
WINTER by Amjad Prawej An old lady is sitting on a chair and knitting. Guddi enters running. Guddi: Grand ma! Grand ma! We are here. Grand Ma: Be careful Guddi. You will trip and fall. She embraces Guddi and kisses her. Enter Babloo. He looks disappointed. Guddi: I won! I won! I touched Grand Ma first. Babloo: You started running on “two”. You are a cheater. Guddi: No, I am not. Grand Ma: Stop fighting. Come here Babloo. (She kisses him) You both are winners. Enter Rupak and Sandhya. Sandhya: My God, these kids! They are uncontrollable. Stop harassing grand ma. Go play in the garden. Hello Ma (Mother). Grand Ma: Hello. How was the drive? Hello Rupak. Rupak: Hello Ma. Sandhya: It was as usual except the kids wouldn't stop planning and talking about you. Rupak: They get so excited and happy every time we plan on coming here. Grand Ma: I can't thank you enough for bringing them here every month. Seeing them makes me happy. Thank you for making this old and lonely lady happy.



Transcript of Skit

Page 1: Skit

WINTER by Amjad PrawejAn old lady is sitting on a chair and knitting. Guddi enters running.

Guddi: Grand ma! Grand ma! We are here.

Grand Ma: Be careful Guddi. You will trip and fall.

She embraces Guddi and kisses her.

Enter Babloo. He looks disappointed.

Guddi: I won! I won! I touched Grand Ma first.

Babloo: You started running on “two”. You are a cheater.

Guddi: No, I am not.

Grand Ma: Stop fighting. Come here Babloo. (She kisses him) You both are winners.

Enter Rupak and Sandhya.

Sandhya: My God, these kids! They are uncontrollable. Stop harassing grand ma. Go play in the garden. Hello Ma (Mother).

Grand Ma: Hello. How was the drive? Hello Rupak.

Rupak: Hello Ma.

Sandhya: It was as usual except the kids wouldn't stop planning and talking about you.

Rupak: They get so excited and happy every time we plan on coming here.

Grand Ma: I can't thank you enough for bringing them here every month. Seeing them makes me happy. Thank you for making this old and lonely lady happy.

Sandhya: Don't say that ma. You have all the rights to see them. After all you are the only grand ma they have.

Rupak: Besides, they are so happy to see you.

Enter Babloo and Guddi.

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Babloo: Grand Ma! Look what I found.

Grand Ma: Its a caterpillar.

Guddi: I saw it first.

Sandhya: I will go put these things in the kitchen and make some tea.

Rupak: I will help you.

Exit Sandhya and Rupak.

Grand ma: One day this caterpillar will turn into a butterfly.

Babloo: Wow!

Guddi: It will have many colors!

Grand Ma: Yes it will. Now go put it on the window sill.

They release the caterpillar on the window sill and return to Grand Ma.

Babloo: Grand Ma, what story are you going to tell us tonight?

Guddi: Sindbad the sailor!

Babloo: But we have heard that before.

Guddi: So what? You play that same stupid video game everyday!

Babloo: It's not the same. There are different levels.

Guddi: It's the same.

Babloo: No it's not.

Guddi: Yes it is.

Grand Ma: I will tell you a new story tonight.

B & G: Yeeeeeeeee!!!

Grand Ma: Have you heard the story of Shravan Kumar?

Babloo: No Grand ma. Who is Shravan Kumar?

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Grand Ma: He was the son of Shantnav and Gyanvati. He was a dutiful son and is known for his devotion toward his parents. He was very obedient.

Guddi: Hmm... So he was not like Babloo?

Babloo: Huh.. As if you are like him. What did he do grand Ma?

Grand Ma: You will have to wait for me to tell the story tonight.

Babloo: I want to hear it now.

Guddi: I will wait till the story time Grand ma. See I am obedient.

Babloo: I am obedient too.

Guddi: No you are not.

Babloo: Yes I am.

Rupak: (Off stage) Babloo! Guddi! Come in here. Let Grand Ma have some rest.

Babloo and Guddi exit. Grand Ma goes back to her knitting. She knits for sometime in silence. Deepak enters. He is carrying a shopping bag.

Deepak: Ma! Don't you ever get tired of knitting? (He hugs her)

Grand Ma: I am knitting sweaters for Guddi and Babloo. I am hoping to finish before they come during their winter vacation.

Deepak: You'll ruin your eyes. Anyway, I got you some fruits and vegetables. I also got you this new ointment for your knees. I hear it is really good. Please massage every day.

