happens, you can still be thankful and filled with joy. Your attitude will make the difference. Thankfulness is being grateful for what God and others give to you. We have received so many wonderful things from God and others. Let’s be thankful for all our blessings.

2.Quiet Please



THE DOG (Arf, Arf)

THE PIGS (Snort, Oink)

THE POLICEMAN (Loud Whistle)

THE DUCKS (Quack-quack)


TWO BOYS (sing, Row, Row, Row your Boat)

If there is room, appropriate motions can accompany the sounds, such as marching feet for the boys, flapping wings for chickens, etc.


It was a beautiful spring afternoon in the sleepy little town of Blodgettville. In the balmy air the fragrance of early tulips mingled with the rich aroma of skunk cabbages in nearby marshes. The only sounds to be heard were the faint moan of a FIRE SIREN in a neighboring village, the distant barking of a DOG, and the occasional whistle of the POLICEMAN at the main intersection. Within the town library, someone turned a page too loudly, and the LIBRARIAN said, "SSSH!". On the main road, at the outskirts of the town, a farmer was lazily driving his animals to market. Each time he hit a bump, the PIGS grunted, the CHICKENS squawked, and the DUCKS quacked. Yes, all was peaceful in the sleepy little town of Blodgettville.

Suddenly, TWO BOYS appeared on the quiet street. They were singing "ROW YOUR BOAT" and marching in time to the rhythm. They reached the c enter of town where the POLICEMAN blew his whistle to let them cross. Still singing, they marched up the steps of the library. The LIBRARIAN looked up quickly and said, "SSSH". EACH BOY took a book, then sat down at one of the tables. One of the boys looked around the almost empty library and said, "They'd do a lot more business in here if they had comic books!" Guess what the LIBRARIAN said? That's right, "SSSh".

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Outside, the DOG'S barking could be heard more strongly. The POLICEMAN blew his whistle as a car approached the intersection, followed by the farmer's truck. As they started up again, the woman driving the car signalled a right turn. Oddly enough, her car made a left turn. The farmer slammed on his brakes, and there was a LOUD CRASH (everyone clap their hands together). Down went the tail gate of the truck and out tumbled the PIGS, the crates burst and out flew the CHICKENS and the DUCKS. The DOG, who by now was quite close, began an excited chase, barking wildly.

Frightened, the PIGS ran up the library steps, grunting, followed by squawking CHICKENS, quacking DUCKS, and yelping DOG. The LIBRARIAN was so startled she had time to let out only one "SSSH", before a CHICKEN flew into her face. The BOYS jumped up and delightedly burst into song. In rushed the POLICEMAN, frantically whistling. From across the street, old Miss Spindle saw the disturbance, and called the FIRE DEPARTMENT.

So then, at that moment in the quiet library of the quiet town of Blodgettville, these things were going on: The PIGS were grunting, the CHICKENS were clucking, the DUCKS were quacking, the BOYS were singing, the FIRE SIREN was screaming, the POLICEMAN was whistling, and the LIBRARIAN was hopelessly saying over and over again "SSSh, SSSh!". And for awhile at least, all these things were going on at the same time (EVERYBODY). But an hour later, everything was peaceful again in the sleepy little town of Blodgettville. The PIGS, DUCKS and CHICKENS had somehow been caught and put back in the truck; the BOYS and DOG had gone home for supper, the FIRE TRUCK was back in the station house, and the POLICEMAN again stood at his post by the intersection.

And the LIBRARIAN?? Well, the LIBRARIAN looked around the library at the floating feathers, the muddy floor, the mixed up books, the overturned tables and the broken chairs.

And then, all of a sudden, the LIBRARIAN SCREAMED (EVERYBODY)

(Do not rehearse the audience on the ending; let it be a surprise)

-- From the Indian Nations 1994 Powwow Book

3. Come See The Monster! DescriptionAn announcer is standing by a person sitting in a chair covered by a sheet.

Announcer: Come one come all! Come see the scariest monster in the world! (The person under the sheet)

Customer1: Alright, I'll check it out, how scary can it be? (They peek under the sheet and faint or run away screaming)

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Announcer: O.K., Who's next? Step right up!

Customer2: I'll take a look (Peeks under sheet and screams while fainting)

Announcer: (rolls customer to the side) Anyone Else?

Customers 3 & 4: Let us look! (They both look under the sheet and faint)

Announcer: (Rolls customers with the other one) This wasn't in the job description. Does anyone from out there want to look at the monster?

(Choose a volunteer who won’t get their feelings hurt easily)

Volunteer looks under the sheet and then the monster runs away screaming

4.What's up?

Camper walks onto stage looking up. Second camper walks on stage, looks at first boy, then faces audience and looks up.

Third camper walks on stage, looks at second and first campers, faces audience and looks up.

Continues until final camper walks up to the others, looks at each of them, then faces audience and looks up.

After a second, he turns to the camper next to him and asks, "What are we looking at?"

That camper responds, "I don't know." And turns to the next camper and asks him the same question. This continues down the line until the question is asked of the first camper who walked in.

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He responds, "I don't know what you are all looking at, but I have a stiff neck!"