SKA 概要・重要文書

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SKA 概要・重要文書. 宇宙電波懇談会 シンポジウム 2013. 鹿児島大学 中西裕之. Full SKA. SKA2 Key Science Drivers. ORIGINS Neutral Hydrogen in the Universe from the Epoch of Re- ionisation to now When did the first stars and galaxies form? How did galaxies evolve? Dark Energy, Dark Matter Astro - biology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of SKA 概要・重要文書

Optimized Channelization for Wideband Receiver System Implementation to ROACH board


SKA2 Key Science DriversORIGINSNeutral Hydrogen in the Universe from the Epoch of Re-ionisation to nowWhen did the first stars and galaxies form?How did galaxies evolve?Dark Energy, Dark MatterAstro-biologyFUNDAMENTAL FORCESPulsars, General Relativity and gravitational wavesOrigin and evolution of cosmic magnetismTRANSIENTS (new phenomenon)

Science with the Square KilometreArray(2004, eds. C. Carilli& S. Rawlings, New Astron. Rev., 48)

Full SKASKA1 Key Science DriversORIGINSNeutral Hydrogen in the Universe from the Epoch of Re-ionisation to nowWhen did the first stars and galaxies form?How did galaxies evolve?Dark Energy, Dark MatterAstro-biologyFUNDAMENTAL FORCESPulsars, General Relativity and gravitational wavesOrigin and evolution of cosmic magnetismTRANSIENTS (new phenomenon)

Science with the Square KilometreArray(2004, eds. C. Carilli& S. Rawlings, New Astron. Rev., 48)

10% SKASKA phase 1 (SKA1): 650M920@1=140)2017Origin and evolution of cosmic magnetismTRANSIENTS (new phenomenon)

SKA phase 2 (SKA2): (>1.5B=2100@1=1402022Origin and evolution of cosmic magnetismTRANSIENTS (new phenomenon)

Survey Speed

SKA Netherlands (NWO)New Zealand (MED)South Africa (DST)Sweden (Chalmers)UK (STFC)India (Tata/DAE)

Australia (DIISRTE)Canada (NRC-Herzberg)China (MOST)Germany (BMBF)Italy (INAF)


SKA Office

SKASKASKASKAbaseline conceputal designSKA

Led by SKA OfficeManagementScienceSystem Design and system engineeringMaintenance & Support and Operations

Carried out by Work Package ConsortiaDish ArrayAperture ArraysSignal and Data Transport (including synchronisation and timing)Central Signal ProcessorScience Data ProcessorTelescope Manager Infrastructure, including powerAssembly, Integration and Verification

Advanced Instrumentation Programmes (to be integrated with Dish & AA WPs)Mid Frequency Aperture ArrayWide Band Single Pixel Feeds

Work Packages


SKA1 Science Performance6 Sep 2013)baseline designcontinuumlineSKA1 System Baseline Design (12 Mar 2013)Science CaseDRM SKA1 Design Reference Mission (SKA1 DRM)(31 May 2011)SKASKA1SKA2 Design Reference Mission (SKA2 DRM)SKASKA2SKA Project Execution Plan (PEP)(15 Oct 2010)Pre-Construction phaseSKASKA Memo 130 : (22 Nov 2010)SKA1SKA Memo 125: (1 Jun 2010)SKA1SKA

SKA10% SKA Memo 125Baseline DesignSKA1HI

SKA Memo 125: SKA1Version 1.0 updated on 31 May 2011

Design Reference Mission establishes traceability from the science goals to science requirements to technical requirements.

ALMAReference Science Plan

Design Reference Mission (DRM)Probing the Dark Ages and the Epoch of ReionizationEpoh of Reionization HI Imaging TomographyGalaxy Evolution, Cosmology, and Dark EnergyResolving AGN and Star Formation in GalaxiesTraking Cosmic Star Formation: Continuum Deep FieldNeural Gas in Galaxies: Deep HI FieldTracking Galaxy Evolution over Cosmic Time via HI AbsorptionHI Baryon Acoustic OscillationsProbing AGN Environments via HI AbsorptionThe Origin and Evolution of Cosmic MagnetismCosmic Magnetism Deep FieldWide Field PolarimetryStrong Field Tests of Gravity Using Pulsars and Black HolesProbing Gravity, Dark Matter, and Stellar Populations in the Galactic Center with Radio PulsarsPulsar Surveys with the SKAPulsar Timing with the SKAThe Cradle of LifePre-biotic Molecules in and around Protoplanetary DisksExploration of the UnknownThe Transient Radio Sky


Furlanetto et al. 2004(z>6)IGM10mK (eg. Ciardi & Madau, 2003)

EoR / HI Imaging Tomography

Scientific RequirementsLower limit z=6QSO(Fan etal. 2006)Upper limit z=205-yr WMAP (Komatsu et al. 2008)

Technical Requirements1.7 Mpc(/100 kHz) Aeff/Tsys:

EoR / HI Imaging TomographyPEPPre-Construction Phase 3SKA 4SKA1SKA2 56Work PackageWP7Work Package Contract891011Pre-Construction Phase 12 SKA

Pre-Construction Phase

Project Execution Plan (PEP)SKA


SKA1 System Baseline Design Science case(Carilli&Rawlings 2004, Gaensler 2004)DRMpre-construction phaseSKA-low (AA)SKA-survey(dish+PAF, ASKAP)SKA-mid (MeerKATCost capSKA

21 Science case(Carilli&Rawlings 2004, Gaensler 2004)DRMpre-construction phaseSKA-low (AA)SKA-survey(dish+PAF, ASKAP)SKA-mid (MeerKATCost cap

SKA1 System Baseline Designprecursorprecursor dishfeedPAF or SPF SKA-lowSKA-survey SKA-lowSKA-midSKA2 2016 2019 SKA


SKA1-Low Baseline DesignFrequency Range = 50 to 350 MHzlog periodic dipoles, dense sparse transition at 111 MHzAeff/Tsys = 1000 m2/K at 110 MHz