Grand Ma: I will. How is your new job?

Deepak: Same as the old one. Slugging. It would be so different if I had an MBA. But... I can't afford it... unless of course... (their eyes meet, he sighs) I will put these in the fridge.

Exit Deepak. Grand Ma goes back to knitting again. Enter Geeta.

Geeta: How could you do that? I had been literally begging you to let me take a loan on this house. But no, I was not as good as Sandhya or Rupak. And look what they did to you! Their company is bankrupt and they have no means to pay off their loan. Are you satisfied?

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Grand Ma: (Smiles) How are you sweetheart?

Geeta: I am fine. Ashok and I are moving to Bangalore this month. He knows someone there. It will be a struggle in the beginning.(Silence...) Ma... I would've asked you to come but...

Grand Ma: I know beta (son). Don't worry. I will be fine. I made some Gajar Halwa for you. It's in the fridge.

Exit Geeta. Grand Ma continues knitting for sometime. She stops. Looks around. Goes back to knitting again. Stops. Looks in one direction as if she heard something.

Grand Ma: Guddi... Babloo...

Kishore, a caretaker enters. He is wearing a uniform.

Kishore: Do you need something Mrs. Mathur?

Grand Ma: Ah, Kishore... No... I am... I thought....Kishore: Would you like to go for a walk?

Grand Ma: Yes, that would be nice. (Caretaker helps her out of the chair. She looks at the unfinished sweater and picks it up) Are you married Kishore?

Kishore: Yes, Mrs. Mathur. I have a son and a daughter.

Grand Ma: That's nice. Do you love your children?

Kishore: Of course I do. More than anything else. Why do you ask?

Grand Ma: (Smiles) I forgot to knit a sweater for myself. You shouldn't. (Hands him the unfinished sweater) It'll keep you warm in the winter. And please bring me some more wool. I am going to start knitting for myself again.

Kishore: I will.

The End.

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TREE AND TIGER by Amjad PrawejA tree stands in the centre stage and a tiger is pacing up and down.

Tree: Will you please stop? My eyes are hurting.

Tiger: I am telling you, we'll have no where to go. We have to do something. We have to act.

Tree: Calm down my friend. I understand your concern but killing them all is definitely not a solution. Not for me at least. We need them.

Tiger: Ha Ha.. You make me laugh. They need us more than we need them. But do they care? Absolutely not.

Tree: That is very harsh. There are the ones that care. You know that.

Tiger: Alright yes there are. But how many? Very few. I can count them on my claws. They are outnumbered by the ones who don't give a hoot.

Tree: Calm down. We will find a reasonable solution.

Tiger: Calm down? You are telling me to calm down. The number of my clan has reduced to almost nothing. And you are suggesting I calm down.

Tree: I know. There are problems. I am sure they will realize.

Tiger: Realize? When? The entire Eco-system has been altered. We are not sure of seasons any more. It is raining here in December for God sakes. When will they realize? And look at what they have done to your kind. You covered most of the land just 10,000 years ago. And now you've shrunk to merely one-third of the total area. Thousands of species have been extinct and hundreds of them are in danger including you and me. When will they realize? On the Dooms Day?

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Tree: I agree, it is a serious threat not only to us but also to mankind. The only solution is to live in harmony. There should be a give and take relationship.

Tiger: But there is a give and take relationship. We have been giving and they have been taking. It is a high time we stop this imbalance. We will force them to give back.

Tree: My dear friend. Violence will produce more violence in retaliation. Violence can never be a solution. Look what it has done to mankind. Hunger, famine, poverty. They are trying to cope with all these. And I guess that is why they don't have time to think about our problems.

Tiger: Ha.. They have created these problems themselves. Their greed and hunger for power are responsible. They don't know how to live in harmony, in peace. And seriously I don't care. But I do care about myself and all my clan. They have driven us out of our homes. It is time we show them that Earth belongs not only to them but also to millions of other species. We were created by nature, like them. And we have all the rights to claim what is rightfully ours.

Tree: And how are you going to claim it back?

Tiger: We will invade their homes. We have had enough. Its our turn to drive them out of their homes. Let them know how it feels.

Tree: You are playing the same tune again. Violence, killing and war. I told you its not a permanent solution. You drive them out, they will rage a war. They will kill you and you will kill them. It will never end. You are already on the verge of extinction. Do you want to be eradicated altogether? Is that what you want?

Tiger: Definitely not. But how long can we keep mum. (Pause) Last night they killed my wife.

Tree: I am sorry.

Tiger: Murderers. They kill almost everything that moves.

Tree: True. But you kill too. Don't you?

Tiger: Yes to eat and survive. I don't kill for fun. I don't kill humans and decorate my den with their skins and their heads. I don't kill for money. They are selfish. They would do anything for money. I don't understand really, how much money do they need to live happily. I've heard about people who have Billions of dollars. Why do they need so much money? I wonder if they eat money instead of food.

Tree: Everyone needs food. They have to rely on flora and fauna existing in nature in one way or the other.

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Tiger: And yet they don't care about nature. (Pause) So tell me about your solution to this problem.

Tree: Education and awareness.

Tiger: Right. And who is going to spread this awareness? I am ready to volunteer.

Tree: That wouldn't be necessary. (Pointing to the audience) They are going to do this. They have been listening to us. They know our problems. I am sure they will act.

Tiger: Are you sure?

Tree: Positive.

Tiger: There is one more thing I forgot to mention.

Tree: What?

Tiger: I have been having... you know.. loose motions since this morning.

Tree: You mean diarrhea. You should watch what you eat. Why are you bringing this up here?

Tiger: The cause... I think it's the water. The river that flows through our home unfortunately flows through their town. They are dumping every possible wastes in the river. The waste from their houses, from their factories and what not. These wastes act like poison for our aquatic friends. Why only them, even we the terrestrial ones are affected. I hope they do something about it.

Tree: (Pointing towards the audience) Don't worry they are listening to you. They will certainly spread the message around.

Tiger: (To the audience) Thank you. You all look like very kind human beings to me. Please spread the word. Thank you again!

Tree: Alright. We must get going now. (Turns to the audience before exiting) Oh! I forgot. You have exactly five years. If in these five years we don't see substantial measures to balance the give and take relation, we will take drastic steps. I make this announcement on behalf of all the living plants, small and big, shrubs and trees, aquatic and terrestrial if you don't act fast to correct these problems, we will be forced to stop producing Oxygen! Good Bye.(Exits)

Tiger: What? No! Wait(runs to the audience) My God! Did you hear that? You better start NOW. Please. I can't do without Oxygen, can you? Well then do as she said. Plant trees, clean those rivers and please, stop killing us. All the best!

Page 8: Skit

The End


Scene 1:INT: क्ला�सरुम

‘से�वक पा�ठशा�ला�’लिलाखा� बै�नर दी�व�र पार लागा� है�, से�इड में� वर्ल्ड� में�पा लागा� है�। एक टे�बैला पार रजि�स्टेर और छड़ी$ रखा$ है�, एक क% से& भी$ से�थ

में� रखा$ है�। बैच्चे� शा*रगा%ला कर रहै� है+।

में�स्टेर एक है�थ में� किकता�बै ला�कर ला.गाड़ी�ता� हुए दी�खिखाला है*ता� है�।

में�स्टेर:- ऐ … शा�.ता रहै*।

बैच्चे�:- गा%ड में�र्निंन3गा सेर।

में�स्टेर:- गा%ड में�र्निंन3गा।

(में�स्टेर ��से� है$ क% से& पार बै�ठन� क4 क*लिशाशा करता� है�, एक लाड़ीक� क% से& खा5च ला�ता� है� जि�सेसे� में�स्टेर किगार ��ता� है�।)

में�स्टेर:- (ड�.टे लागा�ता� हुए) ता%. में%खा� है� क्या�? (टे�बैला से� छड़ी$ उठ�कर पा$ठ पार बै��ता� हुए) चला क�न पाकड़ी!

(लाड़ीक� में�स्टेर क� क�न क4 तारफ है�थ बैढ़ा�ता� है�।)

में�स्टेर:- (ड�.टेता� हुए) अबै�, में�र� नहै$, अपान� क�न पाकड़ी!

(लाड़ीक� अपान� क�न पाकड़ी ला�ता� है�। में�स्टेर क% से& पार बै�ठ कर रजि�स्टेर खा*लाता� है� और है�जि�र$ ला�न� शा%रू करता� है�।)

– है*लिशाया�र सिंसे3है

Page 9: Skit

– यासे सेर

– अमेंर$क सिंसे3है

– �$, सेर

– फ% लाता%ड़ु सिंसे3है

– है�जि�र श्री$में�न

– ता*ता� र�में

– �$ सेर

– रलिलाया� र�में

– उपास्थिBता श्री$में�न

में�स्टेर:- रलिलाया�, ता%. कला स्कC ला क्याD नहै$ आया� थ�?

रलिलाया�:- में�स्टेर से�बै, कला में+ किगार पाड़ी� थ�, लागा गाया$ थ$।

में�स्टेर:- कहै�F किगार पाड़ी� थ�, … क्या� लागा गाया$ थ$?

रलिलाया�:- में�स्टेर से�बै, किबैस्तार पार किगार पाड़ी� थ�, न5दी लागा गाया$ थ$।

में�स्टेर:- (छड़ी$ लागा�ता� हुए) हैपा! … बै�ठ।

(रलिलाया� बै�ठ ��ता� है�।)

में�स्टेर:- ठGक है� बैच्चेD, सेबै शा�.ता है*कर बै�ठ* और में�र$ बै�ता से%न*।

बैच्चे�:- यासे सेर/ �$ सेर।

में�स्टेर:- कला स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर याहै�F आएगा�, आपा खा%र�फ�ता थ*ड़ी� कमें करन� और व* �* सेव�ला पा%छ� उसेक� �बै�व ठGक-ठGक दी�न�।

बैच्चे�:- �$ सेर।

में�स्टेर:- और से%न*, कला है*लिशाया�र सिंसे3है और अमेंर$क सिंसे3है याहै�F नहै$ आए.गा�।

Page 10: Skit

(है*लिशाया�र सिंसे3है और अमेंर$क सिंसे3है पा$छ� खा%सेर-पा%सेर करता� है�।)

है*लिशाया�र सिंसे3है:- चला बै�, कला हैमें�र$ छ% ट्टी�।

अमेंर$क सिंसे3है:- न�-न�, आन� ता* पाड़ी�गा�, क्या� पाता� कला मिमेंठ�ई बैटे� याहै�F और में�स्टेर हैमें�र� किहैस्से� में�र ला�।

है*लिशाया�र सिंसे3है:- ठGक है� या�र, हैमें च%पाच�पा आकर पा$छ� बै�ठ ��ए.गा�।

– पादी�� किगारता� है�

Scene 2: INT: क्ला�सरुम

घं.टे� क4 आव�� क� से�थ पादी�� खा%लाता� है�। बैच्चे� शा*रगा%ला कर रहै� है+। स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर क� प्रव�शा।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- शा�.ता,… बैच्चेD। … में�स्टेर से�हैबै कहै�F है+?

फ% लाता%ड़ु सिंसे3है:- … सेर, … क*ई आन� व�ला� है�, में�स्टेर से�बै दी�रु ला�न� गाया� है+।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- है�? … क्या� स्कC ला है�! … दी�रु?

बैच्चे�:- �$ सेर।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- अच्छा�, आपा ला*गा शा�.ता है* ��ओ। में+ क% छ सेव�ला पा%छ% .गा�, आपा उनक� �बै�व दी*।

बैच्चे�:- यासे सेर!

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- अच्छा� या� बैता�ओ आपामें� है*लिशाया�र कQन है�?

रलिलाया�:- सेर, है*लिशाया�र में+ हुF। में+ क्ला�से में� फस्टे� आता� हुF।

है*लिशाया�र सिंसे3है:- (शाटे� खा5च कर बै�ठ�ता� हुए) ऐ बै�ठ। सेर, है*लिशाया�र ता* में+ हुF, में�र� न�में है*लिशाया�र सिंसे3है है�।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- अच्छा� अच्छा�! (छड़ी$ से� में�पा क4 तारफ इशा�र� करता� हुए) आपा बैता�ओ – अमेंर$क� कहै�F है�?

है*लिशाया�र सिंसे3है:- सेर, … अमेंर$क�? … व* ता* बै�थरुमें में� लिछपा� है� .., इधर आया� है$ नहै$।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- है+ .. ? (छड़ी$ टे�बैला पार पाटेकता� हुए) अच्छा� ठGक है�, ता%में बै�ठ*।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर (फ% लाता%ड़ु किक ओर में%ड़ीकर):- अच्छा� बै�टे�, आपा खाड़ी� है*कर बैता�ओ, आपा बैड़ी� है*कर क्या� कर*गा�?

Page 11: Skit

फ% लाता%ड़ु (खाड़ी� है*कर):- सेर, शा�दी�।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- नहै$ .. नहै$, में�र� मेंतालाबै है�, बैड़ी� है*कर क्या� बैन*गा�?

फ% लाता%ड़ु:- दुल्है� बैन%.गा�।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर (खा$� कर):- ओहै*, I mean to say ता%में बैड़ी� है*कर क्या� है�लिसेला करन� च�हैता� है*?

फ% लाता%ड़ु:- सेर, दुल्हैन!

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर (गा%स्से� से�):- अबै�, मेंतालाबै बैड़ी� है*कर मेंम्में$-पा�पा� क� लिलाया� क्या� कर*गा�?

फ% लाता%ड़ु:- बैहू ला�उ.गा�, और क्या�?

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर (अबै च$खाता� हुए):- हैर�मेंखा*र, ता%म्है�र� में�.-बै�पा ता%में से� क्या� च�हैता� है�?

फ% लाता%ड़ु (हैकला�ता� हुए):- पा .. पा*ता�।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर (सेर क� बै�ला न*चता� हुआ):- है� भीगाव�न .., अबै� जि�न्दीगा$ क� क्या� मेंकसेदी है�?

फ% लाता%ड़ु सिंसे3है (दी* अ.गा%लिला दिदीखा�ता� हुए):- सेर, हैमें दी* हैमें�र� दी* .. ।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर (गा%स्से� से� पा�गाला है*ता� हुआ):- अबै� .., बै�ठ .. बै�ठ .., बै�ठ �� ताC.।

फ% लाता%ड़ु सिंसे3है (बै%दीबै%दी�ता� हुआ):- में+ ता* बै�ठ� है$ थ�, आपान� है$ ता* खाड़ी� किकया� में%झे�।

(ताभी$ में�स्टेर हैड़ीबैड़ी�ता� हुए क्ला�से में� दी�खिखाला है*ता� है�।)

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- �$, आपा कQन है+?

में�स्टेर:- �$ .. �$, में+ .. में�, इसे क्ला�से क� च$टेर हुF।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- अच्छा�, आपा टे�चर है+! क्या� पाढ़ा�या� है� आपान� इन्है�? इनक� किडस्से$प्लि[लान भी$ ठGक नहै$ है�।

में�स्टेर:- नहै5 सेर, या� ता* बैहुता अच्छा� बैच्चे� है+। से�र� क% छ ��नता� है+। इनक� लिसेला�बैसे भी$ क. [ला�टे है�। आपा पा%लिछया�, सेर!

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- (रलिलाया� क4 तारफ ईशा�र� करता� हुए) अच्छा� आपा बैता�ओ, द्रौQपादी� क� च$रहैरण किकसेन� किकया� थ�?

(रलिलाया� च%पाच�पा सेर न$च� झे%क� ला�ता� है�।)

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में�स्टेर:- है�F-है�F, बैता�ओ रलिलाया� बै�टे�, द्रौQपादी� क4 से�ड़ी$ किकसेन� खा5च$ थ$?

रलिलाया�:- (स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर क4 तारफ दी�खाता� है� किफर सेर न$च� झे%क�ता� हुए कहैता� है�) सेर, किपाता� �$ न�!

में�स्टेर:- क्या� बै*लाता� है�?

रलिलाया�:- सेर, द्रौQपादी� में�र$ में�F क� न�में है�।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- अच्छा�!? (में�स्टेर क4 ओर आश्चया� से� दी�खाता� हुए लाड़ीक� क* बै�ठन� क� ईशा�र� करता� है�।) बै�ठ*!

(किफर ता*ता�र�में क4 तारफ ईशा�र� करता� हुए) अच्छा� या� बैता�ओ, लिशाव �$ क� धन%ष किकसेन� ता*ड़ी�?

ता*ता�र�में:- धन%ष? (आश्चया� से�) .. क्या� में�लाCमें! हैमें ता* स्कC ला आए है$ नहै$ थ�, .. छ% ट्टी� पार थ�, सेर!

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- (है*लिशाया�र क4 ओर ईशा�र� करता� हुए) ता%में बैता�ओ, क्या� ��नता� है*?

है*लिशाया�र सिंसे3है (रुF आसे� है*कर):- में+ क% छ नहै$ ��नता�, सेर! में+ ता* सेबैसे� से$ध� हुF, में�न� धन%ष दी�खा� भी$ नहै$! या� ता* हैर च$� में� या%F है$ में�र�

न�में लागा� दी�ता� है+।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- क्या� में�स्टेर से�हैबै? बैच्चे� ता* क% छ ��नता� है$ नहै5!

में�स्टेर:- सेर, बैच्चे� है�, टे%टे गाया� है*गा� गालाता$ से�। क% छ ला�-दी� कर किफक्से कर ला�गा�, सेर। चलिलाया� न�, क% छ पा$न�-खा�न� क� भी$ इ.ता��में किकया�

हुआ है�। बैच्चे� भी$ आपाक� लिलाए क% छ ला�कर आए है+, सेर।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- आपा में%झे� रिरश्वता दी�न� च�हैता� है+?

में�स्टेर:- नहै5 सेर, या� ता* [या�र है� �* हैमें आपाक� से�थ बै�Fटेन� च�हैता� है+!

(एक बैच्चे� क* दी�न� क� ईशा�र� करता� है�।) दी� न�!

(बैच्चे� उठकर एक बैरतान स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर क* पाकड़ी� दी�ता� है�।)

सेर, आपाक� लिलाए।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- क्या� है� या�?

बैच्चे�:- दूध है�, सेर।

(स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर डब्बै� ला�कर पा$न� शा%रू करता� है�, पार में%Fहै लागा�ता� है$ थC-थC करन� लागाता� है�।)

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स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- या� दूध है�? .. कहै�F से� ला�कर आया� है�?

बैच्चे�:- सेर, र�ता में� किबैल्ला� आध� दूध पा$ गाया$ थ$, में�F न� कहै� – बै�.क4 फ� क मेंता, में�स्टेर से�बै क� लिलाए ला� �� – उसेक* क्या� पाता� किबैल्ला� क�

�Cठ� है�!

(स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर डब्बै� न$च� किगार� दी�ता� है�।)

में�स्टेर:- अर�, ता%F में�र� लिलाया� �Cठ� दूध ला�कर आया� थ�!

(में�स्टेर ला�ता में�र कर डब्बै� क* फ� क दी�ता� है�। बैच्चे� इसेपार �*र से� र*न� लागाता� है�।)

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- क्याD र* रहै� है� अबै, च%पा है* ��?

बैच्चे� (से%बैकता� हुए):- सेर, में�र� छ*टे� भी�ई र�ता क* इसे$ डब्बै� में� पा�शा�बै करता� थ�, आपान� फ� क दिदीया�, अबै किकसेमें� कर�गा�?

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर (किहैक�रता से�):- क्या� .., इसे$ डब्बै� में�?

में�स्टेर:- सेर, बैच्चे� है+ सेर! … न�सेमेंझे है+, इनक4 क*ई गालाता$ नहै$।

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- है�.-है�., गालाता$ ता* आपाक4 है� �* आपा बैच्चेD क* पाढ़ा�न� किक बै��या उनक� घंर से� से�में�न में.गाव�ता� रहैता� है+। गालाता$ हैमें�र$ भी$

है� किक हैमेंन� आपा ��से� लिशाक्षक बैहै�ला कर रखा� है� इन नQकिनहै�लाD क� लिलाया�!

में�स्टेर:- आपा गालाता सेमेंझे रहै� है+, सेर! ऐसे� क% छ भी$ नहै$ है�! आइया� न�, मिमेंला बै�ठ कर से�ट्टीला कर ला�ता� है� याहै5 पार!

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- बैहुता खार�बै में�हैQला है�, में� इसेक4 क. [ला�न लिशाक्ष� में.त्री$ ताक करु. गा�।

में�स्टेर:- अ�$बै अहैमेंक है+! दी�खाता� है� क्या� कर ला�ता� है� आपा भी$! लिशाक्ष� में.त्री$ ता* में�र� �$�� क� से�ला� है�! ��इया� �रुर किक�$या�! कहै�F-कहै�F

से� चला� आता� है�, सेबै!

– पादी�� किगारता� है�

Scene 3: INT: शि�क्षा� म�त्री का� दफ्तर

लिशाक्ष� में.त्री$ क% से& पार बै�ठ� पा�न चबै� रहै� है�। स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर पा�से में� खाड़ी� है�। में.त्री$ ईशा�र� करता� है�, एक अदी�ला� थCकदी�न ला�कर आता� है�।

लिशाक्ष� में.त्री$ (थCकदी�न में� पा$क थCक कर):- हुF .. !

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- बैहुता खार�बै है�लाता है� सेरक�र!

लिशाक्ष� में.त्री$:- आता* .., बै�दिठया� न� पाकिहैला�!

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स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- सेर, में� ता* हैक्क�-बैक्क� हुF, बैच्चेD क* या� ताक में�लाCमें नहै$ किक लिशाव क� धन%ष किकसेन� ता*ड़ी�!

लिशाक्ष� में.त्री$:- हुF!

(अदी�ला� क* आव�� लागा�कर)

ऐ .., �र� पा$ए से�हैबै क* बै%ला�न�, स्कC ला क* पा$छला� ता$न से�ला में� क्या�-क्या� ईशा% हुआ, उसेक� लिलास्टे ला�कर आया�गा�।

(पा$ए लिलास्टे ला�कर आता� है�।)

पा$ए:- सेर, या� रहै� लिलास्टे!

लिशाक्ष� में.त्री$:- है�F, ता* पादिढ़ाया� न� .. क्या�-क्या� ईशा% हुआ है�? अभी$ हैमें दुध क� दुध और पा�न$ क� पा�न$ कर दी�ता� है�!

पा$ए:- सेर, टे�बैला, क% से&, किपादिढ़ाया�, ब्ला�क बै*ड�, खाल्ला� ..।

लिशाक्ष� में.त्री$:- हैपा! अर�, इसेमें� लिशाव क� धन%ष है� क�?

पा$ए:- नहै$ सेर, इसेमें� ता* लिशाव क� धन%ष है� है$ नहै$!

लिशाक्ष� में.त्री$:- ला* .., दी�खा*! (स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर क4 तारफ दी�खाता� हुए) क� �$? याहै$ सेबै गालाता-सेलाता बै�ता पा%छता� है�, बैच्चे� सेबै से�?

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- सेर .. ?

लिशाक्ष� में.त्री$:- हैपा .. ! अर�, �बै इशा%ए नहै$ हुआ है� ता* ता*ड़ी�गा� कQन? ऐसे�है$ में�स्टेर क* भी$ बै%र�-भीला� कहैता� है� ..! अर�, ऊ ता* हैमेंर� से�ला�

क� �$�� है�! … ता%में ऐसे� है$ इतान� कहै रहै� थ�!

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- सेर, गालाता$ है* गाया$।

लिशाक्ष� में.त्री$:- क� गालाता$ है* गाया$ .. ? अर� �बै लिशाव क� धन%ष हैमें इशा%ए नहै$ किकया� ता उसेक* ता*ड़ी�गा� कQन .. ? से�वक पा�ठशा�ला� क* भी$

बैदीन�में करता� है�, नQकरिरए हैमें ला� ला�गा� .. !

स्कC ला इ.स्पे�क्टेर:- (घंबैर� कर) नहै .. नहै$ सेर!

(लिशाक्ष� में.त्री$ क� पा�.व पार किगारन� लागाता� है�।)

लिशाक्ष� में.त्री$:- हैपा .. ! हैपा .. !!  हैपा .. !!!

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Skit Based on Corruption - Class PresentationPosted by Meenakshi Rajan About: Corruption, Our Work

This is the play which we enacted for our [XI 'A'] class presentation a few weeks back. The play was written by two of us [Karthiga and I] and well... I thought it was worth posting it here, as it's about the most frequently discussed topic everywhere - Corruption. 

Narrator: It’s August 14th, the day before the Independence Day and the day looked beautiful and promising. One lady is seen amongst the crowd. Though she looked like any normal woman, her noble and dignified demeanor set her apart from everyone else in the place. Yet, people went by without even throwing a glance at the stately lady. For some reason, she is invisible to their eyes. She is the Bharat Mata. Yes, the Mother of India. As she crossed a building, she heard some voices and stopped to listen.

Man: Sir, I need a CC for my daughter. Here is my ration card and the details of the child’s background. 

Narrator: The officer verifies all the necessary papers. 

Officer: Everything’s in order, but for one….

Man: I don’t understand sir…

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Narrator: The officer rings the bell. His assistant enters.

Officer: Take him out and explain the procedures here.

Assistant: Yes sir. [After coming out] Give me 500 rupees. You know the procedure or what?

Man: But sir… I am from a poor family and I have enough money only to pay my child’s school fee and today’s the last day too. Please sir…

Assistant: Even I have a child who’s been asking for a new cricket set and I have a few rupees short. So either hand over the money or else… well, you know the process.

Narrator: The man gives away, half-heartedly.

Assistant: You must attach 200 rupees along with the details, if you want to get it signed.

Man: But sir…I…

Assistant: If you are to argue with the officer like this. He may even tear the CC in anger and you will never get it.

Narrator: The man hands out the money bitterly cursing under his breath

Man: They get salary from the government for doing their jobs and yet… Don’t know how I’m going to pay my child’s fee…

Bharat Mata: Goodness… This is outrageous! 

Narrator: But then her spirits rose a little.

BM: There’ll always be one or two black sheep everywhere. Let me try some other place. Surely it’ll be a better story there.

Narrator: She turns towards a building, hoping it would brighten things up. It was the Electricity Board Department. 

Woman: Sir, I have telephoned and even launched 3 complaints that the street lights aren’t working in our street for the past 4 months. People… especially children, suffer a lot…

Officer: Sorry ma’am… your complaint didn’t reach me.

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Woman: What do you mean it didn’t reach you? It was me who had filed them directly to you, sir! I hope you don’t expect me to believe what you say! 

Officer [to his assistant]: You there… take this woman out.

Narrator: Outside the office:

Assistant: What’s wrong with you ma’am? Why don’t you just give him what he asked for?

Woman: What do you mean?

Assistant: Bribe ma’am, bribe… as you people call it. If you want your work to get done, you must give him money.

Woman [indignantly]: This is unfair… then what is he paid by the government for? Next beggars will start demanding coins from us!

Assistant: You don’t argue and waste time here. Either give the money or move away.

Narrator: Bharat Mata watched as the woman gave a scathing look at the electricity board and gave the money to the office assistant. She looked near hopeless and crestfallen. Just then, she overhears a conversation between a rich man and another officer from the income tax department.

Rich Man: Tax… What the hell should I pay the government for? It’s just like throwing the money into a bottomless well. I’m not dependent on them anyway…

Narrator: His cell phone rings

IT officer: Sir, there’s going to be an income tax raid in your home, tonight at 8.00PM. It’s secretly arranged, so be prepared, sir. 

Rich Man: Right… I’ll see to it.

IT officer: Meanwhile pay some attention on this poor man, sir…

Rich Man: Sure… It’ll be done. 

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Narrator: Later, the IT officer’s wife calls him on phone.

IT officer: Hello?

Wife: Everything has reached us safely. All the appliances are from good companies. I think our child will be very happy with her new laptop. 

BM [forlornly]: I never expected this… Even the family members, who are supposed to advice these corrupt officials against this vice, are supporting them. Where are the leaders who are responsible for all this disorder and chaos??

Narrator: Just then, she perceived a crowd of supporters following a politician. The throng was going from house to house. In one house…

Politician [slyly]: I’m a candidate in this upcoming general election. I need your votes to win, so please do vote for me. Here is a compliment from me, for your support.

Narrator: He hands out a 1000 rupee note and the poor man gets it, without any expression in his face. At this, Bharat Mata’s mind began to swirl. Politicians bribing people, people bribing officials, officials bribing politicians, politicians bribing people… It seemed like a cycle that will never end. But then, something the poor man did made her look up. 

Poor man: We’re not selling our votes here. Please go away.

Narrator: And he quietly handed back the note to the irate politician. The Bharat Mata sighed in relief. A ray of hope had just come into her heart. Tired, she sits down in a bench by the road. A girl is walking on the road and stops by the same bench.

Girl: Are you alright, Miss?

Narrator: This surprises the Bharat Mata. 

BM: Can you see me?

Girl: Of course, I can see you! I have eyes for a reason. So what’s up? 

BM: I don’t think I can bear any more corruption…

Girl: Oh… So you’re a victim of that dreaded disease too, huh?

BM: You mean there's someone you know who is....?

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Girl: I am! Just a few days ago I had to file an RTI application to get my work done in one of those government departments. People call me a fool for wasting so much time, when I could easily have done it with some money…

Narrator: The girl pauses, as if she was going through the events of the past few days. 

Girl: But I’m not going to give any money... not even a paise! Why should I? This is brazen injustice and I’m not going to tolerate it any longer.

Narrator: She looked pensive and had her eyes fixed somewhere in mid-air. Bharat Mata didn't break the silence, as she watched the girl curiously. Then, suddenly with the vigor of someone who had made a decision, she got up.

Girl: I think I’ve got to go… Got some work to do. It was nice meeting you. 

Narrator: And she rushed off without a second glance. Bharat Mata got up from the bench. She looked again towards the direction in which the girl had gone and she smiled. There was still hope… 

Compeer: And that my dear friends, is the end of the skit. Corruption in India thrives on our indifference and ignorance. Many of us are going to face corruption one day or the other, and when we do, we should be sure that we don’t yield to this vice. It’s high time we understood the difference between adjusting to situations and tolerating injustice, because in the latter case, the more we tolerate, the more injustice will be inflicted on us. Let’s “Be the change we want to see in the world.” Jai Hind!

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